First, some code. Scroll down.

In [1]:
import itertools
import random
from collections import deque
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy

from nupic.bindings.math import SparseBinaryMatrix, GetNTAReal

Functionality that could be implemented in SparseBinaryMatrix

In [2]:
def makeSparseBinaryMatrix(numRows, numCols):
    Construct a SparseBinaryMatrix.

    There is a C++ constructor that does this, but it's currently not available
    to Python callers.
    matrix = SparseBinaryMatrix(numCols)
    matrix.resize(numRows, numCols)
    return matrix

def rightVecSumAtNZ_sparse(sparseMatrix, sparseBinaryArray):
    Like rightVecSumAtNZ, but it supports sparse binary arrays.

    @param sparseBinaryArray (sequence)
    A sorted list of indices.

    Note: this Python implementation doesn't require the list to be sorted, but
    an eventual C implementation would.
    denseArray = numpy.zeros(sparseMatrix.nCols(), dtype=GetNTAReal())
    denseArray[sparseBinaryArray] = 1
    return sparseMatrix.rightVecSumAtNZ(denseArray)

def setOuterToOne(sparseMatrix, rows, cols):
    Equivalent to:

    SparseMatrix.setOuter(rows, cols,

    But it works with the SparseBinaryMatrix. If this functionality is added to
    the SparseBinaryMatrix, it will have the added benefit of not having to
    construct a big array of ones.
    for rowNumber in rows:
        sparseRow = sorted(set(sparseMatrix.getRowSparse(rowNumber)).union(cols))
        sparseMatrix.replaceSparseRow(rowNumber, sparseRow)

This SetMemory docstring is worth reading

In [3]:
class SetMemory(object):
    Uses proximal synapses, distal dendrites, and inhibition to implement "set
    memory" with neurons. Set Memory can recognize a set via a series of
    inputs. It associates an SDR with each set, growing proximal synapses from
    each cell in the SDR to each proximal input. When the SetMemory receives an
    ambiguous input, it activates a union of these SDRs. As it receives other
    inputs, each SDR stays active only if it has both feedforward and lateral
    support. Each SDR has lateral connections to itself, so an SDR has lateral
    support if it was active in the previous time step. Over time, the union is
    narrowed down to a single SDR.

    Requiring feedforward and lateral support is functionally similar to computing
    the intersection of the feedforward support and the previous active cells.
    The advantages of this approach are:

    1. Better noise robustness. If cell is randomly inactive, it's not excluded in
       the next time step.
    2. It doesn't require any new neural phenomena. It accomplishes all this
       through distal dendrites and inhibition.
    3. It combines well with other parallel layers. A cell can grow one distal
       dendrite segment for each layer and connect each to an object SDR, and use
       the number of active dendrite segments to drive inhibition.

    This doesn't model:

    - Synapse permanences. When it grows a synapse, it's immediately connected.
    - Subsampling. When growing synapses to active cells, it simply grows
      synapses to every one.

    These aren't needed for this experiment.

    def __init__(self,
        @param layerID
        The layer whose activity this SetMemory should update.

        @param feedforwardID
        The layer that this layer might form feedforward connections to.

        @param lateralIDs (iter)
        The layers that this layer might form lateral connections to.
        If this layer will form internal lateral connections, this list must include
        this layer's layerID.

        @param layerSizes (dict)
        A dictionary from layerID to number of cells. It must contain a size for
        layerID, feedforwardID, and each of the lateralIDs.

        @param sdrSize (int)
        The number of cells in an SDR.

        @param minThresholdProximal (int)
        The number of active feedforward synapses required for a cell to have
        "feedforward support".

        @param minThresholdDistal (int)
        The number of active distal synapses required for a segment to be active.
        self.layerID = layerID
        self.feedforwardID = feedforwardID
        self.sdrSize = sdrSize
        self.minThresholdProximal = minThresholdProximal
        self.minThresholdDistal = minThresholdDistal

        # Matrix of connected synapses. Permanences aren't modelled.
        self.proximalConnections = makeSparseBinaryMatrix(layerSizes[layerID],

        # Synapses to lateral layers. Each matrix represents one segment per cell.
        # A cell won't grow more than one segment to another layer. If the cell
        # appears in multiple object SDRs, it will connect its segments to a union
        # of object SDRs.
        self.lateralConnections = dict(
            (lateralID, makeSparseBinaryMatrix(layerSizes[layerID],
            for lateralID in lateralIDs)

        self.numCells = layerSizes[layerID]

        self.isReset = True

    def learningCompute(self, activity):
        Chooses active cells using the previous active cells and the reset signal.
        Grows proximal synapses to the feedforward layer's current active cells, and
        grows lateral synapses to the each lateral layer's previous active cells.


        - activity[0][feedforwardID]["activeCells"]
        - activity[1][lateralID]["activeCells"] for each lateralID

        Writes to:

        - activity[0][layerID]["activeCells"]
        - The feedforward connections matrix
        - The lateral connections matrices

        # Select active cells
        if self.isReset:
            activeCells = sorted(random.sample(xrange(self.numCells), self.sdrSize))
            self.isReset = False
            activeCells = activity[1][self.layerID]["activeCells"]

            # Lateral learning
            if len(activity) > 1:
                for lateralID, connections in self.lateralConnections.iteritems():
                    setOuterToOne(connections, activeCells,

        # Proximal learning
        setOuterToOne(self.proximalConnections, activeCells,

        # Write the activity
        activity[0][self.layerID]["activeCells"] = activeCells

    def inferenceCompute(self, activity):
        Chooses active cells using feedforward and lateral input.


        - activity[0][feedforwardID]["activeCells"]
        - activity[1][lateralID]["activeCells"] for each lateralID

        Writes to:

        - activity[0][layerID]["activeCells"]

        # Calculate feedforward support
        overlaps = rightVecSumAtNZ_sparse(self.proximalConnections,
        feedforwardSupportedCells = set(
            numpy.where(overlaps >= self.minThresholdProximal)[0])

        # Calculate lateral support
        numActiveSegmentsByCell = numpy.zeros(self.numCells)
        if self.isReset:
            # Don't activate any segments
            self.isReset = False
        elif len(activity) >= 2:
            for lateralID, connections in self.lateralConnections.iteritems():
                overlaps = rightVecSumAtNZ_sparse(connections,
                numActiveSegmentsByCell[overlaps >= self.minThresholdDistal] += 1

        # Inference
        activeCells = []

        # First, activate cells that have feedforward support
        orderedCandidates = sorted((cell for cell in feedforwardSupportedCells),
                                   key=lambda x: numActiveSegmentsByCell[x],
        for _, cells in itertools.groupby(orderedCandidates,
                                          lambda x: numActiveSegmentsByCell[x]):
            if len(activeCells) >= self.sdrSize:

        # If necessary, activate cells that were previously active and have lateral
        # support
        if len(activeCells) < self.sdrSize and len(activity) >= 2:
            prevActiveCells = activity[1][self.layerID]["activeCells"]
            orderedCandidates = sorted((cell for cell in prevActiveCells
                                        if cell not in feedforwardSupportedCells
                                        and numActiveSegmentsByCell[cell] > 0),
                                       key=lambda x: numActiveSegmentsByCell[x],
            for _, cells in itertools.groupby(orderedCandidates,
                                              lambda x: numActiveSegmentsByCell[x]):
                if len(activeCells) >= self.sdrSize:

        # Write the activity
        activity[0][self.layerID]["activeCells"] = sorted(activeCells)

    def reset(self):
        Signal that we're now going to observe a different set.

        With learning, this signals that we're going to observe a never-before-seen

        With inference, this signals to start inferring a new object, ignoring
        recent inputs.
        self.isReset = True

Experiment code

Train an array of columns to recognize these objects, then show it Object 1. It will randomly move its sensors to different feature-locations on the object. It will never put two sensors on the same feature-location at the same time.

In [4]:
LAYER_4_SIZE = 2048 * 8

def createFeatureLocationPool(size=10):
    duplicateFound = False
    for _ in xrange(5):
        candidateFeatureLocations = [frozenset(random.sample(xrange(LAYER_4_SIZE), 40))
                                     for featureNumber in xrange(size)]

        # Sanity check that they're pretty unique.
        duplicateFound = False
        for pattern1, pattern2 in itertools.combinations(candidateFeatureLocations, 2):
            if len(pattern1 & pattern2) >= 5:
                duplicateFound = True
        if not duplicateFound:
    if duplicateFound:
        raise ValueError("Failed to generate unique feature-locations")
    featureLocationPool = {}
    for i, featureLocation in enumerate(candidateFeatureLocations):
        if i < 26:
            name = chr(ord('A') + i)
            name = "Feature-location %d" % i
        featureLocationPool[name] = featureLocation
    return featureLocationPool

def experiment(objects, numColumns, selectRandom=True):
    # Initialize
    layer2IDs = ["Column %d Layer 2" % i for i in xrange(numColumns)]
    layer4IDs = ["Column %d Layer 4" % i for i in xrange(numColumns)]
    layerSizes = dict((layerID, 4096) for layerID in layer2IDs)
    layerSizes.update((layerID, LAYER_4_SIZE) for layerID in layer4IDs)
    layer2s = dict((l2, SetMemory(layerID=l2,
                   for l2, l4 in zip(layer2IDs, layer4IDs))

    # Learn
    layer2ObjectSDRs = dict((layerID, {}) for layerID in layer2IDs)
    activity = deque(maxlen=2)
    step = dict((layerID, {})
                for layerID in itertools.chain(layer2IDs, layer4IDs))

    for objectName, objectFeatureLocations in objects.iteritems():
        for featureLocationName in objectFeatureLocations:
            l4ActiveCells = sorted(featureLocationPool[featureLocationName])
            for _ in xrange(2):
                # Compute Layer 4
                for layerID in layer4IDs:
                    activity[0][layerID]["activeCells"] = l4ActiveCells
                    activity[0][layerID]["featureLocationName"] = featureLocationName
                # Compute Layer 2
                for setMemory in layer2s.itervalues():

        for layerID, setMemory in layer2s.iteritems():
            layer2ObjectSDRs[layerID][objectName] = activity[0][layerID]["activeCells"]
    # Infer
    objectName = "Object 1"
    objectFeatureLocations = objects[objectName]
    # Start fresh for inference. No max length because we're also using it as a log.
    activity = deque()

    success = False
    for attempt in xrange(60):
        if selectRandom:
            featureLocationNames = random.sample(objectFeatureLocations, numColumns)
            # Naively move the sensors to touch every point as soon as possible.
            start = (attempt * numColumns) % len(objectFeatureLocations)
            end = start + numColumns
            featureLocationNames = list(objectFeatureLocations)[start:end]
            overflow = end - len(objectFeatureLocations)
            if overflow > 0:
                featureLocationNames += list(objectFeatureLocations)[0:overflow]
        # Give the feedforward input 3 times so that the lateral inputs have time to spread.
        for _ in xrange(3):

            # Compute Layer 4
            for layerID, name in zip(layer4IDs, featureLocationNames):
                activity[0][layerID]["activeCells"] = sorted(featureLocationPool[name])
                activity[0][layerID]["featureLocationName"] = name

            # Compute Layer 2
            for setMemory in layer2s.itervalues():
        if all(activity[0][layer2]["activeCells"] == layer2ObjectSDRs[layer2][objectName]
               for layer2 in layer2IDs):
            success = True
            print "Converged after %d touches" % (attempt + 1)

    if not success:
        print "Failed to converge after %d touches" % (attempt + 1)
    return (objectName, activity, layer2ObjectSDRs)

Initialize some feature-locations and objects

Create 8 objects, each with 7 feature-locations. Each object is 1 different from each other object.

In [5]:
featureLocationPool = createFeatureLocationPool(size=8)
objects = {"Object 1": set(["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G"]),
           "Object 2": set(["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "H"]),
           "Object 3": set(["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "G", "H"]),
           "Object 4": set(["A", "B", "C", "D", "F", "G", "H"]),
           "Object 5": set(["A", "B", "C", "E", "F", "G", "H"]),
           "Object 6": set(["A", "B", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H"]),
           "Object 7": set(["A", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H"]),
           "Object 8": set(["B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H"])}

We're testing L2 in isolation, so these "A", "B", etc. patterns are L4 representations, i.e. "feature-locations".

Test: Can one column infer an object?

In [6]:
results = experiment(objects, numColumns=1)

Converged after 24 touches

Move sensors deterministically, trying to touch every point with some sensor as quickly as possible.

In [7]:
results = experiment(objects, numColumns=1, selectRandom=False)

Converged after 7 touches

Test: Do columns block each other from spreading knowledge?

In [8]:
results = experiment(objects, numColumns=7)

Converged after 1 touches

Test: How does number of columns affect recognition time?

Move sensors randomly.

In [9]:
for numColumns in xrange(1, 8):
    print "With %d columns:" % numColumns
    results = experiment(objects, numColumns)

With 1 columns:
Converged after 13 touches

With 2 columns:
Converged after 10 touches

With 3 columns:
Converged after 4 touches

With 4 columns:
Converged after 2 touches

With 5 columns:
Converged after 2 touches

With 6 columns:
Converged after 2 touches

With 7 columns:
Converged after 1 touches

Move sensors deterministically, trying to touch every point with some sensor as quickly as possible.

In [10]:
for numColumns in xrange(1, 8):
    print "With %d columns:" % numColumns
    results = experiment(objects, numColumns, selectRandom=False)

With 1 columns:
Converged after 7 touches

With 2 columns:
Converged after 4 touches

With 3 columns:
Converged after 3 touches

With 4 columns:
Converged after 2 touches

With 5 columns:
Converged after 2 touches

With 6 columns:
Converged after 2 touches

With 7 columns:
Converged after 1 touches

Can I watch?

In [11]:
 layer2ObjectSDRs) = results

In [12]:
for t, step in enumerate(reversed(activity)):
    print "Step %d" % t
    for column in xrange(len(step) / 2):
        layer2ID = "Column %d Layer 2" % column
        layer4ID = "Column %d Layer 4" % column
        featureLocationName = step[layer4ID]["featureLocationName"]
        activeCells = set(step[layer2ID]["activeCells"])
        layer2Contents = {}
        for objectName, objectCells in layer2ObjectSDRs[layer2ID].iteritems():
            containsRatio = len(activeCells & set(objectCells)) / float(len(objectCells))
            if containsRatio >= 0.20:
                layer2Contents[objectName] = containsRatio
        print "Column %d: Input: %s, Active cells: %d %s" % (column,

Step 0
Column 0: Input: A, Active cells: 271 {'Object 5': 1.0, 'Object 4': 1.0, 'Object 7': 1.0, 'Object 6': 1.0, 'Object 1': 1.0, 'Object 3': 1.0, 'Object 2': 1.0}
Column 1: Input: C, Active cells: 271 {'Object 8': 1.0, 'Object 5': 1.0, 'Object 4': 1.0, 'Object 7': 1.0, 'Object 1': 1.0, 'Object 3': 1.0, 'Object 2': 1.0}
Column 2: Input: B, Active cells: 272 {'Object 8': 1.0, 'Object 5': 1.0, 'Object 4': 1.0, 'Object 6': 1.0, 'Object 1': 1.0, 'Object 3': 1.0, 'Object 2': 1.0}
Column 3: Input: E, Active cells: 272 {'Object 8': 1.0, 'Object 5': 1.0, 'Object 7': 1.0, 'Object 6': 1.0, 'Object 1': 1.0, 'Object 3': 1.0, 'Object 2': 1.0}
Column 4: Input: D, Active cells: 273 {'Object 8': 1.0, 'Object 4': 1.0, 'Object 7': 1.0, 'Object 6': 1.0, 'Object 1': 1.0, 'Object 3': 1.0, 'Object 2': 1.0}
Column 5: Input: G, Active cells: 272 {'Object 8': 1.0, 'Object 5': 1.0, 'Object 4': 1.0, 'Object 7': 1.0, 'Object 6': 1.0, 'Object 1': 1.0, 'Object 3': 1.0}
Column 6: Input: F, Active cells: 266 {'Object 8': 1.0, 'Object 5': 1.0, 'Object 4': 1.0, 'Object 7': 1.0, 'Object 6': 1.0, 'Object 1': 1.0, 'Object 2': 1.0}

Step 1
Column 0: Input: A, Active cells: 52 {'Object 1': 1.0}
Column 1: Input: C, Active cells: 45 {'Object 1': 1.0}
Column 2: Input: B, Active cells: 48 {'Object 1': 1.0}
Column 3: Input: E, Active cells: 47 {'Object 1': 1.0}
Column 4: Input: D, Active cells: 48 {'Object 1': 1.0}
Column 5: Input: G, Active cells: 48 {'Object 1': 1.0}
Column 6: Input: F, Active cells: 51 {'Object 1': 1.0}

Step 2
Column 0: Input: A, Active cells: 40 {'Object 1': 1.0}
Column 1: Input: C, Active cells: 40 {'Object 1': 1.0}
Column 2: Input: B, Active cells: 40 {'Object 1': 1.0}
Column 3: Input: E, Active cells: 40 {'Object 1': 1.0}
Column 4: Input: D, Active cells: 40 {'Object 1': 1.0}
Column 5: Input: G, Active cells: 40 {'Object 1': 1.0}
Column 6: Input: F, Active cells: 40 {'Object 1': 1.0}

Each step is a timestep. We spend 3 timesteps on each touch.


Here are some diagrams showing what's going on.

Single column

Multi column