1. Import the necessary packages to read in the data, plot, and create a linear regression model

In [20]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

2. Read in the hanford.csv file

In [21]:
df = pd.read_csv('hanford.csv')

3. Calculate the basic descriptive statistics on the data

In [22]:

Exposure Mortality
count 9.000000 9.000000
mean 4.617778 157.344444
std 3.491192 34.791346
min 1.250000 113.500000
25% 2.490000 130.100000
50% 3.410000 147.100000
75% 6.410000 177.900000
max 11.640000 210.300000

4. Calculate the coefficient of correlation (r) and generate the scatter plot. Does there seem to be a correlation worthy of investigation?

In [23]:

Exposure Mortality
Exposure 1.000000 0.926345
Mortality 0.926345 1.000000

r = 0.926345

In [24]:
lm = smf.ols(formula="Mortality~Exposure",data=df).fit()

Intercept    114.715631
Exposure       9.231456
dtype: float64

In [25]:
intercept, slope = lm.params

In [26]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10c047eb8>

Yes, there does seem to be a correlation worthy of investigation.

5. Create a linear regression model based on the available data to predict the mortality rate given a level of exposure

In [31]:
exposure = int(input('What is the exposure level? '))
mortality = slope * exposure + intercept
print('If the exposure is ' + str(exposure) + ' the mortality rate is probably around ' + str(round(mortality, 2)))

What is the exposure level? 4
If the exposure is 4 the mortality rate is probably around 151.64

6. Plot the linear regression line on the scatter plot of values. Calculate the r^2 (coefficient of determination)

In [28]:

plt.title('Correlation between exposure and mortality rate')
plt.ylabel('Mortality Rate')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x110abc470>

In [ ]:
0.926345 ** 2

7. Predict the mortality rate (Cancer per 100,000 man years) given an index of exposure = 10

In [30]:
exposure = 10
mortality = slope * exposure + intercept
print('If the exposure is ' + str(exposure) + ' the mortality rate is probably around ' + str(round(mortality, 2)))

If the exposure is 10 the mortality rate is probably around 207.03