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%pylab inline
from pandas import DataFrame

Adama example for DesignSafe-CI

This is an example of building an Adama service.

We use the Haiti Earthquake Database and we construct a couple of web services from the data hosted at

Setting up

The code for these services is in the directory demo:

In [ ]:
cd demo

We will construct two web services that will return the data in JSON format:

  • haiti: will allow to query the database by building,
  • haiti_images: will allow to retrieve the set of images for each building.

Each Adama service consists in two pieces of information:

  • the metadata that describes the service,
  • and the actual code.

This is an example of the metadata for the haiti service:

In [ ]:
%load services/haiti/metadata.yml

The code for the service looks very simple:

In [ ]:
%load services/haiti/

Interacting with Adama

To interact with Adama, we create an object with our credentials:

In [ ]:
import adamalib

# your credentials here:
TOKEN = '474af9d41c8ecc873191ea97153857'
adama = adamalib.Adama('',

Now the adama object is connected to the server. We can check that the server is up:

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Testing the new services locally

The services we are going to register in Adama can be tested first locally:

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import services.haiti.main{'building': 'A001'}, adama)

Registering the services in Adama

Now we are ready to register the services in Adama.

We'll use the namespace designsafe-dev for testing purposes:

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To register a service, we just import its code and add it to the previous list

It may take a minute or two... ☕️

In [ ]:
import services.haiti.main            # the haiti service
import services.haiti_images.main     # the haiti_images service

haiti = adama['designsafe-dev'].services.add(services.haiti.main)
haiti_images = adama['designsafe-dev'].services.add(services.haiti_images.main)

haiti, haiti_images

The services are registered and can be accessed in

Using the services

Now that the services are registered in Adama, and the Python objects haiti and haiti_images are connected to the remote services, we can use them as regular objects.

Let's recall. The web services are:

In [ ]:
haiti = adama['designsafe-dev'].haiti
haiti_images = adama['designsafe-dev'].haiti_images

Let's test the services. Note that now the code will be executed remotely in the Adama server:

In [ ]:
x ='A001')

# pretty print it

We can display an image using the haiti_images service:

In [ ]:
from IPython.display import Image

Image('A001', image=1).content)

Let's display the table of buildings together with their geographical coordinates and the priority index:

In [ ]:
full = haiti.list()
columns = ['Building', 'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Priority Index  [%]']
buildings = DataFrame([[row[col] for col in columns] for row in full if row['Latitude']],

We can operate on the data, for example doing a histogram of the priority index:

In [ ]:
plt.hist(buildings['Priority Index  [%]'], bins=50);

Let's display the buildings in a map, and let's load the images on demand:

In [ ]:
import services.map_tools

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