In [1]:
import random
import time
meeleHit =[
#Oponent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 ], #1
[3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 ], #2
[3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5 ], #3
[3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5 ], #4
[3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ], #5
[3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ], #6
[3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4 ], #7
[3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4 ], #8
[3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4 ], #9
[3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4 ] #10
wounds = [
#Oponent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[ 4, 5, 6, 6, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99 ], #1
[ 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99 ], #2
[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 99, 99, 99], #3
[ 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 99, 99, 99 ], #4
[ 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 99, 99 ], #5
[ 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 99 ], #6
[ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6 ], #7
[ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], #8
[ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], #9
[ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4 ] #10
class Dice(object):
def once(self):
return random.randint(1, 6)
def rollSpecial(self):
value = self.once()
if value == 6:
new_value = self.once()
if (new_value == 6): return 9
elif (new_value == 5): return 8
elif (new_value == 4): return 7
return value
DEAD = 1
class Unit(object):
def __init__(self, attributes, name, verbose=True, timeMultiplier=1000.0):
self.dice = Dice() = name
self.attributes = attributes.copy()
self.wounds = 0
self.status = ALIVE
self.lastAttack = time.time()
self.verbose = verbose
self.attributes['attackRate'] *= timeMultiplier
def willAttackLand(self, frm, isRanged = False):
dice = self.dice.rollSpecial()
if isRanged:
projectileAbility = frm.attributes['projectileAbility'];
# + from.accumulatedModifier<UnitAbility>().projectileAbilityModifier +
# from.computeRangedModifiers();
return dice > 1 and (projectileAbility + dice >= 7)
attackerAbility = min(10, frm.attributes['weaponAbility'])
# + from.accumulatedModifier<UnitAbility>().weaponAbilityModifier);
defenderAbility = min(10, self.attributes['weaponAbility'])
# accumulatedModifier<UnitAbility>().weaponAbilityModifier);
return meeleHit[attackerAbility - 1][defenderAbility - 1] <= dice
def willAttackCauseWounds(self, frm):
attackerStrength = min(10, frm.attributes['strength'])
# + from.accumulatedModifier<UnitAbility>().weaponAbilityModifier);
defenderResistance = min(10, self.attributes['resistance'])
# + accumulatedModifier<UnitAbility>().resistanceModifier);
dice = self.dice.once()
return wounds[attackerStrength - 1][defenderResistance - 1] <= dice
def receiveAttack(self, frm, isRanged):
hitAndWounds = self.willAttackLand(frm, isRanged) and self.willAttackCauseWounds(frm);
if hitAndWounds:
self.wounds += 1
if self.wounds == self.attributes['wounds']:
self.status = DEAD
if self.verbose: print "HEY! I'M DEAD!",
def attackTarget(self, to):
# (Time.time - _lastAttack >= (1f / info.unitAttributes.attackRate))) = to
each_attack = 1.0 / self.attributes['attackRate']
while time.time() - self.lastAttack >= each_attack:
if self.verbose: print ".",
to.receiveAttack(self, False)
self.lastAttack += each_attack
In [2]:
import numpy as np
def wrap_tests(MAX_ITER, generator, verbose=False):
results = None
for i in range(1, MAX_ITER + 1):
stopCriteria, attacks = generator(i)
current_results = test(stopCriteria, attacks, verbose = verbose or (i == MAX_ITER))
if results is None:
results = current_results
results += current_results
return results
def test(stopCriteria, attacks, verbose=True):
results = np.zeros(len(stopCriteria))
while True:
stop = False
for k,criteria in enumerate(stopCriteria):
dead = 0
for u in criteria:
dead += int(u.status == DEAD)
stop = (dead == len(criteria))
results[k] += stop
if stop:
if stop:
for group in attacks:
attacker = group[0]
if attacker.status == DEAD:
for attacked in group[1:]:
if not attacked.status == DEAD:
if verbose:
printed = set()
for group in stopCriteria:
for unit in group:
if unit not in printed:
print "%s is %s, %d / %d" % (, "DEAD" if unit.status == DEAD else "ALIVE", unit.wounds, unit.attributes['wounds'])
return 1 - results
In [36]:
lightAttrs = {
"weaponAbility": 3,
"projectileAbility": 0,
"strength": 3,
"resistance": 4,
"wounds": 15,
"attackRate": 2,
"movementRate": 2.4,
"sightRange": 40,
"creationTime": 25,
"foodConsumption": 0.3,
humanLightAttrs = {
"weaponAbility": 2,
"projectileAbility": 0,
"strength": 4,
"resistance": 4,
"wounds": 15,
"attackRate": 1.4,
"movementRate": 2.4,
"sightRange": 40,
"creationTime": 25,
"foodConsumption": 0.3,
heavyAttrs = {
"weaponAbility": 5,
"projectileAbility": 0,
"strength": 5,
"resistance": 5,
"wounds": 25,
"attackRate": 1.7,
"movementRate": 1.8,
"sightRange": 40,
"creationTime": 50,
"foodConsumption": 0.8,
humanHeavyAttrs = {
"weaponAbility": 4,
"projectileAbility": 0,
"strength": 6,
"resistance": 5,
"wounds": 27,
"attackRate": 1.564,
"movementRate": 1.8,
"sightRange": 40,
"creationTime": 50,
"foodConsumption": 0.8,
knightAttrs = {
"weaponAbility": 5,
"projectileAbility": 4,
"strength": 4,
"resistance": 4,
"wounds": 15,
"attackRate": 3,
"movementRate": 4,
"sightRange": 40,
"creationTime": 8
heroAttrs = {
"weaponAbility": 7,
"projectileAbility": 0,
"strength": 9,
"resistance": 7,
"wounds": 30,
"attackRate": 3,
"movementRate": 2.4,
"sightRange": 50,
"creationTime": 30
entAttrs = {
"weaponAbility": 6,
"projectileAbility": 0,
"strength": 5,
"resistance": 8,
"wounds": 70,
"attackRate": 1,
"movementRate": 3,
"sightRange": 12,
"creationTime": 12
gliphoAttrs = {
"weaponAbility": 4,
"projectileAbility": 0,
"strength": 4,
"resistance": 5,
"wounds": 30,
"attackRate": 3.5,
"movementRate": 3,
"sightRange": 12,
"creationTime": 12
In [39]:
MAX_ITER = 100
def generator(i):
light1 = Unit(heroAttrs, 'light', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
#light2 = Unit(lightAttrs, 'light', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
#light3 = Unit(lightAttrs, 'light', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
gliph = Unit(gliphoAttrs, 'heavy', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
#stopCriteria = ((light1, light2, light3), (heavy1,))
#attacks = ((light1, heavy1), (light2, heavy1), (light3, heavy1), (heavy1, light1, light2, light3))
stopCriteria = ((light1,), (gliph,))
attacks = ((light1, gliph), (gliph, light1,))
return stopCriteria, attacks
wrap_tests(MAX_ITER, generator)
In [22]:
MAX_ITER = 100
def generator(i):
light1 = Unit(lightAttrs, 'light', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
light2 = Unit(lightAttrs, 'light', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
#light3 = Unit(lightAttrs, 'light', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
heavy1 = Unit(heavyAttrs, 'heavy', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
#stopCriteria = ((light1, light2, light3), (heavy1,))
#attacks = ((light1, heavy1), (light2, heavy1), (light3, heavy1), (heavy1, light1, light2, light3))
stopCriteria = ((light1, light2), (heavy1,))
attacks = ((light1, heavy1), (light2, heavy1), (heavy1, light1, light2))
return stopCriteria, attacks
wrap_tests(MAX_ITER, generator)
In [23]:
MAX_ITER = 100
def generator(i):
light1 = Unit(lightAttrs, 'light', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
light2 = Unit(lightAttrs, 'light', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
light3 = Unit(lightAttrs, 'light', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
heavy1 = Unit(heavyAttrs, 'heavy', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
stopCriteria = ((light1, light2, light3), (heavy1,))
attacks = ((light1, heavy1), (light2, heavy1), (light3, heavy1), (heavy1, light1, light2, light3))
return stopCriteria, attacks
wrap_tests(MAX_ITER, generator)
In [24]:
MAX_ITER = 100
def generator(i):
light1 = Unit(lightAttrs, 'light', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
light2 = Unit(lightAttrs, 'light', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
knight1 = Unit(knightAttrs, 'heavy', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
stopCriteria = ((light1, light2), (knight1,))
attacks = ((light1, knight1), (light2, knight1), (knight1, light1, light2))
return stopCriteria, attacks
wrap_tests(MAX_ITER, generator)
In [152]:
MAX_ITER = 100
def generator(i):
light1 = Unit(lightAttrs, 'light', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
knight1 = Unit(knightAttrs, 'knight', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
stopCriteria = ((light1,), (knight1,))
attacks = ((light1, knight1), (knight1, light1))
return stopCriteria, attacks
wrap_tests(MAX_ITER, generator)
In [33]:
MAX_ITER = 100
def generator(i):
light1 = Unit(lightAttrs, 'light', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
lightH = Unit(humanLightAttrs, 'light_human', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
stopCriteria = ((light1,), (lightH,))
attacks = ((light1, lightH), (lightH, light1))
return stopCriteria, attacks
wrap_tests(MAX_ITER, generator)
In [7]:
MAX_ITER = 200
def generator(i):
heavy1 = Unit(heavyAttrs, 'heavy', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
heavyH = Unit(humanHeavyAttrs, 'heavy_human', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
stopCriteria = ((heavy1,), (heavyH,))
attacks = ((heavy1, heavyH), (heavyH, heavy1))
return stopCriteria, attacks
wrap_tests(MAX_ITER, generator)
In [178]:
MAX_ITER = 100
def generator(i):
heavy1 = Unit(heavyAttrs, 'heavy', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
knight1 = Unit(knightAttrs, 'knight', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
stopCriteria = ((heavy1,), (knight1,))
attacks = ((heavy1, knight1), (knight1, heavy1))
return stopCriteria, attacks
wrap_tests(MAX_ITER, generator)
In [31]:
MAX_ITER = 100
def generator(i):
light1 = Unit(humanLightAttrs, 'light', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
light2 = Unit(humanLightAttrs, 'light', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
light3 = Unit(humanLightAttrs, 'light', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
heavy1 = Unit(heavyAttrs, 'heavy', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
stopCriteria = ((light1, light2, light3), (heavy1,))
attacks = ((light1, heavy1), (light2, heavy1), (light3, heavy1), (heavy1, light1, light2, light3))
return stopCriteria, attacks
wrap_tests(MAX_ITER, generator)
In [215]:
MAX_ITER = 100
def generator(i):
heavy1 = Unit(heavyAttrs, 'heavy', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
heavy2 = Unit(heavyAttrs, 'heavy', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
heavy3 = Unit(heavyAttrs, 'heavy', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
heavy4 = Unit(heavyAttrs, 'heavy', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
hero1 = Unit(heroAttrs, 'hero', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
#stopCriteria = ((light1, light2, light3), (heavy1,))
#attacks = ((light1, heavy1), (light2, heavy1), (light3, heavy1), (heavy1, light1, light2, light3))
stopCriteria = ((heavy1, heavy2, heavy3, heavy4), (hero1,))
attacks = ((heavy1, hero1), (heavy2, hero1), (heavy3, hero1), (heavy4, hero1), (hero1, heavy1, heavy2, heavy3, heavy4))
return stopCriteria, attacks
wrap_tests(MAX_ITER, generator)
In [185]:
MAX_ITER = 100
def generator(i):
heavy1 = Unit(heavyAttrs, 'heavy', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
heavy2 = Unit(heavyAttrs, 'heavy', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
heavy3 = Unit(heavyAttrs, 'heavy', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
heavy4 = Unit(heavyAttrs, 'heavy', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
ent1 = Unit(entAttrs, 'ent', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
heavy_e1 = Unit(heavyAttrs, 'heavy', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
stopCriteria = ((heavy1, heavy2, heavy3), (ent1,heavy_e1))
attacks = ((heavy1, ent1,heavy_e1), (heavy2, ent1,heavy_e1), (heavy3, ent1,heavy_e1), (ent1, heavy1, heavy2, heavy3), (heavy_e1, heavy1, heavy2, heavy3))
#stopCriteria = ((heavy1, heavy2, heavy3, heavy4), (hero1,))
#attacks = ((heavy1, hero1), (heavy2, hero1), (heavy3, hero1), (heavy4, hero1), (hero1, heavy1, heavy2, heavy3, heavy4))
return stopCriteria, attacks
wrap_tests(MAX_ITER, generator)
In [187]:
MAX_ITER = 100
def generator(i):
hero = Unit(heroAttrs, 'hero', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
ent1 = Unit(entAttrs, 'ent', verbose = (i == MAX_ITER))
stopCriteria = ((hero,), (ent1,))
attacks = ((hero, ent1), (ent1, hero))
#stopCriteria = ((heavy1, heavy2, heavy3, heavy4), (hero1,))
#attacks = ((heavy1, hero1), (heavy2, hero1), (heavy3, hero1), (heavy4, hero1), (hero1, heavy1, heavy2, heavy3, heavy4))
return stopCriteria, attacks
wrap_tests(MAX_ITER, generator)
In [ ]: