In [3]:
from utilities import css_styles


IOOS System Test - Theme 1 - Scenario A - Description

A common task is to search for what information is available for further research. Programmatically, this is done using a list of text fields (strings) to query common data catalogs and find out what services are available. This notebook tries to determine the most basic metrics about those services (e.g., how many services are available in each catalog).

Guiding Question

What model records and how many are available via each endpoint in our list of CSWs?

Q1 - What Model records and how many are available via each endpoint?

In [4]:
known_csw_servers = endpoints = ['',
CSW Server Broken - '' has been omitted because it is not working. See:

This notebook is primarily concerned with models, so we generate a list of terms over which to search the catalogs.

In [5]:
known_model_strings = ['roms', 'selfe', 'adcirc', 'ncom', 'hycom', 'fvcom', 'pom', 'wrams', 'wrf']

Searching for models via CSW 'keyword'

Construct CSW Filters

In [6]:
from owslib import fes

model_name_filters = []
for model in known_model_strings:
    title_filter   = fes.PropertyIsLike(propertyname='apiso:Title',   literal='*%s*' % model, wildCard='*')
    subject_filter = fes.PropertyIsLike(propertyname='apiso:Subject', literal='*%s*' % model, wildCard='*')
    model_name_filters.append(fes.Or([title_filter, subject_filter]))

Query each CSW catalog for revery model_name_filter constructed above

In [7]:
from owslib.csw import CatalogueServiceWeb

model_results = []

for x in range(len(model_name_filters)):
    model_name          = known_model_strings[x]
    single_model_filter = model_name_filters[x]
    for url in known_csw_servers:
            csw = CatalogueServiceWeb(url, timeout=20)
            csw.getrecords2(constraints=[single_model_filter], maxrecords=1000, esn='full')
            for record, item in csw.records.items():
                for d in item.references:
                    result = dict(model=model_name,
        except BaseException as e:
            print "- FAILED: %s - %s" % (url, e.msg)

- FAILED: - REQUEST_LIMITATION: TOO_MANY_RECORDS - The request asked for more records than can be handled. The maximum number designated in GetRecords request should be less than 200, please decrease the returned recorder number in request.
- FAILED: - ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-e058917df8c1> in <module>()
     18                     model_results.append(result)
     19         except BaseException as e:
---> 20             print "- FAILED: %s - %s" % (url, e.msg)

AttributeError: 'timeout' object has no attribute 'msg'

Paginating CSW Records - Some servers have a maximum amount of records you can retrieve at once. See:

Load results into a Pandas DataFrame

In [8]:
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 20)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 50)

from IPython.display import HTML

df = pd.DataFrame(model_results)
df = df.drop_duplicates()


Now that we have the number of results, what do they mean?

Total number of services

In [9]:
total_services = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby("scheme").size(), columns=("Number of services",))
total_services.sort('Number of services', ascending=False).plot(kind="barh", figsize=(10,8,))

<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0x7f566ea85610>
Service Types - URNs for the same service type are being identified differently. There should be a consistent way of representing each service, or a complete mapping needs to be made available. See:

Attempt to normalize the services manually

These lines attempt to get around the issue of the same services being identified differently by relying on the "Scheme" metadata field.

In [10]:
from utilities import normalize_service_urn
normalized_urns = df.copy(deep=True)
normalized_urns["scheme"] = normalized_urns["scheme"].map(lambda x: normalize_service_urn(x))

In [11]:
normalized_urns_summary = pd.DataFrame(normalized_urns.groupby("scheme").size(), columns=("Number of services",))
normalized_urns_summary.sort('Number of services', ascending=False).plot(kind="barh", figsize=(10,6,))

<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0x7f567ceee090>


This section plots the number of services available for the list of model strings we asked for. These are plotted altogether, and then split in various ways.

The number of service types for each model type

In [22]:
import math

model_service_summary = pd.DataFrame(normalized_urns.groupby(["model", "scheme"], sort=True).size(), columns=("Number of services",))
model_service_plotter = model_service_summary.unstack("model")
model_service_plot = model_service_plotter.plot(kind='barh', figsize=(10,8,), sharey=True)

Models per CSW server

In [23]:
records_per_csw = pd.DataFrame(normalized_urns.groupby(["model", "server"]).size(), columns=("Number of services",))
model_csw_plotter = records_per_csw.unstack("model")
model_csw_plot = model_csw_plotter.plot(kind='barh', figsize=(10,8,), sharey=True)

Services per CSW server

In [24]:
records_per_csw = pd.DataFrame(normalized_urns.groupby(["scheme", "server"]).size(), columns=("Number of services",))
model_csw_plotter = records_per_csw.unstack("server")
model_csw_plot = model_csw_plotter.plot(kind='barh', subplots=True, figsize=(12,30,), sharey=True)