SciUnit is a framework for validating scientific models by creating experimental-data-driven unit tests.

Chapter 2. Writing a model and test in SciUnit from scratch

(or back to Chapter 1)

In [1]:
import sciunit

SciUnit works by making models declare and implement capabilities that tests use to interact with those models.

Each capability is a subclass of sciunit.Capability, and contains one or more unimplemented methods. Here we define a simple capability through which a model can return a single number.

In [2]:
class ProducesNumber(sciunit.Capability):
    """An example capability for producing some generic number."""

    def produce_number(self):
        """The implementation of this method should return a number."""
        raise NotImplementedError("Must implement produce_number.")

SciUnit models subclass sciunit.Model as well as each sciunit.Capability they aim to implement.

Here we create a trivial model class that is instantiated with a single constant.

In [3]:
from sciunit.capabilities import ProducesNumber # One of many potential model capabilities.

In [4]:
class ConstModel(sciunit.Model, 
    """A model that always produces a constant number as output."""
    def __init__(self, constant, name=None):
        self.constant = constant 
        super(ConstModel, self).__init__(name=name, constant=constant)

    def produce_number(self):
        return self.constant

A model we want to test is always an instance (with specific model arguments) of a more generic model class.

Here we create an instance of ConstModel that will always produce the number 37 and give it a name.

In [5]:
const_model_37 = ConstModel(37, name="Constant Model 37")

A SciUnit test class must contain:

  1. the capabilities a model requires to take the test.
  2. the type of score that it will return
  3. an implementation of generate_prediction, which will use the model's capabilities to get some values out of the model.
  4. an implementaiton of compute_score, to use the provided observation and the generated prediction to compute a sciunit Score.

In [6]:
from sciunit.scores import BooleanScore # One of several SciUnit score types.

In [7]:
class EqualsTest(sciunit.Test):
    """Tests if the model predicts 
    the same number as the observation."""   
    required_capabilities = (ProducesNumber,) # The one capability required for a model to take this test.  
    score_type = BooleanScore # This test's 'judge' method will return a BooleanScore.  
    def generate_prediction(self, model):
        return model.produce_number() # The model has this method if it inherits from the 'ProducesNumber' capability.
    def compute_score(self, observation, prediction):
        score = self.score_type(observation == prediction) # Returns a BooleanScore. 
        score.description = 'Passing score if the prediction equals the observation'
        return score

A SciUnit test is a specific instance of a test class, parameterized by the observation (i.e. the empirical data that the model aims to recapitulate).

Here we create a test instance parameterized by the observation 37.0.

In [8]:
equals_37_test = EqualsTest(37, name='=37')

Every test has a judge method which executes the test and returns a score for the provide model.

Here we judge the model we just created using the test we just created. The judge method does a lot of things behind the scenes:

  1. It checks to makes sure that your model expresses each capability required to take the test. It doesn't check to see if they are implemented correctly (how could it know?) but it does check to make sure the model at least claims (through inheritance) to express each capability. The required capabilities are none other than those in the test's required_capabilities attribute. Since ProducesNumber is the only required capability, and the ConstModel class inherits from the corresponding capability class, that check passes.
  2. It calls the test's generate_prediction method, which uses the model's capabilities to make the model return some quantity of interest, in this case a characteristic number.
  3. It calls the test's compute_score method, which compares the observation the test was instantiated with against the prediction returned in the previous step. This comparison of quantities is cast into a score (in this case, a BooleanScore), bound to some model output of interest (in this case, the number produces by the model), and that score object is returned.
  4. The score returned is checked to make sure it is of the type promised in the class definition, i.e. that a BooleanScore is returned if a BooleanScore is listed in the score_type attribute of the test.
  5. The score is bound to the test that returned it, the model that took the test, and the prediction and observation that were used to compute it.

In [9]:
score = equals_37_test.judge(const_model_37)

A score is an object containing information about the result of the test, and the provenance of that result.

Printing the score just prints a representation of its value (for a BooleanScore, True has the representation 'Pass')

In [10]:


We can also summarize the score in its entirety, printing information about the associated model and test.

In [11]:

=== Model Constant Model 37 (ConstModel) achieved score Pass on test '=37 (EqualsTest)'. ===

How was that score computed again?

In [12]:

Passing score if the prediction equals the observation

These can be instances of the same test class (instantiated with different observations) or instances of different test classes. Anything tests that you think belongs together can be part of a TestSuite. A test can be a part of many different suites at once.

In [13]:
equals_1_test = EqualsTest(1, name='=1') # Test that model output equals 1.  
equals_2_test = EqualsTest(2, name='=2') # Test that model output equals 2.  

equals_suite = sciunit.TestSuite("Equals test suite", [equals_1_test, equals_2_test, equals_37_test])

Now we can test our model using this TestSuite, and display the results.

In [14]:
score_matrix = equals_suite.judge(const_model_37)

=1 (EqualsTest) =2 (EqualsTest) =37 (EqualsTest)
Constant Model 37 (ConstModel)Fail Fail Pass

We can create more models and subject those to the test suite to get a more extensive score matrix.

In [15]:
const_model_1 = ConstModel(1, name='Constant Model 1')
const_model_2 = ConstModel(2, name='Constant Model 2')
score_matrix = equals_suite.judge([const_model_1, const_model_2, const_model_37])

=1 (EqualsTest) =2 (EqualsTest) =37 (EqualsTest)
Constant Model 1 (ConstModel)Pass Fail Fail
Constant Model 2 (ConstModel)Fail Pass Fail
Constant Model 37 (ConstModel)Fail Fail Pass

We can also examine the results only for one of the tests in the suite.

In [16]:

=1 (EqualsTest)
Constant Model 1 (ConstModel)Pass
Constant Model 2 (ConstModel)Fail
Constant Model 37 (ConstModel)Fail

Or examine the results only for one of the models.

In [17]:

=1 (EqualsTest) =2 (EqualsTest) =37 (EqualsTest)
Constant Model 2 (ConstModel)Fail Pass Fail

In the next section we'll see how to build slightly more sophisticated tests using objects built-in to SciUnit.

Onto Chapter 3!