Chapter 3: Faults

Here we will see how we can interpolate faults networks and how we can use them to offset the lithological model. For this example we will use the example of the first chapter adding a fault in the middle;

In [1]:
# These two lines are necessary only if gempy is not installed
import sys, os

# Importing gempy
import gempy as gp

# Embedding matplotlib figures into the notebooks
%matplotlib inline

# Aux imports
import numpy as np

In [2]:
geo_data = gp.read_pickle('BasicFault.pickle')

In [3]:

<gempy.Visualization.PlotData at 0x7f6d340feeb8>

In [6]:
gp.set_data_series(geo_data, {"fault":geo_data.formations[4], 
                      "Rest":np.delete(geo_data.formations, 4)},
                       order_series = ["fault",
                                       ], verbose=0)

In [7]:

G_x G_y G_z X Y Z azimuth dip formation isFault order_series polarity series
interfaces 0 NaN NaN NaN 800.0 1000.0 -1600.0 NaN NaN MainFault True 1 NaN fault
1 NaN NaN NaN 1200.0 1000.0 -400.0 NaN NaN MainFault True 1 NaN fault
2 NaN NaN NaN 1100.0 1000.0 -700.0 NaN NaN MainFault True 1 NaN fault
3 NaN NaN NaN 900.0 1000.0 -1300.0 NaN NaN MainFault True 1 NaN fault
4 NaN NaN NaN 1000.0 1000.0 -1000.0 NaN NaN MainFault True 1 NaN fault

In [8]:
interp_data = gp.InterpolatorInput(geo_data, u_grade=[3,3])

I am in the setting
I am here
[2, 2]

In [9]:
sol = gp.compute_model(interp_data)

[3, 3]

In [12]:
gp.plot_section(geo_data, sol[0,:], 25, plot_data = True)

<gempy.Visualization.PlotData at 0x7f6d213210f0>

In [11]:
gp.plot_section(geo_data, sol[2,:], 25)

<gempy.Visualization.PlotData at 0x7f6d2164ab00>