
  • calculations for modeling fragments in a CsCl gradient under non-equilibrium conditions


Meselson et al. - 1957 - Equilibrium Sedimentation of Macromolecules in Den Vinograd et al. - 1963 - Band-Centrifugation of Macromolecules and Viruses

Ultracentrigation book

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Possible workflows:

KDE convolution

variable KDE

  • variable KDE of fragment GC values where kernel sigma is determined by mean fragment length
    • gaussian w/ scale param = 44.5 (kb) / fragment length

Standard deviation of homogeneous DNA fragments

Vinograd et al., 1963; (band-centrifugation):

\begin{align} \sigma^2 = \frac{r_0}{r_0^0} \left\{ \frac{r_0}{r_0^0} + 2D \left( t - t^0 \right) \right\} \end{align}

Standard deviation of Gaussian band (assuming equilibrium), Meselson et al., 1957:

\begin{align} \sigma^2 = -\sqrt{w} \\ w = \textrm{molecular weight} \end{align}

Standard deviation of Gaussian band at a given time, Meselson et al., 1957:

\begin{equation} t^* = \frac{\sigma^2}{D} \left(ln \frac{L}{\sigma} + 1.26 \right), \quad L\gg\sigma \\ \sigma^2 = \textrm{stdev at equilibrium} \\ L = \textrm{length of column} \end{equation}
  • Gaussian within 1% of equillibrium value from center.
  • ! assumes density gradient established at t = 0

Alternative form:

\begin{align} t = \frac{\beta^{\circ}(p_p - p_m)}{w^4 r_p^2 s} * \left(1.26 + ln \frac{r_b - r_t}{\sigma}\right) \end{align}\begin{equation} t = \textrm{time in seconds} \\ \beta^{\circ} = \beta^{\circ} \textrm{ of salt forming the density gradient (CsCl = ?)} \\ p_p = \textrm{buoyant density of the the particle in the salt} \\ p_m = \textrm{density of the medium (at the given radius?)} \\ w = \textrm{angular velocity} \\ r_p = \textrm{distance (cm) of particle from from the axis of rotation} \\ s = \textrm{sedimentation rate } (S_{20,w} * 10^{-13}) \\ r_b = \textrm{distance to top of gradient} \\ r_t = \textrm{distance to bottom of gradient} \\ r_b - r_t = \textrm{length of gradient (L)} \end{equation}

Solving for sigma:

\begin{align} \sigma = \frac{L}{e^{\left(\frac{w^4 r_p^2 s t}{\beta^{\circ}(p_p - p_m)} - 1.26\right)}} \end{align}

Variables specific to the Buckley lab setup

\begin{equation} \omega = (2\pi \times \textrm{RPM}) /60, \quad \textrm{RPM} = 55000 \\ \beta^{\circ} = 1.14 \times 10^9 \\ r_b = 4.85 \\ r_t = 2.6 \\ L = r_b - r_t \\ s = S_{20,w} * 10^{-13} = 2.8 + 0.00834 * (l*666)^{0.479}, \quad \textrm{where l = length of fragment} \\ p_m = 1.7 \\ p_p = \textrm{buoyant density of the particle in CsCl} \\ r_p = ? \\ t = \textrm{independent variable} \end{equation}

isoconcentration point

\begin{equation} r_c = \sqrt{(r_t^2 + r_t * r_b + r_b^2)/3} \end{equation}

rp in relation to the particle's buoyant density (assuming equilibrium?)

\begin{equation} r_p = \sqrt{ ((p_p-p_m)*2*\frac{\beta^{\circ}}{w}) + r_c^2 } \\ p_p = \textrm{buoyant density} \end{equation}

Maybe this should be drawn from a uniform distribution (particules distributed evenly across the gradient)???

buoyant density of a DNA fragment in CsCl

\begin{equation} p_p = 0.098F + 1.66, \quad \textrm{where F = G+C molar fraction} \end{equation}

calculating gradient density at specific radius (to calculate p_m)


info needed on a DNA fragment to determine it's sigma of the Guassian distribution

  • fragment length
  • fragment G+C

Graphing the equations above

In [1]:
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [2]:
import scipy as sp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mixture
#import sklearn.mixture as mixture

Generating fragments

In [72]:
n_frags = 10000
frag_GC = np.random.normal(0.5,0.1,n_frags)
frag_GC[frag_GC < 0] = 0
frag_GC[frag_GC > 1] = 1
frag_len = np.random.normal(10000,1000,n_frags)

In [73]:
ret = plt.hist2d(frag_GC, frag_len, bins=100)

Setting variables

In [89]:
RPM = 55000
omega = (2 * np.pi * RPM) / 60

beta_o = 1.14 * 10**9

radius_bottom = 4.85 
radius_top = 2.6 
col_len = radius_bottom - radius_top

density_medium = 1.7

Calculation functions

In [75]:
# BD from GC
frag_BD = 0.098 * frag_GC + 1.66

ret = plt.hist(frag_BD, bins=100)

In [84]:
sedimentation = (frag_len*666)**0.479 * 0.00834 + 2.8   # l = length of fragment

ret = plt.hist(sedimentation, bins=100)

In [86]:
# sedimentation as a function of fragment length 
len_range = np.arange(1,10000, 100)

ret = plt.scatter(len_range, 2.8 + 0.00834 * (len_range*666)**0.479 )

In [113]:
# isoconcentration point
iso_point = sqrt((radius_top**2 + radius_top * radius_bottom + radius_bottom**2)/3)


In [101]:
# radius of particle

#radius_particle = np.sqrt( (frag_BD - density_medium)*2*(beta_o/omega) + iso_point**2 )

#ret = plt.hist(radius_particle)

array([ 62.83472857,  65.24947889,  71.07927139,  39.2627203 ,
        83.56106181,  60.12239077,  73.64807884,          nan,  91.27392451])

In [ ]:

Testing out speed of mixture models

In [95]:
n_dists = 10
n_samp = 10000

In [96]:
def make_mm(n_dists):
    dist_loc = np.random.uniform(0,1,n_dists)
    dist_scale = np.random.uniform(0,0.1, n_dists)
    dists = [mixture.NormalDistribution(x,y) for x,y in zip(dist_loc, dist_scale)]
    eq_weights = np.array([1.0 / n_dists] * n_dists)
    eq_weights[0] += 1.0 - np.sum(eq_weights)
    return mixture.MixtureModel(n_dists, eq_weights, dists)

In [97]:
mm = make_mm(n_dists)

In [98]:
smp = mm.sampleDataSet(n_samp).getInternalFeature(0).flatten()

10 loops, best of 3: 98.4 ms per loop

In [99]:
smp = np.array([mm.sample() for i in arange(n_samp)])

10 loops, best of 3: 65.4 ms per loop

In [100]:
n_dists = 1000
mm = make_mm(n_dists)

In [101]:
smp = mm.sampleDataSet(n_samp).getInternalFeature(0).flatten()

1 loops, best of 3: 1.7 s per loop

In [102]:
smp = np.array([mm.sample() for i in arange(n_samp)])

1 loops, best of 3: 1.64 s per loop

In [103]:
n_dists = 10000
mm = make_mm(n_dists)

In [104]:
smp = mm.sampleDataSet(n_samp).getInternalFeature(0).flatten()

1 loops, best of 3: 17 s per loop

In [105]:
smp = np.array([mm.sample() for i in arange(n_samp)])

1 loops, best of 3: 16.7 s per loop

In [106]:
n_samp = 100000

In [ ]:
smp = mm.sampleDataSet(n_samp).getInternalFeature(0).flatten()

1 loops, best of 3: 2min 51s per loop

In [ ]:
smp = np.array([mm.sample() for i in arange(n_samp)])


  • a mixture model with many distributions (>1000) is very slow for sampling

In [ ]:
x = np.random.normal(3, 1, 100)
y = np.random.normal(1, 1, 100)
H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(y, x, bins=100)

In [ ]:

Workflow for modeling DNA fragment locations in a gradient

For each genome in mock community, simulate N fragments and calculate their Guassian distributions in the gradient. Create a mixture model of those Guassian distributions to sample Aa fragments, where Aa = the absolute abundance of the taxon in the mock community. One mixture model per genome.

User defined:

  • Rotor specs
  • cfg parameters (RPM, time)

Generate fragment density distributions

  • For each genome in the mock community:
    • Simulate fragments
    • Calculate sigma of Gaussian density distribution
    • Create mixture model from all Gaussians of the fragments

Simulate fraction communities

  • For each genome in mock community:
    • sample fragments from mixture model based on total abundance of taxon in mock community
    • bin fragments into gradient fractions

In [ ]: