
Question: how is incorporator identification accuracy affected by the percent isotope incorporation of taxa?

  • Using genome dataset created in the "dataset" notebook

  • Simulates isotope dilution or short incubations

    • Method
      • 25% taxa incorporate
      • incorporation % same for all incorporators
      • incorporation % treatments: 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100%
      • Total treatments: 6
      • Title: perc_incorp

User variables

In [37]:
workDir = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/dev/bac_genome1210/'
genomeDir = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/dev/bac_genome1210/genomes/'
R_dir = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/lib/R/'


In [38]:
import glob
from os.path import abspath
import nestly

In [39]:
%load_ext rpy2.ipython

The rpy2.ipython extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext rpy2.ipython

In [40]:

Using nestly: different incorporation percentages

In [118]:
# building tree structure
nest = nestly.Nest()

## varying params
nest.add('percIncorp', range(0,101,20))

## set params
nest.add('np_many', [24], create_dir=False)
nest.add('np_few', [8], create_dir=False)
nest.add('percTaxa', [25], create_dir=False)
nest.add('abs', ['1e10'], create_dir=False)
nest.add('subsample', [20000], create_dir=False) 
nest.add('BD_min', [1.71], create_dir=False)
nest.add('BD_max', [2], create_dir=False)
nest.add('padj', [0.1], create_dir=False)
nest.add('log2', [0.25], create_dir=False)
nest.add('topTaxaToPlot', [100], create_dir=False)

## input/output files
nest.add('fileName', ['ampFrags'], create_dir=False)
nest.add('genome_index', [os.path.join(genomeDir, 'genome_index.txt')], create_dir=False)
nest.add('genome_dir', [genomeDir], create_dir=False)
nest.add('primers', [os.path.join(workDir, '../', '515F-806R.fna')], create_dir=False)
nest.add('R_dir', [R_dir], create_dir=False)

# building directory tree
buildDir = os.path.join(workDir, 'percIncorpUnif')

In [119]:
bashFile = os.path.join(workDir, 'SIPSimRun.sh')

In [120]:
%%writefile $bashFile

# simulating fragments
SIPSim fragments \
    {genome_index} \
    --fp {genome_dir} \
    --fr {primers} \
    --fld skewed-normal,9000,2500,-5 \
    --flr None,None \
    --nf 10000 \
    --np {np_many} \
    2> {fileName}.log \
    > {fileName}.pkl
# converting to kde object
SIPSim fragment_kde \
    {fileName}.pkl \
    > {fileName}_kde.pkl
# adding diffusion
SIPSim diffusion \
    {fileName}_kde.pkl \
    --np {np_many} \
    > {fileName}_kde_dif.pkl
# creating a community file
SIPSim gradientComms \
    {genome_index} \
    --n_comm 2 \
    > comm.txt

# making incorp file
SIPSim incorpConfigExample \
  --percTaxa {percTaxa} \
  --percIncorpUnif {percIncorp} \
  > {percTaxa}_{percIncorp}.config

# adding isotope incorporation to BD distribution
SIPSim isoIncorp \
    {fileName}_kde_dif.pkl \
    {percTaxa}_{percIncorp}.config \
    --comm comm.txt \
    --np {np_many} \
    > {fileName}_kde_dif_incorp.pkl
# calculating BD shift from isotope incorporation
SIPSim BD_shift \
    {fileName}_kde_dif.pkl \
    {fileName}_kde_dif_incorp.pkl \
    --np {np_few} \
    > {fileName}_kde_dif_incorp_BD-shift.txt
# simulating gradient fractions
SIPSim fractions \
    comm.txt \
    > fracs.txt

# simulating an OTU table
SIPSim OTU_table \
    {fileName}_kde_dif_incorp.pkl \
    comm.txt \
    fracs.txt \
    --abs {abs} \
    --np {np_few} \
    > OTU_abs{abs}.txt
# subsampling from the OTU table (simulating sequencing of the DNA pool)
SIPSim OTU_subsample \
    --dist_params low:{subsample},high:{subsample} \
    OTU_abs{abs}.txt \
    > OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}.txt

# making a wide table
SIPSim OTU_wideLong -w \
    OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}.txt \
    > OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}_w.txt
# making metadata (phyloseq: sample_data)
SIPSim OTU_sampleData \
    OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}.txt \
    > OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}_meta.txt
#-- R analysis --#
export PATH={R_dir}:$PATH
# plotting taxon abundances
OTU_taxonAbund.r \
    OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}.txt \
    -r {topTaxaToPlot} \
    -o OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample} 
# running DeSeq2 and making confusion matrix on predicting incorporators
## making phyloseq object from OTU table
phyloseq_make.r \
    OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}_w.txt \
    -s OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}_meta.txt \
    > OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}.physeq
## filtering phyloseq object to just taxa/samples of interest
phyloseq_edit.r \
    OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}.physeq \
    --BD_min {BD_min} --BD_max {BD_max} \
    > OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}_filt.physeq
## making ordination
phyloseq_ordination.r \
    OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}_filt.physeq \
## DESeq2
phyloseq_DESeq2.r \
    OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}_filt.physeq \
    > OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}_DESeq2
## Confusion matrix
DESeq2_confuseMtx.r \
    {fileName}_kde_dif_incorp_BD-shift.txt \
    OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}_DESeq2 \
    --padj {padj} --log2 {log2}

Overwriting /home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/dev/bac_genome1210/SIPSimRun.sh

In [122]:
%%writefile $bashFile

## just R analysis

#-- R analysis --#
export PATH={R_dir}:$PATH
# plotting taxon abundances
OTU_taxonAbund.r \
    OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}.txt \
    -r {topTaxaToPlot} \
    -o OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample} 
# running DeSeq2 and making confusion matrix on predicting incorporators
## making phyloseq object from OTU table
phyloseq_make.r \
    OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}_w.txt \
    -s OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}_meta.txt \
    > OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}.physeq
## filtering phyloseq object to just taxa/samples of interest
phyloseq_edit.r \
    OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}.physeq \
    --BD_min {BD_min} --BD_max {BD_max} \
    > OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}_filt.physeq
## making ordination
phyloseq_ordination.r \
    OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}_filt.physeq \
## DESeq2
phyloseq_DESeq2.r \
    OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}_filt.physeq \
    --log2 {log2} \
    > OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}_DESeq2
## Confusion matrix
DESeq2_confuseMtx.r \
    {fileName}_kde_dif_incorp_BD-shift.txt \
    OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub{subsample}_DESeq2 \
    --padjBH {padj}

Overwriting /home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/dev/bac_genome1210/SIPSimRun.sh

In [123]:
!chmod 775 $bashFile

In [124]:
!cd $workDir; \
    nestrun -j 6 --template-file $bashFile -d percIncorpUnif --log-file logR.txt

2015-07-01 07:56:54,729 * INFO * Template: ./SIPSimRun.sh
2015-07-01 07:56:54,731 * INFO * [12337] Started ./SIPSimRun.sh in percIncorpUnif/80
2015-07-01 07:56:54,734 * INFO * [12338] Started ./SIPSimRun.sh in percIncorpUnif/20
2015-07-01 07:56:54,737 * INFO * [12340] Started ./SIPSimRun.sh in percIncorpUnif/0
2015-07-01 07:56:54,739 * INFO * [12343] Started ./SIPSimRun.sh in percIncorpUnif/60
2015-07-01 07:56:54,741 * INFO * [12347] Started ./SIPSimRun.sh in percIncorpUnif/100
2015-07-01 07:56:54,743 * INFO * [12356] Started ./SIPSimRun.sh in percIncorpUnif/40
2015-07-01 07:57:52,670 * INFO * [12337] percIncorpUnif/80 Finished with 0
2015-07-01 07:57:52,814 * INFO * [12340] percIncorpUnif/0 Finished with 0
2015-07-01 07:57:52,905 * INFO * [12356] percIncorpUnif/40 Finished with 0
2015-07-01 07:57:53,254 * INFO * [12343] percIncorpUnif/60 Finished with 0
2015-07-01 07:57:55,239 * INFO * [12347] percIncorpUnif/100 Finished with 0
2015-07-01 07:57:55,529 * INFO * [12338] percIncorpUnif/20 Finished with 0

In [125]:
# aggregating confusion matrix data
## table
!cd $workDir; \
    nestagg delim \
        -d percIncorpUnif \
        -k percIncorp \
        -o ./percIncorpUnif/DESeq2-cMtx_table.csv \

## overall
!cd $workDir; \
    nestagg delim \
        -d percIncorpUnif \
        -k percIncorp \
        -o ./percIncorpUnif/DESeq2-cMtx_overall.csv \
## byClass
!cd $workDir; \
    nestagg delim \
        -d percIncorpUnif \
        -k percIncorp \
        -o ./percIncorpUnif/DESeq2-cMtx_byClass.csv \

Plotting results

In [127]:
%%R -i workDir -w 600 -h 600

byClass = read.csv('./percIncorpUnif/DESeq2-cMtx_byClass.csv')

byClass$byClass[is.na(byClass$byClass)] = 0

byClass$percIncorp = factor(byClass$percIncorp, levels=as.character(unique(sort(byClass$percIncorp))))
p = ggplot(byClass, aes(X, byClass, color=percIncorp)) +
    geom_point() +
    labs(y='value') +
    theme_bw() +
        axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=0.5),

In [130]:
%%R -w 600 -h 400

p + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,0.15))

Plotting false negative taxa (actual incorporators)

In [243]:
%%R -i workDir


tbl.c = read.csv('percIncorpUnif/50/DESeq2-cMtx_data.csv')

tbl.c.f = tbl.c %>% 
    filter(incorp.known==TRUE & incorp.pred==FALSE) %>%

write.table(tbl.c.f, file='percIncorpUnif/50/DESeq2-cMtx_FN', row.names=F, col.names=F, quote=F)

In [250]:
!cd $workDir'percIncorpUnif/50/'; \
    $R_dir/OTU_taxonAbund.r OTU_n2_abs1e8_sub30000.txt -t DESeq2-cMtx_FN -l -o DESeq2-cMtx_FN --width 14

File written: DESeq2-cMtx_FN_abs-abund.pdf
Warning messages:
1: Removed 48 rows containing missing values (position_stack). 
2: Removed 16 rows containing missing values (position_stack). 
File written: DESeq2-cMtx_FN_rel-abund.pdf

In [252]:
%%R -i workDir


tbl.c = read.csv('percIncorpUnif/50/DESeq2-cMtx_data.csv')

tbl.c.f = tbl.c %>% 
    filter(incorp.known==FALSE & incorp.pred==TRUE) %>%

write.table(tbl.c.f, file='percIncorpUnif/50/DESeq2-cMtx_FP', row.names=F, col.names=F, quote=F)

In [253]:
!cd $workDir'percIncorpUnif/50/'; \
    $R_dir/OTU_taxonAbund.r OTU_n2_abs1e8_sub30000.txt -t DESeq2-cMtx_FP -l -o DESeq2-cMtx_FP --width 14

File written: DESeq2-cMtx_FP_abs-abund.pdf
Warning messages:
1: Removed 9 rows containing missing values (position_stack). 
2: Removed 3 rows containing missing values (position_stack). 
File written: DESeq2-cMtx_FP_rel-abund.pdf

In [256]:
tbl.c %>% filter(taxon %in% tbl.c.f$taxon)

  lib1 lib2                                    taxon BD_shift incorp.known
1   NA    2 Corynebacterium_pseudotuberculosis_FRC41        0        FALSE
2   NA    2            Anaplasma_centrale_str_Israel        0        FALSE
3   NA    2         Dyadobacter_fermentans_DSM_18053        0        FALSE
   baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE     stat       pvalue        padj
1 2.3478747       3.801071 0.8494856 4.474555 7.657045e-06 0.000344567
2 0.9337178       4.130228 1.0213776 4.043782 5.259585e-05 0.001183407
3 1.0835454       3.158858 0.8578349 3.682362 2.310831e-04 0.003466247
1        TRUE
2        TRUE
3        TRUE

Enrichment of TP for abundant incorporators?

  • What is the abundance distribution of TP and FP?
    • Are more abundant incorporators being detected more than low abundant taxa

In [200]:
%%R -i workDir


tbl.c = read.csv('percIncorpUnif/100/DESeq2-cMtx_data.csv')
tbl.otu = read.delim('percIncorpUnif/100/OTU_n2_abs1e10_sub20000.txt', sep='\t')

In [201]:
# OTU total counts
tbl.otu.sum = tbl.otu %>%
    group_by(library, taxon) %>%
    summarize(total_count = sum(count))
tbl.otu.sum %>% head

Source: local data frame [6 x 3]
Groups: library

  library                                taxon total_count
1       1       Acaryochloris_marina_MBIC11017           0
2       1       Acetobacterium_woodii_DSM_1030           0
3       1 Acetobacter_pasteurianus_IFO_3283-12         751
4       1    Acetohalobium_arabaticum_DSM_5501           9
5       1         Acholeplasma_laidlawii_PG-8A         238
6       1        Achromobacter_xylosoxidans_A8          17

In [202]:
label.tp.fn = function(known, pred){
    if(is.na(known) | is.na(pred)){
        } else
    if(known==TRUE & pred==TRUE){
        } else
    if(known==TRUE & pred==FALSE){
        } else {

tbl.c.tp.fn = tbl.c %>% 
    mutate(tp.fn = mapply(label.tp.fn, incorp.known, incorp.pred)) %>%
    filter(! is.na(tp.fn))

tbl.tp.fn = inner_join(tbl.c.tp.fn, tbl.otu.sum, c('taxon' = 'taxon')) 
tbl.tp.fn %>% head

  lib1 lib2                              taxon  BD_shift incorp.known  baseMean
1   NA    2 Actinobacillus_equuli_subsp_equuli 0.9999269         TRUE 1.8646755
2   NA    2 Actinobacillus_equuli_subsp_equuli 0.9999269         TRUE 1.8646755
3   NA    2 Candidatus_Moranella_endobia_PCVAL 0.9997449         TRUE 0.4688403
4   NA    2 Candidatus_Moranella_endobia_PCVAL 0.9997449         TRUE 0.4688403
5   NA    2     Alkaliphilus_oremlandii_OhILAs 0.9997434         TRUE 0.3118965
6   NA    2     Alkaliphilus_oremlandii_OhILAs 0.9997434         TRUE 0.3118965
  log2FoldChange    lfcSE       stat       pvalue       padj            p
1     5.37154211 1.267839 4.23676891 2.267593e-05 0.00111679 2.677315e-05
2     5.37154211 1.267839 4.23676891 2.267593e-05 0.00111679 2.677315e-05
3     0.04533956 1.501490 0.03019637 9.759104e-01 1.00000000 5.542099e-01
4     0.04533956 1.501490 0.03019637 9.759104e-01 1.00000000 5.542099e-01
5     5.33532814 1.665671 3.20311065 1.359517e-03 0.02434772 1.132750e-03
6     5.33532814 1.665671 3.20311065 1.359517e-03 0.02434772 1.132750e-03
      padj.BH incorp.pred tp.fn library total_count
1 0.001318578        TRUE    TP       1        1728
2 0.001318578        TRUE    TP       2        1554
3 1.000000000       FALSE    FN       1         371
4 1.000000000       FALSE    FN       2        1981
5 0.022315185        TRUE    TP       1         183
6 0.022315185        TRUE    TP       2         247

In [203]:
# how many TP & FN?
tbl.tp.fn %>% 
    group_by(library, tp.fn) %>%
    summarize(n = n())

Source: local data frame [4 x 3]
Groups: library

  library tp.fn  n
1       1    FN 63
2       1    TP  9
3       2    FN 63
4       2    TP  9

In [204]:
%%R -h 350
tbl.tp.fn$library = as.character(tbl.tp.fn$library)
ggplot(tbl.tp.fn, aes(library, total_count, color=tp.fn)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    labs(y='Total count') +
        text = element_text(size=18)

In [209]:
%%R -h 700 -w 900
tbl.tp.fn$library = as.character(tbl.tp.fn$library)
ggplot(tbl.tp.fn, aes(taxon, total_count, group=taxon, color=library)) +
    geom_point(size=3) +
    geom_line() +
    scale_y_log10() +
    labs(y='Total count') +
    facet_grid(. ~ tp.fn, scales='free_x') +
        text = element_text(size=18),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, hjust=1)


  • FNs can be abundant
  • TP can have a lower abundance in the 'treatment' library

Just looking at the 'heavy' fractions

In [210]:
# OTU total counts

heavy.cut = 1.71

tbl.otu.sum = tbl.otu %>%
    filter(! grepl('inf', fraction)) %>%
    separate(fraction, into = c('BD_min','BD_max'), sep='-', convert=TRUE) %>%
    filter(BD_min >= heavy.cut & BD_max <= 2) %>%
    group_by(library, taxon) %>%
    summarize(total_count = sum(count))
tbl.otu.sum %>% head

Source: local data frame [6 x 3]
Groups: library

  library                                taxon total_count
1       1       Acaryochloris_marina_MBIC11017           0
2       1       Acetobacterium_woodii_DSM_1030           0
3       1 Acetobacter_pasteurianus_IFO_3283-12         564
4       1    Acetohalobium_arabaticum_DSM_5501           0
5       1         Acholeplasma_laidlawii_PG-8A           0
6       1        Achromobacter_xylosoxidans_A8          17

In [211]:

tbl.tp.fn = inner_join(tbl.c.tp.fn, tbl.otu.sum, c('taxon' = 'taxon')) 
tbl.tp.fn %>% head

  lib1 lib2                              taxon  BD_shift incorp.known  baseMean
1   NA    2 Actinobacillus_equuli_subsp_equuli 0.9999269         TRUE 1.8646755
2   NA    2 Actinobacillus_equuli_subsp_equuli 0.9999269         TRUE 1.8646755
3   NA    2 Candidatus_Moranella_endobia_PCVAL 0.9997449         TRUE 0.4688403
4   NA    2 Candidatus_Moranella_endobia_PCVAL 0.9997449         TRUE 0.4688403
5   NA    2     Alkaliphilus_oremlandii_OhILAs 0.9997434         TRUE 0.3118965
6   NA    2     Alkaliphilus_oremlandii_OhILAs 0.9997434         TRUE 0.3118965
  log2FoldChange    lfcSE       stat       pvalue       padj            p
1     5.37154211 1.267839 4.23676891 2.267593e-05 0.00111679 2.677315e-05
2     5.37154211 1.267839 4.23676891 2.267593e-05 0.00111679 2.677315e-05
3     0.04533956 1.501490 0.03019637 9.759104e-01 1.00000000 5.542099e-01
4     0.04533956 1.501490 0.03019637 9.759104e-01 1.00000000 5.542099e-01
5     5.33532814 1.665671 3.20311065 1.359517e-03 0.02434772 1.132750e-03
6     5.33532814 1.665671 3.20311065 1.359517e-03 0.02434772 1.132750e-03
      padj.BH incorp.pred tp.fn library total_count
1 0.001318578        TRUE    TP       1        1383
2 0.001318578        TRUE    TP       2        1554
3 1.000000000       FALSE    FN       1          30
4 1.000000000       FALSE    FN       2        1981
5 0.022315185        TRUE    TP       1           0
6 0.022315185        TRUE    TP       2         246

In [212]:
%%R -h 350
tbl.tp.fn$library = as.character(tbl.tp.fn$library)
ggplot(tbl.tp.fn, aes(library, total_count, color=tp.fn)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    labs(y='Total count') +
        text = element_text(size=18)

In [215]:
%%R -h 700 -w 900
tbl.tp.fn$library = as.character(tbl.tp.fn$library)
ggplot(tbl.tp.fn, aes(taxon, total_count, group=taxon, color=library)) +
    geom_point(size=3) +
    geom_line() +
    scale_y_log10() +
    labs(y='Total count') +
    facet_grid(. ~ tp.fn, scales='free_x') +
        text = element_text(size=18),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, hjust=1)


  • The TPs (for the most part) are dramatically different in abundance between control and treatment


In [73]:
# building tree structure
from os.path import abspath
nest = nestly.Nest()

##  values
vals = [str(x) for x in range(1,5)]
nest.add('vals', vals)

## input files
nest.add('--np', [1], create_dir=False)

buildDir = '/home/nick/t/nestly/' #os.path.join(workDir, 'vals')

In [74]:
%%writefile /home/nick/t/example.sh

export TIME='elapsed,maxmem,exitstatus\n%e,%M,%x'

echo {--np} > {--np}_test.txt

Writing /home/nick/t/example.sh

In [75]:
!cd /home/nick/t/; \
    chmod 777 example.sh

In [76]:
!cd /home/nick/t/; \
    nestrun -j 2 --template-file example.sh -d nestly

2015-06-24 12:13:25,688 * INFO * Template: ./example.sh
2015-06-24 12:13:25,690 * INFO * [204263] Started ./example.sh in nestly/3
2015-06-24 12:13:25,692 * INFO * [204264] Started ./example.sh in nestly/2
2015-06-24 12:13:25,692 * INFO * [204263] nestly/3 Finished with 0
2015-06-24 12:13:25,694 * INFO * [204265] Started ./example.sh in nestly/1
2015-06-24 12:13:25,694 * INFO * [204264] nestly/2 Finished with 0
2015-06-24 12:13:25,696 * INFO * [204266] Started ./example.sh in nestly/4
2015-06-24 12:13:25,696 * INFO * [204265] nestly/1 Finished with 0
2015-06-24 12:13:25,696 * INFO * [204266] nestly/4 Finished with 0

In [ ]:

In [ ]: