In [1]:
from __future__ import print_function

from astroquery.alma import Alma
from astropy import coordinates
from astropy import units as u

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import sys 

#reload(sys) #! for Unicode conversion problem

import sqlite3 as sql # to save the database

from astroquery.ned import Ned # to get redshift

# To check the objects in ALMACAL project
# Hard coded
with open('ALMACAL_object.dat') as f:
    almacal_list =

class databaseQuery:
    """Collection of function to query and filter the database of 
    ALMA Calibrator/Archive"""

    def __init__(self):

    def read_calibratorlist(self, ifile, fluxrange=[0.5, 1.0]):
        '''Read a list of calibrators in CSV format 
        from the Source Catalogue web interface'''
        listcal = []
        with open(ifile, 'r') as fcal:
            for line in fcal:
                if line[0] != "#":
                    tok       = line.split(",")
                    band      = tok[0].split(" ")[1]
                    alias     = tok[13].strip().split("|")
                    name      = alias[0]
                    alpha2000 = tok[3]
                    delta2000 = tok[5]
                    flux      = float(tok[7]) # flux density in a particular Band
                    freq      = float(tok[9])
                    obsdate   = tok[2]

                    if (flux >= fluxrange[0] and flux <= fluxrange[1]):
                        found = False
                        for i, cal in enumerate(listcal):
                            # to remove the duplicate
                            if cal[0] == name:
                                found = True

                        if not found:
                            coord = coordinates.SkyCoord(alpha2000 + delta2000, unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg), equinox='J2000') 
                            # convert using astropy
                            listcal.append([name, coord.ra.value, coord.dec.value, alias, [flux], [band], [freq], [obsdate]])

    def query_object(self, obj, theta = 0.005, science = False, public = True, savedb=False, dbname='calibrators.db'):
        query per object
        obj is an array consist of at least [objname, ra, dec, ...]
        ra and dec are in degrees

        region = coordinates.SkyCoord(obj[1], obj[2], unit='deg')

        alma_data = Alma.query_region(region, theta*u.deg, science = science, public = public)
        # it is in astropy Table format

        df = alma_data.to_pandas() # convert to pandas Dataframe
        #! change Numpy Masked-Array to str, so it can be converted to SQL
        df['Band'] = df['Band'].astype("str")

        # save the query result in sql database 
        # with Table's name = calibrator's name
        if savedb:
            conn = sql.connect(dbname)
            conn.text_factory = str
            if not df.dropna().empty:
                df.to_sql(obj[0], conn, if_exists='replace') # if the Table exist in the db, just replace it

        return df
    def query_list(self, listobj, science = False, public = True, savedb=False, dbname='calibrators.db'):
        Query the data for the list of ALMA calibrator (bulk)
        name is an array consist of at least [objname, ra, dec]
        # result = []
        for obj in listobj:
            df = self.query_object(obj, science = science, public = public, savedb=savedb, dbname=dbname)
        #    if not df.dropna().empty:
        #        result.append([obj[0], df])
        # return(result)
    def select_object_from_sqldb(self, dbname, \
                                 maxFreqRes = 1000.0, \
                                 array='12m', \
                                 excludeCycle0=True, \
                                 selectPol=False, \
                                 minTimeBand = {3:1e9,6:1e9,7:1e9}, \
                                 nonALMACAL=False, \
                                 onlyALMACAL=False, \
                                 verbose = True, silent=True):
        From the sql database we can select some calibrators based on:
        - maxFreqRes    : maximum of the frequency resolution (in kHz)
        - array         : only select project from '12m' array obs.
        - excludeCycle0 : if True, ignore project from Cycle 0
        - selectPol     : if True, only select uid with full pol.
        - minTimeBand   : dictionary to select the minimum time per band 
        Return the names and projects in a report with the date.
        connection = sql.connect(dbname)
        connection.text_factory = str # return str, not unicode
        cursor = connection.cursor()

        # make a list of calibrator from table name.
        cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';")
        tablefetch = cursor.fetchall()
        tables = [table[0] for table in tablefetch] # remove tuple

        nsource = 0 # number of selected source
        finalReport = []
        resume = []

        for tab in tables: 
            # table name is the name of source
            # subquery = '['+tab+']'
            subquery = "SELECT * FROM [{0}] WHERE (Array LIKE '%{1}%') AND ([Frequency resolution] < {2})".format(tab, array, maxFreqRes)

            if selectPol:
                subquery += " AND (`Pol products` LIKE '%XY%')"

            if excludeCycle0:
                subquery += " AND (`Project code` NOT LIKE '2011.%')"
            # and here we execute the query
            # total integration time is calculated after selection for other criterias
            totalTime = {3:0., 4:0., 5:0., 6:0., 7:0., 8:0., 9:0., 10:0.}
            for key in totalTime:
                sqlcmd = "SELECT SUM(Integration) FROM ({0}) WHERE Band LIKE '%{1}%'".format(subquery, key)
                totalTime[key] = cursor.fetchone()[0]

            for key in totalTime: # remove None
                if totalTime[key] == None:
                    totalTime[key] = 0.0

            # last selection is integration time
            selectSource = True
            sum_time = 0
            for key in minTimeBand:
                if totalTime[key] < minTimeBand[key]:
                    selectSource = False

                sum_time += totalTime[key]

            if sum_time == 0.0:
                selectSource = False

            if nonALMACAL:
                if tab in almacal_list:
                    selectSource = False

            if onlyALMACAL:
                if (selectSource == True) and (tab in almacal_list):
                    selectSource = True
                    selectSource = False
            if selectSource:
                if not silent:
                    print('Accepted', tab, totalTime)
                nsource += 1

                if tab in almacal_list:
                    reportSource = "\n######## Source name: {0} (In ALMACAL) ########\n".format(tab)
                    reportSource  = "\n######## Source name: {0} ########\n".format(tab)

                reportSource += "\n\n"
                for key in totalTime:
                    if totalTime[key] > 0.:
                        reportSource += "Time Band %d : %6.0fs (%3.1fh) \n"%(key, totalTime[key], totalTime[key] / 3600.)

                reportSource += "\nList of obs:"
                total_number_of_uids = 0
                totalprojects = [] # all project for this source
                for band in totalTime:
                    if totalTime[band] > 0.: # report per Band
                        reportSource += "\n\n### Band: {0} ###".format(band)

                        sqlcmd  = "SELECT `Project code`, `Source name`, RA, Dec, "
                        sqlcmd += "Band, Integration, `Observation date`, `Spatial resolution`, "
                        sqlcmd += "`Asdm uid`, `Frequency resolution`, Array, `Pol products`, `Galactic longitude`, `Galactic latitude` " + subquery[8:]
                        sqlcmd += " AND Band LIKE '%{0}%'".format(band)
                        sqlcmd += " ORDER BY Integration DESC;" 
                        # Select some columns from criteria
                        # Sort it base on integration time 
                        # in each band
                        fetch = cursor.fetchall()

                        projects = [] # project for this Band
                        for uid in fetch:
                            foundProject = False
                            for p in projects:
                                if p == uid[0]:
                                    foundProject = True

                            if not foundProject:

                            if verbose:
                                reportSource += "\n{0} {1} ra:{2} dec:{3} Band:{4} Int:{5} Obsdate:{6} SpatRes:{7} ASDM:{8} FreqRes:{9} Array:{10} Pol:{11}".format(uid[0], uid[1], str(uid[2])[:9], str(uid[3])[:9], \
                                    uid[4], uid[5], uid[6][:9], str(uid[7])[:5], uid[8], str(uid[9])[:7], uid[10], uid[11])

                        number_of_uid = len(fetch)
                        total_number_of_uids += number_of_uid

                        reportSource += "\n\nTotal accepted uid for Band {0} = {1}".format(band, number_of_uid)
                        reportSource += "\n\nProject codes for Band %d: \n"%(band)

                        for p in projects:
                            reportSource += "%s "%(p)

                            # Calculate total number of projects
                            # one project may (likely) have several uids in different band
                            foundProject = False
                            for q in totalprojects:
                                if p == q:
                                    foundProject = True

                            if not foundProject:

                # Additional notes
                reportSource += "\n\nAdditional Notes:"

                #! Nested try-except
                # try to find the object using name, if not found try using region query!
                    obj_table = Ned.query_object("PKS " + tab)
                    name = obj_table[0]['Object Name']
                    z = obj_table[0]['Redshift']
                    v0 = obj_table[0]['Velocity']
                    ra = obj_table[0]['RA(deg)']
                    dec = obj_table[0]['DEC(deg)']
                    if isinstance(obj_table[i]['Redshift'],
                        z = None
                        reportSource += "\n\nNo redshift data found in NED! " + "\nName = " + str(name) + "\nra  = " + str(ra) + "\ndec = " + str(dec)
                        reportSource += "\nName = " + str(name) + "\nz = " + str(z) + "\nvelocity = " + str(v0) + "\nra  = " + str(ra) + "\ndec = " + str(dec)

                except Exception, e1:
                        co = coordinates.SkyCoord(ra=uid[2], dec=uid[3], unit=(u.deg, u.deg))
                        obj_table = Ned.query_region(co, radius=0.005*u.deg)

                        yohoho = False
                        for i,_obj in enumerate(obj_table):
                            name = obj_table[i]['Object Name']
                            ra = obj_table[i]['RA(deg)']
                            dec = obj_table[i]['DEC(deg)']
                            if not isinstance(obj_table[i]['Redshift'],
                                z = obj_table[i]['Redshift']
                                v0 = obj_table[i]['Velocity']
                                reportSource += "\n\nName = " + str(name) + "\nz = " + str(z) + "\nvelocity = " + str(v0) + "\nra  = " + str(ra) + "\ndec = " + str(dec)
                                yohoho = True

                        if not yohoho:
                            reportSource += "\n\nNo redshift data found in NED! " + "\nName = " + str(name) + "\nra  = " + str(ra) + "\ndec = " + str(dec)
                            z = None # for resume[]

                    except Exception, e2:
                        reportSource += "\n\nNo data found in NED!\n" + str(e)
                        name = None; z = None  # for resume[]

                total_number_of_projects = len(totalprojects)
                endText  = "\n\n###\nTotal accepted uid for this object = {0}".format(total_number_of_uids)
                endText += "\nTotal accepted project for this object = {0}\n".format(total_number_of_projects)
                endText += "###############################################\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
                reportSource += endText

                finalReport.append([total_number_of_projects, tab, reportSource])
                # resume python-list consist of:
                # 0,1,2,3,4,5,6: Name, RA, Dec, Name_NED, RA_NED, Dec_NED, z_NED
                # 7,8,9,10: Total number of project, total number of UIDS, Gal_lon, Gal_lat
                # 11,12,13: Total time in Band 3, 6, 7  
                resume.append([tab, uid[2], uid[3], name, ra, dec, z, total_number_of_projects, total_number_of_uids, uid[12], uid[13], totalTime[3], totalTime[6], totalTime[7]])

                if not silent:
                    print('Not accepted', tab, totalTime)

        print("Number of accepted source: ", nsource)

        # sorting according to the number of uids
        finalReportSorted = sorted(finalReport, key=lambda data: data[0])
        return(finalReportSorted, resume)

    def make_report_from_sqldb(self, dbname, list_of_obj, \
                                 maxFreqRes = 1000.0, \
                                 array='12m', \
                                 excludeCycle0=True, \
                                 selectPol=False, \
                                 verbose = True, silent=True):
        return report for a list of object
        connection = sql.connect(dbname)
        connection.text_factory = str # return str, not unicode
        cursor = connection.cursor()

        # make a list of calibrator from table name.
        cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';")
        tablefetch = cursor.fetchall()
        tables = [table[0] for table in tablefetch] # remove tuple

        nsource = 0 # number of selected source
        finalReport = []
        resume = []

        for tab in list_of_obj: 
            # table name is the name of source
            # subquery = '['+tab+']'
            subquery = "SELECT * FROM [{0}] WHERE (Array LIKE '%{1}%') AND ([Frequency resolution] < {2})".format(tab, array, maxFreqRes)

            if selectPol:
                subquery += " AND (`Pol products` LIKE '%XY%')"

            if excludeCycle0:
                subquery += " AND (`Project code` NOT LIKE '2011.%')"
            # and here we execute the query
            # total integration time is calculated after selection for other criterias
            totalTime = {3:0., 4:0., 5:0., 6:0., 7:0., 8:0., 9:0., 10:0.}
            for key in totalTime:
                sqlcmd = "SELECT SUM(Integration) FROM ({0}) WHERE Band LIKE '%{1}%'".format(subquery, key)
                totalTime[key] = cursor.fetchone()[0]

            for key in totalTime: # remove None
                if totalTime[key] == None:
                    totalTime[key] = 0.0

            nsource += 1

            reportSource  = "\n######## Source name: {0} ########\n".format(tab)

            reportSource += "\n\n"
            for key in totalTime:
                if totalTime[key] > 0.:
                    reportSource += "Time Band %d : %6.0fs (%3.1fh) \n"%(key, totalTime[key], totalTime[key] / 3600.)

            reportSource += "\nList of obs:"
            total_number_of_uids = 0
            totalprojects = [] # all project for this source
            for band in totalTime:
                if totalTime[band] > 0.: # report per Band
                    reportSource += "\n\n### Band: {0} ###".format(band)

                    sqlcmd  = "SELECT `Project code`, `Source name`, RA, Dec, "
                    sqlcmd += "Band, Integration, `Observation date`, `Spatial resolution`, "
                    sqlcmd += "`Asdm uid`, `Frequency resolution`, Array, `Pol products`, `Galactic longitude`, `Galactic latitude` " + subquery[8:]
                    sqlcmd += " AND Band LIKE '%{0}%'".format(band)
                    sqlcmd += " ORDER BY Integration DESC;" 
                    # Select some columns from criteria
                    # Sort it base on integration time 
                    # in each band
                    fetch = cursor.fetchall()

                    projects = [] # project for this Band
                    for uid in fetch:
                        foundProject = False
                        for p in projects:
                            if p == uid[0]:
                                foundProject = True

                        if not foundProject:

                        if verbose:
                            reportSource += "\n{0} {1} ra:{2} dec:{3} Band:{4} Int:{5} Obsdate:{6} SpatRes:{7} ASDM:{8} FreqRes:{9} Array:{10} Pol:{11}".format(uid[0], uid[1], str(uid[2])[:9], str(uid[3])[:9], \
                                uid[4], uid[5], uid[6][:9], str(uid[7])[:5], uid[8], str(uid[9])[:7], uid[10], uid[11])

                    number_of_uid = len(fetch)
                    total_number_of_uids += number_of_uid

                    reportSource += "\n\nTotal accepted uid for Band {0} = {1}".format(band, number_of_uid)
                    reportSource += "\n\nProject codes for Band %d: \n"%(band)

                    for p in projects:
                        reportSource += "%s "%(p)

                        # Calculate total number of projects
                        # one project may (likely) have several uids in different band
                        foundProject = False
                        for q in totalprojects:
                            if p == q:
                                foundProject = True

                        if not foundProject:

            # Additional notes
            reportSource += "\n\nAdditional Notes:"

            #! Nested try-except
            # try to find the object using name, if not found try using region query!
                obj_table = Ned.query_object("PKS " + tab)
                name = obj_table[0]['Object Name']
                z = obj_table[0]['Redshift']
                v0 = obj_table[0]['Velocity']
                ra = obj_table[0]['RA(deg)']
                dec = obj_table[0]['DEC(deg)']
                if isinstance(obj_table[i]['Redshift'],
                    z = None
                    reportSource += "\n\nNo redshift data found in NED! " + "\nName = " + str(name) + "\nra  = " + str(ra) + "\ndec = " + str(dec)
                    reportSource += "\nName = " + str(name) + "\nz = " + str(z) + "\nvelocity = " + str(v0) + "\nra  = " + str(ra) + "\ndec = " + str(dec)

            except Exception, e1:
                    co = coordinates.SkyCoord(ra=uid[2], dec=uid[3], unit=(u.deg, u.deg))
                    obj_table = Ned.query_region(co, radius=0.005*u.deg)

                    yohoho = False
                    for i,_obj in enumerate(obj_table):
                        name = obj_table[i]['Object Name']
                        ra = obj_table[i]['RA(deg)']
                        dec = obj_table[i]['DEC(deg)']
                        if not isinstance(obj_table[i]['Redshift'],
                            z = obj_table[i]['Redshift']
                            v0 = obj_table[i]['Velocity']
                            reportSource += "\n\nName = " + str(name) + "\nz = " + str(z) + "\nvelocity = " + str(v0) + "\nra  = " + str(ra) + "\ndec = " + str(dec)
                            yohoho = True

                    if not yohoho:
                        reportSource += "\n\nNo redshift data found in NED! " + "\nName = " + str(name) + "\nra  = " + str(ra) + "\ndec = " + str(dec)
                        z = None # for resume[]

                except Exception, e2:
                    reportSource += "\n\nNo data found in NED!\n" + str(e)
                    name = None; z = None  # for resume[]

            total_number_of_projects = len(totalprojects)
            endText  = "\n\n###\nTotal accepted uid for this object = {0}".format(total_number_of_uids)
            endText += "\nTotal accepted project for this object = {0}\n".format(total_number_of_projects)
            endText += "###############################################\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
            reportSource += endText

            finalReport.append([total_number_of_projects, tab, reportSource])
            # resume python-list consist of:
            # 0,1,2,3,4,5,6: Name, RA, Dec, Name_NED, RA_NED, Dec_NED, z_NED
            # 7,8,9,10: Total number of project, total number of UIDS, Gal_lon, Gal_lat
            # 11,12,13: Total time in Band 3, 6, 7  
            resume.append([tab, uid[2], uid[3], name, ra, dec, z, total_number_of_projects, total_number_of_uids, uid[12], uid[13], totalTime[3], totalTime[6], totalTime[7]])

        print("Number of source: ", nsource)

        # sorting according to the number of uids
        finalReportSorted = sorted(finalReport, key=lambda data: data[0])
        return(finalReportSorted, resume)

    def write_report(self, report, file = "deepfieldRG.txt", silent=True):
        "output the final report from selectDeepField"
        fout = open(file,"w")
        nsource = 0
        for rep in report:
            nsource += 1
            if not silent:
        endText  = "#################################\n"
        endText += "### Total Number of Sources : %d \n"%(nsource)

if __name__=="__main__":
    file_listcal = "alma_sourcecat_searchresults_20180419.csv"

Download recent list of ALMA Calibrators


In [2]:
file_listcal = "alma_sourcecat_searchresults_20180518.csv"

Compile calibrator observation based on the ALMA name

  • select based on Flux

In [3]:
q = databaseQuery()

fmin = 0.01
fmax = 9999999
listcal = q.read_calibratorlist(file_listcal, fluxrange=[fmin, fmax])

In [4]:
print("Number of calibrator which hase flux > {0} Jy: {1}".format(fmin, len(listcal)))

Number of calibrator which hase flux > 0.01 Jy: 3259

Try download list of ALMA observation for a single object

In [5]:
obj = listcal[42]

 ['J0058-3234', 'J005802-323420', 'J005802-323435'],
 [0.099, 0.124, 0.134, 0.097],
 ['6', '3', '3', '7'],
 [233000000000.0, 103500000000.0, 91500000000.0, 343500000000.0],
 ['2018-04-28 00:00:00.0              ',
  '2018-04-28 00:00:00.0              ',
  '2018-04-28 00:00:00.0              ',
  '2016-11-08 00:00:00.0              ']]

In [6]:

Project code Source name RA Dec Galactic longitude Galactic latitude Band Spatial resolution Frequency resolution Array ... Project title Project type Scan intent Field of view Largest angular scale QA2 Status COUNT Science keyword Scientific category ASA_PROJECT_CODE
0 2013.1.00001.S J0058-3234 14.509293 -32.57243 288.610268 -84.371233 [7] 0.135054 31250.000 12m ... Witnessing the birth of the red sequence: the ... S PHASE WVR 18.340901 0.709944 Y 4.0 Starburst galaxies, Sub-mm Galaxies (SMG) Active galaxies 2013.1.00001.S
1 2013.1.00385.S J0058-3234 14.509293 -32.57243 288.610268 -84.371233 [6] 0.140099 31250.000 12m ... Probing Star Formation in Quasar Host Galaxies... S PHASE WVR 25.793663 0.844787 Y 0.0 Starbursts, star formation, Active Galactic Nu... Active galaxies 2013.1.00385.S
2 2013.1.00273.S J0058-3234 14.509293 -32.57243 288.610268 -84.371233 [6] 0.206647 7812.500 12m ... Gas and Dust in Newly Discovered Quasars at z~... S PHASE WVR 26.684010 1.127782 Y 1.0 High-z Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) Active galaxies 2013.1.00273.S
3 2015.1.01487.S J0058-3234 14.509293 -32.57243 288.610268 -84.371233 [3] 0.979892 1953.125 12m ... Investigation of Molecular Clouds Traced by CI S CHECK WVR 61.049212 5.285525 Y 0.0 Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)/Quasars (QSO), Ga... Active galaxies 2015.1.01487.S

4 rows × 36 columns

Query list of ALMA observation for all of the selected calibrators

  • save it to the SQL
  • take a bit long time (several ten minutes) -> download nearly all database (not data) of ALMA

In [7]:
res = q.query_list(listcal, savedb=True, dbname='calibrators_brighterthan_0.01Jy_20180518.db')

/scratch/home/rwibowo/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/ UserWarning: The spaces in these column names will not be changed. In pandas versions < 0.14, spaces were converted to underscores.
  chunksize=chunksize, dtype=dtype)
KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-464ba0590d5c> in <module>()
----> 1 res = q.query_list(listcal, savedb=True, dbname='calibrators_brighterthan_0.01Jy_20180518.db')

<ipython-input-1-9b36d45f5283> in query_list(self, listobj, science, public, savedb, dbname)
    113         # result = []
    114         for obj in listobj:
--> 115             df = self.query_object(obj, science = science, public = public, savedb=savedb, dbname=dbname)
    116         #    if not df.dropna().empty:
    117         #        result.append([obj[0], df])

<ipython-input-1-9b36d45f5283> in query_object(self, obj, theta, science, public, savedb, dbname)
     84         region = coordinates.SkyCoord(obj[1], obj[2], unit='deg')
---> 86         alma_data = Alma.query_region(region, theta*u.deg, science = science, public = public)
     87         # it is in astropy Table format

/scratch/home/rwibowo/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astroquery/utils/class_or_instance.pyc in f(*args, **kwds)
     23         def f(*args, **kwds):
     24             if obj is not None:
---> 25                 return self.fn(obj, *args, **kwds)
     26             else:
     27                 return self.fn(cls, *args, **kwds)

/scratch/home/rwibowo/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astroquery/utils/process_asyncs.pyc in newmethod(self, *args, **kwargs)
     24             verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', False)
---> 26             response = getattr(self, async_method_name)(*args, **kwargs)
     27             if kwargs.get('get_query_payload') or kwargs.get('field_help'):
     28                 return response

/scratch/home/rwibowo/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astroquery/alma/core.pyc in query_region_async(self, coordinate, radius, cache, public, science, payload, **kwargs)
    105         return self.query_async(payload, cache=cache, public=public,
--> 106                                 science=science, **kwargs)
    108     def query_async(self, payload, cache=True, public=True, science=True,

/scratch/home/rwibowo/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astroquery/alma/core.pyc in query_async(self, payload, cache, public, science, max_retries, get_html_version, get_query_payload, **kwargs)
    150         response = self._request('GET', url, params=payload,
    151                                  timeout=self.TIMEOUT,
--> 152                                  cache=cache and not get_html_version)
    153         self._last_response = response
    154         response.raise_for_status()

/scratch/home/rwibowo/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astroquery/query.pyc in _request(self, method, url, params, data, headers, files, save, savedir, timeout, cache, stream, auth, continuation, verify)
    203                                              stream=stream,
    204                                              auth=auth,
--> 205                                              verify=verify)
    206                     to_cache(response, query.request_file(self.cache_location))
    207             self._last_query = query

/scratch/home/rwibowo/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/astroquery/query.pyc in request(self, session, cache_location, stream, auth, verify)
     59                      , headers=self.headers,
     60                                files=self.files, timeout=self.timeout,
---> 61                                stream=stream, auth=auth, verify=verify)
     63     def hash(self):

/scratch/home/rwibowo/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.pyc in request(self, method, url, params, data, headers, cookies, files, auth, timeout, allow_redirects, proxies, hooks, stream, verify, cert, json)
    506         }
    507         send_kwargs.update(settings)
--> 508         resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs)
    510         return resp

/scratch/home/rwibowo/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.pyc in send(self, request, **kwargs)
    639         # Resolve redirects if allowed.
--> 640         history = [resp for resp in gen] if allow_redirects else []
    642         # Shuffle things around if there's history.

/scratch/home/rwibowo/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.pyc in resolve_redirects(self, resp, req, stream, timeout, verify, cert, proxies, yield_requests, **adapter_kwargs)
    216                     proxies=proxies,
    217                     allow_redirects=False,
--> 218                     **adapter_kwargs
    219                 )

/scratch/home/rwibowo/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.pyc in send(self, request, **kwargs)
    617         # Send the request
--> 618         r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs)
    620         # Total elapsed time of the request (approximately)

/scratch/home/rwibowo/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/adapters.pyc in send(self, request, stream, timeout, verify, cert, proxies)
    438                     decode_content=False,
    439                     retries=self.max_retries,
--> 440                     timeout=timeout
    441                 )

/scratch/home/rwibowo/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.pyc in urlopen(self, method, url, body, headers, retries, redirect, assert_same_host, timeout, pool_timeout, release_conn, chunked, body_pos, **response_kw)
    599                                                   timeout=timeout_obj,
    600                                                   body=body, headers=headers,
--> 601                                                   chunked=chunked)
    603             # If we're going to release the connection in ``finally:``, then

/scratch/home/rwibowo/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.pyc in _make_request(self, conn, method, url, timeout, chunked, **httplib_request_kw)
    378         try:
    379             try:  # Python 2.7, use buffering of HTTP responses
--> 380                 httplib_response = conn.getresponse(buffering=True)
    381             except TypeError:  # Python 2.6 and older, Python 3
    382                 try:

/scratch/home/rwibowo/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/httplib.pyc in getresponse(self, buffering)
   1120         try:
-> 1121             response.begin()
   1122             assert response.will_close != _UNKNOWN
   1123             self.__state = _CS_IDLE

/scratch/home/rwibowo/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/httplib.pyc in begin(self)
    436         # read until we get a non-100 response
    437         while True:
--> 438             version, status, reason = self._read_status()
    439             if status != CONTINUE:
    440                 break

/scratch/home/rwibowo/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/httplib.pyc in _read_status(self)
    392     def _read_status(self):
    393         # Initialize with Simple-Response defaults
--> 394         line = self.fp.readline(_MAXLINE + 1)
    395         if len(line) > _MAXLINE:
    396             raise LineTooLong("header line")

/scratch/home/rwibowo/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/socket.pyc in readline(self, size)
    478             while True:
    479                 try:
--> 480                     data = self._sock.recv(self._rbufsize)
    481                 except error, e:
    482                     if e.args[0] == EINTR:


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