In [1]:
import networkx as nx
import d3shims # pip install d3shims


Provided a NetworkX graph, render it in JS using D3js.

Required Arguments

  • G: a NetworkX graph. 'weight' attributes on the edges causes D3 to draw a heavier line, and adding a 'group' attribute to the nodes will have them appear a different color. Provided a NetworkX graph (G), render it in JS using D3js.

Keyword Arguments

  • size, a 2-ple with the width and height in pixels. Default: (600, 400)
  • labels can be None or 'always'
  • linkdistance is the relaxed link distance. Default: 30

In [2]:
G = nx.Graph()
G.add_cycle(range(4, 10))

d3shims.nx_force(G, size=(200, 200))


In [3]:
G = nx.read_dot('')
d3shims.nx_force(G, size=(600, 600), labels='always', linkdistance=100)


Les Misérables character co-appearence data compiled by Donald Knuth.