
This is a notebook that expands on the OpenCalais code in the file, also in this folder. It includes more sections on selecting publications you want to submit to OpenCalais as an example. It is intended to be copied and re-used.


Setup - Debug

In [18]:
debug_flag = False

Setup - Imports

In [3]:
import datetime
import glob
import logging
import lxml
import os
import six
import xml
import xmltodict
import zipfile

Setup - working folder paths

What data are we looking at?

In [4]:
# paper identifier
paper_identifier = "Newsday"
archive_identifier = "Newsday_20171006230211_00001"

# source
source_paper_folder = "/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data"
source_paper_path = "{}/{}".format( source_paper_folder, paper_identifier )

# uncompressed
uncompressed_paper_folder = "/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed"
uncompressed_paper_path = "{}/{}".format( uncompressed_paper_folder, paper_identifier )

# make sure an identifier is set before you make a path here.
if ( ( archive_identifier is not None ) and ( archive_identifier != "" ) ):
    # identifier is set.
    source_archive_file = "{}.zip".format( archive_identifier )
    source_archive_path = "{}/{}".format( source_paper_path, source_archive_file )
    uncompressed_archive_path = "{}/{}".format( uncompressed_paper_path, archive_identifier )

#-- END check to see if archive_identifier present. --#

In [5]:


In [6]:
# current working folder
current_working_folder = "/home/jonathanmorgan/work/django/research/work/phd_work/data/article_loading/proquest_hnp/{}".format( paper_identifier )
current_datetime =
current_date_string = current_datetime.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S" )

Setup - logging

configure logging for this notebook's kernel (If you do not run this cell, you'll get the django application's logging configuration.

In [7]:
logging_file_name = "{}/research-data_load-{}-{}.log.txt".format( current_working_folder, paper_identifier, current_date_string )
    level = logging.DEBUG,
    format = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s',
    filename = logging_file_name,
    filemode = 'w' # set to 'a' if you want to append, rather than overwrite each time.

Setup - virtualenv jupyter kernel

If you are using a virtualenv, make sure that you:

  • have installed your virtualenv as a kernel.
  • choose the kernel for your virtualenv as the kernel for your notebook (Kernel --> Change kernel).

Since I use a virtualenv, need to get that activated somehow inside this notebook. One option is to run ../dev/ in this notebook, to configure the python environment manually as if you had activated the sourcenet virtualenv. To do this, you'd make a code cell that contains:

%run ../dev/

This is sketchy, however, because of the changes it makes to your Python environment within the context of whatever your current kernel is. I'd worry about collisions with the actual Python 3 kernel. Better, one can install their virtualenv as a separate kernel. Steps:

  • activate your virtualenv:

      workon research
  • in your virtualenv, install the package ipykernel.

      pip install ipykernel
  • use the ipykernel python program to install the current environment as a kernel:

      python -m ipykernel install --user --name <env_name> --display-name "<display_name>"

    sourcenet example:

      python -m ipykernel install --user --name sourcenet --display-name "research (Python 3)"

More details:

Setup - Initialize Django

First, initialize my dev django project, so I can run code in this notebook that references my django models and can talk to the database using my project's settings.

In [8]:
# init django
django_init_folder = "/home/jonathanmorgan/work/django/research/work/phd_work"
django_init_path = ""
if( ( django_init_folder is not None ) and ( django_init_folder != "" ) ):
    # add folder to front of path.
    django_init_path = "{}/{}".format( django_init_folder, django_init_path )
#-- END check to see if django_init folder. --#

In [9]:
%run $django_init_path

django initialized at 2019-08-19 19:25:46.759895

In [10]:
# context_text imports
from context_text.article_coding.article_coding import ArticleCoder
from context_text.article_coding.article_coding import ArticleCoding
from context_text.article_coding.open_calais_v2.open_calais_v2_article_coder import OpenCalaisV2ArticleCoder
from context_text.collectors.newsbank.newspapers.GRPB import GRPB
from context_text.collectors.newsbank.newspapers.DTNB import DTNB
from context_text.models import Article
from context_text.models import Article_Subject
from context_text.models import Newspaper
from context_text.shared.context_text_base import ContextTextBase

# context_text_proquest_hnp
from context_text_proquest_hnp.proquest_hnp_newspaper_helper import ProquestHNPNewspaperHelper

Setup - Initialize LoggingHelper

Create a LoggingHelper instance to use to log debug and also print at the same time.

Preconditions: Must be run after Django is initialized, since python_utilities is in the django path.

In [11]:
# python_utilities
from python_utilities.logging.logging_helper import LoggingHelper

# init
my_logging_helper = LoggingHelper()
my_logging_helper.set_logger_name( "proquest_hnp-article-loading-{}".format( paper_identifier ) )
log_message = None

Setup - initialize ProquestHNPNewspaper

Create an initialize an instance of ProquestHNPNewspaper for this paper.

load from database

In [12]:
my_paper = ProquestHNPNewspaperHelper()
paper_instance = my_paper.initialize_from_database( paper_identifier )
my_paper.source_all_papers_folder = source_paper_folder
my_paper.destination_all_papers_folder = uncompressed_paper_folder

In [13]:
print( my_paper )
print( paper_instance )

Newsday from 1940 to 1989 - source path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday - dest path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday
2 - Newsday - Newsday

set up manually

In [ ]:
my_paper = ProquestHNPNewspaperHelper()
my_paper.paper_identifier = paper_identifier
my_paper.source_all_papers_folder = source_paper_folder
my_paper.source_paper_path = source_paper_path
my_paper.destination_all_papers_folder = uncompressed_paper_folder
my_paper.destination_paper_path = uncompressed_paper_path
my_paper.paper_start_year = 1940
my_paper.paper_end_year = 1989

my_newspaper = Newspaper.objects.get( id = 7 )
my_paper.newspaper = my_newspaper

If desired, add to database.

In [ ]:
phnp_newspaper_instance = my_paper.create_PHNP_newspaper()

In [ ]:
print( phnp_newspaper_instance )

Find articles to be loaded

Specify which folder of XML files should be loaded into system, then process all files within the folder.

The compressed archives from proquest_hnp just contain publication XML files, no containing folder.

To process:

  • uncompresed paper folder ( <paper_folder> ) - make a folder in /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed for the paper whose data you are working with, named the same as the paper's folder in /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data.

    • for example, for the Boston Globe, name it "BostonGlobe".
  • uncompressed archive folder ( <archive_folder> ) - inside a given paper's folder in uncompressed, for each archive file, create a folder named the same as the archive file, but with no ".zip" at the end.

    • For example, for the file "", make a folder named "BG_20171002210239_00001".
    • path should be "<paper_folder>/<archive_name_no_zip>.
  • unzip the archive into this folder:

      unzip <path_to_zip> -d <archive_folder>

Uncompress files

See if the uncompressed paper folder exists. If not, set flag and create it.

In [13]:
# create folder to hold the results of decompressing paper's zip files.
did_uncomp_paper_folder_exist = my_paper.make_dest_paper_folder()

EXISTS - Uncompressed paper folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday

For each *.zip file in the paper's source folder:

  • parse file name from path returned by glob.
  • parse the part before ".zip" from the file name. This is referred to subsequently as the "archive identifier".
  • check if folder named the same as the "archive identifier" is present.

    • If no:

      • create it.
      • then, uncompress the archive into it.
    • If yes:

      • output a message. Don't want to uncompress if it was already uncompressed once.

In [14]:
# decompress the files

==> zip file count: 194
----> processing file 1 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006220113_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220113_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220113_00001
----> processing file 2 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006220215_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220215_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220215_00002
----> processing file 3 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006220218_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220218_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220218_00003
----> processing file 4 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006220219_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220219_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220219_00004
----> processing file 5 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006220221_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220221_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220221_00005
----> processing file 6 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006220324_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220324_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220324_00006
----> processing file 7 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006220325_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220325_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220325_00007
----> processing file 8 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006220327_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220327_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220327_00008
----> processing file 9 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006220331_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220331_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220331_00009
----> processing file 10 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006220433_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220433_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220433_00010
----> processing file 11 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006220435_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220435_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220435_00011
----> processing file 12 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006220437_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220437_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220437_00012
----> processing file 13 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006220539_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220539_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220539_00013
----> processing file 14 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006220540_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220540_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220540_00014
----> processing file 15 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006221737_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221737_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221737_00001
----> processing file 16 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006221740_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221740_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221740_00002
----> processing file 17 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006221843_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221843_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221843_00003
----> processing file 18 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006221846_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221846_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221846_00004
----> processing file 19 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006221950_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221950_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221950_00005
----> processing file 20 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006221952_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221952_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221952_00006
----> processing file 21 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006221954_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221954_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221954_00007
----> processing file 22 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222000_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222000_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222000_00010
----> processing file 23 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222056_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222056_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222056_00008
----> processing file 24 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222058_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222058_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222058_00009
----> processing file 25 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222103_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222103_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222103_00011
----> processing file 26 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222106_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222106_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222106_00012
----> processing file 27 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222108_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222108_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222108_00013
----> processing file 28 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222211_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222211_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222211_00014
----> processing file 29 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222213_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222213_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222213_00015
----> processing file 30 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222214_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222214_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222214_00016
----> processing file 31 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222216_00017
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222216_00017
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222216_00017
----> processing file 32 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222319_00018
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222319_00018
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222319_00018
----> processing file 33 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222321_00019
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222321_00019
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222321_00019
----> processing file 34 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222323_00020
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222323_00020
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222323_00020
----> processing file 35 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222424_00021
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222424_00021
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222424_00021
----> processing file 36 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222427_00022
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222427_00022
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222427_00022
----> processing file 37 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222429_00023
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222429_00023
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222429_00023
----> processing file 38 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222431_00024
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222431_00024
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222431_00024
----> processing file 39 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222533_00025
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222533_00025
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222533_00025
----> processing file 40 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222535_00026
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222535_00026
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222535_00026
----> processing file 41 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222537_00027
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222537_00027
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222537_00027
----> processing file 42 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222639_00028
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222639_00028
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222639_00028
----> processing file 43 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222641_00029
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222641_00029
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222641_00029
----> processing file 44 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222643_00030
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222643_00030
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222643_00030
----> processing file 45 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222747_00031
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222747_00031
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222747_00031
----> processing file 46 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222748_00032
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222748_00032
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222748_00032
----> processing file 47 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222749_00033
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222749_00033
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222749_00033
----> processing file 48 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222750_00034
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222750_00034
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222750_00034
----> processing file 49 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222851_00035
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222851_00035
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222851_00035
----> processing file 50 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222853_00036
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222853_00036
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222853_00036
----> processing file 51 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222854_00037
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222854_00037
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222854_00037
----> processing file 52 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222956_00038
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222956_00038
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222956_00038
----> processing file 53 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222957_00039
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222957_00039
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222957_00039
----> processing file 54 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222958_00040
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222958_00040
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222958_00040
----> processing file 55 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006222959_00041
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222959_00041
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222959_00041
----> processing file 56 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223002_00042
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223002_00042
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223002_00042
----> processing file 57 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223004_00043
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223004_00043
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223004_00043
----> processing file 58 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223206_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223206_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223206_00001
----> processing file 59 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223307_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223307_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223307_00002
----> processing file 60 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223410_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223410_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223410_00003
----> processing file 61 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223411_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223411_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223411_00004
----> processing file 62 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223412_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223412_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223412_00005
----> processing file 63 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223513_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223513_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223513_00006
----> processing file 64 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223514_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223514_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223514_00007
----> processing file 65 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223516_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223516_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223516_00008
----> processing file 66 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223517_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223517_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223517_00009
----> processing file 67 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223619_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223619_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223619_00010
----> processing file 68 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223620_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223620_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223620_00011
----> processing file 69 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223621_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223621_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223621_00012
----> processing file 70 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223723_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223723_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223723_00013
----> processing file 71 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223724_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223724_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223724_00014
----> processing file 72 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223726_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223726_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223726_00015
----> processing file 73 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223828_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223828_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223828_00016
----> processing file 74 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223829_00017
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223829_00017
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223829_00017
----> processing file 75 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223830_00018
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223830_00018
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223830_00018
----> processing file 76 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223831_00019
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223831_00019
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223831_00019
----> processing file 77 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223933_00020
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223933_00020
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223933_00020
----> processing file 78 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223934_00021
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223934_00021
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223934_00021
----> processing file 79 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006223935_00022
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223935_00022
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223935_00022
----> processing file 80 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224036_00023
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224036_00023
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224036_00023
----> processing file 81 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224038_00024
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224038_00024
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224038_00024
----> processing file 82 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224041_00025
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224041_00025
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224041_00025
----> processing file 83 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224142_00026
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224142_00026
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224142_00026
----> processing file 84 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224143_00027
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224143_00027
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224143_00027
----> processing file 85 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224146_00028
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224146_00028
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224146_00028
----> processing file 86 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224247_00029
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224247_00029
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224247_00029
----> processing file 87 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224248_00030
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224248_00030
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224248_00030
----> processing file 88 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224249_00031
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224249_00031
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224249_00031
----> processing file 89 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224350_00032
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224350_00032
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224350_00032
----> processing file 90 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224352_00033
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224352_00033
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224352_00033
----> processing file 91 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224353_00034
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224353_00034
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224353_00034
----> processing file 92 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224454_00035
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224454_00035
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224454_00035
----> processing file 93 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224455_00036
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224455_00036
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224455_00036
----> processing file 94 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224456_00037
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224456_00037
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224456_00037
----> processing file 95 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224501_00040
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224501_00040
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224501_00040
----> processing file 96 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224557_00038
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224557_00038
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224557_00038
----> processing file 97 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224559_00039
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224559_00039
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224559_00039
----> processing file 98 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224602_00041
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224602_00041
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224602_00041
----> processing file 99 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224604_00042
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224604_00042
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224604_00042
----> processing file 100 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224705_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224705_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224705_00001
----> processing file 101 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224807_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224807_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224807_00002
----> processing file 102 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224810_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224810_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224810_00003
----> processing file 103 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224911_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224911_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224911_00004
----> processing file 104 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224912_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224912_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224912_00005
----> processing file 105 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006224913_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224913_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224913_00006
----> processing file 106 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225014_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225014_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225014_00007
----> processing file 107 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225016_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225016_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225016_00008
----> processing file 108 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225017_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225017_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225017_00009
----> processing file 109 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225119_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225119_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225119_00010
----> processing file 110 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225120_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225120_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225120_00011
----> processing file 111 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225123_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225123_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225123_00012
----> processing file 112 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225224_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225224_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225224_00013
----> processing file 113 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225225_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225225_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225225_00014
----> processing file 114 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225227_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225227_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225227_00015
----> processing file 115 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225330_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225330_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225330_00016
----> processing file 116 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225331_00017
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225331_00017
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225331_00017
----> processing file 117 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225333_00018
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225333_00018
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225333_00018
----> processing file 118 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225434_00019
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225434_00019
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225434_00019
----> processing file 119 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225435_00020
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225435_00020
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225435_00020
----> processing file 120 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225437_00021
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225437_00021
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225437_00021
----> processing file 121 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225438_00022
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225438_00022
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225438_00022
----> processing file 122 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225539_00023
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225539_00023
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225539_00023
----> processing file 123 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225541_00024
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225541_00024
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225541_00024
----> processing file 124 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225543_00025
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225543_00025
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225543_00025
----> processing file 125 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225644_00026
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225644_00026
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225644_00026
----> processing file 126 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225645_00027
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225645_00027
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225645_00027
----> processing file 127 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225646_00028
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225646_00028
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225646_00028
----> processing file 128 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225749_00029
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225749_00029
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225749_00029
----> processing file 129 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225750_00030
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225750_00030
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225750_00030
----> processing file 130 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225751_00031
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225751_00031
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225751_00031
----> processing file 131 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225852_00032
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225852_00032
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225852_00032
----> processing file 132 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225853_00033
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225853_00033
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225853_00033
----> processing file 133 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225855_00034
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225855_00034
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225855_00034
----> processing file 134 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225956_00035
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225956_00035
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225956_00035
----> processing file 135 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225957_00036
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225957_00036
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225957_00036
----> processing file 136 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225958_00037
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225958_00037
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225958_00037
----> processing file 137 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006225959_00038
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225959_00038
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225959_00038
----> processing file 138 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230001_00039
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230001_00039
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230001_00039
----> processing file 139 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230004_00040
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230004_00040
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230004_00040
----> processing file 140 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230005_00041
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230005_00041
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230005_00041
----> processing file 141 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230106_00042
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230106_00042
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230106_00042
----> processing file 142 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230108_00043
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230108_00043
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230108_00043
----> processing file 143 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230109_00044
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230109_00044
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230109_00044
----> processing file 144 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230211_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230211_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230211_00001
----> processing file 145 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230313_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230313_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230313_00002
----> processing file 146 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230416_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230416_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230416_00003
----> processing file 147 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230417_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230417_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230417_00004
----> processing file 148 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230418_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230418_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230418_00005
----> processing file 149 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230519_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230519_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230519_00006
----> processing file 150 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230521_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230521_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230521_00007
----> processing file 151 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230522_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230522_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230522_00008
----> processing file 152 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230624_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230624_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230624_00009
----> processing file 153 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230625_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230625_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230625_00010
----> processing file 154 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230627_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230627_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230627_00011
----> processing file 155 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230729_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230729_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230729_00012
----> processing file 156 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230730_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230730_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230730_00013
----> processing file 157 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230732_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230732_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230732_00014
----> processing file 158 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230834_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230834_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230834_00015
----> processing file 159 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230835_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230835_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230835_00016
----> processing file 160 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230837_00017
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230837_00017
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230837_00017
----> processing file 161 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230938_00018
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230938_00018
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230938_00018
----> processing file 162 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230940_00019
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230940_00019
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230940_00019
----> processing file 163 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006230941_00020
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230941_00020
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230941_00020
----> processing file 164 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231042_00021
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231042_00021
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231042_00021
----> processing file 165 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231044_00022
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231044_00022
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231044_00022
----> processing file 166 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231146_00023
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231146_00023
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231146_00023
----> processing file 167 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231147_00024
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231147_00024
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231147_00024
----> processing file 168 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231148_00025
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231148_00025
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231148_00025
----> processing file 169 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231149_00026
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231149_00026
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231149_00026
----> processing file 170 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231252_00027
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231252_00027
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231252_00027
----> processing file 171 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231253_00028
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231253_00028
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231253_00028
----> processing file 172 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231255_00029
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231255_00029
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231255_00029
----> processing file 173 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231356_00030
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231356_00030
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231356_00030
----> processing file 174 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231358_00031
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231358_00031
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231358_00031
----> processing file 175 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231359_00032
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231359_00032
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231359_00032
----> processing file 176 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231400_00033
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231400_00033
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231400_00033
----> processing file 177 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231401_00034
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231401_00034
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231401_00034
----> processing file 178 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231402_00035
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231402_00035
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231402_00035
----> processing file 179 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231504_00036
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231504_00036
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231504_00036
----> processing file 180 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231506_00037
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231506_00037
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231506_00037
----> processing file 181 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231508_00038
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231508_00038
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231508_00038
----> processing file 182 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231610_00039
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231610_00039
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231610_00039
----> processing file 183 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231611_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231611_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231611_00001
----> processing file 184 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231613_00040
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231613_00040
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231613_00040
----> processing file 185 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231614_00041
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231614_00041
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231614_00041
----> processing file 186 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231715_00042
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231715_00042
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231715_00042
----> processing file 187 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231716_00043
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231716_00043
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231716_00043
----> processing file 188 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231717_00044
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231717_00044
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231717_00044
----> processing file 189 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231818_00045
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231818_00045
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231818_00045
----> processing file 190 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231819_00046
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231819_00046
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231819_00046
----> processing file 191 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231821_00047
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231821_00047
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231821_00047
----> processing file 192 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231923_00048
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231923_00048
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231923_00048
----> processing file 193 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231924_00049
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231924_00049
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231924_00049
----> processing file 194 of 194
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/Newsday/
==> file:
==> ID: Newsday_20171006231925_00050
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050

Work with uncompressed files

Change working directories to the uncompressed paper path.

In [ ]:
%cd $uncompressed_paper_path

In [ ]:

parse and load XML files

Load one of the files into memory and see what we can do with it. Beautiful Soup?

Looks like the root element is "Record", then the high-level type of the article is "ObjectType".

ObjectType values:

  • Advertisement
  • ...

Good options for XML parser:

In [ ]:
# loop over files in the current archive folder path.
object_type_to_count_map = my_paper.process_archive_object_types( uncompressed_archive_path )
Processing 5752 files in /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001
----> XML file count: 5752

- Processed 5752 files
- No Record: 0
- No ObjectType: 0
- No ObjectType value: 0

ObjectType values and occurrence counts:
- A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t: 1902
- Article|Feature: 1792
- N|e|w|s: 53
- Commentary|Editorial: 36
- G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n: 488
- S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e: 185
- Advertisement|Classified Advertisement: 413
- E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c: 31
- Correspondence|Letter to the Editor: 119
- Front Matter|Table of Contents: 193
- O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y: 72
- F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y: 107
- I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h: 84
- Marriage Announcement|News: 6
- I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n: 91
- R|e|v|i|e|w: 133
- C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t: 30
- News|Legal Notice: 17

build list of all ObjectTypes

Loop over all folders in the paper path. For each folder, grab all files in the folder. For each file, parse XML, then get the ObjectType value and if it isn't already in map of obect types to counts, add it. Increment count.

From command line, in the uncompressed BostonGlobe folder:

find . -type f -iname "*.xml" | wc -l

resulted in 11,374,500 articles. That is quite a few.

In [13]:
xml_folder_list = glob.glob( "{}/*".format( uncompressed_paper_path ) )
print( "folder_list: {}".format( xml_folder_list ) )

folder_list: ['/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220113_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220215_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220218_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220219_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220221_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220324_00006', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220325_00007', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220327_00008', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220331_00009', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220433_00010', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220435_00011', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220437_00012', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220539_00013', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220540_00014', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221737_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221740_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221843_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221846_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221950_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221952_00006', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221954_00007', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222000_00010', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222056_00008', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222058_00009', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222103_00011', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222106_00012', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222108_00013', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222211_00014', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222213_00015', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222214_00016', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222216_00017', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222319_00018', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222321_00019', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222323_00020', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222424_00021', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222427_00022', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222429_00023', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222431_00024', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222533_00025', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222535_00026', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222537_00027', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222639_00028', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222641_00029', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222643_00030', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222747_00031', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222748_00032', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222749_00033', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222750_00034', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222851_00035', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222853_00036', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222854_00037', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222956_00038', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222957_00039', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222958_00040', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222959_00041', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223002_00042', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223004_00043', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223206_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223307_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223410_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223411_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223412_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223513_00006', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223514_00007', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223516_00008', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223517_00009', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223619_00010', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223620_00011', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223621_00012', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223723_00013', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223724_00014', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223726_00015', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223828_00016', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223829_00017', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223830_00018', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223831_00019', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223933_00020', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223934_00021', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223935_00022', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224036_00023', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224038_00024', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224041_00025', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224142_00026', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224143_00027', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224146_00028', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224247_00029', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224248_00030', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224249_00031', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224350_00032', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224352_00033', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224353_00034', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224454_00035', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224455_00036', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224456_00037', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224501_00040', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224557_00038', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224559_00039', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224602_00041', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224604_00042', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224705_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224807_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224810_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224911_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224912_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224913_00006', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225014_00007', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225016_00008', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225017_00009', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225119_00010', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225120_00011', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225123_00012', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225224_00013', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225225_00014', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225227_00015', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225330_00016', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225331_00017', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225333_00018', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225434_00019', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225435_00020', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225437_00021', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225438_00022', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225539_00023', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225541_00024', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225543_00025', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225644_00026', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225645_00027', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225646_00028', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225749_00029', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225750_00030', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225751_00031', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225852_00032', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225853_00033', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225855_00034', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225956_00035', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225957_00036', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225958_00037', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225959_00038', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230001_00039', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230004_00040', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230005_00041', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230106_00042', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230108_00043', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230109_00044', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230211_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230313_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230416_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230417_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230418_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230519_00006', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230521_00007', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230522_00008', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230624_00009', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230625_00010', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230627_00011', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230729_00012', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230730_00013', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230732_00014', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230834_00015', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230835_00016', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230837_00017', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230938_00018', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230940_00019', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230941_00020', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231042_00021', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231044_00022', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231146_00023', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231147_00024', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231148_00025', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231149_00026', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231252_00027', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231253_00028', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231255_00029', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231356_00030', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231358_00031', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231359_00032', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231400_00033', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231401_00034', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231402_00035', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231504_00036', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231506_00037', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231508_00038', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231610_00039', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231611_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231613_00040', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231614_00041', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231715_00042', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231716_00043', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231717_00044', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231818_00045', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231819_00046', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231821_00047', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231923_00048', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231924_00049', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050']

In [14]:
# build map of all object types for a paper to the overall counts of each
paper_object_type_to_count_map = my_paper.process_paper_object_types()

Processing 194 XML folders in /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday
==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220113_00001 ( 1 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:22:54.853506
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:24:19.978316 ( duration 0:01:25.124810 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220215_00002 ( 2 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:24:19.978682
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:25:38.757058 ( duration 0:01:18.778376 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220218_00003 ( 3 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:25:38.757547
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:27:04.972614 ( duration 0:01:26.215067 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220219_00004 ( 4 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:27:04.973069
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:28:31.814566 ( duration 0:01:26.841497 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220221_00005 ( 5 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:28:31.814967
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:29:53.242424 ( duration 0:01:21.427457 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220324_00006 ( 6 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:29:53.242839
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:31:13.975599 ( duration 0:01:20.732760 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220325_00007 ( 7 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:31:13.975986
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:32:39.918353 ( duration 0:01:25.942367 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220327_00008 ( 8 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:32:39.918738
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:34:08.544352 ( duration 0:01:28.625614 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220331_00009 ( 9 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:34:08.544743
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:35:33.590353 ( duration 0:01:25.045610 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220433_00010 ( 10 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:35:33.590738
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:36:58.418333 ( duration 0:01:24.827595 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220435_00011 ( 11 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:36:58.418693
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:38:20.955851 ( duration 0:01:22.537158 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220437_00012 ( 12 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:38:20.956261
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:39:43.961145 ( duration 0:01:23.004884 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220539_00013 ( 13 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:39:43.961520
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:41:07.825115 ( duration 0:01:23.863595 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006220540_00014 ( 14 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:41:07.825784
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:41:46.980319 ( duration 0:00:39.154535 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221737_00001 ( 15 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:41:46.981030
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:43:10.652068 ( duration 0:01:23.671038 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221740_00002 ( 16 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:43:10.652791
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:44:33.613838 ( duration 0:01:22.961047 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221843_00003 ( 17 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:44:33.614224
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:45:56.803723 ( duration 0:01:23.189499 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221846_00004 ( 18 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:45:56.804329
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:47:19.815727 ( duration 0:01:23.011398 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221950_00005 ( 19 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:47:19.816165
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:48:41.560499 ( duration 0:01:21.744334 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221952_00006 ( 20 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:48:41.560861
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:50:03.497004 ( duration 0:01:21.936143 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006221954_00007 ( 21 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:50:03.497399
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:51:26.417103 ( duration 0:01:22.919704 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222000_00010 ( 22 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:51:26.417856
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:52:53.791693 ( duration 0:01:27.373837 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222056_00008 ( 23 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:52:53.792071
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:54:15.770448 ( duration 0:01:21.978377 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222058_00009 ( 24 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:54:15.770948
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:55:38.485816 ( duration 0:01:22.714868 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222103_00011 ( 25 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:55:38.486216
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:57:07.050470 ( duration 0:01:28.564254 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222106_00012 ( 26 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:57:07.051106
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:58:29.997531 ( duration 0:01:22.946425 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222108_00013 ( 27 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:58:29.997900
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 03:59:53.219977 ( duration 0:01:23.222077 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222211_00014 ( 28 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 03:59:53.220424
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:01:15.818605 ( duration 0:01:22.598181 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222213_00015 ( 29 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:01:15.819003
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:02:38.432486 ( duration 0:01:22.613483 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222214_00016 ( 30 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:02:38.432856
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:04:00.891220 ( duration 0:01:22.458364 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222216_00017 ( 31 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:04:00.891620
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:05:23.058557 ( duration 0:01:22.166937 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222319_00018 ( 32 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:05:23.058929
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:06:45.329548 ( duration 0:01:22.270619 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222321_00019 ( 33 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:06:45.330426
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:08:08.703694 ( duration 0:01:23.373268 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222323_00020 ( 34 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:08:08.704491
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:09:31.863973 ( duration 0:01:23.159482 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222424_00021 ( 35 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:09:31.864382
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:10:54.889187 ( duration 0:01:23.024805 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222427_00022 ( 36 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:10:54.889881
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:12:17.813489 ( duration 0:01:22.923608 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222429_00023 ( 37 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:12:17.813870
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:13:42.350677 ( duration 0:01:24.536807 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222431_00024 ( 38 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:13:42.351391
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:15:05.006359 ( duration 0:01:22.654968 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222533_00025 ( 39 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:15:05.006724
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:16:29.007093 ( duration 0:01:24.000369 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222535_00026 ( 40 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:16:29.008023
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:17:51.819188 ( duration 0:01:22.811165 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222537_00027 ( 41 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:17:51.819581
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:19:14.532238 ( duration 0:01:22.712657 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222639_00028 ( 42 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:19:14.532710
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:20:36.415526 ( duration 0:01:21.882816 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222641_00029 ( 43 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:20:36.415927
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:21:57.005064 ( duration 0:01:20.589137 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222643_00030 ( 44 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:21:57.005978
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:23:18.005399 ( duration 0:01:20.999421 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222747_00031 ( 45 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:23:18.006096
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:24:44.002710 ( duration 0:01:25.996614 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222748_00032 ( 46 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:24:44.003130
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:26:06.386400 ( duration 0:01:22.383270 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222749_00033 ( 47 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:26:06.386877
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:27:27.619920 ( duration 0:01:21.233043 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222750_00034 ( 48 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:27:27.620341
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:28:48.183509 ( duration 0:01:20.563168 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222851_00035 ( 49 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:28:48.184370
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:30:09.071681 ( duration 0:01:20.887311 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222853_00036 ( 50 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:30:09.072589
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:31:29.793458 ( duration 0:01:20.720869 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222854_00037 ( 51 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:31:29.793840
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:32:50.106651 ( duration 0:01:20.312811 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222956_00038 ( 52 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:32:50.107030
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:34:10.156311 ( duration 0:01:20.049281 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222957_00039 ( 53 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:34:10.156689
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:35:29.789853 ( duration 0:01:19.633164 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222958_00040 ( 54 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:35:29.790546
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:36:49.585765 ( duration 0:01:19.795219 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006222959_00041 ( 55 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:36:49.586262
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:38:11.497294 ( duration 0:01:21.911032 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223002_00042 ( 56 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:38:11.497667
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:39:31.983063 ( duration 0:01:20.485396 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223004_00043 ( 57 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:39:31.983888
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:40:18.753434 ( duration 0:00:46.769546 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223206_00001 ( 58 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:40:18.753822
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:41:39.618777 ( duration 0:01:20.864955 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223307_00002 ( 59 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:41:39.619494
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:42:59.143818 ( duration 0:01:19.524324 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223410_00003 ( 60 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:42:59.144399
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:44:20.598531 ( duration 0:01:21.454132 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223411_00004 ( 61 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:44:20.599373
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:45:41.341292 ( duration 0:01:20.741919 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223412_00005 ( 62 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:45:41.341705
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:47:03.019341 ( duration 0:01:21.677636 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223513_00006 ( 63 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:47:03.019719
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:48:23.655945 ( duration 0:01:20.636226 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223514_00007 ( 64 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:48:23.656375
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:49:45.130207 ( duration 0:01:21.473832 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223516_00008 ( 65 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:49:45.130589
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:51:06.063951 ( duration 0:01:20.933362 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223517_00009 ( 66 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:51:06.064750
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:52:27.079098 ( duration 0:01:21.014348 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223619_00010 ( 67 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:52:27.079901
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:53:46.430688 ( duration 0:01:19.350787 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223620_00011 ( 68 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:53:46.431099
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:55:06.174411 ( duration 0:01:19.743312 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223621_00012 ( 69 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:55:06.175103
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:56:26.141373 ( duration 0:01:19.966270 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223723_00013 ( 70 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:56:26.142074
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:57:56.116151 ( duration 0:01:29.974077 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223724_00014 ( 71 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:57:56.117325
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 04:59:20.144055 ( duration 0:01:24.026730 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223726_00015 ( 72 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 04:59:20.144829
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:00:40.716454 ( duration 0:01:20.571625 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223828_00016 ( 73 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:00:40.717119
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:02:02.488715 ( duration 0:01:21.771596 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223829_00017 ( 74 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:02:02.489090
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:03:23.787217 ( duration 0:01:21.298127 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223830_00018 ( 75 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:03:23.787607
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:04:44.181695 ( duration 0:01:20.394088 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223831_00019 ( 76 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:04:44.182777
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:06:03.969244 ( duration 0:01:19.786467 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223933_00020 ( 77 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:06:03.969949
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:07:24.207081 ( duration 0:01:20.237132 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223934_00021 ( 78 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:07:24.207457
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:08:44.752370 ( duration 0:01:20.544913 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006223935_00022 ( 79 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:08:44.752751
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:10:06.259447 ( duration 0:01:21.506696 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224036_00023 ( 80 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:10:06.259824
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:11:27.304034 ( duration 0:01:21.044210 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224038_00024 ( 81 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:11:27.304446
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:12:46.925704 ( duration 0:01:19.621258 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224041_00025 ( 82 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:12:46.926066
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:14:08.318256 ( duration 0:01:21.392190 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224142_00026 ( 83 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:14:08.319108
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:15:28.982368 ( duration 0:01:20.663260 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224143_00027 ( 84 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:15:28.983281
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:16:50.179408 ( duration 0:01:21.196127 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224146_00028 ( 85 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:16:50.179795
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:18:09.712564 ( duration 0:01:19.532769 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224247_00029 ( 86 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:18:09.713048
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:19:31.140223 ( duration 0:01:21.427175 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224248_00030 ( 87 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:19:31.140629
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:20:51.403124 ( duration 0:01:20.262495 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224249_00031 ( 88 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:20:51.403497
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:22:12.146789 ( duration 0:01:20.743292 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224350_00032 ( 89 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:22:12.147177
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:23:32.310304 ( duration 0:01:20.163127 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224352_00033 ( 90 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:23:32.310681
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:24:54.839641 ( duration 0:01:22.528960 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224353_00034 ( 91 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:24:54.840520
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:26:15.959342 ( duration 0:01:21.118822 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224454_00035 ( 92 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:26:15.959923
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:27:37.425099 ( duration 0:01:21.465176 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224455_00036 ( 93 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:27:37.425471
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:28:57.909721 ( duration 0:01:20.484250 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224456_00037 ( 94 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:28:57.910091
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:30:17.347985 ( duration 0:01:19.437894 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224501_00040 ( 95 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:30:17.348374
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:31:37.800539 ( duration 0:01:20.452165 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224557_00038 ( 96 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:31:37.800922
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:32:58.750357 ( duration 0:01:20.949435 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224559_00039 ( 97 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:32:58.750738
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:34:19.541768 ( duration 0:01:20.791030 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224602_00041 ( 98 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:34:19.542466
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:35:40.141470 ( duration 0:01:20.599004 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224604_00042 ( 99 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:35:40.141863
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:35:44.087541 ( duration 0:00:03.945678 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224705_00001 ( 100 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:35:44.087881
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:37:04.693045 ( duration 0:01:20.605164 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224807_00002 ( 101 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:37:04.693548
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:38:26.021254 ( duration 0:01:21.327706 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224810_00003 ( 102 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:38:26.021931
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:39:47.046371 ( duration 0:01:21.024440 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224911_00004 ( 103 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:39:47.047105
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:41:07.546110 ( duration 0:01:20.499005 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224912_00005 ( 104 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:41:07.546879
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:42:27.657828 ( duration 0:01:20.110949 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006224913_00006 ( 105 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:42:27.658238
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:43:49.258794 ( duration 0:01:21.600556 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225014_00007 ( 106 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:43:49.259611
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:45:10.859321 ( duration 0:01:21.599710 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225016_00008 ( 107 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:45:10.860277
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:46:31.954025 ( duration 0:01:21.093748 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225017_00009 ( 108 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:46:31.954732
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:47:52.034089 ( duration 0:01:20.079357 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225119_00010 ( 109 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:47:52.034510
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:49:12.396628 ( duration 0:01:20.362118 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225120_00011 ( 110 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:49:12.397314
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:50:33.521021 ( duration 0:01:21.123707 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225123_00012 ( 111 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:50:33.521403
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:51:54.577328 ( duration 0:01:21.055925 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225224_00013 ( 112 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:51:54.577698
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:53:15.957330 ( duration 0:01:21.379632 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225225_00014 ( 113 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:53:15.957701
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:54:36.177772 ( duration 0:01:20.220071 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225227_00015 ( 114 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:54:36.178600
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:55:56.853080 ( duration 0:01:20.674480 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225330_00016 ( 115 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:55:56.853523
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:57:16.913613 ( duration 0:01:20.060090 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225331_00017 ( 116 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:57:16.913989
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:58:37.667080 ( duration 0:01:20.753091 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225333_00018 ( 117 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:58:37.667889
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 05:59:57.137888 ( duration 0:01:19.469999 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225434_00019 ( 118 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 05:59:57.138271
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:01:21.406397 ( duration 0:01:24.268126 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225435_00020 ( 119 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:01:21.407148
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:02:52.720313 ( duration 0:01:31.313165 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225437_00021 ( 120 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:02:52.721004
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:04:14.044065 ( duration 0:01:21.323061 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225438_00022 ( 121 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:04:14.044764
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:05:34.931174 ( duration 0:01:20.886410 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225539_00023 ( 122 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:05:34.931893
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:06:55.092676 ( duration 0:01:20.160783 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225541_00024 ( 123 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:06:55.093075
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:08:15.730687 ( duration 0:01:20.637612 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225543_00025 ( 124 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:08:15.731073
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:09:36.901953 ( duration 0:01:21.170880 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225644_00026 ( 125 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:09:36.902712
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:10:58.464216 ( duration 0:01:21.561504 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225645_00027 ( 126 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:10:58.464596
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:12:18.956685 ( duration 0:01:20.492089 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225646_00028 ( 127 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:12:18.957394
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:13:40.850841 ( duration 0:01:21.893447 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225749_00029 ( 128 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:13:40.851210
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:15:02.356641 ( duration 0:01:21.505431 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225750_00030 ( 129 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:15:02.357010
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:16:22.914705 ( duration 0:01:20.557695 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225751_00031 ( 130 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:16:22.915078
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:17:43.051584 ( duration 0:01:20.136506 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225852_00032 ( 131 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:17:43.052457
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:19:03.349575 ( duration 0:01:20.297118 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225853_00033 ( 132 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:19:03.349939
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:20:23.778774 ( duration 0:01:20.428835 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225855_00034 ( 133 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:20:23.779160
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:21:44.752355 ( duration 0:01:20.973195 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225956_00035 ( 134 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:21:44.752749
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:23:05.512878 ( duration 0:01:20.760129 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225957_00036 ( 135 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:23:05.513592
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:24:27.180965 ( duration 0:01:21.667373 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225958_00037 ( 136 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:24:27.181340
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:26:04.100449 ( duration 0:01:36.919109 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006225959_00038 ( 137 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:26:04.100868
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:28:08.438571 ( duration 0:02:04.337703 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230001_00039 ( 138 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:28:08.439415
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:30:04.294160 ( duration 0:01:55.854745 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230004_00040 ( 139 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:30:04.294508
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:31:30.789795 ( duration 0:01:26.495287 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230005_00041 ( 140 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:31:30.790505
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:32:53.899446 ( duration 0:01:23.108941 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230106_00042 ( 141 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:32:53.900236
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:34:18.174911 ( duration 0:01:24.274675 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230108_00043 ( 142 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:34:18.175290
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:35:41.647104 ( duration 0:01:23.471814 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230109_00044 ( 143 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:35:41.647487
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:36:50.945758 ( duration 0:01:09.298271 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230211_00001 ( 144 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:36:50.946469
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:38:15.643564 ( duration 0:01:24.697095 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230313_00002 ( 145 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:38:15.643937
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:39:40.390521 ( duration 0:01:24.746584 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230416_00003 ( 146 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:39:40.390910
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:41:05.054574 ( duration 0:01:24.663664 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230417_00004 ( 147 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:41:05.054967
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:42:29.070117 ( duration 0:01:24.015150 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230418_00005 ( 148 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:42:29.070847
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:43:53.473069 ( duration 0:01:24.402222 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230519_00006 ( 149 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:43:53.473460
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:45:18.677967 ( duration 0:01:25.204507 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230521_00007 ( 150 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:45:18.678808
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:46:43.536021 ( duration 0:01:24.857213 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230522_00008 ( 151 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:46:43.536432
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:48:05.600701 ( duration 0:01:22.064269 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230624_00009 ( 152 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:48:05.601075
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:49:30.587027 ( duration 0:01:24.985952 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230625_00010 ( 153 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:49:30.587862
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:50:55.674140 ( duration 0:01:25.086278 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230627_00011 ( 154 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:50:55.674570
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:52:20.194893 ( duration 0:01:24.520323 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230729_00012 ( 155 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:52:20.195274
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:53:44.777081 ( duration 0:01:24.581807 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230730_00013 ( 156 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:53:44.777463
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:55:12.398600 ( duration 0:01:27.621137 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230732_00014 ( 157 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:55:12.398981
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:56:37.525577 ( duration 0:01:25.126596 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230834_00015 ( 158 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:56:37.525990
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:58:01.016413 ( duration 0:01:23.490423 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230835_00016 ( 159 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:58:01.016782
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 06:59:25.207862 ( duration 0:01:24.191080 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230837_00017 ( 160 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 06:59:25.208321
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:00:49.103668 ( duration 0:01:23.895347 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230938_00018 ( 161 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:00:49.104188
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:02:18.460779 ( duration 0:01:29.356591 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230940_00019 ( 162 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:02:18.461195
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:03:42.972876 ( duration 0:01:24.511681 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006230941_00020 ( 163 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:03:42.973592
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:05:07.223046 ( duration 0:01:24.249454 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231042_00021 ( 164 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:05:07.223433
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:06:29.964935 ( duration 0:01:22.741502 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231044_00022 ( 165 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:06:29.965727
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:07:53.524360 ( duration 0:01:23.558633 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231146_00023 ( 166 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:07:53.524739
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:09:16.985546 ( duration 0:01:23.460807 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231147_00024 ( 167 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:09:16.985940
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:10:40.991391 ( duration 0:01:24.005451 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231148_00025 ( 168 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:10:40.991917
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:12:03.147258 ( duration 0:01:22.155341 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231149_00026 ( 169 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:12:03.147648
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:13:29.986662 ( duration 0:01:26.839014 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231252_00027 ( 170 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:13:29.987045
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:14:52.768089 ( duration 0:01:22.781044 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231253_00028 ( 171 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:14:52.768620
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:16:16.501085 ( duration 0:01:23.732465 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231255_00029 ( 172 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:16:16.501476
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:17:39.604776 ( duration 0:01:23.103300 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231356_00030 ( 173 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:17:39.605490
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:19:02.312183 ( duration 0:01:22.706693 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231358_00031 ( 174 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:19:02.312922
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:20:25.137092 ( duration 0:01:22.824170 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231359_00032 ( 175 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:20:25.137475
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:21:48.030256 ( duration 0:01:22.892781 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231400_00033 ( 176 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:21:48.030631
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:23:12.627693 ( duration 0:01:24.597062 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231401_00034 ( 177 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:23:12.628652
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:24:36.397063 ( duration 0:01:23.768411 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231402_00035 ( 178 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:24:36.397554
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:26:01.985508 ( duration 0:01:25.587954 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231504_00036 ( 179 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:26:01.985871
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:27:25.310796 ( duration 0:01:23.324925 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231506_00037 ( 180 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:27:25.311180
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:28:48.765975 ( duration 0:01:23.454795 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231508_00038 ( 181 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:28:48.766368
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:30:12.828986 ( duration 0:01:24.062618 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231610_00039 ( 182 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:30:12.829357
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:31:38.313735 ( duration 0:01:25.484378 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231611_00001 ( 183 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:31:38.314385
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:31:38.475673 ( duration 0:00:00.161288 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231613_00040 ( 184 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:31:38.475998
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:33:04.137465 ( duration 0:01:25.661467 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231614_00041 ( 185 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:33:04.137844
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:34:29.082711 ( duration 0:01:24.944867 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231715_00042 ( 186 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:34:29.083102
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:35:53.656746 ( duration 0:01:24.573644 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231716_00043 ( 187 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:35:53.657101
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:37:17.907368 ( duration 0:01:24.250267 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231717_00044 ( 188 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:37:17.908074
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:38:41.959028 ( duration 0:01:24.050954 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231818_00045 ( 189 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:38:41.959737
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:40:06.901779 ( duration 0:01:24.942042 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231819_00046 ( 190 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:40:06.902162
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:41:31.907351 ( duration 0:01:25.005189 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231821_00047 ( 191 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:41:31.907735
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:42:55.477758 ( duration 0:01:23.570023 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231923_00048 ( 192 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:42:55.478981
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:44:20.638672 ( duration 0:01:25.159691 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231924_00049 ( 193 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:44:20.639130
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:45:44.853848 ( duration 0:01:24.214718 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050 ( 194 of 194 ) @ 2019-08-17 07:45:44.854220
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:46:24.961766 ( duration 0:00:40.107546 )

XML folder count: 194

ObjectType values and occurrence counts:
- A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t: 1559817
- G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n: 554638
- Feature|Article: 1358917
- Classified Advertisement|Advertisement: 392526
- Editorial|Commentary: 27673
- I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h: 120347
- B|i|r|t|h| |N|o|t|i|c|e: 2327
- F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y: 39820
- I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n: 86790
- Table of Contents|Front Matter: 48620
- C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t: 33857
- E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c: 15777
- News|Marriage Announcement: 23473
- News|Legal Notice: 96674
- S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e: 15234
- N|e|w|s: 38501
- O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y: 50061
- Letter to the Editor|Correspondence: 41487
- R|e|v|i|e|w: 69589
- News|Military/War News: 191
- Article|Feature: 139126
- Front Matter|Table of Contents: 9106
- U|n|d|e|f|i|n|e|d: 15
- Marriage Announcement|News: 211
- Correspondence|Letter to the Editor: 4488
- Commentary|Editorial: 3837
- Legal Notice|News: 6092
- Advertisement|Classified Advertisement: 19144
- Table Of Contents|Front Matter: 2121
Processing complete @ 2019-08-17 07:46:25.084504 ( started at 2019-08-17 03:22:54.802016; duration: 4:23:30.282488 )

Example output:

XML file count: 5752 Counters:

  • Processed 5752 files
  • No Record: 0
  • No ObjectType: 0
  • No ObjectType value: 0

ObjectType values and occurrence counts:

  • A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t: 2114224
  • Feature|Article: 5271887
  • I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h: 249942
  • O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y: 625143
  • G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n: 1083164
  • S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e: 202776
  • N|e|w|s: 140274
  • I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n: 106925
  • F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y: 386421
  • E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c: 78993
  • Editorial|Commentary: 156342
  • C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t: 68356
  • Classified Advertisement|Advertisement: 291533
  • R|e|v|i|e|w: 86889
  • Table of Contents|Front Matter: 69798
  • Letter to the Editor|Correspondence: 202071
  • News|Legal Notice: 24053
  • News|Marriage Announcement: 41314
  • B|i|r|t|h| |N|o|t|i|c|e: 926
  • News|Military/War News: 3
  • U|n|d|e|f|i|n|e|d: 5
  • Article|Feature: 137526
  • Front Matter|Table of Contents: 11195
  • Commentary|Editorial: 3386
  • Marriage Announcement|News: 683
  • Correspondence|Letter to the Editor: 7479
  • Legal Notice|News: 1029
  • Advertisement|Classified Advertisement: 12163

map files to types

Choose a directory, then loop over the files in the directory to build a map of types to lists of file names.

In [14]:
news_object_type_list = []
news_object_type_list.append( 'Article|Feature' )
news_object_type_list.append( 'Feature|Article' )
news_object_type_list.append( 'F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y' )

explore all known object types

Look at all known object types to see which contain actual news content.

In [15]:
# get list of all object types
master_object_type_list = my_paper.get_all_object_types()
print( "Object Types: {}".format( master_object_type_list ) )

Object Types: ['A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t', 'Advertisement|Classified Advertisement', 'Article|Feature', 'B|i|r|t|h| |N|o|t|i|c|e', 'Classified Advertisement|Advertisement', 'Commentary|Editorial', 'Correspondence|Letter to the Editor', 'C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t', 'E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c', 'Editorial|Commentary', 'Feature|Article', 'Front Matter|Table of Contents', 'F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y', 'G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n', 'I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n', 'I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h', 'Legal Notice|News', 'Letter to the Editor|Correspondence', 'Marriage Announcement|News', 'N|e|w|s', 'News|Legal Notice', 'News|Marriage Announcement', 'News|Military/War News', 'O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y', 'R|e|v|i|e|w', 'S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e', 'Table of Contents|Front Matter', 'Table Of Contents|Front Matter', 'U|n|d|e|f|i|n|e|d']

In [16]:
# directory to work in.
uncompressed_archive_folder = "Newsday_20171006231925_00050"
uncompressed_archive_path = "{}/{}".format( uncompressed_paper_path, uncompressed_archive_folder )
print( 'Uncompressed archive folder: {}'.format( uncompressed_archive_path ) )

Uncompressed archive folder: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050

In [17]:
# build map of file types to lists of files of that type in specified folder.
object_type_to_file_path_map = my_paper.map_archive_folder_files_to_types( uncompressed_archive_path )

Processing 11750 XML files in /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050
----> XML file count: 11750

In map_archive_folder_files_to_types:
XML file count: 11750
- Processed 11750 files
- No Record: 0
- No ObjectType: 0
- No ObjectType value: 0

ObjectType values and occurrence counts:
- Advertisement|Classified Advertisement - 251 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813311673.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813312507.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813312951.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813320214.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813320237.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813321663.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813322150.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813322847.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813323703.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813324060.xml
- Article|Feature - 1444 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638754282.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638754768.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638754936.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638755059.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638755301.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638755328.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638755348.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638755465.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638755589.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638755720.xml
- A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t - 3703 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000170920.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000171777.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000172441.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000173006.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000173245.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000173286.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000173301.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000173661.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000173676.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000173836.xml
- B|i|r|t|h| |N|o|t|i|c|e - 1 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/879992781.xml
- Classified Advertisement|Advertisement - 1073 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000174317.xml
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    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1002492093.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1002875213.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1014006606.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1016431706.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1016432832.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1469926548.xml
- O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y - 97 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000171550.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000207007.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000214557.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000215213.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1002846648.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1002876864.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1014016289.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1014026651.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1469942995.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1469989132.xml
- R|e|v|i|e|w - 227 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000171676.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000174130.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000178826.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000186109.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000193231.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000196511.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000197080.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000209613.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000210282.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000210362.xml
- S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e - 68 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000174440.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000175090.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000221543.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1002713271.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1002854132.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1002865008.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1015327560.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1015327561.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1469944138.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1470020965.xml
- Table Of Contents|Front Matter - 27 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1943345622.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1943358373.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1943358391.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1943361752.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1943495590.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1943498997.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1943499250.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1943501672.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1943508206.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1943508879.xml
- Table of Contents|Front Matter - 91 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000191433.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000195476.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000196747.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000210088.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000210096.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000210608.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000222315.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000227421.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000232254.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000233709.xml

In [ ]:
# which types do we want to preview?
#types_to_output = news_object_type_list
types_to_output = [ "Advertisement|Classified Advertisement" ]
types_to_output = [ "A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t" ]
types_to_output = [ 'Advertisement|Classified Advertisement' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Article|Feature' ]
types_to_output = [ 'B|i|r|t|h| |N|o|t|i|c|e' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Classified Advertisement|Advertisement' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Commentary|Editorial' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Correspondence|Letter to the Editor' ]
types_to_output = [ 'C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t' ]
types_to_output = [ 'E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Editorial|Commentary' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Feature|Article' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Front Matter|Table of Contents' ]
types_to_output = [ 'F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y' ]
types_to_output = [ 'G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n' ]
types_to_output = [ 'I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n' ]
types_to_output = [ 'I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Legal Notice|News' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Letter to the Editor|Correspondence' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Marriage Announcement|News' ]
types_to_output = [ 'N|e|w|s' ]
types_to_output = [ 'News|Legal Notice' ]
types_to_output = [ 'News|Marriage Announcement' ]
types_to_output = [ 'News|Military/War News' ]
types_to_output = [ 'O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y' ]
types_to_output = [ 'R|e|v|i|e|w' ]
types_to_output = [ 'S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Table of Contents|Front Matter' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Table Of Contents|Front Matter' ]
types_to_output = [ 'U|n|d|e|f|i|n|e|d' ]

# declare variables
xml_file_path_list = None
xml_file_path_count = None
xml_file_path_example_list = None
xml_file_path = None
xml_file = None
xml_dict = None
xml_string = None

# loop over types
for object_type in types_to_output:
    # print type and count
    xml_file_path_list = object_type_to_file_path_map.get( object_type, [] )
    xml_file_path_count = len( xml_file_path_list )
    xml_file_path_example_list = xml_file_path_list[ : 10 ]
    print( "\n- {} - {} files:".format( object_type, xml_file_path_count ) )
    for xml_file_path in xml_file_path_example_list:
        print( "----> {}".format( xml_file_path ) )

        # try to parse the file
        with open( xml_file_path ) as xml_file:

            # parse XML
            xml_dict = xmltodict.parse( )
        #-- END with open( xml_file_path ) as xml_file: --#
        # pretty-print
        xml_string = xmltodict.unparse( xml_dict, pretty = True )

        # output
        print( xml_string )
    #-- END loop over example file paths. --#
#-- END loop over object types. --#

files in archive Newsday_20171006231925_00050 - 1989

Archive details:

  • ID: 496
  • Newspaper: 2 - Newsday - Newsday
  • archive_identifier: Newsday_20171006231925_00050
  • min_date: 1941-05-06
  • max_date: 1989-12-30
  • path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050

In [16]:
# directory to work in.
uncompressed_archive_folder = "Newsday_20171006231925_00050"
uncompressed_archive_path = "{}/{}".format( uncompressed_paper_path, uncompressed_archive_folder )
print( 'Uncompressed archive folder: {}'.format( uncompressed_archive_path ) )

Uncompressed archive folder: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050

In [17]:
# build map of file types to lists of files of that type in specified folder.
object_type_to_file_path_map = my_paper.map_archive_folder_files_to_types( uncompressed_archive_path )

Processing 11750 XML files in /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050
----> XML file count: 11750

In map_archive_folder_files_to_types:
XML file count: 11750
- Processed 11750 files
- No Record: 0
- No ObjectType: 0
- No ObjectType value: 0

ObjectType values and occurrence counts:
- Advertisement|Classified Advertisement - 251 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813311673.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813312507.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813312951.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813320214.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813320237.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813321663.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813322150.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813322847.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813323703.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1813324060.xml
- Article|Feature - 1444 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638754282.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638754768.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638754936.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638755059.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638755301.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638755328.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638755348.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638755465.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638755589.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638755720.xml
- A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t - 3703 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000170920.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000171777.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000172441.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000173006.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000173245.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000173286.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000173301.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000173661.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000173676.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000173836.xml
- B|i|r|t|h| |N|o|t|i|c|e - 1 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/879992781.xml
- Classified Advertisement|Advertisement - 1073 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000174317.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000174445.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000174855.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000175510.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000176722.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000177161.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000177312.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000179012.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000184137.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000184941.xml
- Commentary|Editorial - 38 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638771312.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638773282.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638774811.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1640048686.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1645361137.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1746928298.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1746931493.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1746982700.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1747002657.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1747046116.xml
- Correspondence|Letter to the Editor - 35 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638756981.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1638761621.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1639904732.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1639917258.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1639919756.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1640045954.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1645402471.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1746940179.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1746962970.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1746992847.xml
- C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t - 68 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000176996.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000202482.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000209871.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000227625.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000233090.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000235571.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000248774.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1002462338.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1002488680.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1002738709.xml
- Editorial|Commentary - 40 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000207857.xml
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In [19]:
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- Article|Feature - 1444 files:
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	<RecordTitle>TWA Gets Leader, Not Owner</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jan 4, 1986</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<Abstract>New York (AP)--Financier Carl C. Icahn and Trans World Airlines Inc. have scrapped an agreement for him to buy TWA and entered into a pact under which he controls its board, the financially troubled carrier announced late yesterday.</Abstract>
	<FullText>TWA Gets Leader Not Owner                 Financier drops takeover in pact giving him control of board                 New York AP --Financier Carl Icahn and Trans World Airlines Inc have scrapped an agreement for him to buy TWA and entered into pact under which he controls its board the financially troubled carrier announced late yesterday                 the arrangement detailed statement from TWA's New York corporate offices came against background of serious losses for the nation s fourth- largest airline which Icahn had agreed to buy more than three months ago following protracted take over battle with Texas Air Corp The statement said TWA may have lost up to 140 million for 1985, twice an earlier estimate Termination of the merger agreement occurred following recent adverse operating results for TWA and difficulties encountered in raising financing for the merger on its original terms the statement said                 Icahn who owns 52 percent of TWA's stock of fered to buy the rest for 24 share consisting of 19 50 in cash and 50 in securities but he had trouble obtaining the estimated 800 million he needed to complete the purchase because of investor concern about TWA's profitability Under the new agreement Icahn will exchange 24 per share in preferred stock and no cash for portion of the shares he does not already own the TWA statement said Icahn became chairman of the TWA board under the pact Two board members not affiliated with Icahn resigned giving his designees control The announcement came day after officials of TWA's pilots and machinists unions said they had reached definitive agreements on contracts with Icahn that offer substantial concessions deemed nec                 essary for the carrier to improve financially Those agreements stipulate Icahn must control the board before the concessions can be enforced The new agreement also says Icahn will raise 750 million in cash for TWA's budget by issuing debt securities through the investment banking firm Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc The TWA state ment said Drexel is highly confident of its ability to place the financing Reports about renegotiation of the Icahn-TWA deal circulated on Wall Street for several weeks the uncertainty over what TWA's minority stock holders might receive for their shares drove TWA's stock price steadily lower It closed at 15 share yesterday on the New York Stock Exchange down 75 cents from Thursday The stock traded at 22 75 share in late November</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>IN THE WORLD</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jan 8, 1986</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<FullText>IN THE WORLD                 Extra extra The International Herald Tribune an English-language daily newspaper based in Paris will print an edition in Miami for North and South America sometime after Feb 24. The edition will begin with daily press run of up to 15,000 copies the paper said The paper now sells about 2,000 copies day in the United States and slightly fewer in Latin America IN THE NATION NAVISTAR Out with the old International Harvester Co dropped century-and- a-half-old name and some old ways of doing business to become Navistar Inter- national Corp Executives said yesterday that the Hll new name is the latest step in reversing declining perfor mance for the old International Har vester which had five years to drop the name and its IH logo when the -company sold- its 'financially ailing farm- last year                 to Tenneco Inc The company which reported net loss of 364 million on sales of billion last year will spend about 10 million on the name change Navistar has its origins in the words navigate and star which connote steering course and an out standing performer Never mind Schering-Plough Corp said it is withdrawing its feder al lawsuit accusing Hutton Co of using privileged information to aid in hostile takeover of the corpo ration by third party Schering- Plough manufacturer of toiletries and cosmetics said it dropped the suit because recent large-scale sales of its stock by Hutton convinced it that Hutton had abandoned its take over effort However Hutton con tended that the withdrawal of the totally baseless suit was prompted by an imminent hearing on its mo tion to dismiss it</FullText>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jan 8, 1986</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<FullText>Kidsday                 JtLIKEITYjSS                 RADIO REVIEW 'KIDS AMERICA' By Scott Perlman and Hal Lieber Kidsday Staff Reporters Age 11, Masssapequa Kids' America on WNYC radio 93.9 FM is one of our favorite radio programs The show is on Monday through Friday from 6:30 to 8:00 It's aimed at kids but we think their humor will appeal to all ages There are two DJs Cathy and Larry but the guest appearances are the best part One of our favorite seg ments is Xeno the Alien who visits every Wednesday He plays Where in the World game where he lands somewhere on the earth and gives hints to his location For instance one Wednesday he landed in the Panama Canal One of his clues was water to the left water to the right sit down stand up that s all right Then lis call in and try to guess where he is Stump the Duke is another favorite listeners call in with word and its meaning and The Duke will try to spell it If he misses you have stumped The Duke and you win prize of T-shirt or book They play weird as well as popular music too Their Top 3," the top three requested songs of the week are usually pretty funny It's terrific radio show and if you have the chance listen in or give them call at 1-800-235-KIDS.                 DEAR KIDSDAY                 Dear Kidsday My teacher picks on me She calls me loud mouth in front of everyone in the class get so embarrassed that get into arguments with her hate school Treated Like Dirt Dear Treated Teachers usually won t admit it but there are kids in the class they just don't like Sometimes it s just because of personality differences This teacher doesn't like you and you have to find out why She has given you big clue by calling you loud mouth Perhaps you should change your tone of voice in the classroom Try to clean the slate with your teacher Make an agreement with her that you will try to im prove but that you don't want to be embarrassed by her anymore If she continues to pick on you avoid argu ments during class and talk to ner during recess or at the end of the day You will be acting more like grown-up Send your problem letters tq Dear Kidsday Newsday Long Island 11747. panel of kids answers problems 4                 Kidsday Illustration Daren Olive 11,</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Yonkers Meet Starts Tonight</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jan 7, 1986</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>Tony Sisti</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Tony Sisti</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>The 1986 harness-racing season will make a belated start tonight when Yonkers Raceway launches a 72-night meeting using conditioned racing as the format for its programs.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Yonkers Meet Starts Tonight                 By Tony Sisti                 The 1986 harness-racing season will make belated start tonight when Yonkers Raceway launches 72-night meeting using conditioned racing as the format for its programs                 There hasn been any racing since New Year's Eve as result of strike by the pari- mutuel clerks that closed Roosevelt Raceway The track lost its final five nights of racing Steven Starr Yonkers' race secretary is hopeful that the classification switch from A-B-C racing to conditioned races will prove beneficial to the track We are certainly hoping it will work better he said One big advantage is that it will provide uniformity -v--' for everyone concerned We will now have the same type of racing at both Roosevelt and Yonkers instead of different type at each track race secretary classifies horse and places him where he feels he belongs under A-B-C racing In con racing various conditions age sex money- earnings over certain period of time are written for races to match up different horses The different systems created problems in the past Starr said Horses for example who won lot of money at Yonkers would generally find themselves overmatched when they moved to Roosevelt When asked his feelings about the change Stan- said It could present problem initially for our hard-core customers those who haven't been exposed to conditioned racing at Roosevelt or The Meadow- lands But believe our hard-core fans are very so phisticated bettors and don't think they ll have any trouble adjusting Bob Galterio the track s general manager ed that A-B-C racing is gone but not necessarily for good We feel conditioned racing will allow for bet ter transition between Yonkers and Roosevelt he said We haven't abandoned the classified system but do want to give conditioned racing chance and we hope the fans will accept it Yonkers will race six nights week until it switches to seven-night schedule starting Sunday Feb 2. There will be 11 races nightly th post time at 8</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>WORLD BRIEFS</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jan 7, 1986</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<FullText>WORLD BRIEFS                 MIA Talks in Hanoi The highest-level delegation to visit Vietnam since the war ended in 1975 met officials in Hanoi for three hours yesterday to discuss ways to speed up the search for Americans still listed as missing in action Neither side disclosed details of the ses sion Another session was set for today Vietnam has promised to resolve the MIA issue within two years Washington lists about 2,400 Americans as missing in action in Communist Indochina Vietnamese officials insist they regard the MIA issue as humanitarian but they also seek normalization of diplomatic ties with the United States Washington has said that that is not possible while Hanoi's troops remain in Cambodia The Vietnamese have about 160,000 sol diers in Cambodia in support of the govern ment they set up in Phnom Penh in 1979. Rep Stephen Solarz D-Brooklyn met yesterday in Bangkok with feuding factions of the largest non-communist Cambodian rebel group in bid to mediate their dispute and step up pressure on Vietnamese occu pation troops in Cambodia Solarz chairman of the House Subcom mittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs met separately with opposing factions of the Khmer People's National Liberation Front which commands 15,000 guerrilla soldiers against the Vietnamese occupation army Hunger Strike Ended The mayor of Ciudad Juarez Mexican border city near El Paso ended 21-day hunger strike after his opposition National Action Party gathered 100,000 signatures protesting election law changes that the party claimed were aimed at preventing its candidates from being elected Chihuahua Gov Saul Gonzalez Herrera agreed to name commission to study the changes British Envoy Named Britain's top Foreign Office civil servant Sir Antony Acland 55, was named yester day as ambassador to the United States the first time the post has gone to serving diplomat in almost decade Acland permanent undersecretary at the Foreign Office in charge of the diplomatic service succeeds Sir Oliver Wright for mer ambassador to Luxembourg and Spain Acland begins his new job in September Acland's two predecessors were career diplomats brought out of retirement</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Proposals Lay an Egg with Pigeon Clubs</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jan 8, 1986</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>Edna Negron</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Edna Negron</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Their feathers were ruffled, but more than 100 members of Islip's homing-pigeon clubs refused to be pigeonholed yesterday by a proposal to restrict bird ownership in Islip.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Proposals Lay an Egg with Pigeon Clubs                 By Edna Negron                 Their feathers were ruffled but more than 100 members of Islip's homing-pigeon clubs refused to be pigeonholed yesterday by proposal to restrict bird ownership in Islip                 pigeon is not just pigeon said John Esposito of Bay Shore At least not the racing pigeons that he and other en who packed the town board room train for round-trip races of up to 500 miles Everybody misconstrues about pigeons he said They're like fine-tuned athletes with feathers The town attorney s office has pro posed amending the Islip ordinance on animals to limit pigeons to 100 per coop and to screen coops from the street by fence or shrub set back at least 10 feet from street and 20 feet from any resi dential structure Members of the Islip Terrace Homing Pigeon Club the Islip Homing Pigeon Club and the Long Island Show Homing Association among other homing-pi geon clubs were especially opposed to an amendment to restrict by property size the number of pigeons an owner can have The proposal calls for no more than 50 pigeons for lots of -acre or less 100 pigeons for s-to one acre and 200 pigeons for one acre or more Now own ers can keep one pigeon per square foot of floor space in the coop We've had significant number of complaints from people Town Supervi sor Michael LoGrande told the pigeon fanciers adding that town officials were concerned about the health and welfare of non-pigeon-lovers in residential areas It's the fly-by-night people who don't take care of the pigeons who have them sitting on people s roofs and are ruining it for the professionals said Jerry Ketcbam of Brentwood Fly-by-night birds of feather that flock together cause lot of problems LoGrande responded Ketcham said that as members of clubs the pigeon fanciers see to it that their birds do not loiter or drop on other people s property It's more than just keeping pigeons and competing for trophies said Joe Po- liti of Holbrook who built 100-square- foot loft pays taxes on it and has certificate of occupancy for it It's fam ily hobby sport and pastime for sen iors The town board reserved decision yes terday and LoGrande offered to meet with club members and town attorneys to come up with reasonable modifica tion of the standards                 Pigeon-fancier Joe Politi with pigeon in the 100-square-foot loft that he built behind his Holbrook home                 Newsday Julia Gaines</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Rumors Make Merrill Lynch Most Active</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jan 7, 1986</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<Abstract>Wall Street's rumor mill percolated yesterday with talk that the No. 3 automaker, Chrysler Corp., might be preparing a takeover of Merrill Lynch &amp; Co., the nation's largest brokerage.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Rumors Make Merrill Lynch Most Active                 Wall Street's rumor mill percolated yesterday with talk that the No 3 automaker Chrysler Corp might be preparing takeover of Merrill Lynch Co the nation s largest brokerage                 Apparently as result Merrill Lynch led the active list on the New York Stock Exchange with the price of share up 1% at 36%. Stock prices in general declined slightly as hopes for an early resumption of the mar ket s 1985 rally went unfulfilled The Dow Jones average of 30 indus trials slipped 1.61 to 1,547.59. Volume on the New York exchange came to 99.61 million shares Both Merrill Lynch and Chrysler denied that anything was in the works and auto analysts also were skeptical It's true that Chrysler will have substantial amount of cash flow this year and next said Joseph Phillippi of Hutton Co But their strategy is to husband some of that cash until the next downturn for Vr tVt L'i-W                 autos which they expect to happen at least once between now and the end of the decade Prudential-Bache auto analyst Thomas Lent said Merrill Lynch takeover would involve at least billion to billion Chrysler has made it known on several occasions that it is out to diversify further Lent said guess they would look at fi nancial services company at the right price But that right price would have to be on much smaller company Buying Merrill Lynch is just not in Chrysler's long-term interest Among other financial services stocks PaineWebber gained to 35; Hutton to 3514, and Phibro-Sa- lomon 14 to 44%. Many Wall Streeters have been hop ing for pickup in activity with the market back on normal schedule after two weeks broken up by the Christmas and New Year's holidays But the pace remained sluggish The dollar meanwhile flirted with historic high against its Cana dian counterpart The Canadian dol lar s weakness led the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and the Toronto-Dominion Bank to raise their prime lending rates to 10.5 percent from 10 percent Douglas Peters Toronto- Do minion s yt ' TCr 'r j-'Vi' V1 'i                 chief economist said the exchange cri sis had been precipitated by short- term speculative binge Yesterday one dollar would buy 4053 Canadian down from 4066 Friday In Europe the dollar declined mar against the British pound In late trading it cost 4375 to buy one pound compared with the 4370 it cost Friday In Tokyo the dollar was up against the Japanese yen closing at 202.30 yen compared with 200.60 on the last day of 1985. Dollar rates in the compared with Friday were 2.4398 West Ger man marks down from 2.4656; 2.0650 Swiss francs down from 2.0735; and 7.4765 French francs down from 7.5525. On the New York Commodity Ex change gold sold for 328 80 up 70 cents from Friday At the Republic National Bank in New York gold cost 328 75 up from 327 75 Friday Sil ver on the Comex cost 836 up from 820 Friday The government sold billion in three-month bills at an average dis count rate of 7.05 percent up slightly from last week s 7.04 percent The gov ernment sold 7.43 billion six-month bills at 7.11 percent up from 7.07 per cent last week li 5' i'2</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Engulfed Devoured By Company He Kept</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jan 8, 1986</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>Joe Gergen</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>JOE GERGEN</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>The exercise might better have been conducted outside the Gulf Western building on the edge of Central Park. A torch or two would have been appropriate, not only for the symbolism but as a source of heat in a cold, cold world. Let those bloodless inhabitants of the board room recognize this as the...</Abstract>
	<FullText>Engulfed Devoured By Company He Kept                 JOE GERGEN                 You have to remember we re owned by big corporation En- gulf and Devour They're con- cerned with numbers not the individual They can put people out to pasture without much thought                 Phil Jackson Dec 7, 1976                 The exercise might better have been conducted outside the Gulf Western building on the edge of Central Park torch or two would have been appropriate not only for the symbolism but as source of heat in cold cold world Let those bloodless inhabitants of the board room recognize this as the                 protest of the organization man But no even in corporate defeat Dave DeBusschere would play by their rules His reaction was businesslike if trifle unconventional The fired em ployee called news conference And not just anywhere but in private room of that bastion of the New York power lunch the Four Seasons So much for those who claimed that as an executive DeBusschere was vir tually inert He moved to dispel the image yesterday His forte always was defense and this time he was placed in position of defending himself Within the infrastructure of Gulf Western and its subsidiary Madi son Square Garden Center Inc De Busschere had been chosen for sacrifice in the wake of 22 defeats in the Knicks' first 33 games As execu tive vice president and general man ager he had been selected to take the foil for series of events that crippled the team s ability to compete in the National Basketball Association Cer tainly when he was dismissed without warning Friday morning he thought of himself as scapegoat cannot help but feel singled out as the only one responsible for making decisions or not making decisions he said reading prepared statement Had known that new direction or approach had been mandated would either have agreed with management on the proper way to go or would have respectfully resigned my posi tion was terribly hurt last Friday Hurt enough to aim few barbs at Gulf Western's corporate shield                 For human dignity for my own be lief he said later in more relaxed mood Tve come forward and set the facts straight as what did and did not happen As his wife Gerri noted If you know your company is behind you don't mind taking the heat They were behind him all right And now that the knife has been re- moved DeBusschere said he ll be fine                 Ten years after Phil Jackson likened the tactics of the Knicks' parent com pany to that of the acquisitive con glomerate portrayed in Mel Brooks' Silent Movie there was reason to re vive the name One of Jackson's for mer teammates among handful of Knicks whose jerseys have been re tired had been swept aside in the in terests of better business                 Of course such organizations make easy targets They frequently have been the objects of scathing social sat ire most effectively realized in the movie Network Because these huge diversified corporations are faceless and unpenetrable to outsiders it s not difficult to work up an antipathy if not antagonism toward them DeBusschere businessman and commercial spokesman himself did not offer fresh insight into the corpo rate mentality He did say that big business and professional sports don't mix Upon reflection he stated no team has ever been successful when operated as part of big business This is true in all professional sports The way it works inhibits and prohibits immediate action quick decisions and the necessary decision-making that has to be done at one level and one level only It was DeBusschere's contention the Knicks were answerable to five different levels of management and decisions and negotiations involving Bill Cartwright Patrick Ewing Louis Orr and Albert King were hampered and delayed while he shuttled back and forth between agents and mem bers of the corporate board who had to approve such matters According -to DeBusschere he and Garden presi dent Jack Krumpe who announced the firing Friday merely served as conduits of Gulf Western policy participated in all decisions De Busschere said but tell you today that if could have operated under normal structure different results would have occurred Since the man did not threaten the reputation of the Celtics' Red Auerbach in DeBuss chere s one season as general manager of the Nets and his 3% years with the Knicks we can only take his word for that But surely it seems reason able request that the blame be spread around and considerable portion be delegated to corporate headquarters on Central Park West We didn't need DeBusschere to tell us The record speaks more eloquently Since first exercising its tive as majority stockholder in the Continued on Page 104                 Dave DeBusschere states his version of his firing by Gulf Western                 Newsday David Pokress                 He's Engulfed Devoured                 Continued from Page 111 Madison Square Garden Center with the appoint ment of Michael Burke as president Gulf Wes tern has presided over series of personnel changes and desperate measures that have dazed many New York sports fans but dazzled almost no one In man agement alone Burke stood aside for Sonny Werb- lin who gave way to his former deputy Krumpe In that time the Rangers have suffered through four general managers seven coaches and more than decade of frustration Turmoil within the Knicks has been no less pronounced as management bounced head coach Red Holzman in favor of old hero Willis Reed then returned Holzman to the bench before signing Hubie Brown Eddie Donovan replaced Holzman as general manager once it was decided Red should stick to one job then he was shunted aside to meaningless position when Werb- lin and the brass at recognized the star pow er of DeBusschere All the while of course the organization chased name players throughout the country landing two alas and alack in Spencer Haywood and Bob McAdoo losing No 1 draft choice in an embarrassing attempt to sign George                 McGinnis and being taken for joyride by the re tired Wilt Chamberlain Other organizations laughed in contempt The Knicks floundered Now we have new regime or perhaps business as usual with new figurehead in Scotty Stirling DeBusschere said he hopes the new man has author ity to act on his own or the Knicks will continue on treadmill If nothing else the abrupt dismissal of the one-time star was another public relations blun der To strip man of his dignity to do this to someone who meant so much to the franchise Gerri DeBusschere said is hard to accept She told of the reaction of her youngest child Dennis who is 10. He asked Will they take down his number now Chances are not even Gulf Wes tern is that insensitive or stupid No 22 said he planned to attend Earl Monroe Night when No 15 becomes the fifth member of the 1973 championship team to have replica of his uniform hung from the ceiling and will continue to root for the Knicks The Knicks still are my team DeBusschere said Unfortunately they re also the team of Gulf- Western -r</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Bolivian Cops Besieged By Irate Cocaine Farmers</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jan 11, 1986</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<Abstract>La Paz, Bolivia (AP)--The government said yesterday that it may send troops to rescue 245 police.. . whose camp in the heart of the cocaine region has been surrounded by thousands of coca farmers. . . by government plans to cut their producton. Interior Minister Fernando Barthelemy also said that growing fewer coca plants, from which cocaine. . . produced, could hurt the shattered Bolivian...</Abstract>
	<FullText>Bolivian Cops Besieged By Irate Cocaine Farmers                 La Paz Bolivia AP --The government said yesterday that it may send troops to rescue 245 police whose camp in the heart of the cocaine region has been surrounded by thousands of coca farmers by government plans to cut their producton Interior Minister Fernando Barthelemy also said that growing fewer coca plants from which cocaine produced could hurt the shattered Bolivian                 Cocaine brings in at least 450 million year BJaut the same amount as legal exports Barthe- Soy said Meanwhile this poor nation in the Andes tains has been plunged into economic ruin by Sronomical inflation and low world prices for tin its main export The United States says it will cut aid to Bolivia by half unless the crop-reduction plan is carried out American aid has totaled 64 million since Presi dent Victor Paz Estenssoro was sworn in Aug 6, but the amount for 1986 has not been set The disruption of the cocaine trade is having negative effect on our economy Barthelemy said Even so we have the moral obligation to continue but people outside must realize the sacrifices in volved Paz Estenssoro sent units of the Leopards anti- narcotics police who are financed and assisted by the United States into the area in December with orders to disrupt trafficking and destroy plants that turn coca leaves into paste The paste is re fined into cocaine much of which goes to the Unit ed States About 17,000 farmers gathered on Tuesday night                 around camp of 245 Leopards at Ivargazama town in the lush tropical Chapare region that was the center of paste processing until the anti- ics police arrived On visit Sunday to Ivargazama an Associated Press reporter saw the remains of drug-paste fa cility covering 25 acres that was destroyed by the Leopards Police say Ivargazama area produces 1,100 pounds of paste month Regional police said the siege developed after two intoxicated Leopards raped local woman but Col Guido Lopez the nation s top drug-enforcement offi cial said it was organized by traffickers who want to stop the government program Barthelemy said There is great deal of ten sion in' the Chapare and Ivargazama and things could deteriorate if the siege continues and food is unable to reach the Leopards police He said the alleged rape was setup by drug traffickers using woman of easy life who had re lations with many men Lopez expressed reservations about sending sol diers We could go in there and lift the siege in five minutes but then the drug traffickers would use the shooting and possible injuries as pretext for attacking our presence in the Chapare he said Ivargazama is five-hour drive from Cocha- bamba city of 200,000 people 160 miles east of La Paz the capital An avalanche caused by days of heavy rains washed out part of the road leading to it on Sunday killing 30 people in bus and making access difficult</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>$5M Discrepancy in Hospital Bills</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jan 8, 1986</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>Sandra Peddie</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Sandra Peddie</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Serious flaws in Stony Brook Hospital's computer system led to a $5-million discrepancy between what patients were charged and the services that records show they received over a two-month period, according to a state audit released yesterday.</Abstract>
	<FullText>5M Discrepancy in Hospital Bills                 By Sandra Peddie                 Serious flaws in Stony Brook Hospital's computer system led to 5-million discrepancy between what patients were charged and the services that records show they received over two-month period according to state audit released yesterday                 The system is so flawed state offi cials said that auditors could not tell whether patients had been underbilled or accurately billed In fact the report said the hospital itself cannot be sure that it is sending accu rate bills to the 100,000 patients it treats annually The State University at Stony Brook contracts with Shared Medical Ser vices private vendor in New York to prepare the hospital s bills based on                 transactions recorded by the hospital The problem said spokeswoman for state Comptroller Edward Regan is that the numbers don't match Stony Brook University Finance Di rector Richard Brown said the discre pancy was result of misinterpretation and did not indi cate any mistakes in billing Stony Brook University President John Marburger said the hospital was not aware of misbilling of any pa tients We think there is room for im provement of record-keeping he said We understand exactly what s hap pening No records have been lost and we don't think any incorrect charges have been made State auditors who looked at billing transactions conducted in October and                 November 1984, found that bills sent to patients during the period were million higher than the value of the services recorded by the hospital But hospital officials said that the services recorded may not have accurately re flected those provided and the audi tors said they lacked enough date to tell whether patients had been over- billed underbilled or properly billed Although the report said discrepan cies were not unusual in complex com puter billing systems it criticized the hospital for not trying to correct the discrepancy That's large discre pancy the state spokeswoman said The problem is it s not accounted for Richard Covert director of Hospital Management Systems Society pro fessional group in Chicago said he                 would be concerned about discre pancy of 5 percent or more of the total billing Stony Brook's million dis is roughly 7 percent of its an nual volume of 70 million This hospital spends million annually for its computer operations which includes salaries for 63 staff and the cost of operating systems to record patient services the state comptroller said in statement In addition it pays the vendor 600 000 per year to handle patient billing This expendi ture of money and manpower is waste ful if management does not ensure that it gets from point to point Marburger said that the university hopes to install new patient account system this year that will resolve any billing problems at the 540-bed hospi tal which opened' in 1980.</FullText>

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	<RecordTitle>Plan now for a harvest of fall and winter vegetables</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jul 26, 1981</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>Tom Stevenson</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Tom Stevenson</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Jack Frost need not put an end to your supply of home-grown vegetables. In fact, the best may be yet to come. Some of the most popular vegetables can be started now and harvested right up to the early winter months. Cool autumn weather actually improves the flavor of some of them.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Plan now for harvest of                 fall and winter vegetables                 By Tom Stevenson The Washington Post                 Jack Frost need not put an end to your supply of home-grown vegetables In fact the best may be yet to come Some of the most popular vegetables can be started now and harvested right up to the early winter months Cool autumn weather actually improves the flavor of some of them                 While not all late-summer or early-fall planted vegetables will fully mature most are quite deli cious when young To increase the chance of their reaching maturity select those having the shortest number of days to maturity That information will be on the seed packet Wherqyer you live your county extension service can help with exact plant ing dates Remember too that cold frames can extend the productivity of your fall garden With this protec tion loosehead lettuce such as Green Ice can pro vide crisp salad greens well into the cold months Important to the fall vegetable garden is con stant and uniform supply of water The weather is often hot and dry If you allow your garden soil to dry out the vegetables will stop growing and this may affect flavors Give your summer planted crops the same good attention and cutural conditions as spring-grown ones Prepare the soil well and work in balanced garden fertilizer Such as 5-10-5, according to pack age directions Sow seeds and later thin or trans plant seedlings as instructed on seed packets Cultivate occasionally to prevent weeds Better yet use mulch It Sot only smothers weeds but also promotes better growth and holds moisture in the soil Many people like combination of turnip                 greens mustard greens and ale mixture gives good flavor to the greens by playing down the bitterness of mustard while enhancing the flavor of the turnips and kale Winter bloomdale spinach is so hardy it will live over the winter from late August sowing and be ready to supply fresh tasty greens next spring This variety usually survives even in se verely cold areas without any protection Kale and collards grown during the summer tend to be tougher and not as sweet as tl ose grown during cooler seasons Beet greens are eaten by many people It is pos sible to use both tops and roots but the tops of large beets usually are tough and often damaged by leaf spotting diseases and are seldom good for green1 Beets must grow rapidly and continuously to develop high quality Therefore there should be adequate nitrogen 'phosphorus and potash in the soil Winter radishes can be sown about the middle of August and should last until the end of Novem ber Peas fresh from the garden are always mouth watering treat in the spring They can be sown in late July or early August for fall crop The plants can stand light frost but not heavy freeze For something little unusual and extra deli cious try Chinese cabbage Burpee Hybrid is one of the best It grows fast and needs cold weather to head well jjc We were away this spring and didn't get to plant azaleas Can it be done during the summer Azaleas can be planted and transplanted al- most anytime of the year if the ground isn't frozen                 Summer is not particularly good time but it can be done successfully if handled carefully and given plenty of water during hot dry weather Any week there is not an inch of rainfall give them good soaking The black-eyed susans along the roadside are beautiful How should go about getting some to plant in my garden Seed can be collected from the wild flowers ter they have ripened usually in August and early September Store the seed in cool place and sow them indoors in February or March or out doors in April or May Some of the grass in my lawn is dying My neighbor says need to spray for chinch bugs Is there way for me to determine whether it is nec essary Chinch bugs can be bad at fcis time of year They feed on the roots of grass and usually are not noticeable Remove the bottom from coffee can shove the cylinder into the damaged grass and fill it with water Check after five or 10 minutes to see if tiny black white-winged chinch bugs are float ing in the water If spraying is necessary Spectra- cide is one of the best materials to use Directions on the label should be followed closely was given flamingo flower It was but now it looks awful What does it need Antharium flamingo flower comes from tropi cal areas of South America The average rainfall in Colombia where most kinds originate is 390 inches per year The plant requires so saturated an atmo sphere that it is almost impossible to -grow it suc                 cessfully in the home It requires high humidity warm temperatures 80 to 85 degrees and light shade had fuchsias growing outdoors last summer in pots but when it started to get cold brought them indoors They stopped blooming in December and haven't bloomed since What would cause this Fuchsias are long-day plants They need 12 hours or more of light for flowering As the days get shorter in November and December they stop blooming The grass in our lawn looks kind of wilted Our neighbor says we should water it every week Is he right Watering is good for the grass if it is needed If there is anv best time to water it probably is early morning Watering in early evening may encour age diseases since the grass will be wet all night Proper watering will keep lawn looking nicer but will not basically improve an otherwise well-man- aged kentucky bluegrass or red fescue lawn When lawns are watered they should be thoroughly soaked at infrequent intervals have problem with the weeds in my vegeta ble garden especially in small section did not plant last year Any suggestions Using weed-killing chemical would also kill the vegetable plants An easy solution is to cover the area with black plastic and anchor it with stones Weeds cannot grow under the black plastic because there is no light Pull up the weeds that are there before you put down the plastic You can plant vegetable plants through slits you can make in the plastic</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>How Do You Rate</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Sep 6, 1981</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>Bruce M Nash</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Bruce M Nash</OriginalForm>
		<PersonName>Randolph B Monchick</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Randolph B Monchick</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Will you have a sex life after 65? You can. Lots of people do. But it all depends on the way you live right now. Check out your prospects by taking this quiz.</Abstract>
	<FullText>How Do You Rate                 QUIZ TO HELP YOU UNDERSTAND YOURSELF                 Will Your Sex Drive Pass 65?                 By Bruce Nash And Randolph Monchick                 Will you have sex life after 65? You can Lots of people do But it all depends on the way you live right now Check out your prospects by taking this quiz                 1. How would you rate your sex life at present Very satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory 2. How's your health today Excellent Fair Poor 3. How much drugs or medicines do you take Very little Little Probably too much 4. How much are you using alcoholic beverages Very little little Probably too much 5. Are you stimulated by being around very attractive members of the opposite sex regardless of their age Definitely Sometimes Not usually 6. How hard do you try to stay in good physical condi tion lot moderate amount Very little 7. Do you overeat Not at all Sometimes Often 8. Does your health permit you to engage in regular sex ual activity Decidedly Probably Probably not 9. Do you have as much interest in sex as you did five years ago Decidedly Probably Probably not 10. How would you rate your sex drive today Very interested Somewhat interested Disinterested Turn to page 12                 'Are you stimulated by being around very attractive members of the opposite sex                 Rate From page 9                 'If your spouse were to pass away would you look for another mate after period of time                 11. In sexual activity are you tense Not in the least little Probably not 12. Do you think that mem bers of the opposite sex who are your age or older find you at tractive Probably Maybe Probably not 13. Do you think you re more stimulating company in mixed group than in one made up of your own sex only Undoubtedly Probably Makes no difference 14. If your spouse were to pass away would you look for another mate after period of time Very likely Possibly Probably not Interpreting Your Score Give yourself two points for each answer one for each and none for each Here's what your score means 20 to 28: You're extremely likely to have an active sex life well past 65. What's more you ll enjoy it to the fullest 15 to 19: You should have at least moderately active sex life after 65, and you ll derive real enjoyment from it 14 to 18: You need to take better care of yourself and to work harder at getting along with the opposite sex If you do your capacity for sex in the later years will be at least moderately satisfactory 13 or below Start making changes in your life now if you want to enjoy sex when you re over 65. This means working to improve your health and physical condition your initia tive and interest in sex-- im mediately From The Book of Tests by Bruce Nash and Randolph Monchick published by Doubleday Co Inc Copy right 1980 by Bruce Nash and Randolph Monchick</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Why People Take Drugs</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jul 26, 1981</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<Abstract>Where does the pressure to take drugs come from? What should kids do about it? This week's class, Thalia Cassuto's fifth graders, talked about how they fed. Hers is what they told Laure Wegner, Newsday's Kidsday editor.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Why People Take Drugs                 Where does the pressure to take drugs come from What should kids do about it This week s class Thalia Cassuto's fifth graders talked about how they fed Hers is what they told Laure Wegner Newsday's Kidsday editor                 It's not cool We think that kids take drugs for lots of different reasons Some people take drugs because they want to feel older more mature than they are think they are wrong said Stephen Bradshaw Some take-drugs so they can act cool said Eddle Froitr Kenny Ahnesttca said they get too high they go into the hospital and get famous to their friends They go to friend s house and their sees them sad or with headache and gives them drugs to make them feel-better said Denise Colon Then they find out what it was and they like it When they don't feel good they take drugs Some people don't really want to take drugs but they dont want to be left out said Kia Jeffries At what age do kids begin to feel this pressure think they start when they re 14, 15 and older because they start in junior high said Jeena Kwon We're afraid of the pressure we might feel in school but many of us think that the problem starts at home Some parents might have problems and take drugs so the kids are influ enced and they take drugs too said Yvonne Mange 'Another lift' Allison Stekler said They think it helps them but it only makes their problems worse Some people are tired of their life style and want to go into another life but it doesnt turn out that way said Danny Hoch                 Karen Derlly said Some people want to be part of it so they take drugs When they run out of money they start stealing 'Teople get addicted to drugs and then harder to get off them said J-- DtriaL So what can kids do when someone tries to get them to take drugs Dont said Danny Marcktell Just walk away Ifa better to friend than to lose your life or something tony said If your mends take drugs or push you to take drugs they re not really your friends                 Kidsday Illustration by Da Hoch</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>A SUNDIAL</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Aug 30, 1981</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>Gerard James Polizzi</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Gerard James Polizzi</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>A sundial tells time by shadows. The first sundial was probably nothing but a stick stood up in the ground in an open space. The oldest sundial known was made in Egypt about 3,500 years ago. The Greeks were the first people to use the sundial.</Abstract>
	<FullText>SUNDIAL                 By Gerard James Polizzi Kidsday Staff Reporter                 sundial tells time by shadows The first sundial was probably nothing but stick stood up in the ground                 in an open space The oldest sundial known was made in Egypt about 3,500 years ago The Greeks were the first people to use the sundial                 If you are at the park or the beach sundial can be useful If you have to be home at certain time and you don't have watch draw sundial with these' directions How to Make Sundial 1. First you must set up your sun dial in the right direction The sun rises in the east in the morning At night the sun sets in the west That is how to tell east and west An easy way to tell north and south is if you stand with your right hand in the east and your left hand in the west In front if you is north and behind you is south 2. Find good sunny spot 3. Draw circle in the sand or dirt 4. Put straight stick in the mid dle of the circle 5. Draw line at the top bottom and sides of the circle Make 12 in the north 3 in the east 6. in the south 9 in the west and fill in the numbers in between 6. The way to tell the time is where the Bhadow of the stick falls Example If you have to leave someplace at 2 o clock then mark that spot on the sundial When the shadow reaches that point it is 2 o clock</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>FBI Arrests 3 in Bid to Sell Stolen Bonds</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Aug 30, 1981</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>Caryn Eve Wiener</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Caryn Eve Wiener</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>New York--A nine-day sting operation in which FBI agents posed as merchants for stolen stocks has resulted in the arrest of three men who were trying to sell $50 million worth of bonds from Manhattan's financial district, the FBI said yesterday.</Abstract>
	<FullText>FBI Arrests 3 in Bid to Sell Stolen Bonds                 By Caryn Eve Wiener                 New York--A nine-day sting operation in which FBI agents posed as merchants for stolen stocks has resulted in the arrest of three men who were trying to sell 50 million worth of bonds from Manhattan's financial district the FBI said yesterday                 Joseph Valiquette an FBI spokes man said the men were arrested Fri day at 6:30 PM in posh Midtown hotel by an agent who posed as buyer of stolen bonds The suspects Steven D'Alessio 42, of 220-55 46th Ave Bayside Gary Franklyn Haas 40, of 105 Brewery Rd New City and William DeCicco 30, of 1038 22nd St                 Brooklyn-- were arraigned yesterday The FBI said the three men some how came into possession of 50 million in Federal Home Loan Bank Bonds that had been lost by Citi bank messenger who was delivering them on Aug 20 to Manufacturers' Hanover Trust from Citibank in Manhattan No charges were filed against the messenger who is Citibank employ ee The bonds are negotiable bearer bonds or the equivalent of cash Valiquette said that shortly after Citibank notified the agency that the bonds were missing the FBI began the undercover operation                 Once they learned the men wanted to sell the bonds an agent posing as stock merchant set up meeting in hotel 65 000 for 500 000 in bonds as gesture of good faith The agent agreed to buy all the bonds for 65 million and flashed an other million in cash to show the men he had the wherewithal to purchase the remaining stolen bonds When the three delivered the re- maining bonds Friday they were ar rested Valiquette said search revealed other bonds be lieved to be in excess of SI million 000 in 100 bills five handguns two rifles ammunition and bullet proof vest                 Valiquette said the FBI does not know whether any of the cache had been stolen The three were arraigned yesterday in District Court charged with violating federal embezzlement and theft of public money statutes and con spiracy If convicted the men face sentences of up to 16 years in jail and fines of up to 15 000 DeCicco was released on 75 000 personal recognizance bond The other two are at the federal Metropolitan Correctional Center tiie same bond had been set for them but they did not have enough assets to secure that bond the FBI said</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Divers Battle Deadline For 2nd Andrea Doria Safe</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Aug 30, 1981</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<FullText>Divers Battle Deadline For 2nd Andrea Doria Safe                 With one day left before their mission is can- celed divers continued to labor in long shifts at depths of 225 feet yesterday to find second safe possibly containing gold and jewels in the submerged Italian liner Andrea Doria We're going for it said John Breen first mate aboard the salvage vessel Sea Level II 50 miles off Nantucket Mass This is one of the greatest adventures of the century Diving teams which are also looking for wa door that may have been ajar and thus had helped the supposedly unsinkable ship to sink just hours after collision 25 years ago be gan their search yesterday at 8:14 AM and con tinued until nightfall another crew member said yesterday by radiotelephone The expedition to retrieve sunken treasure from the ship 40 miles south of Nantucket Mass is scheduled to end tomorrow because the spon sors have run out of funds said Peter Gimbel the expedition s leader Divers recovered two-ton Bank of Rome safe believed to contain more than million in cash and other treasures on Thursday night Girl Critical After Hit-Run Mastic Beach 17-year-old girl was report ed in critical condition yesterday from injuries suffered in hit-and-run accident at Mastic Beach Road and Lincoln Avenue Suffolk Police said Terry Richardson of 157 McKinley Dr Mastic Beach was struck about 8:30 PM Friday as she walked near the intersec tion Miss Richardson was taken to Brookhaven Hospital in East Patchogue</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>New York Tech Reaches a Level of Achievement</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Aug 30, 1981</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>Steve Marcus</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Steve Marcus</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Just two years ago, New York Tech considered dropping its football program. The college's Division II philosophy was resulting in high costs and losing seasons.</Abstract>
	<FullText>New York Tech                 Reaches Level of Achievement                 By Steve Marcus                 Just two years ago New York Tech considered dropping its football program The college s Division II philosophy was resulting in high costs and losing seasons                 we naa to maxe athletic director Sam Stern said We had to drop it all together or compete in Division IH The choice was made to go Division HI Marty Senall highly regarded high school coach at South Shore High in New York City was given the job of changing Tech's losing image He took over 1-7-1 team and improved its record to 5-4-2 last year This season even more progress is expected It's already occurred off the field new weight room has been added The field has new bleachers to seat 2,000 with new scoreboard and modernized pressbox The long- range goal is lofty Hopefully we can get little national recognition as one of the best teams in Division III Stern said Stern isn't being unrealistic Two years ago his basketball team was na tionally ranked in Division II He is hoping the same for the football team and thinks Senall is the coach to do it He's been here night and day Stern said He was 5-4 last year and hopefully can build from that As for the team itself Senall is ex cited about the return of Stevie Wil liams 5-9, 215-pound tailback whom Senall describes as small but big Williams gained 600 yards in eight games last year and helped Tech win two games by kicking two 30-yard field goals At quarterback junior Mark Baron will start Hp foj yards                 and six touchdowns last season Baron may just have to be good enough to make handoff as Senall's philosophy is to run first and throw second How many good teams did you ever see that didn't have strong running game he said Still inexperience may hurt Tech on offense Senall said On defense re John Sullivan Pete Barnable Vance Stay and Dan Woods will hold the unit together somewhat easier schedule will help Senall noted We're still not technically in Division III he said because we still have some scholar ship players Division HI schools do not offer scholarships and Tech will not be considered part of Division HI until its last scholarship player gradu ates which will be in two years Be cause it has no divisional affiliation Tech will not be eligible for post-sea son berth But it would be nice to win that many Senall said The schedule Sept -- 12 Mansfield State 19 at St Lawrence 26 at Cortland Oct -- 3 New Haven 10 RPI 17 at Lowell 24 Glassboro State 31 at Iona Not 7 at Albany State 14 at Jersey City State Hofstra The Flying Dutchmen had the best record of any Long Island college foot ball team last year as they won eight of 10 games in Division HI Coach Bill Leete has left to take the athletic di rector s job at New Haven Replacing Leete is 33-year-old Mickey Kwiat- kowski who two years ago taught Leete the wing-T offense during seminar at Southwest Missouri State Kwiatkowski who was the offensive coordinator at Southwest Missouri is still getting to know his new team He doesn't mind having the added pres sure of stepping into winning situa tion To' me that takes care of the confidence part of the problem he said Heck there s little pressure but that s what it s all about                 Kings Point career rushing leader Dean Doe and coach Dennis Barrett confer                 Newsday Dan Goodrich                 Problem No 1 for the new coach is finding replacement for graduated quarterback George Muller whom Kwiatkowski called the best wing-T quarterback I've ever seen Not one of the newcomers has an ounce of exper ience Four will compete for the job including Pat O'Connor and Dom Ca- larusso who were backups to Muller last year The new coach said he did very poor job in recruiting with only 19 freshman added to the roster But he said they know that they ll have heck of an opportunity to show what they can do Although he inherited most of the team Kwiatkowski said he takes full responsibility for its effort this season I'm totally accountable HI assume all the success and all the failures The schedule Sept -- 11 lona 18 Seton Hall 26 at Alfred Oct -- 3 Cortland 10 Wagner 17 at WPI 24 at St John's 31 at Kings Point Not -- 7 at Fordham 14 Coast Guard Kings Point Dennis Barrett becomes the Mari ners' 12th head coach in 36 years He had great success at Monsignor Far- rell High in Staten Island winning 103 games and losing just 13 in -14 years but he takes over team that was winless in 11 games last year This is challange as big chal lenge as any human being could want Barrett said It is an opportu nity to take over program that hit rock bottom Barrett is not predicting any instant success especially with the Mariners' difficult schedule that includes an opening game at Boston University It's going to take while he said We have large measure of improve ment but where that fits in wins and losses don't know One player Barrett can count on is senior running back Dean Doe who may be too small to make the pros but                 has been just the right size for Kings Point's Division II schedule Doe aver aged 179 yards game last year for total of 1,397 yards and nine touch downs He is the academy s all-time leader in vards gained rushing with 2,527. Most of last year s team returns and Barrett is hoping that will at least mean more experience 'Tm either ambitious or crazy Bar rett said of his new post The schedule Sept 5 at Boston 12 at Coast Guard 19 Bucknell 26 at Rhode Island Oct -- 3 at Nicholls State 17 Wagner 24 Towson State 31 Hofstra Nov 14 Lafayette 21 at Post Nassau CC The Lions have been the area s most successful collegiate team over the years as Jim Weinman's 13-year re cord of 88-30-1 proves Nassau oftens finds itself near the top of the National Junior Collegiate Athletic Association rankings Last year was different De spite respectable 7-3 record Wein- man considered the season unsuccessful would say losing three games here ranks as one of our worse years he said We'd like to think we can win them all Injuries played large part in last year s problems One major problem this season is replacing quarterback Jeff Hammond who left for Cornell We've always thrown the ball Wein man said John Medford of Bethpage and Rutgers transfer Lou Voltaggio will get good look at quarterback So will John DeLucie of Massapequa Newsday all-Long Island selection last fall who heads the freshman class Defense will be the Lions' strong suit Weinman said Standouts include ends John Barthalt and George Botsch tackle Mike Kennedy and linebackers Tom Petrizzo and John Columbia We look forward to good season Weinman said One' held to gether by our' defense                 The schedule Sept 12 Potomac 9 Westchester CC 25 at Hudson Valley Oct -- 3 at Lees-McRa 10 at Wesley JC 17 Har ford CC 23 at Albany JV 31 at Ferrum JC Nov -- 3 at Chowan 14 at Montgomery Post Jim Colbert returns for his second year after 5-5 mark last season for the college s 15th straight non-losing season 'Tm probably the first guy here to get two-year contract Col bert said Dom Anile put in lot of years at Post but squabbles with school officials as to the direction of the football program led to his resig nation two years ago Colbert said the administration has treated him well and he s comfortable with the demands of Division II schedule Still seeking an identity among Division II teams Post may still be year or two away from highly successful record gaping hole is finding replacement for full back Tom Bennett Post's all-time leading rusher with 3,006 yards Senior quarterback Dave Sansone will direct the offense and if the run ning game is unproductive there s ai receivers Tom Capone and Tom DeBona Colbert is making no predictions as to Post's won-loss record 'We expect to see measurable improvement he said The schedule Sept 12 East Stroudsberg 19 Springfield 26 North eastern Oct -- 3 at Centrai Connecticut 10 at James Madison 17 at Indiana Pa 24 Shippensburg 31 at Lafayette Nov -- 7 American International 14 at Tow- son State 21 Kings Point St John's Coach Bob Ricca isn't too disappoint ed at last year s 3-7 record St John's is just four removed from being club team and still is having difficulty in the Division IE-dominated Metro politan Intercollegiate Conference We knew that the success we had as club team wouldn't carry over right away Ricca said But now we re 'ready -to Jhave 'a good' year Up 1                 and down we re improved And the biggest factor is depth Todd Jamieson who transferred from Hofstra most likely will be the starting quarterback There is an ex perienced backfield with Nick Casa Bob Battipaglia Joe Vito and Mario Dilello The leading receiver is Sean McConnack who has the St John's record with 116 receptions in his three-year career On defense Ricca needs to find suitable secondary and defensive tack le from the freshman class The schedule Sept 12 at Kean 19 Jersey City state 26 Marist Oct 3 at Pace 9 at William Patterson 17 at George- own 24 Hoffstra Nor 1 at St Peter's 7 rona Brooklyn Stony Brook This is year of major decision for the Patriots' football program Coach Fred Kemp is determined that this will be the last season Stony Brook competes on club level He made presentation to university officials re questing Division III status and is awaiting their reply Kemp has 37-24-1 record includ ing 6-2-1 last year in seven years at Stony Brook The new administration seems to be sincerely interested and I'm happy With that Kemp said Right now Kemp has difficulty sched uling Division III opponents Nobody wants to be put in the position of los ing to club football team he said Brooklyn College is' the lone Division III opponent on this year s schedule Nine of the starting 11 defensive players will return led by defensive end Charlie 'Nicholas and safety Brian Fabricant Ray McKenna transfer from Ithaca will start at quarterback with Tony McNair and Billy Flynn the leading running backs The schedule Sept 19 at Fairfield 26 at Siena Oct -- 2 Rutgers- Newark 10 Rutgers-Livingston 17. at Brooklyn College 24 Manhattan 31 at St John Fisher Nov -- 7 NorwaUc 1 14* New -York Maritime                 New York Tech coach Marty Senall makes point to his defensive mainstays from left Dan Woods Vance Stay Pete Barnable and John Sullivan                 Newsday Karen Wiles</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Bosox' 7-Run 8th Downs Yanks</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Sep 20, 1981</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>Joe Donnelly</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Joe Donnelly</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Boston--The Yankees were subdued in their clubhouse but hardly demoralized. As tough as the finish was in their 8-5 loss to the Red Sox yesterday, they were not going to let it affect them unduly. There is so little at stake from where they sit. The only advantage, should they finish atop the East...</Abstract>
	<FullText>Bosox' 7-Run 8th Downs Yanks                 By Joe Donnelly                 Boston--The Yankees were subdued in their clubhouse but hardly demoralized As tough as the finish was in their 8-5 loss to the Red Sox yesterday they were not going to let it affect them unduly There is so little at stake from where they sit The only advantage should they finish atop the East                 sion for the second season is four divi sion playoff games being scheduled in Yankee Stadium instead of three It's hard to get up but then you also don't get too down Lou Piniella said Even after tough one like this Eon Guidry methodically chewed his way through postgame meal Having left the game with 5-1 lead after pitching seven sound in nings he never let on that being de nied his 12th victory was hard to swallow Chances are that most times that won t happen Guidry said of the seven runs scored in the eighth off Eon Davis and Dave LaBoche Unlike the Yankees the Bed Sox are charged up and so are their fans After nine straight losses to the Yan kees in Fenway Park the Sox had pulled one out That had not happened since the night Carl Yastrzemski got Ms 3,000th hit two Septembers ago Legend has it that Yaz sold his soul to the devil that night He was granted the hit in exchange for the promise that after that night tie Red Sox would nev er beat the Yankees in Boston so long as he remained an active player Not true said the grinning 42-year-old. What is true is remember lot of comebacks here but never remember us coming back with two outs and no body on and down by bunch ITie bottom of the eighth opened in enough Bob Lemon would have liked to have brought in Rich Gossage when Guidry said he had had enough of the dank rainy afternoon But the Yankees' big reliever has not been available since pulling groin muscle shagging flies in the outfield in Milwaukee earlier in the week He's getting better Lemon said but didn't want to risk working him on that wet mound Besides Davis the alternate choice had returned to his first-half form of late Friday night against the Red Sox he had come on to retire seven straight hitters and gain victory And two hit                 ters into the eighth there was abso lutely no reason for concern he had retired Jerry Remy on ground ball and came back from 3-and-0 count to fan Dwight Evans had good stuff Davis said had just as good stuff as had last night An inkling of what was to come was provided by Jim Rice single high off the leftfield wall Then Davis walked Yastrzemski on four straight pitches He wasn't throwing the same as the first time the Red Sox captain said He was bringing it then But the big difference was his control He was missing bad                 When Davis struggled earlier in the second season there was discomfort in the bicep of his pitching arm Working two straight days might have vated that trouble but if it did he re fused to admit it have no excuses he said just never have had any good luck pitching in rainy weather The ball is slippery the hands are wet But if get beat get beat I'm not going to worry about this one don't need any excuses Carney Lansford lined single to right to score Rice and make the score 5-2. Dave Stapleton doubled down the rightfield line to score Yastrzemski                 When Reggie Jackson had trouble picking up the ball Lansford also scored on the rightfielder s error The Yankees' lead had been reduced to 5-4. Tony Perez walked on full-count pitch and Davis was done LaRoche came on and faced pinch- Intter Joe Rudi The 35-year-old Rudi brought 179 batting average into the game but he still is effective in clutch situations With only 117" pre vious at-bats this season he had man aged to knock in 22 runs And he delivered once more missing three- run homer down the rightfield line by inches before lining game-tying sin gle to right to score Stapleton That brought up Rick Miller who is enjoying fine season in his return to Boston love playing here the 33- year-old veteran said It's so inti mate There are 32,000 people 32 620 yesterday in the park and they sound like 100,000. So many ballfields you re in your own world Not here One thing Miller is not expected to provide is the long ball He faced La- Roche having hit only 21 home runs in 2,994 big-league at-bats or one every 142.6 at-bats The count went to 3- and-0 and Miller was flashed the sign to swing if he wanted figured he would be taking LaRoche said Miller had set his mind to swing only at pitch he figured he could handle Something down because he handles that pitch better than the ball up That's where LaRoche's fastball was and Miller swung and sent the pitch on 400-foot trip into the Red Sox bullpen He heard 100,000 voices YANKEES BOSTON abrhbi abrhbi Randolph 2b 5 0 3 1 Remy 2b 5 0 10 Murcerdh 5 111 Evans rf 4 0 10 infield cf 4 2 10 Rice If 4 110 Jacksonrf 30 11 Yastrzeimkl dfi 3 100 Gamble If 3 0 0 0 Lansfora 4 2 3 1 Piniella ph 10 11 Stapleton sss 4 12 1 Werthlf 0 0 0 0 Perez lb 3 111 Nettles 3b 4 0 0 0 Allenson 3 0 10 Watsoa lb 4 0 0 0 Gedman ph 0 0 0 0 Cerone 4 2 10 Rudi ph 10 11 Milbourne ss 3 0 2 1 Nichols pr 0 0 0 Lickert 0 0 0 Miller cf 4 113 36 5 10 5 35 8 12 7 Yankees ill 100 010-5 10 1 Boston 010 000 07x-- 8 12 3 E-- Torrez Stapleton Lansford Jackson DP Yan kees 1, Boston LOB-- Yankees 7, Boston 5. 2B-- Jack son Cerone Milbourne Perez Evans Stapleton Randolph HR-- Murcer Miller Milbourne IP Guidry 7 7 110 6 Davis 3-5) 2-3 3 5 5 2 1 LaRoche 1-3 2 2 2 0 1 Torrez 7 8 5 4 2 2 Tudor 4-3) 1 0 0 0 1 Clear CS 9) 1 1 0 0 0 1 T-- 2:44. A-- 32,620.                 After'his game-winning homer Rick Miller is embraced by Carney Lansford                 AP Photo</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Defense Budget: The Bottom Line Or Bottomless Pit</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Sep 6, 1981</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>Otis Pike</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>OTIS PIKE</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>THERE IS such a degree of confusion about what the President intends to spend on defense in order to protect us from our enemies and protect us from our- selves that it is time to review the bidding.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Defense Budget The Bottom Line Or Bottomless Pit                 OTIS PIKE                 THERE IS such degree of confusion about what the President intends to spend on defense in order to protect us from our enemies and protect us from our- selves that it is time to review the bidding                 In one of his last acts as President Jimmy Carter submitted on Jan 15 proposed budget for the year that starts Oct 1. That year is fiscal 1982. For fiscal 1982, Carter proposed that we authorize for defense purposes the sum of 195 billion This was an increase of 25 billion over the 1981 figure and it would provide said Carter course of sustained and balanced improvements in defense programs that will require real annual in creases in funding of about 5 per cent per year The key word in the unreal world of defense spending is real As Carter used it the word meant 5 per cent above the rate of inflation An inflation rate of 10 per cent would have required spending increases of 15 per cent to maintain the sustained and balanced improvements the de- parting President called for Not enoughs-said -the-' incoming                 President Not enough said the in coming Congress One month Jater Reagan got standing ovation as he told joint session of Congress what his economic program consisted of He called for cutting Carter's pro posed 1982 spending not including defense by 41 billion He called                 for cutting Carter's proposed 1982 tax revenues by 53 billion But when it came to defense Rea gan said It is the only department in our entire program that will actu ally be increased over the present budget figure believe that my duty as President requires that -recommend- increases in defense                 spending over the coming years Well Carter had recommended in creases in defense spending over the coming years too 5 per cent in real annual increases What did Reagan recommend Reagan took Carter's 195 billion for 1982 and upped it to S221 billion For comparison the 1980 figure for the same purposes was 142 bil lion meaning that in current dollars two Presidents have proposed and two Congresses have accepted in creasing defense spending by 55 per cent in two years What does it mean in real dollars No one knows for no one knows what the inflation rate will be for the fiscal year starting Oct 1. We aren't even certain what the final figure will be for the year that ends on Sept 30. What does it add in real defense great deal less than it adds in real dollars Defense manpower and pro                 costs inflate faster than the rate of inflation B-l bombers and MX missiles and Trident submarines are completely ineffective in preventing hostages from being seized in Iran or military headquarters being blown up in West Germany We are- spending all our money                 on the war we are not going to fight Now comes the confusion On Tuesday the news out of California was that the President was willing to cut his proposed defense budget not for fiscal 1982, but for 1983 and 1984, by up to 30 billion On Wednesday senior Pentagon official traveling to Honolulu aboard plane carrying Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger that Pentagon official is Wein berger folks said he was absolutely certain that no decisions had been made to cut defense spending On Wednesday the President said in Chicago that his willingness to cut defense spending does not mean we are retreating from the program we adopted of an annual 7 per cent in crease in defense spending Now comes the old shell game Seven per cent of what If it is to be 7 per cent above the 1980 budget it is easy even in terms of constant dol lars We are way ahead of that right now If it is to be 7 per cent above the 1981 defense budget of Carter 170 billion it is still easy Reagan added almost billion to the 1981 defense budget making it 177 bil lion Is it to bs 7 per cent above that Is it to be 7 per cent above Carter's last budget the one he proposed for fiscal 1982? Or finally is it to be 7 per cent above the 1SC2 budget as Reagan amended it That one would be very difficult to increase for that is the one which has already been increased by 55 per cent in two years It is tough trying to find the bot tom line when the President isn't even saying where he s starting from Jack Altshul is                 'Two Presidents have proposed and two Congresses have accepted in creasing defense spending by 55 per cent in two years</FullText>
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		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Sep 20, 1981</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>Dennis B Sprung</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>DENNIS B SPRUNG</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Recently a law was passed in the Town of Hempstead that if left unchallenged would have seriously affected all hobby breeders and exhibitors. The law severely curtailed the breeding and harboring of dogs. In fact, if someone owned even one dog and bred it, that individual would be in violation</Abstract>
	<FullText>DOGS                 BY DENNIS SPRUNG                 Some Fanciers Battled 'City Hall'--And Won                 Recently law was passed in the Town of Hempstead that if left unchallenged would have seriously affected all hobby breeders and exhibitors The law severely curtailed the breeding and harboring of dogs In fact if someone owned even one dog and bred it that individual would be in violation                 of the law and subject to fine of 250 After passage of the law the dog com munity voiced objections and com mittee of five fanciers joined together to successfully amend the newly adopted law Meetings were held literature dis                 tributed telephone calls were placed and both local and national dog orga nizations were contacted As result the fancy at large immediately joined ranks The culmination of these actions is as follows in letter from the Town of Hempstead Coalition of Dog Fan addressed to all dog fanciers We are very happy to advise you of legislation recently adopted by the Hempstead Town Board which per mits hobby breeders to pursue their avocation with the blessing of local government The legislation comes in the form of amendments to Articles 1 and 14 of the Building Zone Ordi nance which was effective on June 28. Specifically the new amend ments permit the hobby breeder to raise occasional litters of puppies and periodically sell puppies and adult dogs The hobby breeder is permitted to maintain dogs at his private residence for the purpose of breeding hunting practice tracking exhibiting in dog                 shows obedience or field trials These aspects breeding will not be in violation of residential zoning This landmark legislation is be lieved to be the first of its kind in the United States and it has originated in the largest town in America Hopeful ly this legislation will become the model bill for many towns and states across the country We can learn lesson from this ex perience which is that this type of lawful unified action by dog people will keep our hobby free from any un necessary or unfair legislation How ever at the same time we must keep in mind that we have responsibility to our neighbors and our neighbor- hood and that we are still bound by health codes and nuisance laws which are not detrimental to our sport The committee intends to remain in contact with Presiding Town Supervi sor Thomas Gulotta and other elect ed officials concerning matters relating to dogs For further informa-                 tion concerning the coalition contact committee members Jeanne Rice of Valley Stream at 825-8122 days or Fred Grassick of Elmont at 561-9147 evenings The other three members of the committee are Carol Reisman of Woodmere Simon Rutman of Belle- rose and Sue Weiss of Woodmere Three all-breed point shows are scheduled for next weekend The Brookhaven Kennel Club show will be held on Friday in Middle Island fol lowed by the Suffolk County Kennel Club's event in Lake Grove on Satur day On Sunday the Westbury Kennel Association will hold its 59th annual show on the grounds of Post College in Brookville The Westbury show fea tures 10 specialties and 17 supported entries Entry blanks and premium lists may be obtained from the super intendent the Mos Bow-Foley Dog Show Organization PO Box 22107, Greensboro 27420; phone 919 379-9352.</FullText>

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	<RecordTitle>EPA Chief, 2 Top Aides Resign</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Mar 25, 1983</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
	<FullText>EPA Chief 2 Top Aides Resign                 Page 5                 Senate Panel Cuts Salvador Aid in Half                 Washington AP --The Senate Foreign Relations Committee agreed yesterday to halve the Reagan administration s request for 60 million in military aid for El Salvador and called on the United States to encourage talks between the Salvadoran regime and leftist guerrillas In letter to Secretary of State George Shultz the committee said it does not object to diverting 30 million of military aid from other countries to arm and train Salvadoran soldiers engaged in civil war The committee did not take vote but chairman Charles Percy R-Ill said consensus was reached on the letter President Reagan had asked for 60 million saying that more American advisers might have to be sent if the full amount was not granted The current limit on advisers is 55. The Senate appropriations subcommittee on foreign operations sent Shultz letter yesterday approving the full 60 million But Rep Clarence Long D-Md chairman of the House appropriations subcommittee put off action until after the congressional Easter recess even though yesterday was supposed to be the deadline He said severe family illnesses made it impossible to get all the members together this week Long said in an interview Thursday that the Democratic- controlled panel is going to be harder-nosed than the Senate committees He said his subcommittee would be unlikely to approve more than 30 million and quite possibly less The Senate Foreign Relations Committee said it believes that the United States should use its good offices to encourage an unconditional dialogue among all parties to the conflict in El Salvador in the hope of achieving political resolution Salvadorans mark anniversary of archbishop s slaying Page 11.) The State Department said the call for unconditional discussions on ending the conflict would not alter either or Salvadoran opposition to guerrilla role in the government</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Sewer Bailout Mired in Albany</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jul 1, 1984</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Miriam Pawel Newsday Staff Correspondent</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Albany-- With only hours to go last night before the Legislature was to leave for the summer, a bill allowing Suffolk County to raise its sales tax remained mired in the controversy that has surrounded it from the start.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Sewer Bailout Mired in Albany                 Nassau Sales-Tax Extension Wins OK                 Page 3                 Suffolk Sewer Bailout Mired Extension of Nassau Tax OKd                 By Miriam Pawel Newsday Staff Correspondent                 Albany-- With only hours to go last night before the Legislature was to leave for the summer bill allowing Suffolk County to raise its sales tax remained mired in the controversy that has surrounded it from the start                 as tne AssemDiy moved to recess tne tn legisla tive session bill enabling Nassau County to extend 1-cent increase in the sales tax won final passage from the Assembly at about 6:15 During the afternoon the Assembly acted on host of bills ranging from toxic waste dumping to prison overcrowding that were sent over by the Senate which completed its de liberations at 3:40 yesterday decision on whether the Suffolk sales tax bill would move to the floor remained up to Assembly Speak er Stanley Fink D-Brooklyn who declined to say what he would do The Senate passed the bill last week During the past days Fink was the target of heavy lobbying from Long Island Democrats on both sides of the issue Assemb Patrick Halpin D-Lindenhurst who represents about one-third of the 300,000 people in the Southwest Sewer District and who spearheaded the drive for the bill remained optimistic that it would pass in the closing hours The three other Suffolk Democrats in the Assembly William Bianchi D-Bellport Paul Harenberg D- Bayport and George Hochbrueckner D-Coram who are from outside the sewer district have been pressur ing Fink to kill the bill The fact that the bill has yet to reach the floor should not necessarily be interpreted as good or bad sign said Suffolk Deputy County Executive Howard DeMartini chief lobbyist for County Executive Peter Cohalan who proposed the sales tax increase If the bill passes the Assembly and is signed into law by Gov Mario Cuomo Cohalan would still have to muster 10 votes in the county legislature to implement the quarter-of-a-cent increase in the sales tax The new revenue would go into special fund to stabilize rates in the Southwest district and in 39 smaller sewer dis tricts around the county Without any mitigating ac tion tax rates for property owners in the Southwest Sewer District will double next year from the current 64 cents per 100 of full value In the last few days Democrats on both sides of the issue have been flooding Fink's office with calls Suf folk Democratic leader Dominic Baranello spoke to Fink on Friday but Baranello said yesterday he did not lobby for or against the bill He did however tell Fink                 that Halpin does not face serious challenge in the November election think it has been blown out of proportion Baranello said Supporters of the sales tax plan have been counting on Fink to help Halpin who expects to face tough race especially if he fails to get the bill through the Assembly                 Unlike the Suffolk tax where politicians split on geographic lines the Nassau sales tax was highly partisan political issue resolved finally by Assemb Ar thur Kremer D-Long Beach and Republican county officials The bill passed yesterday would continue the full penny extension in 1985 with three-quarters of the cent going to the county and one-quarter to towns and cities to defray garbage disposal costs In 1986, it would be reduced to three-quarters of cent and then discon tinued by the end of the year The Nassau bill now goes to Cuomo It will also require approval from the county Board of Supervisors                 Dispute LI Prison Fate Entangled Assembly OKs Wine-Cooler Bill Page 17</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>MADE IN AMERICA</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Oct 14, 1984</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<PersonName>Peter M Gianotti</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Peter M Gianotti</OriginalForm>
		<PersonName>Adrian Peracchio</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Adrian Peracchio</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>On a two-lane road in Maine, the traffic backs up at a signal from a road construction flagman. A lumbering yellow earthmover growls across the asphalt. On its flank, in foot-high black letters, is the word "Mitsubishi."</Abstract>
	<FullText>MADE IN AMERICA                 The Challenge From Abroad                 Series Begins Page 7                 Newsday Photos Michael Dombroski and Todd Duncan                 They're No Longer Sold On Buying American                 Not long ago three words stood for excellence Made in America But the love affair between makers and buyers soured Beginning today special Newsday report examines what went wrong and the prospects for reconciliation                 By Peter Gianotti and Adrian Peracchio                 On two-lane road in Maine the traffic backs up at signal from road construction flagman lumbering yellow earthmover growls across the asphalt On its flank in foot-high black letters is the word Mitsubishi                 In the queue of eight cars waiting for the flag man to wave them through five are Japanese com pacts and sub-compacts and one is Mercedes-Benz Only two are American models And taped to the display window of roadside factory shoe outlet nearby is slightly faded sign Keep Maine strong Buy American American consumers may have qualms about the effect of imports on the economy but their per sonal choices are clear They are purchasing import ed goods at rate unprecedented since the Civil War when much of this country s merchandise still came from overseas Less than four decades after the United States emerged from World War II as the undisputed man ufacturing giant of its time the nation s continued appetite for consumer goods is increasingly being satisfied from abroad often from countries that as recently as 20 years ago were synonymous with shoddy merchandise Joseph Juran management consultant who was among the Americans to teach Japan about quality control said in an interview that as the champions the industrial West had no idea the                 Japanese had come up out of nowhere to compete with them The result Though the United States continues to be the world s largest economy and by some indices still the world s most productive it has lost consumer loyalty to foreign manufacturers who have large and increasing share of market once dominated by American firms This historic development raises fundamental and far-reaching question that Newsday reporters have explored in variety of industries faced with foreign competition Can American manufacturers still turn out products that American consumers will want to buy American companies have almost always faced substantial competition from abroad but never to this extent Foreign pressures have hit harder and they ve hit larger sections of American industry economist Robert Heilbroner said The most visible impact has been on the manu facturers of consumer goods products whose brands define the contents of our kitchens closets living rooms and garages From dishwashers and cars to shoes and shirts these are the products that speak eloquently about consumers' daily choices In the apparel industry alone of wov en and knit goods rose from 3.6 percent of domes tic consumption in 1956 to 19.1 percent in 1970 and are predicted to exceed 50 percent this year Imported cars which accounted for less than one- quarter of 1 percent of car sales in 1950, rose to 15 percent in 1970 and 26 percent last year figure that experts say would be closer                 to 40 percent or more if voluntary Japanese im port quotas were lifted Last year imports almost all from Japan accounted for 95 percent of motorcycles sold in the United States 60 percent of TV sets 40 percent of hand-held calculators Twenty years ago imports made up less than 10 percent of the sales of any of those products With the flood of imports product loyalty was steadily eroded as American buyers be came accustomed to foreign merchandise that proved to be gradually less expensive more reliable or both Though the inroads made by imported products are deep there is evidence that consumers are in creasingly upbeat about the quality of American- made goods Today the issue with many American buyers is not so much quality how well something is made but the more complex question of value for money Though foreign-made cameras or shirts may not always claim an edge in quality they often are priced lower than comparable Americas goods We are talking about perception of what is worth the price said Armand Feigenbaum quality-control expert whose ideas were adapted by the Japanese It is not the engineer who determines the perception Not salesman Certainly not an advertising man It is the user the consumer Newsday's study of industries besieged by competition from foreign makers has come up with mosaic of findings some pointing to signs that the American industry is recovering from the slump of Continued on Page 29                 At Sonys assembly plant near San Diego Calif worker tests randomly selected Trinitron televisions                 Newsday Michael Dombroski                 Not Sold on 'Buy American'                 Continued from Page 5 the late 1970s, others showing deep-rooted uncer beneath the apparent comeback Among the findings of the Newsday sampling American auto manufacturers are proving they can do again what they once did so well make money Profits in Detroit are at record levels But the industry is plagued by fundamental weaknesses Much of Detroit's new blush of financial health is due to the protective barrier of voluntary Japanese quotas The quality of the cars has not dramatically changed according to generally accepted standards despite some improvements And while auto makers are making forward-looking changes in de sign and in production techniques they still lag behind foreign competitors which frequently offer better value for the money The fiercely competitive and very robust domestic appliance industry is feeling Japanese competitors closing in So far however it has man aged to forestall foreign pressure on most products through the widespread use of robotics computer ized production management strict quality control and unusually generous warranty policies Price not quality is the battleground for the apparel industry Because of much cheaper la bor rates overseas makers of shirts sweaters and other garments enjoy crippling price advantage American garment makers are trying to offset this by investing increasingly in highly automated pro duction systems domestically by parceling out greater part of their production to overseas contrac tors and by seeking protectionist measures from the government The automation gamble is paying off in higher quality but price still is problem In consumer electronics imports have routed American brands from the shelves stark example No black-and-white TV sets sold in the United States are made in the United States Cheaper labor rates and huge gap in technology are the reasons In the research and development of computers and related technology American firms have sig nificant edge over the Japanese competition The ar East however is major supplier of manufactured components and is strengthening its push to gain foothold in low-cost portable computer market The Newsday study found that while the furniture makers are changing their ways to survive amid cut-throat domestic competition the industry has for the most part enjoyed quirky immunity from foreign competition chiefly because of an abundant supply of raw materials But few other traditional manufacturing indus tries can hope for competition to end at the water s edge Indeed the Newsday study points to the neces sity for American manufacturers policymakers and labor leaders to adapt to vastly changed global                 economy where pre-eminence has eroded steadily since the end of World War II The undercurrents run deep The new global economic order will affect the way the United States shapes its fiscal and mone tary policies and its diplomatic relations with allies and trading partners The adjustments that must be made for firms to remain competitive worldwide could be felt in every American home They will help determine the value of the dollar the price of credit the types of jobs available the way children are educated and the standard of living to which Americans aspire Ultimately that new order will raise questions about the way American consumers and businesses view themselves Can American manufacturers re vert to the dominant position they enjoyed for so                 long after World War II Should they even try Will American consumers care Jerry Jasinowski chief economist of the Na tional Association of Manufacturers said It's pretty clear we are slow to change unless motivated to do so by losing jobs and profitability The catalyst is fear There are historical ironies here Mass produc tion that is the system of manufacturing based on interchangeable parts and the division of labor is widely credited as one of the United States' most outstanding contributions to technology Specialized labor and the use of machines in pro duction date back to the manufacture of pins in France and England in the 1760s. Then in 1798, Eli Whitney the inventor of the cotton-gin proposed that flintlocks be manufactured using interchange- Continued on Page 31                 Newsday Chart Brigitte Zimmer                 No Longer An American Buy Continued from Page 29 able parts machined in standard patterns by un- skilled workers Until then muskets had been painstakingly hand-fitted by skilled gunsmiths and when one broke in battle it could not be easily re paired French armorers were working along the same lines and Thomas Jefferson was impressed enough on visit to Prance to recommend the new manufacturing technique to the War Department But it was not until decades later that armories in Massachusetts Connecticut and Virginia began adopting the mass production idea It was not until the 1880s that bicycle and sewing machine makers started using the revolutionary notion of inter changeable parts And it was not until Henry Ford cranked up Model production that the modern conveyor-belt assembly line became an accepted practice in 1913. By the end of World War If American companies had become undisputed masters of mass production The seemingly insatiable hunger for consumer goods that followed the war caused manufacturers to con centrate on production to satisfy domestic demand In the first postwar decades America's economy rewarded much of its workforce The need to develop foreign markets seemed irrelevant Moreover in the rush for immediate profits American companies brushed aside the importance of developing new manufacturing techniques For years after World War II Detroit automakers used assembly tech niques not much different from those used thirty years earlier while garment manufacturers were slow to adopt automated systems that would have been more profitable in the face of escalating labor costs In 1946 the first applications of mathematical models to production were being developed in this country They' would result decades later in the computer terminals used by such manufacturers as the Arrow Shirt Co Meanwhile American experi were coming up with the first electronical ly-controlled machine tools harbingers of today s manufacturing robots It was not the Americans however who would adopt those revolutionary techniques in production of consumer goods The Japanese whose govern ment played an active role in the economy honing the competitiveness of key industries would steal the American manufacturing fire in robotics and computer technology and would apply these ad vances to the automobile and electronics industries long before the Americans The import flood which began as an cant trickle in the 1950s, swelled to steady stream in the 1960s, ledby transistor radios from Japan and the suddenly ubiquitous Volkswagen Beetle from                 West Germany By the 1970s, the United States'' vanquished foes of World War II had become its fiercest competitors for consumer market shares Shoes and clothes from Italy and cars from Japan and West Germany were displacing brand names that once had been imprinted in the American con sciousness as cultural totems ECA Harley-David- son Timex Chevrolet the brand names of Americans' childhood would be challenged if not replaced by Sony Kawasaki Casio Toyota Quality and value for money were the competitive weapons Debra Owens manager with the American So ciety for Quality Control said Now the American consumer is seeing cars perfect when they get them and they don't have to keep taking them back to be fixed It's not that our quality was not improv ing But the Japanese eventually hit and then ex ceeded us By the time we realized what was happening we were losing our share of the market After World War she said Americans were happy to get car Detroit just made them Fine- tuning went on after the car was bought People sort of expected it to have bugs in it The fine-tuning was not' built in It was put in When inflation was low and the economy was booming in the postwar period up to the mid- 1960s, American consumers could afford to be wasteful Goods were cheap purchasing power was highland even if clothes wore out too quickly or cars broke down too soon they could be replaced or trad ed without disastrous effect on family finances The result was the infamous planned obsolescence that characterized American marketing for decades In the 1970s, things changed High inflation and the Arab oil embargo along with rising consumer                 movement combined to rouse American buyers from their traditional passivity Drivers for exam ple shopped for car that would fast twice as long and use half as much gas and no American auto maker was equipped to produce one Imports seemed the easiest way to get value for the dollar These gradual but distinct changes in consumer buying trends the intense competitive pressure to which domestic manufacturers are trying to re spond and the painful adjustments faced by Ameri can workers are all part of an uneasy evolution of American industry Underlying that transition are inexorable shifts in the way firms compete the way products are made and the nature of the market place itself which haa gone from safe and limited national or regional arena to global free-for-all Increasingly economists and marketers talk of world cars or universal consumers The success ful company of the future some experts say is no longer the decentralized multinational that offers several variations of product to suit national con ditions but centralized global company making well-thought-out single line of products suited to all markets with small regional variations World wide competition is now part of life said Theodore Levitt professor at the Harvard Business School The result is homogenization of production and marketing techniques with less choice for consum ers For example the Nikon cameras sold on the Japanese market are exactly the same cameras sold in West Germany and the United States the buyer of Honda automobiles unlike the Chevrolet customer of yesterday doesn't have seemingly end less variation of interior colors fabrics and options That worldwide marketing shift has shaken Continued on Page 33                 At the Buick Regal plant in Flint Mich worker on the assembly line relaxes between cars                 Newsday Michael Dombroski                 No Longer Sold 4- Continued from Page 31 American industry out of self-satisfied torpor and forced it to adopt manufacturing technologies and management styles used successfully by their for eign competitors More important it has led to national re-examination on the definition of produc tivity and quality in manufacturing It has forced American industries to question their marketing gpals And it has moved policymakers to reconsider the role of government intervention in international trade If the United States is embattled in this global marketing struggle some of its chief competitors are beginning to feel similar pressure from less-devel- oped countries Japan which has squeezed -Ameri can steelmakers brutally already is raising tariff barriers against cheap South Korean steel imports South Korean autos are beginning to appear else where in East Asia European heavy industry is even more sluggish to respond to competition from the Third World than are the Americans And the Americans are responding Ford and General Motors are adopting tech niques that might once have been dismissed as Uto pian Both automakers for example are enacting long-ignored recommendations from quality-control experts widely credited with launching Japanese automakers on their successful course When Ford retooled to build its Escort assemblers worked to gether with engineers to ensure that the work sta tion where engines are lifted into cars are at the safest and most comfortable heights for the workers The results show The Escort is the best-selling small car in the United States and Pontiac's sporty Fiero is considered by GM to be its best-made car American shirtmakers challenged by cheap im ports from the Far East are mechanizing In Aus tell Ga at Arrow's regional cutting and warehousing facility handful of workers sit at yel low computer screens laying out shirt patterns on keyboards Cutting is done at high speed by machine job done until recently by hand The result is less waste and greater productivity Arrow's Bre men assembly plant cow turns out 4,250 dozen shirts week compared with 2,800 dozen before technology and productivity gains expanded the as sembly work force to -404 people from 325. But for much of American industry nagging problem remains Expensive technology even if it results in higher quality and eventually somewhat lower prices still may not be competitive with com inexpensive overseas labor In an effort to address the issue of quality and value Chrysler gives its buyers five-year 50 000- mile warranty on its new cars policy that s meant to convey its confidence in its engineering Ford says innovations to eliminate manufacturing defects in its Escort sub-compact have led to the closing of repair shop that received flawed cars after inspec tion at the end of the assembly line Carmakers are reporting record profits due in part to their adaptation to the new environment of robotics and the automated factory but also because of lower gasoline prices and dose of protectionism in the form of Japanese voluntary quotas on imports Industry analysts caution that current strong sales and profits do not mean the competition is over Ultimately the American manufacturers will have to convince consumers that their products are competitive by offering the same kind of quality and value for money that Americans have come to expect from imports You can t advertise your way out of poor prod uct said consultant Feigenbaum who helped es tablish the concept of total quality control in which companies use statistical measures to moni tor product quality Higher consumer expectations are the driving force behind growth in this country he said What quality finally comes down to is satisfying the user The Japanese concentrated on doing precisely that American firms didn't Today recent surveys indicate that public per ception of the quality in American-made goods no longer is as dismal as it was only few years ago And the American economy remains strong by vir tue of its size and influence its diversity and flexi bility It still is the engine that leads much of the capitalist world But there are areas in which the nation has fallen back like steel and electronics areas in which the United States may never again be pre-eminent Said economist Heilbronen We are not going to be impoverished tomorrow but we may be in the uncomfortable position of being in second or third place in some areas to the Japanese and the Ger mans NEXT The Automobile Industry</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Class-Action Suit On Agent Orange Allowed by Judge</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Dec 30, 1980</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<PersonName>Rita Ciolli</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Rita Ciolli</OriginalForm>
		<PersonName>Jim Scovel</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Jim Scovel</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Westbury--A federal judge paved the way yesterday for Vietnam veterans and their families to sue as a group to recover for Agent Orange damages and ruled that only chemical companies -- not the U.S. government -- can be held liable for any harm done bv the herbicide.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Class-Action Suit On Agent Orange Allowed by Judge                 Page 3                 Judge Oks Agent Orange Suit                 Ruling allows veterans to file class-action says is not liable for damages                 By Rita Ciolli and Jim Scovel                 Westbury-- federal judge paved the way yesterday for Vietnam veterans and their families to sue as group to recover for Agent Orange damages and ruled that only chemical companies not the government can be held liable for any harm done bv the herbicide                 The decision came in major ruling from District Court George Pratt who also moved to get the long-delayed case under way next month The decision was praised by spokesmen lor the suing vet erans Attorneys for Dow Chemical Co and six other firms that produced the herbicide declined to com ment But they are considered certain to appeal In bulky 90-page decision Pratt rejected motion by the companies for summary judgment to dismiss the case He said there was sufficient ba sis to the veterans' claims to require that the cases be tried Pratt's decision was praised by Victor Yanna- cone chief attorney for the veterans who started their case almost two years ago The way has been cleared for the veterans to have their day in court he said And compensation will have to come from the companies not the pockets of the American tax payers Pratt made what observers said were two sig nificant decisions in the case involving charges that exposure to Agent Orange herbicide sprayed in Vietnam caused disorders ranging from cancer to liver damage among American and Australian vet erans and caused birth defects in their children First Pratt said that the suing veterans their spouses and children can for trial purposes be con sidered single class It had been key request by attorneys for the plaintiffs who now 3.700 in 167 lawsuits in Pratt's Eastern District with thousands more poten tial plaintiffs still waiting The class-action status means they can save time and money and gain heftier legal clout by proceeding with single suit Class action gives this court full control over the entire litigation Pratt said adding that the                 veterans had fulfilled federal regulations that gov ern class-action status Indeed the problems inherent in every one of the individual actions are so great that it is doubt ful that single plaintiff represented by single attorney pursuing an individual action couid ever succeed single action the judge would minimize the hazard of duplication and in consistent results Second Pratt rejected request by the chemical companies that the government be included as defendant The judge cited 1950 Supreme Court ruling that the government cannot be sued by vet erans for damages that are service-connected But he left open to be decided in trial the question of whether the chemical companies should be freed of any liability because they were simply doing what the government had contracted for Pratt ordered hearing Jan 30 on this issue The ruling means that the companies if found negligent will have to pay for any damages award ed figure expected to be in the millions of dollars Attorneys for the companies declined to com ment until they said they have reviewed the deci sion But they can appeal the class-action aspect of the ruling at once and court sources said they are almost sure to do so Another potential obstacle to trial in Pratt's court is ruling from the Circuit Court of Ap peals last month which said veterans must sue un der the laws of their own states The ruling is being appealed But if upheld by the Supreme Court it could mean that New York's 600,000 Vietnam vet erans might lose the chance to collect because New York's statute of limitations will have expired Vet erans in other states such as California would not be affected by this ruling The defendants contend that there is no proof that the substance was harmful to humans Besides Dow the firms include Monsanto Co Hercules Inc Diamond-Shamrock Corp Thompson Hayward Chemical Co North American Phillips Corp and Uniroyal Merchandising Co                 Indeed the inner- ent in every one of the indi- vidual actions are so great that it is doubtful that sin- gle plaintiff represented by single attorney pursuing an individual action could ever succeed 1 Judge George Pratt</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>McEnroe In 3 Sets</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Sep 10, 1984</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<PersonName>John Jeansonne</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>John Jeansonne</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Flushing Meadow--Yesterday's tennis was not necessarily what people will remember about the 1984 U.S. Open. Those who saw only yesterday" s men's final were seeing an old jalopy limping along the parkway with the sticker: "My other car is a Rolls Royce." Saturday being the Open's Rolls.</Abstract>
	<FullText>McEnroe In 3 Sets                 John McEnroe kisses his Open trophy after defeating Ivan Lendl 6-3, 6-4, 6-1, for the title                 Newsday Paul Bereswill                 McEnroe Survives the Day After                 By John Jeansonne                 Flushing Meadow--Yesterday's tennis was not necessarily what people will remember about the 1984 Open Those who saw only yesterday men s final were seeing an old jalopy limping along the parkway with the sticker My other car is Rolls Royce Saturday being the Open's Rolls                 After when the two men semifinals and women s final powered through 13 sets and 135 games of ten nis you barely could have driven to the newsstand on the wheels of yester day s 6-3, 6-4, 6-1 match With the smallest possible expenditure of ener                 gy John McEnroe became Open cham pion for the fourth time and made Ivan Lendl the runner-up for the third straight year There were almost no rallies to speak of flurry of volleys here and volley-lob-smash-get there mostly because McEnroe didn't allow any ral lies He pinned Lendl behind the base line with his serves Lendl never was able to break McEnroe and had only two break points in the same game the entire match Apd he attacked Lendl's serve narrowing Lendl's mar gin of error by forcing him to pass or lob from the corners                 For stadium filled with 20,722 people the National Tennis Center was strangely silent most of the after noon Lendl thought that they seemed to be getting behind me at the beginning of the third set probably because they wanted to see more ten nis But McEnroe wasn't so sure '1 don't know what they wanted he said but don't know if they wanted another five-setter mean everybody was kind of tired after Saturday Saturday asked the question Why do human beings overdo their plea sure Why do they play so hard and so long into the night Why do they not                 think ahead to how they will feel the next morning After Lendl played 3 hours and 39 minutes to edge No 15 seed Pat Cash in fifth-set tiebreaker in Saturday's first semifinal McEnroe played 3 hours and 45 minutes to win five-setter from defending champion Jimmy Connors Late to bed early to rise makes for dull final When woke up this morning actually felt better than thought would Lendl said But at least he had gotten to sleep about 11," just as McEnroe was closing the joint felt bad all day McEnroe said but Continued on Page 84                 McEnroe Has Enough Left to Beat                 Lendl                 Continued from Back Page then 1 felt pretty good in the first cou ple of' sets before started feeling bad again in the third I'm really glad it only went three sets When got up this morning was just hoping to get ahead early and get it over with I'm tired I'm really exhausted mean feel unbelievably good about winning the title and terrible at the same time My body just said 'That's enough They had put too many numbers on the scoreboard Saturday They had danced too much on the Center Court tables As he exited Saturday night Connors announced that he had given the fans my guts and my blood and my flesh and my skin can t give them any more And even McEnroe appreciated that Connors McEnroe said is defi nitely going to go down as maybe the                 guy who tried harder than anybody on the tennis court as the greatest com It's the sign of champion for guy like Connors to go out there at 32 years old and play match like he did it s just unbelievable mean the guy s just got that inside of him and that s what want to try to get Sure enough this Open offered variation on what is the most sought prize As much as the championship itself and the 160 000 first prize McEnroe was lifted by his victory over the defending champion in the pre vious match had won this tourna ment three times in row 1979-81 and he had won it the last two years with chance to win it three in row too McEnroe said and just had feeling that was the only guy who would be able to stop him And as much as the dominance he enjoyed in the final over Lendl McEn                 roe thrilled to the challenge of that se against Connors Saturday was the best day I've ever seen at Flushing Meadow McEnroe said thought my match with Jimmy was the best match of the tournament It was just great tennis In one sense hope guys like Jimmy and Lendl don't improve and in another way do be cause they help me improve think when you go out and play the great matches it has to help you improve Just like what Cash did against Lendl That's great for tennis Greater for tennis than yesterday s hung-over final Lendl by his own reckoning only had one chance to get into the match in the second game of the second set when McEnroe double-fault set Lendl up with dou ble break point at 15-40. But then hit good passing shot that hit the tape and landed over on his side and he hit winner Lendl said and then                 he got my volley with volley to make it deuce Replay The sequence was better than Lendl described it more athletic and with more tension than any other points in the match probably Lendl's passing shot at 15-40 was baseline forehand whistling down the line catching the net cord on the left side and as McEnroe tracked it down kick ing in the air toward the middle of the court McEnroe spun 180 degrees and flicked forehand to the open court At 30-40, Lendl went to the net and whacked forehand volley that McEn roe picked off with his own volley And then McEnroe hit backhand winner cross-court Lendl netted forehand re turn and McEnroe had held serve There was just enough time at 1 hour 40 minutes the men s final was seven minutes shorter than Saturday's women s final in those quick                 Sets for McEnroe winner in 66 of 68 matches this year to show that he has every tennis shot known But still yes terday s match was paper plates and plastic utensils with the fine China having been broken out only on Satur day in this two- week tournament Normally McEnroe might have Wandered away from the business at hand against Lendl but his semifinal against Connors extracted so much from him tennis guts blood flesh skin that he didn't get angry at anything because knew needed ev ery' ounce of energy had The Rolls Royce already in the ga rage he had to go to town in the jalopy Martina Navratilova and Pam Shriver captured the women s doubles title for the second consecutive year defeating Anne Hobbs and Wendy Tornbull 6-2, 6-4.                 John McEnroe was never in jeopardy as long as he had his serve working for him                 and tying Ivan Lendl in knots</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Police Raids Take 112 Children From Sect in Abuse Probe</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jun 23, 1984</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
	<Abstract>Island Pond, Vt. (AP)-- State troopers conducted an early-morning raid on members of a secretive fundamentalist Christian sect yesterday, taking 112 children from their homes to learn whether they have been physically abused by church elders.</Abstract>
	<FullText>IN CUSTODY Vermont troopers help one of 122 children taken in raid in probe of sus pected child abuse by religious sect Page 3                 UPI Photo                 Police Raids Take 112 Children From Sect in Abuse Probe                 Island Pond Vt AP -- State troopers conducted an early-morning raid on members of secretive fundamentalist Christian sect yesterday taking 112 children from their homes to learn whether they have been physically abused by church elders                 But judge refused to detain the youths de spite state efforts to keep them in custody three days About 100 troopers with search warrants and aided by state social workers and nurses entered 20 homes of members of the Northeast Kingdom Community Church shortly after 6 AM There was no resistance as the children were taken placed in buses and driven to nearby Newport David Dillon spokesman for Gov Richard Snelling said the raid had been in the planning stages for eight months The families were taken individually into District Court where lawyers for the state asked to retain custody of the children for three days so physician could examine them for evi dence of beatings Judge Frank Mahady however refused to grant the detention and seven families had been released by evening The first family was processed and drove away with its children 11                 hours after they were taken Vermont Defender Andrew Crane said No members of the press or public were allowed in court so the reason for the judge s action was not known Crane refused to elaborate The raid came four days after judge briefly jailed seven church members for failing to an swer questions concerning the treatment of the children They were released after the judge de cided he lacked the authority to hold them Church policy is set by group of 12 elders who allegedly use rod to mete out punishment to errant children One of the church s leaders Charles Wiseman has been charged with sim ple assault for the alleged seven-hour beating last year of 13-year-old girl who was left with 89 welts on her body from her neck to her toes The girl s parents said their daughter was beat en because she lied Dillon said no single incident triggered the raid but rather two-year constant flurry of reports of child abuse and neglect Church member Jay Howley said of the chil dren during an interview last year We're put ting conscience into them The group which has been in Vermont for about five years has about 350 members nearly half under 18.                 Member of the Northeast Kingdom Community Church and her child are taken into custody in raid sparked by reports of child abuse                 AP Photo</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Transition And Fruits Of Victory</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Nov 24, 1980</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Susan Page Newsday Washington Bureau</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Washington -- The new administration was arriving to take over the White House, and a newspaper columnist viewed the scene with disdain. "The Washington hotels are crowded, and office seekers are as thick as shells on the beach," he wrote. "They make a motley crowd, and long hair, red noses and shiny clothes are seen in all public places."</Abstract>
	<FullText>Transition And Fruits Of Victory                 Page 7                 Lining Up for Fruits of Victory                 By Susan Page Newsday Washington Bureau                 Washington The new administration was arriving to take over the White House and newspaper columnist viewed the scene with disdain The Washington hotels are crowded and office seekers are as thick as shells on the beach he wrote They make motley crowd and long hair red noses and shiny clothes are seen in all public places                 ihe year was the president-elect was Gra ver Cleveland the columnist was Frank Carpenter of the Cleveland Leader paper that no longer ex ists Nearly century has passed since then but with another new administration arriving in town it seems like only last week On almost any afternoon these days potential public servants are gathered in the lobby of 1726 St pleading for clearance to go upstairs The non descript office building tucked between an Avis Rent-a-Car garage and Yummy Yogurt shop houses President-elect Ronald Reagan's transition team group of more than 200 aides who have be gun the enormous task of taking over the federal government Republican faces already have begun replacing Democratic ones in the autographed photographs that line the walls of expense-account restaurants In few weeks Republican faces will have replaced Democratic ones in positions of power as well We're very pleased with the way the week has gone Edwin Meese transition director said at breakfast with reporters Friday The president has shown he ll do what he promised in the campaign which is that he s going to take hold of things early To that end in the 20 days since the election Reagan has established his own burgeoning bu The transition team already includes director three senior advisers and seven deputy di rectors Transition Executive Committee Tran sition Executive Advisory Committee Transition Congressional Advisory Committee and Transi tion Appointments Committee There are 25 foreign-policy advisory working groups 23 domestic-policy advisory working groups 17 congressional advisory working groups an Economic Policy Coordinating Committee an Interim Foreign Policy Advisory Board an Office of Presidential Personnel with director and half- dozen associate directors and an Executive Branch Management and Congressional Relations office with five major group leaders and dozens of transi tion team leaders one assigned to each federal agency Policy groups have been presenting their recom mendations all week and the transition team lead ers have begun meeting with their Carter administration counterparts at federal agencies The personnel office has received more than 5,000 unsolicited resumes director Pendleton James said Thursday and 20 professional executive re have started nationwide dragnet for unsung talent Most of what is done in transition is spinning wheels said Matthew Nimetz an undersecretary of state in the Carter administration who is return ing to New York law firm He was top transi tion aide for President Lyndon Johnson when he left office in 1968, and for Gov Hugh Carey when he- took office in- 1974.                 Nimetz President Gerald Ford's transition chief John Marsh Jr and others familiar with the pro cess identified handful of key tasks that should get attention from transition team Stroking the various interest groups that helped you get elected by making them feel involved identifying the two or three important decisions that will have to be made in each department as soon as you take over choosing loyal and competent appointees who will allow you to take control of the formidable federal bureaucracy President Carter for instance allowed cabinet secretaries to choose their own top aides His aides later admitted that that was major blunder be cause the second-level officials were loyal not to the White House but to their bosses Reagan will make the second- and third-level department appoint ments himself James said Reagan's closest advisers are trying to fill 13 cabinet jobs and about 300 key subcabinet jobs then make about 4,000 other presidential appoint ments The Transition Appointments Committee an 18-member kitchen cabinet met in Los Ange les with the President-elect Saturday to make ten tative decisions about the top jobs Of course the overwhelming majority of those who work for the federal government 99.85 per cent to be precise will not be displaced by the transition Nearly 3 million employees are protected by Civil Service law which revised sys tem in which every federal job was up for grabs with new administration Planning for the Reagan transition began al most exactly year ago just about the time the former California governor announced his candida cy and three months before the first primary was                 held Meese had lunch in Los Angeles with James an executive recruiter and former Nixon aide and asked him to think about how to establish new administration didn't take it too seriously James recalled Then Ed called me back in April and said he hadn't received my report where was it Within few months James and Reagan's longtime execu tive secretary Helene Van Damm quietly had es tablished transition office in suburban Washington They began writing what is now known as the Source Book black loose-leaf note book that includes the top 300 administration job descriptions and suggestions about how to fill them Another book prepared by the House Commit tee on Post Office and Civil Service and released Wednesday lists all the thousands of jobs that the President can fill Officially titled the Gov ernment Policy and Supporting Positions it is bet ter known as the Plum Book The cover is orange the plums are inside They range from White House chief of staff Reagan already has appointed James Baker HI to that position at no more than 70 900 year to secretary of state S81 300 year to pollution ana lyst for the Council on Environmental Quality 349 229 year to stenographer for the Justice Department's Springfield office S17 776 year to American Battle Monuments commissioner no pay The book lists the job s title and location sala ry and tenure and the incumbent s name One woman in the Environmental Protection Agency discovered only this week that her job was listed in the Plum Book making it likely that it is Continued on Page 15                 From Frank Leslie's Illustration Newspaper in 1877                 In Washington people queue up in the lobby of the Reagan transition offices to get jobs above At left wood engraving shows similar job line formed in 1877 after the inauguration of President Rutherford Hayes                 UPI Photo                 Cartoon shows President Chester Arthur giving out jobs from a-magic hat-                 From The American Presidency in Political Cartoons 1776-1376," University An Museum Berkeley Calif                 Republicans Are Lining Up For the Fruits of Victory                 Continued from Page 7 no longer her job feel like I've been plucked she said To the rest of the country the transition must seem abstract and distant But in Washington the company town of the government the change of government is immediate and real Lobbyists have to curry favor with new officials and reporters have to cultivate new sources Soon-to-be-unemployed Democrats and there may be as many as 10,000 of them have to type fresh resumes It is good time to be Republican or real-estate agent Campaign workers across the country are eye ing the jobs hoping to reap the benefits of Rea gan s election Suffolk GOP chairman Anthony Prudenti has submitted Montauk Assemb John Behan's name for administrator of the Veterans Administration Nassau party chairman Joseph Margiotta has proposed Court of Appeals Judge Sol Wachtler for attorney general Alfonse D'A- mato was sending in recommendations before Reagan had been elected president or he had been elected senator Loyalty and length of service count That's the way the ball bounces the political aide for Republican governor who asked not to be identi fied explained In 1972, he recalled the state had                 not gotten share of the federal jobs because the governor had not been an early backer of Richard Nixon We were an early entry this time he said with obvious satisfaction Early entries count Votes count too We carried Suffolk for Rea gan by 110,000 votes Prudenti said That helps It would be pretty embarrassing not carrying your county and then bringing your resumes into the transition team He sounded satisfied too century ago Frank Carpenter wasn't sure folks should be so anxious to take federal jobs He speculated about it in column written when Gro- ver Cleveland's administration was hiring Young men will enter it full of hope and cour age full of brains and energy he wrote in glum mood When they begin their thousand or more dollars year will seem good pay to them and they will work with will hoping to rise through the various branches until their earnings will equal those of Cabinet minister It will not be long however before they will find that they are fighting the windmills and are lost in the old grind of copying other men s writings or posting dead books There is no worse employer than the Government and would rather work for a-' Scrooge than for Uncle Sam</FullText>
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		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Oct 2, 1964</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<PersonName>Linda Charlton</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Linda Charlton</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>New York--Acting under the Taft-Hartley Law, a federal judge issued a 10-day restraining order last night, putting a halt to the one-day strike of 60,000 longshoremen that had tied up about 500 ships in ports along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, He scheduled an Oct. 8 hearing on a federal request for an 80-day injunction.</Abstract>
	<FullText>COURT ORDER HALTS 1-DAY DOCK STRIKE                 Story on Page 5                 Court Order Halts Dock Walkout                 By Linda Charlton                 New York--Acting under the Taft-Hartley Law federal judge issued 10-day restraining order last night putting halt to the one-day strike of 60,000 longshoremen that had tied up about 500 ships in ports along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts He scheduled an Oct 8 hearing on federal request for an 80-day injunction                 spokesman for the striking Interna tional Longshoremen's Association ILA said last night Whatever the courts tell us to do we ll do We're not striking against the government we re striking against the companies The walkout called by ILA President Thomas Teddy Cleason when contract negotiations between the ILA and the New York Shipping Association NYSA broke down started jt midnight on Tuesday Glcason said it would be sometime later in the day before an Older to return to work could be given and indicated that most dockworkers could not be expected on the job before tomorrow Union spokesmen in Philadelphia and Baltimore' also said their men probably would not be back on the job before tonight or tomorrow Gleason last night The men went out together ami they will have to go luck to work together lie said ILA officers were meeting today to discuss means of returning tM work The report of the fact-finding board appointed bv President Johnson cleared the way for Justice Department attorneys to apply for an injunction Such presidential request for an injunction has never been rejected bv federal judge Federal Dis trict ludge Frederick van Pelt Bryan scheduling hearing on Oct on the government s request ued the temporary restraining order that forbids tlie lau to -continue their strike The order remains in effect until Oct 10. The injunction                 would order the dockers back to work for an 80-day cooling off period while negotiations in the water front dispute over automation continued In the meantime mediators will seek to end the dispute The basic issues in the dispute are automation and management charges of featherbedding The union rejected proposal accepted by management made by government mediation team to reduce the size of work gangs on the docks from 20 to 17 men The New York Shipping Association repre senting management insisted that new automated equipment made the cut in the work force possible ILA negotiators appeared ready to accept tlie work force reduction in return for guaranteed annual                 wage but they met with almost unanimous rank-and- file opposition However an ILA attorney said the union was willing to face up to the problem of automation if satisfactory contract could be reached The strike was so brief that very little cargo had piled tip and although 1S3 ILA pickets were on duty throughout the Port of New York yesterday activity in the port did not come to standstill According to the Waterfront Commission 756 longshoremen were on the job yesterday about third of them at the Brooklyn Army base and tlie rest at work at maintenance and other essential jobs approved bv the ILA Several passenger liners arrived and departed yes terday with the shipping lines' office personnel helping tlie passenger carry their baggage The liner Sylvania from Liverpool and Leonardo da Continued on Page 9S                 Editorial 'The Dock Strike' on Page 49                 Picketing Longshoreman Takes Break                 UPI Telephoto                 Court Order Holts Ship Strike                 Continued from Page 5 Vinci from Genoa docked total of passengers and the Caronia sailed for Mediter ranean cruise on schedule yesterday morning The French liner France scheduled to sail at 3 I'M for Southampton and Le Havre via Boston where she was to have picked up an additional 650 passengers her departure until after midnight One ship in -New York Harbor last night was benefit cruise featuring legal gambling ILA head Glcason gave his blessing to the fourth annual Amercian Cancer Society party Load ing of supplies was completed Wednesday so the cruise was not affected by picket lines The merry makers 700 strong left aboard the Holland-America Lines' Nieuw Amsterdam last night as scheduled cruised into international waters outside the three mile limit and returned in the early morning hours Legal gambling using script proved to be the great attraction of the evening which cost 250 couple Names from the Social Register and Who's Who crowded the gambling tables and chips were the minimum The total national daily loss that can caused by longshoremen s strike tying up ships in ports along 2,400 miles of Atlantic and Gulf coast has been estimated at 520,000,000. In New York City where about 165 vessels were stranded yesterday the cost has been computed at about 200 000 daily In New Orleans the nation s second largest port about 15,000 ILA members walked out costing the port an estimated 800 000 for the day Another 800 longshoremen walked off the job -in Baton                 Rouge La and 4.500 longshoremen went on strike in Biltimoie where about 25 ships were tied up The fact-finding panel appointed Tuesday by President Johnson under the provisions of the Tafl- Ilartlcy Law met with ILA and Shipping Associa tion officials yesterday The three-man board which is headed by lawyer Herbert Schmertz advised the president after the meetings that continuation of the strike would imperil the national health and safety The restraining order was then sought The strike while it lasted was called 100 per cent effective by Cleason who ordered the men off the docks when attempts to reach agreement on the size of work gangs failed</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Gromyko Meets Carter in D.C.</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1940-1988)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>Nassau ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>May 28, 1978</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
	<Abstract>Washington--President Carter stepped directly into U.S.-Soviet arms limitation talks yesterday, but key issues apparently remained deadlocked.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Gromyko Meets Carter in                 Page 4                 Carter Gromyko Meet on SALT                 Combined News Services                 Washington--President Carter stepped directly into -Soviet arms limitation talks yesterday but key issues apparently remained deadlocked                 After Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko met with Carter for four hours at the White House officials said questions remained over proposals for limiting strategic weapons can t say we made much progress Secretary of State Cyrus Vance said after later State Department meeting with Gromy ko In addition there was public clash between the two men after what was believed to be private disagreement during the Carter-Gromyko meeting over allegations that Cuba which the United States considers Soviet surrogate in Africa trained the ers of Zaire Gromyko is in the United States to attend special five-week United Nations disarmament confer ence On the -Soviet arms talks Vance said differences remained on the Soviet Backfire bomber and on efforts to restrain development of new Soviet missiles Gromyko said the negotiators were doing the best they could to complete new treaty to limit long-range bombers and intercontinental ballistic missiles He said There has been some headway on some parts of some of the questions He did not elaborate beyond saying Neither side is losing optimism Press Secretary Joidy Powell said There was some narrowing of differ ences in some areas The Carter administration has said it hopes to reach SALT agreement some time this summer Vance said he would meet with Gromyko again Wednesday at the Soviet mission in New York Besides discussing SALT Carter ex pressed concern to Gromyko about the repression of human rights in the Sovi et Union complaining specifically about the current series of trials involv ing Yuri Orlov and other dissi dents Powell said But the sharpest difference to surface publicly concerned Zaire Meeting with reporters as Vance stood beside him Gromyko said We have no intention of grabbing the whole of Africa or any of its parts We don't need it The information the President has is not correct the Soviet diplomat said Sometimes conclusions are drawn from incorrect and inexact information Vance insisted Carter's information was correct The President is fully and accurately informed Vance said want to make this clear Vance reportedly had told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Friday that the CIA not the State Department had evidence to back up Carter's charges about Cuban involvement in Zaire The committee expects CIA Di rector Stansfield Turner to testify this week                 The special UN arms session was in recess yesterday but ah estimated 15,000 demonstrators jammed Dag Hammarskjold Plaza across from the UN in ban-the-bomb rally No more Hiroshimas No more Na- the placards read in one of the largest demonstrations in New York since the days of the Vietnam War The largest contingent of the Mobilization for Survival was 600-member delega tion from Japan mostly middle-aged or elderly people At the rally 27,264 signatures on dis armament petitions were carried by delegation of 18 to the Mission to the UN Ambassador Andrew Young met the protest leaders and said '1 wel come your support of the whole idea of disarmament welcome your demon stration and hope it is the beginning of worldwide movement Young prom ised to get the petitions to Carter Washington UPI Greek Premier Constantine Caramanlis arrived in Washington yesterday for the NATO summit meeting amid indications he also would meet with Turkish Premier Bulent Ecevit to discuss differences be tween their neighboring countries spokesman for the Greek embassy said there is probability Caramanlis and Ecevit would meet but it is not really definite                 Thousands of placard-carrying demonstrators jammed Dag Hammarskjold Plaza across from the United Nations in New York yesterday in rally against nuclear weapons It was one of the largest demonstrations in the city since the days of the Vietnam War                 UPI Photo                 Gromyko and Vance in Washington                 UPI Photo</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Reds Check Nazi Bid To Lift Siege of Budapest</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Newsday (1945-1947)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Long Island, N.Y.</Qualifier>
		<Edition>South Suffolk ed.</Edition>
	<Publisher>Newsday Inc.</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jan 4, 1945</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
	<FullText>Reds Check Nazi Bid To Lift Siege of Budapest                 BULLETIN London Jan 4 powerful German bid to raise the siege of Budapest was reported checked by Red Army guns within 29 miles of the capital today as Soviet forces inside the city compressed the bulk of the enemy garrison into two shell-swept pockets on both banks of the Danube Moscow said the Germans were being beaten to standstill in great armored battle northwest of the capital where the enemy had thrown at least two tank divisions and strong infantry formations- against narrow sector south of the Danube Moscow fan 4 INS Counter-attacking German Panzer units in an apparent attempt to stem the drive on Austria and to relieve the Nazi de fenders of Budapest forced the Russians out of several Danube localities west of the city and fought desperately today to hold on to their gains Front dispatches said the Germans had stepped up the tempo then tank attacks to the proportions of counter offensive New Govt Takes Over in Greece Athens fan 4 new government- took up the task today ol attempting to bring peace to hungry revolt-torn Greece Among first problems on the agenda was the demand of the left-wing revolutionist MI AS that the Greek gendarmerie and national guard lx disarmed as precondition toi its own disarmament FLAS leaders already have signified their willingness to cease resistance against the British and other Greek forces if that demand is met</FullText>

XML Analysis


from /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/Newsday/Newsday_20171006231925_00050/1000174750.xml
    <PersonName>Bruce M Nash</PersonName>
    <OriginalForm>Bruce M Nash</OriginalForm>
    <PersonName>Randolph B Monchick</PersonName>
    <OriginalForm>Randolph B Monchick</OriginalForm>

  • looks like authors in Newsday don't have any suffix, but wire stories are just attributed to the wire service?



  • figure out which ObjectTypes to explore, pick a folder and just eyeball a few, to see what they look like.
  • run summarize on all articles, store the results, so we can start to look at article quality in different eras.