In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ttim import *

Head data is generated for a pumping test in a two-aquifer model. The well starts pumping at time $t=0$ with a discharge $Q=800$ m$^3$/d. The head is measured in an observation well 10 m from the pumping well. The thickness of the aquifer is 20 m. Questions:

  1. Determine the optimal values of the hydraulic conductivity and specific storage coefficient of the aquifer when the aquifer is approximated as confined. Use a least squares approach and make use of the fmin function of scipy.optimize to find the optimal values. Plot the data with dots and the best-fit model in one graph. Print the optimal values of $k$ and $S_s$ to the screen as well as the root mean squared error of the residuals.

  2. Repeat Question 1 but now approximate the aquifer as semi-confined. Plot the data with dots and the best-fit model in one graph. Print to the screen the optimal values of $k$, $S_s$ and $c$ to the screen as well as the root mean squared error of the residuals. Is the semi-cofined model a better fit than the confined model?

In [2]:
def generate_data():
    # 2 layer model with some random error
    ml = ModelMaq(kaq=[10, 20], z=[0, -20, -22, -42], c=[1000], 
                  Saq=[0.0002, 0.0001], tmin=0.001, tmax=100)
    w = Well(ml, 0, 0, rw=0.3, tsandQ=[(0, 800)])
    t = np.logspace(-2, 1, 100)
    h = ml.head(10, 0, t)
    r = 0.01 * np.random.randn(100)
    n = np.zeros_like(r)
    alpha = 0.8
    for i in range(1, len(n)):
        n[i] = 0.8 * n[i - 1] + r[i]
    ho =  h[0] + n
    plt.plot(t, ho, '.')
    data = np.zeros((len(ho), 2))
    data[:, 0] = t
    data[:, 1] = ho
    #np.savetxt('pumpingtestdata.txt', data, fmt='%2.3f', header='time (d), head (m)')
    return data

In [3]:
data = generate_data()
to = data[:, 0]
ho = data[:, 1]

self.neq  1
solution complete

In [4]:
def func(p, to=to, ho=ho, returnmodel=False):
    k = p[0]
    S = p[1]
    ml = ModelMaq(kaq=k, z=[0, -20], Saq=S, tmin=0.001, tmax=100)
    w = Well(ml, 0, 0, rw=0.3, tsandQ=[(0, 800)])
    if returnmodel:
        return ml
    h = ml.head(10, 0, to)
    return np.sum((h[0] - ho) ** 2)

In [5]:
from scipy.optimize import fmin
lsopt = fmin(func, [10, 1e-4])
print('optimal parameters:', lsopt)
print('rmse:', np.sqrt(func(lsopt) / len(ho)))

Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.216911
         Iterations: 35
         Function evaluations: 71
optimal parameters: [1.16407991e+01 1.16006081e-04]
rmse: 0.04657368512672105

In [6]:
ml = func(lsopt, returnmodel=True)
plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], '.', label='observed')
hm = ml.head(10, 0, to)
plt.plot(to, hm[0], 'r', label='modeled')
plt.xlabel('time (d)')
plt.ylabel('head (m)');

In [7]:
cal = Calibrate(ml)
cal.set_parameter(name='kaq0', initial=10, pmin=0.1, pmax=1000)
cal.set_parameter(name='Saq0', initial=1e-4, pmin=1e-5, pmax=1e-3)
cal.series(name='obs1', x=10, y=0, layer=0, t=to, h=ho)
print('rmse:', cal.rmse())

Fit succeeded.
rmse: 0.04657368442245464

In [8]:

optimal std perc_std pmin pmax initial parray
kaq0 11.641 0.111 0.951 0.100 1000 10 [11.6412017]
Saq0 0.000 0.000 5.251 0.000 0.001 0.000 [0.00011599]

Model as semi-confined

In [9]:
def func2(p, to=to, ho=ho, returnmodel=False):
    k = p[0]
    S = p[1]
    c = p[2]
    ml = ModelMaq(kaq=k, z=[2, 0, -20], Saq=S, c=c, topboundary='semi', 
                  tmin=0.001, tmax=100)
    w = Well(ml, 0, 0, rw=0.3, tsandQ=[(0, 800)])
    if returnmodel:
        return ml
    h = ml.head(10, 0, to)
    return np.sum((h[0] - ho) ** 2)

In [10]:
lsopt2 = fmin(func2, [10, 1e-4, 1000])
print('optimal parameters:', lsopt2)
print('rmse:', np.sqrt(func2(lsopt2) / len(ho)))

Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.016202
         Iterations: 109
         Function evaluations: 225
optimal parameters: [1.03909094e+01 1.76382940e-04 2.02594461e+03]
rmse: 0.012728539913473325

In [11]:
ml = func2(lsopt2, returnmodel=True)
plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], '.', label='observed')
hm = ml.head(10, 0, to)
plt.plot(to, hm[0], 'r', label='modeled')
plt.xlabel('time (d)')
plt.ylabel('head (m)');

In [12]:
ml = ModelMaq(kaq=10, z=[2, 0, -20], Saq=1e-4, c=1000, topboundary='semi', tmin=0.001, tmax=100)
w = Well(ml, 0, 0, rw=0.3, tsandQ=[(0, 800)])

In [15]:
cal = Calibrate(ml)
cal.set_parameter(name='kaq0', initial=10)
cal.set_parameter(name='Saq0', initial=1e-4)
cal.set_parameter(name='c0', initial=1000)
cal.series(name='obs1', x=10, y=0, layer=0, t=to, h=ho)

Fit succeeded.
optimal std perc_std pmin pmax initial parray
kaq0 10.39103 0.04266 0.41053 -inf inf 10 [10.39103143]
Saq0 0.00018 0.00000 1.66949 -inf inf 0.00010 [0.00017638]
c0 2026.58980 96.47410 4.76042 -inf inf 1000 [2026.5897975]

In [16]:

(0.01272855261536183, array([10.39103143]))

In [17]:
plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], '.', label='observed')
hm = ml.head(10, 0, to)
plt.plot(to, hm[0], 'r', label='modeled')
plt.xlabel('time (d)')
plt.ylabel('head (m)');