Accuracy as a function taxon abundance

Variable parameters:

  • Partition communities into 'dominant' and 'rare' subsets
    • dominant/rare cutoff: 1% relative abundance?
  • Assess sensitivity & specificity for each subset
  • Note:
    • Much less time to perform if using data from past simulation run datasets


  • Sup Figures:
    • Same as above simulation runs, but split into 'dominant' vs 'rare'

User variables

In [2]:
workDir = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/dev/bac_genome1210/'
sourceDir = os.path.join(workDir, 'atomIncorp_taxaIncorp')
buildDir = os.path.join(workDir, 'atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund')
R_dir = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/lib/R/'


In [3]:
import glob
from os.path import abspath
import nestly
from IPython.display import Image, display

In [4]:
%load_ext rpy2.ipython

In [5]:

Attaching package: ‘dplyr’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:

    filter, lag

The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

Loading required package: grid

In [6]:
if not os.path.isdir(buildDir):


In [71]:
# building tree structure
nest = nestly.Nest()

## varying params
#-- full run --#
nest.add('percIncorp', [0, 25, 50, 100])
nest.add('percTaxa', [1, 5, 10, 25, 50])
nest.add('rep', range(1,21))

## set params
nest.add('np', [6], create_dir=False)
nest.add('abs', ['1e9'], create_dir=False)
nest.add('subsample_mean', [30000], create_dir=False) 
nest.add('subsample_scale', [5000], create_dir=False) 
nest.add('BD_min', [1.71], create_dir=False)
nest.add('BD_max', [1.75], create_dir=False)
nest.add('padj', [0.1], create_dir=False)
nest.add('log2', [0.25], create_dir=False)
nest.add('topTaxaToPlot', [100], create_dir=False)

## input/output files
nest.add('buildDir', [buildDir], create_dir=False)
nest.add('sourceDir', [sourceDir], create_dir=False)
nest.add('frag_file', ['ampFrags_kde_dif'], create_dir=False)
nest.add('comm_file', ['comm.txt'], create_dir=False)
nest.add('R_dir', [R_dir], create_dir=False)

# building directory tree

In [72]:
bashFile = os.path.join(buildDir, '')

In [73]:
%%writefile $bashFile

export PATH={R_dir}:$PATH

# copying DESeq files
cp {sourceDir}/{percIncorp}/{percTaxa}/{rep}/{comm_file} .
cp {sourceDir}/{percIncorp}/{percTaxa}/{rep}/OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub-norm_DESeq2 .
cp {sourceDir}/{percIncorp}/{percTaxa}/{rep}/{frag_file}_incorp_BD-shift.txt .

## DESeq2
DESeq2_rare-dominant.r \
    OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub-norm_DESeq2 \
    {comm_file} \
    -o OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub-norm_DESeq2
## Confusion matrix
### dominant
DESeq2_confuseMtx.r \
    {frag_file}_incorp_BD-shift.txt \
    OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub-norm_DESeq2_dom \
    --padj {padj} \
    -o DESeq2-cMtx_dom
### rare    
DESeq2_confuseMtx.r \
    {frag_file}_incorp_BD-shift.txt \
    OTU_n2_abs{abs}_sub-norm_DESeq2_rare \
    --padj {padj} \
    -o DESeq2-cMtx_rare

Overwriting /home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/dev/bac_genome1210/atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/

In [ ]:
!chmod 775 $bashFile

In [ ]:
!cd $workDir; \
    nestrun -j 10 --template-file $bashFile -d atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund --log-file log.txt

2015-08-06 20:22:53,344 * INFO * Template: ./
2015-08-06 20:22:53,362 * INFO * [82516] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/20
2015-08-06 20:22:53,385 * INFO * [82518] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/14
2015-08-06 20:22:53,400 * INFO * [82522] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/7
2015-08-06 20:22:53,410 * INFO * [82527] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/19
2015-08-06 20:22:53,419 * INFO * [82530] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/18
2015-08-06 20:22:53,433 * INFO * [82536] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/15
2015-08-06 20:22:53,451 * INFO * [82547] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/11
2015-08-06 20:22:53,473 * INFO * [82563] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/16
2015-08-06 20:22:53,497 * INFO * [82578] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/9
2015-08-06 20:22:53,521 * INFO * [82584] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/17
2015-08-06 20:23:46,258 * INFO * [82536] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:23:46,272 * INFO * [83027] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/8
2015-08-06 20:23:46,877 * INFO * [82527] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:23:46,890 * INFO * [83041] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/3
2015-08-06 20:24:01,624 * INFO * [82522] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:24:01,638 * INFO * [83179] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/13
2015-08-06 20:24:02,520 * INFO * [82518] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:24:02,533 * INFO * [83199] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/10
2015-08-06 20:24:06,578 * INFO * [82530] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:24:06,593 * INFO * [83211] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/2
2015-08-06 20:24:12,438 * INFO * [82516] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:24:12,449 * INFO * [83236] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/12
2015-08-06 20:24:12,627 * INFO * [82584] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:24:12,640 * INFO * [83248] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/1
2015-08-06 20:24:15,836 * INFO * [82578] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:24:15,850 * INFO * [83283] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/4
2015-08-06 20:24:21,068 * INFO * [82563] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:24:21,085 * INFO * [83317] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/5
2015-08-06 20:24:29,993 * INFO * [83179] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:24:30,002 * INFO * [83365] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/6
2015-08-06 20:24:31,474 * INFO * [82547] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:24:31,488 * INFO * [83377] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/20
2015-08-06 20:24:33,136 * INFO * [83211] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/2 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:24:33,149 * INFO * [83395] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/14
2015-08-06 20:24:43,393 * INFO * [83199] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:24:43,408 * INFO * [83456] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/7
2015-08-06 20:24:50,561 * INFO * [83236] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/12 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:24:50,576 * INFO * [83484] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/19
2015-08-06 20:24:58,062 * INFO * [83248] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/1 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:24:58,076 * INFO * [83502] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/18
2015-08-06 20:25:07,737 * INFO * [83027] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:25:07,748 * INFO * [83549] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/15
2015-08-06 20:25:11,165 * INFO * [83041] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:25:11,180 * INFO * [83591] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/11
2015-08-06 20:25:25,173 * INFO * [83365] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/6 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:25:25,188 * INFO * [83671] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/16
2015-08-06 20:25:25,696 * INFO * [83283] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/4 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:25:25,708 * INFO * [83683] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/9
2015-08-06 20:25:30,741 * INFO * [83317] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/50/5 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:25:30,750 * INFO * [83703] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/17
2015-08-06 20:25:36,323 * INFO * [83484] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:25:36,333 * INFO * [83745] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/8
2015-08-06 20:25:56,912 * INFO * [83456] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:25:56,919 * INFO * [83851] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/3
2015-08-06 20:25:57,840 * INFO * [83683] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:25:57,849 * INFO * [83863] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/13
2015-08-06 20:25:58,646 * INFO * [83591] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:25:58,658 * INFO * [83875] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/10
2015-08-06 20:25:59,448 * INFO * [83395] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:25:59,460 * INFO * [83887] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/2
2015-08-06 20:26:06,300 * INFO * [83377] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:26:06,312 * INFO * [83931] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/12
2015-08-06 20:26:09,461 * INFO * [83745] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:26:09,470 * INFO * [83951] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/1
2015-08-06 20:26:16,611 * INFO * [83703] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:26:16,621 * INFO * [83963] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/4
2015-08-06 20:26:18,121 * INFO * [83502] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:26:18,131 * INFO * [83981] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/5
2015-08-06 20:26:22,496 * INFO * [83671] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:26:22,504 * INFO * [84007] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/6
2015-08-06 20:26:23,195 * INFO * [83549] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:26:23,205 * INFO * [84019] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/20
2015-08-06 20:26:34,799 * INFO * [83863] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:26:34,813 * INFO * [84109] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/14
2015-08-06 20:26:47,946 * INFO * [83875] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:26:47,957 * INFO * [84159] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/7
2015-08-06 20:26:48,137 * INFO * [83981] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/5 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:26:48,147 * INFO * [84171] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/19
2015-08-06 20:26:55,843 * INFO * [83887] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/2 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:26:55,851 * INFO * [84221] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/18
2015-08-06 20:27:02,245 * INFO * [83851] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:27:02,257 * INFO * [84253] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/15
2015-08-06 20:27:02,555 * INFO * [83931] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/12 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:27:02,568 * INFO * [84265] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/11
2015-08-06 20:27:06,219 * INFO * [83963] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/4 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:27:06,227 * INFO * [84293] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/16
2015-08-06 20:27:19,854 * INFO * [84171] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:27:19,868 * INFO * [84355] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/9
2015-08-06 20:27:24,458 * INFO * [83951] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/1 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:27:24,471 * INFO * [84381] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/17
2015-08-06 20:27:35,162 * INFO * [84019] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:27:35,169 * INFO * [84415] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/8
2015-08-06 20:27:45,249 * INFO * [84253] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:27:45,262 * INFO * [84484] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/3
2015-08-06 20:28:03,223 * INFO * [84109] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:28:03,231 * INFO * [84555] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/13
2015-08-06 20:28:03,344 * INFO * [84221] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:28:03,357 * INFO * [84570] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/10
2015-08-06 20:28:04,851 * INFO * [84265] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:28:04,860 * INFO * [84583] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/2
2015-08-06 20:28:04,985 * INFO * [84007] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/25/6 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:28:05,000 * INFO * [84594] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/12
2015-08-06 20:28:32,969 * INFO * [84381] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:28:32,983 * INFO * [84660] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/1
2015-08-06 20:28:36,467 * INFO * [84355] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:28:36,483 * INFO * [84678] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/4
2015-08-06 20:28:38,788 * INFO * [84293] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:28:38,800 * INFO * [84698] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/5
2015-08-06 20:28:47,243 * INFO * [84159] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:28:47,260 * INFO * [84732] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/6
2015-08-06 20:28:50,496 * INFO * [84415] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:28:50,512 * INFO * [84750] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/20
2015-08-06 20:28:54,306 * INFO * [84484] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:28:54,324 * INFO * [84782] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/14
2015-08-06 20:29:04,359 * INFO * [84570] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:29:04,372 * INFO * [84832] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/7
2015-08-06 20:29:08,393 * INFO * [84583] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/2 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:29:08,412 * INFO * [84852] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/19
2015-08-06 20:29:12,678 * INFO * [84698] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/5 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:29:12,697 * INFO * [84872] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/18
2015-08-06 20:29:32,546 * INFO * [84594] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/12 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:29:32,558 * INFO * [84948] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/15
2015-08-06 20:29:44,625 * INFO * [84872] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:29:44,637 * INFO * [85004] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/11
2015-08-06 20:29:59,209 * INFO * [84555] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:29:59,223 * INFO * [85066] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/16
2015-08-06 20:30:00,340 * INFO * [84852] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:30:00,354 * INFO * [85078] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/9
2015-08-06 20:30:08,621 * INFO * [84660] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/1 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:30:08,636 * INFO * [85122] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/17
2015-08-06 20:30:09,016 * INFO * [84678] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/4 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:30:09,031 * INFO * [85134] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/8
2015-08-06 20:30:16,631 * INFO * [84750] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:30:16,649 * INFO * [85160] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/3
2015-08-06 20:30:18,988 * INFO * [84732] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/10/6 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:30:19,003 * INFO * [85172] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/13
2015-08-06 20:30:41,121 * INFO * [85078] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:30:41,134 * INFO * [85282] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/10
2015-08-06 20:30:45,030 * INFO * [85004] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:30:45,046 * INFO * [85308] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/2
2015-08-06 20:30:52,942 * INFO * [84948] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:30:52,957 * INFO * [85326] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/12
2015-08-06 20:30:58,782 * INFO * [84782] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:30:58,797 * INFO * [85354] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/1
2015-08-06 20:31:04,249 * INFO * [85134] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:31:04,262 * INFO * [85386] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/4
2015-08-06 20:31:12,058 * INFO * [85066] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:31:12,076 * INFO * [85420] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/5
2015-08-06 20:31:12,318 * INFO * [85122] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:31:12,337 * INFO * [85432] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/6
2015-08-06 20:31:13,227 * INFO * [84832] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:31:13,243 * INFO * [85444] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/20
2015-08-06 20:31:22,869 * INFO * [85326] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/12 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:31:22,882 * INFO * [85488] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/14
2015-08-06 20:31:33,313 * INFO * [85354] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/1 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:31:33,329 * INFO * [85536] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/7
2015-08-06 20:31:39,255 * INFO * [85160] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:31:39,268 * INFO * [85570] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/19
2015-08-06 20:31:40,372 * INFO * [85172] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:31:40,384 * INFO * [85582] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/18
2015-08-06 20:31:45,872 * INFO * [85432] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/6 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:31:45,887 * INFO * [85620] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/15
2015-08-06 20:31:52,309 * INFO * [85282] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:31:52,319 * INFO * [85648] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/11
2015-08-06 20:32:08,717 * INFO * [85488] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:32:08,729 * INFO * [85718] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/16
2015-08-06 20:32:09,561 * INFO * [85536] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:32:09,577 * INFO * [85736] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/9
2015-08-06 20:32:29,730 * INFO * [85386] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/4 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:32:29,742 * INFO * [85847] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/17
2015-08-06 20:32:31,774 * INFO * [85582] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:32:31,784 * INFO * [85867] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/8
2015-08-06 20:32:31,885 * INFO * [85570] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:32:31,893 * INFO * [85879] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/3
2015-08-06 20:32:35,935 * INFO * [85308] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/2 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:32:35,948 * INFO * [85907] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/13
2015-08-06 20:32:37,458 * INFO * [85420] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/1/5 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:32:37,470 * INFO * [85925] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/10
2015-08-06 20:32:38,356 * INFO * [85444] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:32:38,365 * INFO * [85937] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/2
2015-08-06 20:33:00,553 * INFO * [85847] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:33:00,562 * INFO * [86039] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/12
2015-08-06 20:33:01,518 * INFO * [85736] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:33:01,531 * INFO * [86051] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/1
2015-08-06 20:33:06,880 * INFO * [85718] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:33:06,891 * INFO * [86075] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/4
2015-08-06 20:33:07,403 * INFO * [85620] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:33:07,416 * INFO * [86087] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/5
2015-08-06 20:33:07,530 * INFO * [85907] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:33:07,543 * INFO * [86099] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/6
2015-08-06 20:33:09,020 * INFO * [85648] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:33:09,032 * INFO * [86111] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/20
2015-08-06 20:33:28,200 * INFO * [85925] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:33:28,213 * INFO * [86233] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/14
2015-08-06 20:33:33,809 * INFO * [86051] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/1 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:33:33,819 * INFO * [86261] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/7
2015-08-06 20:33:40,467 * INFO * [85879] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:33:40,480 * INFO * [86287] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/19
2015-08-06 20:33:48,398 * INFO * [86075] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/4 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:33:48,407 * INFO * [86319] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/18
2015-08-06 20:33:48,659 * INFO * [86039] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/12 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:33:48,669 * INFO * [86331] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/15
2015-08-06 20:33:52,562 * INFO * [85867] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:33:52,576 * INFO * [86351] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/11
2015-08-06 20:34:01,267 * INFO * [86111] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:34:01,279 * INFO * [86403] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/16
2015-08-06 20:34:03,053 * INFO * [85937] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/2 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:34:03,068 * INFO * [86423] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/9
2015-08-06 20:34:03,208 * INFO * [86261] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:34:03,219 * INFO * [86435] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/17
2015-08-06 20:34:24,471 * INFO * [86351] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:34:24,484 * INFO * [86552] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/8
2015-08-06 20:34:24,545 * INFO * [86331] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:34:24,560 * INFO * [86564] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/3
2015-08-06 20:34:28,247 * INFO * [86099] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/6 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:34:28,260 * INFO * [86608] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/13
2015-08-06 20:34:31,070 * INFO * [86087] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/50/5/5 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:34:31,081 * INFO * [86628] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/10
2015-08-06 20:34:34,888 * INFO * [86403] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:34:34,904 * INFO * [86656] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/2
2015-08-06 20:34:42,015 * INFO * [86319] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:34:42,033 * INFO * [86688] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/12
2015-08-06 20:34:50,897 * INFO * [86233] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:34:50,908 * INFO * [86724] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/1
2015-08-06 20:34:55,029 * INFO * [86564] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:34:55,042 * INFO * [86760] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/4
2015-08-06 20:34:59,038 * INFO * [86608] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:34:59,052 * INFO * [86780] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/5
2015-08-06 20:35:02,185 * INFO * [86423] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:35:02,197 * INFO * [86807] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/6
2015-08-06 20:35:17,101 * INFO * [86435] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:35:17,117 * INFO * [86891] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/20
2015-08-06 20:35:20,126 * INFO * [86724] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/1 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:35:20,144 * INFO * [86911] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/14
2015-08-06 20:35:26,169 * INFO * [86287] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:35:26,184 * INFO * [86953] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/7
2015-08-06 20:35:32,893 * INFO * [86656] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/2 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:35:32,908 * INFO * [86985] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/19
2015-08-06 20:35:45,711 * INFO * [86780] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/5 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:35:45,728 * INFO * [87027] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/18
2015-08-06 20:35:49,023 * INFO * [86628] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:35:49,041 * INFO * [87055] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/15
2015-08-06 20:35:49,124 * INFO * [86760] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/4 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:35:49,137 * INFO * [87065] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/11
2015-08-06 20:35:53,299 * INFO * [86552] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:35:53,312 * INFO * [87093] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/16
2015-08-06 20:36:09,855 * INFO * [86891] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:36:09,863 * INFO * [87187] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/9
2015-08-06 20:36:11,410 * INFO * [86911] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:36:11,421 * INFO * [87199] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/17
2015-08-06 20:36:17,719 * INFO * [86688] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/12 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:36:17,731 * INFO * [87223] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/8
2015-08-06 20:36:17,749 * INFO * [86985] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:36:17,759 * INFO * [87229] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/3
2015-08-06 20:36:23,983 * INFO * [87027] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:36:23,991 * INFO * [87277] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/13
2015-08-06 20:36:24,239 * INFO * [87093] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:36:24,247 * INFO * [87289] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/10
2015-08-06 20:36:32,106 * INFO * [86807] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/50/6 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:36:32,118 * INFO * [87351] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/2
2015-08-06 20:36:47,296 * INFO * [86953] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:36:47,304 * INFO * [87423] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/12
2015-08-06 20:36:48,932 * INFO * [87223] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:36:48,943 * INFO * [87435] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/1
2015-08-06 20:36:50,275 * INFO * [87187] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:36:50,288 * INFO * [87447] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/4
2015-08-06 20:36:59,518 * INFO * [87055] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:36:59,528 * INFO * [87495] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/5
2015-08-06 20:37:04,180 * INFO * [87199] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:37:04,193 * INFO * [87531] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/6
2015-08-06 20:37:20,295 * INFO * [87423] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/12 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:37:20,308 * INFO * [87611] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/20
2015-08-06 20:37:21,201 * INFO * [87435] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/1 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:37:21,216 * INFO * [87623] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/14
2015-08-06 20:37:21,682 * INFO * [87229] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:37:21,695 * INFO * [87636] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/7
2015-08-06 20:37:24,740 * INFO * [87277] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:37:24,751 * INFO * [87653] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/19
2015-08-06 20:37:27,846 * INFO * [87351] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/2 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:37:27,858 * INFO * [87665] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/18
2015-08-06 20:37:29,586 * INFO * [87065] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:37:29,601 * INFO * [87677] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/15
2015-08-06 20:37:31,220 * INFO * [87289] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:37:31,237 * INFO * [87689] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/11
2015-08-06 20:37:52,074 * INFO * [87531] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/6 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:37:52,089 * INFO * [87821] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/16
2015-08-06 20:37:52,646 * INFO * [87611] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:37:52,660 * INFO * [87833] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/9
2015-08-06 20:37:58,278 * INFO * [87677] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:37:58,292 * INFO * [87853] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/17
2015-08-06 20:38:00,799 * INFO * [87495] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/5 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:38:00,809 * INFO * [87871] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/8
2015-08-06 20:38:05,089 * INFO * [87447] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/25/4 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:38:05,102 * INFO * [87909] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/3
2015-08-06 20:38:12,980 * INFO * [87636] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:38:12,996 * INFO * [87959] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/13
2015-08-06 20:38:29,664 * INFO * [87623] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:38:29,676 * INFO * [88065] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/10
2015-08-06 20:38:34,897 * INFO * [87689] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:38:34,910 * INFO * [88095] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/2
2015-08-06 20:38:35,864 * INFO * [87909] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:38:35,880 * INFO * [88115] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/12
2015-08-06 20:38:40,407 * INFO * [87821] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:38:40,419 * INFO * [88143] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/1
2015-08-06 20:38:43,999 * INFO * [87871] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:38:44,010 * INFO * [88155] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/4
2015-08-06 20:38:44,893 * INFO * [87959] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:38:44,904 * INFO * [88167] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/5
2015-08-06 20:38:45,134 * INFO * [87653] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:38:45,146 * INFO * [88179] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/6
2015-08-06 20:38:50,947 * INFO * [87665] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:38:50,955 * INFO * [88197] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/20
2015-08-06 20:38:57,296 * INFO * [87833] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:38:57,307 * INFO * [88235] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/14
2015-08-06 20:39:05,152 * INFO * [87853] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:39:05,165 * INFO * [88291] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/7
2015-08-06 20:39:19,032 * INFO * [88197] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:39:19,047 * INFO * [88361] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/19
2015-08-06 20:39:27,314 * INFO * [88143] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/1 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:39:27,328 * INFO * [88419] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/18
2015-08-06 20:39:33,231 * INFO * [88155] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/4 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:39:33,248 * INFO * [88469] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/15
2015-08-06 20:39:33,649 * INFO * [88291] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:39:33,661 * INFO * [88481] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/11
2015-08-06 20:39:34,572 * INFO * [88065] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:39:34,583 * INFO * [88495] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/16
2015-08-06 20:39:35,144 * INFO * [88095] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/2 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:39:35,160 * INFO * [88513] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/9
2015-08-06 20:39:37,231 * INFO * [88115] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/12 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:39:37,244 * INFO * [88525] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/17
2015-08-06 20:39:48,034 * INFO * [88179] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/6 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:39:48,043 * INFO * [88559] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/8
2015-08-06 20:39:55,460 * INFO * [88167] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/10/5 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:39:55,471 * INFO * [88613] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/3
2015-08-06 20:40:04,190 * INFO * [88469] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:40:04,199 * INFO * [88675] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/13
2015-08-06 20:40:04,491 * INFO * [88361] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:40:04,503 * INFO * [88687] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/10
2015-08-06 20:40:17,365 * INFO * [88559] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:40:17,375 * INFO * [88789] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/2
2015-08-06 20:40:18,807 * INFO * [88513] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:40:18,821 * INFO * [88801] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/12
2015-08-06 20:40:19,332 * INFO * [88235] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:40:19,343 * INFO * [88817] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/1
2015-08-06 20:40:27,965 * INFO * [88419] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:40:27,974 * INFO * [88863] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/4
2015-08-06 20:40:28,889 * INFO * [88481] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:40:28,899 * INFO * [88875] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/5
2015-08-06 20:40:33,858 * INFO * [88525] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:40:33,864 * INFO * [88903] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/6
2015-08-06 20:40:39,158 * INFO * [88495] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:40:39,165 * INFO * [88941] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/20
2015-08-06 20:40:39,773 * INFO * [88613] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:40:39,783 * INFO * [88961] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/14
2015-08-06 20:40:47,303 * INFO * [88687] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:40:47,315 * INFO * [88989] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/7
2015-08-06 20:40:55,483 * INFO * [88863] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/4 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:40:55,493 * INFO * [89053] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/19
2015-08-06 20:40:56,730 * INFO * [88675] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:40:56,737 * INFO * [89065] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/18
2015-08-06 20:40:56,864 * INFO * [88789] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/2 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:40:56,875 * INFO * [89077] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/15
2015-08-06 20:41:02,812 * INFO * [88817] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/1 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:41:02,820 * INFO * [89123] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/11
2015-08-06 20:41:08,871 * INFO * [88941] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:41:08,880 * INFO * [89163] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/16
2015-08-06 20:41:27,080 * INFO * [88801] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/12 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:41:27,092 * INFO * [89273] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/9
2015-08-06 20:41:29,569 * INFO * [89053] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:41:29,581 * INFO * [89285] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/17
2015-08-06 20:41:37,079 * INFO * [88903] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/6 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:41:37,093 * INFO * [89319] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/8
2015-08-06 20:41:37,912 * INFO * [89123] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:41:37,927 * INFO * [89331] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/3
2015-08-06 20:41:42,454 * INFO * [88875] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/1/5 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:41:42,467 * INFO * [89365] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/13
2015-08-06 20:41:42,916 * INFO * [88961] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:41:42,925 * INFO * [89377] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/10
2015-08-06 20:41:46,065 * INFO * [89077] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:41:46,077 * INFO * [89397] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/2
2015-08-06 20:41:57,496 * INFO * [89273] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:41:57,509 * INFO * [89467] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/12
2015-08-06 20:42:10,857 * INFO * [89163] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:42:10,872 * INFO * [89533] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/1
2015-08-06 20:42:10,874 * INFO * [88989] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:42:10,883 * INFO * [89535] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/4
2015-08-06 20:42:12,581 * INFO * [89397] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/2 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:42:12,593 * INFO * [89555] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/5
2015-08-06 20:42:12,903 * INFO * [89065] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:42:12,915 * INFO * [89567] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/6
2015-08-06 20:42:24,297 * INFO * [89467] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/12 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:42:24,308 * INFO * [89627] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/20
2015-08-06 20:42:28,835 * INFO * [89377] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:42:28,848 * INFO * [89661] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/14
2015-08-06 20:42:32,853 * INFO * [89331] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:42:32,866 * INFO * [89697] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/7
2015-08-06 20:42:44,071 * INFO * [89319] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:42:44,076 * INFO * [89845] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/19
2015-08-06 20:42:50,306 * INFO * [89533] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/1 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:42:50,317 * INFO * [89952] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/18
2015-08-06 20:42:52,106 * INFO * [89627] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:42:52,112 * INFO * [89986] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/15
2015-08-06 20:42:52,154 * INFO * [89661] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:42:52,159 * INFO * [89998] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/11
2015-08-06 20:42:54,067 * INFO * [89555] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/5 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:42:54,073 * INFO * [90018] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/16
2015-08-06 20:42:57,134 * INFO * [89697] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:42:57,139 * INFO * [90044] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/9
2015-08-06 20:42:57,577 * INFO * [89365] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:42:57,583 * INFO * [90056] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/17
2015-08-06 20:42:59,458 * INFO * [89567] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/6 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:42:59,463 * INFO * [90082] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/8
2015-08-06 20:43:00,586 * INFO * [89285] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:43:00,591 * INFO * [90108] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/3
2015-08-06 20:43:09,272 * INFO * [89952] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:43:09,278 * INFO * [90188] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/13
2015-08-06 20:43:12,325 * INFO * [89998] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:43:12,330 * INFO * [90232] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/10
2015-08-06 20:43:14,844 * INFO * [89986] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:43:14,851 * INFO * [90250] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/2
2015-08-06 20:43:18,715 * INFO * [90044] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:43:18,721 * INFO * [90278] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/12
2015-08-06 20:43:19,459 * INFO * [90056] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:43:19,470 * INFO * [90292] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/1
2015-08-06 20:43:30,126 * INFO * [89535] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/0/5/4 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:43:30,134 * INFO * [90362] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/4
2015-08-06 20:43:31,596 * INFO * [89845] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:43:31,604 * INFO * [90374] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/5
2015-08-06 20:43:39,235 * INFO * [90018] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:43:39,244 * INFO * [90434] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/6
2015-08-06 20:43:40,580 * INFO * [90082] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:43:40,590 * INFO * [90452] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/20
2015-08-06 20:43:48,519 * INFO * [90278] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/12 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:43:48,528 * INFO * [90480] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/14
2015-08-06 20:43:53,882 * INFO * [90292] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/1 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:43:53,889 * INFO * [90526] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/7
2015-08-06 20:43:58,124 * INFO * [90108] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:43:58,131 * INFO * [90546] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/19
2015-08-06 20:43:58,237 * INFO * [90188] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:43:58,245 * INFO * [90558] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/18
2015-08-06 20:43:58,954 * INFO * [90232] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:43:58,961 * INFO * [90570] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/15
2015-08-06 20:44:13,601 * INFO * [90362] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/4 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:44:13,609 * INFO * [90686] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/11
2015-08-06 20:44:15,523 * INFO * [90434] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/6 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:44:15,528 * INFO * [90698] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/16
2015-08-06 20:44:18,697 * INFO * [90452] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:44:18,705 * INFO * [90740] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/9
2015-08-06 20:44:19,098 * INFO * [90250] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/2 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:44:19,103 * INFO * [90752] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/17
2015-08-06 20:44:24,226 * INFO * [90546] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:44:24,231 * INFO * [90770] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/8
2015-08-06 20:44:25,703 * INFO * [90480] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:44:25,711 * INFO * [90796] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/3
2015-08-06 20:44:33,469 * INFO * [90374] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/50/5 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:44:33,476 * INFO * [90874] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/13
2015-08-06 20:44:36,698 * INFO * [90526] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:44:36,702 * INFO * [90922] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/10
2015-08-06 20:44:36,754 * INFO * [90570] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:44:36,758 * INFO * [90934] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/2
2015-08-06 20:44:41,470 * INFO * [90740] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:44:41,477 * INFO * [90985] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/12
2015-08-06 20:44:44,177 * INFO * [90752] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:44:44,184 * INFO * [91007] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/1
2015-08-06 20:44:50,362 * INFO * [90558] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:44:50,367 * INFO * [91096] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/4
2015-08-06 20:44:52,538 * INFO * [90796] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:44:52,543 * INFO * [91120] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/5
2015-08-06 20:44:54,732 * INFO * [90770] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:44:54,738 * INFO * [91154] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/6
2015-08-06 20:45:06,756 * INFO * [90686] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:45:06,763 * INFO * [91252] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/20
2015-08-06 20:45:07,319 * INFO * [90698] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:45:07,330 * INFO * [91264] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/14
2015-08-06 20:45:09,548 * INFO * [90985] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/12 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:45:09,558 * INFO * [91276] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/7
2015-08-06 20:45:10,445 * INFO * [90922] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:45:10,451 * INFO * [91288] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/19
2015-08-06 20:45:12,320 * INFO * [91007] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/1 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:45:12,330 * INFO * [91306] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/18
2015-08-06 20:45:19,262 * INFO * [91096] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/4 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:45:19,269 * INFO * [91356] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/15
2015-08-06 20:45:24,877 * INFO * [90934] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/2 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:45:24,884 * INFO * [91406] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/11
2015-08-06 20:45:30,690 * INFO * [90874] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:45:30,698 * INFO * [91453] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/16
2015-08-06 20:45:36,941 * INFO * [91120] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/5 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:45:36,946 * INFO * [91519] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/9
2015-08-06 20:45:37,770 * INFO * [91154] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/25/6 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:45:37,775 * INFO * [91539] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/17
2015-08-06 20:45:41,240 * INFO * [91306] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:45:41,248 * INFO * [91559] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/8
2015-08-06 20:45:43,744 * INFO * [91356] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:45:43,752 * INFO * [91577] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/3
2015-08-06 20:45:52,140 * INFO * [91406] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:45:52,152 * INFO * [91619] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/13
2015-08-06 20:45:53,588 * INFO * [91264] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:45:53,595 * INFO * [91651] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/10
2015-08-06 20:45:57,029 * INFO * [91276] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:45:57,035 * INFO * [91679] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/2
2015-08-06 20:45:59,785 * INFO * [91252] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:45:59,793 * INFO * [91705] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/12
2015-08-06 20:46:08,403 * INFO * [91288] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:46:08,408 * INFO * [91755] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/1
2015-08-06 20:46:09,326 * INFO * [91453] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:46:09,333 * INFO * [91773] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/4
2015-08-06 20:46:12,877 * INFO * [91539] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:46:12,883 * INFO * [91812] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/5
2015-08-06 20:46:20,228 * INFO * [91619] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:46:20,235 * INFO * [91889] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/6
2015-08-06 20:46:20,313 * INFO * [91577] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:46:20,321 * INFO * [91901] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/20
2015-08-06 20:46:23,530 * INFO * [91519] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:46:23,536 * INFO * [91929] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/14
2015-08-06 20:46:27,210 * INFO * [91559] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:46:27,217 * INFO * [91971] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/7
2015-08-06 20:46:33,795 * INFO * [91705] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/12 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:46:33,803 * INFO * [92035] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/19
2015-08-06 20:46:38,741 * INFO * [91812] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/5 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:46:38,754 * INFO * [92065] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/18
2015-08-06 20:46:39,725 * INFO * [91651] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:46:39,739 * INFO * [92083] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/15
2015-08-06 20:46:40,473 * INFO * [91773] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/4 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:46:40,482 * INFO * [92098] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/11
2015-08-06 20:46:47,996 * INFO * [91679] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/2 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:46:48,007 * INFO * [92143] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/16
2015-08-06 20:46:52,846 * INFO * [91755] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/1 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:46:52,859 * INFO * [92177] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/9
2015-08-06 20:46:53,923 * INFO * [91929] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:46:53,935 * INFO * [92197] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/17
2015-08-06 20:46:56,154 * INFO * [91889] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/10/6 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:46:56,166 * INFO * [92227] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/8
2015-08-06 20:47:06,134 * INFO * [91901] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:47:06,143 * INFO * [92286] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/3
2015-08-06 20:47:09,868 * INFO * [92065] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:47:09,879 * INFO * [92332] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/13
2015-08-06 20:47:19,876 * INFO * [92035] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:47:19,884 * INFO * [92406] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/10
2015-08-06 20:47:23,473 * INFO * [91971] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:47:23,484 * INFO * [92434] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/2
2015-08-06 20:47:24,930 * INFO * [92098] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:47:24,944 * INFO * [92446] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/12
2015-08-06 20:47:31,571 * INFO * [92177] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:47:31,578 * INFO * [92488] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/1
2015-08-06 20:47:33,363 * INFO * [92227] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:47:33,375 * INFO * [92500] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/4
2015-08-06 20:47:33,888 * INFO * [92083] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:47:33,899 * INFO * [92512] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/5
2015-08-06 20:47:39,009 * INFO * [92143] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:47:39,019 * INFO * [92544] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/6
2015-08-06 20:47:42,137 * INFO * [92286] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:47:42,145 * INFO * [92568] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/20
2015-08-06 20:47:44,998 * INFO * [92197] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:47:45,006 * INFO * [92593] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/14
2015-08-06 20:47:57,216 * INFO * [92446] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/12 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:47:57,224 * INFO * [92682] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/7
2015-08-06 20:47:58,313 * INFO * [92332] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:47:58,320 * INFO * [92702] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/19
2015-08-06 20:48:04,255 * INFO * [92434] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/2 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:48:04,265 * INFO * [92738] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/18
2015-08-06 20:48:06,004 * INFO * [92500] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/4 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:48:06,014 * INFO * [92756] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/15
2015-08-06 20:48:09,434 * INFO * [92406] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:48:09,441 * INFO * [92792] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/11
2015-08-06 20:48:16,249 * INFO * [92544] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/6 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:48:16,260 * INFO * [92850] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/16
2015-08-06 20:48:25,309 * INFO * [92512] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/5 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:48:25,318 * INFO * [92920] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/9
2015-08-06 20:48:27,805 * INFO * [92702] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:48:27,815 * INFO * [92934] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/17
2015-08-06 20:48:27,835 * INFO * [92488] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/1/1 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:48:27,845 * INFO * [92939] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/8
2015-08-06 20:48:29,873 * INFO * [92593] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:48:29,880 * INFO * [92962] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/3
2015-08-06 20:48:30,150 * INFO * [92738] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:48:30,156 * INFO * [92974] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/13
2015-08-06 20:48:41,234 * INFO * [92792] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:48:41,244 * INFO * [93044] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/10
2015-08-06 20:48:50,594 * INFO * [92568] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:48:50,604 * INFO * [93120] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/2
2015-08-06 20:48:57,281 * INFO * [92850] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:48:57,291 * INFO * [93150] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/12
2015-08-06 20:48:57,397 * INFO * [92962] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:48:57,406 * INFO * [93162] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/1
2015-08-06 20:48:59,117 * INFO * [92974] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:48:59,127 * INFO * [93182] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/4
2015-08-06 20:49:00,761 * INFO * [92682] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:49:00,771 * INFO * [93194] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/5
2015-08-06 20:49:02,492 * INFO * [92920] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:49:02,502 * INFO * [93212] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/6
2015-08-06 20:49:02,956 * INFO * [92756] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:49:02,964 * INFO * [93224] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/20
2015-08-06 20:49:17,942 * INFO * [93120] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/2 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:49:17,952 * INFO * [93324] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/14
2015-08-06 20:49:25,811 * INFO * [93044] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:49:25,820 * INFO * [93376] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/7
2015-08-06 20:49:26,261 * INFO * [92939] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:49:26,272 * INFO * [93389] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/19
2015-08-06 20:49:31,293 * INFO * [92934] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:49:31,307 * INFO * [93428] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/18
2015-08-06 20:49:32,273 * INFO * [93182] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/4 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:49:32,283 * INFO * [93440] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/15
2015-08-06 20:49:33,886 * INFO * [93162] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/1 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:49:33,896 * INFO * [93452] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/11
2015-08-06 20:49:34,527 * INFO * [93194] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/5 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:49:34,536 * INFO * [93464] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/16
2015-08-06 20:49:36,630 * INFO * [93150] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/12 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:49:36,644 * INFO * [93498] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/9
2015-08-06 20:49:52,234 * INFO * [93224] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:49:52,243 * INFO * [93586] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/17
2015-08-06 20:49:55,818 * INFO * [93324] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:49:55,824 * INFO * [93652] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/8
2015-08-06 20:50:05,506 * INFO * [93464] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:50:05,519 * INFO * [93694] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/3
2015-08-06 20:50:06,688 * INFO * [93428] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:50:06,698 * INFO * [93714] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/13
2015-08-06 20:50:10,381 * INFO * [93212] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/100/5/6 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:50:10,394 * INFO * [93740] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/10
2015-08-06 20:50:11,725 * INFO * [93498] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:50:11,734 * INFO * [93776] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/2
2015-08-06 20:50:19,504 * INFO * [93440] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:50:19,515 * INFO * [93810] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/12
2015-08-06 20:50:20,084 * INFO * [93389] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:50:20,095 * INFO * [93822] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/1
2015-08-06 20:50:20,824 * INFO * [93586] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:50:20,837 * INFO * [93834] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/4
2015-08-06 20:50:27,007 * INFO * [93376] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:50:27,016 * INFO * [93862] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/5
2015-08-06 20:50:30,963 * INFO * [93652] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:50:30,972 * INFO * [93894] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/6
2015-08-06 20:50:31,681 * INFO * [93452] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:50:31,691 * INFO * [93906] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/20
2015-08-06 20:50:36,229 * INFO * [93694] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:50:36,239 * INFO * [93940] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/14
2015-08-06 20:50:53,723 * INFO * [93810] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/12 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:50:53,734 * INFO * [94077] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/7
2015-08-06 20:50:59,171 * INFO * [93822] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/1 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:50:59,183 * INFO * [94105] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/19
2015-08-06 20:50:59,425 * INFO * [93776] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/2 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:50:59,433 * INFO * [94117] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/18
2015-08-06 20:51:02,822 * INFO * [93714] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:51:02,832 * INFO * [94151] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/15
2015-08-06 20:51:03,940 * INFO * [93740] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:51:03,950 * INFO * [94163] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/11
2015-08-06 20:51:10,256 * INFO * [93894] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/6 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:51:10,267 * INFO * [94197] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/16
2015-08-06 20:51:12,583 * INFO * [93862] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/5 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:51:12,595 * INFO * [94223] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/9
2015-08-06 20:51:20,853 * INFO * [93834] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/50/4 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:51:20,862 * INFO * [94271] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/17
2015-08-06 20:51:22,494 * INFO * [93906] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:51:22,503 * INFO * [94289] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/8
2015-08-06 20:51:25,733 * INFO * [93940] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:51:25,744 * INFO * [94331] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/3
2015-08-06 20:51:33,009 * INFO * [94151] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:51:33,019 * INFO * [94367] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/13
2015-08-06 20:51:38,379 * INFO * [94077] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:51:38,391 * INFO * [94399] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/10
2015-08-06 20:51:43,943 * INFO * [94197] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:51:43,953 * INFO * [94441] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/2
2015-08-06 20:51:48,712 * INFO * [94117] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:51:48,720 * INFO * [94484] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/12
2015-08-06 20:51:54,146 * INFO * [94163] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:51:54,157 * INFO * [94528] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/1
2015-08-06 20:51:57,507 * INFO * [94223] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:51:57,527 * INFO * [94562] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/4
2015-08-06 20:51:58,238 * INFO * [94105] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:51:58,248 * INFO * [94574] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/5
2015-08-06 20:52:01,899 * INFO * [94331] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:52:01,907 * INFO * [94594] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/6
2015-08-06 20:52:09,462 * INFO * [94399] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:52:09,472 * INFO * [94628] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/20
2015-08-06 20:52:11,176 * INFO * [94289] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:52:11,192 * INFO * [94640] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/14
2015-08-06 20:52:12,399 * INFO * [94271] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:52:12,411 * INFO * [94652] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/7
2015-08-06 20:52:19,633 * INFO * [94367] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:52:19,644 * INFO * [94698] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/19
2015-08-06 20:52:28,866 * INFO * [94562] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/4 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:52:28,871 * INFO * [94774] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/18
2015-08-06 20:52:32,724 * INFO * [94594] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/6 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:52:32,734 * INFO * [94800] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/15
2015-08-06 20:52:49,445 * INFO * [94484] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/12 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:52:49,455 * INFO * [94926] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/11
2015-08-06 20:52:49,663 * INFO * [94698] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:52:49,674 * INFO * [94938] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/16
2015-08-06 20:52:53,248 * INFO * [94574] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/5 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:52:53,258 * INFO * [94950] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/9
2015-08-06 20:53:01,667 * INFO * [94774] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:53:01,673 * INFO * [95000] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/17
2015-08-06 20:53:02,741 * INFO * [94528] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/1 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:53:02,750 * INFO * [95012] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/8
2015-08-06 20:53:02,949 * INFO * [94441] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/25/2 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:53:02,957 * INFO * [95024] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/3
2015-08-06 20:53:05,264 * INFO * [94628] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:53:05,273 * INFO * [95056] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/13
2015-08-06 20:53:09,066 * INFO * [94652] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:53:09,076 * INFO * [95068] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/10
2015-08-06 20:53:11,669 * INFO * [94640] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:53:11,680 * INFO * [95094] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/2
2015-08-06 20:53:18,718 * INFO * [94800] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:53:18,729 * INFO * [95134] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/12
2015-08-06 20:53:27,942 * INFO * [94938] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:53:27,954 * INFO * [95200] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/1
2015-08-06 20:53:31,510 * INFO * [95000] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:53:31,521 * INFO * [95218] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/4
2015-08-06 20:53:37,680 * INFO * [94950] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:53:37,691 * INFO * [95258] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/5
2015-08-06 20:53:40,328 * INFO * [94926] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:53:40,336 * INFO * [95286] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/6
2015-08-06 20:53:42,114 * INFO * [95094] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/2 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:53:42,125 * INFO * [95306] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/20
2015-08-06 20:53:48,268 * INFO * [95056] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:53:48,276 * INFO * [95346] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/14
2015-08-06 20:53:59,040 * INFO * [95134] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/12 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:53:59,046 * INFO * [95432] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/7
2015-08-06 20:54:01,836 * INFO * [95012] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:54:01,845 * INFO * [95446] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/19
2015-08-06 20:54:03,554 * INFO * [95286] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/6 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:54:03,561 * INFO * [95471] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/18
2015-08-06 20:54:05,129 * INFO * [95024] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:54:05,137 * INFO * [95499] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/15
2015-08-06 20:54:12,945 * INFO * [95218] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/4 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:54:12,955 * INFO * [95562] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/11
2015-08-06 20:54:13,525 * INFO * [95306] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:54:13,532 * INFO * [95588] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/16
2015-08-06 20:54:23,867 * INFO * [95068] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:54:23,876 * INFO * [95727] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/9
2015-08-06 20:54:29,548 * INFO * [95200] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/1 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:54:29,557 * INFO * [95777] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/17
2015-08-06 20:54:30,155 * INFO * [95499] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:54:30,160 * INFO * [95789] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/8
2015-08-06 20:54:30,856 * INFO * [95471] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:54:30,863 * INFO * [95801] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/3
2015-08-06 20:54:40,091 * INFO * [95562] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:54:40,101 * INFO * [95871] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/13
2015-08-06 20:54:42,889 * INFO * [95258] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/10/5 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:54:42,897 * INFO * [95899] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/10
2015-08-06 20:54:48,852 * INFO * [95432] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:54:48,859 * INFO * [95941] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/2
2015-08-06 20:54:50,795 * INFO * [95446] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:54:50,801 * INFO * [95959] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/12
2015-08-06 20:54:51,807 * INFO * [95346] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:54:51,816 * INFO * [95979] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/1
2015-08-06 20:55:01,370 * INFO * [95727] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:55:01,379 * INFO * [96043] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/4
2015-08-06 20:55:02,520 * INFO * [95588] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:55:02,527 * INFO * [96072] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/5
2015-08-06 20:55:08,581 * INFO * [95871] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:55:08,592 * INFO * [96122] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/6
2015-08-06 20:55:15,249 * INFO * [95941] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/2 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:55:15,254 * INFO * [96172] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/20
2015-08-06 20:55:15,369 * INFO * [95777] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:55:15,375 * INFO * [96184] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/14
2015-08-06 20:55:17,385 * INFO * [95959] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/12 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:55:17,391 * INFO * [96202] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/7
2015-08-06 20:55:17,593 * INFO * [95801] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:55:17,600 * INFO * [96214] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/19
2015-08-06 20:55:23,023 * INFO * [95979] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/1 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:55:23,030 * INFO * [96234] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/18
2015-08-06 20:55:25,867 * INFO * [95789] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:55:25,872 * INFO * [96252] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/15
2015-08-06 20:55:32,419 * INFO * [96043] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/4 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:55:32,424 * INFO * [96322] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/11
2015-08-06 20:55:44,480 * INFO * [96172] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/20 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:55:44,487 * INFO * [96418] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/16
2015-08-06 20:55:45,616 * INFO * [96214] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/19 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:55:45,624 * INFO * [96430] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/9
2015-08-06 20:55:47,849 * INFO * [96234] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/18 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:55:47,856 * INFO * [96448] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/17
2015-08-06 20:55:47,951 * INFO * [96072] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/5 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:55:47,956 * INFO * [96460] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/8
2015-08-06 20:55:48,648 * INFO * [95899] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:55:48,655 * INFO * [96480] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/3
2015-08-06 20:55:53,282 * INFO * [96122] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/1/6 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:55:53,286 * INFO * [96498] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/13
2015-08-06 20:55:55,337 * INFO * [96202] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/7 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:55:55,343 * INFO * [96536] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/10
2015-08-06 20:55:56,145 * INFO * [96184] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/14 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:55:56,152 * INFO * [96554] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/2
2015-08-06 20:56:09,466 * INFO * [96460] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/8 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:56:09,473 * INFO * [96676] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/12
2015-08-06 20:56:10,567 * INFO * [96480] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/3 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:56:10,573 * INFO * [96702] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/1
2015-08-06 20:56:15,663 * INFO * [96252] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/15 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:56:15,669 * INFO * [96744] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/4
2015-08-06 20:56:18,226 * INFO * [96430] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/9 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:56:18,232 * INFO * [96764] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/5
2015-08-06 20:56:20,854 * INFO * [96448] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/17 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:56:20,859 * INFO * [96784] Started ./ in atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/6
2015-08-06 20:56:24,997 * INFO * [96322] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/11 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:56:25,373 * INFO * [96418] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/16 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:56:26,595 * INFO * [96498] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/13 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:56:29,912 * INFO * [96536] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/10 Finished with 0
2015-08-06 20:56:35,265 * INFO * [96554] atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/25/5/2 Finished with 0

In [81]:
# aggregating confusion matrix data
## byClass
### dominant
!cd $workDir; \
    nestagg delim \
        -d atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund \
        -k percIncorp,percTaxa,rep \
        -o ./atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/DESeq2-cMtx_dom_byClass.csv \

### rare
!cd $workDir; \
    nestagg delim \
        -d atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund \
        -k percIncorp,percTaxa,rep \
        -o ./atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/DESeq2-cMtx_rare_byClass.csv \

Plotting accuracy

Dominant taxa

In [82]:
%%R -i workDir

byClass = read.csv('./atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/DESeq2-cMtx_dom_byClass.csv')
byClass %>% head

               X   byClass percIncorp percTaxa rep
1    Sensitivity 0.5000000         50       50  20
2    Specificity 1.0000000         50       50  20
3 Pos Pred Value 1.0000000         50       50  20
4 Neg Pred Value 0.4285714         50       50  20
5     Prevalence 0.7272727         50       50  20
6 Detection Rate 0.3636364         50       50  20

In [83]:
%%R -w 700 

col2keep = c('Balanced Accuracy', 'Sensitivity','Specificity')

byClass.f = byClass %>%
    filter(X %in% col2keep) %>%
    mutate(percIncorp = as.character(percIncorp),
           percTaxa = as.character(percTaxa))

byClass.f$percIncorp = factor(byClass.f$percIncorp, levels=sort(unique(as.numeric(byClass.f$percIncorp))))
byClass.f$percTaxa = factor(byClass.f$percTaxa, levels=sort(unique(as.numeric(byClass.f$percTaxa))))

ggplot(byClass.f, aes(percIncorp, byClass, fill=percTaxa)) +
    geom_boxplot(position='dodge') +
    labs(y='Value', x='Atom percent 13C') +
    facet_grid(X ~ .) +
        text = element_text(size=16)

Rare taxa

In [84]:
%%R -i workDir

byClass = read.csv('./atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/DESeq2-cMtx_rare_byClass.csv')
byClass %>% head

               X    byClass percIncorp percTaxa rep
1    Sensitivity 0.13725490         50       50  20
2    Specificity 1.00000000         50       50  20
3 Pos Pred Value 1.00000000         50       50  20
4 Neg Pred Value 0.52857143         50       50  20
5     Prevalence 0.50830565         50       50  20
6 Detection Rate 0.06976744         50       50  20

In [85]:
%%R -w 700 

col2keep = c('Balanced Accuracy', 'Sensitivity','Specificity')

byClass.f = byClass %>%
    filter(X %in% col2keep) %>%
    mutate(percIncorp = as.character(percIncorp),
           percTaxa = as.character(percTaxa))

byClass.f$percIncorp = factor(byClass.f$percIncorp, levels=sort(unique(as.numeric(byClass.f$percIncorp))))
byClass.f$percTaxa = factor(byClass.f$percTaxa, levels=sort(unique(as.numeric(byClass.f$percTaxa))))

ggplot(byClass.f, aes(percIncorp, byClass, fill=percTaxa)) +
    geom_boxplot(position='dodge') +
    labs(y='Value', x='Atom percent 13C') +
    facet_grid(X ~ .) +
        text = element_text(size=16)


  • Dominants can produce higher sensitivity, but (likely) smaller sample size, so crap shoot on whether dominant taxon is in the optimal GC window for the DESeq2 analysis.
  • Rares essentially match whole-community accuracy.
    • Likely due to sample size of rares (most of community for log-normal abundance distribution)


  • What is the sample size of dominants and rares?

Sample size of dominants and rares

  • Method:
    • Get number of taxa from dominant/rare-parsed DESeq2 object files

In [59]:
%%R -i workDir

dom.files = grep('DESeq2_dom$', list.files('./atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/', recursive=TRUE), value=TRUE)
rare.files = grep('DESeq2_rare$', list.files('./atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/', recursive=TRUE), value=TRUE)

read_taxa = function(, dir='atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund'){
    f = paste(c(dir,, collapse='/')
    deseq.res = readRDS(f)
    n.taxa = length(unique(rownames(deseq.res)))

dom.taxa = list()
for(f in dom.files){
    dom.taxa[[f]] = read_taxa(f)

rare.taxa = list()
for(f in rare.files){
    rare.taxa[[f]] = read_taxa(f)

In [60]:
tbl.dom =, dom.taxa))
tbl.dom$abund = 'Dominant'
tbl.rare =, rare.taxa))
tbl.rare$abund = 'Rare'

tbl.dom.rare = rbind(tbl.dom, tbl.rare)
colnames(tbl.dom.rare)[1] = 'N.taxa'
tbl.dom.rare$file = rownames(tbl.dom.rare) 
tbl.dom.rare = tbl.dom.rare %>% 
    separate(file, c('percIncorp','percTaxa','rep','file'), sep='/') 
tbl.dom.rare %>% head

                                          N.taxa    abund percIncorp percTaxa
0/10/10/OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_dom     13 Dominant          0       10
0/10/11/OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_dom     12 Dominant          0       10
0/10/12/OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_dom     15 Dominant          0       10
0/10/13/OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_dom     12 Dominant          0       10
0/10/14/OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_dom     16 Dominant          0       10
0/10/15/OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_dom     11 Dominant          0       10
                                          rep                              file
0/10/10/OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_dom  10 OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_dom
0/10/11/OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_dom  11 OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_dom
0/10/12/OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_dom  12 OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_dom
0/10/13/OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_dom  13 OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_dom
0/10/14/OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_dom  14 OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_dom
0/10/15/OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_dom  15 OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_dom

In [61]:
%%R -w 700 -h 400

tbl.dom.rare$percIncorp = factor(tbl.dom.rare$percIncorp, levels=sort(unique(as.numeric(tbl.dom.rare$percIncorp))))
tbl.dom.rare$percTaxa = factor(tbl.dom.rare$percTaxa, levels=sort(unique(as.numeric(tbl.dom.rare$percTaxa))))

ggplot(tbl.dom.rare, aes(percIncorp, N.taxa, fill=percTaxa)) +
    geom_boxplot(position='dodge') +
    labs(y='Number of taxa', x='Atom percent 13C') +
    facet_grid(abund ~ ., scales='free_y') +
        text = element_text(size=16)


  • Figure is showing number of taxa in each group
  • Dominant n-taxa very low (mean values) with a high variance

Plotting sensitivity ~ taxon_abundance

  • Method:

    • table join: DESeq res file & BD-shift
      • join on taxon
    • use cutoffs to select which taxa 'incorporated'
      • padj < 0.1
    • compare DESeq result to true result
      • TP,FP,TN,FN
  • Figure:

    • axes: taxon ~ abundance (pointrange: replicates)
      • ordered by abundance
    • color by classification (TP,FP,TN,FN)
    • facet: percIncorp ~ percTaxa

In [ ]:
%%bash -s "$R_dir"

find atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/ -name "*DESeq2" | \
    perl -pe 's/(.+\/).+/\1/' | \
    xargs -P 8 -I % bash -c \
    "$1DESeq2_addInfo.r %OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2 %comm.txt %ampFrags_kde_dif_incorp_BD-shift.txt > %OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_info"

In [25]:
%%R -i workDir

deseq.files = grep('_DESeq2_info$', list.files('./atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/', recursive=TRUE), value=TRUE)

tbl.l = list()
for(f in deseq.files){
    f = paste(c('./atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund/', f), collapse='/')
    tbl.l[[f]] = readRDS(f) %>% mutate(file = f)

tbl =, tbl.l)
rownames(tbl) = seq(1,nrow(tbl))

tbl %>% head

    baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE       stat    pvalue      padj         p
1  0.5049108     0.11107666 0.2718697 0.00000000 0.6953218 0.9936258 0.6953218
2 14.5871544    -0.26250401 0.3395417 0.00000000 0.9344016 0.9936258 0.9344016
3  0.0000000             NA        NA         NA        NA        NA        NA
4  3.7093265     0.27897603 0.4076513 0.07108044 0.4716669 0.9936258 0.4716669
5  2.2722084    -0.16705365 0.3580337 0.00000000 0.8779590 0.9936258 0.8779590
6  9.7317017     0.03058377 0.3786109 0.00000000 0.7188841 0.9936258 0.7188841
    padj.BH                                 taxon lib1 lib2 BD_shift
1 0.9936258        Acaryochloris_marina_MBIC11017   NA    2        0
2 0.9936258  Acetobacter_pasteurianus_IFO_3283-12   NA    2        0
3        NA     Acetohalobium_arabaticum_DSM_5501   NA    2        0
4 0.9936258         Achromobacter_xylosoxidans_A8   NA    2        0
5 0.9936258  Acidaminococcus_fermentans_DSM_20731   NA    2        0
6 0.9936258 Acidimicrobium_ferrooxidans_DSM_10331   NA    2        0
  mean_rel_abund_perc rank
1         0.130105629 1076
2         0.077478995 1004
3         0.009772099  575
4         0.020127186  754
5         0.016309341  699
6         0.049043241  932
1 ./atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund//0/10/10/OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_info
2 ./atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund//0/10/10/OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_info
3 ./atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund//0/10/10/OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_info
4 ./atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund//0/10/10/OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_info
5 ./atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund//0/10/10/OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_info
6 ./atomIncorp_taxaIncorp_abund//0/10/10/OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_info

In [33]:
tbl.e = tbl %>%
    mutate(file = gsub('.+//','', file)) %>%
    separate(file, c('percIncorp','percTaxa','rep','file'), sep='/') %>%
    unite(percIncorp_percTaxa, percIncorp, percTaxa, sep='_', remove=FALSE)
tbl.e %>% head

    baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE       stat    pvalue      padj         p
1  0.5049108     0.11107666 0.2718697 0.00000000 0.6953218 0.9936258 0.6953218
2 14.5871544    -0.26250401 0.3395417 0.00000000 0.9344016 0.9936258 0.9344016
3  0.0000000             NA        NA         NA        NA        NA        NA
4  3.7093265     0.27897603 0.4076513 0.07108044 0.4716669 0.9936258 0.4716669
5  2.2722084    -0.16705365 0.3580337 0.00000000 0.8779590 0.9936258 0.8779590
6  9.7317017     0.03058377 0.3786109 0.00000000 0.7188841 0.9936258 0.7188841
    padj.BH                                 taxon lib1 lib2 BD_shift
1 0.9936258        Acaryochloris_marina_MBIC11017   NA    2        0
2 0.9936258  Acetobacter_pasteurianus_IFO_3283-12   NA    2        0
3        NA     Acetohalobium_arabaticum_DSM_5501   NA    2        0
4 0.9936258         Achromobacter_xylosoxidans_A8   NA    2        0
5 0.9936258  Acidaminococcus_fermentans_DSM_20731   NA    2        0
6 0.9936258 Acidimicrobium_ferrooxidans_DSM_10331   NA    2        0
  mean_rel_abund_perc rank percIncorp_percTaxa percIncorp percTaxa rep
1         0.130105629 1076                0_10          0       10  10
2         0.077478995 1004                0_10          0       10  10
3         0.009772099  575                0_10          0       10  10
4         0.020127186  754                0_10          0       10  10
5         0.016309341  699                0_10          0       10  10
6         0.049043241  932                0_10          0       10  10
1 OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_info
2 OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_info
3 OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_info
4 OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_info
5 OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_info
6 OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_info

In [34]:
BD.shift.cut = 0.05
padj.cut = 0.1

clsfy = function(guess,known){
    if( |{
    if(guess == TRUE){
        if(guess == known){
            } else {
        } else
    if(guess == FALSE){
        if(guess == known){
            } else {
        } else {
        stop('Error: true or false needed')

tbl.e = tbl.e %>% 
    mutate(true_incorp = BD_shift > BD.shift.cut,
           DESeq_incorp = padj < padj.cut,
           cls = mapply(clsfy, DESeq_incorp, true_incorp)) 
tbl.e %>% head

    baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE       stat    pvalue      padj         p
1  0.5049108     0.11107666 0.2718697 0.00000000 0.6953218 0.9936258 0.6953218
2 14.5871544    -0.26250401 0.3395417 0.00000000 0.9344016 0.9936258 0.9344016
3  0.0000000             NA        NA         NA        NA        NA        NA
4  3.7093265     0.27897603 0.4076513 0.07108044 0.4716669 0.9936258 0.4716669
5  2.2722084    -0.16705365 0.3580337 0.00000000 0.8779590 0.9936258 0.8779590
6  9.7317017     0.03058377 0.3786109 0.00000000 0.7188841 0.9936258 0.7188841
    padj.BH                                 taxon lib1 lib2 BD_shift
1 0.9936258        Acaryochloris_marina_MBIC11017   NA    2        0
2 0.9936258  Acetobacter_pasteurianus_IFO_3283-12   NA    2        0
3        NA     Acetohalobium_arabaticum_DSM_5501   NA    2        0
4 0.9936258         Achromobacter_xylosoxidans_A8   NA    2        0
5 0.9936258  Acidaminococcus_fermentans_DSM_20731   NA    2        0
6 0.9936258 Acidimicrobium_ferrooxidans_DSM_10331   NA    2        0
  mean_rel_abund_perc rank percIncorp_percTaxa percIncorp percTaxa rep
1         0.130105629 1076                0_10          0       10  10
2         0.077478995 1004                0_10          0       10  10
3         0.009772099  575                0_10          0       10  10
4         0.020127186  754                0_10          0       10  10
5         0.016309341  699                0_10          0       10  10
6         0.049043241  932                0_10          0       10  10
                                file true_incorp DESeq_incorp  cls
1 OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_info       FALSE        FALSE   TN
2 OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_info       FALSE        FALSE   TN
3 OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_info       FALSE           NA <NA>
4 OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_info       FALSE        FALSE   TN
5 OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_info       FALSE        FALSE   TN
6 OTU_n2_abs1e9_sub-norm_DESeq2_info       FALSE        FALSE   TN

In [35]:
tbl.e$taxon = reorder(tbl.e$taxon, dense_rank(tbl.e$mean_rel_abund_perc))
tbl.e$percIncorp = factor(tbl.e$percIncorp, levels=sort(unique(as.numeric(tbl.e$percIncorp))))
tbl.e$percTaxa = factor(tbl.e$percTaxa, levels=sort(unique(as.numeric(tbl.e$percTaxa))))

In [40]:
%%R -w 1000

ggplot(tbl.e, aes(taxon, mean_rel_abund_perc, color=cls)) +
    geom_point(alpha=0.5) +
    facet_grid(percIncorp ~ percTaxa) +
        text = element_text(size=16),
        axis.text.x = element_blank()

In [52]:

clsfy = function(guess,known){
    if( |{
    if(guess == TRUE){
        if(guess == known){
            } else {
        } else
    if(guess == FALSE){
        if(guess == known){
            } else {
        } else {
        stop('Error: true or false needed')

tbl.s.c = tbl.e %>%
    mutate(TP_FN = mapply(clsfy, DESeq_incorp, true_incorp)) %>%
    filter(! %>%
    group_by(percIncorp, percTaxa) %>%
    summarize(cor.pearson = cor(mean_rel_abund_perc, TP_FN))

tbl.s.c %>% head

Source: local data frame [6 x 3]
Groups: percIncorp

  percIncorp percTaxa cor.pearson
1         25        1 -0.03261236
2         25        5 -0.10158500
3         25       10 -0.08790304
4         25       25 -0.02180432
5         25       50  0.02516361
6         50        1 -0.20735579

In [64]:
%%R -w 600 -h 350
ggplot(tbl.s.c, aes(percIncorp, cor.pearson, fill=percTaxa)) +
    geom_bar(stat='identity', position='dodge', width=0.5) +
    labs(x='Atom percent 13C', y='r_pb', title='Point-biserial correlation coefficients') +
        text = element_text(size=16)


  • Suggests that the correlation between sensitivity and taxon abundance is dependant on % atom incorp & percent of taxa that incorporated
    • If only a few incorporator taxa, sensitivity will be poor regardless of abundance.
    • Higher % atom produces weak positive correlation between taxon abundance and correct classification.
  • Tecnically, values are point-biserial correlation coefficients (not pearson)


In [170]:
%%R -i workDir

x.deseq = './validation/OTU_n2_abs1e10_sub20000_DESeq2'
deseq.res = readRDS(x.deseq)
deseq.res =
deseq.res$taxon = rownames(deseq.res)
deseq.res %>% head

                                    baseMean log2FoldChange    lfcSE      stat
Acetohalobium_arabaticum_DSM_5501  0.4745836      0.9200834 1.394946 0.4803651
Acidovorax_citrulli_AAC00-1        3.2902741     -4.6553395 1.275818 0.0000000
Acidovorax_ebreus_TPSY             4.8031896     -1.0010777 1.176846 0.0000000
Aeromonas_hydrophila_AL09-71       0.7088409      0.5138864 1.270017 0.2077818
Alkalilimnicola_ehrlichii_MLHE-1  28.0436962     -1.2126332 1.274566 0.0000000
Alkaliphilus_oremlandii_OhILAs    29.5094790      0.5352219 1.697529 0.1680218
                                     pvalue padj         p padj.BH
Acetohalobium_arabaticum_DSM_5501 0.3154839    1 0.3154839       1
Acidovorax_citrulli_AAC00-1       0.9999397    1 0.9999397       1
Acidovorax_ebreus_TPSY            0.8561264    1 0.8561264       1
Aeromonas_hydrophila_AL09-71      0.4176997    1 0.4176997       1
Alkalilimnicola_ehrlichii_MLHE-1  0.8744236    1 0.8744236       1
Alkaliphilus_oremlandii_OhILAs    0.4332831    1 0.4332831       1
Acetohalobium_arabaticum_DSM_5501 Acetohalobium_arabaticum_DSM_5501
Acidovorax_citrulli_AAC00-1             Acidovorax_citrulli_AAC00-1
Acidovorax_ebreus_TPSY                       Acidovorax_ebreus_TPSY
Aeromonas_hydrophila_AL09-71           Aeromonas_hydrophila_AL09-71
Alkalilimnicola_ehrlichii_MLHE-1   Alkalilimnicola_ehrlichii_MLHE-1
Alkaliphilus_oremlandii_OhILAs       Alkaliphilus_oremlandii_OhILAs

In [171]:
%%R -i workDir

x.comm = 'validation/comm.txt'
comm = read.delim(x.comm, sep='\t')
comm.s = comm %>%
    group_by(taxon_name) %>%
    summarize(mean_rel_abund_perc = mean(rel_abund_perc)) %>%
    mutate(rank = dense_rank(mean_rel_abund_perc))
comm.s %>% head

Source: local data frame [6 x 3]

                            taxon_name mean_rel_abund_perc rank
1       Acaryochloris_marina_MBIC11017         0.089773401 1010
2       Acetobacterium_woodii_DSM_1030         0.013390418  609
3 Acetobacter_pasteurianus_IFO_3283-12         0.003064792  270
4    Acetohalobium_arabaticum_DSM_5501         0.058114601  928
5         Acholeplasma_laidlawii_PG-8A         0.004121299  323
6        Achromobacter_xylosoxidans_A8         0.024560238  752

In [172]:
%%R -i workDir

x.BD = 'validation/ampFrags_kde_dif_incorp_BD-shift.txt'
BD.shift = read.delim(x.BD, sep='\t')
BD.shift = BD.shift %>% 
    filter(lib2 == 2)
BD.shift %>% head

  lib1 lib2                              taxon BD_shift
1   NA    2         Vibrio_vulnificus_MO6-24_O        0
2   NA    2        Caldisericum_exile_AZM16c01      NaN
3   NA    2        Spiroplasma_taiwanense_CT-1        0
4   NA    2 Thermoanaerobacter_wiegelii_Rt8_B1        0
5   NA    2       Anabaena_cylindrica_PCC_7122        0
6   NA    2    Haemophilus_parainfluenzae_T3T1        0

In [173]:

tbl.j = inner_join(deseq.res, BD.shift, c('taxon' = 'taxon'))
tbl.j = inner_join(tbl.j, comm.s, c('taxon' = 'taxon_name'))
tbl.j %>% head

    baseMean log2FoldChange    lfcSE      stat    pvalue padj         p padj.BH
1  0.4745836      0.9200834 1.394946 0.4803651 0.3154839    1 0.3154839       1
2  3.2902741     -4.6553395 1.275818 0.0000000 0.9999397    1 0.9999397       1
3  4.8031896     -1.0010777 1.176846 0.0000000 0.8561264    1 0.8561264       1
4  0.7088409      0.5138864 1.270017 0.2077818 0.4176997    1 0.4176997       1
5 28.0436962     -1.2126332 1.274566 0.0000000 0.8744236    1 0.8744236       1
6 29.5094790      0.5352219 1.697529 0.1680218 0.4332831    1 0.4332831       1
                              taxon lib1 lib2  BD_shift mean_rel_abund_perc
1 Acetohalobium_arabaticum_DSM_5501   NA    2 0.0000000          0.05811460
2       Acidovorax_citrulli_AAC00-1   NA    2 0.9994683          0.07152763
3            Acidovorax_ebreus_TPSY   NA    2 0.0000000          0.14267760
4      Aeromonas_hydrophila_AL09-71   NA    2 0.9968581          0.02364744
5  Alkalilimnicola_ehrlichii_MLHE-1   NA    2 0.0000000          0.77596664
6    Alkaliphilus_oremlandii_OhILAs   NA    2 0.0000000          1.29218348
1  928
2  970
3 1068
4  745
5 1187
6 1199

In [174]:
BD.shift.cut = 0.05
padj.cut = 0.1

clsfy = function(guess,known){
    if(guess == TRUE){
        if(guess == known){
            } else {
        } else
    if(guess == FALSE){
        if(guess == known){
            } else {
        } else {
        stop('Error: true or false needed')

tbl.j = tbl.j %>% 
    mutate(true_incorp = BD_shift > BD.shift.cut,
           DESeq_incorp = padj < padj.cut,
           cls = mapply(clsfy, DESeq_incorp, true_incorp)) 
tbl.j %>% head

    baseMean log2FoldChange    lfcSE      stat    pvalue padj         p padj.BH
1  0.4745836      0.9200834 1.394946 0.4803651 0.3154839    1 0.3154839       1
2  3.2902741     -4.6553395 1.275818 0.0000000 0.9999397    1 0.9999397       1
3  4.8031896     -1.0010777 1.176846 0.0000000 0.8561264    1 0.8561264       1
4  0.7088409      0.5138864 1.270017 0.2077818 0.4176997    1 0.4176997       1
5 28.0436962     -1.2126332 1.274566 0.0000000 0.8744236    1 0.8744236       1
6 29.5094790      0.5352219 1.697529 0.1680218 0.4332831    1 0.4332831       1
                              taxon lib1 lib2  BD_shift mean_rel_abund_perc
1 Acetohalobium_arabaticum_DSM_5501   NA    2 0.0000000          0.05811460
2       Acidovorax_citrulli_AAC00-1   NA    2 0.9994683          0.07152763
3            Acidovorax_ebreus_TPSY   NA    2 0.0000000          0.14267760
4      Aeromonas_hydrophila_AL09-71   NA    2 0.9968581          0.02364744
5  Alkalilimnicola_ehrlichii_MLHE-1   NA    2 0.0000000          0.77596664
6    Alkaliphilus_oremlandii_OhILAs   NA    2 0.0000000          1.29218348
  rank true_incorp DESeq_incorp cls
1  928       FALSE        FALSE  TN
2  970        TRUE        FALSE  FN
3 1068       FALSE        FALSE  TN
4  745        TRUE        FALSE  FN
5 1187       FALSE        FALSE  TN
6 1199       FALSE        FALSE  TN

In [175]:
%%R -w 900

tbl.j$taxon = reorder(tbl.j$taxon, tbl.j$mean_rel_abund_perc)

ggplot(tbl.j, aes(taxon, mean_rel_abund_perc, color=cls)) +

In [ ]:
%%R -i workDir

deseq.res = readRDS('./validation/OTU_n2_abs1e10_sub20000_DESeq2')

In [17]:

comm = read.delim('./validation/comm.txt', sep='\t')
comm.s = comm %>%
    group_by(taxon_name) %>%
    summarize(mean_rel_abund_perc = mean(rel_abund_perc))
comm.s %>% head

Source: local data frame [6 x 2]

                            taxon_name mean_rel_abund_perc
1       Acaryochloris_marina_MBIC11017         0.089773401
2       Acetobacterium_woodii_DSM_1030         0.013390418
3 Acetobacter_pasteurianus_IFO_3283-12         0.003064792
4    Acetohalobium_arabaticum_DSM_5501         0.058114601
5         Acholeplasma_laidlawii_PG-8A         0.004121299
6        Achromobacter_xylosoxidans_A8         0.024560238

In [21]:
tmp = deseq.res %>% 
tmp$taxon_name = rownames(tmp)

tmp = inner_join(tmp, comm.s, c('taxon_name' = 'taxon_name'))
tmp = tmp %>%
    mutate(dom_rare = mean_rel_abund_perc > 1)

tmp %>% head

    baseMean log2FoldChange    lfcSE      stat    pvalue padj         p padj.BH
1  0.4745836      0.9200834 1.394946 0.4803651 0.3154839    1 0.3154839       1
2  3.2902741     -4.6553395 1.275818 0.0000000 0.9999397    1 0.9999397       1
3  4.8031896     -1.0010777 1.176846 0.0000000 0.8561264    1 0.8561264       1
4  0.7088409      0.5138864 1.270017 0.2077818 0.4176997    1 0.4176997       1
5 28.0436962     -1.2126332 1.274566 0.0000000 0.8744236    1 0.8744236       1
6 29.5094790      0.5352219 1.697529 0.1680218 0.4332831    1 0.4332831       1
                         taxon_name mean_rel_abund_perc dom_rare
1 Acetohalobium_arabaticum_DSM_5501          0.05811460    FALSE
2       Acidovorax_citrulli_AAC00-1          0.07152763    FALSE
3            Acidovorax_ebreus_TPSY          0.14267760    FALSE
4      Aeromonas_hydrophila_AL09-71          0.02364744    FALSE
5  Alkalilimnicola_ehrlichii_MLHE-1          0.77596664    FALSE
6    Alkaliphilus_oremlandii_OhILAs          1.29218348     TRUE

In [22]:
tmp %>% filter(dom_rare == FALSE) %>% nrow %>% print
tmp %>% filter(dom_rare == TRUE) %>% nrow %>% print

[1] 215
[1] 17

In [ ]: