Objective: Visualize the latest available reflectivity data from the lowest tilt of a user specified radar site
Steps involved:
In [1]:
import string
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime as dt
import matplotlib as mpl
from pydap.client import open_url
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from pytds.util import get_latest_dods_url
In [2]:
def radar_colormap():
nws_reflectivity_colors = [
"#646464", # ND
"#ccffff", # -30
"#cc99cc", # -25
"#996699", # -20
"#663366", # -15
"#cccc99", # -10
"#999966", # -5
"#646464", # 0
"#04e9e7", # 5
"#019ff4", # 10
"#0300f4", # 15
"#02fd02", # 20
"#01c501", # 25
"#008e00", # 30
"#fdf802", # 35
"#e5bc00", # 40
"#fd9500", # 45
"#fd0000", # 50
"#d40000", # 55
"#bc0000", # 60
"#f800fd", # 65
"#9854c6", # 70
"#fdfdfd" # 75
cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(nws_reflectivity_colors)
return cmap
In [3]:
site = "KEVX"
In [4]:
# get latest data url
date = dt.date.today().strftime("%Y%m%d")
url = "http://thredds.ucar.edu/thredds/catalog/nexrad/level2/" + site + "/" + date + "/catalog.xml"
latest_data_url = get_latest_dods_url(url)
# open url using pydap
dataset = open_url(latest_data_url)
# get some basic info from the global metadata
global_attrs = dataset.attributes['NC_GLOBAL']
station_lat = global_attrs["StationLatitude"]
station_lon = global_attrs["StationLongitude"]
station_id = global_attrs["StationName"]
# get data array and metadata
variable = "Reflectivity_HI"
tilts = dataset["elevationR_HI"][:,0]
scan = np.where(tilts == tilts.min())[0][0]
tilt = tilts[scan,0]
data = dataset[variable][scan,::].squeeze()
theta = dataset["azimuthR_HI"][scan,::].squeeze()
r = dataset["distanceR_HI"][:]
data_attrs = dataset[variable].attributes
In [5]:
# check for scale and offset
if data_attrs.has_key("scale_factor"):
data = data * data_attrs["scale_factor"]
if data_attrs.has_key("add_offset"):
data = data + data_attrs["add_offset"]
# mask the data based on NWS threshold
data = np.ma.masked_array(data, data < 5)
In [6]:
theta = theta * np.pi / 180.
d = r * np.cos(tilt * np.pi / 180.)
x = np.array((np.matrix(np.cos(theta)).transpose() * np.matrix(d)))
y = np.array((np.matrix(np.sin(theta)).transpose() * np.matrix(d)))
height = np.abs(x.min()) + np.abs(x.max())
width = np.abs(y.min()) + np.abs(y.max())
x = x + height / 2.
y = y + width / 2.
In [7]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,11))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
station_x, station_y = m(station_lon, station_lat)
cmap = radar_colormap()
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=-35, vmax=80)
ax.text(station_x, station_y, "+{}".format(site))
cax = m.pcolormesh(y, x, data, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
cbar = m.colorbar(cax)