Optimiztion with mystic

In [1]:
%matplotlib notebook

mystic: approximates that scipy.optimize interface

In [2]:
    - Minimize Rosenbrock's Function with Nelder-Mead.
    - Plot of parameter convergence to function minimum.

    - standard models
    - minimal solver interface
    - parameter trajectories using retall

# Nelder-Mead solver
from mystic.solvers import fmin

# Rosenbrock function
from mystic.models import rosen

# tools
import pylab

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # initial guess
    x0 = [0.8,1.2,0.7]

    # use Nelder-Mead to minimize the Rosenbrock function
    solution = fmin(rosen, x0, disp=0, retall=1)
    allvecs = solution[-1]

    # plot the parameter trajectories
    pylab.plot([i[0] for i in allvecs])
    pylab.plot([i[1] for i in allvecs])
    pylab.plot([i[2] for i in allvecs])

    # draw the plot
    pylab.title("Rosenbrock parameter convergence")
    pylab.xlabel("Nelder-Mead solver iterations")
    pylab.ylabel("parameter value")
    pylab.legend(["x", "y", "z"])

Diagnostic tools

  • Callbacks

In [3]:
    - Minimize Rosenbrock's Function with Nelder-Mead.
    - Dynamic plot of parameter convergence to function minimum.

    - standard models
    - minimal solver interface
    - parameter trajectories using callback
    - solver interactivity

# Nelder-Mead solver
from mystic.solvers import fmin

# Rosenbrock function
from mystic.models import rosen

# tools
from mystic.tools import getch
import pylab
# draw the plot
def plot_frame():
    pylab.title("Rosenbrock parameter convergence")
    pylab.xlabel("Nelder-Mead solver iterations")
    pylab.ylabel("parameter value")

iter = 0
step, xval, yval, zval = [], [], [], []
# plot the parameter trajectories
def plot_params(params):
    global iter, step, xval, yval, zval
    pylab.legend(["x", "y", "z"])
    iter += 1

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # initial guess
    x0 = [0.8,1.2,0.7]

    # suggest that the user interacts with the solver
    print("NOTE: while solver is running, press 'Ctrl-C' in console window")

    # use Nelder-Mead to minimize the Rosenbrock function
    solution = fmin(rosen, x0, disp=1, callback=plot_params, handler=True)

    # don't exit until user is ready

NOTE: while solver is running, press 'Ctrl-C' in console window
Press any key to continue and press enter

Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.000000
         Iterations: 120
         Function evaluations: 215
[ 1.00000328  1.00000565  1.00001091]
Press any key to continue and press enter

NOTE IPython does not handle shell prompt interactive programs well, so the above should be run from a command prompt. An IPython-safe version is below.

In [4]:
    - Minimize Rosenbrock's Function with Powell's method.
    - Dynamic print of parameter convergence to function minimum.

    - standard models
    - minimal solver interface
    - parameter trajectories using callback
# Powell's Directonal solver
from mystic.solvers import fmin_powell
# Rosenbrock function
from mystic.models import rosen
iter = 0
# plot the parameter trajectories
def print_params(params):
    global iter
    from numpy import asarray
    print("Generation %d has best fit parameters: %s" % (iter,asarray(params)))
    iter += 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # initial guess
    x0 = [0.8,1.2,0.7]
    # use Powell's method to minimize the Rosenbrock function
    solution = fmin_powell(rosen, x0, disp=1, callback=print_params, handler=False)

Generation 0 has best fit parameters: [ 0.8  1.2  0.7]
Generation 1 has best fit parameters: [ 0.8  1.2  0.7]
Generation 2 has best fit parameters: [ 1.096641    0.92316246  0.85222892]
Generation 3 has best fit parameters: [ 0.96098383  0.92341029  0.85268657]
Generation 4 has best fit parameters: [ 0.96116068  0.92362873  0.85268597]
Generation 5 has best fit parameters: [ 0.96139941  0.92394456  0.85319715]
Generation 6 has best fit parameters: [ 0.96490397  0.9293998   0.86287626]
Generation 7 has best fit parameters: [ 0.97283782  0.9438172   0.8900223 ]
Generation 8 has best fit parameters: [ 0.99282304  0.98392465  0.9676975 ]
Generation 9 has best fit parameters: [ 0.99599362  0.99123752  0.98220233]
Generation 10 has best fit parameters: [ 0.99933371  0.99875944  0.9973022 ]
Generation 11 has best fit parameters: [ 0.99959358  0.99924252  0.99835369]
Generation 12 has best fit parameters: [ 1.00000002  1.00000006  1.00000011]
Generation 13 has best fit parameters: [ 1.  1.  1.]
Generation 14 has best fit parameters: [ 1.  1.  1.]
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.000000
         Iterations: 13
         Function evaluations: 524
[ 1.  1.  1.]
  • Monitors

In [5]:
    - Minimize Rosenbrock's Function with Powell's method.

    - standard models
    - minimal solver interface
    - customized monitors

# Powell's Directonal solver
from mystic.solvers import fmin_powell

# Rosenbrock function
from mystic.models import rosen

# tools
from mystic.monitors import VerboseLoggingMonitor

if __name__ == '__main__':

    print("Powell's Method")

    # initial guess
    x0 = [1.5, 1.5, 0.7]

    # configure monitor
    stepmon = VerboseLoggingMonitor(1,1)

    # use Powell's method to minimize the Rosenbrock function
    solution = fmin_powell(rosen, x0, itermon=stepmon)

Powell's Method
Generation 0 has Chi-Squared: 297.000000
Generation 1 has Chi-Squared: 26.522040
Generation 2 has Chi-Squared: 0.002383
Generation 3 has Chi-Squared: 0.002378
Generation 4 has Chi-Squared: 0.001940
Generation 5 has Chi-Squared: 0.001141
Generation 6 has Chi-Squared: 0.000769
Generation 7 has Chi-Squared: 0.000125
Generation 8 has Chi-Squared: 0.000042
Generation 9 has Chi-Squared: 0.000000
Generation 10 has Chi-Squared: 0.000000
Generation 11 has Chi-Squared: 0.000000
Generation 12 has Chi-Squared: 0.000000
Generation 13 has Chi-Squared: 0.000000
Generation 14 has Chi-Squared: 0.000000
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.000000
         Iterations: 14
         Function evaluations: 529
STOP("NormalizedChangeOverGeneration with {'tolerance': 0.0001, 'generations': 2}")
[ 1.  1.  1.]

In [6]:
import mystic

  • Solution trajectory and model plotting

In [7]:
import mystic
mystic.model_plotter(mystic.models.rosen, 'log.txt', kwds='-d -x 1 -b "-2:2:.1, -2:2:.1, 1"')

Solver "tuning" and extension

  • Solver class interface

In [8]:
    - Solve 8th-order Chebyshev polynomial coefficients with DE.
    - Callable plot of fitting to Chebyshev polynomial.
    - Monitor Chi-Squared for Chebyshev polynomial.

    - standard models
    - expanded solver interface
    - built-in random initial guess
    - customized monitors and termination conditions
    - customized DE mutation strategies
    - use of monitor to retrieve results information

# Differential Evolution solver
from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver2

# Chebyshev polynomial and cost function
from mystic.models.poly import chebyshev8, chebyshev8cost
from mystic.models.poly import chebyshev8coeffs

# tools
from mystic.termination import VTR
from mystic.strategy import Best1Exp
from mystic.monitors import VerboseMonitor
from mystic.tools import getch, random_seed
from mystic.math import poly1d
import pylab

# draw the plot
def plot_exact():
    pylab.title("fitting 8th-order Chebyshev polynomial coefficients")
    import numpy
    x = numpy.arange(-1.2, 1.2001, 0.01)
    exact = chebyshev8(x)

# plot the polynomial
def plot_solution(params,style='y-'):
    import numpy
    x = numpy.arange(-1.2, 1.2001, 0.01)
    f = poly1d(params)
    y = f(x)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    print("Differential Evolution")

    # set range for random initial guess
    ndim = 9
    x0 = [(-100,100)]*ndim

    # draw frame and exact coefficients

    # configure monitor
    stepmon = VerboseMonitor(50)

    # use DE to solve 8th-order Chebyshev coefficients
    npop = 10*ndim
    solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver2(ndim,npop)
    solver.SetRandomInitialPoints(min=[-100]*ndim, max=[100]*ndim)
    solver.Solve(chebyshev8cost, termination=VTR(0.01), strategy=Best1Exp, \
                 CrossProbability=1.0, ScalingFactor=0.9, \
    solution = solver.Solution()

    # use monitor to retrieve results information
    iterations = len(stepmon)
    cost = stepmon.y[-1]
    print("Generation %d has best Chi-Squared: %f" % (iterations, cost))

    # use pretty print for polynomials

    # compare solution with actual 8th-order Chebyshev coefficients
    print("\nActual Coefficients:\n %s\n" % poly1d(chebyshev8coeffs))

    # plot solution versus exact coefficients

Differential Evolution
Generation 0 has Chi-Squared: 76214.552493
Generation 50 has Chi-Squared: 5823.804953
Generation 100 has Chi-Squared: 912.555273
Generation 150 has Chi-Squared: 73.593950
Generation 200 has Chi-Squared: 10.411967
Generation 250 has Chi-Squared: 0.350054
Generation 300 has Chi-Squared: 0.010559
STOP("VTR with {'tolerance': 0.01, 'target': 0.0}")
Generation 312 has best Chi-Squared: 0.008604
       8          7         6          5         4          3         2
127.9 x - 0.3241 x - 254.6 x + 0.7937 x + 157.8 x - 0.6282 x - 30.99 x + 0.1701 x + 0.9503

Actual Coefficients:
      8       6       4      2
128 x - 256 x + 160 x - 32 x + 1

In [9]:
from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver
print("\n".join([i for i in dir(DifferentialEvolutionSolver) if not i.startswith('_')]))

  • Algorithm configurability
  • Termination conditions

In [10]:
from mystic.termination import VTR, ChangeOverGeneration, And, Or
stop = Or(And(VTR(), ChangeOverGeneration()), VTR(1e-8))

from mystic.models import rosen
from mystic.monitors import VerboseMonitor
from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver

solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(3,40)


Generation 0 has Chi-Squared: 587.458970
Generation 10 has Chi-Squared: 2.216492
Generation 20 has Chi-Squared: 1.626018
Generation 30 has Chi-Squared: 0.229984
Generation 40 has Chi-Squared: 0.229984
Generation 50 has Chi-Squared: 0.008647
Generation 60 has Chi-Squared: 0.000946
Generation 70 has Chi-Squared: 0.000109
Generation 80 has Chi-Squared: 0.000002
Generation 90 has Chi-Squared: 0.000000
STOP("VTR with {'tolerance': 1e-08, 'target': 0.0}")
[ 1.00001435  1.0000254   1.0000495 ]
  • Solver population

In [11]:
from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver
from mystic.math import Distribution
import numpy as np
import pylab

# build a mystic distribution instance
dist = Distribution(np.random.normal, 5, 1)

# use the distribution instance as the initial population
solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(3,20)

# visualize the initial population

EXERCISE: Use mystic to find the minimum for the peaks test function, with the bound specified by the mystic.models.peaks documentation.

EXERCISE: Use mystic to do a fit to the noisy data in the scipy.optimize.curve_fit example (the least squares fit).

Constraints "operators" (i.e. kernel transformations)

PENALTY: $\psi(x) = f(x) + k*p(x)$

CONSTRAINT: $\psi(x) = f(c(x)) = f(x')$

In [12]:
from mystic.constraints import *
from mystic.penalty import quadratic_equality
from mystic.coupler import inner
from mystic.math import almostEqual
from mystic.tools import random_seed

def test_penalize():

    from mystic.math.measures import mean, spread
    def mean_constraint(x, target):
        return mean(x) - target

    def range_constraint(x, target):
        return spread(x) - target

    @quadratic_equality(condition=range_constraint, kwds={'target':5.0})
    @quadratic_equality(condition=mean_constraint, kwds={'target':5.0})
    def penalty(x):
        return 0.0

    def cost(x):
        return abs(sum(x) - 5.0)

    from mystic.solvers import fmin
    from numpy import array
    x = array([1,2,3,4,5])
    y = fmin(cost, x, penalty=penalty, disp=False)

    assert round(mean(y)) == 5.0
    assert round(spread(y)) == 5.0
    assert round(cost(y)) == 4*(5.0)

def test_solve():

    from mystic.math.measures import mean
    def mean_constraint(x, target):
        return mean(x) - target

    def parameter_constraint(x):
        return x[-1] - x[0]

    @quadratic_equality(condition=mean_constraint, kwds={'target':5.0})
    def penalty(x):
        return 0.0

    x = solve(penalty, guess=[2,3,1])

    assert round(mean_constraint(x, 5.0)) == 0.0
    assert round(parameter_constraint(x)) == 0.0
    assert issolution(penalty, x)

def test_solve_constraint():

    from mystic.math.measures import mean
    def constraint(x):
        x[-1] = x[0]
        return x

    x = solve(constraint, guess=[2,3,1])

    assert almostEqual(mean(x), 1.0, tol=1e-15)
    assert x[-1] == x[0]
    assert issolution(constraint, x)

def test_as_constraint():

    from mystic.math.measures import mean, spread
    def mean_constraint(x, target):
        return mean(x) - target

    def range_constraint(x, target):
        return spread(x) - target

    @quadratic_equality(condition=range_constraint, kwds={'target':5.0})
    @quadratic_equality(condition=mean_constraint, kwds={'target':5.0})
    def penalty(x):
        return 0.0

    ndim = 3
    constraints = as_constraint(penalty, solver='fmin')
    #XXX: this is expensive to evaluate, as there are nested optimizations

    from numpy import arange
    x = arange(ndim)
    _x = constraints(x)

    assert round(mean(_x)) == 5.0
    assert round(spread(_x)) == 5.0
    assert round(penalty(_x)) == 0.0

    def cost(x):
        return abs(sum(x) - 5.0)

    npop = ndim*3
    from mystic.solvers import diffev
    y = diffev(cost, x, npop, constraints=constraints, disp=False, gtol=10)

    assert round(mean(y)) == 5.0
    assert round(spread(y)) == 5.0
    assert round(cost(y)) == 5.0*(ndim-1)

def test_as_penalty():

    from mystic.math.measures import mean, spread
    def constraint(x):
        return x

    penalty = as_penalty(constraint)

    from numpy import array
    x = array([1,2,3,4,5])

    def cost(x):
        return abs(sum(x) - 5.0)

    from mystic.solvers import fmin
    y = fmin(cost, x, penalty=penalty, disp=False)

    assert round(mean(y)) == 5.0
    assert round(spread(y)) == 5.0
    assert round(cost(y)) == 4*(5.0)

def test_with_penalty():

    from mystic.math.measures import mean, spread
    @with_penalty(quadratic_equality, kwds={'target':5.0})
    def penalty(x, target):
        return mean(x) - target

    def cost(x):
        return abs(sum(x) - 5.0)

    from mystic.solvers import fmin
    from numpy import array
    x = array([1,2,3,4,5])
    y = fmin(cost, x, penalty=penalty, disp=False)

    assert round(mean(y)) == 5.0
    assert round(cost(y)) == 4*(5.0)

def test_with_mean():

    from mystic.math.measures import mean, impose_mean

    def mean_of_squared(x):
        return [i**2 for i in x]

    from numpy import array
    x = array([1,2,3,4,5])
    y = impose_mean(5, [i**2 for i in x])
    assert mean(y) == 5.0
    assert mean_of_squared(x) == y

def test_with_mean_spread():

    from mystic.math.measures import mean, spread, impose_mean, impose_spread

    def constrained_squared(x):
        return [i**2 for i in x]

    from numpy import array
    x = array([1,2,3,4,5])
    y = impose_spread(50.0, impose_mean(5.0,[i**2 for i in x]))
    assert almostEqual(mean(y), 5.0, tol=1e-15)
    assert almostEqual(spread(y), 50.0, tol=1e-15)
    assert constrained_squared(x) == y

def test_constrained_solve():

    from mystic.math.measures import mean, spread
    def constraints(x):
        return x

    def cost(x):
        return abs(sum(x) - 5.0)

    from mystic.solvers import fmin_powell
    from numpy import array
    x = array([1,2,3,4,5])
    y = fmin_powell(cost, x, constraints=constraints, disp=False)

    assert almostEqual(mean(y), 5.0, tol=1e-15)
    assert almostEqual(spread(y), 5.0, tol=1e-15)
    assert almostEqual(cost(y), 4*(5.0), tol=1e-6)

if __name__ == '__main__':

In [13]:
from mystic.coupler import and_, or_, not_
from mystic.constraints import and_ as _and, or_ as _or, not_ as _not

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import numpy as np
    from mystic.penalty import linear_equality, quadratic_equality
    from mystic.constraints import as_constraint

    x = x1,x2,x3 = (5., 5., 1.)
    f = f1,f2,f3 = (np.sum, np.prod, np.average)

    k = 100
    solver = 'fmin_powell' #'diffev'
    ptype = quadratic_equality

    # case #1: couple penalties into a single constraint

    p1 = lambda x: abs(x1 - f1(x))
    p2 = lambda x: abs(x2 - f2(x))
    p3 = lambda x: abs(x3 - f3(x))
    p = (p1,p2,p3)
    p = [ptype(pi)(lambda x:0.) for pi in p]
    penalty = and_(*p, k=k)
    constraint = as_constraint(penalty, solver=solver)

    x = [1,2,3,4,5]
    x_ = constraint(x)

    assert round(f1(x_)) == round(x1)
    assert round(f2(x_)) == round(x2)
    assert round(f3(x_)) == round(x3)

   # case #2: couple constraints into a single constraint

    from mystic.math.measures import impose_product, impose_sum, impose_mean
    from mystic.constraints import as_penalty
    from mystic import random_seed

    t = t1,t2,t3 = (impose_sum, impose_product, impose_mean)
    c1 = lambda x: t1(x1, x)
    c2 = lambda x: t2(x2, x)
    c3 = lambda x: t3(x3, x)
    c = (c1,c2,c3)

    solver = 'buckshot' #'diffev'
    ptype = linear_equality #quadratic_equality

    p = [as_penalty(ci, ptype) for ci in c]
    penalty = and_(*p, k=k)
    constraint = as_constraint(penalty, solver=solver)

    x = [1,2,3,4,5]
    x_ = constraint(x)

    assert round(f1(x_)) == round(x1)
    assert round(f2(x_)) == round(x2)
    assert round(f3(x_)) == round(x3)

    # etc: more coupling of constraints
    from mystic.constraints import with_mean, discrete

    def meanie(x):
      return x

    def integers(x):
      return x

    c = _and(integers, meanie)
    x = c([1,2,3])
    assert x == integers(x) == meanie(x)
    x = c([9,2,3])
    assert x == integers(x) == meanie(x)
    x = c([0,-2,3])
    assert x == integers(x) == meanie(x)
    x = c([9,-200,344])
    assert x == integers(x) == meanie(x)

    c = _or(meanie, integers)
    x = c([1.1234, 4.23412, -9])
    assert x == meanie(x) and x != integers(x)
    x = c([7.0, 10.0, 0.0])
    assert x == integers(x) and x != meanie(x)
    x = c([6.0, 9.0, 0.0])
    assert x == integers(x) == meanie(x)
    x = c([3,4,5])
    assert x == integers(x) and x != meanie(x)
    x = c([3,4,5.5])
    assert x == meanie(x) and x != integers(x)

    c = _not(integers)
    x = c([1,2,3])
    assert x != integers(x) and x != [1,2,3] and x == c(x)
    x = c([1.1,2,3])
    assert x != integers(x) and x == [1.1,2,3] and x == c(x)
    c = _not(meanie)
    x = c([1,2,3])
    assert x != meanie(x) and x == [1,2,3] and x == c(x)
    x = c([4,5,6])
    assert x != meanie(x) and x != [4,5,6] and x == c(x)
    c = _not(_and(meanie, integers))
    x = c([4,5,6])
    assert x != meanie(x) and x != integers(x) and x != [4,5,6] and x == c(x)

    # etc: more coupling of penalties
    from mystic.penalty import quadratic_inequality

    p1 = lambda x: sum(x) - 5
    p2 = lambda x: min(i**2 for i in x)
    p = p1,p2

    p = [quadratic_inequality(pi)(lambda x:0.) for pi in p]
    p1,p2 = p
    penalty = and_(*p)

    x = [[1,2],[-2,-1],[5,-5]]
    for xi in x:
        assert p1(xi) + p2(xi) == penalty(xi)

    penalty = or_(*p)
    for xi in x:
        assert min(p1(xi),p2(xi)) == penalty(xi)

    penalty = not_(p1)
    for xi in x:
        assert bool(p1(xi)) != bool(penalty(xi))
    penalty = not_(p2)
    for xi in x:
        assert bool(p2(xi)) != bool(penalty(xi))

In addition to being able to generically apply information as a penalty, mystic provides the ability to construct constraints "operators" -- essentially applying kernel transformations that reduce optimizer search space to the space of solutions that satisfy the constraints. This can greatly accelerate convergence to a solution, as the space that the optimizer can explore is restricted.

In [14]:
    - Minimize Rosenbrock's Function with Powell's method.

    - standard models
    - minimal solver interface
    - parameter constraints solver and constraints factory decorator
    - statistical parameter constraints
    - customized monitors

# Powell's Directonal solver
from mystic.solvers import fmin_powell

# Rosenbrock function
from mystic.models import rosen

# tools
from mystic.monitors import VerboseMonitor
from mystic.math.measures import mean, impose_mean

if __name__ == '__main__':

    print("Powell's Method")

    # initial guess
    x0 = [0.8,1.2,0.7]

    # use the mean constraints factory decorator
    from mystic.constraints import with_mean

    # define constraints function
    def constraints(x):
        # constrain the last x_i to be the same value as the first x_i
        x[-1] = x[0]
        return x

    # configure monitor
    stepmon = VerboseMonitor(1)

    # use Powell's method to minimize the Rosenbrock function
    solution = fmin_powell(rosen, x0, constraints=constraints, itermon=stepmon)

Powell's Method
Generation 0 has Chi-Squared: 81.100247
Generation 1 has Chi-Squared: 0.000000
Generation 2 has Chi-Squared: 0.000000
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.000000
         Iterations: 2
         Function evaluations: 81
STOP("NormalizedChangeOverGeneration with {'tolerance': 0.0001, 'generations': 2}")
[ 1.  1.  1.]
  • Range (i.e. 'box') constraints

Use solver.SetStrictRange, or the bounds keyword on the solver function interface.

  • Symbolic constraints interface

In [15]:
%%file spring.py
"a Tension-Compression String"

def objective(x):
    x0,x1,x2 = x
    return x0**2 * x1 * (x2 + 2)

bounds = [(0,100)]*3
# with penalty='penalty' applied, solution is:
xs = [0.05168906, 0.35671773, 11.28896619]
ys = 0.01266523

from mystic.symbolic import generate_constraint, generate_solvers, solve
from mystic.symbolic import generate_penalty, generate_conditions

equations = """
1.0 - (x1**3 * x2)/(71785*x0**4) <= 0.0
(4*x1**2 - x0*x1)/(12566*x0**3 * (x1 - x0)) + 1./(5108*x0**2) - 1.0 <= 0.0
1.0 - 140.45*x0/(x2 * x1**2) <= 0.0
(x0 + x1)/1.5 - 1.0 <= 0.0

pf = generate_penalty(generate_conditions(equations), k=1e12)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from mystic.solvers import diffev2

    result = diffev2(objective, x0=bounds, bounds=bounds, penalty=pf, npop=40,
                     gtol=500, disp=True, full_output=True)


Writing spring.py

In [16]:
equations = """
1.0 - (x1**3 * x2)/(71785*x0**4) <= 0.0
(4*x1**2 - x0*x1)/(12566*x0**3 * (x1 - x0)) + 1./(5108*x0**2) - 1.0 <= 0.0
1.0 - 140.45*x0/(x2 * x1**2) <= 0.0
(x0 + x1)/1.5 - 1.0 <= 0.0

from mystic.symbolic import generate_constraint, generate_solvers, solve
from mystic.symbolic import generate_penalty, generate_conditions

ineql, eql = generate_conditions(equations)


for f in ineql:

pf = generate_penalty((ineql, eql))

x = [-0.1, 0.5, 11.0]
print("\nPENALTY FOR {}: {}".format(x, pf(x)))

(<function inequality_4606002448 at 0x111d18488>, <function inequality_4604414640 at 0x111d181e0>, <function inequality_4606003984 at 0x112733b70>, <function inequality_4605118704 at 0x1127331e0>)

1.0 - (x[1]**3 * x[2])/(71785*x[0]**4) - (0.0)
(4*x[1]**2 - x[0]*x[1])/(12566*x[0]**3 * (x[1] - x[0])) + 1./(5108*x[0]**2) - 1.0 - (0.0)
1.0 - 140.45*x[0]/(x[2] * x[1]**2) - (0.0)
(x[0] + x[1])/1.5 - 1.0 - (0.0)

quadratic_inequality: 1.0 - (x[1]**3 * x[2])/(71785*x[0]**4) - (0.0)
quadratic_inequality: (4*x[1]**2 - x[0]*x[1])/(12566*x[0]**3 * (x[1] - x[0])) + 1./(5108*x[0]**2) - 1.0 - (0.0)
quadratic_inequality: 1.0 - 140.45*x[0]/(x[2] * x[1]**2) - (0.0)
quadratic_inequality: (x[0] + x[1])/1.5 - 1.0 - (0.0)

PENALTY FOR [-0.1, 0.5, 11.0]: 7590.476190957014
  • Penatly functions

In [17]:
equations = """
1.0 - (x1**3 * x2)/(71785*x0**4) <= 0.0
(4*x1**2 - x0*x1)/(12566*x0**3 * (x1 - x0)) + 1./(5108*x0**2) - 1.0 <= 0.0
1.0 - 140.45*x0/(x2 * x1**2) <= 0.0
(x0 + x1)/1.5 - 1.0 <= 0.0

In [18]:
"a Tension-Compression String"

from spring import objective, bounds, xs, ys

from mystic.penalty import quadratic_inequality

def penalty1(x): # <= 0.0
    return 1.0 - (x[1]**3 * x[2])/(71785*x[0]**4)

def penalty2(x): # <= 0.0
    return (4*x[1]**2 - x[0]*x[1])/(12566*x[0]**3 * (x[1] - x[0])) + 1./(5108*x[0]**2) - 1.0

def penalty3(x): # <= 0.0
    return 1.0 - 140.45*x[0]/(x[2] * x[1]**2)

def penalty4(x): # <= 0.0
    return (x[0] + x[1])/1.5 - 1.0

@quadratic_inequality(penalty1, k=1e12)
@quadratic_inequality(penalty2, k=1e12)
@quadratic_inequality(penalty3, k=1e12)
@quadratic_inequality(penalty4, k=1e12)
def penalty(x):
    return 0.0

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from mystic.solvers import diffev2

    result = diffev2(objective, x0=bounds, bounds=bounds, penalty=penalty, npop=40,
                     gtol=500, disp=True, full_output=True)

Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.012665
         Iterations: 540
         Function evaluations: 21640
[  0.05168906   0.35671772  11.28896693]
  • "Operators" that directly constrain search space

In [19]:

  Crypto problem in Google CP Solver.

  Prolog benchmark problem
  Name           : crypto.pl
  Original Source: P. Van Hentenryck's book
  Adapted by     : Daniel Diaz - INRIA France
  Date           : September 1992

def objective(x):
    return 0.0

nletters = 26

bounds = [(1,nletters)]*nletters
# with penalty='penalty' applied, solution is:
#      A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q
xs = [ 5, 13,  9, 16, 20,  4, 24, 21, 25, 17, 23,  2,  8, 12, 10, 19,  7, \
#      R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z
      11, 15,  3,  1, 26,  6, 22, 14, 18]
ys = 0.0

# constraints
equations = """
B + A + L + L + E + T - 45 == 0
C + E + L + L + O - 43 == 0
C + O + N + C + E + R + T - 74 == 0
F + L + U + T + E - 30 == 0
F + U + G + U + E - 50 == 0
G + L + E + E - 66 == 0
J + A + Z + Z - 58 == 0
L + Y + R + E - 47 == 0
O + B + O + E - 53 == 0
O + P + E + R + A - 65 == 0
P + O + L + K + A - 59 == 0
Q + U + A + R + T + E + T - 50 == 0
S + A + X + O + P + H + O + N + E - 134 == 0
S + C + A + L + E - 51 == 0
S + O + L + O - 37 == 0
S + O + N + G - 61 == 0
S + O + P + R + A + N + O - 82 == 0
T + H + E + M + E - 72 == 0
V + I + O + L + I + N - 100 == 0
W + A + L + T + Z - 34 == 0

# Let's say we know the vowels.
bounds[0] = (5,5)    # A
bounds[4] = (20,20)  # E
bounds[8] = (25,25)  # I
bounds[14] = (10,10) # O
bounds[20] = (1,1)   # U

from mystic.constraints import unique, near_integers, has_unique
from mystic.symbolic import generate_penalty, generate_conditions
pf = generate_penalty(generate_conditions(equations,var),k=1)
from mystic.penalty import quadratic_equality

def penalty(x):
    return pf(x)

from numpy import round, hstack, clip
def constraint(x):
    x = round(x).astype(int) # force round and convert type to int
    x = clip(x, 1,nletters)  #XXX: hack to impose bounds
    x = unique(x, range(1,nletters+1))
    return x

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from mystic.solvers import diffev2
    from mystic.monitors import Monitor, VerboseMonitor
    mon = VerboseMonitor(50)

    result = diffev2(objective, x0=bounds, bounds=bounds, penalty=pf,
                     constraints=constraint, npop=52, ftol=1e-8, gtol=1000,
                     disp=True, full_output=True, cross=0.1, scale=0.9, itermon=mon)

Generation 0 has Chi-Squared: 1495.000000
Generation 50 has Chi-Squared: 469.000000
Generation 100 has Chi-Squared: 270.000000
Generation 150 has Chi-Squared: 142.000000
Generation 200 has Chi-Squared: 124.000000
Generation 250 has Chi-Squared: 106.000000
Generation 300 has Chi-Squared: 74.000000
Generation 350 has Chi-Squared: 61.000000
Generation 400 has Chi-Squared: 38.000000
Generation 450 has Chi-Squared: 32.000000
Generation 500 has Chi-Squared: 24.000000
Generation 550 has Chi-Squared: 24.000000
Generation 600 has Chi-Squared: 23.000000
Generation 650 has Chi-Squared: 23.000000
Generation 700 has Chi-Squared: 21.000000
Generation 750 has Chi-Squared: 21.000000
Generation 800 has Chi-Squared: 17.000000
Generation 850 has Chi-Squared: 13.000000
Generation 900 has Chi-Squared: 6.000000
Generation 950 has Chi-Squared: 6.000000
Generation 1000 has Chi-Squared: 6.000000
Generation 1050 has Chi-Squared: 6.000000
Generation 1100 has Chi-Squared: 6.000000
Generation 1150 has Chi-Squared: 6.000000
Generation 1200 has Chi-Squared: 6.000000
Generation 1250 has Chi-Squared: 6.000000
Generation 1300 has Chi-Squared: 6.000000
Generation 1350 has Chi-Squared: 6.000000
Generation 1400 has Chi-Squared: 6.000000
Generation 1450 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
Generation 1500 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
Generation 1550 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
Generation 1600 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
Generation 1650 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
Generation 1700 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
Generation 1750 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
Generation 1800 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
Generation 1850 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
Generation 1900 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
Generation 1950 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
Generation 2000 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
Generation 2050 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
Generation 2100 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
Generation 2150 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
Generation 2200 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
Generation 2250 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
Generation 2300 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
Generation 2350 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
Generation 2400 has Chi-Squared: 1.000000
STOP("ChangeOverGeneration with {'tolerance': 1e-08, 'generations': 1000}")
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 1.000000
         Iterations: 2428
         Function evaluations: 126308
[  5.  13.   9.  16.  20.   4.  24.  22.  25.  17.  23.   2.   7.  12.  10.
  19.   8.  11.  15.   3.   1.  26.   6.  21.  14.  18.]

Special cases

  • Integer and mixed integer programming

In [20]:
  Eq 10 in Google CP Solver.

  Standard benchmark problem.

def objective(x):
    return 0.0

bounds = [(0,10)]*7
# with penalty='penalty' applied, solution is:
xs = [6., 0., 8., 4., 9., 3., 9.]
ys = 0.0

# constraints
equations = """
98527*x0 + 34588*x1 + 5872*x2 + 59422*x4 + 65159*x6 - 1547604 - 30704*x3 - 29649*x5 == 0.0
98957*x1 + 83634*x2 + 69966*x3 + 62038*x4 + 37164*x5 + 85413*x6 - 1823553 - 93989*x0 == 0.0
900032 + 10949*x0 + 77761*x1 + 67052*x4 - 80197*x2 - 61944*x3 - 92964*x5 - 44550*x6 == 0.0
73947*x0 + 84391*x2 + 81310*x4 - 1164380 - 96253*x1 - 44247*x3 - 70582*x5 - 33054*x6 == 0.0
13057*x2 + 42253*x3 + 77527*x4 + 96552*x6 - 1185471 - 60152*x0 - 21103*x1 - 97932*x5 == 0.0
1394152 + 66920*x0 + 55679*x3 - 64234*x1 - 65337*x2 - 45581*x4 - 67707*x5 - 98038*x6 == 0.0
68550*x0 + 27886*x1 + 31716*x2 + 73597*x3 + 38835*x6 - 279091 - 88963*x4 - 76391*x5 == 0.0
76132*x1 + 71860*x2 + 22770*x3 + 68211*x4 + 78587*x5 - 480923 - 48224*x0 - 82817*x6 == 0.0
519878 + 94198*x1 + 87234*x2 + 37498*x3 - 71583*x0 - 25728*x4 - 25495*x5 - 70023*x6 == 0.0
361921 + 78693*x0 + 38592*x4 + 38478*x5 - 94129*x1 - 43188*x2 - 82528*x3 - 69025*x6 == 0.0

from mystic.symbolic import generate_constraint, generate_solvers, solve
cf = generate_constraint(generate_solvers(solve(equations)))

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from mystic.solvers import diffev2

    result = diffev2(objective, x0=bounds, bounds=bounds, constraints=cf,
                     npop=4, gtol=1, disp=True, full_output=True)


Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.000000
         Iterations: 1
         Function evaluations: 14
[ 6.  0.  8.  4.  9.  3.  9.]

EXERCISE: Solve the chebyshev8.cost example exactly, by applying the knowledge that the last term in the chebyshev polynomial will always be be one. Use numpy.round or mystic.constraints.integers or to constrain solutions to the set of integers. Does using mystic.suppressed to supress small numbers accelerate the solution?

EXERCISE: Replace the symbolic constraints in the following "Pressure Vessel Design" code with explicit penalty functions (i.e. use a compound penalty built with mystic.penalty.quadratic_inequality).

In [21]:
"Pressure Vessel Design"

def objective(x):
    x0,x1,x2,x3 = x
    return 0.6224*x0*x2*x3 + 1.7781*x1*x2**2 + 3.1661*x0**2*x3 + 19.84*x0**2*x2

bounds = [(0,1e6)]*4
# with penalty='penalty' applied, solution is:
xs = [0.72759093, 0.35964857, 37.69901188, 240.0]
ys = 5804.3762083

from mystic.symbolic import generate_constraint, generate_solvers, solve
from mystic.symbolic import generate_penalty, generate_conditions

equations = """
-x0 + 0.0193*x2 <= 0.0
-x1 + 0.00954*x2 <= 0.0
-pi*x2**2*x3 - (4/3.)*pi*x2**3 + 1296000.0 <= 0.0
x3 - 240.0 <= 0.0
pf = generate_penalty(generate_conditions(equations), k=1e12)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from mystic.solvers import diffev2
    from mystic.math import almostEqual

    result = diffev2(objective, x0=bounds, bounds=bounds, penalty=pf, npop=40, gtol=500,
                     disp=True, full_output=True)

Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 5804.376208
         Iterations: 950
         Function evaluations: 38040
[   0.72759093    0.35964857   37.69901188  240.        ]
  • Linear and quadratic constraints

In [22]:
    Minimize: f = 2*x[0] + 1*x[1]

    Subject to:  -1*x[0] + 1*x[1] <= 1
                  1*x[0] + 1*x[1] >= 2
                           1*x[1] >= 0
                  1*x[0] - 2*x[1] <= 4

    where:  -inf <= x[0] <= inf

def objective(x):
    x0,x1 = x
    return 2*x0 + x1

equations = """
-x0 + x1 - 1.0 <= 0.0
-x0 - x1 + 2.0 <= 0.0
x0 - 2*x1 - 4.0 <= 0.0
bounds = [(None, None),(0.0, None)]

# with penalty='penalty' applied, solution is:
xs = [0.5, 1.5]
ys = 2.5

from mystic.symbolic import generate_conditions, generate_penalty
pf = generate_penalty(generate_conditions(equations), k=1e3)
from mystic.symbolic import generate_constraint, generate_solvers, simplify
cf = generate_constraint(generate_solvers(simplify(equations)))

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from mystic.solvers import fmin_powell
    from mystic.math import almostEqual

    result = fmin_powell(objective, x0=[0.0,0.0], bounds=bounds, constraint=cf,
                         penalty=pf, disp=True, full_output=True, gtol=3)

Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 2.499688
         Iterations: 6
         Function evaluations: 277
[ 0.49974959  1.49987526]

EXERCISE: Solve the cvxopt "qp" example with mystic. Use symbolic constaints, penalty functions, or constraints operators. If you get it quickly, do all three methods.

Let's look at how mystic gives improved solver workflow