
  • A basic, full run of the SIPSim pipeline with the whole bacterial genome dataset to see:
    • Does it work?
    • Does the output as each stage look OK?

Setting variables

In [5]:
workDir = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/dev/bac_genome1210/validation/'
genomeDir = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/dev/bac_genome1210/genomes/'
R_dir = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/lib/R/'
figureDir = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/figures/'


In [6]:
import glob
from os.path import abspath
import nestly
from IPython.display import Image

In [7]:
import os
%load_ext rpy2.ipython

The rpy2.ipython extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext rpy2.ipython

In [8]:

In [9]:
if not os.path.isdir(workDir):

Simulating fragments

In [30]:
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim fragments \
    $genomeDir/genome_index.txt \
    --fp $genomeDir \
    --fr ../../515F-806R.fna \
    --fld skewed-normal,9000,2500,-5 \
    --flr None,None \
    --nf 10000 \
    --np 24 \
    2> ampFrags.log \
    > ampFrags.pkl

CPU times: user 4.48 s, sys: 498 ms, total: 4.98 s
Wall time: 25min 58s

Number of amplicons per taxon

In [43]:
!cd $workDir; \
    grep "Number of amplicons: " ampFrags.log | \
    perl -pe 's/.+ +//' | hist

 424|   o        
 402|   o        
 380|   o        
 358|   o        
 335|   o        
 313|   o        
 291|   o        
 269|   o        
 246|   o        
 224|   o        
 202|   o        
 180|  oo o      
 157|  oooo      
 135|  oooo      
 113|  oooo      
  91|  oooo      
  68|  ooooo     
  46| ooooooo    
  24| ooooooo    
   2| ooooooooooo

|          Summary           |
|     observations: 1210     |
|    min value: 0.000000     |
|      mean : 3.646281       |
|    max value: 16.000000    |

Converting fragments to kde object

In [45]:
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim fragment_KDE \
    ampFrags.pkl \
    > ampFrags_kde.pkl

Checking ampfrag info

In [46]:
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim KDE_info -s ampFrags_kde.pkl \
    > ampFrags_kde_info.txt

Loading KDEs...

In [65]:
%%R -i workDir -w 600 -h 300

# loading
inFile = file.path(workDir, 'ampFrags_kde_info.txt')
df = read.delim(inFile, sep='\t')
df.kde1 = df %>%
    filter(KDE_ID == 1)
df.kde1 %>% head(n=3)

BD_GC50 = 0.098 * 0.5 + 1.66

In [70]:
%%R -w 600 -h 300
# plotting
p.amp = ggplot(df.kde1, aes(median)) +
    geom_histogram(binwidth=0.001) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=BD_GC50, linetype='dashed', color='red', alpha=0.7) +
    labs(x='Median buoyant density') +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16)

check of metagenome fragment GC

  • GC of amplicon fragments should be much more bi-modal

In [60]:
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim fragments \
    $genomeDir/genome_index.txt \
    --fp $genomeDir \
    --fld skewed-normal,9000,2500,-5 \
    --flr None,None \
    --nf 10000 \
    --np 24 \
    > shotFrags.pkl \
    2> shotFrags.log

In [61]:
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim fragment_KDE \
    shotFrags.pkl \
    > shotFrags_kde.pkl

In [62]:
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim KDE_info -s shotFrags_kde.pkl \
    > shotFrags_kde_info.txt

Loading KDEs...

In [67]:
%%R -i workDir -w 600 -h 300

# loading
inFile = file.path(workDir, 'shotFrags_kde_info.txt')
df = read.delim(inFile, sep='\t')
df.kde1 = df %>%
    filter(KDE_ID == 1)
df.kde1 %>% head(n=3)

BD_GC50 = 0.098 * 0.5 + 1.66

In [71]:
%%R -w 600 -h 300
# plotting
p.shot = ggplot(df.kde1, aes(median)) +
    geom_histogram(binwidth=0.001) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=BD_GC50, linetype='dashed', color='red', alpha=0.7) +
    labs(x='Median buoyant density') +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16)

In [69]:
grid.arrange(p.amp, p.shot, ncol=1)


  • as expected, shotgun fragments are more bin-modal and deviating from 50% GC

Adding diffusion

In [73]:
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim diffusion \
    ampFrags_kde.pkl \
    --np 24 \
    > ampFrags_kde_dif.pkl \
    2> ampFrags_kde_dif.log

Adding DBL 'contamination'

  • DBL = diffusive boundary layer

In [378]:
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim DBL \
    ampFrags_kde_dif.pkl \
    --np 24 \
    > ampFrags_kde_dif_DBL.pkl \
    2> ampFrags_kde_dif_DBL.log
# checking output    
!cd $workDir; \
    tail ampFrags_kde_dif_DBL.log

Processing: Ruminococcus_albus_7_DSM_20455
Processing: Candidatus_Solibacter_usitatus_Ellin6076
Processing: Acidimicrobium_ferrooxidans_DSM_10331
Processing: Candidatus_Chloracidobacterium_thermophilum_B
Processing: Streptococcus_macedonicus_ACA-DC_198
Processing: Hyphomonas_neptunium_ATCC_15444
Processing: Adlercreutzia_equolifaciens_DSM_19450
Processing: Pelobacter_carbinolicus_DSM_2380
Processing: Nocardia_farcinica_IFM_10152
Processing: Dyadobacter_fermentans_DSM_18053

Comparing DBL+diffusion to diffusion

In [400]:
# none
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim KDE_info \
    -s ampFrags_kde.pkl \
    > ampFrags_kde_info.txt
# diffusion
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim KDE_info \
    -s ampFrags_kde_dif.pkl \
    > ampFrags_kde_dif_info.txt
# diffusion + DBL    
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim KDE_info \
    -s ampFrags_kde_dif_DBL.pkl \
    > ampFrags_kde_dif_DBL_info.txt

Loading KDEs...
Loading KDEs...
Loading KDEs...

In [405]:
%%R -i workDir

inFile = file.path(workDir, 'ampFrags_kde_info.txt')
df.raw = read.delim(inFile, sep='\t')
df.raw$stage = 'raw'

inFile = file.path(workDir, 'ampFrags_kde_dif_info.txt')
df.dif = read.delim(inFile, sep='\t')
df.dif$stage = 'diffusion'
inFile = file.path(workDir, 'ampFrags_kde_dif_DBL_info.txt')
df.DBL = read.delim(inFile, sep='\t')
df.DBL$stage = 'diffusion +\nDBL'

df = rbind(df.raw, df.dif, df.DBL)
df.dif = ''
df.DBL = ''
df %>% head(n=3)

                     taxon_ID KDE_ID        min percentile_5 percentile_25
1  Vibrio_vulnificus_MO6-24_O      1   1.703211     1.704749      1.706597
2  Vibrio_vulnificus_MO6-24_O      2 451.000000  4094.950000   6111.750000
3 Caldisericum_exile_AZM16c01    NaN        NaN          NaN           NaN
         mean      median percentile_75 percentile_95         max        stdev
1    1.707351    1.707388      1.708165      1.709475     1.71362 1.338108e-03
2 7031.729100 7286.500000   8209.250000   9074.050000 10296.00000 1.549401e+03
3         NaN         NaN           NaN           NaN         NaN          NaN
1   raw
2   raw
3   raw

In [406]:

df$stage = factor(df$stage, levels=c('raw', 'diffusion', 'diffusion +\nDBL'))

ggplot(df, aes(stage)) +
    geom_boxplot(aes(y=min), color='red') +
    geom_boxplot(aes(y=median), color='darkgreen') +
    geom_boxplot(aes(y=max), color='blue') +
    scale_y_continuous(limits=c(1.3, 2)) +
    labs(y = 'Buoyant density') +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16),
        axis.title.x = element_blank()

Creating a community file

In [407]:
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim communities \
    $genomeDir/genome_index.txt \
    --n_comm 2 \
    > comm.txt

Plotting community rank abundances

In [408]:
%%R -w 900 -i workDir


tbl = read.delim('comm.txt', sep='\t')

tbl$library = as.character(tbl$library)

ggplot(tbl, aes(rank, rel_abund_perc, color=library, group=taxon_name)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_y_log10() +
    labs(x='Rank', y='Relative abundance (%)') +
    theme_bw() +


  • Colors = pre-fractionation communities

Making an incorp config file

In [412]:
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim incorpConfigExample \
    --percTaxa 10 \
    --percIncorpUnif 100 \
    > PT10_PI100.config
# checking output
!cd $workDir; \
    head PT10_PI100.config

    # baseline: no incorporation
    [[intraPopDist 1]]
        distribution = uniform
            [[[[interPopDist 1]]]]

Adding isotope incorporation to BD distribution

In [543]:
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim isotope_incorp \
    ampFrags_kde_dif_DBL.pkl \
    PT10_PI100.config \
    --comm comm.txt \
    --np 24 \
    > ampFrags_kde_dif_DBL_incorp.pkl \
    2> ampFrags_kde_dif_DBL_incorp.log
# checking lag
!cd $workDir; \
    tail ampFrags_kde_dif_DBL_incorp.log

Processing: Cronobacter_sakazakii_SP291
Processing: Starkeya_novella_DSM_506
Processing: Treponema_denticola_ATCC_35405
Processing: Streptomyces_bingchenggensis_BCW-1
Processing: Bifidobacterium_bifidum_BGN4
Processing: Anaplasma_centrale_str_Israel
Processing: Brucella_suis_bv_1_str_S2
Processing: Streptococcus_agalactiae_COH1
Processing: Brevibacillus_brevis_NBRC_100599
Processing: Halorhodospira_halophila_SL1

Calculating BD shift from isotope incorporation

In [544]:
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim BD_shift \
    ampFrags_kde_dif_DBL.pkl \
    ampFrags_kde_dif_DBL_incorp.pkl \
    --np 30 \
    > ampFrags_kde_dif_DBL_incorp_BD-shift.txt \
    2> ampFrags_kde_dif_DBL_incorp_BD-shift.log
# checking log
!cd $workDir; \
    tail ampFrags_kde_dif_DBL_incorp_BD-shift.log

  Processing: Leptospirillum_ferriphilum_YSK
  Processing: Blattabacterium_sp_Blattella_germanica_str_Bge
  Processing: Elizabethkingia_anophelis_NUHP1
  Processing: Thermosynechococcus_elongatus_BP-1
  Processing: Dyadobacter_fermentans_DSM_18053
  Processing: Bacteroides_thetaiotaomicron_VPI-5482
  Processing: Shigella_flexneri_Shi06HN006
  Processing: Dictyoglomus_thermophilum_H-6-12
  Processing: Ureaplasma_urealyticum_serovar_10_str_ATCC_33699
  Processing: Lactobacillus_rhamnosus_Lc_705

Plotting BD-shift

In [545]:
%%R -i workDir -w 800 -h 300

inFile = file.path(workDir, 'ampFrags_kde_dif_DBL_incorp_BD-shift.txt')

tbl = read.csv(inFile, sep='\t')

tbl$lib2 = as.character(tbl$lib2)
ggplot(tbl, aes(BD_shift, fill=lib2)) +
    geom_histogram(position='dodge', alpha=0.5, binwidth=0.01) +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16)

In [546]:

tbl.s = tbl %>% 
    mutate(incorporator = ifelse(BD_shift > 0.05, TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
    mutate(incorporator = ifelse(is.na(incorporator), 'NA', incorporator)) %>%
    group_by(lib2, incorporator) %>%
    summarize(n_incorps = n())

ggplot(tbl.s, aes(incorporator, n_incorps)) +
    geom_bar(stat='identity') +
    labs(y = 'Count', title='Number of incorporators\n(according to BD shift)') +
    facet_grid(lib2 ~ .) +
        text = element_text(size=16)

Simulating gradient fractions

In [547]:
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim gradient_fractions \
    comm.txt \
    > fracs.txt

Plotting fractions

In [548]:
%%R -i workDir -w 600 -h 300

tbl = read.delim('fracs.txt', sep='\t')

ggplot(tbl, aes(fraction, fraction_size)) +
    geom_point() +
    facet_grid(library ~ .) +
    labs(y='fraction size') +
    theme_bw() +

In [549]:
%%R -w 500 -h 300
tbl$library = as.character(tbl$library)

ggplot(tbl, aes(library, fraction_size)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    labs(y='fraction size') +
    theme_bw() +

Simulating an OTU table

In [550]:
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim OTU_table \
    ampFrags_kde_dif_DBL_incorp.pkl \
    comm.txt \
    fracs.txt \
    --abs 1e9 \
    --np 24 \
    > OTU_n2_abs1e9.txt \
    2> OTU_n2_abs1e9.log 
# checking log
!cd $workDir; \
    tail OTU_n2_abs1e9.log

  Processing taxon: "Marinobacter_adhaerens_HP15"
   taxon abs-abundance:  14370988
  Processing taxon: "Shewanella_violacea_DSS12"
   taxon abs-abundance:  13452571
  Processing taxon: "Bacillus_cellulosilyticus_DSM_2522"
   taxon abs-abundance:  12207073
  Processing taxon: "Rhodospirillum_photometricum_DSM_122"
   taxon abs-abundance:  10390014
  Processing taxon: "Oscillatoria_acuminata_PCC_6304"
   taxon abs-abundance:  9044187

Plotting taxon abundances

In [981]:
%%R -i workDir

inFile = file.path(workDir, 'OTU_n2_abs1e9.txt')

# loading file
df = read.delim(inFile, sep='\t')

In [982]:
## BD for G+C of 0 or 100
BD.GCp0 = 0 * 0.098 + 1.66
BD.GCp100 = 1 * 0.098 + 1.66

In [983]:
%%R -w 800 -h 400
# plotting absolute abundances

df.s = df %>%
    group_by(library, BD_mid) %>%
    summarize(total_count = sum(count))

## plot
p = ggplot(df.s, aes(BD_mid, total_count)) +
    geom_point() +
    geom_area(stat='identity', alpha=0.3, position='dodge') +
    geom_vline(xintercept=c(BD.GCp0, BD.GCp100), linetype='dashed', alpha=0.5) +
    labs(x='Buoyant density', y='Total abundance') +
    facet_grid(library ~ .) +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16) 

In [984]:
%%R -w 800 -h 500
# plotting number of taxa at each BD

df.nt = df %>%
    filter(count > 0) %>%
    group_by(library, BD_mid) %>%
    summarize(n_taxa = n())

## plot
p = ggplot(df.nt, aes(BD_mid, n_taxa)) +
    geom_point() +
    geom_area(stat='identity', alpha=0.3, position='dodge') +
    #geom_histogram(stat='identity') +
    geom_vline(xintercept=c(BD.GCp0, BD.GCp100), linetype='dashed', alpha=0.5) +
    labs(x='Buoyant density', y='Number of taxa') +
    facet_grid(library ~ .) +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16),
        legend.position = 'none'

In [985]:
%%R -w 800 -h 400
# plotting relative abundances

## plot
p = ggplot(df, aes(BD_mid, count, fill=taxon)) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=c(BD.GCp0, BD.GCp100), linetype='dashed', alpha=0.5) +
    labs(x='Buoyant density', y='Absolute abundance') +
    facet_grid(library ~ .) +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16),
        legend.position = 'none'
p + geom_area(stat='identity', position='dodge', alpha=0.5)

In [986]:
%%R -w 800 -h 400
p + 
    geom_area(stat='identity', position='fill') +
    labs(x='Buoyant density', y='Relative abundance')

Plotting shannon diversity

In [987]:
shannon_index_long = function(df, abundance_col, ...){
    # calculating shannon diversity index from a 'long' formated table
    ## community_col = name of column defining communities
    ## abundance_col = name of column defining taxon abundances
    cmd = paste0(abundance_col, '/sum(', abundance_col, ')')
    df.s = df %>%
        group_by_(...) %>%
        mutate_(REL_abundance = cmd) %>%
        mutate(pi__ln_pi = REL_abundance * log(REL_abundance),
               shannon = -sum(pi__ln_pi, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
        ungroup() %>% 
        dplyr::select(-REL_abundance, -pi__ln_pi) %>%

In [990]:
%%R -w 800 -h 400

# calculating shannon
df.shan = shannon_index_long(df, 'count', 'library', 'fraction')

## plot
p = ggplot(df.shan, aes(BD_mid, shannon, color=library, group=library)) +
    geom_point() +
    geom_line() +
    geom_vline(xintercept=c(BD.GCp0, BD.GCp100), linetype='dashed', alpha=0.5) +
    labs(x='Buoyant density', y='Shannon index') +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16),
        legend.position = 'none'

OTU BD range

In [695]:
%%R -w 600 -h 300

max_BD_range = max(df$BD_mid) - min(df$BD_mid)

df.r = df %>%
    filter(count > 0) %>%
    group_by(taxon) %>%
    summarize(mean_count = mean(count),
              min_BD = min(BD_mid),
              max_BD = max(BD_mid),
              BD_range = max_BD - min_BD,
              BD_range_perc = BD_range / max_BD_range * 100) %>%

# plotting
ggplot(df.r, aes(mean_count, BD_range_perc, group=taxon)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_x_log10() +
    labs(x='Pre-fractionation abundance', y='% of total BD range') +
    #geom_vline(xintercept=0.001, linetype='dashed', alpha=0.5) +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16)

Simulating PCR bias

In [992]:
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim OTU_PCR \
    OTU_n2_abs1e9.txt \
    --debug \
    > OTU_n2_abs1e9_PCR.txt

Plotting change in relative abundances

In [996]:
%%R -w 500 -h 450
# loading file
F = file.path(workDir, 'OTU_n2_abs1e9_PCR.txt')
df.SIM = read.delim(F, sep='\t')

ggplot(df.SIM, aes(init_molarity, final_molarity)) +
    geom_point() +
    labs(x='Initial molarity', y='Final molarity') +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16)

Subsampling from the OTU table

  • simulating sequencing of the DNA pool

In [1007]:
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim OTU_subsample \
    --dist normal \
    --dist_params loc:30000,scale:5000 \
    OTU_n2_abs1e9.txt \
    > OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm.txt

Plotting seq count distribution

In [1008]:
%%R -h 300

df = read.csv('OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm.txt', sep='\t')

df.s = df %>% 
    group_by(library, fraction) %>%
    summarize(total_count = sum(count)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate(library = as.character(library))

ggplot(df.s, aes(library, total_count)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16)

Plotting abundance distributions (paper figure)

In [1014]:
%%R -i workDir


# loading file
df.abs = read.delim('OTU_n2_abs1e9.txt', sep='\t')
df.sub = read.delim('OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm.txt', sep='\t')

lib.reval = c('1' = 'control',
              '2' = 'treatment')

df.abs = mutate(df.abs, library = plyr::revalue(as.character(library), lib.reval))
df.sub = mutate(df.sub, library = plyr::revalue(as.character(library), lib.reval))

In [1015]:
%%R -w 700 -h 800
# plotting absolute abundances
## plot
p = ggplot(df.abs, aes(BD_mid, count, fill=taxon)) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=c(BD.GCp0, BD.GCp100), linetype='dashed', alpha=0.5) +
    labs(x='Buoyant density') +
    facet_grid(library ~ .) +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16),
        axis.title.y = element_text(vjust=1),        
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        legend.position = 'none',
        plot.margin=unit(c(1,1,0.1,1), "cm")
p1 = p + geom_area(stat='identity', position='dodge', alpha=0.5) +
    labs(y='Total community\n(absolute abundance)')

# plotting absolute abundances of subsampled
## plot
p = ggplot(df.sub, aes(BD_mid, count, fill=taxon)) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=c(BD.GCp0, BD.GCp100), linetype='dashed', alpha=0.5) +
    labs(x='Buoyant density') +
    facet_grid(library ~ .) +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16),
        legend.position = 'none'
p2 = p + geom_area(stat='identity', position='dodge', alpha=0.5) +
    labs(y='Subsampled community\n(absolute abundance)') +
          axis.title.y = element_text(vjust=1),        
          axis.title.x = element_blank(),
          plot.margin=unit(c(0.1,1,0.1,1), "cm")

# plotting relative abundances of subsampled
p3 = p + geom_area(stat='identity', position='fill') +
    geom_vline(xintercept=c(BD.GCp0, BD.GCp100), linetype='dashed', alpha=0.5) +
    labs(y='Subsampled community\n(relative abundance)') +
          axis.title.y = element_text(vjust=1),
          plot.margin=unit(c(0.1,1,1,1.35), "cm")

# combining plots
grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, ncol=1)

In [1016]:
%%R -i figureDir 
# saving figure

outFile = paste(c(figureDir, 'abundDist_example.pdf'), collapse='/')

pdf(outFile, width=10.5, height=12)
grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, ncol=1)


Making a wide OTU table

In [1003]:
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim OTU_wideLong -w \
    OTU_n2_abs1e9_PCR_subNorm.txt \
    > OTU_n2_abs1e9_PCR_subNorm_w.txt

Making metadata (phyloseq: sample_data)

In [1004]:
!cd $workDir; \
    SIPSim OTU_sampleData \
    OTU_n2_abs1e9_PCR_subNorm.txt \
    > OTU_n2_abs1e9_PCR_subNorm_meta.txt

Community analysis


In [567]:
%%bash -s $workDir
cd $1

export PATH=/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/lib/R/:$PATH

# making phyloseq object from OTU table
phyloseq_make.r \
    OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm_w.txt \
    -s OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm_meta.txt \
    > OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm.physeq
## making ordination
phyloseq_ordination.r \
    OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm.physeq \
## filtering phyloseq object to just taxa/samples of interest
phyloseq_edit.r \
    OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm.physeq \
    --BD_min 1.71 --BD_max 1.75 --occur 0.25 \
    > OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm_filt.physeq
## making ordination
phyloseq_ordination.r \
    OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm_filt.physeq \
convert OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm_bray-NMDS.pdf OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm_bray-NMDS.png
convert OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm_filt_bray-NMDS.pdf OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm_filt_bray-NMDS.png

Square root transformation
Wisconsin double standardization
Run 0 stress 0.1167613 
Run 1 stress 0.1620547 
Run 2 stress 0.13671 
Run 3 stress 0.1649659 
Run 4 stress 0.1857439 
Run 5 stress 0.1501013 
Run 6 stress 0.174179 
Run 7 stress 0.1167613 
... procrustes: rmse 4.943504e-05  max resid 0.0002153163 
*** Solution reached
Square root transformation
Wisconsin double standardization
Run 0 stress 0.05564127 
Run 1 stress 0.05564142 
... procrustes: rmse 6.824412e-05  max resid 0.000210131 
*** Solution reached
Warning messages:
1: replacing previous import by ‘scales::alpha’ when loading ‘phyloseq’ 
2: replacing previous import by ‘ggplot2::Position’ when loading ‘DESeq2’ 
Warning messages:
1: replacing previous import by ‘scales::alpha’ when loading ‘phyloseq’ 
2: replacing previous import by ‘ggplot2::Position’ when loading ‘DESeq2’ 
Warning messages:
1: In sqrt(x) : NaNs produced
2: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (geom_point). 
Warning messages:
1: In sqrt(x) : NaNs produced
2: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (geom_point). 
Warning messages:
1: replacing previous import by ‘scales::alpha’ when loading ‘phyloseq’ 
2: replacing previous import by ‘ggplot2::Position’ when loading ‘DESeq2’ 
Warning messages:
1: replacing previous import by ‘scales::alpha’ when loading ‘phyloseq’ 
2: replacing previous import by ‘ggplot2::Position’ when loading ‘DESeq2’ 

In [568]:


In [569]:



In [590]:
%%bash -s $workDir
cd $1

export PATH=/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/lib/R/:$PATH

# Chuck's method

## DESeq2
phyloseq_DESeq2.r \
    OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm_filt.physeq \
    --log2 0.25 \
    > OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm_DESeq2
## Confusion matrix
DESeq2_confuseMtx.r \
    ampFrags_kde_dif_DBL_incorp_BD-shift.txt \
    OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm_DESeq2 \
    --padjBH 0.1

Warning messages:
1: replacing previous import by ‘scales::alpha’ when loading ‘phyloseq’ 
2: replacing previous import by ‘ggplot2::Position’ when loading ‘DESeq2’ 
converting counts to integer mode
Warning message:
In DESeqDataSet(se, design = design, ignoreRank) :
  some variables in design formula are characters, converting to factors
using pre-existing size factors
estimating dispersions
gene-wise dispersion estimates
mean-dispersion relationship
final dispersion estimates
fitting model and testing
-- replacing outliers and refitting for 53 genes
-- DESeq argument 'minReplicatesForReplace' = 7 
-- original counts are preserved in counts(dds)
estimating dispersions
fitting model and testing
Warning message:
replacing previous import by ‘ggplot2::Position’ when loading ‘DESeq2’ 
Log2Fold cutoff: -Inf
padj cutoff: 0.1
File written: DESeq2-cMtx_data.csv
File written: DESeq2-cMtx
File written: DESeq2-cMtx_table.csv
File written: DESeq2-cMtx_overall.csv
File written: DESeq2-cMtx_byClass.csv

In [591]:
%%R -i workDir -w 600 -h 400


byClass = read.csv('DESeq2-cMtx_byClass.csv')

ggplot(byClass, aes(X, byClass)) +
    geom_point() +
    labs(y='value') +
    theme_bw() +
        axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=0.5),

In [592]:
%%bash -s $workDir
cd $1

export PATH=/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/lib/R/:$PATH

# altHypothesis = 'greater'

## DESeq2
phyloseq_DESeq2.r \
    OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm_filt.physeq \
    --log2 0.25 \
    --hypo greater \
    > OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm_DESeq2
## Confusion matrix
DESeq2_confuseMtx.r \
    ampFrags_kde_dif_DBL_incorp_BD-shift.txt \
    OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm_DESeq2 \
    --padj 0.1

Warning messages:
1: replacing previous import by ‘scales::alpha’ when loading ‘phyloseq’ 
2: replacing previous import by ‘ggplot2::Position’ when loading ‘DESeq2’ 
converting counts to integer mode
Warning message:
In DESeqDataSet(se, design = design, ignoreRank) :
  some variables in design formula are characters, converting to factors
using pre-existing size factors
estimating dispersions
gene-wise dispersion estimates
mean-dispersion relationship
final dispersion estimates
fitting model and testing
-- replacing outliers and refitting for 53 genes
-- DESeq argument 'minReplicatesForReplace' = 7 
-- original counts are preserved in counts(dds)
estimating dispersions
fitting model and testing
Warning message:
replacing previous import by ‘ggplot2::Position’ when loading ‘DESeq2’ 
Log2Fold cutoff: -Inf
padj cutoff: 0.1
File written: DESeq2-cMtx_data.csv
File written: DESeq2-cMtx
File written: DESeq2-cMtx_table.csv
File written: DESeq2-cMtx_overall.csv
File written: DESeq2-cMtx_byClass.csv

In [593]:
%%R -i workDir -w 600 -h 400


byClass = read.csv('DESeq2-cMtx_byClass.csv')

ggplot(byClass, aes(X, byClass)) +
    geom_point() +
    labs(y='value') +
    theme_bw() +
        axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=0.5),


  • BD_shift and OTU_table are memory intensive & must use less cores
  • DESeq2 sensitivity is low, but specificity is perfect

Plotting results of DESeq2

In [26]:

clsfy = function(guess,known){
    if(is.na(guess) | is.na(known)){
    if(guess == TRUE){
        if(guess == known){
            return('True positive')
            } else {
            return('False positive')
        } else
    if(guess == FALSE){
        if(guess == known){
            return('True negative')
            } else {
            return('False negative')
        } else {
        stop('Error: true or false needed')

In [1028]:
%%R -i workDir -w 1000 -h 450

df = read.csv('DESeq2-cMtx_data.csv')

df = df %>%
    filter(! is.na(log2FoldChange)) %>%
    mutate(taxon = reorder(taxon, -log2FoldChange),
           cls = mapply(clsfy, incorp.pred, incorp.known))

df %>% head(n=3)

  lib1 lib2                              taxon  BD_shift   baseMean
1   NA    2         Vibrio_vulnificus_MO6-24_O 0.9964687 206.391201
2   NA    2        Spiroplasma_taiwanense_CT-1 0.0000000   3.373211
3   NA    2 Thermoanaerobacter_wiegelii_Rt8_B1 0.0000000   1.493209
  log2FoldChange    lfcSE     stat       pvalue        padj            p
1       5.107336 1.387323 3.501228 0.0002315594 0.005204824 0.0002315594
2      -4.102573 1.206735 0.000000 0.9998450610 0.999997833 0.9998450610
3      -2.526034 1.016399 0.000000 0.9968452322 0.999997833 0.9968452322
      padj.BH incorp.known incorp.pred           cls
1 0.005204824         TRUE        TRUE True positive
2 0.999997833        FALSE       FALSE True negative
3 0.999997833        FALSE       FALSE True negative

In [1034]:
%%R -w 1000 -h 450

df.TN = df %>% filter(cls == 'True negative')
df.TP = df %>% filter(cls == 'True positive')
df.FP = df %>% filter(cls == 'False negative')

ggplot(df, aes(taxon, log2FoldChange, color=cls, alpha=0.7,
                  ymin=log2FoldChange - lfcSE, ymax=log2FoldChange + lfcSE)) +
    geom_pointrange(size=0.6) +
    geom_pointrange(data=df.TP, size=0.6, alpha=0.2) +
    geom_pointrange(data=df.FP, size=0.6, alpha=0.2) +
    labs(x = 'Taxon', y = 'Log2 fold change') +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),        
        axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        legend.position = 'bottom'

In [597]:
%%R -i figureDir

outFile = paste(c(figureDir, 'l2fc_example.pdf'), collapse='/')
ggsave(outFile, width=10, height=4.5)


  • Red circles = true positives

  • False positives should increase with taxon GC

    • Higher GC moves 100% incorporators too far to the right the gradient for the 'heavy' BD range of 1.71-1.75
  • Lines indicate standard errors.

sensitivity ~ relative_abundance

  • Enrichment of TP for abundant incorporators?

  • What is the abundance distribution of TP and FP?

    • Are more abundant incorporators being detected more than low abundant taxa

In [114]:
%%R -i workDir


df.ds = read.csv('DESeq2-cMtx_data.csv')

# loading file
df.otu = read.delim('OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm.txt', sep='\t') %>%
    filter(BD_min >= 1.71, BD_max <= 1.75) %>%
    group_by(library, taxon) %>%
    mutate(min_rel_abund = min(rel_abund),
           mean_rel_abund = mean(rel_abund)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    distinct(library, taxon) 

df.j = inner_join(df.otu, df.ds, c('taxon' = 'taxon'))
df.j %>% head(n=3) %>% as.data.frame

  library    fraction                          taxon BD_min BD_mid BD_max count
1       2 1.710-1.713 Acaryochloris_marina_MBIC11017  1.710  1.712  1.713     4
2       1 1.712-1.715 Acaryochloris_marina_MBIC11017  1.712  1.714  1.715     7
3       2 1.710-1.713 Acetobacterium_woodii_DSM_1030  1.710  1.712  1.713     3
     rel_abund min_rel_abund mean_rel_abund lib1 lib2 BD_shift  baseMean
1 1.253447e-04             0   1.392719e-05   NA    2        0 0.8540883
2 2.555957e-04             0   9.294457e-05   NA    2        0 0.8540883
3 9.400852e-05             0   1.705627e-05   NA    2        0 1.7870943
  log2FoldChange    lfcSE stat    pvalue      padj         p   padj.BH
1      -1.832533 1.113067    0 0.9693266 0.9999978 0.9693266 0.9999978
2      -1.832533 1.113067    0 0.9693266 0.9999978 0.9693266 0.9999978
3      -1.736314 1.034505    0 0.9725750 0.9999978 0.9725750 0.9999978
  incorp.known incorp.pred
1        FALSE       FALSE
2        FALSE       FALSE
3        FALSE       FALSE

In [115]:
# classifying
df.j.f = df.j %>%
    filter(! is.na(log2FoldChange)) %>%
    mutate(cls = mapply(clsfy, incorp.pred, incorp.known)) %>%
    filter(cls != 'True negative')

In [116]:
df.L1 = df.j.f %>% filter(library == 1) %>%
    dplyr::select(taxon, min_rel_abund, mean_rel_abund, log2FoldChange, cls) #%>%
#    rename('lib1_mean_rel_abund' = mean_rel_abund)
df.L2 = df.j.f %>% filter(library == 2) %>%
    dplyr::select(taxon, min_rel_abund, mean_rel_abund, log2FoldChange, cls) #%>%
#    rename('lib2_mean_rel_abund' = mean_rel_abund)
df.j = inner_join(df.L1, df.L2, c('taxon' = 'taxon'))

df.j %>% head(n=3) %>% as.data.frame

                                 taxon min_rel_abund.x mean_rel_abund.x
1    Advenella_mimigardefordensis_DPN7    0.000000e+00     2.191092e-05
2 Akkermansia_muciniphila_ATCC_BAA-835    3.094634e-05     4.122544e-03
3     Alkalilimnicola_ehrlichii_MLHE-1    1.095410e-04     4.813502e-04
  log2FoldChange.x          cls.x min_rel_abund.y mean_rel_abund.y
1        1.7037303 False negative               0     2.971444e-04
2       -0.2186964 False negative               0     2.429015e-02
3       -2.0550753 False negative               0     3.034237e-05
  log2FoldChange.y          cls.y
1        1.7037303 False negative
2       -0.2186964 False negative
3       -2.0550753 False negative

In [117]:
%%R -w 600 -h 400

ggplot(df.j, aes(mean_rel_abund.x, mean_rel_abund.y, color=cls.x)) +
    geom_point(alpha=0.7) +
    #geom_density2d() +
    scale_x_log10() +
    scale_y_log10() +
    labs(x = 'Relative abundance\n(control)', y='Relative abundance\n(treatment)') +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16)

In [118]:
%%R -h 400
ggplot(df.j.f, aes(cls, mean_rel_abund)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    scale_y_log10() +
    labs(y='relative abundance') +
    facet_grid(library ~ .) +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16),
        axis.title.x = element_blank()

In [119]:
%%R -w 600 -h 400

ggplot(df.j.f, aes(mean_rel_abund, log2FoldChange, color=cls)) +
    geom_point(alpha=0.7) +
    geom_density2d() +
    scale_x_log10() +
    labs(x = 'Relative abundance', y='log2 fold change') +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16)


  • More false negatives with lower relative abundance in the BD window

biserial correlation

In [120]:

levs = c('True positive', 'False negative')

df.j.f %>%
    mutate(cls = factor(cls, levels=levs)) %>%
    group_by(library) %>%
    summarize(biserial_cor = biserial.cor(mean_rel_abund, cls))

Source: local data frame [2 x 2]

  library biserial_cor
    (int)        (dbl)
1       1   -0.2205263
2       2    0.1814167


In [121]:
t.test(mean_rel_abund ~ cls, data=df.j.f)

	Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  mean_rel_abund by cls
t = -1.1524, df = 169.54, p-value = 0.2508
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.0027928899  0.0007339797
sample estimates:
mean in group False negative  mean in group True positive 
                 0.001818666                  0.002848121 

sensitivity ~ pre-frac_abundance

  • Enrichment of TP for abundant incorporators?

  • What is the abundance distribution of TP and FP?

    • Are more abundant incorporators being detected more than low abundant taxa

In [67]:
%%R -i workDir


df.ds = read.csv('DESeq2-cMtx_data.csv')

df.comm = read.delim('comm.txt', sep='\t') %>%
    mutate(rel_abund_perc = rel_abund_perc / 100) %>%
    rename('preFrac_rel_abund' = rel_abund_perc) 

df.j = inner_join(df.ds, df.comm, c('taxon' = 'taxon_name'))
df.j %>% head(n=3)

  lib1 lib2                       taxon  BD_shift   baseMean log2FoldChange
1   NA    2  Vibrio_vulnificus_MO6-24_O 0.9964687 206.391201       5.107336
2   NA    2  Vibrio_vulnificus_MO6-24_O 0.9964687 206.391201       5.107336
3   NA    2 Spiroplasma_taiwanense_CT-1 0.0000000   3.373211      -4.102573
     lfcSE     stat       pvalue        padj            p     padj.BH
1 1.387323 3.501228 0.0002315594 0.005204824 0.0002315594 0.005204824
2 1.387323 3.501228 0.0002315594 0.005204824 0.0002315594 0.005204824
3 1.206735 0.000000 0.9998450610 0.999997833 0.9998450610 0.999997833
  incorp.known incorp.pred library preFrac_rel_abund rank
1         TRUE        TRUE       1      0.0007110445  260
2         TRUE        TRUE       2      0.0005710026  260
3        FALSE       FALSE       1      0.0011397148  169

In [70]:
# classifying
df.j.f = df.j %>%
    filter(! is.na(log2FoldChange)) %>%
    mutate(cls = mapply(clsfy, incorp.pred, incorp.known)) %>%
    filter(cls != 'True negative',
           library == 2)
df.j.f %>% head(n=3)

  lib1 lib2                           taxon  BD_shift   baseMean log2FoldChange
1   NA    2      Vibrio_vulnificus_MO6-24_O 0.9964687 206.391201      5.1073359
2   NA    2  Xanthobacter_autotrophicus_Py2 0.9963149  20.547129     -0.4595749
3   NA    2 Citrobacter_koseri_ATCC_BAA-895 0.9965354   1.461247      2.0560549
     lfcSE      stat       pvalue        padj            p     padj.BH
1 1.387323 3.5012283 0.0002315594 0.005204824 0.0002315594 0.005204824
2 1.141545 0.0000000 0.7328947421 0.999997833 0.7328947421 0.999997833
3 1.823645 0.9903542 0.1610005045 0.999997833 0.1610005045 0.999997833
  incorp.known incorp.pred library preFrac_rel_abund rank            cls
1         TRUE        TRUE       2      5.710026e-04  260  True positive
2         TRUE       FALSE       2      5.634633e-04  261 False negative
3         TRUE       FALSE       2      2.744076e-05  928 False negative

In [73]:
%%R -h 300

ggplot(df.j.f, aes(cls, preFrac_rel_abund)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    scale_y_log10() +
    labs(y='Relative abundance\n(pre-fractionation)') +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16),
        axis.title.x = element_blank()


  • pre-fractionation abundance does matter for sensitivity

Plotting abundance distribution of True Positive taxa (actual incorporators)

In [1057]:
%%R -i workDir -w 1000 -h 450

df.ds = read.csv('DESeq2-cMtx_data.csv')

# loading file
df.otu = read.delim('OTU_n2_abs1e9_subNorm.txt', sep='\t')
#df.otu = read.delim('OTU_n2_abs1e9.txt', sep='\t')

df.j = inner_join(df.otu, df.ds, c('taxon' = 'taxon'))

# edit
lib.reval = c('1' = 'control',
              '2' = 'treatment')

df.j = mutate(df.j, library = plyr::revalue(as.character(library), lib.reval))

df.j %>% head(n=3)

    library    fraction                          taxon BD_min BD_mid BD_max
1   control  -inf-1.660 Acaryochloris_marina_MBIC11017   -Inf  1.659  1.659
2 treatment  -inf-1.660 Acaryochloris_marina_MBIC11017   -Inf  1.659  1.659
3 treatment 1.660-1.663 Acaryochloris_marina_MBIC11017   1.66  1.661  1.663
  count    rel_abund lib1 lib2 BD_shift  baseMean log2FoldChange    lfcSE stat
1     7 2.016187e-04   NA    2        0 0.8540883      -1.832533 1.113067    0
2     5 1.828220e-04   NA    2        0 0.8540883      -1.832533 1.113067    0
3     2 9.891686e-05   NA    2        0 0.8540883      -1.832533 1.113067    0
     pvalue      padj         p   padj.BH incorp.known incorp.pred
1 0.9693266 0.9999978 0.9693266 0.9999978        FALSE       FALSE
2 0.9693266 0.9999978 0.9693266 0.9999978        FALSE       FALSE
3 0.9693266 0.9999978 0.9693266 0.9999978        FALSE       FALSE

In [1058]:
# DESeq2 params
BD.win.min = 1.71
BD.win.max = 1.75

In [1069]:
%%R -w 800 -h 400
# plotting relative abundances: all
## plot
p = ggplot(df.j, aes(BD_mid, rel_abund, fill=taxon)) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=c(BD.win.min, BD.win.max), linetype='dashed', alpha=0.8) +
    labs(x='Buoyant density', y='Relative abundance', title='All taxa') +
    facet_grid(library ~ ., scales='free_y') +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16),
        legend.position = 'none'
p = p + geom_area(stat='identity', position='dodge', alpha=0.5)

In [1070]:
%%R -w 800 -h 400
# plotting relative abundances

df.j.TP = df.j %>% 
    filter(incorp.known == TRUE & incorp.pred == TRUE) 

## plot
p = ggplot(df.j.TP, aes(BD_mid, rel_abund, fill=taxon)) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=c(BD.win.min, BD.win.max), linetype='dashed', alpha=0.8) +
    labs(x='Buoyant density', y='Relative abundance', title='True positives') +
    facet_grid(library ~ ., scales='free_y') +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16),
        legend.position = 'none'
p1 = p + geom_area(stat='identity', position='dodge', alpha=0.5)

Plotting abundance distribution of False Negative taxa (actual incorporators)

In [1071]:
%%R -w 800 -h 400
# plotting relative abundances

df.j.FN = df.j %>% 
    filter(incorp.known == TRUE & incorp.pred == FALSE) 

## plot
p = ggplot(df.j.FN, aes(BD_mid, rel_abund, fill=taxon)) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=c(BD.win.min, BD.win.max), linetype='dashed', alpha=0.8) +
    labs(x='Buoyant density', y='Relative abundance', title='False negatives') +
    facet_grid(library ~ ., scales='free_y') +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16),
        legend.position = 'none'
p2 = p + geom_area(stat='identity', position='dodge', alpha=0.5)

In [1072]:
%%R -i figureDir -h 550 -w 650

outFile = paste(c(figureDir, 'abundDist_TP-FN_example.pdf'), collapse='/')

p1.e = p1 + theme(axis.title.x = element_blank())

pdf(outFile, width=13, height=11)
grid.arrange(p1.e, p2, ncol=1)

grid.arrange(p1.e, p2, ncol=1)


  • For 100% incorporation, the 'heavy' BD range of 1.71-1.75 does not encompass most of the incorporator abundance.
    • This results in negative log2fc

Indy taxa BD shift plots

In [1073]:
# checking on number of incorporators
df.j %>% filter(BD_shift > 0.05) %>% distinct(taxon) %>% nrow %>% print
df.j %>% filter(incorp.known == TRUE) %>% distinct(taxon) %>% nrow %>% print

[1] 104
[1] 104

In [1076]:
df.j %>% head

    library    fraction                          taxon BD_min BD_mid BD_max
1   control  -inf-1.660 Acaryochloris_marina_MBIC11017   -Inf  1.659  1.659
2 treatment  -inf-1.660 Acaryochloris_marina_MBIC11017   -Inf  1.659  1.659
3 treatment 1.660-1.663 Acaryochloris_marina_MBIC11017  1.660  1.661  1.663
4   control 1.660-1.664 Acaryochloris_marina_MBIC11017  1.660  1.662  1.664
5 treatment 1.663-1.667 Acaryochloris_marina_MBIC11017  1.663  1.665  1.667
6   control 1.664-1.668 Acaryochloris_marina_MBIC11017  1.664  1.666  1.668
  count    rel_abund lib1 lib2 BD_shift  baseMean log2FoldChange    lfcSE stat
1     7 2.016187e-04   NA    2        0 0.8540883      -1.832533 1.113067    0
2     5 1.828220e-04   NA    2        0 0.8540883      -1.832533 1.113067    0
3     2 9.891686e-05   NA    2        0 0.8540883      -1.832533 1.113067    0
4     6 1.795332e-04   NA    2        0 0.8540883      -1.832533 1.113067    0
5     0 0.000000e+00   NA    2        0 0.8540883      -1.832533 1.113067    0
6     0 0.000000e+00   NA    2        0 0.8540883      -1.832533 1.113067    0
     pvalue      padj         p   padj.BH incorp.known incorp.pred
1 0.9693266 0.9999978 0.9693266 0.9999978        FALSE       FALSE
2 0.9693266 0.9999978 0.9693266 0.9999978        FALSE       FALSE
3 0.9693266 0.9999978 0.9693266 0.9999978        FALSE       FALSE
4 0.9693266 0.9999978 0.9693266 0.9999978        FALSE       FALSE
5 0.9693266 0.9999978 0.9693266 0.9999978        FALSE       FALSE
6 0.9693266 0.9999978 0.9693266 0.9999978        FALSE       FALSE

In [1077]:
%%R -w 750 -h 6000
# plotting relative abundances

df.j.f = df.j %>%
    filter(incorp.known == TRUE) %>%
    mutate(taxon= gsub('_', '\n', taxon))
df.j.f$taxon = reorder(df.j.f$taxon, -df.j.f$log2FoldChange)

quant = function(x, p=0.95){
    x = x %>% as.numeric
    return(quantile(x, probs=c(0.9))[1] %>% as.numeric)

df.j.f.txt = df.j.f %>%
    group_by(taxon, BD_shift) %>%
    summarize(BD_mid = max(BD_mid),
              count = quant(count),
              rel_abund = quant(rel_abund)) %>%

## plot
p = ggplot(df.j.f, aes(BD_mid, rel_abund)) +
    geom_point(aes(color=incorp.pred)) +
    geom_text(data=df.j.f.txt, aes(label=BD_shift)) +
    scale_color_manual(values=c('darkgreen', 'purple')) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=c(BD.win.min, BD.win.max), linetype='dashed', alpha=0.8) +
    labs(x='Buoyant density', y='Abundance') +
    facet_grid(taxon ~ ., scale='free_y') +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16)

p2 = p + geom_area(stat='identity', position='dodge', alpha=0.5, aes(fill=library, color=incorp.pred))