In [273]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.optimize
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (10,4)
colors = ['r','g','b']
def inverse(f, domain=(0.0, 1.0-1e-6), extrapolate=(float("NaN"), float("NaN"))):
def inner(x):
if f(domain[0]) >= x:
return extrapolate[0]
if f(domain[1]) <= x:
return extrapolate[1]
return scipy.optimize.brentq(lambda y: f(y)-x, a=domain[0], b=domain[1])
except ValueError:
return float("NaN")
return np.vectorize(inner)
import scipy.misc
def derivative(f, dx=1e-6):
return np.vectorize(lambda x: scipy.misc.derivative(f, x, dx))
def lorenz(f, ymin, ymax, ymean):
finv = inverse(f, (ymin, ymax))
return np.vectorize(lambda p: scipy.integrate.quad(finv, 0, p)[0] / ymean)
In [274]:
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (4,3.5)
# Observed points of the Lorenz curve and population parameters
p = [0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]
L = [0.0, 0.16, 0.35, 0.64, 1.0]
ymean = 10.0
# Grids for plotting
xgrid = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000)
ygrid = np.linspace(0, 2*mean, 1000)
plt.plot(p, L, '.-')
We define a Lorenz curve with 5 observed points $(L_i, p_i)$ for $i \in 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 = k$ so that a single cubic cannot fit the implied CDF (except by chance). Then four spline segments of the CDF are defined, each as:
$$ F(y) = a_i y^3 + b_i y^2 + c_i y + d_i,\qquad \mathrm{for}\quad y_{i-1} < y \leq y_i $$Then we have a total of $4k-3$ interior constraints:
and we choose 4 further endpoint constraints from amongst the following:
We can initialise all of these constraints with a least-squares fit as a good initial guess, using the midpoint fit as in the direct cubic spline interpolation.
In [266]:
# The y values are simply the mean-scaled derivatives of the Lorenz curve
dL = np.diff(L)
dp = np.diff(p)
y = ymean * dL/dp
#y = np.hstack((0.0, y))
# And we arbitrarily assign these y values to the mid-points of the p values
pmid = np.add(p[1:],p[:-1])/2
#pmid = np.hstack((0.0, pmid))
plt.plot(y, pmid, 'b.')
# Find the least squares fit
X = np.vstack((np.power(y, 3), np.power(y, 2), np.power(y, 1), np.power(y, 0)))
# bX = y
import numpy.linalg
coef = numpy.linalg.lstsq(np.transpose(X), np.transpose(pmid))[0]
lscubic = lambda y: np.matmul(coef, np.vstack((np.power(y, 3), np.power(y, 2), np.power(y, 1), np.power(y, 0))))
plt.plot(ygrid, lscubic(ygrid), 'g-');
yknots = inverse(lscubic, (0, 20))(pmid).tolist()
plt.plot(yknots, pmid, "g.")
Sure enough, the least square fit is imperfect. Now we use this curve to assign our starting values for all the segments.
In [267]:
N_segments = len(pmid)-1
a = [coef[0]]*N_segments
b = [coef[1]]*N_segments
c = [coef[2]]*N_segments
d = [coef[3]]*N_segments
def make_cubic_spline(knots, a, b, c, d):
def cubic_spline(x):
if x < knots[0] or x > knots[-1]:
return float("NaN")
for i in range(0, len(knots)):
if x < knots[i+1]:
return a[i] * x**3 + b[i] * x**2 + c[i] * x**1 + d[i]
return np.vectorize(cubic_spline)
# Confirm that the piecewise cubic spline is correctly defined
plt.plot(yknots, pmid, "g.")
plt.plot(ygrid, make_cubic_spline(yknots, a, b, c, d)(ygrid), 'r-')
In [268]:
def errfun(yknots, a, b, c, d):
ymin, ymax = 2, 20
f_ymin, f_ymax = 0, 0
err_lorenz = 0
err_point = 0
err_d1 = 0
err_d2 = 0
err_endpoints = 0
err_nonincr = 0
for i in range(N_segments):
lhs = L[i+1] - L[i]
rhs = (3/4)*a[i]*(yknots[i+1] - yknots[i])**4 + (2/3)*b[i]*(yknots[i+1]-yknots[i])**3 + (1/2)*c[i]*(yknots[i+1]-yknots[i])**2
err_lorenz += (lhs-rhs)**2
for i in range(N_segments-1):
lhs = a[i]*yknots[i+1]**3 + b[i]*yknots[i+1]**2 + c[i]*yknots[i+1]**1 + d[i]
rhs = a[i+1]*yknots[i+1]**3 + b[i+1]*yknots[i+1]**2 + c[i+1]*yknots[i+1]**1 + d[i+1]
err_point += (lhs-rhs)**2
for i in range(N_segments-1):
lhs = 3*a[i]*yknots[i+1]**2 + 2*b[i]*yknots[i+1]**1 + c[i]
rhs = 3*a[i+1]*yknots[i+1]**2 + 2*b[i+1]*yknots[i+1]**1 + c[i+1]
err_d1 += (lhs-rhs)**2
for i in range(N_segments-1):
lhs = 6*a[i]*yknots[i+1] + 2*b[i]
lhs = 6*a[i+1]*yknots[i+1] + 2*b[i+1]
err_d2 += (lhs-rhs)**2
err_endpoints += (
(a[0]*ymin**3 + b[0]*ymin**2 + c[0]*ymin**1 + d[0]*ymin**0 - 0.0) ** 2 +
(a[-1]*ymax**3 + b[-1]*ymax**2 + c[-1]*ymax**1 + d[-1]*ymax**0 - 1.0) ** 2 +
(6*a[0]*ymin + 2*b[0] - f_ymin) ** 2 +
(6*a[-1]*ymax + 2*b[-1] - f_ymax) ** 2
d1_grid = [3*a[i]*y**2 + 2*b[i]*y**1 + c[i] for y in np.linspace(ymin, ymax, 100)]
d1_grid_negs = -sum([p for p in d1_grid if p < 0])
err_nonincr = 10 * d1_grid_negs
#print("errors:", err_lorenz, err_point, err_d1, err_d2, err_endpoints)
return err_lorenz + err_point + err_d1 + err_d2 + err_endpoints + err_nonincr
def collapse_args(yknots, a, b, c, d):
return yknots + a + b + c + d
def extract_args(args):
if isinstance(args, list):
args = np.array(args)
xyknots, args = args[:len(yknots)], args[len(yknots):]
xa, args = args[:len(a)], args[len(a):]
xb, args = args[:len(b)], args[len(b):]
xc, args = args[:len(c)], args[len(c):]
xd, args = args[:len(d)], args[len(d):]
return xyknots.tolist(), xa.tolist(), xb.tolist(), xc.tolist(), xd.tolist()
def errfun_wrapper(args):
return errfun(*extract_args(args))
In [269]:
errfun(yknots, a, b, c, d)
errfun_wrapper(collapse_args(yknots, a, b, c, d))
In [270]:
import scipy.optimize
result = scipy.optimize.minimize(errfun_wrapper,collapse_args(yknots, a, b, c, d))
yknots, a, b, c, d = extract_args(result.x)
errfun(yknots, a, b, c, d)
In [271]:
plt.plot(y, pmid, 'b.')
plt.plot(ygrid, make_cubic_spline(yknots, a, b, c, d)(ygrid), 'r-')
#plt.plot(ygrid, a[-1]*ygrid**3 + b[-1]*ygrid**2 + c[-1]*ygrid**1 + d[-1]*ygrid**0)
In [272]:
i = 2
lhs = L[i+1] - L[i]
rhs = (3/4)*a[i]*(yknots[i+1] - yknots[i])**4 + (2/3)*b[i]*(yknots[i+1]-yknots[i])**3 + (1/2)*c[i]*(yknots[i+1]-yknots[i])**2
print(lhs, rhs)
In [282]:
plt.plot(xgrid, lorenz(make_cubic_spline(yknots, a, b, c, d), 3, 18, ymean)(xgrid))
#plt.plot(xgrid, inverse(make_cubic_spline(yknots, a, b, c, d), (3, 18), (0,1))(xgrid))
In [ ]: