Copyright 2018 Oliver Lord

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PVT calculator

Determine the unit cell volume for a range of important deep Earth phases and XRD standards at a given P & T using equations of state from the literature

In [8]:
!jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix widgetsnbextension

In [9]:
import ipywidgets as widgets
import numpy as np
import sys
import array
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from ipywidgets import Layout, HBox, VBox, Dropdown, interactive, interact, Label
from IPython.core.display import display
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from scipy.integrate import quad

In [10]:
global P_max, phase, EoS
P, P_max, V0, EoS, phase, ref, K, Kp, a0, b0, c0 = 0, 200, 162.373, 1, 1, 1, 256.7, 4.09, 4.7769, 4.9284, 6.8972
D0, g0, g_inf, q, apfu, apuc = 950, 1.54, 1, 1.5, 5, 4
VT = V0

def phases(phase,EoS,ref):
    global V0, K, Kp, a0, b0, c0, D0, g0, g_inf, q, apfu, apuc
    if phase == 'MgSiO3 perovskite':
        #Data from: Tange et al. (2012) 10.1029/2011JB008988
        dropdown3.options, dropdown3.disabled = ['Tange et al. (2012)'], True
        dropdown2.options, dropdown2.disabled = ['3rd Order Birch-Murnaghan','Vinet'], False
        if EoS == '3rd Order Birch-Murnaghan':
            V0, K, Kp, a0, b0, c0 = 162.373, 256.7, 4.09, 4.7769, 4.9284, 6.8972
            D0, g0, g_inf, q, apfu, apuc = 950, 1.54, 1, 1.5, 5, 4
        if EoS =='Vinet':
            V0, K, Kp, a0, b0, c0 = 162.373, 258.4, 4.1, 4.7769, 4.9284, 6.8972
            D0, g0, g_inf, q, apfu, apuc = 940, 1.55, 1, 1.1, 5, 4
    if phase == 'MgCO3 magnesite':
        #Data from: Fiquet et al. (2002) American Mineralogist 87:1261-1265
        dropdown2.value, dropdown2.disabled = '3rd Order Birch-Murnaghan', True
        dropdown3.options, dropdown3.disabled = ['Fiquet et al. (2002)'], True
        V0, K, Kp, a0, b0, c0 = 279.2, 108, 5, 4.6377, 4.6377, 15.007
        D0, g0, g_inf, q, apfu, apuc = 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
    if phase == 'SiO2 stishovite':
        #Data from: Wang et al. (2012) 10.1029/2011JB009100
        dropdown3.options, dropdown3.disabled = ['Wang et al. (2012)'], True
        dropdown2.options, dropdown2.disabled = ['3rd Order Birch-Murnaghan','Vinet'], False
        if EoS == '3rd Order Birch-Murnaghan':
            V0, K, Kp, a0, b0, c0 = 46.55, 294, 4.85, 4.66, 4.66, 2.8403
            D0, g0, g_inf, q, apfu, apuc = 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
        if EoS == 'Vinet':
            V0, K, Kp, a0, b0, c0 = 46.55, 292, 5.01, 4.66, 4.66, 2.8403
            D0, g0, g_inf, q, apfu, apuc = 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
    if phase == 'Pt':
        #Data from: Dorogokupets & Dewaele (2007) 10.1080/08957950701659700
        dropdown2.value, dropdown2.disabled = '3rd Order Birch-Murnaghan', True
        dropdown3.options, dropdown3.disabled = ['Dorogokupets & Dewaele (2007)'], True
        V0, K, Kp, a0, b0, c0 = 60.38, 277.3, 5.12, 3.9231, 3.9231, 3.9231
        D0, g0, g_inf, q, apfu, apuc = 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
    if phase == 'Au':
        #Data from: Fei et al. (2012) 10.1073/pnas.0609013104
        dropdown3.options, dropdown3.disabled = ['Fei et al. (2012)'], True
        dropdown2.options, dropdown2.disabled = ['3rd Order Birch-Murnaghan','Vinet'], False
        if EoS == '3rd Order Birch-Murnaghan':
            V0, K, Kp, a0, b0, c0 = 67.85, 167, 5.77, 4.0786, 4.0786, 4.0786
            D0, g0, g_inf, q, apfu, apuc = 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
        if EoS == 'Vinet':
            V0, K, Kp, a0, b0, c0 = 67.85, 167, 6.00, 4.0786, 4.0786, 4.0786
            D0, g0, g_inf, q, apfu, apuc = 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
    if phase == 'NaCl B1':
        dropdown3.options, dropdown3.disabled = ['Dorogokupets & Dewaele (2007)', 'Decker (1971)'], False
        dropdown2.options, dropdown2.disabled = ['3rd Order Birch-Murnaghan','Vinet'], True
        #Data from: Dorogokupets & Dewaele (2007) 10.1080/08957950701659700
        if ref == 'Dorogokupets & Dewaele (2007)':
            dropdown2.value = 'Vinet'
            V0, K, Kp, a0, b0, c0 = 179.44, 23.83, 5.09, 5.6404, 5.6404, 5.6404
            D0, g0, g_inf, q, apfu, apuc = 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
        #Data from: Decker (1971) 10.1080/08957950701659700
        if ref == 'Decker (1971)':
            dropdown2.value = '3rd Order Birch-Murnaghan'
            V0, K, Kp, a0, b0, c0 = 179.43, 24.02, 4.74, 5.6402, 5.6402, 5.6402
            D0, g0, g_inf, q, apfu, apuc = 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
    if phase == 'NaCl B2':
        #Data from: Dorogokupets & Dewaele (2007) 10.1080/08957950701659700
        dropdown2.value, dropdown2.disabled = 'Vinet', True
        dropdown3.options, dropdown3.disabled = ['Dorogokupets & Dewaele (2007)'], True
        V0, K, Kp, a0, b0, c0 = 40.73, 29.72, 5.14, 3.4407, 3.4407, 3.4407
        D0, g0, g_inf, q, apfu, apuc = 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
    if phase == 'CO2-V':
        #Data from: Datchi et al. (2012) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.125701
        dropdown2.value, dropdown2.disabled = 'Vinet', True
        dropdown3.options, dropdown3.disabled = ['Datchi et al. (2012)'], True
        V0, K, Kp, a0, b0, c0 = 90.99, 136.0, 4, 3.4407, 3.4407, 3.4407
        #V0, K, Kp, a0, b0, c0 = 90.99, 136.0, 3.7, 3.7939, 3.7939, 6.3221
        D0, g0, g_inf, q, apfu, apuc = 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1

def phase_selector(phase):
    dropdown2.value, dropdown2.disabled = 'MgSiO3 perovskite', False
    dropdown3.value, dropdown3.disabled = '3rd Order Birch-Murnaghan', False
def EoS_selector(EoS):
def ref_selector(ref):
def initialise(EoS):
    K_box.value = ("K = " + str(K) + " GPa")
    Kp_box.value = ("K' = " + str(Kp))
    V0_box.value = ("V₀ = " + str(V0) + " ų")

def BM3(V,P):
    return P-((3/2)*(K*(((V0/V)**(7/3))-((V0/V)**(5/3)))*(1-(((3/4)*(4-Kp))*(((V0/V)**(2/3))-1)))))

def Vinet(V,P):
    return P-(3*K*((1-((V/V0)**(1/3)))/((V/V0)**(2/3)))*np.exp((3/2)*(Kp-1)*(1-((V/V0)**(1/3)))))

phase_items = ['MgSiO3 perovskite', 'MgCO3 magnesite', 'SiO2 stishovite', 'Pt', 'Au','NaCl B1','NaCl B2', 'CO2-V']
EoS_items = ['3rd Order Birch-Murnaghan', 'Vinet']

dropdown1 = widgets.Dropdown(options = phase_items,description='Phase:',layout=Layout(width='75.4%'))
dropdown2 = widgets.Dropdown(options = EoS_items,description='EoS:',layout=Layout(width='75.4%'),disabled=False)    
dropdown3 = widgets.Dropdown(options = ['Tange et al. (2012)'],description='Ref:',layout=Layout(width='75.4%'),disabled=True)    


K_box = widgets.Text(disabled=True,description='Parameters',layout=Layout(width='35%'))
Kp_box = widgets.Text(disabled=True,layout=Layout(width='19.8%'))
V0_box = widgets.Text(disabled=True,layout=Layout(width='19.8%'))

initialise('3rd Order Birch-Murnaghan')
VBox([HBox([dropdown1]), HBox([dropdown2]), HBox([dropdown3]), HBox([K_box, Kp_box, V0_box])])

In [11]:
global P_max, phase, EoS, V0, K, Kp, a0, b0, c0

def V_calc(P,T):

    if g0 == 0:
        T_slider.value, T_slider.disabled = 300, True
        T_slider.disabled = False
    VVT_box.description = (str(round(T_slider.value)) + 'K:')
    P_range, V_range, VT_range = list(range(0,P_max+1,4)), list(range(0,P_max+1,4)), list(range(0,P_max+1,4))

    if EoS == 1:
        Vp = fsolve(lambda V,P: BM3(V,P), 1, args=(P), xtol=1e-5)
        VT = VT_calc(Vp,P,T)
        for i, j in enumerate(P_range):
            V_range[i] = fsolve(lambda V,P: BM3(V,P), 1, args=(j), xtol=1e-5)
            if T != 300:
                VT_range[i] = VT_calc(Vp,j,T)
                VT_range[i] = V_range[i]
    if EoS == 2:
        Vp = fsolve(lambda V,P: Vinet(V,P), 1, args=(P), xtol=1e-5)
        VT = VT_calc(Vp,P,T)
        for i, j in enumerate(P_range):
            V_range[i] = fsolve(lambda V,P: Vinet(V,P), 1, args=(j), xtol=1e-5)
            if T != 300:
                VT_range[i] = VT_calc(Vp,j,T)
                VT_range[i] = V_range[i]

    VV_box.value = ("V = " + str(np.around(Vp,3))[1:-1] + " ų")
    Va_box.value = ("a = " + str(np.around((Vp/V0)**(1/3)*a0,3))[1:-1] + " Å")
    Vb_box.value = ("b = " + str(np.around((Vp/V0)**(1/3)*b0,3))[1:-1] + " Å")
    Vc_box.value = ("c = " + str(np.around((Vp/V0)**(1/3)*c0,3))[1:-1] + " Å")
    VVT_box.value = ("V = " + str(np.around(VT,3))[1:-1] + " ų")
    VaT_box.value = ("a = " + str(np.around((Vp/V0)**(1/3)*a0,3))[1:-1] + " Å")
    VbT_box.value = ("b = " + str(np.around((Vp/V0)**(1/3)*b0,3))[1:-1] + " Å")
    VcT_box.value = ("c = " + str(np.around((Vp/V0)**(1/3)*c0,3))[1:-1] + " Å")
def PVT_plot(P_max,P_range,V_range,P,Vp,VT,VT_range):
    plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(10.72, 6), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
    line1, line2, line3, line4 = plt.plot(P_range,VT_range,'r-',P_range,V_range,'b-',P,VT,'ro',P,Vp,'bo')
    plt.xlim(-P_max*0.02, P_max*1.02)
    plt.ylim(V_range[-1]*.98, VT_range[0]*1.02)
    plt.ylabel('Unit Cell Volume (ų)', fontsize=18)
    plt.xlabel('Pressure (GPa)', fontsize=18)
def VT_calc(V,P,T):
    VT = fsolve(lambda V,P,T: MGD(V,P,T), 1, args=(P,T), xtol=1e-5)
def MGD(Vp,P,T):
    if EoS == 1:
        P300 = ((3/2)*(K*(((V0/Vp)**(7/3))-((V0/Vp)**(5/3)))*(1-(((3/4)*(4-Kp))*(((V0/Vp)**(2/3))-1)))))
    if EoS == 2:
        P300 = (3*K*((1-((Vp/V0)**(1/3)))/((Vp/V0)**(2/3)))*np.exp((3/2)*(Kp-1)*(1-((Vp/V0)**(1/3)))))
    g = g_inf+(g0-g_inf)*(Vp/V0)**q
    D = D0*(Vp/V0)**-g
    int_T = quad(debye_integrand, 0, D/T)
    int_300 = quad(debye_integrand, 0, D/300)
    E_T = 9*apfu*8.314472*T*((T/D)**3)*int_T[0]
    E_300 = 9*apfu*8.314472*300*((300/D)**3)*int_300[0]
    PTH = (E_T-E_300)*(g/(((Vp/apuc)*6.022E+23)/1E+21))
    PTOTAL = P300 + PTH
    return PTOTAL-P

def debye_integrand(x):
    return x**3/((np.exp(x) - 1))
P_slider = widgets.FloatSlider(min=0, max=200, step=0.1, value=0, description='P in GPa:',layout=Layout(width='76.9%'),continuous_update=False)    = 'lightblue'

T_slider = widgets.FloatSlider(min=300, max=3000, step=1, value=300, description='T in K:',layout=Layout(width='76.9%'),continuous_update=False) = 'lightblue'

widgets.interactive(V_calc,P=P_slider, T=T_slider)

VV_box = widgets.Text(disabled=True,layout=Layout(width='18.55%'),description=('300K:'))
Va_box = widgets.Text(disabled=True,layout=Layout(width='18.55%'))
Vb_box = widgets.Text(disabled=True,layout=Layout(width='18.55%'))
Vc_box = widgets.Text(disabled=True,layout=Layout(width='18.55%'))

VVT_box = widgets.Text(disabled=True,layout=Layout(width='18.55%'),description=(str(round(T_slider.value)) + 'K:'))
VaT_box = widgets.Text(disabled=True,layout=Layout(width='18.55%'))
VbT_box = widgets.Text(disabled=True,layout=Layout(width='18.55%'))
VcT_box = widgets.Text(disabled=True,layout=Layout(width='18.55%'))

intwidget = interactive(V_calc, P=P_slider, T=T_slider)
intoutput = intwidget.children[-1]
display(VBox([HBox([P_slider]), HBox([T_slider]), HBox([VV_box, Va_box, Vb_box, Vc_box]), HBox([VVT_box, VaT_box, VbT_box, VcT_box]), HBox([intoutput])]))

Ruby Fluorescence and Raman Diamond pressure calibration

Determine pressure from the peak position of the ruby R1 fluorescence peak or the diamond 001 raman mode

In [12]:
A, B = 1904, 9.500

def ruby_scale(scale1):
    global A, B
    if scale1 == 1:
        #Data from: Dewaele et al. (2004) 10.1103/PhysRevB.70.094112
        A, B = 1904, 9.500
    if scale1 == 2:
        #Data from: Mao et al. (1986)
        A, B = 1904, 7.665
def raman_scale(scale2):
    return scale2

def ruby(R1):

def raman(V1):

def cal_plot(i):
    dV = raman_slider.value-V1_0
    dV_range = np.arange(0., (raman_slider.max-V1_0), 0.2)
    plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(10.72, 6), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
    line1, line2, = plt.plot(dV_range, dV_range*0.501, 'r-', dV, dV*0.501,  'bo')
    plt.ylim(0, P_slider2.max)
    plt.xlim(0, raman_slider.max-V1_0)
    plt.ylabel('Ruby Pressure (GPa)', fontsize=18)
    plt.xlabel('Δν (cm⁻¹)', fontsize=18)
def R1_0(R1_0_value):
    R1_0 = (float(R1_0_box.value[0:-3]))
def V1_0(V1_0_value):
    V1_0 = (float(V1_0_box.value[0:-5]))
def get_boxes():
    R1_0   = (float(R1_0_box.value[0:-3]))
    V1_0   = (float(V1_0_box.value[0:-5]))
    return (R1_0,V1_0)

def initialise2():
    ruby_slider.max    = 750
    ruby_slider.value  = R1_0
    ruby_slider.min    = R1_0
    P_slider2.max      = A/B*((1+(ruby_slider.max-R1_0)/R1_0)**B-1)
    P_slider2.value    = 0
    raman_slider.max   = ((P_slider2.max*(1/0.501))+V1_0)
    raman_slider.value = V1_0
    raman_slider.min   = V1_0
ruby_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(options = {'Hydrostatic - Dewaele et al. 2004': 1, 'Non-hydrostatic - Mao et al. 1986': 2},description='RUBY:',layout=Layout(width='35%'))
raman_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(options = {'Walter et al. 2014': 1},description='RAMAN:',layout=Layout(width='35%'),disabled=True)

R1_0_box = widgets.Text(value='694.2 nm',disabled=False,layout=Layout(width='18%'),description='R1 λ₀:')
V1_0_box = widgets.Text(value='1332 cm⁻¹',disabled=False,layout=Layout(width='18%'),description='D ν₀:')

ruby_slider = widgets.FloatSlider(min=694.2, max=750, step=0.01, value=694.2, description='R1 λ:',layout=Layout(width='52.5%'),continuous_update=False) = 'lightblue'
raman_slider = widgets.FloatSlider(min=1332, max=1600, step=0.1, value=1332, description='001 ν:',layout=Layout(width='52.5%'),continuous_update=False)    = 'lightblue'

P_slider2 = widgets.FloatSlider(min=0, max=200, step=0.1, value=0, description='P in GPa:',layout=Layout(width='100%'),disabled=True,continuous_update=False)    = 'lightblue'


intwidget = interactive(cal_plot, i=P_slider2)
intoutput = intwidget.children[-1]

X-ray Energy to Wavelength converter

Convert energy in eV to wavelngth in Å

In [14]:
h = 4.1357e-15
c = 299792458
def energy(e):

def wavelength(w):

energy_slider = widgets.FloatSlider(min=10, max=100, step=0.01, value=1, description='E (KeV)',layout=Layout(width='100%'),continuous_update=False,readout_format='.2f') = 'lightblue'
wavelength_slider = widgets.FloatSlider(min=0.123985, max=1.23985, step=0.001, value=1.23985, description='λ (Å)',layout=Layout(width='100%'),continuous_update=False,readout_format='.4f')    = 'lightblue'



In [ ]: