In [1]:
# importing
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
# showing figures inline
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# plotting options
font = {'size' : 20}
plt.rc('font', **font)
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
matplotlib.rc('figure', figsize=(18, 10) )
In [3]:
def get_rc_ir( K, n_sps, t_symbol, beta):
Determines coefficients of an RC filter
Formula out of: K.-D. Kammeyer, Nachrichtenübertragung
At poles, l'Hospital was used
NOTE: Length of the IR has to be an odd number
IN: length of IR, upsampling factor, symbol time, roll-off factor
OUT: filter coefficients
K = int( K )
if ( K%2 == 0):
print('Length of the impulse response should be an odd number')
# initialize np.array
rc = np.zeros( K )
# find sample time and initialize index vector
t_sample = t_symbol / n_sps
time_ind = np.linspace( -(K-1)/2, (K-1)/2, K )
t = t_sample * time_ind
if beta == 0:
beta = 1e-32
# assign values of rc
# if roll-off factor equals 0 use sinc
for t_i in time_ind:
t = t_i * t_sample
if ( np.abs( np.abs( t ) - np.abs( t_symbol / ( 2 * beta ) ) ) < .001 ):
rc[int( t_i + (K-1)/2 )] = np.sin( np.pi * t / t_symbol ) / ( np.pi * t / t_symbol ) * np.pi/4
elif np.abs(t) < t_sample/20 :
rc[ int( t_i + (K-1)/2 ) ] = 1
rc[ int( t_i + (K-1)/2 ) ] = np.sin( np.pi * t / t_symbol ) / ( np.pi * t / t_symbol ) * \
np.cos( np.pi * beta * t / t_symbol) / (1- ( 2 * beta * t / t_symbol )**2 )
return rc
In [4]:
# number of symbols and samples per symbol
n_symb = 1000
n_sps = 8 # samples per symbol
# set time resp. pulse interval and related parameters
t_symb = 1.0
t_s = t_symb / n_sps # sample time
t_min = 0.0
t_max = float(n_symb*t_symb)
t = np.arange(t_min, t_max+t_s, t_s)
t_eye = np.arange(-t_symb/2, t_symb/2+t_s, t_s)
# filter parameters
syms_per_filt = 4 # symbols per filter (plus minus in both directions)
K_filt = 2 * syms_per_filt * n_sps + 1 # length of the fir filter
In [5]:
# find modulation scheme
M = 2
constellation = np.array( [ -1, 1] )
# generate random binary vector and modulate the specified modulation scheme
d = np.random.randint( M, size=n_symb, dtype=int )
s = constellation[ d ]
# ideal rc filtering (acausal, infinite,Tx+Rx)
# roll-off factor
beta = 0.0
# get rc impulse
rc = get_rc_ir( K_filt, n_sps, t_symb, beta )
# define extended versions of t and x in order to deal with acausality # extend time vector in order to deal with filter length
t_extended = np.append( np.append( np.zeros( (K_filt-1)//2 ), t), np.zeros( (K_filt-1)//2 ))
x_rc_ideal = np.zeros(np.shape(t_extended), dtype=complex)
# loop for symbols and concatenate
for k in range(0, n_symb):
# put signal at right samples and add them to the whole signal
pulse = np.zeros(np.shape(t_extended), dtype=complex)
pulse[ (k*n_sps) : (k*n_sps + K_filt) ] = rc
mod_pulse = s[k] * pulse
x_rc_ideal += mod_pulse
In [6]:
for k in np.arange(3, n_symb-3):
plt.plot(t_eye, np.real( x_rc_ideal[ k*n_sps+n_sps//2 + (K_filt-1)//2 : (k+1)*n_sps +n_sps//2+(K_filt-1)//2+1] ))
plt.axis([-.5, .5, -3, 3])
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