Making modeling scheme validation figures using 3 taxa

  • Taxa differing in G+C content
    • low GC =
    • mid GC = E. coli
    • high GC =

Genomic fragment simulation

  • Sup Figure:
    • 3 taxa of differing GC
    • Fragment length distributions
      • 'realistic' = skewed normal
      • 'large' = ~50 kb
      • 'small' = ~1-2 kb
    • faceted heatmap:
      • taxa ~ (fragment length distribution)

Diffusion calculations

  • Sup Figure:
    • 3 taxa of differing GC (same as last)
    • histograms:
      • BD distribution for pre & post diffusion
    • Shows effect of diffusion & how it relates to fragment length

Setting variables

In [1]:
workDir = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/dev/bac_genome3/validation/'
genomeDir = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/dev/bac_genome3/genomes/'
R_dir = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/lib/R/'
figDir = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/figures/'

nprocs = 3


In [2]:
import os
import glob
import nestly
from IPython.display import Image
import dill
import numpy as np                                                              
import pandas as pd                                                             
import scipy.stats as stats

In [3]:
%load_ext rpy2.ipython

In [4]:

/opt/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rpy2/robjects/ UserWarning: 
Attaching package: ‘dplyr’

  res = super(Function, self).__call__(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
/opt/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rpy2/robjects/ UserWarning: The following objects are masked from ‘package:plyr’:

    arrange, count, desc, failwith, id, mutate, rename, summarise,

  res = super(Function, self).__call__(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
/opt/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rpy2/robjects/ UserWarning: The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:

    filter, lag

  res = super(Function, self).__call__(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
/opt/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rpy2/robjects/ UserWarning: The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

  res = super(Function, self).__call__(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
/opt/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rpy2/robjects/ UserWarning: 
Attaching package: ‘gridExtra’

  res = super(Function, self).__call__(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
/opt/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rpy2/robjects/ UserWarning: The following object is masked from ‘package:dplyr’:


  res = super(Function, self).__call__(*new_args, **new_kwargs)

In [5]:
if not os.path.isdir(workDir):
%cd $workDir


Simulating fragments

  • Fragment length distributions
    • 'realistic' = skewed normal
    • 'large' = ~50 kb
    • 'small' = ~1-2 kb

In [33]:
# skewed-normal
!SIPSim fragments \
    $genomeDir/genome_index.txt \
    --fp $genomeDir \
    --fr ../../515F-806R.fna \
    --fld skewed-normal,9000,2500,-5 \
    --flr None,None \
    --nf 10000 \
    --np $nprocs \
    --tbl \
    2> ampFrags_real.log \
    > ampFrags_real.txt

In [34]:
# uniform (small)
!SIPSim fragments \
    $genomeDir/genome_index.txt \
    --fp $genomeDir \
    --fr ../../515F-806R.fna \
    --fld uniform,1000,2000 \
    --flr None,None \
    --nf 10000 \
    --np $nprocs \
    --tbl \
    2> ampFrags_sm.log \
    > ampFrags_sm.txt

In [35]:
# uniform (largs)
!SIPSim fragments \
    $genomeDir/genome_index.txt \
    --fp $genomeDir \
    --fr ../../515F-806R.fna \
    --fld uniform,50000,51000 \
    --flr None,None \
    --nf 10000 \
    --np $nprocs \
    --tbl \
    2> ampFrags_lg.log \
    > ampFrags_lg.txt

Plotting fragments

In [6]:
%%R -i workDir

files = c('ampFrags_real.txt',

tbl.l = list()
for(f in files){
    tbl.l[[f]] = read.delim(f, sep='\t')
tbl =, tbl.l)
tbl %>% head(n=3)

ampFrags_real.txt.1 Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
ampFrags_real.txt.2 Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
ampFrags_real.txt.3 Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
                                                    scaffoldID fragStart
ampFrags_real.txt.1 CP001666_Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528   4480839
ampFrags_real.txt.2 CP001666_Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528     86453
ampFrags_real.txt.3 CP001666_Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528    110150
                    fragLength   fragGC
ampFrags_real.txt.1       7913 42.33540
ampFrags_real.txt.2       8254 33.72910
ampFrags_real.txt.3       9318 40.66323

In [7]:
tbl$fld = gsub('\\.txt.+', '', rownames(tbl))
tbl %>% head(n=3)

ampFrags_real.txt.1 Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
ampFrags_real.txt.2 Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
ampFrags_real.txt.3 Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
                                                    scaffoldID fragStart
ampFrags_real.txt.1 CP001666_Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528   4480839
ampFrags_real.txt.2 CP001666_Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528     86453
ampFrags_real.txt.3 CP001666_Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528    110150
                    fragLength   fragGC           fld
ampFrags_real.txt.1       7913 42.33540 ampFrags_real
ampFrags_real.txt.2       8254 33.72910 ampFrags_real
ampFrags_real.txt.3       9318 40.66323 ampFrags_real

In [8]:

fld.revalue = c('ampFrags_real' = 'skewed normal (mean=9 kb)',
                  'ampFrags_sm' = 'uniform (1-2 kb)',
                  'ampFrags_lg' = 'uniform (50-51 kb)')

taxon.revalue = c('Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528' = 'Clostridium_ljungdahlii\nDSM_13528',
                  'Streptomyces_pratensis_ATCC_33331' = 'Streptomyces_pratensis\nATCC_33331')

tbl.f = tbl %>%
    mutate(taxon_name = revalue(taxon_name, taxon.revalue),
           fld = revalue(fld, fld.revalue)) %>%
    mutate(taxon_name = gsub('_', ' ', taxon_name))

tbl.f %>% head(n=3)

                          taxon_name                                 scaffoldID
1 Clostridium ljungdahlii\nDSM 13528 CP001666_Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
2 Clostridium ljungdahlii\nDSM 13528 CP001666_Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
3 Clostridium ljungdahlii\nDSM 13528 CP001666_Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
  fragStart fragLength   fragGC                       fld
1   4480839       7913 42.33540 skewed normal (mean=9 kb)
2     86453       8254 33.72910 skewed normal (mean=9 kb)
3    110150       9318 40.66323 skewed normal (mean=9 kb)

In [22]:
%%R -w 800 -h 350

ggplot(tbl.f %>% mutate(fragLength = fragLength / 1000), 
       aes(fragGC, fragLength, color=fld)) +
    stat_density2d() +
    scale_color_discrete(name='') +
    labs(x='Fragment G+C', y='Fragment length (kb)',
         title='An example of fragment simulation from reference genomes') +
    facet_grid(. ~ taxon_name) +
    theme_bw() +
#        legend.position = 'bottom'

In [23]:
%%R -i figDir

outFile = paste(c(figDir, 'genome3_fragKDE.pdf'), collapse='/')
ggsave(outFile, width=10, height=4)
cat('File written', outFile, '\n')

File written /home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/figures//genome3_fragKDE.pdf 

Converting to KDE

In [43]:
!SIPSim fragment_KDE \
    ampFrags_real.txt \
    > ampFrags_real_kde.pkl
!SIPSim fragment_KDE \
    ampFrags_sm.txt \
    > ampFrags_sm_kde.pkl
!SIPSim fragment_KDE \
    ampFrags_lg.txt \
    > ampFrags_lg_kde.pkl

Adding diffusion

In [51]:
!SIPSim diffusion \
    ampFrags_real_kde.pkl \
    --bw $bandwidth \
    --np $nprocs \
    > ampFrags_real_kde_dif.pkl    
!SIPSim diffusion \
    ampFrags_sm_kde.pkl \
    --bw $bandwidth \
    --np $nprocs \
    > ampFrags_sm_kde_dif.pkl    
!SIPSim diffusion \
    ampFrags_lg_kde.pkl \
    --bw $bandwidth \
    --np $nprocs \
    > ampFrags_lg_kde_dif.pkl

Index size: 90508
Processing: Streptomyces_pratensis_ATCC_33331
Processing: Escherichia_coli_1303
Processing: Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
Index size: 90508
Processing: Streptomyces_pratensis_ATCC_33331
Processing: Escherichia_coli_1303
Processing: Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
Index size: 90508
Processing: Streptomyces_pratensis_ATCC_33331
Processing: Escherichia_coli_1303
Processing: Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528

Plotting fragment distribution w/ and w/out diffusion

Making a table of fragment values from KDEs

In [52]:


SIPSim KDE_sample -n $n ampFrags_real_kde.pkl > ampFrags_real_kde.txt
SIPSim KDE_sample -n $n ampFrags_real_kde_dif.pkl > ampFrags_real_kde_dif.txt

SIPSim KDE_sample -n $n ampFrags_sm_kde.pkl > ampFrags_sm_kde.txt
SIPSim KDE_sample -n $n ampFrags_sm_kde_dif.pkl > ampFrags_sm_kde_dif.txt

SIPSim KDE_sample -n $n ampFrags_lg_kde.pkl > ampFrags_lg_kde.txt
SIPSim KDE_sample -n $n ampFrags_lg_kde_dif.pkl > ampFrags_lg_kde_dif.txt


In [24]:
%%R -i workDir

kde.files = c('ampFrags_real_kde.txt',
kde.dif.files = c('ampFrags_real_kde_dif.txt',

load.tables = function(files,{
    tbl.l = list()
    for(f in files){
        F = file.path(workDir, f)
        x = read.delim(F, sep='\t')
        x = mutate(x, 
                   data =,
                   fld = gsub('_kde(_dif)*.txt', '', f))
        tbl.l[[f]] = x
    tbl =, tbl.l) %>%
        gather('taxon_name','BD', 2:4)

tbl1 = load.tables(kde.files, 'no diffusion')
tbl2 = load.tables(kde.dif.files, 'diffusion')
tbl = rbind(tbl1, tbl2)
tbl %>% head(n=3)

  X libID         data           fld                        taxon_name       BD
1 0     1 no diffusion ampFrags_real Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528 1.694562
2 1     1 no diffusion ampFrags_real Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528 1.700353
3 2     1 no diffusion ampFrags_real Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528 1.702735

In [33]:

fld.revalue = c('ampFrags_real' = 'skewed normal\n(mean = 9 kb)',
                'ampFrags_sm' = 'uniform\n(1-2 kb)',
                'ampFrags_lg' = 'uniform\n(50-51 kb)')

taxon.revalue = c('Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528' = 'Clostridium_ljungdahlii\nDSM_13528',
                  'Streptomyces_pratensis_ATCC_33331' = 'Streptomyces_pratensis\nATCC_33331')

tbl.f = tbl %>%
    mutate(taxon_name = revalue(taxon_name, taxon.revalue),
           fld = revalue(fld, fld.revalue)) %>%
    mutate(taxon_name = gsub('_', ' ', taxon_name)) %>%
    mutate(data = ifelse(data=='diffusion', 'Gaussian BD', 'Discrete BD'))

In [34]:
%%R -w 700 -h 400

tbl.f$fld = factor(tbl.f$fld, 
                   levels=c('uniform\n(1-2 kb)','skewed normal\n(mean = 9 kb)','uniform\n(50-51 kb)'))

x.lab = expression(paste('Buoyant density (g ml' ^ '-1', ')'))

ggplot(tbl.f, aes(BD, fill=data)) +
    geom_density(alpha=0.25) +
    scale_x_continuous(limits=c(1.68, 1.74)) +
    facet_grid(fld ~ taxon_name, scales='free_y') +    
    scale_fill_discrete('') +
    labs(x = x.lab, y='Probability density') +
    theme_bw() +
        axis.title.y = element_text(vjust=1),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle=50, hjust=1)

In [36]:
%%R -i figDir 

outFile = paste(c(figDir, 'genome3_fragKDE_dif.pdf'), collapse='/')
ggsave(outFile, width=10, height=5.71) 
cat('File written:', outFile, '\n')

File written: /home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/figures//genome3_fragKDE_dif.pdf 

Adding DBL 'smearing' to diffusion KDEs

In [57]:
# fraction of fragments in DBL
frac_abs = 0.001

    ampFrags_real_kde_dif.pkl \
    --frac_abs $frac_abs \
    --bw $bandwidth \
    --np $nprocs \
    > ampFrags_real_kde_dif_DBL.pkl    
    ampFrags_sm_kde_dif.pkl \
    --frac_abs $frac_abs \
    --bw $bandwidth \
    --np $nprocs \
    > ampFrags_sm_kde_dif_DBL.pkl    
    ampFrags_lg_kde_dif.pkl \
    --frac_abs $frac_abs \
    --bw $bandwidth \
    --np $nprocs \
    > ampFrags_lg_kde_dif_DBL.pkl

DBL_index file written: "DBL_index.txt"
Processing: Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
Processing: Streptomyces_pratensis_ATCC_33331
Processing: Escherichia_coli_1303
DBL_index file written: "DBL_index.txt"
Processing: Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
Processing: Streptomyces_pratensis_ATCC_33331
Processing: Escherichia_coli_1303
DBL_index file written: "DBL_index.txt"
Processing: Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
Processing: Streptomyces_pratensis_ATCC_33331
Processing: Escherichia_coli_1303

In [58]:
# viewing DBL logs
g_path = os.path.join(workDir, '*_DBL.log')
files = glob.glob(g_path)
for f in files:
    !tail $f

Processing: Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
Processing: Streptomyces_pratensis_ATCC_33331
Processing: Escherichia_coli_1303
Processing: Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
Processing: Streptomyces_pratensis_ATCC_33331
Processing: Escherichia_coli_1303
Processing: Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
Processing: Streptomyces_pratensis_ATCC_33331
Processing: Escherichia_coli_1303

Making a table of fragment values from KDEs

In [59]:
%%bash -s "$workDir"


SIPSim KDE_sample -n $n ampFrags_real_kde_dif_DBL.pkl > ampFrags_real_kde_dif_DBL.txt
SIPSim KDE_sample -n $n ampFrags_sm_kde_dif_DBL.pkl > ampFrags_sm_kde_dif_DBL.txt
SIPSim KDE_sample -n $n ampFrags_lg_kde_dif_DBL.pkl > ampFrags_lg_kde_dif_DBL.txt

Plotting fragment BD distributions (no DBL vs DBL)

In [37]:
%%R -i workDir

kde.dif.files = c('ampFrags_real_kde_dif.txt',
kde.DBL.files = c('ampFrags_real_kde_dif_DBL.txt',

load.tables = function(files,{
    tbl.l = list()
    for(f in files){
        F = file.path(workDir, f)
        x = read.delim(F, sep='\t') %>%
                mutate(data =,
                       fld = gsub('_kde_dif(_DBL)*.txt', '', f))
        if (!any('libID' %in% colnames(x))){
            x$libID = '1'
        tbl.l[[f]] = x
    tbl =, tbl.l) %>%
        gather('taxon_name','BD', 2:4)

tbl1 = load.tables(kde.dif.files, 'diffusion')
tbl2 = load.tables(kde.DBL.files, 'diffusion_wDBL')
tbl = rbind(tbl1, tbl2)
tbl %>% head(n=3)

  X libID      data           fld                        taxon_name       BD
1 0     1 diffusion ampFrags_real Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528 1.695162
2 1     1 diffusion ampFrags_real Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528 1.707110
3 2     1 diffusion ampFrags_real Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528 1.701430

In [38]:

fld.revalue = c('ampFrags_real' = 'skewed normal\n(mean = 9 kb)',
                'ampFrags_sm' = 'uniform\n(1-2 kb)',
                'ampFrags_lg' = 'uniform\n(50-51 kb)')

taxon.revalue = c('Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528' = 'Clostridium_ljungdahlii\nDSM_13528',
                  'Streptomyces_pratensis_ATCC_33331' = 'Streptomyces_pratensis\nATCC_33331')

tbl.f = tbl %>%
    mutate(taxon_name = revalue(taxon_name, taxon.revalue),
           fld = revalue(fld, fld.revalue)) %>%
    mutate(taxon_name = gsub('_', ' ', taxon_name))

In [39]:
%%R -w 700 -h 400

tbl.f$fld = factor(tbl.f$fld, 
                   levels=c('uniform\n(1-2 kb)','skewed normal\n(mean = 9 kb)','uniform\n(50-51 kb)'))

p1 = ggplot(tbl.f, aes(BD, fill=data)) +
    geom_density(alpha=0.25) +
    scale_x_continuous(limits=c(1.68, 1.74)) +
    facet_grid(fld ~ taxon_name, scales='free_y') +    
    labs(x = 'Buoyant density') +
    theme_bw() +
        axis.title.y = element_text(vjust=1),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle=50, hjust=1)

In [40]:
%%R -w 700 -h 400
p2 = p1 + scale_y_log10()

Adding abundance-weighted DBL smearing

In [64]:
# getting file listing taxon names
!SIPSim KDE_info \
    -t ampFrags.pkl \
    > taxon_names.txt
!head taxon_names.txt

Loading KDEs...

In [65]:
# making a community file
comm_params = 'mean:-9.5,sigma:0.9'

!SIPSim communities \
    --abund_dist_p $comm_params \
    taxon_names.txt \
    > comm.txt
!head comm.txt

library	taxon_name	rel_abund_perc	rank
1	Streptomyces_pratensis_ATCC_33331	48.614330446	1
1	Escherichia_coli_1303	29.238216324	2
1	Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528	22.147453230	3

In [66]:
# fraction of fragments in DBL

    ampFrags_real_kde_dif.pkl \
    --frac_abs $frac_abs \
    --comm comm.txt \
    --bw $bandwidth \
    --np $nprocs \
    > ampFrags_real_kde_dif_DBL-comm.pkl    
    ampFrags_sm_kde_dif.pkl \
    --frac_abs $frac_abs \
    --comm comm.txt \
    --bw $bandwidth \
    --np $nprocs \
    > ampFrags_sm_kde_dif_DBL-comm.pkl    
    ampFrags_lg_kde_dif.pkl \
    --frac_abs $frac_abs \
    --comm comm.txt \
    --bw $bandwidth \
    --np $nprocs \
    > ampFrags_lg_kde_dif_DBL-comm.pkl

DBL_index file written: "DBL_index.txt"
Processing: Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
Processing: Streptomyces_pratensis_ATCC_33331
Processing: Escherichia_coli_1303
DBL_index file written: "DBL_index.txt"
Processing: Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
Processing: Streptomyces_pratensis_ATCC_33331
Processing: Escherichia_coli_1303
DBL_index file written: "DBL_index.txt"
Processing: Clostridium_ljungdahlii_DSM_13528
Processing: Streptomyces_pratensis_ATCC_33331
Processing: Escherichia_coli_1303

In [ ]: