The data is taken from the AQTESOLVE website.
Butler (1998) presents results from a slug test in a partially penetrating well that is screened in unconsolidated alluvial deposits consisting of sand and gravel with interbedded clay. The aquifer has a thickness $H=47.87$ m. The depth to the top of the well screen is 16.7 m, and the screen of the well is 1.52 m long. The radius of the well is 0.125 m, and the radius of the casing is 0.064 m. The slug displacement is 0.671 m.
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import fmin
import pandas as pd
from ttim import *
In [2]:
# problem definitions
rw = 0.125 # well radius
rc = 0.064 # well casing radius
L = 1.52 # screen length
zbot = -47.87 # aquifer thickness
welltop = -16.77 # top of screen
delh = 0.671 # slug displacement in the well
wellbot = welltop - L # bottom of screen
Q = np.pi * rc**2 * delh # volume of slug
In [3]:
# loading data
data = np.loadtxt('data/slugtest.txt') # time and drawdouwn
time, dd = data[:,0], data[:,1]
td = time/60/60/24 #time in days
print('minimum and maximum time:', td.min(), td.max())
In [4]:
Flow is simulated with a quasi three-dimensional model consisting of Nlayers
mode layers. The top and bottom of the aquifer are impermeable.
The horizontal hydraulic conductivity $k$ and elastic storage $S_s$ are unkonwn. Phreatic storage and vertical anisotropy are not simulated. The variable p
contains the two unknown parameters. The well is modeled with the Well
element. The type is specified as slug
, adn the initially displaced volume is specified as $Q$.
In [5]:
ml = Model3D(kaq=100, z=[0, -0.5, welltop, wellbot, zbot],
Saq=1e-4, kzoverkh=1, tmin=1e-6, tmax=0.01)
w = Well(ml, xw=0, yw=0, rw=rw, tsandQ=[(0.0, -Q)],
layers=2, rc=rc, wbstype='slug')
print('T: ',
print('c: ',
cal = Calibrate(ml)
cal.set_parameter(name='kaq0_3', initial=10)
cal.set_parameter(name='Saq0_3', initial=1e-3)
cal.series(name='obs1', x=0, y=0, layer=2, t=td, h=dd)
print('T: ',
print('c: ',
In [6]:
hm = ml.head(0, 0, td, layers=2)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.semilogx(time, dd / delh, 'ko', label='Observed')
plt.semilogx(time, hm[0] / delh, 'b', label='TTim')
plt.ylim([0, 1])
plt.xlabel('time [s]')
plt.ylabel('h / delh')
plt.title('TTim Slug Test Analysis');
In [7]:
r = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Kr [m/day]','Ss [1/m]'],
index=['TTim', 'AQTESOLV'])
r.loc['TTim'] = cal.parameters['optimal'].values
r.loc['AQTESOLV'] = [4.034, 0.000384]
In [8]:
def sse(p, returnheads=False):
ml = Model3D(kaq=p[0], z=[0, -0.5, welltop, wellbot, zbot],
Saq=p[1], kzoverkh=1, tmin=1e-6, tmax=0.01)
w = Well(ml, xw=0, yw=0, rw=rw, tsandQ=[(0.0, -Q)],
layers=2, rc=rc, wbstype='slug')
ml.solve(silent = '.')
hm = ml.head(0, 0, td, 2)
if returnheads: return hm
se = np.sum((hm[0] - dd)**2)
return se
In [9]:
popt = fmin(sse, [3, 1e-4])
print('optimal parameters:', popt)
print('sse:', sse(popt))