""" Thierry Bertin-Mahieux (2010) Columbia University tb2332@columbia.edu

This code demo the use of the track_metadata.db It is almost the same as demo_track_metadata.py in the github repository

This is part of the Million Song Dataset project from LabROSA (Columbia University) and The Echo Nest.

Copyright 2010, Thierry Bertin-Mahieux

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. """

In [91]:
import itertools
import os
import sys
import glob
import time
import datetime
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import seaborn as sns; sns.set(color_codes=True)
from pandas import DataFrame
from sklearn import mixture
from scipy import linalg
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN

    import sqlite3
except ImportError:
    print 'you need sqlite3 installed to use this program'
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
def encode_string(s):
    Simple utility function to make sure a string is proper
    to be used in a SQLite query
    (different than posgtresql, no N to specify unicode)
      That's my boy! -> 'That''s my boy!'
    return "'"+s.replace("'","''")+"'"

In [3]:
# PATH TO track_metadat.db
# (you can use 'subset_track_metadata.db')
dbfile = '/home/michael/Barista/Music/MillionSongSubset/AdditionalFiles/subset_track_metadata.db'

In [15]:
# connect to the SQLite database
conn = sqlite3.connect(dbfile)

# from that connection, get a cursor to do queries
c = conn.cursor()

# so there is no confusion, the table name is 'songs'
TABLENAME = 'songs'

In [17]:
print '*************** GENERAL SQLITE DEMO ***************************'

# list all tables in that dataset
# note that sqlite does the actual job when we call fetchall() or fetchone()
q = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name"
res = c.execute(q)
print "* tables contained in that SQLite file/database (should be only 'songs'):"
print res.fetchall()

*************** GENERAL SQLITE DEMO ***************************
* tables contained in that SQLite file/database (should be only 'songs'):

In [18]:
# list all columns names from table 'songs'
q = "SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name = 'songs' AND type = 'table'"
res = c.execute(q)
print '* get info on columns names (original table creation command):'
print res.fetchall()[0][0]

* get info on columns names (original table creation command):
CREATE TABLE songs (track_id text PRIMARY KEY, title text, song_id text, release text, artist_id text, artist_mbid text, artist_name text, duration real, artist_familiarity real, artist_hotttnesss real, year int)

In [ ]:
# list all indices
q = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name='songs' ORDER BY name"
res = c.execute(q)
print '* one of the index we added to the table to make things faster:'
print res.fetchone()

In [ ]:
# find the PRIMARY KEY of a query
# by default it's called ROWID, it would have been redefined if our primary key
# was of type INTEGER
q = "SELECT ROWID FROM songs WHERE artist_name='Red Hot Chili Peppers'"
res = c.execute(q)
print '* get the primary key (row id) of one entry where the artist is Red Hot Chili Peppers:'
print res.fetchone()

In [ ]:
# find an entry with Red Hot Chili Peppers as artist_name
# returns all info (the full table row)
q = "SELECT * FROM songs WHERE artist_name='Red Hot Chili Peppers' LIMIT 1"
res = c.execute(q)
print '* get all we have about one track from Red Hot Chili Peppers:'
print res.fetchone()

In [ ]:
print '*************** DEMOS AROUND ARTIST_ID ************************'

# query for all the artists Echo Nest ID
# the column name is 'artist_id'
# DISTINCT makes sure you get each ID returned only once
res = c.execute(q)
artists = res.fetchall() # does the actual job of searching the db
print '* found',len(artists),'unique artist IDs, response looks like:'
print artists[:3]

In [ ]:
# more cumbersome, get unique artist ID but with one track ID for each.
# very usefull, it gives you a HDF5 file to query if you want more
# information about this artist
q = "SELECT artist_id,track_id FROM songs GROUP BY artist_id"
res = c.execute(q)
artist_track_pair = res.fetchone()
print '* one unique artist with some track (chosen at random) associated with it:'
print artist_track_pair

In [ ]:
# get artists having only one track in the database
q = "SELECT artist_id,track_id FROM songs GROUP BY artist_id HAVING ( COUNT(artist_id) = 1 )"
res = c.execute(q)
artist_track_pair = res.fetchone()
print '* one artist that has only one track in the dataset:'
print artist_track_pair

In [ ]:
# get artists with no musicbrainz ID
# of course, we want only once each artist
# for demo purpose, we ask for only two at RANDOM
q = "SELECT artist_id,artist_mbid FROM songs WHERE artist_mbid=''"
q += " GROUP BY artist_id ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 2"
res = c.execute(q)
print '* two random unique artists with no musicbrainz ID:'
print res.fetchall()

In [ ]:
print '*************** DEMOS AROUND NAMES ****************************'

# get all tracks by artist The Beatles
# artist name must be exact!
# the encode_string function simply deals with ' (by doubling them)
# and add ' after and before the string.
q = "SELECT track_id FROM songs WHERE artist_name="
q += encode_string('The Beatles')
res = c.execute(q)
print "* two track id from 'The Beatles', found by looking up the artist by name:"
print res.fetchall()[:2]

In [ ]:
# we find all release starting by letter 'T'
# T != t, we're just looking at albums starting with capital T
# here we use DISTINCT instead of GROUP BY artist_id
# since its fine that we find twice the same artist, as long as it is not
# the same (artist,release) pair
q = "SELECT DISTINCT artist_name,release FROM songs WHERE SUBSTR(release,1,1)='T'"
res = c.execute(q)
print '* one unique artist/release pair where album starts with capital T:'
print res.fetchone()

In [ ]:
# get all artists whose artist familiarity is > .8
q = "SELECT DISTINCT artist_name, artist_familiarity FROM songs WHERE artist_familiarity>.8"
res = c.execute(q)
print '* one artist having familiaryt >0.8:'
print res.fetchone()

In [ ]:
# get one artist with the highest artist_familiarity but no artist_hotttnesss
# notice the alias af and ah, makes things more readable
q = "SELECT DISTINCT artist_name, artist_familiarity as af, artist_hotttnesss as ah"
q += " FROM songs WHERE ah<0 ORDER BY af"
res = c.execute(q)
print '* get the artist with the highest familiarity that has no computed hotttnesss:'
print res.fetchone()

In [ ]:
# query for all the Track_ids
q = "SELECT track_id FROM " + TABLENAME
res = c.execute(q)
tracks = res.fetchall() # does the actual job of searching the db
print '* found',len(tracks),'Track IDs, response looks like:'
print tracks[:3]

In [7]:
# close the cursor and the connection
# (if for some reason you added stuff to the db or alter
#  a table, you need to also do a conn.commit())