In [1]:
from __future__ import print_function
from astroquery.alma import Alma
from astropy import coordinates
from astropy import units as u
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sys
#reload(sys) #! for Unicode conversion problem
import sqlite3 as sql # to save the database
from astroquery.ned import Ned # to get redshift
# To check the objects in ALMACAL project
# Hard coded
with open('ALMACAL_object.dat') as f:
almacal_list =
class databaseQuery:
"""Collection of function to query and filter the database of
ALMA Calibrator/Archive"""
def __init__(self):
def read_calibratorlist(self, ifile, fluxrange=[0.5, 1.0]):
'''Read a list of calibrators in CSV format
from the Source Catalogue web interface'''
listcal = []
with open(ifile, 'r') as fcal:
for line in fcal:
if line[0] != "#":
tok = line.split(",")
band = tok[0].split(" ")[1]
alias = tok[13].strip().split("|")
name = alias[0]
alpha2000 = tok[3]
delta2000 = tok[5]
flux = float(tok[7]) # flux density in a particular Band
freq = float(tok[9])
obsdate = tok[2]
if (flux >= fluxrange[0] and flux <= fluxrange[1]):
found = False
for i, cal in enumerate(listcal):
# to remove the duplicate
if cal[0] == name:
found = True
if not found:
coord = coordinates.SkyCoord(alpha2000 + delta2000, unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg), equinox='J2000')
# convert using astropy
listcal.append([name, coord.ra.value, coord.dec.value, alias, [flux], [band], [freq], [obsdate]])
def query_object(self, obj, theta = 0.005, science = False, public = True, savedb=False, dbname='calibrators.db'):
query per object
obj is an array consist of at least [objname, ra, dec, ...]
ra and dec are in degrees
region = coordinates.SkyCoord(obj[1], obj[2], unit='deg')
alma_data = Alma.query_region(region, theta*u.deg, science = science, public = public)
# it is in astropy Table format
df = alma_data.to_pandas() # convert to pandas Dataframe
#! change Numpy Masked-Array to str, so it can be converted to SQL
df['Band'] = df['Band'].astype("str")
# save the query result in sql database
# with Table's name = calibrator's name
if savedb:
conn = sql.connect(dbname)
conn.text_factory = str
if not df.dropna().empty:
df.to_sql(obj[0], conn, if_exists='replace') # if the Table exist in the db, just replace it
return df
def query_list(self, listobj, science = False, public = True, savedb=False, dbname='calibrators.db'):
Query the data for the list of ALMA calibrator (bulk)
name is an array consist of at least [objname, ra, dec]
# result = []
for obj in listobj:
df = self.query_object(obj, science = science, public = public, savedb=savedb, dbname=dbname)
# if not df.dropna().empty:
# result.append([obj[0], df])
# return(result)
def select_object_from_sqldb(self, dbname, \
maxFreqRes = 1000.0, \
array='12m', \
excludeCycle0=True, \
selectPol=False, \
minTimeBand = {3:1e9,6:1e9,7:1e9}, \
nonALMACAL=False, \
onlyALMACAL=False, \
verbose = True, silent=True):
From the sql database we can select some calibrators based on:
- maxFreqRes : maximum of the frequency resolution (in kHz)
- array : only select project from '12m' array obs.
- excludeCycle0 : if True, ignore project from Cycle 0
- selectPol : if True, only select uid with full pol.
- minTimeBand : dictionary to select the minimum time per band
Return the names and projects in a report with the date.
connection = sql.connect(dbname)
connection.text_factory = str # return str, not unicode
cursor = connection.cursor()
# make a list of calibrator from table name.
cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';")
tablefetch = cursor.fetchall()
tables = [table[0] for table in tablefetch] # remove tuple
nsource = 0 # number of selected source
finalReport = []
resume = []
for tab in tables:
# table name is the name of source
# subquery = '['+tab+']'
subquery = "SELECT * FROM [{0}] WHERE (Array LIKE '%{1}%') AND ([Frequency resolution] < {2})".format(tab, array, maxFreqRes)
if selectPol:
subquery += " AND (`Pol products` LIKE '%XY%')"
if excludeCycle0:
subquery += " AND (`Project code` NOT LIKE '2011.%')"
# and here we execute the query
# total integration time is calculated after selection for other criterias
totalTime = {3:0., 4:0., 5:0., 6:0., 7:0., 8:0., 9:0., 10:0.}
for key in totalTime:
sqlcmd = "SELECT SUM(Integration) FROM ({0}) WHERE Band LIKE '%{1}%'".format(subquery, key)
totalTime[key] = cursor.fetchone()[0]
for key in totalTime: # remove None
if totalTime[key] == None:
totalTime[key] = 0.0
# last selection is integration time
selectSource = True
sum_time = 0
for key in minTimeBand:
if totalTime[key] < minTimeBand[key]:
selectSource = False
sum_time += totalTime[key]
if sum_time == 0.0:
selectSource = False
if nonALMACAL:
if tab in almacal_list:
selectSource = False
if onlyALMACAL:
if (selectSource == True) and (tab in almacal_list):
selectSource = True
selectSource = False
if selectSource:
if not silent:
print('Accepted', tab, totalTime)
nsource += 1
if tab in almacal_list:
reportSource = "\n######## Source name: {0} (In ALMACAL) ########\n".format(tab)
reportSource = "\n######## Source name: {0} ########\n".format(tab)
reportSource += "\n\n"
for key in totalTime:
if totalTime[key] > 0.:
reportSource += "Time Band %d : %6.0fs (%3.1fh) \n"%(key, totalTime[key], totalTime[key] / 3600.)
reportSource += "\nList of obs:"
total_number_of_uids = 0
totalprojects = [] # all project for this source
for band in totalTime:
if totalTime[band] > 0.: # report per Band
reportSource += "\n\n### Band: {0} ###".format(band)
sqlcmd = "SELECT `Project code`, `Source name`, RA, Dec, "
sqlcmd += "Band, Integration, `Observation date`, `Spatial resolution`, "
sqlcmd += "`Asdm uid`, `Frequency resolution`, Array, `Pol products`, `Galactic longitude`, `Galactic latitude` " + subquery[8:]
sqlcmd += " AND Band LIKE '%{0}%'".format(band)
sqlcmd += " ORDER BY Integration DESC;"
# Select some columns from criteria
# Sort it base on integration time
# in each band
fetch = cursor.fetchall()
projects = [] # project for this Band
for uid in fetch:
foundProject = False
for p in projects:
if p == uid[0]:
foundProject = True
if not foundProject:
if verbose:
reportSource += "\n{0} {1} ra:{2} dec:{3} Band:{4} Int:{5} Obsdate:{6} SpatRes:{7} ASDM:{8} FreqRes:{9} Array:{10} Pol:{11}".format(uid[0], uid[1], str(uid[2])[:9], str(uid[3])[:9], \
uid[4], uid[5], uid[6][:9], str(uid[7])[:5], uid[8], str(uid[9])[:7], uid[10], uid[11])
number_of_uid = len(fetch)
total_number_of_uids += number_of_uid
reportSource += "\n\nTotal accepted uid for Band {0} = {1}".format(band, number_of_uid)
reportSource += "\n\nProject codes for Band %d: \n"%(band)
for p in projects:
reportSource += "%s "%(p)
# Calculate total number of projects
# one project may (likely) have several uids in different band
foundProject = False
for q in totalprojects:
if p == q:
foundProject = True
if not foundProject:
# Additional notes
reportSource += "\n\nAdditional Notes:"
#! Nested try-except
# try to find the object using name, if not found try using region query!
obj_table = Ned.query_object("PKS " + tab)
name = obj_table[0]['Object Name']
z = obj_table[0]['Redshift']
v0 = obj_table[0]['Velocity']
ra = obj_table[0]['RA(deg)']
dec = obj_table[0]['DEC(deg)']
if isinstance(obj_table[i]['Redshift'],
z = None
reportSource += "\n\nNo redshift data found in NED! " + "\nName = " + str(name) + "\nra = " + str(ra) + "\ndec = " + str(dec)
reportSource += "\nName = " + str(name) + "\nz = " + str(z) + "\nvelocity = " + str(v0) + "\nra = " + str(ra) + "\ndec = " + str(dec)
except Exception, e1:
co = coordinates.SkyCoord(ra=uid[2], dec=uid[3], unit=(u.deg, u.deg))
obj_table = Ned.query_region(co, radius=0.005*u.deg)
yohoho = False
for i,_obj in enumerate(obj_table):
name = obj_table[i]['Object Name']
ra = obj_table[i]['RA(deg)']
dec = obj_table[i]['DEC(deg)']
if not isinstance(obj_table[i]['Redshift'],
z = obj_table[i]['Redshift']
v0 = obj_table[i]['Velocity']
reportSource += "\n\nName = " + str(name) + "\nz = " + str(z) + "\nvelocity = " + str(v0) + "\nra = " + str(ra) + "\ndec = " + str(dec)
yohoho = True
if not yohoho:
reportSource += "\n\nNo redshift data found in NED! " + "\nName = " + str(name) + "\nra = " + str(ra) + "\ndec = " + str(dec)
z = None # for resume[]
except Exception, e2:
reportSource += "\n\nNo data found in NED!\n" + str(e)
name = None; z = None # for resume[]
total_number_of_projects = len(totalprojects)
endText = "\n\n###\nTotal accepted uid for this object = {0}".format(total_number_of_uids)
endText += "\nTotal accepted project for this object = {0}\n".format(total_number_of_projects)
endText += "###############################################\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
reportSource += endText
finalReport.append([total_number_of_projects, tab, reportSource])
# resume python-list consist of:
# 0,1,2,3,4,5,6: Name, RA, Dec, Name_NED, RA_NED, Dec_NED, z_NED
# 7,8,9,10: Total number of project, total number of UIDS, Gal_lon, Gal_lat
# 11,12,13: Total time in Band 3, 6, 7
resume.append([tab, uid[2], uid[3], name, ra, dec, z, total_number_of_projects, total_number_of_uids, uid[12], uid[13], totalTime[3], totalTime[6], totalTime[7]])
if not silent:
print('Not accepted', tab, totalTime)
print("Number of accepted source: ", nsource)
# sorting according to the number of uids
finalReportSorted = sorted(finalReport, key=lambda data: data[0])
return(finalReportSorted, resume)
def make_report_from_sqldb(self, dbname, list_of_obj, \
maxFreqRes = 1000.0, \
array='12m', \
excludeCycle0=True, \
selectPol=False, \
verbose = True, silent=True):
return report for a list of object
connection = sql.connect(dbname)
connection.text_factory = str # return str, not unicode
cursor = connection.cursor()
# make a list of calibrator from table name.
cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';")
tablefetch = cursor.fetchall()
tables = [table[0] for table in tablefetch] # remove tuple
nsource = 0 # number of selected source
finalReport = []
resume = []
for tab in list_of_obj:
# table name is the name of source
# subquery = '['+tab+']'
subquery = "SELECT * FROM [{0}] WHERE (Array LIKE '%{1}%') AND ([Frequency resolution] < {2})".format(tab, array, maxFreqRes)
if selectPol:
subquery += " AND (`Pol products` LIKE '%XY%')"
if excludeCycle0:
subquery += " AND (`Project code` NOT LIKE '2011.%')"
# and here we execute the query
# total integration time is calculated after selection for other criterias
totalTime = {3:0., 4:0., 5:0., 6:0., 7:0., 8:0., 9:0., 10:0.}
for key in totalTime:
sqlcmd = "SELECT SUM(Integration) FROM ({0}) WHERE Band LIKE '%{1}%'".format(subquery, key)
totalTime[key] = cursor.fetchone()[0]
for key in totalTime: # remove None
if totalTime[key] == None:
totalTime[key] = 0.0
nsource += 1
reportSource = "\n######## Source name: {0} ########\n".format(tab)
reportSource += "\n\n"
for key in totalTime:
if totalTime[key] > 0.:
reportSource += "Time Band %d : %6.0fs (%3.1fh) \n"%(key, totalTime[key], totalTime[key] / 3600.)
reportSource += "\nList of obs:"
total_number_of_uids = 0
totalprojects = [] # all project for this source
for band in totalTime:
if totalTime[band] > 0.: # report per Band
reportSource += "\n\n### Band: {0} ###".format(band)
sqlcmd = "SELECT `Project code`, `Source name`, RA, Dec, "
sqlcmd += "Band, Integration, `Observation date`, `Spatial resolution`, "
sqlcmd += "`Asdm uid`, `Frequency resolution`, Array, `Pol products`, `Galactic longitude`, `Galactic latitude` " + subquery[8:]
sqlcmd += " AND Band LIKE '%{0}%'".format(band)
sqlcmd += " ORDER BY Integration DESC;"
# Select some columns from criteria
# Sort it base on integration time
# in each band
fetch = cursor.fetchall()
projects = [] # project for this Band
for uid in fetch:
foundProject = False
for p in projects:
if p == uid[0]:
foundProject = True
if not foundProject:
if verbose:
reportSource += "\n{0} {1} ra:{2} dec:{3} Band:{4} Int:{5} Obsdate:{6} SpatRes:{7} ASDM:{8} FreqRes:{9} Array:{10} Pol:{11}".format(uid[0], uid[1], str(uid[2])[:9], str(uid[3])[:9], \
uid[4], uid[5], uid[6][:9], str(uid[7])[:5], uid[8], str(uid[9])[:7], uid[10], uid[11])
number_of_uid = len(fetch)
total_number_of_uids += number_of_uid
reportSource += "\n\nTotal accepted uid for Band {0} = {1}".format(band, number_of_uid)
reportSource += "\n\nProject codes for Band %d: \n"%(band)
for p in projects:
reportSource += "%s "%(p)
# Calculate total number of projects
# one project may (likely) have several uids in different band
foundProject = False
for q in totalprojects:
if p == q:
foundProject = True
if not foundProject:
# Additional notes
reportSource += "\n\nAdditional Notes:"
#! Nested try-except
# try to find the object using name, if not found try using region query!
obj_table = Ned.query_object("PKS " + tab)
name = obj_table[0]['Object Name']
z = obj_table[0]['Redshift']
v0 = obj_table[0]['Velocity']
ra = obj_table[0]['RA(deg)']
dec = obj_table[0]['DEC(deg)']
if isinstance(obj_table[i]['Redshift'],
z = None
reportSource += "\n\nNo redshift data found in NED! " + "\nName = " + str(name) + "\nra = " + str(ra) + "\ndec = " + str(dec)
reportSource += "\nName = " + str(name) + "\nz = " + str(z) + "\nvelocity = " + str(v0) + "\nra = " + str(ra) + "\ndec = " + str(dec)
except Exception, e1:
co = coordinates.SkyCoord(ra=uid[2], dec=uid[3], unit=(u.deg, u.deg))
obj_table = Ned.query_region(co, radius=0.005*u.deg)
yohoho = False
for i,_obj in enumerate(obj_table):
name = obj_table[i]['Object Name']
ra = obj_table[i]['RA(deg)']
dec = obj_table[i]['DEC(deg)']
if not isinstance(obj_table[i]['Redshift'],
z = obj_table[i]['Redshift']
v0 = obj_table[i]['Velocity']
reportSource += "\n\nName = " + str(name) + "\nz = " + str(z) + "\nvelocity = " + str(v0) + "\nra = " + str(ra) + "\ndec = " + str(dec)
yohoho = True
if not yohoho:
reportSource += "\n\nNo redshift data found in NED! " + "\nName = " + str(name) + "\nra = " + str(ra) + "\ndec = " + str(dec)
z = None # for resume[]
except Exception, e2:
reportSource += "\n\nNo data found in NED!\n" + str(e)
name = None; z = None # for resume[]
total_number_of_projects = len(totalprojects)
endText = "\n\n###\nTotal accepted uid for this object = {0}".format(total_number_of_uids)
endText += "\nTotal accepted project for this object = {0}\n".format(total_number_of_projects)
endText += "###############################################\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
reportSource += endText
finalReport.append([total_number_of_projects, tab, reportSource])
# resume python-list consist of:
# 0,1,2,3,4,5,6: Name, RA, Dec, Name_NED, RA_NED, Dec_NED, z_NED
# 7,8,9,10: Total number of project, total number of UIDS, Gal_lon, Gal_lat
# 11,12,13: Total time in Band 3, 6, 7
resume.append([tab, uid[2], uid[3], name, ra, dec, z, total_number_of_projects, total_number_of_uids, uid[12], uid[13], totalTime[3], totalTime[6], totalTime[7]])
print("Number of source: ", nsource)
# sorting according to the number of uids
finalReportSorted = sorted(finalReport, key=lambda data: data[0])
return(finalReportSorted, resume)
def write_report(self, report, file = "deepfieldRG.txt", silent=True):
"output the final report from selectDeepField"
fout = open(file,"w")
nsource = 0
for rep in report:
nsource += 1
if not silent:
endText = "#################################\n"
endText += "### Total Number of Sources : %d \n"%(nsource)
if __name__=="__main__":
file_listcal = "alma_sourcecat_searchresults_20180419.csv"
In [2]:
file_listcal = "alma_sourcecat_searchresults_20180518.csv"
In [3]:
q = databaseQuery()
fmin = 0.01
fmax = 9999999
listcal = q.read_calibratorlist(file_listcal, fluxrange=[fmin, fmax])
In [4]:
print("Number of calibrator which hase flux > {0} Jy: {1}".format(fmin, len(listcal)))
In [5]:
obj = listcal[42]
In [6]:
In [7]:
res = q.query_list(listcal, savedb=True, dbname='calibrators_brighterthan_0.01Jy_20180518.db')
In [ ]: