
This is a notebook that expands on the OpenCalais code in the file, also in this folder. It includes more sections on selecting publications you want to submit to OpenCalais as an example. It is intended to be copied and re-used.


Setup - Debug

In [1]:
debug_flag = False

Setup - Imports

In [2]:
import datetime
import glob
import logging
import lxml
import os
import six
import xml
import xmltodict
import zipfile

Setup - working folder paths

What data are we looking at?

In [3]:
# paper identifier
paper_identifier = "ChristianScienceMonitor"
archive_identifier = None

# source
source_paper_folder = "/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data"
source_paper_path = "{}/{}".format( source_paper_folder, paper_identifier )

# uncompressed
uncompressed_paper_folder = "/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed"
uncompressed_paper_path = "{}/{}".format( uncompressed_paper_folder, paper_identifier )

# make sure an identifier is set before you make a path here.
if ( ( archive_identifier is not None ) and ( archive_identifier != "" ) ):
    # identifier is set.
    source_archive_file = "{}.zip".format( archive_identifier )
    source_archive_path = "{}/{}".format( source_paper_path, source_archive_file )
    uncompressed_archive_path = "{}/{}".format( uncompressed_paper_path, archive_identifier )

#-- END check to see if archive_identifier present. --#

In [4]:


In [5]:
# current working folder
current_working_folder = "/home/jonathanmorgan/work/django/research/work/phd_work/data/article_loading/proquest_hnp/{}".format( paper_identifier )
current_datetime =
current_date_string = current_datetime.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S" )

Setup - logging

configure logging for this notebook's kernel (If you do not run this cell, you'll get the django application's logging configuration.

In [6]:
logging_file_name = "{}/research-data_load-{}-{}.log.txt".format( current_working_folder, paper_identifier, current_date_string )
    level = logging.DEBUG,
    format = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s',
    filename = logging_file_name,
    filemode = 'w' # set to 'a' if you want to append, rather than overwrite each time.

Setup - virtualenv jupyter kernel

If you are using a virtualenv, make sure that you:

  • have installed your virtualenv as a kernel.
  • choose the kernel for your virtualenv as the kernel for your notebook (Kernel --> Change kernel).

Since I use a virtualenv, need to get that activated somehow inside this notebook. One option is to run ../dev/ in this notebook, to configure the python environment manually as if you had activated the sourcenet virtualenv. To do this, you'd make a code cell that contains:

%run ../dev/

This is sketchy, however, because of the changes it makes to your Python environment within the context of whatever your current kernel is. I'd worry about collisions with the actual Python 3 kernel. Better, one can install their virtualenv as a separate kernel. Steps:

  • activate your virtualenv:

      workon research
  • in your virtualenv, install the package ipykernel.

      pip install ipykernel
  • use the ipykernel python program to install the current environment as a kernel:

      python -m ipykernel install --user --name <env_name> --display-name "<display_name>"

    sourcenet example:

      python -m ipykernel install --user --name sourcenet --display-name "research (Python 3)"

More details:

Setup - Initialize Django

First, initialize my dev django project, so I can run code in this notebook that references my django models and can talk to the database using my project's settings.

In [7]:
# init django
django_init_folder = "/home/jonathanmorgan/work/django/research/work/phd_work"
django_init_path = ""
if( ( django_init_folder is not None ) and ( django_init_folder != "" ) ):
    # add folder to front of path.
    django_init_path = "{}/{}".format( django_init_folder, django_init_path )
#-- END check to see if django_init folder. --#

In [8]:
%run $django_init_path

django initialized at 2019-08-19 20:18:04.887854

In [9]:
# context_text imports
from context_text.article_coding.article_coding import ArticleCoder
from context_text.article_coding.article_coding import ArticleCoding
from context_text.article_coding.open_calais_v2.open_calais_v2_article_coder import OpenCalaisV2ArticleCoder
from context_text.collectors.newsbank.newspapers.GRPB import GRPB
from context_text.collectors.newsbank.newspapers.DTNB import DTNB
from context_text.models import Article
from context_text.models import Article_Subject
from context_text.models import Newspaper
from context_text.shared.context_text_base import ContextTextBase

# context_text_proquest_hnp
from context_text_proquest_hnp.proquest_hnp_newspaper_helper import ProquestHNPNewspaperHelper

Setup - Initialize LoggingHelper

Create a LoggingHelper instance to use to log debug and also print at the same time.

Preconditions: Must be run after Django is initialized, since python_utilities is in the django path.

In [10]:
# python_utilities
from python_utilities.logging.logging_helper import LoggingHelper

# init
my_logging_helper = LoggingHelper()
my_logging_helper.set_logger_name( "proquest_hnp-article-loading-{}".format( paper_identifier ) )
log_message = None

Setup - initialize ProquestHNPNewspaper

Create an initialize an instance of ProquestHNPNewspaper for this paper.

load from database

In [11]:
my_paper = ProquestHNPNewspaperHelper()
paper_instance = my_paper.initialize_from_database( paper_identifier )
my_paper.source_all_papers_folder = source_paper_folder
my_paper.destination_all_papers_folder = uncompressed_paper_folder

In [12]:
print( my_paper )
print( paper_instance )

ChristianScienceMonitor from 1908 to 1994 - source path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor - dest path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor
3 - ChristianScienceMonitor - Christian Science Monitor, The

set up manually

In [ ]:
my_paper = ProquestHNPNewspaperHelper()
my_paper.paper_identifier = paper_identifier
my_paper.source_all_papers_folder = source_paper_folder
my_paper.source_paper_path = source_paper_path
my_paper.destination_all_papers_folder = uncompressed_paper_folder
my_paper.destination_paper_path = uncompressed_paper_path
my_paper.paper_start_year = 1908
my_paper.paper_end_year = 1994

my_newspaper = Newspaper.objects.get( id = 8 )
my_paper.newspaper = my_newspaper

If desired, add to database.

In [ ]:
phnp_newspaper_instance = my_paper.create_PHNP_newspaper()

In [ ]:
print( phnp_newspaper_instance )

Find articles to be loaded

Specify which folder of XML files should be loaded into system, then process all files within the folder.

The compressed archives from proquest_hnp just contain publication XML files, no containing folder.

To process:

  • uncompresed paper folder ( <paper_folder> ) - make a folder in /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed for the paper whose data you are working with, named the same as the paper's folder in /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data.

    • for example, for the Boston Globe, name it "BostonGlobe".
  • uncompressed archive folder ( <archive_folder> ) - inside a given paper's folder in uncompressed, for each archive file, create a folder named the same as the archive file, but with no ".zip" at the end.

    • For example, for the file "", make a folder named "BG_20171002210239_00001".
    • path should be "<paper_folder>/<archive_name_no_zip>.
  • unzip the archive into this folder:

      unzip <path_to_zip> -d <archive_folder>

Uncompress files

See if the uncompressed paper folder exists. If not, set flag and create it.

In [13]:
# create folder to hold the results of decompressing paper's zip files.
did_uncomp_paper_folder_exist = my_paper.make_dest_paper_folder()

EXISTS - Uncompressed paper folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor

For each *.zip file in the paper's source folder:

  • parse file name from path returned by glob.
  • parse the part before ".zip" from the file name. This is referred to subsequently as the "archive identifier".
  • check if folder named the same as the "archive identifier" is present.

    • If no:

      • create it.
      • then, uncompress the archive into it.
    • If yes:

      • output a message. Don't want to uncompress if it was already uncompressed once.

In [14]:
# decompress the files

==> zip file count: 263
----> processing file 1 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413220638_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413220638_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413220638_00001
----> processing file 2 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222205_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222205_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222205_00001
----> processing file 3 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222207_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222207_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222207_00002
----> processing file 4 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222309_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222309_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222309_00003
----> processing file 5 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222310_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222310_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222310_00004
----> processing file 6 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222312_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222312_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222312_00005
----> processing file 7 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222313_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222313_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222313_00006
----> processing file 8 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222414_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222414_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222414_00007
----> processing file 9 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222416_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222416_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222416_00008
----> processing file 10 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222417_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222417_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222417_00009
----> processing file 11 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222518_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222518_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222518_00010
----> processing file 12 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222519_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222519_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222519_00011
----> processing file 13 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222521_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222521_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222521_00012
----> processing file 14 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222622_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222622_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222622_00013
----> processing file 15 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222623_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222623_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222623_00014
----> processing file 16 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222624_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222624_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222624_00015
----> processing file 17 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222626_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222626_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222626_00016
----> processing file 18 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222727_00017
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222727_00017
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222727_00017
----> processing file 19 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222728_00018
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222728_00018
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222728_00018
----> processing file 20 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222729_00019
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222729_00019
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222729_00019
----> processing file 21 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222830_00020
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222830_00020
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222830_00020
----> processing file 22 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222832_00021
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222832_00021
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222832_00021
----> processing file 23 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222833_00022
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222833_00022
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222833_00022
----> processing file 24 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413222834_00023
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222834_00023
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222834_00023
----> processing file 25 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413223747_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223747_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223747_00001
----> processing file 26 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413223849_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223849_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223849_00002
----> processing file 27 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413223851_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223851_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223851_00003
----> processing file 28 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413223852_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223852_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223852_00004
----> processing file 29 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413223954_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223954_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223954_00005
----> processing file 30 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413223955_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223955_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223955_00006
----> processing file 31 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413223956_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223956_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223956_00007
----> processing file 32 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224001_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224001_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224001_00010
----> processing file 33 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224057_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224057_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224057_00008
----> processing file 34 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224059_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224059_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224059_00009
----> processing file 35 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224102_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224102_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224102_00011
----> processing file 36 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224103_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224103_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224103_00012
----> processing file 37 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224104_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224104_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224104_00013
----> processing file 38 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224106_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224106_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224106_00014
----> processing file 39 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224208_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224208_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224208_00015
----> processing file 40 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224209_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224209_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224209_00016
----> processing file 41 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224211_00017
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224211_00017
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224211_00017
----> processing file 42 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224312_00018
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224312_00018
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224312_00018
----> processing file 43 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224313_00019
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224313_00019
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224313_00019
----> processing file 44 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224315_00020
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224315_00020
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224315_00020
----> processing file 45 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224316_00021
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224316_00021
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224316_00021
----> processing file 46 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224417_00022
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224417_00022
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224417_00022
----> processing file 47 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224418_00023
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224418_00023
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224418_00023
----> processing file 48 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224419_00024
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224419_00024
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224419_00024
----> processing file 49 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224520_00025
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224520_00025
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224520_00025
----> processing file 50 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224523_00026
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224523_00026
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224523_00026
----> processing file 51 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224524_00027
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224524_00027
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224524_00027
----> processing file 52 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224525_00028
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224525_00028
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224525_00028
----> processing file 53 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224627_00029
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224627_00029
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224627_00029
----> processing file 54 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224628_00030
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224628_00030
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224628_00030
----> processing file 55 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224629_00031
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224629_00031
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224629_00031
----> processing file 56 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224730_00032
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224730_00032
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224730_00032
----> processing file 57 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224731_00033
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224731_00033
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224731_00033
----> processing file 58 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224732_00034
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224732_00034
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224732_00034
----> processing file 59 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224834_00035
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224834_00035
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224834_00035
----> processing file 60 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224835_00036
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224835_00036
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224835_00036
----> processing file 61 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224836_00037
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224836_00037
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224836_00037
----> processing file 62 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224939_00038
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224939_00038
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224939_00038
----> processing file 63 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224940_00039
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224940_00039
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224940_00039
----> processing file 64 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224941_00040
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224941_00040
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224941_00040
----> processing file 65 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413224942_00041
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224942_00041
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224942_00041
----> processing file 66 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225043_00042
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225043_00042
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225043_00042
----> processing file 67 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225045_00043
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225045_00043
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225045_00043
----> processing file 68 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225047_00044
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225047_00044
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225047_00044
----> processing file 69 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225253_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225253_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225253_00001
----> processing file 70 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225355_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225355_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225355_00002
----> processing file 71 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225357_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225357_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225357_00003
----> processing file 72 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225401_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225401_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225401_00006
----> processing file 73 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225402_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225402_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225402_00007
----> processing file 74 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225458_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225458_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225458_00004
----> processing file 75 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225459_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225459_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225459_00005
----> processing file 76 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225503_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225503_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225503_00008
----> processing file 77 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225504_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225504_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225504_00009
----> processing file 78 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225506_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225506_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225506_00010
----> processing file 79 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225607_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225607_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225607_00011
----> processing file 80 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225608_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225608_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225608_00012
----> processing file 81 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225609_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225609_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225609_00013
----> processing file 82 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225610_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225610_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225610_00014
----> processing file 83 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225712_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225712_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225712_00015
----> processing file 84 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225713_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225713_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225713_00016
----> processing file 85 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225714_00017
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225714_00017
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225714_00017
----> processing file 86 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225815_00018
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225815_00018
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225815_00018
----> processing file 87 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225816_00019
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225816_00019
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225816_00019
----> processing file 88 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225818_00020
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225818_00020
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225818_00020
----> processing file 89 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225919_00021
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225919_00021
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225919_00021
----> processing file 90 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225920_00022
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225920_00022
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225920_00022
----> processing file 91 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225921_00023
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225921_00023
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225921_00023
----> processing file 92 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413225922_00024
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225922_00024
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225922_00024
----> processing file 93 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230023_00025
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230023_00025
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230023_00025
----> processing file 94 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230027_00026
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230027_00026
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230027_00026
----> processing file 95 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230028_00027
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230028_00027
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230028_00027
----> processing file 96 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230129_00028
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230129_00028
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230129_00028
----> processing file 97 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230131_00029
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230131_00029
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230131_00029
----> processing file 98 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230132_00030
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230132_00030
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230132_00030
----> processing file 99 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230233_00031
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230233_00031
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230233_00031
----> processing file 100 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230235_00032
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230235_00032
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230235_00032
----> processing file 101 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230338_00033
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230338_00033
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230338_00033
----> processing file 102 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230339_00034
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230339_00034
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230339_00034
----> processing file 103 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230340_00035
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230340_00035
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230340_00035
----> processing file 104 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230443_00036
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230443_00036
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230443_00036
----> processing file 105 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230444_00037
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230444_00037
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230444_00037
----> processing file 106 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230445_00038
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230445_00038
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230445_00038
----> processing file 107 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230546_00039
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230546_00039
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230546_00039
----> processing file 108 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230547_00040
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230547_00040
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230547_00040
----> processing file 109 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230549_00041
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230549_00041
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230549_00041
----> processing file 110 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230651_00042
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230651_00042
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230651_00042
----> processing file 111 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230652_00043
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230652_00043
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230652_00043
----> processing file 112 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230654_00044
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230654_00044
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230654_00044
----> processing file 113 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230756_00045
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230756_00045
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230756_00045
----> processing file 114 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230757_00046
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230757_00046
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230757_00046
----> processing file 115 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230758_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230758_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230758_00001
----> processing file 116 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230800_00047
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230800_00047
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230800_00047
----> processing file 117 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230801_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230801_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230801_00002
----> processing file 118 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230902_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230902_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230902_00003
----> processing file 119 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230903_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230903_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230903_00004
----> processing file 120 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413230905_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230905_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230905_00005
----> processing file 121 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231006_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231006_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231006_00006
----> processing file 122 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231007_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231007_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231007_00007
----> processing file 123 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231009_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231009_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231009_00008
----> processing file 124 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231110_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231110_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231110_00009
----> processing file 125 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231111_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231111_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231111_00010
----> processing file 126 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231214_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231214_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231214_00011
----> processing file 127 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231215_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231215_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231215_00012
----> processing file 128 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231216_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231216_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231216_00013
----> processing file 129 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231318_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231318_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231318_00014
----> processing file 130 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231319_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231319_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231319_00015
----> processing file 131 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231321_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231321_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231321_00016
----> processing file 132 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231322_00017
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231322_00017
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231322_00017
----> processing file 133 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231423_00018
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231423_00018
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231423_00018
----> processing file 134 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231424_00019
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231424_00019
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231424_00019
----> processing file 135 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231425_00020
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231425_00020
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231425_00020
----> processing file 136 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231526_00021
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231526_00021
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231526_00021
----> processing file 137 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231528_00022
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231528_00022
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231528_00022
----> processing file 138 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231529_00023
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231529_00023
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231529_00023
----> processing file 139 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231631_00024
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231631_00024
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231631_00024
----> processing file 140 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231633_00025
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231633_00025
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231633_00025
----> processing file 141 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231634_00026
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231634_00026
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231634_00026
----> processing file 142 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231735_00027
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231735_00027
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231735_00027
----> processing file 143 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231736_00028
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231736_00028
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231736_00028
----> processing file 144 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231737_00029
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231737_00029
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231737_00029
----> processing file 145 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231839_00030
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231839_00030
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231839_00030
----> processing file 146 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231840_00031
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231840_00031
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231840_00031
----> processing file 147 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231842_00032
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231842_00032
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231842_00032
----> processing file 148 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231943_00033
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231943_00033
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231943_00033
----> processing file 149 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231944_00034
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231944_00034
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231944_00034
----> processing file 150 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231945_00035
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231945_00035
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231945_00035
----> processing file 151 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413231946_00036
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231946_00036
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231946_00036
----> processing file 152 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232047_00037
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232047_00037
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232047_00037
----> processing file 153 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232048_00038
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232048_00038
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232048_00038
----> processing file 154 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232050_00039
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232050_00039
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232050_00039
----> processing file 155 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232151_00040
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232151_00040
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232151_00040
----> processing file 156 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232152_00041
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232152_00041
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232152_00041
----> processing file 157 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232154_00042
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232154_00042
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232154_00042
----> processing file 158 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232156_00043
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232156_00043
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232156_00043
----> processing file 159 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232258_00044
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232258_00044
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232258_00044
----> processing file 160 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232259_00045
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232259_00045
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232259_00045
----> processing file 161 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232300_00046
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232300_00046
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232300_00046
----> processing file 162 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232301_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232301_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232301_00001
----> processing file 163 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232303_00047
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232303_00047
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232303_00047
----> processing file 164 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232304_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232304_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232304_00002
----> processing file 165 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232305_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232305_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232305_00003
----> processing file 166 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232406_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232406_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232406_00004
----> processing file 167 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232407_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232407_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232407_00005
----> processing file 168 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232408_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232408_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232408_00006
----> processing file 169 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232509_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232509_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232509_00007
----> processing file 170 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232510_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232510_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232510_00008
----> processing file 171 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232512_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232512_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232512_00009
----> processing file 172 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232613_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232613_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232613_00010
----> processing file 173 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232614_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232614_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232614_00011
----> processing file 174 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232616_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232616_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232616_00012
----> processing file 175 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232617_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232617_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232617_00013
----> processing file 176 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232719_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232719_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232719_00014
----> processing file 177 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232720_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232720_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232720_00015
----> processing file 178 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232721_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232721_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232721_00016
----> processing file 179 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232822_00017
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232822_00017
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232822_00017
----> processing file 180 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232824_00018
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232824_00018
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232824_00018
----> processing file 181 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232825_00019
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232825_00019
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232825_00019
----> processing file 182 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232926_00020
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232926_00020
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232926_00020
----> processing file 183 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232927_00021
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232927_00021
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232927_00021
----> processing file 184 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232928_00022
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232928_00022
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232928_00022
----> processing file 185 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413232929_00023
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232929_00023
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232929_00023
----> processing file 186 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233030_00024
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233030_00024
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233030_00024
----> processing file 187 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233032_00025
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233032_00025
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233032_00025
----> processing file 188 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233034_00026
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233034_00026
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233034_00026
----> processing file 189 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233135_00027
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233135_00027
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233135_00027
----> processing file 190 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233137_00028
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233137_00028
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233137_00028
----> processing file 191 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233138_00029
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233138_00029
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233138_00029
----> processing file 192 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233139_00030
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233139_00030
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233139_00030
----> processing file 193 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233240_00031
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233240_00031
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233240_00031
----> processing file 194 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233241_00032
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233241_00032
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233241_00032
----> processing file 195 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233242_00033
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233242_00033
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233242_00033
----> processing file 196 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233343_00034
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233343_00034
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233343_00034
----> processing file 197 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233344_00035
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233344_00035
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233344_00035
----> processing file 198 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233345_00036
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233345_00036
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233345_00036
----> processing file 199 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233348_00037
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233348_00037
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233348_00037
----> processing file 200 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233449_00038
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233449_00038
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233449_00038
----> processing file 201 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233450_00039
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233450_00039
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233450_00039
----> processing file 202 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233451_00040
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233451_00040
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233451_00040
----> processing file 203 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233552_00041
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233552_00041
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233552_00041
----> processing file 204 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233553_00042
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233553_00042
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233553_00042
----> processing file 205 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233555_00043
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233555_00043
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233555_00043
----> processing file 206 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233556_00044
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233556_00044
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233556_00044
----> processing file 207 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233600_00047
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233600_00047
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233600_00047
----> processing file 208 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233657_00045
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233657_00045
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233657_00045
----> processing file 209 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233659_00046
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233659_00046
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233659_00046
----> processing file 210 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233802_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233802_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233802_00001
----> processing file 211 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233803_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233803_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233803_00002
----> processing file 212 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233904_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233904_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233904_00003
----> processing file 213 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233906_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233906_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233906_00004
----> processing file 214 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233907_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233907_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233907_00005
----> processing file 215 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413233908_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233908_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233908_00006
----> processing file 216 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234009_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234009_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234009_00007
----> processing file 217 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234011_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234011_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234011_00008
----> processing file 218 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234013_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234013_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234013_00009
----> processing file 219 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234114_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234114_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234114_00010
----> processing file 220 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234115_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234115_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234115_00011
----> processing file 221 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234116_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234116_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234116_00012
----> processing file 222 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234219_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234219_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234219_00013
----> processing file 223 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234220_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234220_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234220_00014
----> processing file 224 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234221_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234221_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234221_00015
----> processing file 225 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234222_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234222_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234222_00016
----> processing file 226 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234323_00017
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234323_00017
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234323_00017
----> processing file 227 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234325_00018
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234325_00018
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234325_00018
----> processing file 228 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234326_00019
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234326_00019
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234326_00019
----> processing file 229 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234427_00020
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234427_00020
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234427_00020
----> processing file 230 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234428_00021
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234428_00021
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234428_00021
----> processing file 231 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234429_00022
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234429_00022
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234429_00022
----> processing file 232 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234530_00023
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234530_00023
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234530_00023
----> processing file 233 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234532_00024
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234532_00024
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234532_00024
----> processing file 234 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234533_00025
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234533_00025
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234533_00025
----> processing file 235 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234534_00026
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234534_00026
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234534_00026
----> processing file 236 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234636_00027
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234636_00027
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234636_00027
----> processing file 237 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234637_00028
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234637_00028
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234637_00028
----> processing file 238 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234638_00029
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234638_00029
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234638_00029
----> processing file 239 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234739_00030
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234739_00030
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234739_00030
----> processing file 240 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234740_00031
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234740_00031
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234740_00031
----> processing file 241 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234741_00032
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234741_00032
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234741_00032
----> processing file 242 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234842_00033
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234842_00033
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234842_00033
----> processing file 243 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234843_00034
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234843_00034
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234843_00034
----> processing file 244 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234846_00035
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234846_00035
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234846_00035
----> processing file 245 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234947_00036
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234947_00036
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234947_00036
----> processing file 246 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234948_00037
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234948_00037
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234948_00037
----> processing file 247 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413234949_00038
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234949_00038
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234949_00038
----> processing file 248 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413235050_00039
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235050_00039
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235050_00039
----> processing file 249 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413235051_00040
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235051_00040
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235051_00040
----> processing file 250 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413235053_00041
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235053_00041
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235053_00041
----> processing file 251 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413235054_00042
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235054_00042
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235054_00042
----> processing file 252 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413235100_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235100_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235100_00001
----> processing file 253 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413235156_00043
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235156_00043
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235156_00043
----> processing file 254 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413235157_00044
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235157_00044
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235157_00044
----> processing file 255 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413235159_00045
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235159_00045
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235159_00045
----> processing file 256 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413235201_00046
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235201_00046
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235201_00046
----> processing file 257 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413235202_00047
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235202_00047
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235202_00047
----> processing file 258 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413235203_00048
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235203_00048
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235203_00048
----> processing file 259 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413235304_00049
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235304_00049
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235304_00049
----> processing file 260 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413235305_00050
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235305_00050
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235305_00050
----> processing file 261 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413235306_00051
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235306_00051
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235306_00051
----> processing file 262 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170413235307_00052
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235307_00052
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235307_00052
----> processing file 263 of 263
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/ChristianScienceMonitor/
==> file:
==> ID: CSM_20170929191926_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001

