

Mon Jun 01 09:20:00 2020\ Copyright 2020\ Sandro Dias Pinto Vitenti \ Mariana Penna-Lima

NC_CCL_Colossus_density_profiles\ Copyright (C) 2020 Sandro Dias Pinto Vitenti, Mariana Penna-Lima

numcosmo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

numcosmo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

In [1]:
  import gi
  gi.require_version('NumCosmo', '1.0')
  gi.require_version('NumCosmoMath', '1.0')

from gi.repository import GObject
from gi.repository import NumCosmo as Nc
from gi.repository import NumCosmoMath as Ncm

from colossus.cosmology import cosmology
from colossus.halo import profile_nfw
from colossus.halo import profile_einasto
from colossus.halo import profile_hernquist
from colossus.halo import mass_so
from colossus.utils import constants

import pyccl as ccl

import sys
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [2]:
# Colossus Cosmology
cosmo_col = cosmology.setCosmology('planck18');

Omega_c_col = cosmo_col.Om0 - cosmo_col.Ob0
Omega_b_col = cosmo_col.Ob0
h_col       = cosmo_col.H0 / 100.0
n_s_col     = cosmo_col.ns

# CCL Cosmology
cosmo_ccl = ccl.Cosmology(Omega_c=Omega_c_col, Omega_b=Omega_b_col, h=h_col, A_s=2.1e-9, n_s=n_s_col)

Ncm.cfg_init ()
Ncm.cfg_set_log_handler (lambda msg: sys.stdout.write (msg) and sys.stdout.flush ())

In [3]:
# NumCosmo Cosmology
cosmo = Nc.HICosmo.new_from_name (Nc.HICosmo, "NcHICosmoDEXcdm{'massnu-length':<0>}")
#cosmo = Nc.HICosmo.new_from_name (Nc.HICosmo, "NcHICosmoDECpl{'massnu-length':<0>}")
cosmo.omega_x2omega_k ()
cosmo.param_set_by_name ("H0",        cosmo_col.H0)
cosmo.param_set_by_name ("Omegak",    cosmo_col.Ok(0.0))
cosmo.param_set_by_name ("w",         cosmo_col.w0)
#cosmo.param_set_by_name ("w1",        cosmo_col.wa)
cosmo.param_set_by_name ("Omegab",    Omega_b_col)
cosmo.param_set_by_name ("Omegac",    Omega_c_col)
#cosmo.param_set_by_name ("massnu_0",  Planck13.m_nu.value[2])
#cosmo.param_set_by_name ("ENnu",      cosmo_col.Neff - 3.0 * cosmo.E2Press_mnu (1.0e10) / (cosmo.E2Omega_g (1.0e10) * (7 / 8 * (4 / 11)**(4 / 3))))
cosmo.param_set_by_name ("ENnu",      cosmo_col.Neff)
cosmo.param_set_by_name ("Tgamma0",   cosmo_col.Tcmb0)

In [4]:
def cmp_double (desc, m1, m2, x1, x2):
    print ("%s: %s = % 22.15g, %s = % 22.15g, CMP: %9.2e" % (desc, m1, x1, m2, x2, math.fabs (x1 / x2 - 1.0)))

In [5]:
Delta = 200.0
Delta_ccl = 'vir'
Mvir  = 1.0e15 # M_sun
cvir  = 5.0
z     = 0.2
a     = 1.0 / (1.0 + z)

MDEF               = 'matter'
mdef               = ccl.halos.MassDef (Delta_ccl, MDEF)
conc               = ccl.halos.ConcentrationConstant(cvir)
mdef.concentration = conc
ccl_nfw            = ccl.halos.HaloProfileNFW (conc,
                                               truncated = False, 
                                               projected_analytic = False, 
                                               cumul2d_analytic = False)
#ccl_nfw.update_precision_fftlog (n_per_decade = 1200)
ccl_ein            = ccl.halos.HaloProfileEinasto (conc,
                                                   truncated = False)
ccl_her            = ccl.halos.HaloProfileHernquist (conc,
                                                     truncated = False)

alpha = ccl_ein._get_alpha (cosmo_ccl, Mvir, a, mdef)

# Colossus
col_nfw = profile_nfw.NFWProfile (M = (Mvir * cosmo.h ()), c = cvir, z = z, mdef = 'vir')
col_ein = profile_einasto.EinastoProfile (M = (Mvir * cosmo.h ()), c = cvir, z = z, mdef = 'vir', alpha = alpha)
col_her = profile_hernquist.HernquistProfile (M = (Mvir * cosmo.h ()), c = cvir, z = z, mdef = 'vir')

In [6]:
# NumCosmo
reltol = 1.0e-9
lnXi   = math.log (1.0e-4)
lnXf   = math.log (1.0e+4)
improve_prec = True

nc_nfw = (Nc.HaloDensityProfileMassDef.VIRIAL, Delta) 
nc_nfw.param_set_by_name ('cDelta', cvir) 
nc_nfw.param_set_by_name ('MDelta', Mvir) 

if improve_prec:
    nc_nfw.set_reltol (reltol) 
    nc_nfw.set_lnXi (lnXi)
    nc_nfw.set_lnXf (lnXf)

nc_ein = (Nc.HaloDensityProfileMassDef.VIRIAL, Delta)
nc_ein.param_set_by_name ('cDelta', cvir) 
nc_ein.param_set_by_name ('MDelta', Mvir)
nc_ein.param_set_by_name ('alpha', alpha)

if improve_prec:
    nc_ein.set_reltol (reltol) 
    nc_ein.set_lnXi (lnXi)
    nc_ein.set_lnXf (lnXf)

nc_her = (Nc.HaloDensityProfileMassDef.VIRIAL, Delta)
nc_her.param_set_by_name ('cDelta', cvir) 
nc_her.param_set_by_name ('MDelta', Mvir)

if improve_prec:
    nc_her.set_reltol (reltol) 
    nc_her.set_lnXi (lnXi)
    nc_her.set_lnXf (lnXf)

smd = ( (5.0))
smd.prepare (cosmo)

Comparing NFW, Einasto and Hernquist the scale radius $r_s$ and $\rho_s$

In [7]:
r     = 10**np.arange (-1, +4, 0.02) * 1.0e-3 # Mpc - physical
rho_m = cosmo_col.rho_m (z) * (cosmo.h2 () * 1.0e9) # matter density units: M_sun / Mpc^3

# CCL scale radius NFW
R_M = mdef.get_radius(cosmo_ccl, Mvir, a) / a 
c = conc.get_concentration(cosmo_ccl, Mvir, a, mdef_other=mdef)
ccl_rs = R_M / c
ccl_rhos = ccl_nfw._norm (Mvir, ccl_rs, c)

# Colossus 
(col_rhos, col_rs)  = col_nfw.fundamentalParameters (Mvir * cosmo.h (), cvir, z, 'vir')

# NumCosmo
(nc_rs, nc_rhos)    = nc_nfw.r_s_rho_s (cosmo, z)

cmp_double ("NFW:rhos", "Colossus", "NumCosmo", col_rhos * (cosmo.h2 () * 1.0e9), nc_rhos)
cmp_double ("NFW:rs  ", "Colossus", "NumCosmo", col_rs / 1.0e3 / cosmo.h (), nc_rs)
cmp_double ("NFW:rhos", "CCL     ", "NumCosmo", ccl_rhos / a**3, nc_rhos)
cmp_double ("NFW:rs  ", "CCL     ", "NumCosmo", a * ccl_rs, nc_rs)

col_ein.fundamentalParameters (Mvir * cosmo.h (), cvir, z, 'vir', alpha = alpha)
(col_rhos, col_rs) = (col_ein.par['rhos'], col_ein.par['rs'])
(nc_rs, nc_rhos)   = nc_ein.r_s_rho_s (cosmo, z)

cmp_double ("EIN:rhos", "Colossus", "NumCosmo", col_rhos * (cosmo.h2 () * 1.0e9), nc_rhos)
cmp_double ("EIN:rs  ", "Colossus", "NumCosmo", col_rs / (cosmo.h () * 1.0e3), nc_rs)

(col_rhos, col_rs) = col_her.fundamentalParameters (Mvir * cosmo.h (), cvir, z, 'vir')
(nc_rs, nc_rhos)   = nc_her.r_s_rho_s (cosmo, z)

cmp_double ("HER:rhos", "Colossus", "NumCosmo", col_rhos * (cosmo.h2 () * 1.0e9), nc_rhos)
cmp_double ("HER:rs  ", "Colossus", "NumCosmo", col_rs / (cosmo.h () * 1.0e3), nc_rs)

NFW:rhos: Colossus =        808162155333910, NumCosmo =        808162156525600, CMP:  1.47e-09
NFW:rs  : Colossus =      0.468357694423802, NumCosmo =      0.468357694193593, CMP:  4.92e-10
NFW:rhos: CCL      =        808162129833748, NumCosmo =        808162156525600, CMP:  3.30e-08
NFW:rs  : CCL      =      0.468357699349875, NumCosmo =      0.468357694193593, CMP:  1.10e-08
EIN:rhos: Colossus =        208789878183079, NumCosmo =        208789878490954, CMP:  1.47e-09
EIN:rs  : Colossus =      0.468357694423802, NumCosmo =      0.468357694193593, CMP:  4.92e-10
HER:rhos: Colossus =   2.23074354733352e+15, NumCosmo =   2.23074355062291e+15, CMP:  1.47e-09
HER:rs  : Colossus =      0.468357694423802, NumCosmo =      0.468357694193593, CMP:  4.92e-10

Comparing NFW, Einasto and Hernquist profiles $\rho(r) /\rho_m$

In [8]:
# Colossus density profiles
col_rho_nfw = col_nfw.density (r * cosmo.h () * 1.0e3) * (cosmo.h2 () * 1.0e9)
col_rho_ein = col_ein.density (r * cosmo.h () * 1.0e3) * (cosmo.h2 () * 1.0e9)
col_rho_her = col_her.density (r * cosmo.h () * 1.0e3) * (cosmo.h2 () * 1.0e9)

# NumCosmo density profiles
nc_rho_nfw  = np.array (nc_nfw.eval_density_array (cosmo, r, 1.0, 1.0, z))
nc_rho_ein  = np.array (nc_ein.eval_density_array (cosmo, r, 1.0, 1.0, z))
nc_rho_her  = np.array (nc_her.eval_density_array (cosmo, r, 1.0, 1.0, z))

# CCL density profiles
# CCL input: comoving distance 
ccl_rho_nfw = ccl_nfw.real (cosmo_ccl, r / a, Mvir, a, mdef) / a**3
ccl_rho_ein = ccl_ein.real (cosmo_ccl, r / a, Mvir, a, mdef) / a**3
ccl_rho_her = ccl_her.real (cosmo_ccl, r / a, Mvir, a, mdef) / a**3

fig, axs = plt.subplots (2, sharex=True, gridspec_kw={'hspace': 0}, figsize=(14,7))

axs[0].set_xscale ('log')
axs[0].set_yscale ('log')
axs[1].set_yscale ('log')
axs[0].set_ylabel(r'$\rho (r) / \rho_m$')
axs[1].set_ylabel(r'$\rho_{\mathrm{i}} (r) / \rho_{\mathrm{nc}} - 1$')
axs[0].plot (r, col_rho_nfw, '-', label = 'NFW - Col')
axs[0].plot (r, nc_rho_nfw,  '-', label = 'NFW - Nc')
axs[0].plot (r, ccl_rho_nfw, '-', label = 'NFW - CCL')
axs[0].plot (r, col_rho_ein, '-', label = 'EIN - Col')
axs[0].plot (r, nc_rho_ein,  '-', label = 'EIN - Nc')
axs[0].plot (r, ccl_rho_ein,  '-', label = 'EIN - CCL')
axs[0].plot (r, col_rho_her, '-', label = 'HER - Col')
axs[0].plot (r, nc_rho_her,  '-', label = 'HER - Nc')
axs[0].plot (r, ccl_rho_her,  '-', label = 'HER - CCL')
axs[1].plot (r, np.abs (col_rho_nfw / nc_rho_nfw  - 1.0), '-', label = "NFW - CMP - Col")
axs[1].plot (r, np.abs (ccl_rho_nfw / nc_rho_nfw - 1.0), '-', label = "NFW - CMP - CCL")
axs[1].plot (r, np.abs (col_rho_ein / nc_rho_ein - 1.0), '-', label = "EIN - CMP - Col")
axs[1].plot (r, np.abs (ccl_rho_ein / nc_rho_ein - 1.0), '-', label = "EIN - CMP - CCL")
axs[1].plot (r, np.abs (col_rho_her / nc_rho_her - 1.0), '-', label = "HER - CMP - Col")
axs[1].plot (r, np.abs (ccl_rho_her / nc_rho_her - 1.0), '-', label = "HER - CMP - CCL")

axs[1].grid() ()

<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>

Comparing NFW, Einasto and Hernquist surface mass density $\Sigma (R)$

In [9]:
# Colossus
col_Sigma_nfw = col_nfw.surfaceDensity (r * cosmo.h () * 1.0e3) * (cosmo.h () * 1.0e6)
col_Sigma_ein = col_ein.surfaceDensity (r * cosmo.h () * 1.0e3) * (cosmo.h () * 1.0e6)
col_Sigma_her = col_her.surfaceDensity (r * cosmo.h () * 1.0e3) * (cosmo.h () * 1.0e6)

# NumCosmo
nc_Sigma_nfw  = smd.sigma_array (nc_nfw, cosmo, r, 1.0, 1.0, z)
nc_Sigma_ein  = smd.sigma_array (nc_ein, cosmo, r, 1.0, 1.0, z)
nc_Sigma_her  = smd.sigma_array (nc_her, cosmo, r, 1.0, 1.0, z)

ccl_Sigma_nfw = ccl_nfw.projected (cosmo_ccl, r / a, Mvir, a, mdef) / a**2
ccl_Sigma_ein = ccl_ein.projected (cosmo_ccl, r / a, Mvir, a, mdef) / a**2
ccl_Sigma_her = ccl_her.projected (cosmo_ccl, r / a, Mvir, a, mdef) / a**2

fig, axs = plt.subplots (2, sharex=True, gridspec_kw={'hspace': 0}, figsize=(14,7))

axs[0].set_xscale ('log')
axs[0].set_yscale ('log')
axs[1].set_yscale ('log')
axs[1].set_xlabel('R (Mpc)')
axs[0].set_ylabel(r'$\Sigma (R)$')
axs[1].set_ylabel(r'$\Sigma_{\mathrm{i}} (R) / \Sigma_{\mathrm{nc}} (R) - 1$')
axs[0].plot (r, col_Sigma_nfw, '-', label = 'NFW - Col')
axs[0].plot (r, col_Sigma_ein, '-', label = 'EIN - Col')
axs[0].plot (r, col_Sigma_her, '-', label = 'HER - Col')
axs[0].plot (r, nc_Sigma_nfw,  '-', label = 'NFW - Nc')
axs[0].plot (r, nc_Sigma_ein,  '-', label = 'EIN - Nc')
axs[0].plot (r, nc_Sigma_her,  '-', label = 'HER - Nc')
axs[0].plot (r, ccl_Sigma_nfw, '-', label = 'NFW - CCL')
axs[0].plot (r, ccl_Sigma_ein, '-', label = 'EIN - CCL')
axs[0].plot (r, ccl_Sigma_her, '-', label = 'HER - CCL')
axs[1].plot (r, np.abs (col_Sigma_nfw / nc_Sigma_nfw - 1.0), '-', label = "CMP - NFW - Col")
axs[1].plot (r, np.abs (col_Sigma_ein / nc_Sigma_ein - 1.0), '-', label = "CMP - EIN - Col")
axs[1].plot (r, np.abs (col_Sigma_her / nc_Sigma_her - 1.0), '-', label = "CMP - HER - Col")
axs[1].plot (r, np.abs (ccl_Sigma_nfw / nc_Sigma_nfw - 1.0), '-', label = "CMP - NFW - CCL")
axs[1].plot (r, np.abs (ccl_Sigma_ein / nc_Sigma_ein - 1.0), '-', label = "CMP - EIN - CCL")
axs[1].plot (r, np.abs (ccl_Sigma_her / nc_Sigma_her - 1.0), '-', label = "CMP - HER - CCL")

axs[1].grid() ()

<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>

Comparing NFW, Einasto and Hernquist excess $\Delta\Sigma (R) = \overline\Sigma (<R) - \Sigma(R)$

In [10]:
# Colossus
col_DeltaSigma_nfw  = col_nfw.deltaSigma (r * cosmo.h () * 1.0e3) * (cosmo.h () * 1.0e6)
col_DeltaSigma_ein  = col_ein.deltaSigma (r * cosmo.h () * 1.0e3) * (cosmo.h () * 1.0e6)
col_DeltaSigma_Aein = col_ein.deltaSigma (r * cosmo.h () * 1.0e3, accuracy = 1.0e-9) * (cosmo.h () * 1.0e6)
col_DeltaSigma_her  = col_her.deltaSigma (r * cosmo.h () * 1.0e3) * (cosmo.h () * 1.0e6)

# NumCosmo
nc_DeltaSigma_nfw  = np.array (smd.sigma_excess_array (nc_nfw, cosmo, r, 1.0, 1.0, z))
nc_DeltaSigma_ein  = np.array (smd.sigma_excess_array (nc_ein, cosmo, r, 1.0, 1.0, z))
nc_DeltaSigma_her  = np.array (smd.sigma_excess_array (nc_her, cosmo, r, 1.0, 1.0, z))

ccl_BarSigma_nfw = ccl_nfw.cumul2d (cosmo_ccl, r / a, Mvir, a, mdef) / a**2
ccl_DeltaSigma_nfw = ccl_BarSigma_nfw - ccl_Sigma_nfw
ccl_BarSigma_ein = ccl_ein.cumul2d (cosmo_ccl, r / a, Mvir, a, mdef) / a**2
ccl_DeltaSigma_ein = ccl_BarSigma_ein - ccl_Sigma_ein
ccl_BarSigma_her = ccl_her.cumul2d (cosmo_ccl, r / a, Mvir, a, mdef) / a**2
ccl_DeltaSigma_her = ccl_BarSigma_her - ccl_Sigma_her

fig, axs = plt.subplots (2, sharex=True, gridspec_kw={'hspace': 0}, figsize=(14,7))

axs[0].set_xscale ('log')
axs[0].set_yscale ('log')
axs[1].set_yscale ('log')
axs[1].set_xlabel('R (Mpc)')
axs[1].set_ylabel(r'$\Delta\Sigma_\mathrm{i}(R) / \Delta\Sigma_\mathrm{nc}(R) - 1$')
axs[0].plot (r, col_DeltaSigma_nfw,  '-', label = 'NFW - Col')
axs[0].plot (r, col_DeltaSigma_Aein, '-', label = 'EIN - Col - Acc')
axs[0].plot (r, col_DeltaSigma_ein,  '-', label = 'EIN - Col')
axs[0].plot (r, col_DeltaSigma_her,  '-', label = 'HER - Col')
axs[0].plot (r, nc_DeltaSigma_nfw,   '-', label = 'NFW - Nc')
axs[0].plot (r, nc_DeltaSigma_ein,   '-', label = 'EIN - Nc')
axs[0].plot (r, nc_DeltaSigma_her,   '-', label = 'HER - Nc')
axs[0].plot (r, ccl_DeltaSigma_nfw,  '-', label = 'NFW - CCL')
axs[0].plot (r, ccl_DeltaSigma_ein,  '-', label = 'EIN - CCL')
axs[0].plot (r, ccl_DeltaSigma_her,  '-', label = 'HER - CCL')
axs[1].plot (r, np.abs (col_DeltaSigma_nfw  / nc_DeltaSigma_nfw  - 1.0), '-', label = "CMP - NFW")
axs[1].plot (r, np.abs (col_DeltaSigma_ein  / nc_DeltaSigma_ein  - 1.0), '-', label = "CMP - EIN")
axs[1].plot (r, np.abs (col_DeltaSigma_Aein / nc_DeltaSigma_ein - 1.0), '-', label = "CMP - EIN - Acc")
axs[1].plot (r, np.abs (col_DeltaSigma_her  / nc_DeltaSigma_her  - 1.0), '-', label = "CMP - HER")
axs[1].plot (r, np.abs (ccl_DeltaSigma_nfw  / nc_DeltaSigma_nfw  - 1.0), '-', label = "CMP - NFW - CCL")
axs[1].plot (r, np.abs (ccl_DeltaSigma_ein  / nc_DeltaSigma_ein  - 1.0), '-', label = "CMP - EIN - CCL")
axs[1].plot (r, np.abs (ccl_DeltaSigma_her  / nc_DeltaSigma_her  - 1.0), '-', label = "CMP - HER - CCL")
axs[1].grid() ()

<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>