In [3]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame, Series
import json

Load the data from our JSON file.

The data is stored as a dictionary of dictionaries in the json file. We store it that way beacause it's easy to add data to the existing master data file. Also, I haven't figured out how to get it in a database yet.

In [5]:
with open('../pipeline/data/Day90ApartmentData.json') as f:
    my_dict = json.load(f)

In [8]:
def listing_cleaner(entry):
    print entry

In [9]:

{u'content': 259, u'laundry': u'laundry in bldg', u'price': 675, u'time': u'00:44:11', u'dog': 0, u'bed': 0, u'bath': nan, u'feet': 300, u'date': u'2016-02-26', u'long': -122.797279, u'parking': u'street parking', u'lat': 45.860344, u'smoking': nan, u'getphotos': 8, u'cat': 0, u'hasmap': 1, u'wheelchair': nan, u'housingtype': u'apartment'}

In [ ]:

Clean up the data a bit

Right now the 'shared' and 'split' are included in number of bathrooms. If I were to convert that to a number I would consider a shared/split bathroom to be half or 0.5 of a bathroom.

In [ ]:
dframe.bath = dframe.bath.replace('shared',0.5)
dframe.bath = dframe.bath.replace('split',0.5)
dframe.smoking = dframe.smoking.replace(np.nan, 'smoking')
dframe.furnished = dframe.furnished.replace(np.nan,'not furnished')
dframe.wheelchair = dframe.wheelchair.replace(np.nan, 'not wheelchair accessible')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer, LabelEncoder

In [ ]:
def meanimputer(column):
    imp = Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='mean', axis=1)
    X = imp.transform(column)
    return X[0]

In [ ]:
arr = np.array([np.nan, 'house', 'boat', 'houseboat', 'house', np.nan, 'house','houseboat'])
prac_df = DataFrame()
prac_df['arr'] = arr

In [ ]:
def modeimputer(column):

    le = LabelEncoder()
    column = le.fit_transform(column)
    print le.classes_
    print type(le.classes_[0])
    print column
    nan = le.transform([np.nan])[0]
    print nan
    print type(column)
    column = list(column)
    for _,i in enumerate(column):
        if i == nan:
            column[_] = np.nan
    imp = Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='most_frequent', axis=1)

    X = imp.transform(column)
    for _,i in enumerate(X[0]):
        if np.isnan(i):
            X[_] = 0
    X = X.astype(int)

    Y = le.inverse_transform(X)

    return Y

In [ ]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin
class ModeImputer(TransformerMixin):

    def __init__(self):
        """Impute missing values.

        Columns of dtype object are imputed with the most frequent value 
        in column.

        Columns of other types are imputed with mean of column.

    def fit(self, X, y=None):

        self.fill = pd.Series([X[c].value_counts().index[0]
            if X[c].dtype == np.dtype('O') else X[c].mean() for c in X],

        return self

    def transform(self, X, y=None):
        return X.fillna(self.fill)

In [ ]:
data = [
    ['a', 1, 2],
    ['b', 1, 1],
    ['b', 2, 2],
    [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]

X = pd.DataFrame(data)
xt = ModeImputer().fit_transform(X)


In [ ]:
dframe = ModeImputer().fit_transform(dframe)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
dframe.describe(include = 'all')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
u_dframe = DataFrame()
dframe['bath'] = meanimputer(dframe['bath'])
dframe['bed'] = meanimputer(dframe['bed'])
dframe['feet'] = meanimputer(dframe['feet'])
dframe['lat'] = meanimputer(dframe['lat'])
dframe['long'] = meanimputer(dframe['long'])

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
data = dframe[ > 45.4][ < 45.6][dframe.long < -122.0][dframe.long > -123.5]
plt.scatter(data = data, x = 'long',y='lat')

It looks like Portland!!!

Let's cluster the data. Start by creating a list of [['lat','long'], ...]

In [ ]:
XYdf = dframe[ > 45.4][ < 45.6][dframe.long < -122.0][dframe.long > -123.5]
data = [[XYdf['lat'][i],XYdf['long'][i]] for i in XYdf.index]

We'll use K Means Clustering because that's the clustering method I recently learned in class! There may be others that work better, but this is the tool that I know

In [ ]:
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
km = KMeans(n_clusters=40)
neighborhoods = km.cluster_centers_

In [ ]:
%pylab inline
plot([row[1] for row in data],[row[0] for row in data],'b.')
for i in km.cluster_centers_:  
    plot(i[1],i[0], 'g*',ms=25)
'''Note to Riley: come back and make it look pretty'''

We chose our neighborhoods!

I've found that every once in a while the centers end up in different points, but are fairly consistant. Now let's process our data points and figure out where the closest neighborhood center is to it!

In [ ]:
neighborhoods = neighborhoods.tolist()
for i in enumerate(neighborhoods):
print neighborhoods

Create a function that will label each point with a number coresponding to it's neighborhood

In [ ]:
def clusterer(X, Y,neighborhoods):
    neighbors = []
    for i in neighborhoods:
        distance = ((i[0]-X)**2 + (i[1]-Y)**2)
    closest = min(neighbors)
    return neighbors.index(closest)

In [ ]:
neighborhoodlist = []
for i in dframe.index:
dframe['neighborhood'] = neighborhoodlist

In [ ]:

Here's the new Part. We're breaking out the neighborhood values into their own columns. Now the algorithms can read them as categorical data rather than continuous data.

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
from sklearn import preprocessing
def CategoricalToBinary(dframe,column_name):
    le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
    listy = le.fit_transform(dframe[column_name])
    dframe[column_name] = listy
    unique = dframe[column_name].unique()
    serieslist = [list() for _ in xrange(len(unique))]
    for column, _ in enumerate(serieslist):
        for i, item in enumerate(dframe[column_name]):
            if item == column:
        dframe[column_name+str(column)] = serieslist[column]

    return dframe

In [ ]:
pd.set_option('max_columns', 100)
dframe = CategoricalToBinary(dframe,'housingtype')
dframe = CategoricalToBinary(dframe,'parking')
dframe = CategoricalToBinary(dframe,'laundry')
dframe = CategoricalToBinary(dframe,'smoking')
dframe = CategoricalToBinary(dframe,'wheelchair')
dframe = CategoricalToBinary(dframe,'neighborhood')

In [ ]:
dframe = dframe.drop('date',1)
dframe = dframe.drop('housingtype',1)
dframe = dframe.drop('parking',1)
dframe = dframe.drop('laundry',1)
dframe = dframe.drop('smoking',1)
dframe = dframe.drop('wheelchair',1)
dframe = dframe.drop('neighborhood',1)
dframe = dframe.drop('time',1)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
from __future__ import division
print len(dframe)
df2 = dframe[dframe.price < 10000][columns].dropna()
print len(df2)
print len(df2)/len(dframe)

price = df2[['price']].values
features = df2[columns].values

from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
features_train, features_test, price_train, price_test = train_test_split(features, price, test_size=0.1, random_state=42)

Ok, lets put it through Decision Tree!

What about Random Forest?

In [ ]:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
reg = RandomForestRegressor()
reg =, price_train)

In [ ]:
forest_pred = reg.predict(features_test)
forest_pred = np.array([[item] for item in forest_pred])

In [ ]:
print r2_score(forest_pred, price_test)

In [ ]:
df2['predictions'] = reg.predict(df2[columns])

In [ ]:
df2['predictions_diff'] = df2['predictions']-df2['price']

In [ ]:
sd = np.std(df2['predictions_diff'])

In [ ]:
data = df2[ > 45.45][ < 45.6][df2.long < -122.4][df2.long > -122.8][df2['predictions_diff']>-150][df2['predictions_diff']<150]
plt.scatter(data = data, x = 'long',y='lat', c = 'predictions_diff',s=10,cmap='coolwarm')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
print np.mean([1,2,34,np.nan])

In [ ]:
def averager(dframe):
    dframe = dframe.T
    averages = {}
    for listing in dframe:
            key = str(dframe[listing]['bed'])+','+str(dframe[listing]['bath'])+','+str(dframe[listing]['neighborhood'])+','+str(dframe[listing]['feet']-dframe[listing]['feet']%50)
            if key not in averages:
                averages[key] = {'average_list':[dframe[listing]['price']], 'average':0}
            elif key in averages:
        except TypeError:
    for entry in averages:
        averages[entry]['average'] = np.mean(averages[entry]['average_list'])
    return averages

In [ ]:
averages = averager(dframe)
print averages

In [ ]:
dframe['averages']= averages[str(dframe['bed'])+','+str(dframe['bath'])+','+str(dframe['neighborhood'])+','+str(dframe['feet']-dframe['feet']%50)]

In [ ]:

Wow! up to .87! That's our best yet! What if we add more trees???

In [ ]:
reg = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = 100)
reg =, price_train)

In [ ]:
forest_pred = reg.predict(features_test)
forest_pred = np.array([[item] for item in forest_pred])

In [ ]:
print r2_score(forest_pred, price_test)
print plt.scatter(pred,price_test)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
reg = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth = 5), price_train)
print len(features_train[0])
columns = [str(x) for x in columns]
print columns
from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz

Up to .88!

So what is our goal now? I'd like to see if adjusting the number of neighborhoods increases the accuracy. same for the affect with the number of trees

In [ ]:
def neighborhood_optimizer(dframe,neighborhood_number_range, counter_num):
    XYdf = dframe[ > 45.4][ < 45.6][dframe.long < -122.0][dframe.long > -123.5]
    data = [[XYdf['lat'][i],XYdf['long'][i]] for i in XYdf.index]
    r2_dict = []
    for i in neighborhood_number_range:
        counter = counter_num
        average_accuracy_list = []
        while counter > 0:
            km = KMeans(n_clusters=i)
            neighborhoods = km.cluster_centers_
            neighborhoods = neighborhoods.tolist()
            for x in enumerate(neighborhoods):
            neighborhoodlist = []
            for z in dframe.index:
            dframecopy = dframe.copy()
            dframecopy['neighborhood'] = Series((neighborhoodlist), index=dframe.index)
            df2 = dframecopy[dframe.price < 10000][['bath','bed','feet','dog','cat','content','getphotos', 'hasmap', 'price','neighborhood']].dropna()
            features = df2[['bath','bed','feet','dog','cat','content','getphotos', 'hasmap', 'neighborhood']].values
            price = df2[['price']].values
            features_train, features_test, price_train, price_test = train_test_split(features, price, test_size=0.1)
            reg = RandomForestRegressor()
            reg =, price_train)
            forest_pred = reg.predict(features_test)
            forest_pred = np.array([[item] for item in forest_pred])
            counter -= 1
            average_accuracy_list.append(r2_score(forest_pred, price_test))
        total = 0
        for entry in average_accuracy_list:
            total += entry
        r2_accuracy = total/len(average_accuracy_list)
    print r2_dict
    return r2_dict

In [ ]:
neighborhood_number_range = [i for _,i in enumerate(range(2,31,2))]

In [ ]:
r2_dict = neighborhood_optimizer(dframe,neighborhood_number_range,10)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
plt.scatter([x[0] for x in r2_dict],[x[1] for x in r2_dict])

Looks like the optimum is right around 10 or 11, and then starts to drop off. Let's get a little more granular and look at a smaller range

In [ ]:
neighborhood_number_range = [i for _,i in enumerate(range(7,15))]

In [ ]:
r2_dict = neighborhood_optimizer(dframe,neighborhood_number_range,10)

In [ ]:
print r2_dict
plt.scatter([x[0] for x in r2_dict],[x[1] for x in r2_dict])

Trying a few times, it looks like 10, 11 and 12 get the best results at ~.85. Of course, we'll need to redo some of these optomizations after we properly process our data. Hopefully we'll see some more consistency then too.

In [ ]:
r2_dict = neighborhood_optimizer(dframe,[10,11,12],25)

Note #1 to Riley: (From Last time) Perhaps look into another regressor? see if there's one that's inherantly better at this kind of thing.

Note #2 to Riley: Figure out how to process data so that you don't have to drop null values

Note #3 to Riley: convert categorical data into binary

Note #4 to Riley: I wonder if increasing the number of neighborhoods would become more accurate as we collect more data? like you could create a bunch of little accurate models instead of a bunch of bigger ones.

Learned: If you plan on using Decision Tree/Random Forest from SKLearn, make sure you collect your discrete variables in separate columns and make them binary yes or no(0 or 1).