In [2]:
# Load the needed packages
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import awot
%matplotlib inline
First we'll need some data to interact with
In [2]:
# Released data file
wcrf1 = os.path.join("/Users/guy/data/king_air/owles2013/wcr", "")
# Supplementary file with corrected velocity data
wcrf2 = os.path.join("/Users/guy/data/king_air/owles2013/wcr/", "")
Read in the radar data
In [3]:
wcr =
Read a variable from another file and add it to the AWOT dictionary. A mask of invalid data is automatically applied. Additional masking can be accomplished by setting the mask_value keyword.
In [4]:
nc = Dataset(wcrf2)
velcor = nc.variables['Velocity_cor_2']
awot.util.add_dict_to_awot_fields(wcr, 'velocity_corrected', data=velcor[:],
units=velcor.units, longname=velcor.long_name, stdname="Corrected velocity")
print(wcr['fields']['velocity']['data'].shape, wcr['fields']['velocity_corrected']['data'].shape)
Just as in the plotting routines, time can be subset using a date string. But maybe you want to just return a subsetted dicationary for use. The time_subset_awot_dict function does this.
In [7]:
start_time = "2013-12-15 23:05:00"
end_time = "2013-12-15 23:15:00"
# Create subsets of arrays
refsub = awot.util.time_subset_awot_dict(wcr['time'], wcr['fields']['reflectivity'],
start_time, end_time)
velsub = awot.util.time_subset_awot_dict(wcr['time'], wcr['fields']['velocity'],
start_time, end_time)
altsub = awot.util.time_subset_awot_dict(wcr['time'], wcr['altitude'],
start_time, end_time)
In [8]:
print(wcr['fields']['reflectivity']['data'].shape, refsub['data'].shape)
print(wcr['fields']['velocity']['data'].shape, velsub['data'].shape)
print(wcr['altitude']['data'].shape, altsub['data'].shape)
AWOT uses Py-ART to read many radar files. Therefore we can read through AWOT.
In [8]:
nexf = os.path.join("/Users/guy/data/nexrad/KILN/nex2/20140429", "KILN20140430_004708_V06")
rnex =, map_to_awot=False)
In [7]:
By changing the map_to_awot key we can convert the Py-ART radar instance to an AWOT radar instance. Note this is the DEFAULT behavior to make working with the AWOT package a bit easier.
In [9]:
rnex =, map_to_awot=True)
In [10]:
An experimental KMZ file creation is available for flight data.
In [11]:
flname = os.path.join("/Users/guy/data/king_air/pecan2015", "")
fl1 =, platform='uwka')
Now we can create a KMZ file of the track. This saves a KMZ file to current working directory if not specified.
In [ ]:
awot.util.write_track_kmz(fl1, 'altitude', show_legend=False, end_time="2016-01-01T00:00:00")