In [1]:
import scri
import scri.SpEC
import numpy as np
data_dir = '/Users/boyle/Research/Data/SimulationAnnex/Incoming/BBH_SKS_d13.4_q1.23_sA_0_0_0.320_sB_0_0_-0.580/Lev5/'
In [4]:
w_N2 = scri.SpEC.remove_avg_com_motion(data_dir + 'rhOverM_Asymptotic_GeometricUnits.h5/Extrapolated_N2.dir', file_write_mode='w')
w_N3 = scri.SpEC.remove_avg_com_motion(data_dir + 'rhOverM_Asymptotic_GeometricUnits.h5/Extrapolated_N3.dir', file_write_mode='a')
w_N4 = scri.SpEC.remove_avg_com_motion(data_dir + 'rhOverM_Asymptotic_GeometricUnits.h5/Extrapolated_N4.dir', file_write_mode='a')
w_No = scri.SpEC.remove_avg_com_motion(data_dir + 'rhOverM_Asymptotic_GeometricUnits.h5/OutermostExtraction.dir', file_write_mode='a')
Those displacements look pretty large. I wonder how far the system wanders...
In [8]:
x_i = np.array([0.0254846374656213, -0.051270560984526176, 3.328532865089032e-06])
v_i = np.array([-1.4420901467875399e-06, 6.341746857347185e-06, -3.412200633855404e-08])
x_f = x_i + w_No.t[-1]*v_i
That's not very far. I guess it's not a very long simulation...
In [9]:
Indeed it's pretty short, so the system doesn't get very far. I start to worry when we need to be careful with higher modes, or when the displacements are a few times larger than this.
In [14]:
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