In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
: approximates that scipy.optimize
In [2]:
- Minimize Rosenbrock's Function with Nelder-Mead.
- Plot of parameter convergence to function minimum.
- standard models
- minimal solver interface
- parameter trajectories using retall
# Nelder-Mead solver
from mystic.solvers import fmin
# Rosenbrock function
from mystic.models import rosen
# tools
import pylab
if __name__ == '__main__':
# initial guess
x0 = [0.8,1.2,0.7]
# use Nelder-Mead to minimize the Rosenbrock function
solution = fmin(rosen, x0, disp=0, retall=1)
allvecs = solution[-1]
# plot the parameter trajectories
pylab.plot([i[0] for i in allvecs])
pylab.plot([i[1] for i in allvecs])
pylab.plot([i[2] for i in allvecs])
# draw the plot
pylab.title("Rosenbrock parameter convergence")
pylab.xlabel("Nelder-Mead solver iterations")
pylab.ylabel("parameter value")
pylab.legend(["x", "y", "z"])
Diagnostic tools
In [ ]:
- Minimize Rosenbrock's Function with Nelder-Mead.
- Dynamic plot of parameter convergence to function minimum.
- standard models
- minimal solver interface
- parameter trajectories using callback
- solver interactivity
# Nelder-Mead solver
from mystic.solvers import fmin
# Rosenbrock function
from mystic.models import rosen
# tools
from import getch
import pylab
# draw the plot
def plot_frame():
pylab.title("Rosenbrock parameter convergence")
pylab.xlabel("Nelder-Mead solver iterations")
pylab.ylabel("parameter value")
iter = 0
step, xval, yval, zval = [], [], [], []
# plot the parameter trajectories
def plot_params(params):
global iter, step, xval, yval, zval
pylab.legend(["x", "y", "z"])
iter += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
# initial guess
x0 = [0.8,1.2,0.7]
# suggest that the user interacts with the solver
print "NOTE: while solver is running, press 'Ctrl-C' in console window"
# use Nelder-Mead to minimize the Rosenbrock function
solution = fmin(rosen, x0, disp=1, callback=plot_params, handler=True)
print solution
# don't exit until user is ready
NOTE IPython does not handle shell prompt interactive programs well, so the above should be run from a command prompt. An IPython-safe version is below.
In [3]:
- Minimize Rosenbrock's Function with Powell's method.
- Dynamic print of parameter convergence to function minimum.
- standard models
- minimal solver interface
- parameter trajectories using callback
# Powell's Directonal solver
from mystic.solvers import fmin_powell
# Rosenbrock function
from mystic.models import rosen
iter = 0
# plot the parameter trajectories
def print_params(params):
global iter
from numpy import asarray
print "Generation %d has best fit parameters: %s" % (iter,asarray(params))
iter += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
# initial guess
x0 = [0.8,1.2,0.7]
# use Powell's method to minimize the Rosenbrock function
solution = fmin_powell(rosen, x0, disp=1, callback=print_params, handler=False)
print solution
In [4]:
- Minimize Rosenbrock's Function with Powell's method.
- standard models
- minimal solver interface
- customized monitors
# Powell's Directonal solver
from mystic.solvers import fmin_powell
# Rosenbrock function
from mystic.models import rosen
# tools
from mystic.monitors import VerboseLoggingMonitor
if __name__ == '__main__':
print "Powell's Method"
print "==============="
# initial guess
x0 = [1.5, 1.5, 0.7]
# configure monitor
stepmon = VerboseLoggingMonitor(1,1)
# use Powell's method to minimize the Rosenbrock function
solution = fmin_powell(rosen, x0, itermon=stepmon)
print solution
In [3]:
import mystic
In [4]:
import mystic
mystic.model_plotter(mystic.models.rosen, 'log.txt', depth=True, scale=1, bounds="-2:2:.1, -2:2:.1, 1")
Solver "tuning" and extension
In [4]:
- Solve 8th-order Chebyshev polynomial coefficients with DE.
- Callable plot of fitting to Chebyshev polynomial.
- Monitor Chi-Squared for Chebyshev polynomial.
- standard models
- expanded solver interface
- built-in random initial guess
- customized monitors and termination conditions
- customized DE mutation strategies
- use of monitor to retrieve results information
# Differential Evolution solver
from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver2
# Chebyshev polynomial and cost function
from mystic.models.poly import chebyshev8, chebyshev8cost
from mystic.models.poly import chebyshev8coeffs
# tools
from mystic.termination import VTR
from mystic.strategy import Best1Exp
from mystic.monitors import VerboseMonitor
from import getch, random_seed
from mystic.math import poly1d
import pylab
# draw the plot
def plot_exact():
pylab.title("fitting 8th-order Chebyshev polynomial coefficients")
import numpy
x = numpy.arange(-1.2, 1.2001, 0.01)
exact = chebyshev8(x)
# plot the polynomial
def plot_solution(params,style='y-'):
import numpy
x = numpy.arange(-1.2, 1.2001, 0.01)
f = poly1d(params)
y = f(x)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print "Differential Evolution"
print "======================"
# set range for random initial guess
ndim = 9
x0 = [(-100,100)]*ndim
# draw frame and exact coefficients
# configure monitor
stepmon = VerboseMonitor(50)
# use DE to solve 8th-order Chebyshev coefficients
npop = 10*ndim
solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver2(ndim,npop)
solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(min=[-100]*ndim, max=[100]*ndim)
solver.Solve(chebyshev8cost, termination=VTR(0.01), strategy=Best1Exp, \
CrossProbability=1.0, ScalingFactor=0.9, \
solution = solver.Solution()
# use monitor to retrieve results information
iterations = len(stepmon)
cost = stepmon.y[-1]
print "Generation %d has best Chi-Squared: %f" % (iterations, cost)
# use pretty print for polynomials
print poly1d(solution)
# compare solution with actual 8th-order Chebyshev coefficients
print "\nActual Coefficients:\n %s\n" % poly1d(chebyshev8coeffs)
# plot solution versus exact coefficients
In [5]:
from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver
print "\n".join([i for i in dir(DifferentialEvolutionSolver) if not i.startswith('_')])
In [9]:
from mystic.termination import VTR, ChangeOverGeneration, And, Or
stop = Or(And(VTR(), ChangeOverGeneration()), VTR(1e-8))
from mystic.models import rosen
from mystic.monitors import VerboseMonitor
from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver
solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(3,40)
print solver.bestSolution
EXERCISE: Use mystic
to find the minimun for the peaks
test function, with the bound specified by the mystic.models.peaks
EXERCISE: Use mystic
to do a fit to the noisy data in the scipy.optimize.curve_fit
example (the least squares fit).
Functional constraints
PENALTY: $\psi(x) = f(x) + k*p(x)$
CONSTRAINT: $\psi(x) = f(c(x)) = f(x')$
In [8]:
from mystic.constraints import *
from mystic.penalty import quadratic_equality
from mystic.coupler import inner
from mystic.math import almostEqual
from import random_seed
def test_penalize():
from mystic.math.measures import mean, spread
def mean_constraint(x, target):
return mean(x) - target
def range_constraint(x, target):
return spread(x) - target
@quadratic_equality(condition=range_constraint, kwds={'target':5.0})
@quadratic_equality(condition=mean_constraint, kwds={'target':5.0})
def penalty(x):
return 0.0
def cost(x):
return abs(sum(x) - 5.0)
from mystic.solvers import fmin
from numpy import array
x = array([1,2,3,4,5])
y = fmin(cost, x, penalty=penalty, disp=False)
assert round(mean(y)) == 5.0
assert round(spread(y)) == 5.0
assert round(cost(y)) == 4*(5.0)
def test_solve():
from mystic.math.measures import mean
def mean_constraint(x, target):
return mean(x) - target
def parameter_constraint(x):
return x[-1] - x[0]
@quadratic_equality(condition=mean_constraint, kwds={'target':5.0})
def penalty(x):
return 0.0
x = solve(penalty, guess=[2,3,1])
assert round(mean_constraint(x, 5.0)) == 0.0
assert round(parameter_constraint(x)) == 0.0
assert issolution(penalty, x)
def test_solve_constraint():
from mystic.math.measures import mean
def constraint(x):
x[-1] = x[0]
return x
x = solve(constraint, guess=[2,3,1])
assert almostEqual(mean(x), 1.0, tol=1e-15)
assert x[-1] == x[0]
assert issolution(constraint, x)
def test_as_constraint():
from mystic.math.measures import mean, spread
def mean_constraint(x, target):
return mean(x) - target
def range_constraint(x, target):
return spread(x) - target
@quadratic_equality(condition=range_constraint, kwds={'target':5.0})
@quadratic_equality(condition=mean_constraint, kwds={'target':5.0})
def penalty(x):
return 0.0
ndim = 3
constraints = as_constraint(penalty, solver='fmin')
#XXX: this is expensive to evaluate, as there are nested optimizations
from numpy import arange
x = arange(ndim)
_x = constraints(x)
assert round(mean(_x)) == 5.0
assert round(spread(_x)) == 5.0
assert round(penalty(_x)) == 0.0
def cost(x):
return abs(sum(x) - 5.0)
npop = ndim*3
from mystic.solvers import diffev
y = diffev(cost, x, npop, constraints=constraints, disp=False, gtol=10)
assert round(mean(y)) == 5.0
assert round(spread(y)) == 5.0
assert round(cost(y)) == 5.0*(ndim-1)
def test_as_penalty():
from mystic.math.measures import mean, spread
def constraint(x):
return x
penalty = as_penalty(constraint)
from numpy import array
x = array([1,2,3,4,5])
def cost(x):
return abs(sum(x) - 5.0)
from mystic.solvers import fmin
y = fmin(cost, x, penalty=penalty, disp=False)
assert round(mean(y)) == 5.0
assert round(spread(y)) == 5.0
assert round(cost(y)) == 4*(5.0)
def test_with_penalty():
from mystic.math.measures import mean, spread
@with_penalty(quadratic_equality, kwds={'target':5.0})
def penalty(x, target):
return mean(x) - target
def cost(x):
return abs(sum(x) - 5.0)
from mystic.solvers import fmin
from numpy import array
x = array([1,2,3,4,5])
y = fmin(cost, x, penalty=penalty, disp=False)
assert round(mean(y)) == 5.0
assert round(cost(y)) == 4*(5.0)
def test_with_mean():
from mystic.math.measures import mean, impose_mean
def mean_of_squared(x):
return [i**2 for i in x]
from numpy import array
x = array([1,2,3,4,5])
y = impose_mean(5, [i**2 for i in x])
assert mean(y) == 5.0
assert mean_of_squared(x) == y
def test_with_mean_spread():
from mystic.math.measures import mean, spread, impose_mean, impose_spread
def constrained_squared(x):
return [i**2 for i in x]
from numpy import array
x = array([1,2,3,4,5])
y = impose_spread(50.0, impose_mean(5.0,[i**2 for i in x]))
assert almostEqual(mean(y), 5.0, tol=1e-15)
assert almostEqual(spread(y), 50.0, tol=1e-15)
assert constrained_squared(x) == y
def test_constrained_solve():
from mystic.math.measures import mean, spread
def constraints(x):
return x
def cost(x):
return abs(sum(x) - 5.0)
from mystic.solvers import fmin_powell
from numpy import array
x = array([1,2,3,4,5])
y = fmin_powell(cost, x, constraints=constraints, disp=False)
assert almostEqual(mean(y), 5.0, tol=1e-15)
assert almostEqual(spread(y), 5.0, tol=1e-15)
assert almostEqual(cost(y), 4*(5.0), tol=1e-6)
if __name__ == '__main__':
In [10]:
- Minimize Rosenbrock's Function with Powell's method.
- standard models
- minimal solver interface
- parameter constraints solver and constraints factory decorator
- statistical parameter constraints
- customized monitors
# Powell's Directonal solver
from mystic.solvers import fmin_powell
# Rosenbrock function
from mystic.models import rosen
# tools
from mystic.monitors import VerboseMonitor
from mystic.math.measures import mean, impose_mean
from mystic.math import almostEqual
if __name__ == '__main__':
print "Powell's Method"
print "==============="
# initial guess
x0 = [0.8,1.2,0.7]
# use the mean constraints factory decorator
from mystic.constraints import with_mean
# define constraints function
def constraints(x):
# constrain the last x_i to be the same value as the first x_i
x[-1] = x[0]
return x
# configure monitor
stepmon = VerboseMonitor(1)
# use Powell's method to minimize the Rosenbrock function
solution = fmin_powell(rosen, x0, constraints=constraints, itermon=stepmon)
print solution
In [5]:
"a Tension-Compression String"
def objective(x):
x0,x1,x2 = x
return x0**2 * x1 * (x2 + 2)
bounds = [(0,100)]*3
# with penalty='penalty' applied, solution is:
xs = [0.05168906, 0.35671773, 11.28896619]
ys = 0.01266523
from mystic.symbolic import generate_constraint, generate_solvers, solve
from mystic.symbolic import generate_penalty, generate_conditions
equations = """
1.0 - (x1**3 * x2)/(71785*x0**4) <= 0.0
(4*x1**2 - x0*x1)/(12566*x0**3 * (x1 - x0)) + 1./(5108*x0**2) - 1.0 <= 0.0
1.0 - 140.45*x0/(x2 * x1**2) <= 0.0
(x0 + x1)/1.5 - 1.0 <= 0.0
pf = generate_penalty(generate_conditions(equations), k=1e12)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from mystic.solvers import diffev2
from mystic.math import almostEqual
result = diffev2(objective, x0=bounds, bounds=bounds, penalty=pf, npop=40,
gtol=500, disp=True, full_output=True)
print result[0]
In [1]:
equations = """
1.0 - (x1**3 * x2)/(71785*x0**4) <= 0.0
(4*x1**2 - x0*x1)/(12566*x0**3 * (x1 - x0)) + 1./(5108*x0**2) - 1.0 <= 0.0
1.0 - 140.45*x0/(x2 * x1**2) <= 0.0
(x0 + x1)/1.5 - 1.0 <= 0.0
from mystic.symbolic import generate_constraint, generate_solvers, solve
from mystic.symbolic import generate_penalty, generate_conditions
ineql, eql = generate_conditions(equations)
print ineql
print eql
for f in ineql:
print f.__doc__
pf = generate_penalty((ineql, eql))
print pf.__doc__
x = [-0.1, 0.5, 11.0]
print "\nPENALTY FOR {}: {}".format(x, pf(x))
In [ ]:
equations = """
1.0 - (x1**3 * x2)/(71785*x0**4) <= 0.0
(4*x1**2 - x0*x1)/(12566*x0**3 * (x1 - x0)) + 1./(5108*x0**2) - 1.0 <= 0.0
1.0 - 140.45*x0/(x2 * x1**2) <= 0.0
(x0 + x1)/1.5 - 1.0 <= 0.0
In [6]:
"a Tension-Compression String"
from spring import objective, bounds, xs, ys
from mystic.constraints import as_constraint
from mystic.penalty import quadratic_inequality
def penalty1(x): # <= 0.0
return 1.0 - (x[1]**3 * x[2])/(71785*x[0]**4)
def penalty2(x): # <= 0.0
return (4*x[1]**2 - x[0]*x[1])/(12566*x[0]**3 * (x[1] - x[0])) + 1./(5108*x[0]**2) - 1.0
def penalty3(x): # <= 0.0
return 1.0 - 140.45*x[0]/(x[2] * x[1]**2)
def penalty4(x): # <= 0.0
return (x[0] + x[1])/1.5 - 1.0
@quadratic_inequality(penalty1, k=1e12)
@quadratic_inequality(penalty2, k=1e12)
@quadratic_inequality(penalty3, k=1e12)
@quadratic_inequality(penalty4, k=1e12)
def penalty(x):
return 0.0
solver = as_constraint(penalty)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from mystic.solvers import diffev2
from mystic.math import almostEqual
result = diffev2(objective, x0=bounds, bounds=bounds, penalty=penalty, npop=40,
gtol=500, disp=True, full_output=True)
print result[0]
In [3]:
Crypto problem in Google CP Solver.
Prolog benchmark problem
Name :
Original Source: P. Van Hentenryck's book
Adapted by : Daniel Diaz - INRIA France
Date : September 1992
def objective(x):
return 0.0
nletters = 26
bounds = [(1,nletters)]*nletters
# with penalty='penalty' applied, solution is:
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q
xs = [ 5, 13, 9, 16, 20, 4, 24, 21, 25, 17, 23, 2, 8, 12, 10, 19, 7, \
# R S T U V W X Y Z
11, 15, 3, 1, 26, 6, 22, 14, 18]
ys = 0.0
# constraints
equations = """
B + A + L + L + E + T - 45 == 0
C + E + L + L + O - 43 == 0
C + O + N + C + E + R + T - 74 == 0
F + L + U + T + E - 30 == 0
F + U + G + U + E - 50 == 0
G + L + E + E - 66 == 0
J + A + Z + Z - 58 == 0
L + Y + R + E - 47 == 0
O + B + O + E - 53 == 0
O + P + E + R + A - 65 == 0
P + O + L + K + A - 59 == 0
Q + U + A + R + T + E + T - 50 == 0
S + A + X + O + P + H + O + N + E - 134 == 0
S + C + A + L + E - 51 == 0
S + O + L + O - 37 == 0
S + O + N + G - 61 == 0
S + O + P + R + A + N + O - 82 == 0
T + H + E + M + E - 72 == 0
V + I + O + L + I + N - 100 == 0
W + A + L + T + Z - 34 == 0
# Let's say we know the vowels.
bounds[0] = (5,5) # A
bounds[4] = (20,20) # E
bounds[8] = (25,25) # I
bounds[14] = (10,10) # O
bounds[20] = (1,1) # U
from mystic.constraints import unique, near_integers, has_unique
from mystic.symbolic import generate_penalty, generate_conditions
pf = generate_penalty(generate_conditions(equations,var),k=1)
from mystic.constraints import as_constraint
cf = as_constraint(pf)
from mystic.penalty import quadratic_equality
def penalty(x):
return pf(x)
from numpy import round, hstack, clip
def constraint(x):
x = round(x).astype(int) # force round and convert type to int
x = clip(x, 1,nletters) #XXX: hack to impose bounds
x = unique(x, range(1,nletters+1))
return x
if __name__ == '__main__':
from mystic.solvers import diffev2
from mystic.math import almostEqual
from mystic.monitors import Monitor, VerboseMonitor
mon = VerboseMonitor(10)
result = diffev2(objective, x0=bounds, bounds=bounds, penalty=pf,
constraints=constraint, npop=52, ftol=1e-8, gtol=1000,
disp=True, full_output=True, cross=0.1, scale=0.9, itermon=mon)
print result[0]
Special cases
In [24]:
Eq 10 in Google CP Solver.
Standard benchmark problem.
def objective(x):
return 0.0
bounds = [(0,10)]*7
# with penalty='penalty' applied, solution is:
xs = [6., 0., 8., 4., 9., 3., 9.]
ys = 0.0
# constraints
equations = """
98527*x0 + 34588*x1 + 5872*x2 + 59422*x4 + 65159*x6 - 1547604 - 30704*x3 - 29649*x5 == 0.0
98957*x1 + 83634*x2 + 69966*x3 + 62038*x4 + 37164*x5 + 85413*x6 - 1823553 - 93989*x0 == 0.0
900032 + 10949*x0 + 77761*x1 + 67052*x4 - 80197*x2 - 61944*x3 - 92964*x5 - 44550*x6 == 0.0
73947*x0 + 84391*x2 + 81310*x4 - 1164380 - 96253*x1 - 44247*x3 - 70582*x5 - 33054*x6 == 0.0
13057*x2 + 42253*x3 + 77527*x4 + 96552*x6 - 1185471 - 60152*x0 - 21103*x1 - 97932*x5 == 0.0
1394152 + 66920*x0 + 55679*x3 - 64234*x1 - 65337*x2 - 45581*x4 - 67707*x5 - 98038*x6 == 0.0
68550*x0 + 27886*x1 + 31716*x2 + 73597*x3 + 38835*x6 - 279091 - 88963*x4 - 76391*x5 == 0.0
76132*x1 + 71860*x2 + 22770*x3 + 68211*x4 + 78587*x5 - 480923 - 48224*x0 - 82817*x6 == 0.0
519878 + 94198*x1 + 87234*x2 + 37498*x3 - 71583*x0 - 25728*x4 - 25495*x5 - 70023*x6 == 0.0
361921 + 78693*x0 + 38592*x4 + 38478*x5 - 94129*x1 - 43188*x2 - 82528*x3 - 69025*x6 == 0.0
from mystic.symbolic import generate_penalty, generate_conditions
pf = generate_penalty(generate_conditions(equations))
from numpy import round as npround
if __name__ == '__main__':
from mystic.solvers import diffev2
from mystic.math import almostEqual
result = diffev2(objective, x0=bounds, bounds=bounds, penalty=pf,
constraints=npround, npop=40, gtol=50, disp=True, full_output=True)
print result[0]
EXERCISE: Convert the following "Pressure Vessel Design" code to use explicit penalty functions and not symbolic constraints.
In [7]:
"Pressure Vessel Design"
def objective(x):
x0,x1,x2,x3 = x
return 0.6224*x0*x2*x3 + 1.7781*x1*x2**2 + 3.1661*x0**2*x3 + 19.84*x0**2*x2
bounds = [(0,1e6)]*4
# with penalty='penalty' applied, solution is:
xs = [0.72759093, 0.35964857, 37.69901188, 240.0]
ys = 5804.3762083
from mystic.symbolic import generate_constraint, generate_solvers, solve
from mystic.symbolic import generate_penalty, generate_conditions
equations = """
-x0 + 0.0193*x2 <= 0.0
-x1 + 0.00954*x2 <= 0.0
-pi*x2**2*x3 - (4/3.)*pi*x2**3 + 1296000.0 <= 0.0
x3 - 240.0 <= 0.0
pf = generate_penalty(generate_conditions(equations), k=1e12)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from mystic.solvers import diffev2
from mystic.math import almostEqual
result = diffev2(objective, x0=bounds, bounds=bounds, penalty=pf, npop=40, gtol=500,
disp=True, full_output=True)
print result[0]
In [11]:
Minimize: f = 2*x[0] + 1*x[1]
Subject to: -1*x[0] + 1*x[1] <= 1
1*x[0] + 1*x[1] >= 2
1*x[1] >= 0
1*x[0] - 2*x[1] <= 4
where: -inf <= x[0] <= inf
def objective(x):
x0,x1 = x
return 2*x0 + x1
equations = """
-x0 + x1 - 1.0 <= 0.0
-x0 - x1 + 2.0 <= 0.0
x0 - 2*x1 - 4.0 <= 0.0
bounds = [(None, None),(0.0, None)]
# with penalty='penalty' applied, solution is:
xs = [0.5, 1.5]
ys = 2.5
from mystic.symbolic import generate_conditions, generate_penalty
pf = generate_penalty(generate_conditions(equations), k=1e3)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from mystic.solvers import fmin_powell
from mystic.math import almostEqual
result = fmin_powell(objective, x0=[0.0,0.0], bounds=bounds,
penalty=pf, disp=True, full_output=True, gtol=3)
print result[0]
EXERCISE: Solve the cvxopt
"qp" example with mystic
. Use symbolic constaints, penalty functions, or constraints operators. If you get it quickly, do all three methods.
Let's look at how mystic
gives improved solver workflow