Pyhector Usage Examples

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 16, 9

In [3]:
import pyhector
from pyhector import rcp26, rcp45, rcp60, rcp85

In [4]:



The four RCP scenarios are already preloaded as DataFrames in pyhector. They contain the following emissions:

In [5]:

Index(['ffi_emissions', 'luc_emissions', 'CH4_emissions', 'N2O_emissions',
       'SO2_emissions', 'CO_emissions', 'NMVOC_emissions', 'NOX_emissions',
       'BC_emissions', 'OC_emissions', 'CF4_emissions', 'C2F6_emissions',
       'HFC23_emissions', 'HFC32_emissions', 'HFC4310_emissions',
       'HFC125_emissions', 'HFC134a_emissions', 'HFC143a_emissions',
       'HFC227ea_emissions', 'HFC245fa_emissions', 'SF6_emissions',
       'CFC11_emissions', 'CFC12_emissions', 'CFC113_emissions',
       'CFC114_emissions', 'CFC115_emissions', 'CCl4_emissions',
       'CH3CCl3_emissions', 'HCF22_emissions', 'HCF141b_emissions',
       'HCF142b_emissions', 'halon1211_emissions', 'halon1301_emissions',
       'halon2402_emissions', 'CH3Br_emissions', 'CH3Cl_emissions'],

In [6]:

ffi_emissions luc_emissions CH4_emissions N2O_emissions SO2_emissions CO_emissions NMVOC_emissions NOX_emissions BC_emissions OC_emissions ... CCl4_emissions CH3CCl3_emissions HCF22_emissions HCF141b_emissions HCF142b_emissions halon1211_emissions halon1301_emissions halon2402_emissions CH3Br_emissions CH3Cl_emissions
1765 0.003 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 157.267 3100.211
1766 0.003 0.005338 1.963262 0.005191 98.882647 9.050221 1.596875 0.109502 0.106998 0.565920 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 157.267 3100.211
1767 0.003 0.010677 2.436448 0.010117 116.306500 12.960844 2.292316 0.168038 0.133383 0.781468 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 157.267 3100.211
1768 0.003 0.016015 2.911105 0.015043 133.810750 16.876539 2.988648 0.226625 0.159847 0.997361 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 157.267 3100.211
1769 0.003 0.021353 3.387278 0.019969 151.397890 20.797465 3.685897 0.285264 0.186393 1.213611 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 157.267 3100.211

5 rows × 36 columns

The units can also be looked up.

In [7]:

{'BC_emissions': 'Mt/yr',
 'C2F6_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'CCl4_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'CF4_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'CFC113_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'CFC114_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'CFC115_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'CFC11_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'CFC12_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'CH3Br_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'CH3CCl3_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'CH3Cl_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'CH4_emissions': 'MtCH4/yr',
 'CO_emissions': 'MtCO/yr',
 'HCF141b_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'HCF142b_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'HCF22_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'HFC125_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'HFC134a_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'HFC143a_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'HFC227ea_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'HFC23_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'HFC245fa_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'HFC32_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'HFC4310_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'N2O_emissions': 'MtN2O-N/yr',
 'NMVOC_emissions': 'Mt/yr',
 'NOX_emissions': 'MtN/yr',
 'OC_emissions': 'Mt/yr',
 'SF6_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'SO2_emissions': 'Gg/yr',
 'ffi_emissions': 'GtC/yr',
 'halon1211_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'halon1301_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'halon2402_emissions': 'kt/yr',
 'luc_emissions': 'GtC/yr'}

A plot of four categories in RCP 2.6.

In [8]:
emissions = ["ffi_emissions", "luc_emissions", "CH4_emissions", "N2O_emissions"]
plt.suptitle("RCP 2.6");

Running Hector

A single Hector run doesn't take much time and returns a DataFrame with results as well the used parameters:

In [9]:
%time results =

CPU times: user 131 ms, sys: 834 µs, total: 131 ms
Wall time: 130 ms

By default pyhector uses the default parameters from the INI files for the RCP runs in the Hector repository.

In [10]:

{'C2F6_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 138.01, 'rho': 0.00026, 'tau': 10000.0},
 'CCl4_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 153.8, 'rho': 0.00013, 'tau': 26.0},
 'CF4_halocarbon': {'H0': (35.0, 'pptv'),
  'molarMass': 88.0043,
  'rho': 8e-05,
  'tau': 50000.0},
 'CFC113_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 187.35, 'rho': 0.0003, 'tau': 85.0},
 'CFC114_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 170.9, 'rho': 0.00031, 'tau': 300},
 'CFC115_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 154.45, 'rho': 0.00018, 'tau': 1700},
 'CFC11_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 137.35, 'rho': 0.00025, 'tau': 45.0},
 'CFC12_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 120.9, 'rho': 0.00032, 'tau': 100},
 'CH3Br_halocarbon': {'H0': 5.8, 'molarMass': 94.9, 'rho': 1e-05, 'tau': 0.7},
 'CH3CCl3_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 133.35, 'rho': 6e-05, 'tau': 5.0},
 'CH3Cl_halocarbon': {'H0': 504.0,
  'molarMass': 50.45,
  'rho': 1e-05,
  'tau': 1.3},
 'CH4': {'CH4N': 300, 'M0': 653, 'Tsoil': 160, 'Tstrat': 120, 'UC_CH4': 2.78},
 'HCF141b_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 116.9, 'rho': 0.00014, 'tau': 9.3},
 'HCF142b_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 100.45, 'rho': 0.0002, 'tau': 17.9},
 'HCF22_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 86.45, 'rho': 0.0002, 'tau': 12.0},
 'HFC125_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 120.02, 'rho': 0.00023, 'tau': 29.0},
 'HFC134a_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 102.02, 'rho': 0.00016, 'tau': 14.0},
 'HFC143a_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 84.04, 'rho': 0.00013, 'tau': 52.0},
 'HFC227ea_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 170.03, 'rho': 0.00026, 'tau': 34.2},
 'HFC23_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 70.0, 'rho': 0.00019, 'tau': 270.0},
 'HFC245fa_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 134.0, 'rho': 0.00028, 'tau': 7.6},
 'HFC32_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 52.0, 'rho': 0.00011, 'tau': 4.9},
 'HFC4310_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 252.0, 'rho': 0.0004, 'tau': 15.9},
 'N2O': {'N0': 272.9596,
  'N2ON_emissions': [(1765, 11), (2000, 8), (2300, 8)],
  'TN2O0': 132,
  'UC_N2O': 4.8},
 'OH': {'CCH4': -0.32,
  'CCO': -0.000105,
  'CNMVOC': -0.000315,
  'CNOX': 0.0042,
  'TOH0': 6.6},
 'SF6_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 146.06, 'rho': 0.00052, 'tau': 3200.0},
 'carbon-cycle-solver': {'dt': 0.25,
  'eps_abs': 1e-06,
  'eps_rel': 1e-06,
  'eps_spinup': 0.001},
 'core': {'do_spinup': True,
  'endDate': 2300,
  'max_spinup': 2000,
  'run_name': 'pyhector-run',
  'startDate': 1745},
 'forcing': {'baseyear': 1750},
 'halon1211_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 165.35, 'rho': 3e-05, 'tau': 16.0},
 'halon1301_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 148.9, 'rho': 0.00032, 'tau': 65.0},
 'halon2402_halocarbon': {'molarMass': 259.8, 'rho': 0.00033, 'tau': 20.0},
 'ocean': {'enabled': True,
  'spinup_chem': 0,
  'tid': 200000000,
  'tt': 72000000,
  'tu': 49000000,
  'twi': 12500000},
 'onelineocean': {'enabled': False, 'ocean_c': 38000},
 'ozone': {'PO3': 30.0},
 'simpleNbox': {'Ftalbedo': [(1750, 0.0), (1950, -0.2)],
  'atmos_c': 588.071,
  'beta': 0.36,
  'detritus_c': 55,
  'f_litterd': 0.98,
  'f_lucd': 0.01,
  'f_lucv': 0.1,
  'f_nppd': 0.6,
  'f_nppv': 0.35,
  'npp_flux0': 50.0,
  'q10_rh': 2.0,
  'soil_c': 1782,
  'veg_c': 550},
 'so2': {'S0': 53841.2,
  'SN': 42000,
  'SV': [(1765, 0),
   (1766, 0.11622211),
   (1767, 0.23244422),
   (1768, 0.19744422),
   (1769, 0.13181922),
   (1770, 0.12744422),
   (1771, 0.17994422),
   (1772, 0.21494422),
   (1773, 0.22806922),
   (1774, 0.23244422),
   (1775, 0.23244422),
   (1776, 0.23244422),
   (1777, 0.23244422),
   (1778, 0.23244422),
   (1779, 0.23244422),
   (1780, 0.23244422),
   (1781, 0.23244422),
   (1782, 0.21056922),
   (1783, 0.11869422),
   (1784, 0.044319219),
   (1785, 0.10119422),
   (1786, 0.18869422),
   (1787, 0.22369422),
   (1788, 0.22806922),
   (1789, 0.12306922),
   (1790, -0.025680781),
   (1791, 0.009319219),
   (1792, 0.14056922),
   (1793, 0.20619422),
   (1794, 0.21494422),
   (1795, 0.19306922),
   (1796, 0.18869422),
   (1797, 0.21056922),
   (1798, 0.22806922),
   (1799, 0.23244422),
   (1800, 0.23244422),
   (1801, 0.23244422),
   (1802, 0.23244422),
   (1803, 0.23244422),
   (1804, 0.23244422),
   (1805, 0.23244422),
   (1806, 0.23244422),
   (1807, 0.23244422),
   (1808, -0.25755578),
   (1809, -1.3994308),
   (1810, -1.8019308),
   (1811, -1.0100558),
   (1812, -0.34068078),
   (1813, -0.14818078),
   (1814, -0.67755578),
   (1815, -2.1519308),
   (1816, -2.6638058),
   (1817, -1.4956808),
   (1818, -0.36255578),
   (1819, 0.092444219),
   (1820, 0.22369422),
   (1821, 0.23244422),
   (1822, 0.23244422),
   (1823, 0.23244422),
   (1824, 0.23244422),
   (1825, 0.23244422),
   (1826, 0.23244422),
   (1827, 0.23244422),
   (1828, 0.22806922),
   (1829, 0.19306922),
   (1830, -0.021305781),
   (1831, -0.39755578),
   (1832, -0.48505578),
   (1833, -0.18318078),
   (1834, -0.34505578),
   (1835, -0.98818078),
   (1836, -0.94880578),
   (1837, -0.34943078),
   (1838, 0.044319219),
   (1839, 0.17994422),
   (1840, 0.17994422),
   (1841, 0.17556922),
   (1842, 0.18869422),
   (1843, 0.16681922),
   (1844, 0.15369422),
   (1845, 0.18431922),
   (1846, 0.21494422),
   (1847, 0.22806922),
   (1848, 0.23244422),
   (1849, 0.21599422),
   (1850, 0.19200464),
   (1851, 0.19303276),
   (1852, 0.20879734),
   (1853, 0.2235338),
   (1854, 0.2317588),
   (1855, 0.10118693),
   (1856, -0.35667141),
   (1857, -0.61027557),
   (1858, -0.29772557),
   (1859, 0.028190052),
   (1860, 0.15053693),
   (1861, 0.13957026),
   (1862, 0.05526401),
   (1863, 0.06760151),
   (1864, 0.15087964),
   (1865, 0.19851609),
   (1866, 0.21907859),
   (1867, 0.22901714),
   (1868, 0.23107339),
   (1869, 0.22284839),
   (1870, 0.21873589),
   (1871, 0.2194213),
   (1872, 0.2070838),
   (1873, 0.19337547),
   (1874, 0.20125776),
   (1875, 0.19406089),
   (1876, 0.15293589),
   (1877, 0.14848068),
   (1878, 0.18035255),
   (1879, 0.20194318),
   (1880, 0.21565151),
   (1881, 0.22284839),
   (1882, 0.11112547),
   (1883, -0.80253495),
   (1884, -1.5373016),
   (1885, -0.94407349),
   (1886, -0.44851724),
   (1887, -0.32137245),
   (1888, -0.21102036),
   (1889, -0.27750578),
   (1890, -0.3316537),
   (1891, -0.2617412),
   (1892, -0.087645365),
   (1893, 0.060061927),
   (1894, 0.16938589),
   (1895, 0.1618463),
   (1896, 0.016537969),
   (1897, -0.064683906),
   (1898, 0.037785885),
   (1899, 0.15053693),
   (1900, 0.20194318),
   (1901, 0.19166193),
   (1902, -0.25694328),
   (1903, -0.65105786),
   (1904, -0.3563287),
   (1905, 0.002144219),
   (1906, 0.1001588),
   (1907, 0.076169219),
   (1908, 0.087821302),
   (1909, 0.15396401),
   (1910, 0.18892026),
   (1911, 0.19508901),
   (1912, -0.048576615),
   (1913, -0.15652974),
   (1914, 0.055606719),
   (1915, 0.15944734),
   (1916, 0.18754943),
   (1917, 0.19611714),
   (1918, 0.20194318),
   (1919, 0.1947463),
   (1920, 0.11078276),
   (1921, 0.095703594),
   (1922, 0.18103797),
   (1923, 0.20228589),
   (1924, 0.18926297),
   (1925, 0.18926297),
   (1926, 0.19714526),
   (1927, 0.19508901),
   (1928, 0.14573901),
   (1929, 0.096046302),
   (1930, 0.12174943),
   (1931, 0.14642443),
   (1932, 0.11489526),
   (1933, 0.12380568),
   (1934, 0.16218901),
   (1935, 0.16938589),
   (1936, 0.18069526),
   (1937, 0.17932443),
   (1938, 0.16321714),
   (1939, 0.16390255),
   (1940, 0.18377964),
   (1941, 0.19303276),
   (1942, 0.17144214),
   (1943, 0.16630151),
   (1944, 0.18926297),
   (1945, 0.19988693),
   (1946, 0.2070838),
   (1947, 0.1988588),
   (1948, 0.19680255),
   (1949, 0.18926297),
   (1950, 0.18686401),
   (1951, 0.1906338),
   (1952, 0.18446505),
   (1953, 0.17555464),
   (1954, 0.18069526),
   (1955, 0.2029713),
   (1956, 0.2153088),
   (1957, 0.22559005),
   (1958, 0.23073068),
   (1959, 0.22696089),
   (1960, 0.15190776),
   (1961, 0.060747344),
   (1962, -0.013963073),
   (1963, -0.49546828),
   (1964, -0.85325578),
   (1965, -0.53248078),
   (1966, -0.15001828),
   (1967, -0.021502656),
   (1968, -0.22027349),
   (1969, -0.29635474),
   (1970, -0.055430781),
   (1971, 0.11420984),
   (1972, 0.15327859),
   (1973, 0.10632755),
   (1974, -0.040694323),
   (1975, -0.14110786),
   (1976, -0.017390156),
   (1977, 0.13408693),
   (1978, 0.10906922),
   (1979, 0.093990052),
   (1980, 0.14813797),
   (1981, 0.079596302),
   (1982, -0.59142661),
   (1983, -0.87621724),
   (1984, -0.32000161),
   (1985, -0.023216198),
   (1986, 0.035044219),
   (1987, 0.065887969),
   (1988, 0.10598484),
   (1989, 0.12928901),
   (1990, 0.12654734),
   (1991, -0.81487245),
   (1992, -1.4197527),
   (1993, -0.68190161),
   (1994, -0.13151203),
   (1995, 0.058691094),
   (1996, 0.12380568),
   (1997, 0.15327859),
   (1998, 0.18754943),
   (1999, 0.21633693),
   (2000, 0.22867443),
   (2001, 0.23244422),
   (2002, 0.23244422),
   (2003, 0.23244422),
   (2004, 0.23244422),
   (2005, 0.18401834),
   (2006, 0.06779623),
   (2007, 0),
   (2008, 0),
   (2009, 0),
   (2010, 0)]},
 'temperature': {'S': 3.0, 'alpha': 1.0, 'diff': 2.3, 'enabled': True}}

RCP comparisons

In [11]:
rcps = [rcp26, rcp45, rcp60, rcp85]

# For Hector output variables we need to address them as 
# 'component.variable', to simplify this we define short cuts
SURFACE_TEMP = "temperature.Tgav"
CONCENTRATION_CO2 = "simpleNbox.Ca"
FORCING = "forcing.Ftot"

Let's plot the default output variables for the four RCPs:

In [12]:
temp = results[SURFACE_TEMP].loc[1850:2100] - results[SURFACE_TEMP].loc[1850:1900].mean()
plt.title("RCP2.6: Global Mean Temperature Projection")
plt.ylabel("Deg. C over pre-industrial (1850-1900 mean)");

In [13]:
plt.title("RCP2.6: " + pyhector.output[FORCING]["description"])

In [14]:
plt.title("RCP2.6: " + pyhector.output[CONCENTRATION_CO2]["description"])

A comparison of global mean temperature for the four RCPs.

In [15]:
for rcp in rcps:
    output =, {"core": {"endDate": 2100}})
    temp = output[SURFACE_TEMP]
    temp = temp.loc[1850:] - temp.loc[1850:1900].mean()
plt.title("Global mean temperature")
plt.ylabel("Deg. C over pre-industrial (1850-1900 mean)")

Setting parameters

Let's change an input parameter and, as an example, change the equilibrium climate sensitivity.

In [16]:
low =, {"temperature": {"S": 1.5}})
default =, {"temperature": {"S": 3}})
high =, {"temperature": {"S": 4.5}})

In [17]:
sel = slice(1850, 2100)
plt.title("RCP 4.5 with equilibrium climate sensitivity set to 1.5, 3, and 4.5")
plt.ylabel("Deg. C");

In [ ]: