We consider a system of $N$ two-level systems (TLSs) with identical frequency $\omega_{0}$, incoherently pumped at a rate $\gamma_\text{P}$ and de-excitating at a collective emission rate $\gamma_\text{CE}$,
\begin{eqnarray} \dot{\rho} &=& -i\lbrack \omega_{0}J_z,\rho \rbrack +\frac{\gamma_\text {CE}}{2}\mathcal{L}_{J_{-}}[\rho] +\frac{\gamma_\text{P}}{2}\sum_{n=1}^{N}\mathcal{L}_{J_{+,n}}[\rho] \end{eqnarray}This system can sustain superradiant light emission and line narrowing [1-3], whose peak intensity scales proportionally to $N^2$.
In [1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from qutip import *
from piqs import *
In [2]:
N = 10
system = Dicke(N = N)
[jx, jy, jz, jp, jm] = jspin(N)
w0 = 1
h0 = w0 * jz
gCE = 1
gP = N * gCE
system.hamiltonian = h0
system.collective_emission = gCE
system.pumping = gP
In [3]:
L = system.liouvillian()
rhoss = steadystate(L)
jpjm_ss = expect(jp*jm, rhoss)
We define the $g^{(2)}(\tau)$ of the system as the two-time correlation function mapping the photonic degrees of freedom onto the TLS collective operators
\begin{eqnarray*} g^{(2)}(\tau) = \frac{\langle: J^\dagger(\tau) a^\dagger(0) a(\tau) a(0) :\rangle}{|\langle: a^\dagger(0) a(0) :\rangle|^2}= \frac{\langle: J_{+}(\tau) J_{+}(0) J_{-}(\tau) J_{-}(0) :\rangle}{|\langle J_{+}(0) J_{-}(0) \rangle|^2} \end{eqnarray*}
In [4]:
# time evolution parameters
nt = 1000
td = np.log(N)/(N*gCE)
tmax = 5 * td
t = np.linspace(0, tmax, nt)
# initial state
rho0= dicke(N, N/2, -N/2)
# calculate g2(tau)
A = jp*jm
rhoA = jm*rhoss*jp
result1 = mesolve(L, rhoA, t, [], e_ops = [A], options = Options(store_states=True))
g2t = result1.expect[0]
result2 = mesolve(L, rho0, t, [], e_ops = A, options = Options(store_states=True))
rhot = result2.states
jpjmt = result2.expect[0]
In [5]:
j2max = (0.5 * N + 1) * (0.5 * N)
plt.rc('text', usetex = True)
label_size = 20
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=label_size)
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=label_size)
fig1 = plt.figure()
plt.plot(t/td, g2t/jpjm_ss**2, '-')
plt.plot(t/td, 1+0*g2t, '--')
plt.xlabel(r'$\tau/t_\mathrm{D}$', fontsize = label_size)
plt.ylabel(r'$g^{(2)}(\tau)$', fontsize = label_size)
fig2 = plt.figure()
plt.plot(t/td, jpjmt/j2max, '-')
plt.xlabel(r'$t/t_\mathrm{D}$', fontsize = label_size)
plt.ylabel(r'$\langle J_{+}J_{-}\rangle (t)$', fontsize = label_size)
plt.title(r'Light emission', fontsize = label_size)
We perform a study of the scaling of the steady state light emission of the system as a function of the pumping rate, normalized by the number of TLSs and the collective emission rate. The results show an optimal point for $\frac{\gamma_\text{P}}{N\gamma_\text{CE}}\simeq 1$.
In [6]:
# Cycle on Coefficients
gCE = 1
gP0 = 1
gP_min_exp = -20
gP_max_exp = 20
gP_stepsize = 0.5
gP_list = np.arange(gP_min_exp, gP_max_exp+1, gP_stepsize)*0.1
gP_list_log = 10**(gP_list)
jpjmss_max_list = []
for i in gP_list_log:
gP = i*gP0
system = Dicke(hamiltonian = jz, N = N, pumping = gP, collective_emission = gCE)
liouv = system.liouvillian()
rho_ss = steadystate(liouv)
jpjm_ss = expect(jp*jm, rho_ss)
In [7]:
intensity_max = float(N)*gCE/2*(float(N)*gCE/2+1)
normalized_intensity = np.array(jpjmss_max_list)/intensity_max
plt.semilogx(gP_list_log/(gCE*N), normalized_intensity, '-')
label_size = 20
plt.xlabel(r'${\gamma_\mathrm{P}}/\left({N\gamma_\mathrm{CE}}\right)$', fontsize = label_size)
plt.ylabel(r'$\langle J_{+}J_{-}\rangle_\mathrm{ss}$', fontsize = label_size)
plt.title(r'Steady-state light emission', fontsize = label_size)
[1] D. Meiser and M.J. Holland, Phys. Rev. A 81, 033847 (2010)
[2] D. Meiser and M.J. Holland, Phys. Rev. A 81, 063827 (2010)
[3] J.G. Bohnet et al. Nature 484, 78 (2012)
[4] J.R. Johansson, P.D. Nation, and F. Nori, Comp. Phys. Comm. 183, 1760 (2012) http://qutip.org
In [8]:
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