In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import as ma
import time
import math
import seaborn as sns
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_mldata
Now let's get our functions from datamicroscopes
In [2]:
from microscopes.models import bb as beta_bernoulli
from microscopes.mixture.definition import model_definition
from microscopes.common.rng import rng
from microscopes.common.recarray.dataview import numpy_dataview
from microscopes.mixture import model, runner, query
from microscopes.kernels import parallel
Let's focus on classifying 2's and 3's
In [3]:
mnist_dataset = fetch_mldata('MNIST original')
Y_2 = mnist_dataset['data'][np.where(mnist_dataset['target'] == 2.)[0]]
Y_3 = mnist_dataset['data'][np.where(mnist_dataset['target'] == 3.)[0]]
print 'number of twos:', Y_2.shape[0]
print 'number of threes:', Y_3.shape[0]
In [4]:
print 'number of dimensions: %d' % len(Y_2.shape)
Our data is 2 dimensional, which means each observation is a vector.
We can reformat our data to show the digits as images
In [5]:
_, D = Y_3.shape
W = int(math.sqrt(D))
assert W * W == D
sns.heatmap(np.reshape(Y_3[0], (W, W)), linewidth=0, xticklabels=False, yticklabels=False)
plt.title('Example MNIST Digit')
For simplicity, we'll convert these grayscale images into binary images
To pass our data into datamicroscopes, we'll also munge the data into recarray format
In [6]:
Y = np.vstack([Y_2, Y_3])
Y = np.array([tuple(y) for y in np.random.permutation(Y)], dtype=[('', bool)]*D)
Let's look at an example image
In [7]:
sns.heatmap(np.reshape([i for i in Y[0]], (W,W)), linewidth=0, xticklabels=False, yticklabels=False, cbar=False)
Now, we can initialize our model. To do so, we must:
For this classification task, we'll use a Dirichlet Process Mixture Model
Since we converted the data into binary vectors for each pixel, we'll define our likelihood of the model as a beta-bernouli. In this case, the likelihood is the probability that each of the $D$ pixels in the image is True
or False
. Note, these pixel assignments are assumed to be independent.
Recall that since we're using a Dirichlet Process Mixture Model, $K$ is also latent variable which we learn at these same time as the each cluster's parameters
In [8]:
nchains = 5
view = numpy_dataview(Y)
defn = model_definition(Y.shape[0], [beta_bernoulli]*D)
prng = rng()
kc = runner.default_kernel_config(defn)
latents = [model.initialize(defn, view, prng) for _ in xrange(nchains)]
runners = [runner.runner(defn, view, latent, kc) for latent in latents]
r = parallel.runner(runners)
print '%d betabernouli likelihoods: one for each pixel' % len(defn.models())
Now let's run each chain in parallel for 5 iterations
In [12]:
start = time.time()
iters = 5, niters=iters)
print "mcmc took", (time.time() - start)/60., "minutes"
To save our results, we can get the latest assignment of each observation and pickle the output
In [13]:
infers = r.get_latents()
In [14]:
# save to disk
import pickle
with open("mnist-predictions-infers.pickle", 'w') as fp:
pickle.dump(infers, fp)
In [15]:
import pickle
infers = pickle.load(open("mnist-predictions-infers.pickle"))
With our saved results, we can plot our learned clusters
In [16]:
def plot_clusters(s, scalebysize=False):
hps = [s.get_feature_hp(i) for i in xrange(D)]
def prior_prob(hp):
return hp['alpha'] / (hp['alpha'] + hp['beta'])
def data_for_group(gid):
suffstats = [s.get_suffstats(gid, i) for i in xrange(D)]
def prob(hp, ss):
top = hp['alpha'] + ss['heads']
bot = top + hp['beta'] + ss['tails']
return top / bot
probs = [prob(hp, ss) for hp, ss in zip(hps, suffstats)]
return np.array(probs)
def scale(d, weight):
im = d.reshape((W, W))
newW = max(int(weight * W), 1)
im = Image.fromarray(im)
im = im.resize((newW, newW))
im = ImageOps.expand(im, border=(W - newW) / 2)
im = np.array(im)
a, b = im.shape
if a < W:
im = np.append(im, np.zeros(b)[np.newaxis,:], axis=0)
elif a > W:
im = im[:W,:]
if b < W:
im = np.append(im, np.zeros(W)[:,np.newaxis], axis=1)
elif b > W:
im = im[:,:W]
return im.flatten()
def groupsbysize(s):
counts = [(gid, s.groupsize(gid)) for gid in s.groups()]
counts = sorted(counts, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
return counts
data = [(data_for_group(g), cnt) for g, cnt in groupsbysize(s)]
largest = max(cnt for _, cnt in data)
data = [scale(d, cnt/float(largest))
if scalebysize else d for d, cnt in data]
digits_per_row = 12
rem = len(data) % digits_per_row
if rem:
fill = digits_per_row - rem
for _ in xrange(fill):
rows = len(data) / digits_per_row
data = np.vstack([
np.hstack([d.reshape((W, W)) for d in data[i:i+digits_per_row]])
for i in xrange(0, len(data), digits_per_row)])
plt.imshow(data,, interpolation='nearest')
Let's show all groups (also by size) for the first set of assignments
In [17]:
plot_clusters(infers[0], scalebysize=True)
Now, let's used our learned clusters to make predictions when presented with only the top half of the digit image
In [18]:
present = D/2
absent = D-present
queries = [tuple(Y_2[i]) for i in np.random.permutation(Y_2.shape[0])[:4]] + \
[tuple(Y_3[i]) for i in np.random.permutation(Y_3.shape[0])[:4]]
queries_masked = ma.masked_array(
np.array(queries, dtype=[('',bool)]*D),
mask=[(False,)*present + (True,)*absent])
statistics = query.posterior_predictive_statistic(queries_masked, infers, prng, samples_per_chain=10, merge='avg')
In [19]:
data0 = np.hstack([np.array(list(s)).reshape((W,W)) for s in statistics])
data1 = np.hstack([np.clip(np.array(q, dtype=np.float), 0., 1.).reshape((W, W)) for q in queries])
data = np.vstack([data0, data1])
plt.imshow(data,, interpolation='nearest')