In [1]:
# importing
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
# showing figures inline
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# plotting options
font = {'size' : 36}
plt.rc('font', **font)
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
matplotlib.rc('figure', figsize=(30, 8) )
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# periodogram estimator
def find_periodogram(y, omega):
estimates periodogram out of the given observation at the frequencies specified in omega
IN: observation y, frequencies
OUT: psd estimator
N = len(y)
per = np.zeros(len(omega), dtype=complex)
for p in np.arange(0, N):
per += y[p] * np.exp( -1j * omega * (p+1) )
per = ( abs(per)**2 )/ N
return per
# acf estimator
def est_acf(y, est_type):
estimates acf given a number of observation
Remark: signal is assumed to be starting from 0 to length(y)-1
IN: observations y, est_type (biased / unbiased)
OUT: estimated acf, centered around 0
N = np.size( y )
r = np.zeros_like( y )
# loop lags of acf
for k in np.arange(0, N):
temp = np.sum( y[k:N] * np.conjugate(y[0:(N-k)]) )
# type of estimator
if est_type == 'biased':
r[k] = temp/N
elif est_type == 'unbiased':
r[k] = temp/(N-k)
# find values for negative indices
r_reverse = np.conjugate(r[::-1])
return np.append(r_reverse[0:len(r)-1], r)
# Yule Walker periodogram estimator
def find_yulewalker(y, order, s2, omega):
estimates periodogram using the Yule-Walker method
IN: acf r, YW oder q, noise variance, frequencies
OUT: psd estimator
per = np.zeros(len(omega), dtype=complex)
r = est_acf(y, 'biased')
#r = r/np.max(acf)
N = int( (len(r)+1)/2 )
# get matrix R for Yule-Walker
# note that R is not the autocorrelation matrix, but R = (ACF matrix)^*
R = np.zeros([order+1, order+1], dtype=complex)
for p in range(0, order+1):
R[:,p] = r[N-1-p : N-1-p+order+1 ]
# find and solve linear equation system for the coefficients
b = np.matrix(np.append(s2, np.zeros(order))).T
theta = np.linalg.solve(R, b)
theta = np.array(theta / theta[0])
# get frequency response
for p in np.arange(0, order+1):
per += theta[p]*np.exp(-1j*omega*p)
return s2 / abs(per)**2
In [4]:
# number of samples and according time vector
N = int( 1e3 )
N_vec = np.arange(0, N)
# order of Yule-Walker approach; q<N required
q = 3
q_2 = 170
# variance of noise used in the illustration
sigma2 = 2
# frequencies of two sinusoids
Omega_0 = 1.0
Omega_1 = 1.2
# number of realizations for averaging
N_real = int( 1e2 )
# number of freq. points and freq. range
N_freq = 512
Ome = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, N_freq)
# apply if noise should be filtered
filtered = 0
# activate parameter "filtered" in parameters if you like to see filtered noise
if filtered == 1:
# filter parameters
cutoff_freq = 1.0/4.0
ripple_db = 60 # ripples and transition width of the filter
width = 1 / 5.0
N_filter, beta = signal.kaiserord(ripple_db, width) # find filter order and beta parameter
taps = signal.firwin( N_filter, cutoff=cutoff_freq, window=('kaiser', beta))
In [5]:
# function for getting (noisy) version of chosen signal
def get_signal( choice, N, sigma2, filtered):
providing signal to be estimated in the following simulation
# define noise
noise = np.sqrt( sigma2 ) * np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, N)
# activate parameter "filtered" in parameters if you like to see filtered noise
if filtered == 1:
noise = signal.lfilter( taps, 1.0, noise )
noise /= np.linalg.norm( noise )
# different types of signal
if choice==1: # just noise
y = noise
elif choice==2: # AR spectrum out of the "spectrum" homepage
a = [1, -2.2137, 2.9403, -2.1697, 0.9606]
y = signal.lfilter( [1], a, noise )
elif choice==3: # AR spectrum out of Kroschel
b = [1]
a = [1 -1.372, 1.843, -1.238, .849]
sigma2 = .0032
y = signal.lfilter( b, a, np.sqrt( sigma2 ) * Omega_1 * N_vec )
elif choice==4: # broad spectrum out of Kroschel
b = [1, 0, 0, 0, -.5]
a = [1]
sigma2 = .44
y = signal.lfilter( b, a, np.sqrt( sigma2 ) * Omega_1 * N_vec )
elif choice==5: # two sinusoids with noise
Omega_0 = 1.0
Omega_1 = 1.2
y = np.sin( Omega_0 * N_vec ) + np.sin( Omega_1 * N_vec) + noise
elif choice==6: # two complex sinusoids with noise
Omega_0 = 1.0
Omega_1 = 1.2
y = np.exp( 1j * Omega_0 * N_vec) + \
np.exp( 1j * Omega_1 * N_vec) + \
return y
In [6]:
# initializa arrays
psd_per = np.empty( [N_real, N_freq] )
psd_yulewalker = np.empty( [N_real, N_freq] )
psd_yulewalker_2 = np.empty( [N_real, N_freq] )
# loop for realizations
for _k in range( N_real ):
# generate signal
choice = 6
y = get_signal( choice, N, sigma2, filtered )
# find estimations
psd_per[ _k, :] = find_periodogram( y, Ome )
# YW of 2 different orders
psd_yulewalker[ _k, :] = find_yulewalker( y, q, sigma2, Ome)
psd_yulewalker_2[ _k, :] = find_yulewalker( y, q_2, sigma2, Ome)
# averaging and finding variance
psd_per_average = psd_per.mean(axis=0)
psd_per_average /= np.max( psd_per_average )
psd_yulewalker_average = psd_yulewalker.mean(axis=0)
psd_yulewalker_average /= np.max(psd_yulewalker_average)
psd_yulewalker_2_average = psd_yulewalker_2.mean(axis=0)
psd_yulewalker_2_average /= np.max(psd_yulewalker_2_average)
In [7]:
# get min value for equally scaling all plots
min_val = np.min( np.concatenate( (psd_per_average, \
psd_yulewalker_average, \
psd_yulewalker_2_average ) ) )
min_val = 10 * np.log10( min_val )
# plot psds
plt.plot(Ome, 10*np.log10( psd_per_average ) )
plt.axis([- np.pi, np.pi, min_val, 0])
plt.ylabel('$\Phi_p(\Omega)$ (dB)')
plt.plot(Ome, 10*np.log10( psd_yulewalker_average ) )
plt.title('Yule-Walker; order = '+str(q))
plt.axis([- np.pi, np.pi, min_val, 0])
plt.ylabel('$\Phi_{YW 1}(\Omega)$ (dB)')
plt.plot(Ome, 10*np.log10( psd_yulewalker_2_average ) )
plt.title('Yule-Walker; order = '+str(q_2))
plt.axis([- np.pi, np.pi, min_val, 0])
plt.ylabel('$\Phi_{YW 2}(\Omega)$ (dB)')
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