Superradiant light emission (Dicke superradiance)

Notebook author: Nathan Shammah (nathan.shammah at

We consider a system of $N$ two-level systems (TLSs) with identical frequency $\omega_{0}$, which can emit collectively at a rate $\gamma_\text{CE}$ [1], and suffer from dephasing and local losses at rates $\gamma_\text{D}$ and $\gamma_\text{E}$, respectively. The dynamics can be written as \begin{eqnarray} \dot{\rho} &=&-i\lbrack \omega_{0}J_z,\rho \rbrack +\frac{\gamma_\text {CE}}{2}\mathcal{L}_{J_{-}}[\rho] +\sum_{n=1}^{N}\frac{\gamma_\text{D}}{2}\mathcal{L}_{J_{z,n}}[\rho] +\frac{\gamma_\text{E}}{2}\mathcal{L}_{J_{-,n}}[\rho] \end{eqnarray}

When $\gamma_\text{E}=\gamma_\text{D}=0$ this dynamics is the classical superradiant master equation. In this limit, a system initially prepared in the fully-excited state undergoes superradiant light emission whose peak intensity scales proportionally to $N^2$.

This dynamics has been studied in Refs. [2-4] and implemented in various quantum optical platforms, including in the solid state [5-10]. A discussion of the difference between superradiant phase transition (typical of the Dicke model) and Dicke superradiance is present in Refs. [3] and [11].

Below, using PIQS [4] and QuTiP [12], we investigate the time evolution of the collective dynamics for an ensemble initialized in different initial quantum states.

Note that in the table above and in $\texttt{qutip.piqs}$ functions, the Lindbladian $\mathcal{L}[\rho]$ is written with a factor 1/2 with respect to $\mathcal{L}_{A}[\rho]$ reported in the LaTeX math equations, in order to have the Lindbladian and full Liouvillian matrix consistently defined by the rates $\gamma_\alpha$.

In [1]:
from time import clock
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy

from qutip import *
from qutip.piqs import *

from scipy.sparse import load_npz, save_npz

In [2]:
N = 20
ntls = N
nds = num_dicke_states(N)
print("The number of Dicke states is", nds)
[jx, jy, jz] = jspin(N)
jp = jspin(N, "+")
jm = jspin(N, "-")
system = Dicke(N = N)

The number of Dicke states is 121

In [3]:
a = 1/np.sqrt(2)
b = 1/np.sqrt(2)
css_symmetric = css(N, a, b)
css_antisymmetric = css(N, a,-b)
excited_ = dicke(N, N/2,N/2)
superradiant = dicke(N,N/2,0)
subradiant = dicke(N,j_min(N),-j_min(N))
ground_ = dicke(N,N/2,-N/2)
ghz_ = ghz(N)

In [4]:
# here we set the initial coefficients
gE = 0 # local emission
gD = 0 # local dephasing
gP = 0 # local pumping
gCE = 1 # collective emission
gCD = 0 # collective dephasing
gCP = 0 # collective pumping
w0 = 1  # bare frequency
wi = 0  # coherent drive frequency

# spin hamiltonian
h0 = w0 * jz
hint = wi * jx
h = h0 #+ hint

#set initial conditions for spins by initializing the system and building the Liouvillian matrix
system = Dicke(hamiltonian = h, 
               N = N, 
               emission = gE, 
               pumping = gP, 
               dephasing = gD, 
               collective_emission = gCE, 
               collective_pumping = gCP, 
               collective_dephasing = gCD)
clock_t0 = clock()
lind = system.lindbladian()
liouv = system.liouvillian()
clock_tf = clock()
dt_clock = clock_tf - clock_t0
print("Time (in seconds) to generate the Liouvillian for N = 20 TLSs:", dt_clock)

Time (in seconds) to generate the Liouvillian for N = 20 TLSs: 0.05499199999999993

In [5]:
## Solution of the dynamics for different initial conditions

# parameters for the time integration of the dynamics
nt = 1001
td0 = np.log(N)/(N*gCE) # delay time is used as a reference
tmax = 10 * td0
t = np.linspace(0, tmax, nt)

# initial states 
rho01 = excited_
rho02 = superradiant
rho03 = css_symmetric
rho04 = css_antisymmetric
rho05 = subradiant
rho06 = ghz_

clock_t0 = clock()
result1 = mesolve(liouv, rho01, t, [], e_ops = [jz, jp*jm, jz**2], 
                  options = Options(store_states=True))
rhot1 = result1.states
jz_t1 = result1.expect[0]
jpjm_t1 = result1.expect[1]
jz2_t1 = result1.expect[2]
clock_tf = clock()
dt_clock = clock_tf - clock_t0
print("Elapsed time (in seconds) for this run: ", dt_clock)

clock_t0 = clock()
result2 = mesolve(liouv, rho02, t, [], e_ops = [jz, jp*jm, jz**2], 
                  options = Options(store_states=True))
rhot2 = result2.states
jz_t2 = result2.expect[0]
jpjm_t2 = result2.expect[1]
jz2_t2 = result2.expect[2]
clock_tf = clock()
dt_clock = clock_tf - clock_t0
print("Elapsed time (in seconds) for this run: ", dt_clock)

#CSS Symmetric
clock_t0 = clock()
result3 = mesolve(liouv, rho03, t, [], e_ops = [jz, jp*jm, jz**2], 
                  options = Options(store_states=True))
rhot3 = result3.states
jz_t3 = result3.expect[0]
jpjm_t3 = result3.expect[1]
jz2_t3 = result3.expect[2]
clock_tf = clock()
dt_clock = clock_tf - clock_t0
print("Elapsed time (in seconds) for this run: ", dt_clock)

#CSS Antisymmetric
clock_t0 = clock()
result4 = mesolve(liouv, rho04, t, [], e_ops = [jz, jp*jm, jz**2], 
                  options = Options(store_states=True))
rhot4 = result4.states
jz_t4 = result4.expect[0]
jpjm_t4 = result4.expect[1]
jz2_t4 = result4.expect[2]
clock_tf = clock()
dt_clock = clock_tf - clock_t0
print("Elapsed time (in seconds) for this run: ", dt_clock)

clock_t0 = clock()
result5 = mesolve(liouv, rho05, t, [], e_ops = [jz, jp*jm, jz**2], 
                  options = Options(store_states=True))
rhot5 = result5.states
jz_t5 = result5.expect[0]
jpjm_t5 = result5.expect[1]
jz2_t5 = result5.expect[2]
clock_tf = clock()
dt_clock = clock_tf - clock_t0
print("Elapsed time (in seconds) for this run: ", dt_clock)

clock_t0 = clock()
result6 = mesolve(liouv, rho06, t, [], e_ops = [jz, jp*jm, jz**2], 
                  options = Options(store_states=True))
rhot6 = result6.states
jz_t6 = result6.expect[0]
jpjm_t6 = result6.expect[1]
jz2_t6 = result6.expect[2]
clock_tf = clock()
dt_clock = clock_tf - clock_t0
print("Elapsed time (in seconds) for this run: ", dt_clock)

Elapsed time (in seconds) for this run:  1.4128720000000001
Elapsed time (in seconds) for this run:  1.3064499999999994
Elapsed time (in seconds) for this run:  1.2567909999999998
Elapsed time (in seconds) for this run:  1.333939
Elapsed time (in seconds) for this run:  0.5167439999999992
Elapsed time (in seconds) for this run:  1.3920459999999997


In [6]:
jmax = (0.5 * N)
j2max = (0.5 * N + 1) * (0.5 * N)

label_size = 20
label_size2 = 20
label_size3 = 20
label_size4 = 15
plt.rc('text', usetex = True)

fig1 = plt.figure()
plt.plot(t/td0, jz_t1/jmax, '-.', label = r"$|\frac{N}{2},\frac{N}{2}\rangle$")
plt.plot(t/td0, jz_t2/jmax, '-', label = r"$|\frac{N}{2},0\rangle$")
plt.plot(t/td0, jz_t3/jmax, '-', label = r"$|+\rangle_\mathrm{CSS}$")
plt.plot(t/td0, jz_t4/jmax, '-', label = r"$|-\rangle_\mathrm{CSS}$")
plt.plot(t/td0,jz_t5/jmax, '-', label = r"$|0,0\rangle$")
plt.plot(t/td0,jz_t6/jmax, '--', label = r"$|\mathrm{GHZ}\rangle$")
plt.xlabel(r'$t/t_\mathrm{D}$', fontsize = label_size3)
plt.ylabel(r'$\langle J_{z} \rangle(t)$', fontsize = label_size3)
plt.legend(fontsize = label_size4, ncol = 2)

# plot
plt.title(r'Total Inversion', fontsize = label_size3)

fig2 = plt.figure()
plt.plot(t/td0, jpjm_t1/j2max, '-.', label = r"$|\frac{N}{2},\frac{N}{2}\rangle$")
plt.plot(t/td0, jpjm_t2/j2max, '-', label = r"$|\frac{N}{2},0\rangle$")
plt.plot(t/td0, jpjm_t3/j2max, '-', label = r"$|+\rangle_\mathrm{CSS}$", linewidth = 2)
plt.plot(t/td0, jpjm_t4/j2max, '-', label = r"$|-\rangle_\mathrm{CSS}$")
plt.plot(t/td0,jpjm_t5/j2max, '-', label = r"$|0,0\rangle$")
plt.plot(t/td0,jpjm_t6/j2max, '--', label = r"$|\mathrm{GHZ}\rangle$")
plt.xlabel(r'$t/t_\mathrm{D}$', fontsize = label_size3)
plt.ylabel(r'$\langle J_{+}J_{-}\rangle(t)$', fontsize = label_size3)
plt.legend(fontsize = label_size4, ncol = 2)

# plot
plt.title(r'Light Emission', fontsize = label_size3)

fig3 = plt.figure()
djz1 = (jz2_t1- jz_t1**2)/jmax**2
djz2 = (jz2_t2- jz_t2**2)/jmax**2
djz3 = (jz2_t3- jz_t3**2)/jmax**2
djz4 = (jz2_t4- jz_t4**2)/jmax**2
djz5 = (jz2_t5- jz_t5**2)/jmax**2
djz6 = (jz2_t6- jz_t6**2)/jmax**2

plt.plot(t/td0, djz1, '-.', label = r"$|\frac{N}{2},\frac{N}{2}\rangle$")
plt.plot(t/td0, djz2, '-', label = r"$|\frac{N}{2},0\rangle$")
plt.plot(t/td0, djz3, '-', label = r"$|+\rangle_\mathrm{CSS}$")
plt.plot(t/td0, djz4, '-', label = r"$|-\rangle_\mathrm{CSS}$")
plt.plot(t/td0, djz5, '-', label = r"$|0,0\rangle$")
plt.plot(t/td0, djz6, '--', label = r"$|\mathrm{GHZ}\rangle$")
plt.xlabel(r'$t/t_\mathrm{D}$', fontsize = label_size3)
plt.ylabel(r'$\Delta J_{z}^2(t)$', fontsize = label_size3)
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=label_size) 
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=label_size)
plt.legend(fontsize = label_size4, ncol = 2)
plt.title(r'Second-moment Collective Correlations', fontsize = label_size3)

We have found very different time evolutions for different quantum states that experience the same dynamics, leading to superradiant light emission, subradiance, delayed superradiant decay (superfluorescence), and macroscopic quantum correlations.


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In [7]:

QuTiP: Quantum Toolbox in Python
Copyright (c) 2011 and later.
A. J. Pitchford, P. D. Nation, R. J. Johansson, A. Grimsmo, and C. Granade

QuTiP Version:      4.3.1
Numpy Version:      1.14.2
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