In [1]:
# importing
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
# showing figures inline
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# plotting options
font = {'size' : 20}
plt.rc('font', **font)
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
matplotlib.rc('figure', figsize=(18, 6) )
In [3]:
# find impulse response of an RRC filter
def get_rrc_ir(K, n_up, t_symb, r):
Determines coefficients of an RRC filter
Formula out of: J. Huber, Trelliscodierung, Springer, 1992, S. 15
At poles, values of were used (without cross-checking)
NOTE: Length of the IR has to be an odd number
IN: length of IR, upsampling factor, symbol time, roll-off factor
OUT: filter ceofficients
assert K % 2 != 0, "Filter length needs to be odd"
if r == 0:
r = 1e-32
# init
rrc = np.zeros(K)
t_sample = t_symb/n_up
i_steps = np.arange( 0, K)
k_steps = np.arange( -(K-1)/2.0, (K-1)/2.0 + 1 )
t_steps = k_steps*t_sample
for i in i_steps:
if t_steps[i] == 0:
rrc[i] = 1.0/np.sqrt(t_symb) * (1.0 - r + 4.0 * r / np.pi )
elif np.abs( t_steps[i] ) == t_symb/4.0/r:
rrc[i] = r/np.sqrt(2.0*t_symb)*((1+2/np.pi)*np.sin(np.pi/4.0/r)+ \
( 1.0 - 2.0/np.pi ) * np.cos(np.pi/4.0/r) )
rrc[i] = 1.0/np.sqrt(t_symb)*( np.sin( np.pi*t_steps[i]/t_symb*(1-r) ) + \
4.0*r*t_steps[i]/t_symb * np.cos( np.pi*t_steps[i]/t_symb*(1+r) ) ) \
/ (np.pi*t_steps[i]/t_symb*(1.0-(4.0*r*t_steps[i]/t_symb)**2.0))
return rrc
In [4]:
# characterize Eb/N0 if you like to
EbN0_dB = 100
In [5]:
# modulation scheme and constellation points
constellation = [ 1 + 1j, -1 + 1j, -1 - 1j, 1 - 1j ]
constellation /= np.sqrt(2)
M = len( constellation )
# number of symbols
n_symb = 100
t_symb = 1.0
# get according noise variance
# NOTE: Since non-binary symbols are used normalization log2(M) has to be applied
sigma2 = 1 / ( np.log2(M) * 10**( EbN0_dB / 10 ) )
# parameters for rrc
beta = 0.33
# oversampling factor; samples per symbol
n_up = 8
# symbols per filter (plus minus in both directions)
syms_per_filt = 10
# length of the fir filter
K_filt = 2*syms_per_filt*n_up+1
# get rrc impulse response
rrc = get_rrc_ir(n_up*syms_per_filt*2+1, n_up, t_symb, beta)
rrc /= np.linalg.norm( rrc )
In [6]:
# generate random binary vector and modulate the specified modulation scheme
data = np.random.randint( M, size=n_symb )
s = [ constellation[ d ] for d in data ]
# prepare sequence to be filtered
s_up = np.zeros( n_symb * n_up, dtype=complex )
s_up[::n_up] = s
s_up = np.append( s_up, np.zeros( K_filt - 1 ) )
s_Tx = np.convolve( rrc, s_up )
In [7]:
# vector of time samples
t_vec = np.arange(0, np.size( s_Tx ) * t_symb / n_up, t_symb / n_up)
# determine noise (using the same for all scenarios)
n = np.sqrt( sigma2 / 2 ) * (np.random.randn( len( t_vec ) ) + 1j*np.random.randn( len( t_vec ) ) )
# initialize dict for different signals
r = {}
# Rx signal 1:
# noise only
delta_phi = 0
delta_f = 0
s_Rx = s_Tx * np.exp( 1j * delta_phi ) * np.exp( 1j * 2 * np.pi * delta_f * t_vec )
r[ 'Noise only' ] = s_Rx + n
# Rx signal 2:
# phase distortion only
delta_phi = np.pi/8
delta_f = 0
s_Rx = s_Tx * np.exp( 1j * delta_phi ) * np.exp( 1j * 2 * np.pi * delta_f * t_vec )
r[ 'Phase Distortion plus Noise' ] = s_Rx + n
# Rx signal 3:
# phase and frequency distortion
delta_phi = np.pi/8
delta_f = 1 / ( 1e3 * t_symb / n_up )
s_Rx = s_Tx * np.exp( 1j * delta_phi ) * np.exp( 1j * 2 * np.pi * delta_f * t_vec )
r[ 'Phase and Frequency Distortion plus Noise' ] = s_Rx + n
# find signal after MF
y_mf = {}
for scenario in r:
y_mf[ scenario ] = np.convolve( rrc, r[ scenario ] )
# down-sampling
y_down = {}
for scenario in y_mf:
y_down[ scenario ] = y_mf[ scenario ][ K_filt-1 : K_filt-1 + len(s)*n_up : n_up ]
In [8]:
# Plotting
for scenario in r:
fig = plt.figure()
fig.text(0.1,1, scenario + ' (SNR={} dB)'.format(EbN0_dB), size='30')
plt.plot( np.real(s_Tx), np.imag(s_Tx))
plt.grid(True); plt.xlabel('$\\mathrm{I}$'); plt.ylabel('$\\mathrm{Q}$')
plt.xlim( (-1.5, 1.5) )
plt.ylim( (-1.5, 1.5) )
plt.plot( np.real(y_mf[ scenario ] ), np.imag(y_mf[ scenario ]))
plt.grid(True); plt.xlabel('$\\mathrm{I}$');
plt.xlim( (-1.5, 1.5) )
plt.ylim( (-1.5, 1.5) )
plt.plot( np.real(y_down[ scenario ]), np.imag(y_down[ scenario ]),'o')
plt.grid(True); plt.xlabel('$\\mathrm{I}$');
plt.xlim( (-1.5, 1.5) )
plt.ylim( (-1.5, 1.5) )
In [ ]: