Remote Service creation


id WIN-190815181010
author Roberto Rodriguez @Cyb3rWard0g
creation date 2019/08/15
platform Windows
playbook link WIN-190813181020

Technical Description

Adversaries may execute a binary, command, or script via a method that interacts with Windows services, such as the Service Control Manager. This can be done by by adversaries creating a new service. Adversaries can create services remotely to execute code and move lateraly across the environment.


Adversaries might be creating new services remotely to execute code and move laterally in my environment


Initialize Analytics Engine

In [ ]:
from openhunt.mordorutils import *
spark = get_spark()

Download & Process Mordor File

In [ ]:
mordor_file = ""
registerMordorSQLTable(spark, mordor_file, "mordorTable")

Analytic I

FP Rate Log Channel Description
Low ['Security'] Look for new services being created in your environment under a network logon session (3). That is a sign that the service creation was performed from another endpoint in the environment

In [ ]:
df = spark.sql(
SELECT o.`@timestamp`, o.computer_name, o.SubjectUserName, o.SubjectUserName, o.ServiceName, a.IpAddress
FROM mordorTable o
    SELECT computer_name,TargetUserName,TargetLogonId,IpAddress
    FROM mordorTable
    WHERE channel = "Security"
        AND LogonType = 3
        AND IpAddress is not null
        AND NOT TargetUserName LIKE "%$"
    ) a
ON o.SubjectLogonId = a.TargetLogonId
WHERE = "Security"
    AND o.event_id = 4697

Detection Blindspots

Hunter Notes

  • If there are a lot of unique services being created in your environment, try to categorize the data based on the bussiness unit.
  • Identify the source of unique services being created everyday. I have seen Microsoft applications doing this.
  • Stack the values of the service file name associated with the new service.
  • Document what users create new services across your environment on a daily basis

Hunt Output