Modeling with Mixed Datatypes using the Titanic Dataset

The RMS Titanic is a well known passenger ship that sank in 1912. The passenger list of the ship is a popular dataset of demographic information.

While most models predict likelihood of surviving the crash given demographic information, we will instead use the dataset to demonstrate how to work with mixed datatypes and combine likelihoods.

Let's set up our environment and load our data

In [19]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from microscopes.models import dd as dirichlet_discrete
from microscopes.models import bb as beta_bernoulli
from microscopes.models import gp as gamma_poisson
from microscopes.models import nich as normal_inverse_chisquared
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder as Encoder
from microscopes.mixture.definition import model_definition
from microscopes.common.rng import rng
from microscopes.common.recarray.dataview import numpy_dataview
from microscopes.mixture import model, runner, query
from microscopes.kernels import parallel
from microscopes.common.query import groups, zmatrix_heuristic_block_ordering, zmatrix_reorder

%matplotlib inline

In [20]:
ti = sns.load_dataset('titanic')

Some of the columns in the data are reduntant, while others have missing data. Let's ignore columns with lots of missing data, and focus on columns with key information. We'll also drop rows with missing data.

In [21]:
unique_cols = ['survived','pclass','sex','age','sibsp','parch','embark_town','fare']
to_cluster = ti[unique_cols].dropna()
print '%d passengers in dataset' % len(to_cluster.index)

712 passengers in dataset

For this example, we'll be using a Dirichlet Process Mixture Model to cluster the passengers

In this mixutre model, each column will have its own distributuion over values conditioned on the cluster assignment. We must specify the distribution by selecting which likelihood we'd like to use for each column.

In [22]:

survived pclass sex age sibsp parch embark_town fare
0 0 3 male 22 1 0 Southampton 7.2500
1 1 1 female 38 1 0 Cherbourg 71.2833
2 1 3 female 26 0 0 Southampton 7.9250
3 1 1 female 35 1 0 Southampton 53.1000
4 0 3 male 35 0 0 Southampton 8.0500

For modelling, we must encode all categorical data into integer values. To do this we'll use scikitlearn's LabelEncoder

In [23]:
en1 = Encoder()
to_cluster['sex'] = en1.fit_transform(to_cluster['sex'])
en2 = Encoder()
to_cluster['embark_town'] = en2.fit_transform(to_cluster['embark_town'])

survived pclass sex age sibsp parch embark_town fare
0 0 3 1 22 1 0 2 7.2500
1 1 1 0 38 1 0 0 71.2833
2 1 3 0 26 0 0 2 7.9250
3 1 1 0 35 1 0 2 53.1000
4 0 3 1 35 0 0 2 8.0500

To decide on which likelihood model to use on each column, let's get some basic statistics on our data

In [24]:

survived pclass sex age sibsp parch embark_town fare
count 712.000000 712.000000 712.000000 712.000000 712.000000 712.000000 712.000000 712.000000
mean 0.404494 2.240169 0.636236 29.642093 0.514045 0.432584 1.595506 34.567251
std 0.491139 0.836854 0.481420 14.492933 0.930692 0.854181 0.779038 52.938648
min 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.420000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 20.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.000000 8.050000
50% 0.000000 2.000000 1.000000 28.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.000000 15.645850
75% 1.000000 3.000000 1.000000 38.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 33.000000
max 1.000000 3.000000 1.000000 80.000000 5.000000 6.000000 2.000000 512.329200

The above data table gives us a good idea of what kinds of likelihoods to use for each column:

  • survived, which indicates survival from the crash, is a binary column, which we will model with a beta-bernoulli distribution
  • pclass, which is passenger class in the ship, ranges from 1 to 3. This ordinal column we'll model with a gamma-poisson distribution
  • sex is another binary column we can model as beta-bernoulli
  • age is real valued, so we model this column as normally distributed
  • sibsp, which is number of siblings/spouses on the ship, ranges from 1 to 5. Since this data is integer valued and of limited range, we'll model this as also gamma-poisson.
  • parch, which is number of parents/children on the ship, has similar characteristics to sibsp so it'll also be modeled gamma-poisson
  • embark_town indicates where the passenger boarded the ship. Since this is categorical data, we'll model it with a dirichlet-discrete distribution.
  • fare is also real valued so we can model this as normal. However, the data is long tailed so we'll take the log of fare instead

We have two kinds of normal distributions, the normal inverse-wishart and the normal inverse-chi-square distribution. To determine which model we should use, let's find the correlation between age and logfare

In [25]:
to_cluster['fare'] = np.log(to_cluster['fare'])


age fare
age 1.000000 0.130462
fare 0.130462 1.000000

Since the correlation between age and fare is near 0, we can model these columns with a normal inverse-chi-square distribution

We'll now define our model using the model_definition function and run a gibbs sampler for 30000 iterations to learn the latent clusters

Note that for a the dirichlet-discrete likelihood we have to specify the number of categories in the data, in this case 3

In [26]:
nchains = 5
iters = 30000
splits = 7

defn = model_definition(to_cluster.shape[0], [beta_bernoulli, gamma_poisson, beta_bernoulli, normal_inverse_chisquared, gamma_poisson, gamma_poisson, dirichlet_discrete(3), normal_inverse_chisquared]) 

prng = rng()

data_rec = np.array([(list(to_cluster.ix[c]),) for c in to_cluster.index], dtype=[('', np.float32, to_cluster.shape[1])])
view = numpy_dataview(data_rec)
latents = [model.initialize(defn, view, prng) for _ in xrange(nchains)]
runners = [runner.runner(defn, view, latent, kernel_config=['assign']) for latent in latents]

for i, rnr in enumerate(runners):
    print 'starting runner %d at %d iterations' % (i, iters), niters=iters)
    print 'runner %d done' % i

infers = [r.get_latent() for r in runners]

starting runner 0 at 30000 iterations
runner 0 done
starting runner 1 at 30000 iterations
runner 1 done
starting runner 2 at 30000 iterations
runner 2 done
starting runner 3 at 30000 iterations
runner 3 done
starting runner 4 at 30000 iterations
runner 4 done

In [27]:
zmat = query.zmatrix(infers)
zmat = zmatrix_reorder(zmat, zmatrix_heuristic_block_ordering(zmat))
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 9))
labels = ['%d' % i if i % (zmat.shape[0]/splits) == 0 else '' for i in xrange(zmat.shape[0])]
sns.heatmap(zmat, linewidths=0, square=True, ax=ax, xticklabels=labels, yticklabels=labels)
plt.title('Z-Matrix of Titanic Dataset\nwith %d Chains at %d Iterations' % (nchains, iters))
plt.xlabel('people (sorted)')
plt.ylabel('people (sorted)')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x11fbe4a10>

In [28]:
assignments = infers[0].assignments()

In [29]:
clusters = list(set(assignments))
K = len(clusters)

'%d clusters inferred' % K

'7 clusters inferred'

In [30]:
to_cluster['cluster'] = assignments

Now that we have our cluster assignments, let's plot the posterior distributions over each column in the data

Since survived, pclass, sex, sibsp, and parch have few observed values, we can plot these with bar graphs

In [31]:
for c in ['survived', 'pclass', 'sex', 'sibsp', 'parch', 'embark_town']:
    dist = to_cluster.groupby(['cluster', c])['age'].count()/to_cluster.groupby('cluster')['age'].count()
    dist.unstack().plot(kind='bar', figsize=(12,6))
    plt.title('distribution over %s among clusters' % c)
    plt.xticks(range(K), range(K))

Each of the clusters have their own distribution over values, as shown by the plots

Let's now plot the columns we've modeled as normal inverse-chi-squared, age and fare, with a kernel density estimate

Recall that we've transformed fare into $\text{ln(fare)}$

In [32]:
for c in ['age', 'fare']:
    for k in clusters:
        sns.kdeplot(to_cluster.loc[to_cluster['cluster'] == k, c], legend = False)
    if c == 'fare':
        c = 'log fare'
    plt.title('KDE of %s among titanic passengers clusters' % c)