In [1]:
# importing
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
# showing figures inline
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# plotting options
font = {'size' : 20}
plt.rc('font', **font)
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
matplotlib.rc('figure', figsize=(18, 10) )
In [3]:
# find impulse response of an RRC filter
def get_rrc_ir(K, n_sps, t_symbol, beta):
Determines coefficients of an RRC filter
Formula out of: J. Huber, Trelliscodierung, Springer, 1992, S. 15
NOTE: roll-off factor must not equal zero
NOTE: Length of the IR has to be an odd number
IN: length of IR, sps factor, symbol time, roll-off factor
OUT: filter coefficients
if beta == 0:
beta = 1e-32
K = int(K)
if ( K%2 == 0):
raise ValueError('Length of the impulse response should be an odd number')
# initialize np.array
rrc = np.zeros( K )
# find sample time and initialize index vector
t_sample = t_symbol / n_sps
time_ind = range( -(K-1)//2, (K-1)//2+1)
# assign values of rrc
for t_i in time_ind:
t = (t_i)* t_sample
if t_i == 0:
rrc[ int( t_i+(K-1)//2 ) ] = (1-beta+4*beta/np.pi)
elif np.abs(t) == t_symbol / ( 4 * beta ):
rrc[ int( t_i+(K-1)//2 ) ] = beta*np.sin( np.pi/(4*beta)*(1+beta) ) \
- 2*beta/np.pi*np.cos(np.pi/(4*beta)*(1+beta))
rrc[ int( t_i+(K-1)//2 ) ] = ( 4 * beta * t / t_symbol * np.cos( np.pi*(1+beta)*t/t_symbol ) \
+ np.sin( np.pi * (1-beta) * t / t_symbol ) ) / ( np.pi * t / t_symbol * (1-(4*beta*t/t_symbol)**2) )
rrc = rrc / np.sqrt(t_symbol)
return rrc
In [4]:
# parameters of the filter
beta = 0.33
n_sps = 8 # samples per symbol
syms_per_filt = 4 # symbols per filter (plus minus in both directions)
K_filt = 2 * syms_per_filt * n_sps + 1 # length of the fir filter
# set symbol time
t_symb = 1.0
# switch for normalizing all signals in order to only look at their shape and not their energy
normalize_signals = 1
In [5]:
# defining delays of multi-path and their weight
# NOTE: No "sanity check" if lengths correspond, so errors may occurr
# choose whether delays of multipath are
# (0) in multiples of the symbol time t_sym or
# (1) in multiples of the sampling time t_sym / n_sps
channel_factors = [ 1.0, .5, .1 ]
delay_type = 1
if delay_type == 0:
# construction based on delays w.r.t. symbol time
channel_delays_syms = np.array( [ 1, 3, 5 ] )
channel_delays_samples = n_sps * channel_delays_syms
# "fractional delays", i.e. delays w.r.t. t_sym / n_sps
channel_delays_samples = np.array( [ 1, 12, 15 ] )
h_channel = np.zeros( np.max(channel_delays_samples ) + 1 )
for k in np.arange( len(channel_delays_samples) ):
h_channel[ channel_delays_samples[k] ] = channel_factors[k]
In [6]:
rrc = get_rrc_ir( K_filt, n_sps, t_symb, beta)
r_rrc = np.convolve( rrc, h_channel )
if normalize_signals:
rrc /= np.linalg.norm( rrc )
r_rrc /= np.linalg.norm( r_rrc )
In [7]:
plt.plot( np.arange(len(rrc)), rrc, linewidth=2.0, label='$g_{\\mathrm{rrc}}(t)$')
plt.plot( np.arange(len(r_rrc)), r_rrc, linewidth=2.0, label='$r(t)$')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
In [8]:
rrc_padded = np.hstack( ( rrc , np.zeros( 9*len(rrc) ) ) )
rrc_padded = np.roll( rrc_padded, -( K_filt - 1 ) // 2 )
RRC = np.fft.fft( rrc_padded )
r_rrc_padded = np.hstack( ( r_rrc , np.zeros( 10*len(rrc) - len( r_rrc ) ) ) )
r_rrc_padded = np.roll( r_rrc_padded, -( K_filt - 1 ) // 2 )
R_rrc = np.fft.fft( r_rrc_padded )
if normalize_signals:
RRC /= np.linalg.norm( RRC )
R_rrc /= np.linalg.norm( R_rrc )
f = np.linspace( -n_sps/(2*t_symb), n_sps/(2*t_symb), len(rrc_padded) )
In [9]:
plt.plot( f, np.abs( RRC )**2, linewidth=2.0, label='$|G_{\\mathrm{rrc}}(f)|^2$')
plt.plot( f, np.abs( R_rrc )**2, linewidth=2.0, label='$|R(f)|^2$')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
Note: Spectrum is shown to emphasize that pulse shape might be distorted.
In [10]:
# number of symbols and samples per symbol
n_symb = 8
# modulation scheme and constellation points
constellation = np.array( [ 1 , -1] )
In [11]:
# generate random binary vector and modulate the specified modulation scheme
d = np.random.randint( 2, size = n_symb )
s = constellation[ d ]
# prepare sequence to be filtered by upsampling
s_up = np.zeros( n_symb * n_sps, dtype=complex)
s_up[ : : n_sps ] = s
s_up_delayed = np.hstack( ( np.zeros( (K_filt-1) // 2 ) , s_up ) )
s_up_delayed_delayed = np.hstack( ( np.zeros( K_filt-1 ), s_up ) )
# apply RRC filtering
s_Tx = np.convolve( s_up, rrc)
rc = np.convolve( rrc, rrc)
s_rc = np.convolve( s_up, rc)
# get received signal
r = np.convolve( s_Tx, h_channel)
# apply MF at the Rx
y_mf_rrc = np.convolve(r, rrc)
y_mf_no_channel = np.convolve( s_Tx, rrc )
# normalize signals if applicable
if normalize_signals:
s_Tx /= np.linalg.norm( s_Tx )
r /= np.linalg.norm( r )
y_mf_rrc /= np.linalg.norm( y_mf_rrc )
y_mf_no_channel /= np.linalg.norm( y_mf_no_channel )
In [12]:
plt.plot( np.arange(len(s_up)), np.max(np.abs(s_Tx)) * np.real(s_up),'vr', ms=12, label='$A_n$')
plt.plot( np.arange(len(s_Tx)), np.real(s_Tx), linewidth=2.0, label='$s(t)=\sum A_ng_{\\mathrm{rrc}}(t-nT)$')
plt.plot( np.arange(len(s_up_delayed)), np.max(np.abs(s_Tx)) * np.real(s_up_delayed),'xg', ms=18, label='$A_{n-\\tau_\mathrm{g}}$')
plt.title('Tx signal and symbols')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
Note I: The sybol values (except for scaling) may be obtained by sampling the signal $s(t)$ at times being delayed by $\tau_\mathrm{g}$, equaling the group delay of the pulse shaping filter.
Note II: So, in upcoming plots symbols $A_n$ (without delay) will be omitted and only $A_{n-\tau_\mathrm{g}}$ will be shown.
In [13]:
plt.plot( np.arange(len(s_up_delayed)), np.max(np.abs(s_Tx)) * np.real(s_up_delayed),'x', ms=18, label='$A_{n-\\tau_\mathrm{g}}$')
plt.plot( np.arange(len(s_up_delayed_delayed)), np.max(np.abs(s_Tx)) * np.real(s_up_delayed_delayed),'D', ms=12, label='$A_{n-2\\tau_\mathrm{g}}$')
plt.plot( np.arange(len(s_Tx)), np.real(s_Tx), linewidth=2.0, label='$s(t)=\sum A_ng_{\\mathrm{rrc}}(t-nT)$')
plt.plot( np.arange(len(y_mf_no_channel)), np.real(y_mf_no_channel), linewidth=2.0, label='$y_{\\mathrm{mf}}(t)=s(t)* g_{\\mathrm{rrc}}(t)$')
plt.title('Rx after mf, without channel')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
Note: If the channel is perfect, i.e, no channel is active at all, then MF at the receiver--matched to rrc--leads to signal $y_\mathrm{rrc}(t)$ whose samples with delay $2\tau_\mathrm{g}$ corresponds to the transmitted symbols.
In [14]:
plt.plot( np.arange(len(s_up_delayed)), np.max(np.abs(s_Tx)) * np.real(s_up_delayed),'x', ms=18, label='$A_{n-\\tau_\mathrm{g}}$')
plt.plot( np.arange(len(s_up_delayed_delayed)), np.max(np.abs(s_Tx)) * np.real(s_up_delayed_delayed),'D', ms=12, label='$A_{n-2\\tau_\mathrm{g}}$')
plt.plot( np.arange(len(s_Tx)), np.real(s_Tx), linewidth=2.0, label='$s(t)=\sum A_ng_{\\mathrm{rrc}}(t-nT)$')
#plt.plot( np.arange(len(r)), np.real(r), linewidth=2.0, label='$r(t)=s(t)*h(t)$')
plt.plot( np.arange(len(y_mf_rrc)), np.real(y_mf_rrc), linewidth=2.0, label='$y_{\\mathrm{mf}}(t)=r(t)* g_{\\mathrm{rrc}}(t)$')
plt.title('Transmission with channel')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
Note: Now the channel is included; depending on the nature of the channel (you should be playing with this!) the symbols may be severely distorted.
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