This notebook demonstrates how to describe available Analytics Feeds and Subscriptions with the Planet Analytic API.
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import os
# if your Planet API Key is not set as an environment variable, you can paste it below
API_KEY = os.environ.get('PL_API_KEY', 'PASTE_YOUR_KEY_HERE')
# construct auth tuple for use in the requests library
See the Analytics API Docs for more details.
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import requests
feed_list_url = f'{BASE_URL}feeds?limit=1'
resp = requests.get(feed_list_url, auth=BASIC_AUTH)
if resp.status_code == 200:
print('Yay, you can access the Analytics API')
print('Something is wrong:', resp.content)
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limit = 1000
feed_list_url = f'{BASE_URL}feeds?limit={limit}'
print(f'Feeds endpoint: {feed_list_url}')
resp = requests.get(feed_list_url, auth=BASIC_AUTH)
feeds = resp.json()['data']
feed_count = len(feeds)
print(f'Available feeds: {feed_count}')
if feed_count >= limit:
print('More feeds are probably available through pagination links')
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from pprint import pprint
Some of the fields include:
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import pandas as pd
# bump this up in case there are many available feeds to display
pd.options.display.max_rows = 1000
# make a dataframe from the feeds json data
df = pd.DataFrame(feeds)
# instead of including the entire source and target dicts, make columns for the types
df['targetType'] = df['target'].map(lambda t: t['type'])
df['sourceType'] = df['source'].map(lambda t: t['type'])
df[['id', 'title', 'description', 'sourceType', 'targetType', 'created', 'updated']]
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limit = 1000
subscriptions_url = f'{BASE_URL}subscriptions?limit={limit}'
print(f'Subscriptions endpoint: {subscriptions_url}')
resp = requests.get(subscriptions_url, auth=BASIC_AUTH)
subs = resp.json()['data']
sub_count = len(subs)
print(f'Available subscriptions: {sub_count}')
if sub_count >= limit:
print('More subscriptions are probably available through pagination links')
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Subscriptions also have id, title, description, created, and updated fields. Additionally, there are fields for:
Subscriptions will only get results for source imagery observed between the startTime
and endTime
within the specified geometry
and updated
refer to when the subscription itself was set up or modified and do not impact results that show up for the subscription.
and endTime
do limit feed results for the subscription.
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df = pd.DataFrame(subs)
df[['id', 'title', 'description', 'feedID', 'startTime', 'endTime', 'created', 'updated']]
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feed_id = feeds[0]['id']
feed_title = feeds[0]['title']
print('id:', feed_id)
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filtered_subscriptions_url = f'{BASE_URL}subscriptions?feedID={feed_id}'
print('url:', filtered_subscriptions_url)
resp = requests.get(filtered_subscriptions_url, auth=BASIC_AUTH)
filtered_subs = resp.json()['data']
filtered_sub_count = len(filtered_subs)
print(f'You have access to {filtered_sub_count} subscriptions for feed {feed_id} ({feed_title})')
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# get the latest subscription's geometry
subscription = subs[0]
geom = subscription['geometry']
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# make a map, and draw the subscription geometry
from ipyleaflet import Map, GeoJSON
lon, lat = geom['coordinates'][0][0]
m = Map(center=(lat, lon), zoom=8)
geo_json = GeoJSON(data=subscription['geometry'], style = {'color': 'blue', 'opacity':1, 'weight':1.9, 'dashArray':'9', 'fillOpacity':0.1})