SciUnit is a framework for validating scientific models by creating experimental-data-driven unit tests.

Chapter 3. Testing with help from the SciUnit standard library

(or back to Chapter 2)

In [1]:
import sciunit

In this chapter we will use the same toy model in Chapter 1 but write a more interesting test with additional features included in SciUnit.

In [2]:
from sciunit.models import ConstModel # One of many dummy models included for illustration.  
const_model_37 = ConstModel(37, name="Constant Model 37")

Now let's write a test that validates the observation and returns more informative score type.

In [3]:
from sciunit.capabilities import ProducesNumber
from sciunit.scores import ZScore # One of many SciUnit score types.  
from sciunit.comparators import compute_zscore # A function for computing raw z-scores.  
from sciunit import ObservationError # An exception class raised when a test is instantiated 
                                     # with an invalid observation.
class MeanTest(sciunit.Test):
    """Tests if the model predicts 
    the same number as the observation."""   
    required_capabilities = (ProducesNumber,) # The one capability required for a model to take this test.  
    score_type = ZScore # This test's 'judge' method will return a BooleanScore.  
    def validate_observation(self, observation):
        if type(observation) is not dict:
            raise sciunit.ObservationError("Observation must be a python dictionary")
        if 'mean' not in observation:
            raise sciunit.ObservationError("Observation must contain a 'mean' entry")
    def generate_prediction(self, model):
        return model.produce_number() # The model has this method if it inherits from the 'ProducesNumber' capability.
    def compute_score(self, observation, prediction):
        z = compute_zscore(observation,prediction) # Compute a z-score.  
        score = self.score_type(z.score) # Returns a ZScore object. 
        score.description = ("A z-score corresponding to the normalized location of the observation "
                             "relative to the predicted distribution.")
        return score

We've done two new things here:

  • The optional validate_observation method checks the observation to make sure that it is the right type, that it has the right attributes, etc. This can be used to ensures that the observation is exactly as the other core test methods expect. If we don't provide the right kind of observation:
    -> mean_37_test = MeanTest(37, name='=37')
    ObservationError: Observation must be a python dictionary
    then we get an error. In contrast, this is what our test was looking for:

In [4]:
observation = {'mean':37.8, 'std':2.1}
mean_37_test = MeanTest(observation, name='=37')
  • Instead of returning a BooleanScore, encoding a True/False value, we return a ZScore encoding a more quantitative summary of the relationship between the observation and the prediction. When we execute the test:

In [5]:
score = mean_37_test.judge(const_model_37)

Then we get a more quantitative summary of the results:

In [6]:

=== Model Constant Model 37 (ConstModel) achieved score Z = -0.38 on test '=37 (MeanTest)'. ===

In [7]:

A z-score corresponding to the normalized location of the observation relative to the predicted distribution.