Pumping test analysis of a constant-rate pumping test in an anisotropic unconfined aquifer

The description and data for this example are taken from the aqtesolve website.

Lohman (1972) presented data from a constant-rate pumping test performed in an unconfined aquifer with delayed gravity response near Ione, Colorado. The thickness of the unconfined alluvium was 39.4 ft. The fully penetrating test well pumped at a rate of 1170 gallons-per-minute (gpm) for 4270 minutes. The drawdown data were recorded in an observation well located 63 ft from the test well at a depth of 19.7 ft below the static water surface.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import fmin
from ttim import *

In [2]:
# problem definition
H = 39.4 * 0.3048  # thickness [meters]
xw, yw = 0, 0  # location well
xp, yp = 63 * 0.3048, 0  # Location piezometer [meter]
Qw = 1170 * 5.45  # discharge well in [m3/d]
z_obswell = -19.7 * 0.3048   # elevation of observation well

In [3]:
# loading data
data = np.loadtxt('pumptest_neuman.txt')         # time and drawdown
time, dd = data[:,0], data[:,1] 
td = time / 60 / 24                       # t in [days]
ho = -dd * 0.3048                         # observed head [meter]
print('minimum and maximum time:', td.min(), td.max())

minimum and maximum time: 0.0006944444444444445 2.965277777777778

In [4]:
# layer definition
nlay = 12  # number of layers
zlayers = np.linspace(0, -H, nlay + 1)
zcenter = 0.5 * (zlayers[:-1] + zlayers[1:])
layer_obswell = np.argmin(np.abs(z_obswell - zcenter))

Flow is simulated with a quasi three-dimensional model consisting of one aquifer which is divided into nlay model layers. The top and bottom of the aquifer are impermeable. The horizontal hydraulic conductivity $k$, phreatic storage $S_y$, elastic storage $S_s$, and vertical anisotropy $k_v/k_h$ are unkonwn. The variable p contains all unknown parameters. The well is modeled with the Well element. TTim divides the discharge along the layers such that the head is the same at the well in all screened layers.

In [5]:
Saq = 1e-4 * np.ones(nlay)
Saq[0] = 0.2
ml = Model3D(kaq=10, z=zlayers, Saq=Saq, kzoverkh=0.2,
                 phreatictop=True, tmin=1e-4, tmax=10)  
w = Well(ml, xw=xw, yw=yw, rw=0.3, tsandQ=[(0, Qw)], 

self.neq  12
solution complete

In [6]:
cal = Calibrate(ml)
cal.set_parameter(name='kaq0_11', initial=100, pmin=10, pmax=400)
cal.set_parameter(name='Saq0', initial=0.1, pmin=0.01, pmax=1)
cal.set_parameter(name='Saq1_11', initial=1e-4, pmin=1e-5, pmax=1e-3)
cal.set_parameter_by_reference(name='kzoverkh', parameter=ml.aq.kzoverkh[:], initial=0.2, pmin=0.01, pmax=1)
cal.series(name='obs1', x=xp, y=yp, layer=layer_obswell, t=td, h=ho)

Fit succeeded.
[[Fit Statistics]]
    # fitting method   = leastsq
    # function evals   = 50
    # data points      = 72
    # variables        = 4
    chi-square         = 0.00626394
    reduced chi-square = 9.2117e-05
    Akaike info crit   = -665.172047
    Bayesian info crit = -656.065383
    kaq0_11:   177.536099 +/- 0.98674913 (0.56%) (init = 100)
    Saq0:      0.15650530 +/- 0.00308178 (1.97%) (init = 0.1)
    Saq1_11:   5.1337e-04 +/- 4.9031e-06 (0.96%) (init = 0.0001)
    kzoverkh:  0.18638037 +/- 0.00571886 (3.07%) (init = 0.2)
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.100)
    C(kaq0_11, Saq0)     = -0.945
    C(Saq0, kzoverkh)    = -0.294
    C(kaq0_11, kzoverkh) =  0.241
    C(kaq0_11, Saq1_11)  = -0.183

In [7]:
k, Sy, Ss, kzoverkh = cal.parameters['optimal'].values

In [8]:
hm1 = ml.head(xp, yp, td, layers=layer_obswell)
plt.plot(time, ho, 'ko', label='Observed')
plt.plot(time, hm1[0], 'b', label='TTim')
plt.xlabel('time [min]')
plt.ylabel('Drawdouwn (m)')
plt.loglog(time, -ho, 'ko', label='Observed')
plt.loglog(time, -hm1[0], 'b', label='TTim')
plt.ylim(10, 0.01)
plt.xlabel('time [min]')
plt.ylabel('Drawdouwn (m)')
plt.suptitle('TTim Aquifer Test Analysis in Unconfined Aquifer');

In [9]:
r = pd.DataFrame(columns=['$T$ [ft$^2$/day]', '$S_y$', '$S$','$k_h/k_r$'],
                 index=['Lohman (1972)', 'AQTESOLV', 'TTim'])
r.loc['Lohman (1972)'] = [22000, 0.2, 0, 0.3]
r.loc['AQTESOLV'] = [22980, 0.15, 0.008166, 0.25]
r.loc['TTim'] = [k * H / 0.0929, Sy, Ss * H, kzoverkh]

$T$ [ft$^2$/day] $S_y$ $S$ $k_h/k_r$
Lohman (1972) 22000 0.2 0 0.3
AQTESOLV 22980 0.15 0.008166 0.25
TTim 22950 0.156505 0.00616514 0.18638

This model is similar to the first model except for the Well function. Here, a DischargeWell is used and the discharge is evenly divided over all the layers.

In [10]:
ml = Model3D(kaq=10, z=zlayers, Saq=Saq, kzoverkh=0.2,
             phreatictop=True, tmin=1e-4, tmax=10)  
Qp = Qw / nlay #deviding Qw over the layers equal
w = DischargeWell(ml, xw=xw, yw=yw, rw=0.3, tsandQ=[(0, Qp)], 
cal = Calibrate(ml)
cal.set_parameter(name='kaq0_11', initial=100, pmin=10, pmax=400)
cal.set_parameter(name='Saq0', initial=0.1, pmin=0.01, pmax=1)
cal.set_parameter(name='Saq1_11', initial=1e-4, pmin=1e-5, pmax=1e-3)
cal.set_parameter_by_reference(name='kzoverkh', parameter=ml.aq.kzoverkh[:], initial=0.2, pmin=0.01, pmax=1)
cal.series(name='obs1', x=xp, y=yp, layer=layer_obswell, t=td, h=ho)

self.neq  0
No unknowns. Solution complete
Fit succeeded.
[[Fit Statistics]]
    # fitting method   = leastsq
    # function evals   = 85
    # data points      = 72
    # variables        = 4
    chi-square         = 0.00629315
    reduced chi-square = 9.2546e-05
    Akaike info crit   = -664.837128
    Bayesian info crit = -655.730464
    kaq0_11:   178.350978 +/- 0.96349626 (0.54%) (init = 100)
    Saq0:      0.15341535 +/- 0.00292515 (1.91%) (init = 0.1)
    Saq1_11:   5.4757e-04 +/- 1.3990e-05 (2.55%) (init = 0.0001)
    kzoverkh:  0.20338405 +/- 0.00607389 (2.99%) (init = 0.2)
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.100)
    C(kaq0_11, Saq0)     = -0.940
    C(kaq0_11, Saq1_11)  = -0.245
    C(Saq0, kzoverkh)    = -0.236
    C(Saq1_11, kzoverkh) = -0.201
    C(kaq0_11, kzoverkh) =  0.200
    C(Saq0, Saq1_11)     =  0.122

In [11]:
k, Sy, Ss, kzoverkh = cal.parameters['optimal'].values
r.loc['TTim uniform discharge well'] = [k * H / 0.0929, Sy, Ss * H, kzoverkh]

$T$ [ft$^2$/day] $S_y$ $S$ $k_h/k_r$
Lohman (1972) 22000 0.2 0 0.3
AQTESOLV 22980 0.15 0.008166 0.25
TTim 22950 0.156505 0.00616514 0.18638
TTim uniform discharge well 23055.3 0.153415 0.00657588 0.203384

In [ ]: