Example: Names in the Wild

This example is drawn from Wes McKinney's excellent book on the Pandas library, O'Reilly's Python for Data Analysis.

We'll be taking a look at a freely available dataset: the database of names given to babies in the United States over the last century.

First things first, we need to download the data, which can be found at http://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/limits.html. If you uncomment the following commands, it will do this automatically (note that these are linux shell commands; they will not work on Windows):

In [59]:
# !curl -O http://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/names.zip

In [60]:
# !mkdir -p data/names
# !mv names.zip data/names/
# !cd data/names/ && unzip names.zip

Now we should have a data/names directory which contains a number of text files, one for each year of data:

In [61]:
!ls data/names

NationalReadMe.pdf yob1913.txt        yob1947.txt        yob1981.txt
yob1880.txt        yob1914.txt        yob1948.txt        yob1982.txt
yob1881.txt        yob1915.txt        yob1949.txt        yob1983.txt
yob1882.txt        yob1916.txt        yob1950.txt        yob1984.txt
yob1883.txt        yob1917.txt        yob1951.txt        yob1985.txt
yob1884.txt        yob1918.txt        yob1952.txt        yob1986.txt
yob1885.txt        yob1919.txt        yob1953.txt        yob1987.txt
yob1886.txt        yob1920.txt        yob1954.txt        yob1988.txt
yob1887.txt        yob1921.txt        yob1955.txt        yob1989.txt
yob1888.txt        yob1922.txt        yob1956.txt        yob1990.txt
yob1889.txt        yob1923.txt        yob1957.txt        yob1991.txt
yob1890.txt        yob1924.txt        yob1958.txt        yob1992.txt
yob1891.txt        yob1925.txt        yob1959.txt        yob1993.txt
yob1892.txt        yob1926.txt        yob1960.txt        yob1994.txt
yob1893.txt        yob1927.txt        yob1961.txt        yob1995.txt
yob1894.txt        yob1928.txt        yob1962.txt        yob1996.txt
yob1895.txt        yob1929.txt        yob1963.txt        yob1997.txt
yob1896.txt        yob1930.txt        yob1964.txt        yob1998.txt
yob1897.txt        yob1931.txt        yob1965.txt        yob1999.txt
yob1898.txt        yob1932.txt        yob1966.txt        yob2000.txt
yob1899.txt        yob1933.txt        yob1967.txt        yob2001.txt
yob1900.txt        yob1934.txt        yob1968.txt        yob2002.txt
yob1901.txt        yob1935.txt        yob1969.txt        yob2003.txt
yob1902.txt        yob1936.txt        yob1970.txt        yob2004.txt
yob1903.txt        yob1937.txt        yob1971.txt        yob2005.txt
yob1904.txt        yob1938.txt        yob1972.txt        yob2006.txt
yob1905.txt        yob1939.txt        yob1973.txt        yob2007.txt
yob1906.txt        yob1940.txt        yob1974.txt        yob2008.txt
yob1907.txt        yob1941.txt        yob1975.txt        yob2009.txt
yob1908.txt        yob1942.txt        yob1976.txt        yob2010.txt
yob1909.txt        yob1943.txt        yob1977.txt        yob2011.txt
yob1910.txt        yob1944.txt        yob1978.txt        yob2012.txt
yob1911.txt        yob1945.txt        yob1979.txt        yob2013.txt
yob1912.txt        yob1946.txt        yob1980.txt

Let's take a quick look at one of these files:

In [62]:
!head data/names/yob1880.txt

Each file is just a comma-separated list of names, genders, and counts of babies with that name in each year.

We can load these files using pd.read_csv, which is specifically designed for this:

In [63]:
names1880 = pd.read_csv('data/names/yob1880.txt')

Mary F 7065
0 Anna F 2604
1 Emma F 2003
2 Elizabeth F 1939
3 Minnie F 1746
4 Margaret F 1578

Oops! Something went wrong. Our algorithm tried to be smart, and use the first line as index labels. Let's fix this by specifying the index names manually:

In [64]:
names1880 = pd.read_csv('data/names/yob1880.txt',
                        names=['name', 'gender', 'births'])

name gender births
0 Mary F 7065
1 Anna F 2604
2 Emma F 2003
3 Elizabeth F 1939
4 Minnie F 1746

That looks better. Now we can start playing with the data a bit.

GroupBy: aggregates on values

First let's think about how we might count the total number of females and males born in the US in 1880.

If you're used to NumPy, you might be tempted to use masking like this:

First, we can get a mask over all females & males, and then use it to select a subset of the data:

In [65]:
males = names1880[names1880.gender == 'M']
females = names1880[names1880.gender == 'F']

Now we can take the sum of the births for each of these:

In [66]:
males.births.sum(), females.births.sum()

(110491, 90993)

But there's an easier way to do this, using one of Pandas' very powerful features: groupby:

In [67]:
grouped = names1880.groupby('gender')

<pandas.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x10eefb890>

This grouped object is now an abstract representation of the data, where the data is split on the given column. In order to actually do something with this data, we need to specify an aggregation operation to do across the data. In this case, what we want is the sum:

In [68]:

F 90993
M 110491

We can do other aggregations as well:

In [69]:

F          942
M         1058
dtype: int64

In [70]:

F 96.595541
M 104.433837

Or, if we wish, we can get a description of the grouping:

In [71]:

F count 942.000000
mean 96.595541
std 328.152904
min 5.000000
25% 7.000000
50% 13.000000
75% 43.750000
max 7065.000000
M count 1058.000000
mean 104.433837
std 561.232488
min 5.000000
25% 7.000000
50% 12.000000
75% 41.000000
max 9655.000000

Concatenating multiple data sources

But here we've just been looking at a single year. Let's try to put together all the data in all the years. To do this, we'll have to use pandas concat function to concatenate all the data together. First we'll create a function which loads the data as we did the above data:

In [72]:
def load_year(year):
    data = pd.read_csv('data/names/yob{0}.txt'.format(year),
                       names=['name', 'gender', 'births'])
    data['year'] = year
    return data

Now let's load all the data into a list, and call pd.concat on that list:

In [73]:
names = pd.concat([load_year(year) for year in range(1880, 2014)])

name gender births year
0 Mary F 7065 1880
1 Anna F 2604 1880
2 Emma F 2003 1880
3 Elizabeth F 1939 1880
4 Minnie F 1746 1880

It looks like we've done it!

Let's start with something easy: we'll use groupby again to see the total number of births per year:

In [74]:
births = names.groupby('year').births.sum()

1880    201484
1881    192700
1882    221537
1883    216952
1884    243468
Name: births, dtype: int64

We can use the plot() method to see a quick plot of these (note that because we used the %matplotlib inline magic at the start of the notebook, the resulting plot will be shown inline within the notebook).

In [75]:

The so-called "baby boom" generation after the second world war is abundantly clear!

We can also use other aggregates: let's see how many names are used each year:

In [76]:

Apparently there's been a huge increase of the diversity of names with time!

groupby can also be used to add columns to the data: think of it as a view of the data that you're modifying. Let's add a column giving the frequency of each name within each year & gender:

In [77]:
def add_frequency(group):
    group['birth_freq'] = group.births / group.births.sum()
    return group

names = names.groupby(['year', 'gender']).apply(add_frequency)

name gender births year birth_freq
0 Mary F 7065 1880 0.077643
1 Anna F 2604 1880 0.028618
2 Emma F 2003 1880 0.022013
3 Elizabeth F 1939 1880 0.021309
4 Minnie F 1746 1880 0.019188

Notice that the apply() function iterates over each group, and calls a function which modifies the group. This result is then re-constructed into a container which looks ike the original dataframe.

Pivot Tables

Next we'll discuss Pivot Tables, which are an even more powerful way of (re)organizing your data.

Let's say that we want to plot the men and women separately. We could do this by using masking, as follows:

In [78]:
men = names[names.gender == 'M']
women = names[names.gender == 'W']

And then we could proceed as above, using groupby to group on the year. But we would end up with two different views of the data. A better way to do this is to use a pivot_table, which is essentially a groupby in multiple dimensions at once:

In [79]:
births = names.pivot_table('births',
                           index='year', columns='gender',

gender F M
1880 90993 110491
1881 91954 100746
1882 107850 113687
1883 112322 104630
1884 129022 114446

Note that this has grouped the index by the value of year, and grouped the columns by the value of gender. Let's plot the results now:

In [80]:
births.plot(title='Total Births');

Name Evolution Over Time

Some names have shifted from being girls names to being boys names. Let's take a look at some of these:

In [81]:
names_to_check = ['Allison', 'Alison']

# filter on just the names we're interested in
births = names[names.name.isin(names_to_check)]

# pivot table to get year vs. gender
births = births.pivot_table('births', index='year', columns='gender')

# fill all NaNs with zeros
births = births.fillna(0)

# normalize along columns
births = births.div(births.sum(1), axis=0)

births.plot(title='Fraction of babies named Allison');

We can see that prior to about 1905, all babies named Allison were male. Over the 20th century, this reversed, until the end of the century nearly all Allisons were female!

There's some noise in this data: we can smooth it out a bit by using a 5-year rolling mean:

In [82]:
pd.rolling_mean(births, 5).plot(title="Allisons: 5-year moving average");

This gives a smoother picture of the transition, and is an example of the bias/variance tradeoff that we'll often see in modeling: a smoother model has less variance (variation due to sampling or other noise) but at the expense of more bias (the model systematically mis-represents the data slightly).

We'll discuss this type of tradeoff more in coming sessions.

Where to Find More

We've just scratched the surface of what can be done with Pandas, but we'll get a chance to play with this more in the breakout session coming up.

For more information on using Pandas, check out the pandas documentation or the book Python for Data Analysis by Pandas creator Wes McKinney.

In [ ]: