In [1]:
# importing
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
# showing figures inline
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# plotting options
font = {'size' : 20}
plt.rc('font', **font)
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
matplotlib.rc('figure', figsize=(18, 10) )
In [3]:
# get delays for the taps
def get_delay_pdp(scenario, delay_max=20e-6, delay_numb_points=100, numb_samples=1):
Provides a sample delay of the power delay profile according to the channel type
output delay (in seconds)
realizes profile of COST 207
channel type out of 'RA', 'TU', 'BU', 'HT'
delay_max: maximum delay of the pdp
delay_numb_points: number of points in (0, delay_max)
numb_samples: number of delays to be generated
OUT: delay value according to the pdp
# check if feasible channel type is been used
feasible_channels = ['RA', 'TU', 'BU', 'HT']
assert( scenario in feasible_channels), 'Scenario has to be out of'+str(feasible_channels)
# generate vector of delay
delay_step = delay_max/delay_numb_points
tau = np.arange(0, delay_max, delay_step)
# choose channel type and determine cdf
if scenario=='RA':
# rural profile
pdp = np.exp(-9.2*tau)
pdp[ np.where(tau>0.7e-6+delay_step/2) ] = 0
cdf = np.cumsum(pdp)
elif scenario=='TU':
# typical urban
pdp = np.exp(-tau)
pdp[ np.where(tau>7e-6) ] = 0
cdf = np.cumsum(pdp)
elif scenario=='BU':
# bad urban
pdp = np.exp(-tau)
pdp[ np.where(tau>5e-6) ] = 0
pdp[ np.where( abs(tau-7.5e-6)<2.5e-6) ] += .5*np.exp(5e-6-tau[np.where( abs(tau-7.5e-6)<2.5e-6) ])
cdf = np.cumsum(pdp)
elif scenario=='HT':
# hilly terrain
pdp = np.exp(-3.5*tau)
pdp[ np.where(tau>2e-6) ] = 0
pdp[ np.where( np.abs(tau-17.5e-6)<2.5e-6) ] += .1*np.exp(15e-6-tau[np.where( abs(tau-17.5e-6)<2.5e-6) ])
cdf = np.cumsum(pdp) / np.sum(pdp)
# sample uniform distribution
u_vector = np.random.uniform(size=numb_samples)
delay = [ min( tau[ np.where( cdf>u) ] ) for u in u_vector]
return np.sort(delay)
In [4]:
# get delays for the taps
def get_freqs_dpp(delays, scenario, nu_max, nu_numb_points=50):
Provides a sample Doppler shift according to the Doppler class being determined by the delays
Note: realizes profile of COST 207
delays as generated by the pdp
channel_type for using RICE in urban scenarios
nu_max: maximum Doppler freq
nu_numb_points: number of points (resolution) in (-nu_max, nu_max)
OUT: Doppler shift according to the chosen pdp
# generate vector of dopplers
nu_step = 2*nu_max/nu_numb_points
nu = np.arange(-nu_max+nu_step, nu_max, nu_step)
# determine cdfs in order to generate the according RV
jakes = 1/np.sqrt(1-(nu/nu_max)**2)
cdf_jakes = np.cumsum(jakes)/np.sum(jakes)
gaus1 = np.exp(-(nu+.8*nu_max)**2 / (2* (.05*nu_max)**2)) + .1 * np.exp( -(nu-.4*nu_max)**2/(2*(.1*nu_max)**2))
cdf_gaus1 = np.cumsum(gaus1)/np.sum(gaus1)
gaus2 = np.exp(-(nu-.7*nu_max)**2 / (2* (.1*nu_max)**2)) + .1 * np.exp( -(nu+.4*nu_max)**2/(2*(.15*nu_max)**2))
cdf_gaus2 = np.cumsum(gaus2)/np.sum(gaus2)
rice = .41/(2*np.pi*nu_max*np.sqrt(1-(nu/nu_max)**2))
cdf_rice = np.cumsum(rice)/np.sum(rice)
# determine Doppler shifts
doppler = np.zeros( len(delays) )
for de in delays:
if (scenario=='TU' or scenario=='BU') and de==min(delays):
cdf = cdf_rice
elif de <= 0.5e-6:
cdf = cdf_jakes
elif (.5e-6) < de and (de <= 2e-6):
cdf = cdf_gaus1
elif de > 2e-6:
cdf = cdf_gaus2
u = np.random.uniform()
doppler[ np.where(delays==de) ] = np.min( nu[np.where( cdf>u)] )
return doppler
In [5]:
# sample time and frequency
# former in \mu s, latter in MHz
# note that -- since f is in MHz and delays is in microseconds -- the correspondings 1e6 cancel each other
t_max = 50
t_step = .1
t_unit = 1e-3
t = np.arange(0, t_max, t_step)
f_max = 2
f_step = .025
f_unit = 1e6
f = np.arange(-f_max, f_max+f_step, f_step)
In [6]:
# parameters for simulation impulse response and frequency response
# number of random summands
E = int(5e2)
# parameters of mobile station's dynamics
f_Doppler = 100
# determine parameters in order to get an realization of a COST channel
# defining scenario type out or 'RA', 'TU', 'BU', 'HT'
scenario = 'HT'
phases = 1/(2*np.pi)*np.random.uniform(0, 1, E)
delays = get_delay_pdp(scenario, 20e-6, 1e2, E)
doppler = get_freqs_dpp(delays, scenario, f_Doppler, 1e2)
In [7]:
# determine time-freq response according to [Jung: Analyse und Entwurf digitaler Mobilfunksysteme]
H = np.zeros( (np.size(t), np.size(f)), dtype=complex)
for e in np.arange(E):
H += 1/np.sqrt(E)*np.exp(1j*phases[e])*np.outer(np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*doppler[e]*t*t_unit), np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*f*f_unit*delays[e]) )
# determine impulse response by inverse FFT w.r.t. f
tau = np.linspace(0, 1/f_step, len(f))
h = np.zeros( (np.size(t), np.size(tau)), dtype=complex )
for time in t:
h[ np.where(t==time), :] = np.fft.ifft( np.fft.fftshift(H[ np.where(t==time), :]))
# values for plotting
H /= H.max()
H_db = 20*np.log10( abs(H) )
F, T = np.meshgrid(f, t)
TAU, T = np.meshgrid(tau, t)
In [8]:
# plot as colormap
Fig = plt.figure()
ax = Fig.gca()
color_H = ax.pcolormesh(T, F, H_db, cmap='jet')
plt.ylabel('$f/$ MHz')
plt.title('$H(t, f)$ (dB)')
Fig.colorbar(color_H, orientation='vertical')
# plot as colormap
#Fig = figure()
ax = Fig.gca()
color_h = ax.pcolormesh(T, TAU, abs(h), cmap='jet')
plt.ylabel('$\\tau/\\mu s$')
plt.title('$h(t, \\tau)$')
Fig.colorbar(color_h, orientation='vertical')
In [ ]: