Visualizing Raster Results

This notebook shows how to download and visualize raster results from a Planet Analytics Subscription.


To use this notebook, you need an api key for a Planet account with access to the Analytics API and a subscription to a raster feed (e.g. buildings or roads)

API Key and Test Connection

Set API_KEY below if it is not already in your notebook as an environment variable. See the Analytics API Docs for more details on authentication.

In [ ]:
import os
import requests

# if your Planet API Key is not set as an environment variable, you can paste it below
API_KEY = os.environ.get('PL_API_KEY', 'PASTE_YOUR_KEY_HERE')

# construct auth tuple for use in the requests library

subscriptions_list_url = BASE_URL + 'subscriptions' + '?limit=1000'
resp = requests.get(subscriptions_list_url, auth=BASIC_AUTH)
if resp.status_code == 200:
    print('Yay, you can access the Analytics API')
    subscriptions = resp.json()['data']
    print('Available subscriptions:', len(subscriptions))
    print('Something is wrong:', resp.content)

Specify Analytics Subscription of Interest

Below we will list your available subscription ids and some metadata in a dataframe and then select a subscription of interest.

In [ ]:
import pandas as pd
pd.options.display.max_rows = 1000
df = pd.DataFrame(subscriptions)
df['start'] = pd.to_datetime(df['startTime'])
df['end'] = pd.to_datetime(df['endTime'])
df[['id', 'title', 'description', 'start', 'end']]

Pick a road or building subscription from which to pull results, and replace the ID below.

In [ ]:
# This example ID is for a subscription of monthly road rasters
SUBSCRIPTION_ID = 'cda3398b-1283-4ad9-87a6-e25796b5ca80'

Getting subscription results

Now we will fetch some example results from the API and visualize the road raster

In [ ]:
import json

# Construct the url for the subscription's results collection
subscription_results_url = BASE_URL + 'collections/' + SUBSCRIPTION_ID + '/items' + '?limit=5'
print("Request URL: {}".format(subscription_results_url))

# Get subscription results collection
resp = requests.get(subscription_results_url, auth=BASIC_AUTH)
if resp.status_code == 200:
    print('Yay, you can access analytic feed results!')
    subscription_results = resp.json()
    print('Fetched {} results.'.format(len(subscription_results['features'])))
    print('Something is wrong:', resp.content)

subscription_results is now a geojson feature collection. If we look at the keys of the most recent feature, we will see links, which will tell us how to get both geotiffs and webtiles associated with this result.

In [ ]:
latest_result = subscription_results['features'][0]

Let's look at one of the links.

In [ ]:
from pprint import pprint

Each link has rel and href keys. Let's print out the rels for all of the links in our latest_result

In [ ]:
for link in latest_result['links']:

What are all of these links?

self: this is a link to the result geojson we're currently looking at, i.e. latest_result

source-quad: the input mosaic quad that was used to produce the road raster

target-quad: the output mosaic quad (a road raster)

source-tiles: web map tiles for the input imagery

target-tiles: web map tiles for the analytics output

Downloading Source and Target Imagery

In this section, we weill use the feature links to download source and target GeoTIFF files.

To start, we'll make a helper function to get a url of interest from one of our result features

In [ ]:
def get_url(feature, rel):
    """Get the url for a link with the specified rel from a geojson feature
        feature - geojson feature from the analytics api
        rel - link relationship of interest
        url - a url for webtiles or geotiff download
    for link in feature['links']:
        if link['rel'] == rel:
            return link['href']

Let's take a look at the download url for the target, specified by the rel of target-quad

In [ ]:
target_quad_url = get_url(latest_result, rel='target-quad')

Now, we'll make some functions to download files to a local directory.

In [ ]:
import os
import pathlib
import shutil

# make a local directory in which to save the target quad
data_dir = 'data/'
os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True)

def download_file(url, dest_path):
    """Download a file hosted at url to the specified local dest_path.
        url: url for the file of interest
        dest_path: filepath (can be relative to this notebook)
    # request the image
    resp = requests.get(url, stream=True, auth=BASIC_AUTH)

    # make sure the response is ok
    if resp.status_code == 200:
        # write the image contents to a local file
        with open(dest_path, 'wb') as f:
            resp.raw.decode_content = True
            shutil.copyfileobj(resp.raw, f)
        print('Saved file:', path)
        print('Something is wrong:', resp.content)

def make_local_path(feature, rel):
    """Programatically generate a local path to store images associated with a feature.
        feature - geojson feature with an id
        rel - link relationship of interest
        path - str representing the local path for the (feature, rel) pair
    data_dir = 'data/' + feature['id']
    os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True)
    return data_dir + '/' + rel + '.tif'

def download(feature, rel):
    """Download store image associated with a (feature, rel) pair.
        feature - geojson feature with an id
        rel - link relationship of interest
        path - str representing the local path for the (feature, rel) pair
    path = make_local_path(feature, rel)
    if pathlib.Path(path).exists():
        return path
    url = get_url(feature, rel)
    download_file(url, path)
    return path

You can open the downloaded GeoTIFF file with tools such as QGIS. Here's a link to your file:

In [ ]:
rel = 'target-quad'
path = download(latest_result, 'target-quad')
print('downloaded {} to: {}'.format(rel, path))

from IPython.display import FileLink

Rendering source imagery and analytic rasters

In this final part, we will plot source and target images for for one road results feature, inspect the distribution of pixel values, and display the images on a map.

Plotting source and target quads

We can use rasterio to open and plot these GeoTIFF files.

In [ ]:
# make plots show up in this notebook
%matplotlib inline

In [ ]:
import rasterio
from rasterio.plot import show
source_path = download(latest_result, 'source-quad')
target_path = download(latest_result, 'target-quad')

source_im =
target_im =
show(target_im, cmap='hot_r')

The numbers on the axes above are Web Mercator coordinates. We can confirm the coordinate reference system (CRS) with rasterio:

In [ ]:

Making a bigger plot

The rendered images above are kind of small. We can use matplotlib to make a bigger plot. Here is an example of displaying the target quad on a bigger plot:

In [ ]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

def show_image(feature, rel, cmap=None, size=(10,10)):
    source_path = download(feature, rel)
    with as ds:
        plt.imshow(, cmap=cmap)

show_image(latest_result, rel='target-quad', cmap='hot_r', size=(12,12))

Unlike the rasterio plot, the pyplot plot did not keep the geo coordinates. The axes now show relative pixel coordinates from 0 to 4096.

Inspecting pixel value distributions

Visually it looks like the target quad has just two colors. This is because the road detection raster sets every value in the first band to either 0 or 255. Let's look at the source and target image histograms to see this:

In [ ]:
from rasterio.plot import show_hist

The source image histogram shows us that the pixel value distribution for red, green, and blue bands. All 3 bands have similarly shaped distributions across the possible values of 0 to 255. (Ignore the 4th band for now). Now let's take a look at the target image:

In [ ]:

The road detection histogram looks much different! All of the data is in the first band. (Ignore the 2nd band here.)

Most of the values in the first band are 0 (not road), but some of them are 255 (road)

Making a map

Since the source and target images are geo-referenced, we can render them on a map! Although we could render the downloaded GeoTIFFs on a map, there is also a tileserver available for both the source and target images. This last step will show how to connect an ipyleaflet map to the tileservers.

Where to look?

Since the last_result we looked at before was a geojson feature, we can inspect its geometry to determine where to center our new map.

In [ ]:
lon, lat = latest_result['geometry']['coordinates'][0][0]
print(lat, lon)

Starting with an empty basemap

Let's make new map centered around the coordinates we found above.

In [ ]:
from ipyleaflet import Map

m = Map(center=(lat, lon), zoom=9)

Outlining the feature boundary

We can add a polygon on top of the basemap to show where the latest_result imagery was from.

In [ ]:
from ipyleaflet import GeoJSON
geojson = GeoJSON(data=latest_result, style = {'color': 'blue', 'opacity':1, 'weight':1.9, 'dashArray':'9', 'fillOpacity':0.1})

Adding a tileserver

Let's show the target quad on top of the basemap using a TileLayer. First we need to get the tileserver url. This is in the latest_result's links with a rel of target-tiles. We can get the url with the get_url helper from before.

In [ ]:
target_tile_url = get_url(latest_result, 'target-tiles')

Now we add a tile layer

In [ ]:
from ipyleaflet import TileLayer
target_tile_layer = TileLayer(url=target_tile_url)

Notice that the results tile layer extends past the blue box for our quad. The tileserver will display all of the results from the same mosaic. This means that results neigboring quads are displayed above. This is a useful way of exploring larger areas at once. There will be unique tileserver urls for different source mosaics (which correspond to points in time, in this case monthly).

Mapping analytic results on top of source imagery

We can make a couple of adjustments to get our map to highlight roads on top of source imagery. To do this, we will

  • clear the map layers
  • add a source imagery TileLayer
  • add a non-opaque target imagery TileLayer

In [ ]:
source_tile_url = get_url(latest_result, 'source-tiles')
source_tile_layer = TileLayer(url=source_tile_url)
target_tile_layer = TileLayer(url=target_tile_url, opacity=0.4)

Happy mapping!