How to add a field to an existing AWOT instance

In [1]:
# Load the needed packages
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import Dataset

import awot
from awot.graph import FlightLevel, RadarVerticalPlot, MicrophysicalVerticalPlot

%matplotlib inline

Supply input data and plotting characteristics. In this case we'll use a file from the OWLeS project and corrected field of velocity data using sounding data.

In [2]:
file1 = ""
#file = ""
wcrf1 = os.path.join("/Users/guy/data/king_air/owles2013/wcr", file1)

file2 = ""
wcrf2 = os.path.join("/Users/guy/data/king_air/owles2013/wcr/", file2)

start_time = "2013-12-16 01:25:00"
end_time = "2013-12-16 01:30:00"

# Set the project name

altmin, altmax = 0., 3000.

refmin, refmax = -50., 30.
#velmin, velmax = -16., 16. # Nyquist
velmin, velmax = -3., 3. # Nyquist

Read in the radar data

In [3]:
wcr =

height_zdr does not exist in file...
height_ldr does not exist in file...
zdr does not exist in file...
ldr does not exist in file...

Read a variable from another file and add it to the AWOT dictionary. A mask of invalid data is automatically applied. Additional masking can be accomplished by setting the mask_value keyword.

In [4]:
nc = Dataset(wcrf2)
velcor = nc.variables['Velocity_cor_2']
awot.util.add_dict_to_awot_fields(wcr, 'velocity_corrected', data=velcor[:],
                                 units=velcor.units, longname=velcor.long_name, stdname="Corrected velocity")

print(wcr['fields']['velocity']['data'].shape, wcr['fields']['velocity_corrected']['data'].shape)

((14388, 379), (14388, 379))
(-16.568499, 19.136526)

In [5]:
print("Reflectivity Min/Max = %f / %f \n"
      "Velocity Min/Max = %f / %f \n"
      "Altitude Min/Max = %f / %f \n"
      "Height Min/Max = %f / %f \n"
      "Surface Min/Max = %f / %f \n"%(
        wcr['altitude']['data'].min(), wcr['altitude']['data'].max(),
        wcr['height']['data'].min(), wcr['height']['data'].max(),
        wcr['surface']['data'].min(), wcr['surface']['data'].max()))

['fields', 'tas', 'ground_speed', 'aircraft_wind', 'reflectivity_minimum', 'data_format', 'longitude', 'height', 'project', 'platform', 'flight_number', 'height_ldr', 'surface', 'aspect', 'time', 'latitude', 'altitude', 'height_zdr', 'beam_vector', 'metadata']
Reflectivity Min/Max = -52.312874 / 49.270596 
Velocity Min/Max = -15.640082 / 15.023235 
Altitude Min/Max = 1663.263550 / 3158.159668 
Height Min/Max = -19.123535 / 5657.890137 
Surface Min/Max = -19.123535 / 191.136230 

Make a vertical time series plot of reflectivity and velocity fields

In [6]:
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(7.5,10), sharex=True)

wcr_vp= RadarVerticalPlot(wcr)

wcr_vp.time_height_image('reflectivity', ax=ax1, plot_log10_var=False,
#              start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time,
                         vmin=refmin, vmax=refmax,
                         cb_label=r'Reflectivity (dBZ)',
                         height_min=altmin, height_max=altmax, title=file1,
                         ylab=r'Altitude (m)', ylabFontSize=12)
wcr_vp.time_height_image('velocity', ax=ax2, plot_log10_var=False,
#              start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time,
                         vmin=velmin, vmax=velmax,
                         cb_label=r'Doppler Velocity (m s$^{-1}$)',
                         height_min=altmin, height_max=altmax,
                         ylab=r'Altitude (m)', ylabFontSize=12,
                         xlab='UTC Time', xlabFontSize=12)
wcr_vp.time_height_image('velocity_corrected', ax=ax3, plot_log10_var=False,
#              start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time,
                         vmin=velmin, vmax=velmax,
                         cb_label=r'Doppler Velocity (m s$^{-1}$)',
                         height_min=altmin, height_max=altmax,
                         ylab=r'Altitude (m)', ylabFontSize=12,
                         xlab='UTC Time', xlabFontSize=12)

/Users/guy/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
  if self._edgecolors == str('face'):

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