Now we have to deal with the recostruction of the path route by a body that interact with another body. The system we want to analyse is the polar system in wich one of the two body is the center of the system and so the center of the interaction.
To have a proper view of the problem we can see the model in the figure below:
To manage well the problem we have to handle well the velocity projection and the differential that represent the evolution of the body during the time.
The projections are important because in this example we will reconstruct the path in a Cartesian plane, so we have to convert the polar system in Cartesian coordinates, that have the center of the plane as the center of the polar system (so the center of the interaction).
The differential equation that we have to deal with are these:
The potential $V(r)$ will be $\frac{1}{r}$.
Next we can see the Python code that calculates some paths changing the starting angle $\theta$:
In [18]:
%matplotlib inline
from mpmath import sin, cos, sec, degrees, radians, pi
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patches as mpatches
initial_distance = 1.0
theta_i = radians(0.0)
for step in range(8):
points_x = []
points_y = []
var_mu = 1. / 2.
r_i = sec(theta_i) * initial_distance
var_b = sin(theta_i) * r_i
print("Calculate deg {0}".format(str(degrees(theta_i))))
v_i = 1.0
d_t = 0.001
# Differential
d_pr = lambda r, p_theta, mu: - \
(((r * p_theta**2) / mu) - (1 / r**2)) * d_t
d_r = lambda p_r, mu: (p_r / mu) * d_t
d_p_theta = 0
d_theta = lambda r, p_theta, mu: (p_theta / mu) * d_t
# Initialize iteration
theta = pi - theta_i
p_r = v_i * cos(theta)
p_theta = - v_i * sin(theta)
r = r_i
for x in range(1000):
p_r += d_pr(r, p_theta, var_mu)
r += d_r(p_r, var_mu)
theta += d_theta(r, p_theta, var_mu)
points_x.append(r * cos(theta))
points_y.append(r * sin(theta))
plt.plot(points_x[0:1], points_y[0:1], 'bo')
plt.plot(points_x, points_y, 'r--')
theta_i += radians(5.0)
plt.plot([0], [0], 'go')
plt.axis([-2, 1.2, -.2, 2])
red_line = mpatches.Patch(color='red', label='path')
blue_dot = mpatches.Patch(color='blue', label='starting point')
green_dot = mpatches.Patch(color='green', label='center of interaction')
plt.legend(handles=[red_line, blue_dot, green_dot])
The major problems arouse from:
In the simulation we used a delta time millisecond ($10^{-3}s$) and the distance can be misured in nanometer ($10^{-9}m$).