Work with uncompressed files

Change working directories to the uncompressed paper path.

In [15]:
%cd $uncompressed_paper_path


In [16]:

CSM_20170413220638_00001/  CSM_20170413225919_00021/  CSM_20170413232720_00015/
CSM_20170413222205_00001/  CSM_20170413225920_00022/  CSM_20170413232721_00016/
CSM_20170413222207_00002/  CSM_20170413225921_00023/  CSM_20170413232822_00017/
CSM_20170413222309_00003/  CSM_20170413225922_00024/  CSM_20170413232824_00018/
CSM_20170413222310_00004/  CSM_20170413230023_00025/  CSM_20170413232825_00019/
CSM_20170413222312_00005/  CSM_20170413230027_00026/  CSM_20170413232926_00020/
CSM_20170413222313_00006/  CSM_20170413230028_00027/  CSM_20170413232927_00021/
CSM_20170413222414_00007/  CSM_20170413230129_00028/  CSM_20170413232928_00022/
CSM_20170413222416_00008/  CSM_20170413230131_00029/  CSM_20170413232929_00023/
CSM_20170413222417_00009/  CSM_20170413230132_00030/  CSM_20170413233030_00024/
CSM_20170413222518_00010/  CSM_20170413230233_00031/  CSM_20170413233032_00025/
CSM_20170413222519_00011/  CSM_20170413230235_00032/  CSM_20170413233034_00026/
CSM_20170413222521_00012/  CSM_20170413230338_00033/  CSM_20170413233135_00027/
CSM_20170413222622_00013/  CSM_20170413230339_00034/  CSM_20170413233137_00028/
CSM_20170413222623_00014/  CSM_20170413230340_00035/  CSM_20170413233138_00029/
CSM_20170413222624_00015/  CSM_20170413230443_00036/  CSM_20170413233139_00030/
CSM_20170413222626_00016/  CSM_20170413230444_00037/  CSM_20170413233240_00031/
CSM_20170413222727_00017/  CSM_20170413230445_00038/  CSM_20170413233241_00032/
CSM_20170413222728_00018/  CSM_20170413230546_00039/  CSM_20170413233242_00033/
CSM_20170413222729_00019/  CSM_20170413230547_00040/  CSM_20170413233343_00034/
CSM_20170413222830_00020/  CSM_20170413230549_00041/  CSM_20170413233344_00035/
CSM_20170413222832_00021/  CSM_20170413230651_00042/  CSM_20170413233345_00036/
CSM_20170413222833_00022/  CSM_20170413230652_00043/  CSM_20170413233348_00037/
CSM_20170413222834_00023/  CSM_20170413230654_00044/  CSM_20170413233449_00038/
CSM_20170413223747_00001/  CSM_20170413230756_00045/  CSM_20170413233450_00039/
CSM_20170413223849_00002/  CSM_20170413230757_00046/  CSM_20170413233451_00040/
CSM_20170413223851_00003/  CSM_20170413230758_00001/  CSM_20170413233552_00041/
CSM_20170413223852_00004/  CSM_20170413230800_00047/  CSM_20170413233553_00042/
CSM_20170413223954_00005/  CSM_20170413230801_00002/  CSM_20170413233555_00043/
CSM_20170413223955_00006/  CSM_20170413230902_00003/  CSM_20170413233556_00044/
CSM_20170413223956_00007/  CSM_20170413230903_00004/  CSM_20170413233600_00047/
CSM_20170413224001_00010/  CSM_20170413230905_00005/  CSM_20170413233657_00045/
CSM_20170413224057_00008/  CSM_20170413231006_00006/  CSM_20170413233659_00046/
CSM_20170413224059_00009/  CSM_20170413231007_00007/  CSM_20170413233802_00001/
CSM_20170413224102_00011/  CSM_20170413231009_00008/  CSM_20170413233803_00002/
CSM_20170413224103_00012/  CSM_20170413231110_00009/  CSM_20170413233904_00003/
CSM_20170413224104_00013/  CSM_20170413231111_00010/  CSM_20170413233906_00004/
CSM_20170413224106_00014/  CSM_20170413231214_00011/  CSM_20170413233907_00005/
CSM_20170413224208_00015/  CSM_20170413231215_00012/  CSM_20170413233908_00006/
CSM_20170413224209_00016/  CSM_20170413231216_00013/  CSM_20170413234009_00007/
CSM_20170413224211_00017/  CSM_20170413231318_00014/  CSM_20170413234011_00008/
CSM_20170413224312_00018/  CSM_20170413231319_00015/  CSM_20170413234013_00009/
CSM_20170413224313_00019/  CSM_20170413231321_00016/  CSM_20170413234114_00010/
CSM_20170413224315_00020/  CSM_20170413231322_00017/  CSM_20170413234115_00011/
CSM_20170413224316_00021/  CSM_20170413231423_00018/  CSM_20170413234116_00012/
CSM_20170413224417_00022/  CSM_20170413231424_00019/  CSM_20170413234219_00013/
CSM_20170413224418_00023/  CSM_20170413231425_00020/  CSM_20170413234220_00014/
CSM_20170413224419_00024/  CSM_20170413231526_00021/  CSM_20170413234221_00015/
CSM_20170413224520_00025/  CSM_20170413231528_00022/  CSM_20170413234222_00016/
CSM_20170413224523_00026/  CSM_20170413231529_00023/  CSM_20170413234323_00017/
CSM_20170413224524_00027/  CSM_20170413231631_00024/  CSM_20170413234325_00018/
CSM_20170413224525_00028/  CSM_20170413231633_00025/  CSM_20170413234326_00019/
CSM_20170413224627_00029/  CSM_20170413231634_00026/  CSM_20170413234427_00020/
CSM_20170413224628_00030/  CSM_20170413231735_00027/  CSM_20170413234428_00021/
CSM_20170413224629_00031/  CSM_20170413231736_00028/  CSM_20170413234429_00022/
CSM_20170413224730_00032/  CSM_20170413231737_00029/  CSM_20170413234530_00023/
CSM_20170413224731_00033/  CSM_20170413231839_00030/  CSM_20170413234532_00024/
CSM_20170413224732_00034/  CSM_20170413231840_00031/  CSM_20170413234533_00025/
CSM_20170413224834_00035/  CSM_20170413231842_00032/  CSM_20170413234534_00026/
CSM_20170413224835_00036/  CSM_20170413231943_00033/  CSM_20170413234636_00027/
CSM_20170413224836_00037/  CSM_20170413231944_00034/  CSM_20170413234637_00028/
CSM_20170413224939_00038/  CSM_20170413231945_00035/  CSM_20170413234638_00029/
CSM_20170413224940_00039/  CSM_20170413231946_00036/  CSM_20170413234739_00030/
CSM_20170413224941_00040/  CSM_20170413232047_00037/  CSM_20170413234740_00031/
CSM_20170413224942_00041/  CSM_20170413232048_00038/  CSM_20170413234741_00032/
CSM_20170413225043_00042/  CSM_20170413232050_00039/  CSM_20170413234842_00033/
CSM_20170413225045_00043/  CSM_20170413232151_00040/  CSM_20170413234843_00034/
CSM_20170413225047_00044/  CSM_20170413232152_00041/  CSM_20170413234846_00035/
CSM_20170413225253_00001/  CSM_20170413232154_00042/  CSM_20170413234947_00036/
CSM_20170413225355_00002/  CSM_20170413232156_00043/  CSM_20170413234948_00037/
CSM_20170413225357_00003/  CSM_20170413232258_00044/  CSM_20170413234949_00038/
CSM_20170413225401_00006/  CSM_20170413232259_00045/  CSM_20170413235050_00039/
CSM_20170413225402_00007/  CSM_20170413232300_00046/  CSM_20170413235051_00040/
CSM_20170413225458_00004/  CSM_20170413232301_00001/  CSM_20170413235053_00041/
CSM_20170413225459_00005/  CSM_20170413232303_00047/  CSM_20170413235054_00042/
CSM_20170413225503_00008/  CSM_20170413232304_00002/  CSM_20170413235100_00001/
CSM_20170413225504_00009/  CSM_20170413232305_00003/  CSM_20170413235156_00043/
CSM_20170413225506_00010/  CSM_20170413232406_00004/  CSM_20170413235157_00044/
CSM_20170413225607_00011/  CSM_20170413232407_00005/  CSM_20170413235159_00045/
CSM_20170413225608_00012/  CSM_20170413232408_00006/  CSM_20170413235201_00046/
CSM_20170413225609_00013/  CSM_20170413232509_00007/  CSM_20170413235202_00047/
CSM_20170413225610_00014/  CSM_20170413232510_00008/  CSM_20170413235203_00048/
CSM_20170413225712_00015/  CSM_20170413232512_00009/  CSM_20170413235304_00049/
CSM_20170413225713_00016/  CSM_20170413232613_00010/  CSM_20170413235305_00050/
CSM_20170413225714_00017/  CSM_20170413232614_00011/  CSM_20170413235306_00051/
CSM_20170413225815_00018/  CSM_20170413232616_00012/  CSM_20170413235307_00052/
CSM_20170413225816_00019/  CSM_20170413232617_00013/  CSM_20170929191926_00001/
CSM_20170413225818_00020/  CSM_20170413232719_00014/

parse and load XML files

Load one of the files into memory and see what we can do with it. Beautiful Soup?

Looks like the root element is "Record", then the high-level type of the article is "ObjectType".

ObjectType values:

  • Advertisement
  • ...

Good options for XML parser:

In [ ]:
# loop over files in the current archive folder path.
object_type_to_count_map = my_paper.process_archive_object_types( uncompressed_archive_path )
Processing 5752 files in /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001
----> XML file count: 5752

- Processed 5752 files
- No Record: 0
- No ObjectType: 0
- No ObjectType value: 0

ObjectType values and occurrence counts:
- A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t: 1902
- Article|Feature: 1792
- N|e|w|s: 53
- Commentary|Editorial: 36
- G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n: 488
- S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e: 185
- Advertisement|Classified Advertisement: 413
- E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c: 31
- Correspondence|Letter to the Editor: 119
- Front Matter|Table of Contents: 193
- O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y: 72
- F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y: 107
- I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h: 84
- Marriage Announcement|News: 6
- I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n: 91
- R|e|v|i|e|w: 133
- C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t: 30
- News|Legal Notice: 17

build list of all ObjectTypes

Loop over all folders in the paper path. For each folder, grab all files in the folder. For each file, parse XML, then get the ObjectType value and if it isn't already in map of obect types to counts, add it. Increment count.

From command line, in the uncompressed BostonGlobe folder:

find . -type f -iname "*.xml" | wc -l

resulted in 11,374,500 articles. That is quite a few.

In [17]:
xml_folder_list = glob.glob( "{}/*".format( uncompressed_paper_path ) )
print( "folder_list: {}".format( xml_folder_list ) )

folder_list: ['/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413220638_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222205_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222207_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222309_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222310_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222312_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222313_00006', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222414_00007', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222416_00008', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222417_00009', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222518_00010', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222519_00011', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222521_00012', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222622_00013', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222623_00014', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222624_00015', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222626_00016', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222727_00017', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222728_00018', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222729_00019', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222830_00020', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222832_00021', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222833_00022', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222834_00023', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223747_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223849_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223851_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223852_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223954_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223955_00006', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223956_00007', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224001_00010', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224057_00008', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224059_00009', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224102_00011', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224103_00012', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224104_00013', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224106_00014', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224208_00015', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224209_00016', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224211_00017', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224312_00018', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224313_00019', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224315_00020', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224316_00021', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224417_00022', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224418_00023', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224419_00024', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224520_00025', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224523_00026', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224524_00027', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224525_00028', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224627_00029', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224628_00030', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224629_00031', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224730_00032', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224731_00033', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224732_00034', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224834_00035', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224835_00036', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224836_00037', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224939_00038', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224940_00039', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224941_00040', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224942_00041', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225043_00042', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225045_00043', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225047_00044', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225253_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225355_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225357_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225401_00006', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225402_00007', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225458_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225459_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225503_00008', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225504_00009', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225506_00010', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225607_00011', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225608_00012', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225609_00013', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225610_00014', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225712_00015', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225713_00016', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225714_00017', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225815_00018', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225816_00019', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225818_00020', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225919_00021', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225920_00022', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225921_00023', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225922_00024', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230023_00025', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230027_00026', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230028_00027', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230129_00028', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230131_00029', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230132_00030', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230233_00031', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230235_00032', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230338_00033', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230339_00034', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230340_00035', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230443_00036', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230444_00037', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230445_00038', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230546_00039', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230547_00040', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230549_00041', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230651_00042', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230652_00043', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230654_00044', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230756_00045', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230757_00046', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230758_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230800_00047', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230801_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230902_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230903_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230905_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231006_00006', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231007_00007', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231009_00008', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231110_00009', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231111_00010', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231214_00011', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231215_00012', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231216_00013', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231318_00014', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231319_00015', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231321_00016', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231322_00017', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231423_00018', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231424_00019', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231425_00020', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231526_00021', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231528_00022', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231529_00023', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231631_00024', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231633_00025', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231634_00026', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231735_00027', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231736_00028', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231737_00029', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231839_00030', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231840_00031', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231842_00032', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231943_00033', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231944_00034', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231945_00035', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231946_00036', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232047_00037', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232048_00038', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232050_00039', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232151_00040', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232152_00041', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232154_00042', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232156_00043', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232258_00044', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232259_00045', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232300_00046', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232301_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232303_00047', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232304_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232305_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232406_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232407_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232408_00006', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232509_00007', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232510_00008', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232512_00009', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232613_00010', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232614_00011', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232616_00012', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232617_00013', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232719_00014', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232720_00015', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232721_00016', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232822_00017', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232824_00018', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232825_00019', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232926_00020', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232927_00021', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232928_00022', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232929_00023', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233030_00024', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233032_00025', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233034_00026', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233135_00027', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233137_00028', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233138_00029', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233139_00030', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233240_00031', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233241_00032', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233242_00033', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233343_00034', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233344_00035', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233345_00036', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233348_00037', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233449_00038', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233450_00039', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233451_00040', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233552_00041', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233553_00042', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233555_00043', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233556_00044', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233600_00047', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233657_00045', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233659_00046', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233802_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233803_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233904_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233906_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233907_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233908_00006', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234009_00007', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234011_00008', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234013_00009', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234114_00010', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234115_00011', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234116_00012', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234219_00013', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234220_00014', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234221_00015', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234222_00016', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234323_00017', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234325_00018', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234326_00019', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234427_00020', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234428_00021', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234429_00022', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234530_00023', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234532_00024', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234533_00025', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234534_00026', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234636_00027', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234637_00028', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234638_00029', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234739_00030', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234740_00031', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234741_00032', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234842_00033', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234843_00034', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234846_00035', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234947_00036', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234948_00037', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234949_00038', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235050_00039', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235051_00040', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235053_00041', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235054_00042', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235100_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235156_00043', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235157_00044', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235159_00045', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235201_00046', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235202_00047', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235203_00048', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235304_00049', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235305_00050', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235306_00051', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235307_00052', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001']

In [20]:
# build map of all object types for a paper to the overall counts of each
paper_object_type_to_count_map = my_paper.process_paper_object_types()

Processing 263 XML folders in /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor
==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413220638_00001 ( 1 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 02:27:59.827992
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 02:29:48.628288 ( duration 0:01:48.800296 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222205_00001 ( 2 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 02:29:48.628720
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 02:31:48.129438 ( duration 0:01:59.500718 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222207_00002 ( 3 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 02:31:48.129827
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 02:33:43.153627 ( duration 0:01:55.023800 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222309_00003 ( 4 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 02:33:43.154121
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 02:35:37.607345 ( duration 0:01:54.453224 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222310_00004 ( 5 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 02:35:37.607725
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 02:37:36.612970 ( duration 0:01:59.005245 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222312_00005 ( 6 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 02:37:36.613444
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 02:39:38.510623 ( duration 0:02:01.897179 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222313_00006 ( 7 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 02:39:38.511009
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 02:41:37.401540 ( duration 0:01:58.890531 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222414_00007 ( 8 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 02:41:37.401905
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 02:43:40.733912 ( duration 0:02:03.332007 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222416_00008 ( 9 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 02:43:40.734709
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 02:45:39.873680 ( duration 0:01:59.138971 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222417_00009 ( 10 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 02:45:39.874522
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 02:47:32.605804 ( duration 0:01:52.731282 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222518_00010 ( 11 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 02:47:32.606185
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 02:49:28.278920 ( duration 0:01:55.672735 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222519_00011 ( 12 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 02:49:28.279732
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 02:51:21.548229 ( duration 0:01:53.268497 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222521_00012 ( 13 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 02:51:21.548671
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 02:53:21.071168 ( duration 0:01:59.522497 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222622_00013 ( 14 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 02:53:21.071614
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 02:55:15.133259 ( duration 0:01:54.061645 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222623_00014 ( 15 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 02:55:15.133656
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 02:57:09.563117 ( duration 0:01:54.429461 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222624_00015 ( 16 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 02:57:09.563863
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 02:59:08.638585 ( duration 0:01:59.074722 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222626_00016 ( 17 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 02:59:08.639369
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:01:01.470976 ( duration 0:01:52.831607 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222727_00017 ( 18 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:01:01.471419
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:02:52.541790 ( duration 0:01:51.070371 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222728_00018 ( 19 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:02:52.542568
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:04:46.204679 ( duration 0:01:53.662111 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222729_00019 ( 20 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:04:46.205063
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:06:37.348382 ( duration 0:01:51.143319 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222830_00020 ( 21 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:06:37.348889
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:08:29.726290 ( duration 0:01:52.377401 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222832_00021 ( 22 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:08:29.726779
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:10:29.845584 ( duration 0:02:00.118805 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222833_00022 ( 23 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:10:29.846271
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:12:28.473724 ( duration 0:01:58.627453 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413222834_00023 ( 24 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:12:28.474609
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:14:23.846477 ( duration 0:01:55.371868 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223747_00001 ( 25 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:14:23.846893
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:16:17.455530 ( duration 0:01:53.608637 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223849_00002 ( 26 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:16:17.455911
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:18:14.419799 ( duration 0:01:56.963888 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223851_00003 ( 27 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:18:14.420747
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:20:08.277797 ( duration 0:01:53.857050 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223852_00004 ( 28 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:20:08.278156
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:22:01.028310 ( duration 0:01:52.750154 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223954_00005 ( 29 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:22:01.029524
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:23:53.912785 ( duration 0:01:52.883261 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223955_00006 ( 30 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:23:53.913712
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:25:51.457051 ( duration 0:01:57.543339 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413223956_00007 ( 31 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:25:51.457968
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:27:46.436703 ( duration 0:01:54.978735 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224001_00010 ( 32 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:27:46.437060
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:29:41.632465 ( duration 0:01:55.195405 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224057_00008 ( 33 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:29:41.632883
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:31:33.422418 ( duration 0:01:51.789535 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224059_00009 ( 34 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:31:33.423190
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:33:29.897467 ( duration 0:01:56.474277 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224102_00011 ( 35 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:33:29.898317
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:35:24.110798 ( duration 0:01:54.212481 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224103_00012 ( 36 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:35:24.111536
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:37:16.603446 ( duration 0:01:52.491910 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224104_00013 ( 37 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:37:16.603852
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:39:09.447338 ( duration 0:01:52.843486 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224106_00014 ( 38 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:39:09.448134
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:41:01.034410 ( duration 0:01:51.586276 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224208_00015 ( 39 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:41:01.034794
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:42:55.245142 ( duration 0:01:54.210348 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224209_00016 ( 40 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:42:55.245526
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:44:47.894630 ( duration 0:01:52.649104 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224211_00017 ( 41 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:44:47.895010
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:46:41.017718 ( duration 0:01:53.122708 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224312_00018 ( 42 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:46:41.018545
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:48:30.937563 ( duration 0:01:49.919018 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224313_00019 ( 43 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:48:30.938057
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:50:21.796862 ( duration 0:01:50.858805 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224315_00020 ( 44 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:50:21.797314
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:52:10.275760 ( duration 0:01:48.478446 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224316_00021 ( 45 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:52:10.277096
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:54:17.942482 ( duration 0:02:07.665386 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224417_00022 ( 46 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:54:17.943011
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:56:09.934451 ( duration 0:01:51.991440 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224418_00023 ( 47 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:56:09.935957
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:58:03.152965 ( duration 0:01:53.217008 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224419_00024 ( 48 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:58:03.153810
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 03:59:55.192752 ( duration 0:01:52.038942 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224520_00025 ( 49 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 03:59:55.193599
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:01:47.456117 ( duration 0:01:52.262518 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224523_00026 ( 50 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:01:47.456485
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:03:40.953083 ( duration 0:01:53.496598 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224524_00027 ( 51 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:03:40.953480
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:05:34.545089 ( duration 0:01:53.591609 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224525_00028 ( 52 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:05:34.545565
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:07:27.067779 ( duration 0:01:52.522214 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224627_00029 ( 53 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:07:27.068611
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:09:17.387140 ( duration 0:01:50.318529 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224628_00030 ( 54 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:09:17.387980
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:11:06.469417 ( duration 0:01:49.081437 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224629_00031 ( 55 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:11:06.470169
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:13:07.484739 ( duration 0:02:01.014570 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224730_00032 ( 56 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:13:07.485135
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:14:57.074712 ( duration 0:01:49.589577 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224731_00033 ( 57 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:14:57.075574
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:16:47.280858 ( duration 0:01:50.205284 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224732_00034 ( 58 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:16:47.281741
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:18:37.501081 ( duration 0:01:50.219340 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224834_00035 ( 59 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:18:37.501473
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:20:28.619667 ( duration 0:01:51.118194 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224835_00036 ( 60 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:20:28.620566
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:22:19.103015 ( duration 0:01:50.482449 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224836_00037 ( 61 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:22:19.103384
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:24:09.891178 ( duration 0:01:50.787794 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224939_00038 ( 62 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:24:09.891961
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:26:03.917305 ( duration 0:01:54.025344 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224940_00039 ( 63 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:26:03.917693
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:27:56.732254 ( duration 0:01:52.814561 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224941_00040 ( 64 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:27:56.732683
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:29:49.537518 ( duration 0:01:52.804835 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413224942_00041 ( 65 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:29:49.537907
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:31:43.393250 ( duration 0:01:53.855343 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225043_00042 ( 66 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:31:43.393623
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:33:36.036298 ( duration 0:01:52.642675 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225045_00043 ( 67 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:33:36.036715
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:35:27.729619 ( duration 0:01:51.692904 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225047_00044 ( 68 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:35:27.729985
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:37:13.598371 ( duration 0:01:45.868386 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225253_00001 ( 69 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:37:13.598731
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:39:02.555364 ( duration 0:01:48.956633 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225355_00002 ( 70 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:39:02.556632
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:40:51.229347 ( duration 0:01:48.672715 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225357_00003 ( 71 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:40:51.230150
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:42:40.124672 ( duration 0:01:48.894522 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225401_00006 ( 72 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:42:40.125060
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:44:36.337703 ( duration 0:01:56.212643 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225402_00007 ( 73 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:44:36.338094
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:46:24.287577 ( duration 0:01:47.949483 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225458_00004 ( 74 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:46:24.288303
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:48:05.092074 ( duration 0:01:40.803771 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225459_00005 ( 75 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:48:05.092449
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:49:53.038953 ( duration 0:01:47.946504 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225503_00008 ( 76 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:49:53.039304
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:51:49.014089 ( duration 0:01:55.974785 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225504_00009 ( 77 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:51:49.014449
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:53:36.973214 ( duration 0:01:47.958765 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225506_00010 ( 78 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:53:36.974061
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:55:24.927752 ( duration 0:01:47.953691 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225607_00011 ( 79 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:55:24.928191
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:57:12.441531 ( duration 0:01:47.513340 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225608_00012 ( 80 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:57:12.442276
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 04:59:00.644634 ( duration 0:01:48.202358 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225609_00013 ( 81 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 04:59:00.645472
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:01:07.060278 ( duration 0:02:06.414806 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225610_00014 ( 82 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:01:07.060709
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:02:55.640062 ( duration 0:01:48.579353 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225712_00015 ( 83 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:02:55.640437
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:04:46.206260 ( duration 0:01:50.565823 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225713_00016 ( 84 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:04:46.206613
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:06:34.525076 ( duration 0:01:48.318463 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225714_00017 ( 85 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:06:34.525711
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:08:21.662058 ( duration 0:01:47.136347 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225815_00018 ( 86 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:08:21.662784
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:10:11.774438 ( duration 0:01:50.111654 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225816_00019 ( 87 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:10:11.774807
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:12:01.861974 ( duration 0:01:50.087167 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225818_00020 ( 88 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:12:01.863096
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:14:00.749176 ( duration 0:01:58.886080 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225919_00021 ( 89 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:14:00.750332
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:15:50.992167 ( duration 0:01:50.241835 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225920_00022 ( 90 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:15:50.992557
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:17:40.507597 ( duration 0:01:49.515040 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225921_00023 ( 91 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:17:40.508312
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:19:31.549172 ( duration 0:01:51.040860 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413225922_00024 ( 92 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:19:31.549558
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:21:21.263737 ( duration 0:01:49.714179 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230023_00025 ( 93 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:21:21.264108
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:23:11.896442 ( duration 0:01:50.632334 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230027_00026 ( 94 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:23:11.896852
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:25:02.716262 ( duration 0:01:50.819410 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230028_00027 ( 95 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:25:02.717031
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:26:51.938875 ( duration 0:01:49.221844 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230129_00028 ( 96 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:26:51.939260
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:28:41.556726 ( duration 0:01:49.617466 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230131_00029 ( 97 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:28:41.557514
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:30:30.432395 ( duration 0:01:48.874881 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230132_00030 ( 98 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:30:30.432786
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:32:19.893303 ( duration 0:01:49.460517 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230233_00031 ( 99 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:32:19.894409
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:34:09.363221 ( duration 0:01:49.468812 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230235_00032 ( 100 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:34:09.363596
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:35:58.131900 ( duration 0:01:48.768304 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230338_00033 ( 101 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:35:58.132257
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:37:46.912129 ( duration 0:01:48.779872 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230339_00034 ( 102 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:37:46.912505
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:39:35.830037 ( duration 0:01:48.917532 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230340_00035 ( 103 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:39:35.830423
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:41:23.947760 ( duration 0:01:48.117337 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230443_00036 ( 104 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:41:23.948475
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:43:12.894559 ( duration 0:01:48.946084 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230444_00037 ( 105 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:43:12.895295
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:45:00.010398 ( duration 0:01:47.115103 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230445_00038 ( 106 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:45:00.010738
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:46:47.819851 ( duration 0:01:47.809113 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230546_00039 ( 107 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:46:47.821421
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:48:36.240609 ( duration 0:01:48.419188 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230547_00040 ( 108 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:48:36.241329
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:50:23.920279 ( duration 0:01:47.678950 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230549_00041 ( 109 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:50:23.920787
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:52:11.582985 ( duration 0:01:47.662198 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230651_00042 ( 110 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:52:11.583894
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:54:02.137392 ( duration 0:01:50.553498 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230652_00043 ( 111 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:54:02.138702
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:55:49.768288 ( duration 0:01:47.629586 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230654_00044 ( 112 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:55:49.768673
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:57:37.630964 ( duration 0:01:47.862291 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230756_00045 ( 113 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:57:37.631627
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 05:59:25.594592 ( duration 0:01:47.962965 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230757_00046 ( 114 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 05:59:25.595586
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:01:13.744518 ( duration 0:01:48.148932 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230758_00001 ( 115 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:01:13.745299
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:03:01.290908 ( duration 0:01:47.545609 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230800_00047 ( 116 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:03:01.291738
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:04:06.460574 ( duration 0:01:05.168836 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230801_00002 ( 117 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:04:06.460946
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:05:52.766336 ( duration 0:01:46.305390 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230902_00003 ( 118 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:05:52.767885
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:07:40.214323 ( duration 0:01:47.446438 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230903_00004 ( 119 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:07:40.214855
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:09:16.364955 ( duration 0:01:36.150100 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413230905_00005 ( 120 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:09:16.365328
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:10:47.556134 ( duration 0:01:31.190806 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231006_00006 ( 121 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:10:47.556861
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:12:14.648334 ( duration 0:01:27.091473 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231007_00007 ( 122 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:12:14.648768
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:13:45.359280 ( duration 0:01:30.710512 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231009_00008 ( 123 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:13:45.359665
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:15:10.069082 ( duration 0:01:24.709417 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231110_00009 ( 124 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:15:10.069461
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:16:33.915067 ( duration 0:01:23.845606 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231111_00010 ( 125 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:16:33.915451
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:17:59.768226 ( duration 0:01:25.852775 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231214_00011 ( 126 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:17:59.769102
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:19:24.491135 ( duration 0:01:24.722033 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231215_00012 ( 127 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:19:24.491524
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:20:49.960851 ( duration 0:01:25.469327 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231216_00013 ( 128 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:20:49.961228
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:22:15.072093 ( duration 0:01:25.110865 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231318_00014 ( 129 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:22:15.072900
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:23:40.345234 ( duration 0:01:25.272334 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231319_00015 ( 130 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:23:40.345636
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:25:06.747616 ( duration 0:01:26.401980 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231321_00016 ( 131 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:25:06.748073
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:27:19.522216 ( duration 0:02:12.774143 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231322_00017 ( 132 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:27:19.522580
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:29:15.017991 ( duration 0:01:55.495411 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231423_00018 ( 133 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:29:15.020091
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:31:19.605952 ( duration 0:02:04.585861 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231424_00019 ( 134 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:31:19.606665
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:32:42.349969 ( duration 0:01:22.743304 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231425_00020 ( 135 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:32:42.350367
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:34:06.327173 ( duration 0:01:23.976806 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231526_00021 ( 136 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:34:06.327898
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:35:30.497644 ( duration 0:01:24.169746 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231528_00022 ( 137 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:35:30.498356
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:36:55.386645 ( duration 0:01:24.888289 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231529_00023 ( 138 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:36:55.387030
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:38:20.131406 ( duration 0:01:24.744376 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231631_00024 ( 139 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:38:20.132119
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:39:44.298657 ( duration 0:01:24.166538 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231633_00025 ( 140 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:39:44.299079
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:41:08.485458 ( duration 0:01:24.186379 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231634_00026 ( 141 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:41:08.486300
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:42:32.728044 ( duration 0:01:24.241744 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231735_00027 ( 142 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:42:32.728441
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:43:55.489814 ( duration 0:01:22.761373 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231736_00028 ( 143 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:43:55.490300
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:45:19.392101 ( duration 0:01:23.901801 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231737_00029 ( 144 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:45:19.393157
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:46:43.307655 ( duration 0:01:23.914498 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231839_00030 ( 145 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:46:43.308126
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:48:07.042191 ( duration 0:01:23.734065 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231840_00031 ( 146 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:48:07.042575
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:49:32.360912 ( duration 0:01:25.318337 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231842_00032 ( 147 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:49:32.361303
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:50:57.221851 ( duration 0:01:24.860548 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231943_00033 ( 148 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:50:57.222242
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:52:21.037279 ( duration 0:01:23.815037 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231944_00034 ( 149 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:52:21.037700
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:53:45.558601 ( duration 0:01:24.520901 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231945_00035 ( 150 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:53:45.559000
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:55:15.143941 ( duration 0:01:29.584941 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413231946_00036 ( 151 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:55:15.144782
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:56:41.758139 ( duration 0:01:26.613357 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232047_00037 ( 152 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:56:41.758545
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:58:07.696683 ( duration 0:01:25.938138 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232048_00038 ( 153 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:58:07.697120
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 06:59:34.042201 ( duration 0:01:26.345081 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232050_00039 ( 154 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 06:59:34.042610
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:00:59.240882 ( duration 0:01:25.198272 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232151_00040 ( 155 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:00:59.241262
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:02:23.085994 ( duration 0:01:23.844732 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232152_00041 ( 156 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:02:23.086389
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:03:47.186738 ( duration 0:01:24.100349 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232154_00042 ( 157 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:03:47.187454
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:05:10.311318 ( duration 0:01:23.123864 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232156_00043 ( 158 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:05:10.311797
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:06:35.722423 ( duration 0:01:25.410626 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232258_00044 ( 159 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:06:35.723207
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:08:01.269920 ( duration 0:01:25.546713 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232259_00045 ( 160 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:08:01.270316
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:09:26.814204 ( duration 0:01:25.543888 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232300_00046 ( 161 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:09:26.814703
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:10:51.710576 ( duration 0:01:24.895873 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232301_00001 ( 162 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:10:51.711001
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:12:17.234154 ( duration 0:01:25.523153 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232303_00047 ( 163 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:12:17.234980
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:13:05.878059 ( duration 0:00:48.643079 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232304_00002 ( 164 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:13:05.878745
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:14:31.399805 ( duration 0:01:25.521060 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232305_00003 ( 165 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:14:31.400201
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:15:56.782440 ( duration 0:01:25.382239 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232406_00004 ( 166 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:15:56.782824
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:17:21.951660 ( duration 0:01:25.168836 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232407_00005 ( 167 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:17:21.952153
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:18:47.190228 ( duration 0:01:25.238075 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232408_00006 ( 168 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:18:47.190748
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:20:11.362387 ( duration 0:01:24.171639 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232509_00007 ( 169 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:20:11.362776
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:21:43.650622 ( duration 0:01:32.287846 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232510_00008 ( 170 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:21:43.651085
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:23:09.212774 ( duration 0:01:25.561689 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232512_00009 ( 171 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:23:09.213152
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:24:33.569240 ( duration 0:01:24.356088 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232613_00010 ( 172 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:24:33.569635
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:25:56.207851 ( duration 0:01:22.638216 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232614_00011 ( 173 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:25:56.208245
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:27:18.402384 ( duration 0:01:22.194139 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232616_00012 ( 174 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:27:18.402796
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:28:44.471721 ( duration 0:01:26.068925 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232617_00013 ( 175 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:28:44.472112
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:30:09.398884 ( duration 0:01:24.926772 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232719_00014 ( 176 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:30:09.399728
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:31:35.198190 ( duration 0:01:25.798462 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232720_00015 ( 177 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:31:35.198592
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:32:58.237521 ( duration 0:01:23.038929 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232721_00016 ( 178 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:32:58.238293
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:34:23.095803 ( duration 0:01:24.857510 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232822_00017 ( 179 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:34:23.096218
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:35:47.796759 ( duration 0:01:24.700541 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232824_00018 ( 180 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:35:47.797137
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:37:12.921578 ( duration 0:01:25.124441 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232825_00019 ( 181 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:37:12.921980
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:38:36.891387 ( duration 0:01:23.969407 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232926_00020 ( 182 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:38:36.891761
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:40:02.030107 ( duration 0:01:25.138346 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232927_00021 ( 183 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:40:02.030523
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:41:26.275608 ( duration 0:01:24.245085 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232928_00022 ( 184 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:41:26.276320
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:42:50.882736 ( duration 0:01:24.606416 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413232929_00023 ( 185 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:42:50.883126
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:44:13.817290 ( duration 0:01:22.934164 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233030_00024 ( 186 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:44:13.817676
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:45:38.728425 ( duration 0:01:24.910749 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233032_00025 ( 187 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:45:38.729262
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:47:03.147623 ( duration 0:01:24.418361 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233034_00026 ( 188 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:47:03.148035
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:48:27.483253 ( duration 0:01:24.335218 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233135_00027 ( 189 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:48:27.483659
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:49:50.545027 ( duration 0:01:23.061368 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233137_00028 ( 190 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:49:50.545489
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:51:13.877030 ( duration 0:01:23.331541 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233138_00029 ( 191 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:51:13.877433
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:52:37.393561 ( duration 0:01:23.516128 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233139_00030 ( 192 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:52:37.393979
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:54:01.127198 ( duration 0:01:23.733219 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233240_00031 ( 193 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:54:01.127593
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:55:23.570345 ( duration 0:01:22.442752 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233241_00032 ( 194 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:55:23.571078
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:56:46.392100 ( duration 0:01:22.821022 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233242_00033 ( 195 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:56:46.393389
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:58:10.977178 ( duration 0:01:24.583789 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233343_00034 ( 196 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:58:10.977557
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 07:59:34.445037 ( duration 0:01:23.467480 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233344_00035 ( 197 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 07:59:34.445427
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:00:57.619282 ( duration 0:01:23.173855 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233345_00036 ( 198 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:00:57.619710
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:02:21.330445 ( duration 0:01:23.710735 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233348_00037 ( 199 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:02:21.330827
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:03:44.246241 ( duration 0:01:22.915414 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233449_00038 ( 200 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:03:44.246651
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:05:07.690935 ( duration 0:01:23.444284 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233450_00039 ( 201 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:05:07.691325
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:06:30.620987 ( duration 0:01:22.929662 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233451_00040 ( 202 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:06:30.621363
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:07:53.567258 ( duration 0:01:22.945895 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233552_00041 ( 203 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:07:53.567643
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:09:16.478833 ( duration 0:01:22.911190 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233553_00042 ( 204 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:09:16.479229
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:10:40.087113 ( duration 0:01:23.607884 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233555_00043 ( 205 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:10:40.087502
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:12:02.386695 ( duration 0:01:22.299193 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233556_00044 ( 206 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:12:02.387106
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:13:27.631356 ( duration 0:01:25.244250 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233600_00047 ( 207 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:13:27.632484
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:14:01.770249 ( duration 0:00:34.137765 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233657_00045 ( 208 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:14:01.770957
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:15:37.866277 ( duration 0:01:36.095320 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233659_00046 ( 209 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:15:37.866771
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:17:02.154935 ( duration 0:01:24.288164 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233802_00001 ( 210 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:17:02.155320
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:18:28.254829 ( duration 0:01:26.099509 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233803_00002 ( 211 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:18:28.255247
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:19:51.393926 ( duration 0:01:23.138679 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233904_00003 ( 212 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:19:51.394302
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:21:14.645970 ( duration 0:01:23.251668 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233906_00004 ( 213 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:21:14.646730
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:22:38.331254 ( duration 0:01:23.684524 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233907_00005 ( 214 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:22:38.331648
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:24:04.080480 ( duration 0:01:25.748832 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413233908_00006 ( 215 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:24:04.080896
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:25:30.041058 ( duration 0:01:25.960162 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234009_00007 ( 216 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:25:30.041455
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:26:54.675967 ( duration 0:01:24.634512 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234011_00008 ( 217 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:26:54.676356
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:28:19.471953 ( duration 0:01:24.795597 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234013_00009 ( 218 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:28:19.472334
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:29:45.145457 ( duration 0:01:25.673123 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234114_00010 ( 219 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:29:45.146168
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:31:11.030089 ( duration 0:01:25.883921 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234115_00011 ( 220 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:31:11.030945
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:32:36.716694 ( duration 0:01:25.685749 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234116_00012 ( 221 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:32:36.717067
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:34:08.413496 ( duration 0:01:31.696429 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234219_00013 ( 222 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:34:08.414261
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:35:33.680410 ( duration 0:01:25.266149 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234220_00014 ( 223 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:35:33.680841
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:36:58.745375 ( duration 0:01:25.064534 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234221_00015 ( 224 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:36:58.746134
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:38:23.151525 ( duration 0:01:24.405391 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234222_00016 ( 225 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:38:23.151901
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:39:47.236150 ( duration 0:01:24.084249 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234323_00017 ( 226 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:39:47.236529
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:41:12.679163 ( duration 0:01:25.442634 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234325_00018 ( 227 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:41:12.679551
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:42:41.589271 ( duration 0:01:28.909720 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234326_00019 ( 228 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:42:41.589668
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:44:06.142920 ( duration 0:01:24.553252 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234427_00020 ( 229 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:44:06.143395
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:45:30.416653 ( duration 0:01:24.273258 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234428_00021 ( 230 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:45:30.417033
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:46:54.316914 ( duration 0:01:23.899881 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234429_00022 ( 231 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:46:54.317633
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:48:17.728823 ( duration 0:01:23.411190 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234530_00023 ( 232 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:48:17.729690
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:49:41.846930 ( duration 0:01:24.117240 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234532_00024 ( 233 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:49:41.854119
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:51:06.359925 ( duration 0:01:24.505806 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234533_00025 ( 234 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:51:06.360301
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:52:31.497448 ( duration 0:01:25.137147 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234534_00026 ( 235 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:52:31.497852
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:53:56.213586 ( duration 0:01:24.715734 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234636_00027 ( 236 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:53:56.213975
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:55:21.190273 ( duration 0:01:24.976298 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234637_00028 ( 237 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:55:21.190679
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:56:46.832693 ( duration 0:01:25.642014 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234638_00029 ( 238 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:56:46.833097
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:58:10.843332 ( duration 0:01:24.010235 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234739_00030 ( 239 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:58:10.843716
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 08:59:35.393673 ( duration 0:01:24.549957 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234740_00031 ( 240 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 08:59:35.394573
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:00:59.616814 ( duration 0:01:24.222241 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234741_00032 ( 241 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:00:59.617498
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:02:23.652362 ( duration 0:01:24.034864 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234842_00033 ( 242 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:02:23.652786
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:03:47.401051 ( duration 0:01:23.748265 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234843_00034 ( 243 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:03:47.401434
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:05:11.907747 ( duration 0:01:24.506313 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234846_00035 ( 244 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:05:11.908143
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:06:35.564224 ( duration 0:01:23.656081 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234947_00036 ( 245 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:06:35.564667
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:08:00.502779 ( duration 0:01:24.938112 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234948_00037 ( 246 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:08:00.503163
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:09:26.564335 ( duration 0:01:26.061172 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413234949_00038 ( 247 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:09:26.564730
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:10:51.544009 ( duration 0:01:24.979279 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235050_00039 ( 248 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:10:51.544397
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:12:14.628192 ( duration 0:01:23.083795 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235051_00040 ( 249 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:12:14.628624
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:13:37.612186 ( duration 0:01:22.983562 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235053_00041 ( 250 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:13:37.613007
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:15:11.415618 ( duration 0:01:33.802611 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235054_00042 ( 251 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:15:11.416024
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:16:36.481544 ( duration 0:01:25.065520 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235100_00001 ( 252 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:16:36.483478
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:17:10.507862 ( duration 0:00:34.024384 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235156_00043 ( 253 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:17:10.508383
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:18:36.813142 ( duration 0:01:26.304759 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235157_00044 ( 254 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:18:36.813639
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:20:02.261385 ( duration 0:01:25.447746 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235159_00045 ( 255 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:20:02.262172
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:21:26.188359 ( duration 0:01:23.926187 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235201_00046 ( 256 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:21:26.188795
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:22:50.262574 ( duration 0:01:24.073779 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235202_00047 ( 257 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:22:50.262982
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:24:16.256925 ( duration 0:01:25.993943 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235203_00048 ( 258 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:24:16.257313
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:25:40.609276 ( duration 0:01:24.351963 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235304_00049 ( 259 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:25:40.609681
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:27:05.676434 ( duration 0:01:25.066753 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235305_00050 ( 260 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:27:05.676867
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:28:35.175312 ( duration 0:01:29.498445 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235306_00051 ( 261 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:28:35.176833
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:29:59.807468 ( duration 0:01:24.630635 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170413235307_00052 ( 262 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:29:59.807893
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:30:28.686890 ( duration 0:00:28.878997 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001 ( 263 of 263 ) @ 2019-08-16 09:30:28.687241
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:31:16.131646 ( duration 0:00:47.444405 )

XML folder count: 263

ObjectType values and occurrence counts:
- Feature|Article: 2995364
- Classified Advertisement|Advertisement: 1099428
- G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n: 274916
- A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t: 1437468
- Editorial|Commentary: 106808
- F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y: 242095
- C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t: 79922
- S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e: 94271
- N|e|w|s: 37233
- O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y: 3000
- Table of Contents|Front Matter: 41833
- News|Legal Notice: 733
- I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n: 29076
- E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c: 26268
- Letter to the Editor|Correspondence: 21107
- B|i|r|t|h| |N|o|t|i|c|e: 43
- News|Marriage Announcement: 26
- U|n|d|e|f|i|n|e|d: 1062
- R|e|v|i|e|w: 1388
- I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h: 206
Processing complete @ 2019-08-16 09:31:16.207670 ( started at 2019-08-16 02:27:59.741763; duration: 7:03:16.465907 )

Example output:

XML file count: 5752 Counters:

  • Processed 5752 files
  • No Record: 0
  • No ObjectType: 0
  • No ObjectType value: 0

ObjectType values and occurrence counts:

  • A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t: 2114224
  • Feature|Article: 5271887
  • I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h: 249942
  • O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y: 625143
  • G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n: 1083164
  • S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e: 202776
  • N|e|w|s: 140274
  • I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n: 106925
  • F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y: 386421
  • E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c: 78993
  • Editorial|Commentary: 156342
  • C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t: 68356
  • Classified Advertisement|Advertisement: 291533
  • R|e|v|i|e|w: 86889
  • Table of Contents|Front Matter: 69798
  • Letter to the Editor|Correspondence: 202071
  • News|Legal Notice: 24053
  • News|Marriage Announcement: 41314
  • B|i|r|t|h| |N|o|t|i|c|e: 926
  • News|Military/War News: 3
  • U|n|d|e|f|i|n|e|d: 5
  • Article|Feature: 137526
  • Front Matter|Table of Contents: 11195
  • Commentary|Editorial: 3386
  • Marriage Announcement|News: 683
  • Correspondence|Letter to the Editor: 7479
  • Legal Notice|News: 1029
  • Advertisement|Classified Advertisement: 12163

map files to types

Choose a directory, then loop over the files in the directory to build a map of types to lists of file names.

In [13]:
news_object_type_list = []
news_object_type_list.append( 'Article|Feature' )
news_object_type_list.append( 'Feature|Article' )
news_object_type_list.append( 'F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y' )

explore all known object types

Look at all known object types to see which contain actual news content.

In [14]:
# get list of all object types
master_object_type_list = my_paper.get_all_object_types()
print( "Object Types: {}".format( master_object_type_list ) )

Object Types: ['A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t', 'Advertisement|Classified Advertisement', 'Article|Feature', 'B|i|r|t|h| |N|o|t|i|c|e', 'Classified Advertisement|Advertisement', 'Commentary|Editorial', 'Correspondence|Letter to the Editor', 'C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t', 'E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c', 'Editorial|Commentary', 'Feature|Article', 'Front Matter|Table of Contents', 'F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y', 'G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n', 'I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n', 'I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h', 'Legal Notice|News', 'Letter to the Editor|Correspondence', 'Marriage Announcement|News', 'N|e|w|s', 'News|Legal Notice', 'News|Marriage Announcement', 'News|Military/War News', 'O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y', 'R|e|v|i|e|w', 'S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e', 'Table of Contents|Front Matter', 'Table Of Contents|Front Matter', 'U|n|d|e|f|i|n|e|d']

In [15]:
# directory to work in.
uncompressed_archive_folder = "CSM_20170929191926_00001"
uncompressed_archive_path = "{}/{}".format( uncompressed_paper_path, uncompressed_archive_folder )
print( 'Uncompressed archive folder: {}'.format( uncompressed_archive_path ) )

Uncompressed archive folder: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001

In [16]:
# build map of file types to lists of files of that type in specified folder.
object_type_to_file_path_map = my_paper.map_archive_folder_files_to_types( uncompressed_archive_path )

Processing 13761 XML files in /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001
----> XML file count: 13761

In map_archive_folder_files_to_types:
XML file count: 13761
- Processed 13761 files
- No Record: 0
- No ObjectType: 0
- No ObjectType value: 0

ObjectType values and occurrence counts:
- A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t - 826 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513134562.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513139205.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513139556.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513142351.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513142958.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513143345.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513143512.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513144297.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513144312.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513144594.xml
- Classified Advertisement|Advertisement - 77 files:
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    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513151914.xml
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    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513155631.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513158332.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513160379.xml
- C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t - 500 files:
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    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513135869.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513141570.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513141680.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513142087.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513142310.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513142549.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513143096.xml
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    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513144757.xml
- Editorial|Commentary - 491 files:
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    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513136153.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513139419.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513139764.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513140657.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513141809.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513143451.xml
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    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513143729.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513144190.xml
- E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c - 275 files:
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    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513139864.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513142005.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513142607.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513144242.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513145495.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513146247.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513147565.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513148368.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513148513.xml
- Feature|Article - 6269 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513134388.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513134635.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513135261.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513135484.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513136066.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513136393.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513136481.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513138820.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513138968.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513139305.xml
- F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y - 885 files:
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    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513135803.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513140939.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513141916.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513142206.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513142900.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513142904.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513143186.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513143253.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513143580.xml
- G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n - 3182 files:
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    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513134055.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513134126.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513134722.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513134929.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513135009.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513135069.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513135161.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513135424.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513135558.xml
- I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h - 49 files:
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    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513152299.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513153631.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513153896.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513158102.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513159228.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513159961.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513162029.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513162114.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513162870.xml
- Letter to the Editor|Correspondence - 286 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513141832.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513143498.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513143823.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513143827.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513144708.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513145760.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513146049.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513146859.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513148206.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513148668.xml
- N|e|w|s - 1 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513175733.xml
- R|e|v|i|e|w - 636 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513136243.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513142415.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513143627.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513143880.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513143944.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513144100.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513144110.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513144361.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513145410.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513145599.xml
- Table of Contents|Front Matter - 284 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513135320.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513135736.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513139929.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513141300.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513143701.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513144492.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513144760.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513146058.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513146997.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513147002.xml

In [ ]:
# which types do we want to preview?
#types_to_output = news_object_type_list
types_to_output = [ "Advertisement|Classified Advertisement" ]
types_to_output = [ "A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t" ]
types_to_output = [ 'Advertisement|Classified Advertisement' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Article|Feature' ]
types_to_output = [ 'B|i|r|t|h| |N|o|t|i|c|e' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Classified Advertisement|Advertisement' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Commentary|Editorial' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Correspondence|Letter to the Editor' ]
types_to_output = [ 'C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t' ]
types_to_output = [ 'E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Editorial|Commentary' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Feature|Article' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Front Matter|Table of Contents' ]
types_to_output = [ 'F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y' ]
types_to_output = [ 'G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n' ]
types_to_output = [ 'I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n' ]
types_to_output = [ 'I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Legal Notice|News' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Letter to the Editor|Correspondence' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Marriage Announcement|News' ]
types_to_output = [ 'N|e|w|s' ]
types_to_output = [ 'News|Legal Notice' ]
types_to_output = [ 'News|Marriage Announcement' ]
types_to_output = [ 'News|Military/War News' ]
types_to_output = [ 'O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y' ]
types_to_output = [ 'R|e|v|i|e|w' ]
types_to_output = [ 'S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Table of Contents|Front Matter' ]
types_to_output = [ 'Table Of Contents|Front Matter' ]
types_to_output = [ 'U|n|d|e|f|i|n|e|d' ]

# declare variables
xml_file_path_list = None
xml_file_path_count = None
xml_file_path_example_list = None
xml_file_path = None
xml_file = None
xml_dict = None
xml_string = None

# loop over types
for object_type in types_to_output:
    # print type and count
    xml_file_path_list = object_type_to_file_path_map.get( object_type, [] )
    xml_file_path_count = len( xml_file_path_list )
    xml_file_path_example_list = xml_file_path_list[ : 10 ]
    print( "\n- {} - {} files:".format( object_type, xml_file_path_count ) )
    for xml_file_path in xml_file_path_example_list:
        print( "----> {}".format( xml_file_path ) )

        # try to parse the file
        with open( xml_file_path ) as xml_file:

            # parse XML
            xml_dict = xmltodict.parse( )
        #-- END with open( xml_file_path ) as xml_file: --#
        # pretty-print
        xml_string = xmltodict.unparse( xml_dict, pretty = True )

        # output
        print( xml_string )
    #-- END loop over example file paths. --#
#-- END loop over object types. --#

files in archive CSM_20170929191926_00001 - 1994

Archive details:

  • ID: 903
  • Newspaper: 3 - ChristianScienceMonitor - Christian Science Monitor, The
  • archive_identifier: CSM_20170929191926_00001
  • min_date: 1994-01-03
  • max_date: 1994-12-30
  • path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001

In [ ]:
# directory to work in.
uncompressed_archive_folder = "CSM_20170929191926_00001"
uncompressed_archive_path = "{}/{}".format( uncompressed_paper_path, uncompressed_archive_folder )
print( 'Uncompressed archive folder: {}'.format( uncompressed_archive_path ) )

In [ ]:
# build map of file types to lists of files of that type in specified folder.
object_type_to_file_path_map = my_paper.map_archive_folder_files_to_types( uncompressed_archive_path )

In [17]:
# which types do we want to preview?
types_to_output = news_object_type_list

# declare variables
xml_file_path_list = None
xml_file_path_count = None
xml_file_path_example_list = None
xml_file_path = None
xml_file = None
xml_dict = None
xml_string = None

# loop over types
for object_type in types_to_output:
    # print type and count
    xml_file_path_list = object_type_to_file_path_map.get( object_type, [] )
    xml_file_path_count = len( xml_file_path_list )
    xml_file_path_example_list = xml_file_path_list[ : 10 ]
    print( "\n- {} - {} files:".format( object_type, xml_file_path_count ) )
    for xml_file_path in xml_file_path_example_list:
        print( "----> {}".format( xml_file_path ) )

        # try to parse the file
        with open( xml_file_path ) as xml_file:

            # parse XML
            xml_dict = xmltodict.parse( )
        #-- END with open( xml_file_path ) as xml_file: --#
        # pretty-print
        xml_string = xmltodict.unparse( xml_dict, pretty = True )

        # output
        print( xml_string )
    #-- END loop over example file paths. --#
#-- END loop over object types. --#

- Article|Feature - 0 files:

- Feature|Article - 6269 files:
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/ChristianScienceMonitor/CSM_20170929191926_00001/513134388.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>What the Court Did Not Say In Its Jury-Selection Ruling</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jun 20, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>Jack Frucktman Jr</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Jack Frucktman Jr</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>IN recently ruling out gender as a factor in My selection, the United States Supreme Court delighted women's groups across America. And yet what is most interesting about this case is not what the court said, but what it did not say.</Abstract>
	<FullText>What the Court Did Not Say In Its Jury-Selection Ruling                 Jack Frucktman Jr                 IN recently ruling out gender as a factor in My selection, the United States Supreme Court delighted women s groups across America. And yet what is most interesting about this case is not what the court said, but what it did not say.                 Once again the court had an opportunity to extend the full protection of the 14th Amendment to women, but once again it chose not to do so. Curiously, on its face, the decision looks as if the court had made gender discrimination coequal to racial discrimination, but it did not. The court did say that gender, like race, may no longer be used by prosecutors or defense attorneys in their peremptory challenges (made without an explicit reason) to strike a potential juror from a trial. But the ruling was limited because it did not elevate discrimination against women to the high standard of "strict scrutiny," which the court has set forth for race. Generally, the court has used two different standards to determine whether a law has deprived either an individual citizen or a particular group of citizens of the equal protection of the law, as stated in the the 14th Amendment. The older of these is the "rational basis test," which states that if the state can show that the law furthers a "legitimate" governmental interest in the deprivation of equal protection, then the court presumes the law to be constitutional. Thus, for example, the draft may be reserved for young men of a particular age group (hence discriminating against women and, indeed, some men who are both too young and too old). The second standard is the more rigid, more difficult to meet "strict scrutiny test," which has grown to apply to discrimination against minorities, especially blacks. The court began to develop the strict scrutiny test over 50 years ago when Justice HarIan Fiske Stone suggested in a footnote in an obscure case that "prejudices against discrete                 and insular minorities may be a special condition ... which may call for a correspondingly more-searching judicial inquiry.'* Although he did not use the term "strict scrutiny," Justice Stone's meaning was clear: The court would subject discrimination on the basis of race to a higher standard than the rational basis test. Race, for the court, immediately became a "suspect" category, triggering the strict scrutiny test and requiring the government to bear the burden of proof of why it had singled out a particular racial minority. As Justice Hugo Black wrote in 1944 in a Japanese internment case, "all legal restrictions which curtail the civil rights of a single racial group are immediately suspect... [and the] courts must subject them to more rigid [that is, strict] scrutiny." IN 1971, the court developed a new standard, so-called "heightened scrutiny," which was designed to assist women In discrimination cases when such discrimination resulted from governmental policies. In the decision announced on April 19,1994, retiring Justice Harry Blackmun was quite explicit that his opinion was narrow and would not extend the equal protection clause s "strict scrutiny" test to women. "We hold that gender, like race, is an unconstitutional proxy for juror competence and impartiality," he said. "Discrimination injury selection whether based on race or on gender causes harm to the litigants, the community, and the individual jurors who are wrongfully excluded from participation in the Judicial process." Neither his opinion nor the concurrences said anything about strict scrutiny or suspect classes. Justice Blackmun explicitly said that the court did not need to determine "whether women or racial minorities have suffered more" for the majority to conclude that prosecutors may no longer exclude someone from a jury on the basis of gender. This limited decision barely extended the cause of women s righto. ? Jack Fruchtman Jr. teaches  law and direct* the prelaw  at TawHon (Md.) Slate Univerttily.</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>'Dear Congress' Letters Reveal Hot Views on Smoking</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jun 16, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<OriginalForm>John Dillin Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>THE public is huffing and puffing over efforts by Congress to restrict cigarettes and other forms of tobacco.</Abstract>
	<FullText>'Dear Congress' Letters Reveal Hot Views on Smoking                 John Dillin Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor                 WASHINGTON                 THE public is huffing and puffing over efforts by Congress to restrict cigarettes and other forms of tobacco.                 "This issue is much broader than smoking,"  J.R., a woman from HyattsviHe, Md., in a !etter to Congress. "It is an issue of a government using my hard-earned  to  my lifestyle. In some arenas, that  has been called communism." Smoking opponents are equally irate. After a House subcommittee grH!cd topranking cigarette company executives at televised hearings, a New Jersey doctor wrote to Kep. Mike Synar (D) of Oklahoma, saying: "I thorough!y agree with your stand concerning the evils of . I was astounded at the testimony of various heads of the tobacco companies who ... swear that there is no tobacco addiction present. This has to be the epitome of falsification." Antismokin% efforts have gained surprising momentum since last month s  hearings chaired by Hep. Henry Waxman (!)) of California. This week, antismoking congressmen                 struck again with an amendment that cou!d reads the Moor of tite House as  aM today. The , pro{)osed by Congressman Synar, wo)))d be Capito! Ihtt's toughest action yet against the tobacco interests. '!lte amendment wou!d give the Food and Drug Administration dear-cut authority to  the                 "manufacture ... distribution, sale, labeling, advertising, , and content oi' products containing tobacco." The on!y limitation tj Fi)A's authority under the Synar proposal would be a rule that the agency could not ban sales outright of cigarettes or other products containing tobacco. FDA wouid still have powerful options, however. For example, regulators could order cigarette makers to remove at! nicotine from their products. Tough talk coming from Capitol Hi)! has riled many of the nation s 40  cigarette smokers, as well as some nonsmokers. M.E., a woman in Idaho, wonders: "Is there anything that we can do to prevent government from continuing to erode our rights?" She notes in a letter: "I am a smoker, but I am also v?r?/ concerned about all the personal rights that are seeming to be legislated against." P.L., a Tennessee woman, makes a similar point. She calls the efforts of Mr. Waxman and Rep. Ron Wyden (D) of Oregon, another antismoking legislator, "an attempt to dictate lifetyle to conform to what they perceive to be political correctness! I am so angry about this attempt to criminalize tobacco." Some Americans complain that Waxman &amp; Co. are "torturing," as one writer put it, the tobacco companies, even though they                 are engaged in a lawful business. After Waxman and three of his Democratic colleagues (Synar, Mr. Wydert, and Rep. John Bryant of Texas) cross-examined tobacco officials at their hearings, C.J. of San Antonio wrote: "Those four congressmen were a disgrace. The arrogance of a one-party government is sickening.... I don't need Big Brother' telling me what s good for me and what isn't." R.S. of New Jersey likened the tobacco hearings to "McCarthyism," a comparison also made by many others, including AH. of California, who accused Waxman of "extreme hubris" and "bullyboy tactics." Yet a number of voters insist Waxman is on the right track. G.H. of Pittsburgh writes that "it infuriates me" when he sees smokers forcing others to breathe their second-hand ,in public places. Me says: "They casually infringe on others' rights while they spew their hypocritical rhetoric of freedom. People should have the right to smoke. In their own space." H.H.  complains about  who permit smoking in (.he , thereby forcing  to make a difficult choice between what he calls the "danger" of bad air and the loss of their jobs. "There is no reason that this situation should exist," he says. Young people are the focus of many let-                 ter writers. J.H. in West Virginia says: "Something  ! - ))acco industry, - )ar!y on our She won(!crs new FDA refutations (i supersede (ou^ CD. in Oktaitonta says the  is :                  as a drug" - a goa! of many legislators on Capitol HiH. !'1)A has expressed an interest, in regulating tobacco as a drug, but officials there hesitate because they have no dear mandate front Congress. If there is one area where the public  (;s, it is the question of tobacco s addictive qualities. Waxman, Synar, and other  advocates are adamant that the nicotine in tobacco hooks smokers in ways comparable to narcotics. CM. of Oklahoma tends weight to that argument. "Not everyone has it easy when trying to quit. !t isn't as easy as  might think," she writes. T.F. of California, however, scoffs at Waxman's views. "I have never heard of anyone robbing, stealing and/or ki!)ing for a cigarette, but it s a we!!-documented fact that hard-drug users do so every minute of the day," he writes. A smoker, P.L., comp!ains: "I ... resent being caMed a drug addict." And R.S. in New Jersey, who says he easily quit smoking after 30 years, insists: "I am convinced that nicotine is not an addictive drug." With aM the other issues before them this summer, including health care, welfare reform, and a costly crime bill, it is uncertain whether Congress wants to take on the tobacco issue. But tobacco is clearly under the heaviest attack on Capitol Hill in years.                 1 don't need "Big Brother"  me what s good for me and what isn't/</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>US Reorients Its Asian Lenses</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jun 15, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>Peter Grier</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Peter Grier</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>MAYBE President Clinton was relieved that Emperor Akihito, leader of Japan in name only, isn't allowed to talk serious politics. That means conversation during the Emperor's White House visit this week could be limited to safe topics: saxophones (Mr. Clinton's interest), the science of fish (the emperor's), and the collapse of...</Abstract>
	<FullText>Clinton shifts style from bellicose to balmy in dealing with an area high on face and patience                 Clinton shifts style from bellicose to balmy in dealing with an area high on face and patience                 US Reorients Its Asian Lenses                 THE WORLD FROM WASHINGTON                 MAYBE President Clinton was relieved that Emperor Akihito, leader of Japan in name only, isn't allowed to talk serious politics. That means conversation during the Emperor's White House visit this week could be limited to safe topics: saxophones (Mr. Clinton's interest), the science of fish (the emperor s), and the collapse of...                 the Boston Red Sox baseball team (inevitable). Actually, Asia Is an area of the world that has caused the US administration considerable problems. Late .last year, Clinton stood with Asian leaders in Seattle and promised a "New Pacific Community" of trade and friend* ship. Since then, missteps and strain have mostly characterized United States-Asian relations.                 In recent weeks the US has launched a kind of Asia diplomatic off#     centered on renewal of China's favored trade status, opening of a diplomatic office in Vietnam., and a more low-key approach to trade talks with Japan. But Asian nation*                 may still be reserving judgment on current US leadership qualities. "Eecentiy the US style in Asia has changed under pressure of deadlines," says Dr. Charles Morrison, director of the East-West Center's program on international economics and politics. "But there is still a great deal of doubt in the region as to whether this represents a permanent shift." The bellicose nature of US diplomacy in Asia has been a continuing problem. In May the State Department's top Asia hand, Assistant Secretaiy of State Winston Lord, warned in a letter to Ms boss,. Secretaiy of State Warren Christopher, of a "" fed by open disputes with Japan over trade, and with China, Indonesia, and other nations over human rights. Loud US criticism brought little change in Asian policies. The best example in that regard might be Clinton's appeal to Singapore                 to refrain from caning a US teenager convicted of vandalism. The youth. was caned anyway, and Singapore slapped back with barbs about American social problems.. ? The new approach in US-Asian relations may be . The administration promises that it will still ? human rights issues with China - it just won t link human rights progress wilh continued trade. But critics worry that the Clinton administration hasn't yet learned that Asia as a whole must be approached differently from of her parts of th world. Face, style, and patience are important, as is comprehensiveness. "We  t really had an Asia policy with a capital *A',B sap Jama* Keardon-Anderson, direr tor of Asia studies at Georgetown University. "The whole has been less than the                 sum. of its parts." If there had been, an overall policy, claims Dr. Reardon-Anderson, there would have been more emphasis last year on  a consensus in the region for action on its most important problem: North Korea's -                 tied defiance of nuclear inspector*. The US would not .have risked alienating Japan and China over trade when It needed their help for any concerted action against the Pyongyang regime. US dealings with North Korea, per se, have been far from bellicose. There .has been a effort to lure the North into the world community with carrots of aid and recognition. While some score the Clinton team too soft on the issue, the US approach has reflected the challenge that the world has few means of influence on an essentially isolated nation. Now the US must reach a consensus on action with South Korea, Japan, and China - nations that are normally suspicious of each other, not to mention the US. "The administration," says one Asian diplomat diplomatically, "is doing its best."                 Peter Grier</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>WORTH NOTHING ON TV</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jun 10, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>Alan Bunce</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Alan Bunce</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>NBA finals (NBC 9 p.m., EDT to conclusion): In Game 2 of a best-of-seven series for the championship, the New York Knicks face the Houston Rockets in Houston's Summit. Houston won Game 1 on Wednesday night, 85 to 78.</Abstract>
	<FullText>WORTH NOTHING ON TV                 Alan Bunce                 FRIDAY                 NBA finals (NBC 9 p.m., EDT to conclusion): In Gome 2 of a best-of-seven series for the championship, the New York Knicks face the Houston Rockets in Houston's Summit. Houston won Game 1 on Wednesday night, 85 to 78.                 ?SUNDAY Amelia Earhart: The Final Flight (TNT, 8- JOp.m.).- Dtane Keaton says that when she was 12 years old, a neighbor told her she looked like Amelia Earhart. Mot until she was older did Keaton detect the resemblance her neighbor had noticed, but it inspired an interest in the famed flyer. Now Keaton is portraying the legendary figure lost in a 1937 flight over the South Pacific under circumstances never definitively explained. Two fairly recent books, a TV documentary, and an ad campaign have focused on Earhart, who was almost reclusive in her shyness yet was launched info the media spotlight by her publisher husband. Bruce Dem plays Earhart's husband, and Roger Hauer is the navigator who was flying with Earhart when she disappeared. The Tonys (CBS, 9-1 ? p.m..  DT. Delayed in some areas -  check local listings): A distinguished pair of actors - Anthony Hopkins and Amy Irving - co-host the 48th edition of theater s big night. It's typically the most interesting and sometimes the most civilized of the major awards ceremonies. The show is carried live from New York's Gershwin Theater and includes 20 competitive categories, as well as the Regional Theatre Award and other honors. Numbers will be offered from the four nominated musicals: The songs from "Beauty and the Beast" and "Passion" will be done as they are on the Broadway stage. Special material will be used to represent music from "A Grand Night for Singing" and "Cyrano," which have closed. NBA finals (NBC, 9 p.m., EDT to conclusion): In Game 3, the New York Knicks play the Houston Rockets in New York's Madison Square Garden. Please check local listings for these programs.</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Negotiating From A New Perspective</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jun 8, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<Abstract>FOR the first time I was on my own. Over the years I had worked for a large corporation, a nonprofit association, and a university. Each of these experiences developed skills that I had decided to use in launching my own consulting business. As I prepared to meet with my first prospective client, I felt some trepidation about the contract negotiating process.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Negotiating From A New Perspective                 ?xc, cmn12                 FOR the first time I was on my own. Over the years I had worked for a large corporation, a nonprofit association, and a university. Each of these experiences developed skills that I had decided to use in launching my own consulting business. As I prepared to meet with my first prospective client, I felt some trepidation about the contract negotiating process.                 Initially I reviewed the advice I had received about effective negotiating. I tried to walk mentally through the four phases of the process: preparation, opening, bargaining, followed by agreement and closing. But I knew there was an even better way to prepare. As a Christian Scientist, I've learned that by turning to God in prayer, we can gain the view of reality that Christ Jesus saw and made practical in healing. I decided to consider each phase of the negotiating process from a spiritual basis. First, I asked myself what I knew about                 the person who would be on the other side of the table. I knew him to be, in truth, a unique and valued expression of God, embodying a wonderful array of God-given qualities such as intelligence, integrity, creativity, and kindness. What did I know of this client s                 needs and motives? I knew we were both created and directed by God, divine Mind, in every aspect of our lives, so our true motives must be to show forth God's goodness. Each individual s fundamental needs are to know God better and love others more. I prayed to understand that the work we both were doing could help meet these needs. I prayed that I would be perceptive of the client s specific concerns and express the wisdom to address them effectively. Considering the second phase in the negotiating process, the "opening," I realized that when I began the conversation with the client, I could open with the attitude expressed in Jeremiah: "Come, and let us join ourselves to the Lord in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten" (50:5). Bargaining, I thought, could pose particular challenges. How would I handle disagreement? Since the same all-intelligent Mind, God, created and governs both of us, I reasoned, we each would be guided by that Mind in our discussion. I turned to a statement in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer of Christian Science. She writes: "When the divine precepts are understood, they unfold the foundation of fellowship, in which one mind is not at war with another, but all have one Spirit, God, one intelligent source, in accordance with the Scriptural command: 'Let this Mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus'" (p. 276). The final phase, "agreement and closing," follows successful bargaining. I prayed to understand that God's law operating in this situation would ensure good results for both of            based on integrity and honesty in our work. Mind's plan could simply not include loss for either of us. Whether the outcome of our negotiating was a contract or not, God is in control, blessing His creation. As it turned out, my client and I did reach agreement. Our negotiating was spirited and surprisingly enjoyable, with respect expressed on both sides. Just as important, I have developed a new perspective as a consultant: a spiritual perspective that greatly enhances my work and, in fact, every aspect of my life. You can find more articles  this one in the Christian Science Sentinel, a weekly magazine.</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Touching other bases</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jun 7, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<FullText>Touching other bases                 ? Sharpshooter Reggie Miller of the Indiana Pacers made a name for himself with some lights-out,                 stop-me-if-you-can marksmanship during the National Basketball's Eastern Conference championship series. It was fitting, therefore, that he had the ball with the game on the line during the last ticks of the seventh and decisive game against the New York Knicks. So what happens? Miller takes a long shot that misses everything, and the Knicks, leading 91-90, add three free throws after Miller commits a desperation foul. New York wins, 94-90, and advances to the NBA Finals against Houston, starting Wednesday night. ? Defending champ Louisiana State University was emphatically eliminated from baseball s eight-team College World Series Sunday, losing to Fullerton State 20-6. In the words of LSU coach Skip Bertram, "I thought it was a good ball game for four pitches...." ? You've got to love the name of the boat design group - Fluid Thinking - that is working with two Australian America's Cup syndicates on next spring s races. ? If Disney can come out with a sequel to its "Mighty Ducks" youth-hockey saga (as in it has with "Mighty Ducks H"), then surely there s a decent youth football script out there. Steven Spielberg clearly thinks so. Warner Bros, and Spielberg's Amblin Entertainment began filming "Little Giants" last month. Many of the football walk-ons will be from Pop Warner youth leagues.</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>South Africa Prompts Controversy In Doubling Its Sales of Weapons</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jun 6, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<OriginalForm>John Battersby Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>SOUTH AFRICA'S plan to double arms exports by the end of the year has sparked heated debate in a country searching for government savings to fund costly socioeconomic development programs.</Abstract>
	<FullText>South Africa Prompts Controversy In Doubling Its Sales of Weapons                 John Battersby Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor                 JOHANNESBURG                 SOUTH AFRICA S plan to double arms exports by the end of the year has sparked heated debate in a country searching for government savings to fund costly socioeconomic development programs.                 The debate ted to the May 24 lifting of the United Nations Security Council's 17-year-old mandatory Arms Embargo and the voluntary Arms Boycott, which outlawed the sale of arms to South Africa and the purchase of arms exports from South Africa. But human rights organiza-                 tions and Western diplomats have expressed concern about the danger of fueling armed conflicts in Africa and supplying renegade states like Libya, Iraq, and Sudan. "The lifting of these embargoes is very significant, because it will result in the normalization of South Africa's international arms trade," says Tielman de Waal, chief executive of Armscor, the marketing arm of the country s flourishing arms industry. "There is a real concern that South African arms could again land up in the hands of pariah states," argues a Western diplomat, noting that South African G.5 artillery guns had                 reached Iraq during its conflict with Iran and were used against US forces in the Gulf war. But Armscor officials insist that arms sales will be subject to stringent export control measures that are in line with international treaties and practices. "We will deal only on a govemment-to-govemment basis," says Armscor spokesman Bertus Celliers, noting that the company was committed to openness and accountability on its export sales. South Africa is a recent signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty and the chemical and biological conventions, complies with the rules of the Missile Technology Control Regime, and has recently introduced stricter export control mechanisms. But recent disclosures that South Africa sold $5.9 million of small arms - mainly automatic ri-                 f!es, grenades, and mortars - to Rwanda in 1992 has highlighted the moral problem. Mr. De Waal says the arms sales to Rwanda were halted in October tast year when it became clear that a conflict could arise there. But Rwanda has been the arena of recurring ethnic conflicts between the majority Hutu and minority Tutsi ethnic groups over the past three decades. President Nelson Mandela announced Friday that South Africa would provide a Held hospital and 50 armored  carriers toward an African effort to solve that conflict. "The controversy over Rwanda highlights the pitfalls of South Africa becoming a major arms supplier in Africa," the Western                 diplomat says. Despite stringent UN restrictions, South Africa developed a formidable arms industry during the apartheid era. It is the world s 10th largest arms exporter. Mr. Mandela has given his blessing to increased arms sales, but has stressed that careful steps will be taken to ensure that arms do not end up in the hands of governments that could use them to suppress their own people or pose a threat to world peace. But the government of national unity has inherited a defense force that has already been subjected to four years of successive budget cuts and the dismantling of its nuclear and missile manufacturing industries. The post-1989 budget cuts have caused turnover in the defense industry to plummet 60 percent and has led to the scrapping of                 65,000 jobs. A recent multiparty inquiry into the arms industry has warned that the survival of the industry is at stake. The new government is under pressure from within its ranks to cut defense spending further to help fund its Reconstruction and Development Program - a detailed plan for socioeconomic development to counteract the legacy of apartheid. But defense analysts argue that defense spending will have to be increased in the short-term to fund integration into the new South African National Defense Force of up to 45,000 members of former liberation and apartheid armies. They argue that increased capital spending will also be needed to ensure that the arms                 industry remains competitive. At present, South African arms exports account for only 0.5 percent of the international arms trade and provide jobs for a mere 15,000 people in a country with black unemployment levels running at more than 40 percent. Annscor has vowed to more than double arms sales by the end of the current year to some $500 million, thereby providing a further 20,000 jobs. "It's foreign exchange and jobs that we are talking about," says Brig. Bill Sass, a former defense force officer now with the independent Institute for Defense Politics. Defense Minister Joe Modise, former commander of the ANC's Spear of the Nation, has argued strongly in favor of increased defense spending and supports Armscor's plan to increase its arms sales.                 JOHANNESBURG: South African Defense Force troops monitor a Zulu rally in 1992. Human rights groups and Western diplomats are concerned that South Africa's reentry into the international arms trade could fuel conflict elsewhere in Africa.                 ROBERT HARBISON - STAFF/FILE</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Exchange Markets Battle for Share Of World Trading In Futures, Options</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jun 6, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<OriginalForm>James L Tyson Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>THE same sort of rough and tumble that roils financial futures trading floors has spread to executive suites as the directors of tha world's exchanges vie over the 24-hour futures trading market.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Exchange Markets Battle for Share Of World Trading In Futures, Options                 James L Tyson Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor                 CHICAGO                 THE same sort of rough and tumble that roils financial futures trading floors has spread to executive suites as the directors of tha world s exchanges vie over the 24-hour futures trading market.                 Two years ago, Reuters, a British news service, and two United States exchanges - the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) - linked up electronically to form GLOBEX, an electronic trading system offering customers round-the-clock trading of options and futures. But the movement toward expanding GLOBEX has hit a patch of flack. Some futures exchanges considering this worldwide "seamless trading system" have bridled when asked to give up autonomy and forsake go-it-alone, off-hours trading. On May 17, for example, the world s thirdlargest futures and options exchange, the London Internationa! Financial Futures and Options Exchange, turned down an opportunity to join GLOBEX. UFFE executives indicated that they found GLOBEX too restrictive. The trading system would have barred them from forming trading links with exchanges outside GLOBEX and from extending their own after-hours trading. More disturbing to GLOBEX is the fact that one partner, the CBOT, voiced the same criticisms of GLOBEX a month earlier. Tiie Chicago Board announced it was pulling out of GLOBEX, and its last contract was traded there on May 20. The GLOBEX partners resisted plans by CBOT to go ahead with its own after-hours trading system, which it dubbed "Project A." Project A is "a competitor to GLOBEX, so how do you expect other participants in GLOBEX to view that?," asks Andy Yemma, a CME spokesman. r H 1 HE CBOT says it is merely trying to take adH vantage of rapid market growth. "Basically, JL this is such a crucial time for the futures industry - we re growing so fast - no one really knows which way the industry is going, so you don't want to be strapped" by a rigid regime, says CBOT spokesman Andrew Maner. April volume on the CBOT was up 52.5 percent over April 1993. The day it withdrew from GLOBEX, the CBOT announced that it had agreed, as part of "Project A," to arrange for the trade of futures on the 37,000 terminals controlled by Bloomberg Financial Markets. The L1FFE has  discussed a similar tie-up with Bloomberg, an information service based in New York. All news is not bad news for GLOBEX. On May 19, Deutsche Terminborse (DTB), a German futures exchange, said it would join GLOBEX. The partnership is part of DTB's plan to strengthen ties to MATIF, the French futures exchange that scuttled its own after-hours trading and joined GLOBEX in March 1993. Still, the volume of 4,000 CME contracts each day at GLOBEX is far lower than the 25,000 projected by Reuters. For its part, the CME has more modest expectations for GLOBEX, at least for the near future. "We never made projections for GLOBEX, and we said it would take a long time for volume to build," Mr. Yemma says. Tlte number of GLOBEX contracts has risen fourfold in the past year, he adds.</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Article 1 -- No Title</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jun 6, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>Joseph C Harsch</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Joseph C Harsch</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>FIFTY years ago today, the lead story on the front page of The Christian Science Monitor and of every other newspaper the world around said that "the hour of invasion has arrived."</Abstract>
	<FullText>"S .   . vet . rt tth Prt C" IcC,A Jet I Dr oast *rat t  00a is t 13 Battirlte;,, cr dvi ; It.   ,:c ;:. amp CIA tn the C  by An as Cen,  d is scce. land ran nicer. t Ce. .w.stAnce. Ittlarf by Gr, s.   .311. tiny. 11 w twat w Skti,. Irriv higton.t Won? nt thc., 'LONDON, Jur, tt. Pr:ntt MInlattr . , CiArtrnena Imlay tha                 The Allied world held its breath as its soldiers fought for a toehold on the narrow beaches of Hitler's 'Fortress Europe' on June 6, 1944                 Joseph C Harsch                 FIFTY years ago today, the lead story on the front page of The Christian Science Monitor and of every other newspaper the world around said that "the hour of invasion has arrived."                 It was the climactic moment of World War II, the day when British, Canadian, and American troops turned to the continent of Europe and opened the second front for which the Soviets, hardpressed by German armies deep inside Russia, had been pleading. Allied invasion Supreme Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower had chosen for his decisive battlefield the short, shallow Normandy peninsula - about 60 miles along the invasion front, in places less than 50 mi!es deep. In some ways the choice favored the Germans. After 8ve years of war, they were short of manpower. Most of their best troops were in Russia. They could barely manage enough forces to cover their "West wall," the "invasion front" on the English Channel. They                 had few reserves. A short battle front with solid flanks served the Nazis and deprived the invading armies of the advantage of superior manpower. The number of troops that could be put ashore along the Normandy beaches was limited by space, not by numbers of men available. But there were beaches along the Normandy shore - long miles of them. The Nazis did not know where the invasion would come. General Eisenhower had selected Normandy partly because it was relatively remote, partly because his intelligence experts told him that the Nazis had more reserves behind the beaches farther north, around Calais. They were not                 expecting him to come ashore on Normandy. With his superior air power, Eisenhower cou!d also more easily block the roads and rail lines to Normandy than the shorter and more numerous supply lines to the German front in the Calais area. "Ike's" first problem was to establish a beachhead. He had to break through the Nazi defenses somewhere. Normandy seemed to him the best place to try it, even though it gave him little room to maneuver. He could not begin to use his superior numbers until he could break out of the confines of Normandy. Many Americans who were alive on the day of the Japanese                 attack on Pear! Harbor can remember where they were when first hearing the news. D-Day news was tike that, too. We knew the invasion was coming, sometime. Newspapers and broadcasting networks had long since sent to England the reporters who were to cover the invasion. Those reporters had been briefed and sent to their embarkation points. When the day came, those of us !eft behind had to be patient and wait for the news. We knew that the one big uncertainty was whether the invasion force couid actually get ashore. Ultimately, the superior weight of Allied manpower and equipment would give the victory to the AHies - if they couid get past the beach. There were anxious hours as we waited for the news from the front !inc. The Nazis had the advantage not just of a small battlefield with solid flanks, but also of experience. Every German division had been battle-hardened in many a campaign. Few American units were experienced in battle. &amp;K?                  NORMANDY from page 11 The US First Division at Omaha Hcat-h had come from  fi}il)tinK in Afrit!), hut (tie ['mirth Divisiim at Utali Hrach was m-w to Itattle. Many Americans  can)c  50 years ago were strain))! front (raining camps. More of HitBrit is)) were combat !ts, hut not at! of their first-wave troops hat! been in battle hefore. The Nazis' experience  make up for their deficiency in numbers and their war-weariness. Decisive to the outcome was an enormous Attied superiority in sea and . The British and American navies  the Hngiish Channc! and covered it. with an invasion fleet of some 5,300 ships. The only challenge came from a few Nazi torpedo boats that sank a Norwegian destroyer and fted. Tew Luftwaffe  attempted to  Ihe Allied air forces that dominated the skies over the invasion beaches am) protected (he 2.1,400 airborne troops dropped behind the Herman front, tines. The invasion was  two years in the planning. Marvelous ingenuity went into the perfection of landing craft, two  harbors, tanks that  "swim" ashore, and others that cou!d knock out mine  with rotating chain . Spcciat squads of frogmen were trained to  underwater obstructions. US Army Rangers practiced seating . Setdom has the assault on a fortress been prepared so , and never before had so big a fortress been s]  by so many. It #* MdH depended on that first day. t\/] The Nazis hoped, and perhaps ^L T JL expected, to throw back (tie first waves of the invasion. Hut  back, it is obvious that once the beachheads had been won and reinforced, the issue was . Wit!) total command of sea and air , the Atties could begin pumping in reserves. The  began, it could not be stopped. Hitler had overreached when he invaded Russia antl brought the vast manpower of that country into the war. The  Japanese added to the burden by bringing the Americans into the war. When D-Day came, Hitler's armies were fighting the combined manpower and resources of Russia, the United States, and the British Empire. North Africa had been lost; Maty bad been invaded. The Herman Army of HM'! was the most experienced, efficiently supplied, and hest-tcd of any army it) (he . From ])-f)ay until (he end of the  in Norniitndy, the attacking  tost 5 men for every' 2 Nazi soldiers killed. German tanks were the best in (hose  battles of the war, and (he Nazi 88- antitank gun was without . Cut the combination of the resources of three great powers was too much. A brilliant, wcU- plan, and superior Attied  air-power made it  to get those men and  on the . Nearly a year of fighting [ay before them unti! the end the  May, but the end was inevitable. Hitter tost World War U when he couldn't tum back that first wave of the invasion - 50 years ago today.                 DAVE HERRING - STAFF</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Chicagoans Try Genetic Product: Designer Tomato</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jun 3, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<OriginalForm>Ann Scott Tyson Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>CHICAGO consumers are tasting tomatoes this week that are the first genetically engineered whole food approved by the federal government for marketing in the United States.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Chicagoans Try Genetic Product: Designer Tomato                 Ann Scott Tyson Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor                 CHICAGO                 CHICAGO consumers are tasting tomatoes this week that are the first genetically engineered whole food approved by the federal government for marketing in the United States.                 Crates of the deep red tomatoes, developed by Calgene Inc. of Davis Calif., arrived at a Chicago grocery chain last Friday as part of a marketing tria! at 70 stores here and in northern California. Named Flavr Savrs, the tomatoes are genetically altered to resist rot so they can ripen longer on the vine and still remain firm enough for transport to markets. They are the first of dozens of genetically engineered food products - from apples to zucchini - expected to go on sale in coming years, say scientists and agriculture officials. Corn, potatoes, cucumbers, soybeans, and cotton are just a few of the common crops being tested for genetic modification. "In three to five years I expert dozens on the market," says John Payne, director of biotechnology, biologies, and environmental protection at the Agriculture Department's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). Dr. Payne is overseeing a flood of requests from companies for authorization to conduct field trials on genetically engineered crops. In the first four months of this year alone, the service authorized 223 such field trials. That figure represents more than a quarter of the 880 trials approved since 1987. "The applications are pouring in now. It's hard to keep up," Payne says. While many scientists believe the genetically engineered crops are being adequately tested for safety, critics argue that potential health and environmental dangers remain and could spawn new crop diseases that could greatly damage agricultural harvests. The debate is timely. Only last week government inspectors at APHIS issued a draft decision on approving the first widespread cultivation of a crop genetically altered to resist viruses. A hearing is scheduled for June 21 to discuss comments on the crop, a yellow squash developed by Asgrow Seed Company, a subsidiary of the Upjohn Company. A critical study published in                 March by Michigan State University scientists Richard Allison and Ann Greene shows how genes of plants injected with viruses to help them resist disease can recombine with other naturally occuring viruses to create new, fast-growing strains. 'The Clinton administration has devoted very few resources to assessing this kind of risk," says Gus de Zoeten, chairman of the                 department of botany and plant pathology at Michigan State University. Professor de Zoeten asserts that the current, isolated field trials are inadequate to fully gauge the consequences of the altered genes "escaping" into the environment, creating new viruses, and contaminating wild plant species. "It is only a matter of time before these genes escape, but we don't know which ones to look out for," De Zoeten says. Other scientists contend, however, that new viruses are much more likely to occur naturally in the environment. NaturaMy infected crops contain complete copies of the  genes in higher numbers than in  engineered crops, which are injected with  copies, they say. A NOTHER complex debate /\ involves when consumer ^LjL labeling should be required for genetically altered crops, and what information the labels should provide. Consumer groups such as the Washington-based Pure Food Campaign have called for labeling to warn buyers of the antibioticresistant genes in the Flavr Savr tomatoes. Calgene does not inform the public that the genes are resistant to the drug kanamycin, saying only that the tomatoes are "grown from genetically modified seeds." They contend that such information is not necessary because the genes are broken down during digestion. Ultimately, however, the success or failure of genetically engineered products will depend on the marketplace. Shoppers at Jewel Food Stores in Chicago, for instance, can choose between Flavr Savr tomatoes at $2.59 a pound and a regular bargain variety at 59 cents a pound. Both Jewel and Calgene declined to reveal figures on sales of the tomato so far in Chicago. "It's too early to say," says Jewel spokeswoman Dianne Maffia. "But we think there is demand for this."</FullText>

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	<RecordTitle>High-Speed Rail Linking Midwest States On Distant Horizon but Chugging Closer</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jun 17, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>James L Tyson Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>SOMEDAY, the beloved train horn, with its old, dreamy call, could cry across the prairie above a new, equally captivating sound: the roar of several tons of high-tech electronics and steel rocketing along at 200 miles an hour.</Abstract>
	<FullText>High-Speed Rail Linking Midwest States On Distant Horizon but Chugging Closer                 James L Tyson Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor                 CHICAGO                 SOMEDAY, the beloved train horn, with its old, dreamy call, could cry across the prairie above a new, equally captivating sound: the roar of several tons of high-tech electronics and steel rocketing along at 200 miles an hour.                 If the Midwest High Speed Rail Association has its way, before long, rapid trains will rush passengers between the largest cities in the Midwestern                 section of the United States. The association of politicians, financiers, engineers, and lawyers envisions a high-speed railroad linking Kansas City, Mo.; St. Louis; Minneapolis; Milwaukee; Cleveland; Detroit; Cincinnati; and Indianapolis. Chicago would be the hub. Estimated costs for the project range from $800 million to $2 billion, depending on whether the trains would use existing tracks or new ones. The trains would compete with road and air passenger services and so hold down travel cost within the region. Train fare would, on average, cost 20 percent less than air fare, association member See RAPID RAIL page 4                 RAPID RAIL from page 1 Dennis Minichcllo says. The electrified trains would also help reduce pollution and congestion on roads and at airports, says Mr. Minichello, a lawyer who specializes in transportation. Moreover, the railroad would bring jobs and business to city centers, rather than .scatter economic vitality along a highway or around a suburban airport, Milwaukee Mayor John Norquist says. "Whereas highways tend to .spread the economy over more landscape and waste land, and .spread jobs farther and farther away from those who need them, high-speed rail tends to concentrate the jobs, save energy, be more efficient, and reinforce the value of cities," Mayor Norquist says. At this {joint, the rapid locomotive is no more than a silent, .shimmering mirage on the prairie s horizon. Indeed, in a brochure promoting the Midwest High Speed Hail Conference in Chicago June 'i, the association called rapid trains a "dim possibility in the far-off future." It has only just begun to bring its proposed railroad before the public for broad debate. Although high-speed trains going 150 miles per hour to 200- plus m.p.h. have thrived in France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Spain, the process has been more burdensome in the US. Rapidtrain proponents have announced grand schemes in Florida, Ohio, and Texas, only to later see them run out of steam. STILL, due to increasing airport congestion, the Midwest and other regions will eventually have to build rapid railway for short trips, says David Schulz, director of the Infrastructure Technology Institute at Northwestern University in Evanston, III. "It will be excruciatingly difficult to build new airports or expand existing (ones] well into the next century," says Dr. Sehulz, a former Chicago deputy commissioner for public works. As overseas travel increases, airports will become more congested, and airlines will favor long-haul flights over shorter,  regional flights, he adds. "We're going to have to figure out ways to move people between cities that are 250 [miles] to 400 miles apart on the surface, and high-speed rail appears to me to be clearly the most attractive alternative," Schulz says. Judging from other US initiatives, the biggest obstacle for Midwest rapid trains is financing. Similar projects were promoted as feasible largely through private funding. But they have either slowed to a crawl or have been halted altogether because of insufficient finances. "The public sector and private sector need to partner up, each doing what it does best," Schulz says. The public sector would most likely have to buy land for the railroad and contribute to the cost of the rails and stations. Private businesses would put up the remaining capital and handle operating expenses for the railroad, he says. Association members predict that Midwesterners would take quickly to rapid trains. Within two years of launching service, operators of high-speed trains in other countries have had to expand their timetables. The association says it can count on public affection for railways and a general preference for efficient trains over other forms of travel. "No one ever put a model of a highway under their Christmas tree," Norquist says.</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Japan Outlines Strategy To Help Squeeze N. Korea</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jun 8, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Cameron W Barr Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>AFTER months of pleading insistence that the North Korean nuclear standoff be resolved with words -- "tenacious dialogue" is the phrase Japan's prime minister uses -- Japanese officials have resigned themselves to preparing for...</Abstract>
	<FullText>Japan Outlines Strategy To Help Squeeze N. Korea                 Plan reflects Tokyo's struggle to redefine its international role                 Cameron W Barr Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor                 TOKYO                 AFTER months of pleading insistence that the North Korean nuclear standoff be resolved with words -- "tenacious dialogue" is the phrase Japan's prime minister uses -- Japanese officials have resigned themselves to preparing for...                 action as well. Remarkably, this change does not seem to be igniting the controversy that preceded Japanese                 moves to join multinational efforts such as the United Nations peacemaking mission in Cambodia or the Gulf-war coalition forces. This nation has had to think long and hard about projecting anything other than economic power overseas, particularly when danger is afoot. Now the United States is asking the UN Security Council to impose economic sanctions on North Korea to pressure the country to show that it is not developing nuclear weapons. The North, which denies that it is making an atomic bomb but has also denied international inspec-                 tors access to key sites, threatens that sanctions would spark a war. The Japanese government s release of a list of steps it could take as part of a multinational effort to squeeze North Korea was not exactly greeted with applause, but the almost perfunctory condemnation from Socialist politicians subsided quickly. This mild response may be evidence that the Japanese are indeed starting to feel more comfortable with a more-assertive international role. On the other hand, says a retired senior diplomat, it could be that most JapaSee  page 6                 JAPAN from page 1 nese feel the issue is too important to quibble over. In any case, the government is stepping gingerly into the discussion of what it can and should do to pressure North Korea. There are two main reasons: ? Japan's Constitution abjures the use of force in resolving international disputes. Many Japanese are deeply respectful of these pacifist principles and oppose the government s attempts to pair stick with carrot in the conduct of its foreign policy. Tokyo's 10-point plan does not include any provision for aiding in the military enforcement of sanctions, but it does include steps to cut the flow of money from Korean residents here to North Korea, a                 major source of hard currency for the regime. ? Official efforts to hurt the regime in Pyongyang will likely also hurt North Korea's estimated 250,000 backers in Japan, which could lead to charges of discrimination against Koreans here. Since April, there have been a few incidents of harassment of girls wearing uniforms worn in schools run by North                 Koreans. The attacks are thought to have been prompted by worries over the nuclear threat the North poses here. These cases have nothing to do with the government, of course, but Tokyo does not want to promote policies that could be seen as an official version of street-level prejudice. Embarrassed officials admitted June 7 that a large-scale police raid a day earlier on an institution run by North Koreans in Kyoto, Japan, was a mistake, although they refused to apologize. On the other side of the policy equation, is the growing international concern that North Korea really is developing a nuclear weapon. And there is the US, Japan's chief ally and protector, which is no stranger to the forceful prosecution of its national                 interests. The US has been encouraging Japanese officials to take a stronger hand in ensuring Asian security, helping to propel an ongoing discussion here  s role in the world. Resolute action on North Korea, says Tokyo University law professor Yasuaki Onuma, may present a case study of where this discussion is headed. Ichiro Ozawa, the key strategist behind the minority government of Prime Minister Tsutomu Hata, has for several years urged his compatriots to take up their responsibilities as an international power. His arguments, Mr. Onuma says, have "definitely prepared the path and the present psychological situation" that has resulted in a calmer acceptance of the government s                 plans. Onuma, however, criticizes Mr. Ozawa for being too beholden to the US. "We should take into consideration more the voices of Asian countries and other third-world nations that have been frustrated with ... a kind of a cultural and informational dominance of the West over the world. "We have to be very careful," he argues, "in not carrying out the ideas                 of the West too easily." He adds that the urging of some Cabinet members to respect the voice of China "is a good sign in this respect." Despite these reservations, Onuma says there would be broad support for Japan helping to institute UN sanctions against North Korea. But he predicts there would be controversy if the Security Council could not agree and sanctions were imposed by the US, South Korea, and Japan without UN backing. Kiyoaki Kiicuchi, a former Japanese ambassador to the UN and elsewhere, says the government s participation in sanctions would have been well received even without the kind of thinking espoused by Ozawa. This issue, he explains, is a matter of "protecting our own country."                 Tokyo's plan does not include provisions for aiding in the military enforcement of sanctions, but it does include steps to cut the flow of money from Korean residents here.</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>US Fans Tell The Baseball Leagues: One Strike and You'r-r-re Out</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jul 14, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<PersonName>Laurent Belsie</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Laurent Belsie</OriginalForm>
		<OriginalForm>Mark Trumbull Staff writers of The Christian Science Monitor</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>SO which will it be, America? The "boys of summer" (baseball) or the boys from Brazil (soccer)?</Abstract>
	<FullText>US Fans Tell The Baseball Leagues: One Strike and You'r-r-re Out                 Laurent Belsie; Mark Trumbull Staff writers of The Christian Science Monitor                 PITTSBURGH AND SEATTLE                 SO which will it be, America? The "boys of summer" (baseball) or the boys from Brazil (soccer)?                 In a popularity Shootout, the two sports went head-to-head this week as baseball held its midseason All-Star Game while the World Cup playoffs were heading to a climax in stadiums across the United States. (The National League won the All-Star game 8-7.) But even as America's "national pastime" vies for attention with the world s most impassioned sporting event, baseball is also competing with itself: When fans gathered in Pittsburgh for the three-day festivities surrounding Tuesday's All-Star game, the players union was meeting on whether to authorize a strike. (Midseason roundup, Page 14.) Owners and players can t agree on how to divide the sport s $1.7 billion in estimated revenues. Analysts predict a walkout later in the season, when players can maximize owners' television losses while minimizing their own forgone paychecks. But despite this "labor" dispute, the baseball season has so far been unusually engaging for fans, a hitter s paradise with close pennant races: Sea BASEBALL page 4                 from page 1 ? Three sluggers are chasing the game s record for home runs in a single season (61) set by Roger Maris in 1961. Seattle's Ken Griffey Jr., San Francisco's Matt Williams, and Frank Thomas of the Chicago White Sox are all close to Maris's 1961 pace. ? Minnesota's Chuck Knoblauch is on track to bust Earl Webb's record of 67 doubles, set more than half a century ago. Thomas and San Diego's Tony Gwynn are within striking distance of a .400 batting average - a barrier not breached since 1941, when Ted Williams did it. ? This is the first season with the sport reorganized into three divisions rather than two in both the American and National Leagues. An expanded structure for postseason play will include the second-place team in each league filling a fourth playoff slot as a wild card. ? The new structure also means losing teams have a shot at the World Series. In the American League West division all teams are contenders, even though none is having a winning season so far; half the game s 28 teams either lead their division or are within five games of the top. A strike would cut all these possibilities short. It also would open the door wide for competing sports, even the hitherto alien game known overseas as football, to capture the public imagination. Mike Snodgrass, administrator of the Washington State Youth Soccer Association, says the excitement surrounding the World Cup is likely to result in a 10-percent rise in youth soccer enrollment this fall. Already the sport has been attracting 2 to 5                 percent of American children each year since 1989, he says, 90,000 in Washington State. In Pittsburgh, soccer remains "the foster child of sports," lacking the appeal of home-grown American games, says Steve Beckmann, owner of Pittsburgh Soccer &amp; Sports. But he notes that more US children already play soccer than football and baseball combined, though they often turn to other sports in high school. Even that could change as colleges continue adding the sport, and a new professional league is slated to begin in the US next year. Many Americans are already turned off by baseball s high salaries, which are averaging $1.2 million per player this year. But the game s                 roots run deep in the nation. "I don't think the American people will abandon the game," says Gary Roberts, a Tulane Univserity expert on sports law. The American public might hate the owners and might hate the players, but they love the game." Indeed, ballpark attendance has grown steadily throughout two decades of tense labor relations, with player strikes or owner lockouts in 1972, 1976, 1981, 1985, and 1990. This fall, moreover, interest in baseball will be boosted by public television s airing of an 18-hour, nine-part documentary by Ken Burns, maker of an acclaimed film series on the Civil War. Owners want a salary cap that would restrict soaring payroll costs to 50 percent of the industry revenues. US basketball and football leagues have such caps, though players in those sports want to break out from them. The baseball players are expected to make a counterproposal by Monday. After being treated as the property of a single team for most of the century, unable to put their services out for bid, players have won a string of victories over owners in recent decades. Their share of industry revenues is currently 56 percent. To have any chance at winning salary caps, owners must agree to open their closely held accounting books, says James Dworkin, a Purdue University professor of organizational behavior. Outside experts question how bad the financial situation is. Owners could sweeten their offer by boosting players' overall percentage of revenues and allowing players to market themselves as "free agents" earlier in their careers, he adds. In a deal linked to the salary cap proposal, owners have agreed to share more of local broadcast revenues among themselves so that small cities can field teams that are paid close to what big-city teams can afford.                 FOR THE RECORD: Seattle's Ken Griffey Jr., along with two other players, is hitting at a pace that could break the record for home runs in a single season (61).</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Serbs Like Easing of Sanctions; Decry Split From Bosnian Kin</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Sep 27, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Yigal Chazan Special to The Christian Science Monitor</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>JUST as President Slobodan Milosevic basks in the glow of international recognition for his transformation from Balkan warmonger to peacemaker, the Serbian leader's former Bosnian Serb allies are threatening to undermine his new-found role, Western diplomats say.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Serbs Like Easing of Sanctions; Decry Split From Bosnian Kin                 Yigal Chazan Special to The Christian Science Monitor                 BELGRADE                 JUST as President Slobodan Milosevic basks in the glow of international recognition for his transformation from Balkan warmonger to peacemaker, the Serbian leader s former Bosnian Serb allies are threatening to undermine his new-found role, Western diplomats say.                 Immediately after the United Nations Security Council's vote last Friday to ease sanctions against rump Yugoslavia as a reward for its recent blockade of the Bosnian Serbs, Mr. Milosevic's press wasted no time hailing the resolution to restore aviation, sporting, and cultural ties for a 100-day probationary period as a tremendous achievement.                 The Security Council  on  sanctions will come into force once the inspectors establish that Serbia, as it claims, has choked off supplies of weapons and fuel to the Bosnian Serbs. But nationalist opponents have seized on Milosevic's "betrayal" of his one-time proxies to attack him mercilessly. They have labeled his decision to allow international monitoring of the border blockade a capitulation to the international community. And the partial lifting of the UN embargo has provided the opposition with further ammunition. "The Serbian leadership is behaving in a servile manner toward the international community, fulfilling alt of its demands," said Slobodan Rakitic, a nationalist deputy in the Yugoslav parliament. "The damage caused by the schism among the Serb  could be disastrous." &amp;*e  png^ 4                 SERBIA from page 1 But opposition parties pose tittle danger to Milosevic at t he moment. While weak and divided now, they are growing in confidence and apparently bridging differences by rallying around the Bosnian Serbs. Over the weekend the nationalists' fervor peaked, fueled by the defiant posturing of their ethnic kin across the Drina River. "Serbia has slaughtered an ox for a pound of meat," said Bosnian Serb official Momcilo Krajisnik. More worrying than rhetoric for Milosevic, however, is that the Bosnian Serbs now appear bent on turning their frustrations into actions on the ground. Not only did the UN reward Belgrade for punishing the Bosnian Serbs, but it also imposed its own tough measures on Bosnian Serbs, just a day after NATO launched a raid on their positions around Sarajevo. Bosnian Serb military leader Gen. Ratko Mladic subsequently issued a series of statements, such as this one in a letter to the UN military commander in the former Yugoslavia: "Due to the latest crime for which you and your forces are responsible, we cannot take responsibility for your activities in the Bosnian Serb republic." The Bosnian Serbs have also tightened their stranglehold of Sarajevo and stepped up their intimidation of peacekeeping troops - closing the capital s airport and putting a stop to all UN military and aid convoys.                 !n Belgrade, there is much concern over the Bosnian Serbs' growing militancy. If they continue to provoke NATO airstrikes, and if the US succeeds in getting the arms embargo lifted against the Sarajevo government, the Serbian leadership wit) face an uncomfortable dilemma, observers in Betgrade believe. "In the event of Genera! Mladic's troops incurring heavy tosses, Milosevic will be forced to intervene in Bosnia on their behalf," a Western diplomat says.                 Abandoning the Bosnian Serbs to a NATO rout or a resurgent Bosnian Army, would inevitably provoke an outcry in Serbia that the opposition is sure to exploit - making life very difficult for Milosevic." But in Belgrade, the highly influential state-controlled television network, together with progovernment papers, gave interminable coverage to "Milosevic's victory." His supporters rushed to offer their praise. "This is a psychological watershed," declared Yugoslav Foreign Minister Vladislav Jovanovic in a                 radio interview. "It is a prelude to a quicker solution for the [Bosnian] crisis." "This is the beginning of the end of unjustly imposed sanctions against our country," said Nikola Stanic, genera! manager of the leading Belgrade bank. On the street, people wearied by more than two years of sanctions and three years of war were not quite sure what to make of the Security Council move. But under the barrage of Milosevic-engineered propaganda, even the hard-bitten expressed some relief that perhaps this was the start of a return to normality. Serbia's fanatical soccer fans certainly could not conceal their delight at the prospect of teams like Red Star Belgrade playing in Europe next season. The game s passionate following here was underlined by a recent poll. Asked what they missed most under the UN embargo, a majority of people said cheering on their sides against foreign opponents. "Soccer is in our soul. But they re only offering us a psychological boost, not much else. Watching our teams in action against the best in the world will make the other sanctions easier to bear," said Marko, as he queued up for match tickets outside the Red Star stadium. This less than enthusiastic response reflected the public s misgivings over the cost of having the UN blockade eased. While they yearn for better times, many believe Milosevic was wrong to turn against the Bosnian Serbs for rejecting the peace plan.                 In the event of [Bosnian Serb] Genera! Miadic's troops incurring heavy , MMosevic wi!! be forced to intervene in Bosnia on their /</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Astronomers Revel As Shoemaker-Levy 9 Pummels Jupiter</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jul 20, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Robert C Cowen Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>AROUND the world, many planetary scientists are feeling slightly overcome with excitement as they watch the Shoemaker-Levy 9 (SL9) comet fragments pummel Jupiter.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Astronomers Revel as Comet Pieces Punch Jupiter With Expolosive Holes The collision of Fragment G of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 creates an explosion so brilliant that the exposure was short to avoid saturating the detector. For the first time, astronomers have been able to predict and then observe the impact of one solar-system body on another. Some fragments created explosions hundreds of times the explosive energy of the stock of nuclear weapons on Earth. PAGE 3.                 REUTERS                 Astronomers Revel As Shoemaker-Levy 9 Pummels Jupiter                 Robert C Cowen Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor                 BOSTON                 AROUND the world, many planetary scientists are feeling slightly overcome with excitement as they watch the Shoemaker-Levy 9 (SL9) comet fragments pummel Jupiter.                 The global information highway swelled with e-mail messages from professional astronomers and amateurs alike as they flashed their sightings and traded tips. As astronomer Stephen Maran at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., put it, this is "arguably the astrophysical event of our lifetime." For the first time ever, astronomers have been able to predict and then observe the impact of one solar system body on another. At press time, about nine of the 21 comet pieces had hit the giant planet. The last fragment will hit early on July 22. Already, several of the fragments have hit with the explosive energy of many millions of megatons of TNT. That's hundreds of times the explosive energy of the world s stock of nuclear weapons. The impacts have thrown fireball-like plumes of glowing material hundreds of miles above Jupiter's cloud tops. They also have left dark tunnels that now mark the planet s southern region as a series of black spots. Some scientists, such as the comet s co-discoverer Eugene Shoemaker, have noted in press conferences at the Goddard center that such impacts on Earth would be catastrophically destructive. Dr. Maran says this isn't just hype. He explains that                 "the big message (of comet SL9] is it s important to survey the small bodies of the solar system as well as the planets." Right now, scientists are focused on what the impacts thus far can tell them about comet SL9 and about Jupiter. The comet - which is in orbit around Jupiter - broke up two years ago. The parent body passed so close to the giant planet that the tidal forces Jupiter's gravity raised on it pulled the comet apart. Planetary scientists believe the comet was only                 loosely held together for it to break up so easily. While some fragments also may be fragile, comet specialist Donald Yeomans says some of the larger fragments appear to be a couple of miles across. Dr. Yeomans, at the California Institute of Technology's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., is supplying the latest predictions of when each comet fragment will hit Jupiter for observers around the world. It will takes weeks - even months - for scientists to work through their data enough to begin to learn about Jupiter. They hope the impacts will reveal the composition of the Jovian atmosphere, reveal more about its circulation, and perhaps even send seismic waves deep enough to show details of the planet s core. Right now, though, many of these scientists are communicating via computer when they are not taking observations. As this reporter discovered when tapping into one network, photos of the impacts taken by the Hubble Space Telescope and other observatories are being put in accessible data banks almost as fast as they are taken. And along with the photos, there are lively discussions about the images in which anyone with a home computer and a modem to access the information highway by telephone can join.                 COMET FACTS ? Hitting Jupiter ai speeds of about 130,000 miles an hour, the pieces of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 create shock waves that can heat atmospheric gases in their path up to 50,000 degrees F. and leave holes sometimes as large across as the diameter of Earth. The pieces probably don't penetrate deeper than about 40 miles before being stopped and crushed. The energy released then drives powerful fireball eruptions. Even though the fragments hit beyond Jupiter's horizon as viewed from Earth, the fireballs rise high enough to be seen by telescopes. The remaining nine fragments are due to strike July 21 and 22. -R.C.C.</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Sarajevo Market: Barometer of Normality</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jun 20, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Jim Muir Special to The Christian Science Monitor</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>FOR a month or two after the mortar fell, the corner of the market where it landed that Saturday morning in February remained cordoned off with ribbons, and piles of bouquets marked the spot where 68 people died in the single most deadly explosion of the two-year war in the Balkans.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Sarajevo Market: Barometer of Normality                 Commerce resumes where mortar fell, but residents are cautious                 Jim Muir Special to The Christian Science Monitor                 SARAJEVO, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA                 FOR a month or two after the mortar fell, the corner of the market where it landed that Saturday morning in February remained cordoned off with ribbons, and piles of bouquets marked the spot where 68 people died in the single most deadly explosion of the two-year war in the Balkans.                 Bustling commerce has since nudged aside sentiment. The ribbons and flowers have gone, and amid the crowded stalls, the only sign of that fateful atrocity is a pock-marked depression in the concrete floor. The market itself is a good barometer - perhaps the best - of the upsurge of seeming normality, which has been gathering momentum in the wake of the cease-fire imposed around Sarajevo by the United Nations and NATO after the Feb. 5 mortar attack. (Difficulties In brokering peace talks, Page 2.) See SARAJEVO page 20                 In Sarajevo, Normality Is Relative                 SARAJEVO from page 1 Stalls that a month or two ago displayed a pitifully meager array of goods at astronomical prices are now piled high with fresh produce at prices close to those in Zagreb, Croatia, or in Belgrade. Onions, at 60 write a pound, now cost one-tenth of what they commanded a short, while ago - if they could be found. Eggs, virtually unobtainable before, now cost a mere $C for a full tray with more piled on top. Tomatoes, bananas, fresh new potatoes, cucumber.**, and green peppers are displayed in gleaming heap**, all at. similarly reduced prices. It is a breathtaking cornucopia for                 those  have lived through two years of .siege and privation. Anyone visiting the  for the first time, If st down in one of the*  area1*, might be excused for thinking he had arrived in any moderately prosperous European town. For anyone who saw Sarajevo in it darkest hours, it ha teen tram-                 formed almost beyond recognition.  Streets, which were deserted but for a few hunched figures scurrying in search of water, food, or fuel, are now teeming with people strolling at leisure in bright summer clothes. Sidewalk cafes, ice-cream venders, pizza parlors all do a brisk trade. On "Sniper's Alley," the nickname given to the open thoroughfare that runs the length of the city, thousands of people wait in line out in the open before cramming aboard the trams that now ply up and down the city throughout the day. Before the cease-ire, the only things moving on Sniper's Alley were armored vehicles and the occasional daredevil in a "soft-skin" (normal, nor armored) car, driving at breakneck speed. Nowadays, assiduous traffic-cops are there to make sure people obey the one-way system and stop at the revived traffic lights. To an outsider, the half-mile line of cars waiting at the gas station might be a sign of abnormality. But for the Sarajevans, the mir-                 ade is that gasoline and die.sel fuel have suddenly become available at the pump, trucked in by an enterprising entrepreneur at prices not much higher than prewar levels, Tin; restoration of the trappings of normality has been an incremental process, stalling with the Feb. 10 cease-fire. People gradually ventured out as confidence grew. The big qualitative change began on March 2H, when the UN mediated an accord that allowed a few secondary routes across the confrontation lines in, and around, the city to be opened to a restricted flow of people and goods. The agreement lias worked belter than anyone dared hope. While getting in and out                 of town Ls still far from  - UN military commanders shy away from claiming the siege is over - the limited movement now possible Ls responsible for the new flow of goods and the collapse of ieg prices. Public utilities - water, electricity, gas - have also been gradually improving m UN-guarded  repair                 U*am* have gained  to damaged plant*. But nobody kids themselves that things are really normal, or that peace is here to stay. Not yet. And because of that, nobody can make plans on that assumption. "Yon, conditions are much better now, but we are still living in a cage," says one Sarajevan. "I can t just get on a plane and fly out of here. And we all know the cease-fire could collapse at any moment." The truce between mainly Muslim government troops and the encircling Serbs is not supported by any political agreement on peace for Bosnia. Every day brings cease-fire violations - a level of 100 a day Li described by the UN forces as "stable." Most days, someone, somewhere in town, is wounded by a sniper s bullet, sometimes killed. Until there Is a peace accord, and until the major routes and the airport are opened up to anybody who wants to come or go, that is what this normality will remain: provisional and relative, not the real thing.                 'Yes, conditions are much better now, but we are still living In a cage.... The cease-fire could collapse at any moment.' - Sarajevo resident</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>N. Korean-US Nuclear Talks Seen on Track But Positive Outcome Remains Questionable</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jul 13, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Peter Grier Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>AS the late Kim II Sung's son Kim Jong II appears to consolidate his grip on power in North Korea, US officials are now cautiously optimistic that high-level talks between Pyongyang and Washington will not be derailed by a succession crisis.</Abstract>
	<FullText>N. Korean-US Nuclear Talks Seen on Track But Positive Outcome Remains Questionable                 Peter Grier Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor                 WASHINGTON                 AS the late Kim II Sung's son Kim Jong II appears to consolidate his grip on power in North Korea, US officials are now cautiously optimistic that high-level talks between Pyongyang and Washington will not be derailed by a succession crisis.                 The Geneva talks, an  juncture in the ongoing dispute over North Korea's suspected nuclear-weapons pro-                 gram, had just begun on July 8 when they were halted by news of the North Korean leader s passing. A resumption date has not yet been set, but the United States expects a new schedule will be forthcoming shortly after funeral ceremonies on July 17. The leader of the North Korean delegation to the talks, himself a high-level official whose stature is pointed out by his presence on Kim n Sung's funeral committee, has told his US counterparts that he will be back in Geneva soon. "Every sign so far points to continuity," said Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Winston Lord at a briefing                 for reporters July 11. (Profile of Kim Jong n, Page 3.) But the fact that talks will likely resume does not indicate whether chances for resolving the standoff over international inspections of North Korea's nuclear facilities are better, worse, or unchanged. A number of analysts in Washington say that the negotiations were not going anywhere to begin with and were simply a delaying tactic by North Korea as it proceeded apace with nuclear weapons. If that is true, then the interregnum caused by the passing of the elder Kim will greatly aid Pyongyang's purpose. See FTONCtYJUKI page 6                 from page 1 In any case, Kim Jong II has likely been a major influence on North Korea's zigzagging diplomacy with the rest of the world over its nuclear program. The younger Kim has been head of the military for three years and thus in a position to wield power second only to that of his father. Kim Jong ll s relationship with his generals will be key to the direction negotiations now take, according to analysts. If he feels a need to appease military hard-liners to consolidate his grip on power, then talks might slow further. But the erstwhile "dear leader," as the son has been called, has in fact tried to both appease and restrict the opinions of the most hawkish elements in the military, says John Goulde, a professor of Asian Studies at Sweet Briar College in Sweet Briar, Va. The nature of the 300 or so generals Kim Jong II has appointed in recent years "indicates he is trying to steer a middle ground," Professor Goulde claims. North appears sr!os Pyongyang is at least approaching negotiations with the US in a serious manner, according to Goulde, whether the issues involved can be resolved or not. The fact that they would talk directly to the US about nuclear inspection looks like an attempt to resolve the issue," he says. But the long-isolated regime, now shorn of the only top leader it has known to this point, may find it as difficult to read the purposes of the outside world as the outside world finds it to read theirs. With government machinery made grotesquely inefficient by the personality-cult leadership of                 the late Kim II Sung, Pyongyang might not be able to come to terms with Washington even if it wants to. The US, with its own alternate carrotand-stick approach to relations with North Korea, has only confused matters, according to Peter Hays, a North Korea expert at the California-based Nautilus Pacific Research Institute. "We've got two sides with ill-defined goals and methods talking to each other. It's hard to imagine a meeting of the minds," he says. rods Hanging over the talks, once they resume, will be the issue of fuel rods recently removed from an experimental North Korean nuclear reactor. If reprocessed, these rods could produce enough plutonium for five or six nuclear weapons, according to US experts. Kim II Sung had agreed to a freeze on North Korea's nuclear program, meaning these rods would not be moved from cooling ponds to a reprocessing facility. If such a move does take place after the rods have cooled enough for handling - sometime around mid-August - then the US will have received a strong indication that Kim Jong II intends to press forward with North Korea's nuclear program, regardless of world opinion. North Korea's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Kim Su Man said that his country s nuclear freeze would continue under its new leader, according to Japan's Kyodo News Service. Kim Su Man was quoted as saying that withdrawn fuel rods would not be reprocessed or replaced and that international nuclear inspectors could stay on at the country s nuclear facilities in Yongbyon.</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Third Parties Growing, But Is Anyone Noticing?</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Oct 20, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>David Rohde Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>A SCOWL spreads across the weathered face of Wind Gap Hardware Store owner Calvin Stocker when he's asked about politics.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Third Parties Growing, But Is Anyone Noticing?                 VOTE '94                 David Rohde Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor                 WIND GAP, PENN.                 A SCOWL spreads across the weathered face of Wind Gap Hardware Store owner Calvin Stocker when he s asked about politics.                 "When the Democrats are in control they say the Republicans are blocking everything. When the Republicans are in control they say the Democrats do it," Mr. Stocker says as he minds his cash register. "It's the thieves Dolicing the thieves."                 But when asked about the Patriot Party - the US's second-largest independent party whose national headquarters is only 50 yards up the street - a puzzled look spreads across Stocker's face. "Other than a couple of signs," he says, "I haven't heard of it." In an era of the angry voter, this would seem to be an ideal time for third party and other alternative can-                 didates to flourish. To a certain extent, they are. A record number of fledgling and long-standing third party and independent office-seekers are mounting aggressive campaigns around the country this year, adding a growing and distinctive voice to American politics. But restive voters, as yet, appear unwilling to pull the lever for the                 lesser-known contenders. Across the country, only two independent candidates have good shots at winning major public offices this fall. The dearth underscores the difficulty of trying to break through in a system that has                 been dominated by two parties since the days of the Founding Fathers. "We've got an institutionalized two-party system and it s very unlikely we ll see any third party develop," says Charles Cook, editor of the Cook Political Report, which monitors races across the US. "I think there has to be an ideological or a class structure or a personality that acts as glue," Mr. Cook See PARTIES page 4                 PARTIES from page 1 says. "Hating Washington isn't enough to form a party around." Voters in Wind Gap, a depressed mill town of 2,600 located in the rolling foothills of eastern Pennsylvania's Pocono Mountains, express deep frustration with the two-party system and the news media, but little enthusiasm for or knowledge of third parties. "One [candidate] runs one ad saying one thing about the other [candidate) and then the other [candidate! runs his ad saying something else," hardware store owner Stacker says. "The media just sensationalizes everything and take sides.... Where do you get the truth?" Linda Pepitone, who runs a deli in Wind Gap with her husband, says her daughter and sonin-law have been forced to live at home because his jobs in a factory and auto-parts store pay him only $7.50 an hour. "I think the US is falling apart," she says. "I've talked to a lot of my customers, and they feel there s going to be a revolt if people in the middle [class) keep getting squeezed." A "revolt" is exactly what the Patriot Party - formed by former supporters of Texas billionaire Ross Perot - is hoping for. But Mrs. Pepitone, like other Wind Gap residents, didn't know that the party existed. "They're out there, but we                 can t reach them without the resources," says Patriot Party national chairman and Wind Gap lawyer Nicholas Sabatine. "By next April, the goal is to have all 50 states organized for a [1996] presidential campaign." Mr. Sabatine, dressed in a rumpled suit and looking exhausted from late-night campaign work, says political revolutions take time and money, and he is not discouraged by the party s low visibility in Wind Gap. Patriot Party or affiliated parties are active in 30 states, Sabatine says, far more than were expected when the party held its first convention outside Washington in April. On many ballots Nationwide, third parties are running more candidates for office than they have since the 1930s. A near-record 65.8 percent of American voters will find Libertarian Party candidates on their ballot this fall; 21.6 percent will be able to vote for the US Taxpayers' Party; 21.6 percent for the Patriot Party; and 14.6 percent for the Green Party. A recent Times-Mirror public opinion poll found that 52 percent of Americans believe the country needs a third political party - 12 points higher than a decade ago. The Libertarian Party - the largest third party in the US - now holds a party record of 124 local public offices nationwide and four                 seats in the New Hampshire state legislature. Its candidates have a good chance to win seats in the Nevada and Delaware state legislatures this fall. "Folks who are now on city and school councils are the people who will have the credibility and record of achievement to beat Republicans and Democrats in the future," says Libertarian Party spokesman Bill Winter. But independent or third-party efforts to win higher office are not faring well. Of the dozens of candidates for statewide or congressional office, only incumbent independent US Rep. Bernard Sanders in Vermont and independent gubernatorial candidate and millionaire Angus King in Maine have good chances of winning. An independent governor is leaving office in Connecticut, but the independent candidate hoping to succeed him is running behind Republican and Democratic candidates. Richard Winger, editor of San Francisco-based Ballot Access Newsletter, says the barriers major parties have erected to keep third parties off the ballot are fading in most states. But other factors will keep a viable third party from forming in the US. "I think it will follow the path of the Socialist Party in the 1930s," Mr. Winger says. "The major parties gradually adopted the most popular parts of their platform and killed them off."</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>With Workers in Cities, Jobs in Suburbs, Commuting Is Now a Two-Way Street</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jul 12, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Keith Henderson Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>COMMUTERS who ride trains to and from their central-city workplaces may have noticed something new in recent years. Growing numbers of people are waiting at the end of the line to ride those trains in opposite directions as each work day starts and finishes.</Abstract>
	<FullText>With Workers in Cities, Jobs in Suburbs, Commuting Is Now a Two-Way Street                 Keith Henderson Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor                 BOSTON                 COMMUTERS who ride trains to and from their central-city workplaces may have noticed something new in recent years. Growing numbers of people are waiting at the end of the line to ride those trains in opposite directions as each work day starts and finishes.                 Those people are part of a long-building phenomenon transit experts call "reverse -                 ing." More to the point, they re part of a continuing social and economic evolution that s sprouting blue-collar jobs in the suburbs, or even farther out, and stranding many of the workers who might fill them in the inner cities. 'Traditionally, public-transit routes were always in from the suburbs to the cities where the jobs were, or they transported people within the cities," says Charles Bishop Jr., director of public relations for the Washington-based American Public Transit Association. Now, he says, "the greatest job growth is in suburban or exurban areas, but the greatest need for jobs lies within See UUNNirrLRS page 4                 from page 1 the cities." The challenge facing transportation planners, Mr. Bishop continues, is how to link this supply with the demand. A broader challenge facing society as a whole, according to Mark Hughes, vice president of Public/Private Ventures, a policy research firm in Philadelphia, is whether to adopt reverse commuting as an antipoverty strategy. Low-income city dwellers need ways "to access jobs that are over the horizon in the suburbs," Mr. Hughes says. In his view, this "mobility strategy" is a workable option, given the many difficulties of applying either of two other strategies: helping poor people, typically black or Hispanic, move to the suburbs or attracting employers back into the cities. Hut expanding reverse commuting is not easy. While city work sites are often clustered                 around financial centers, those in the suburbs are often distant from ])()ii terminals. A  of bills Iwfore Congress would fund  demonstration projects. Sen. Bill Bradley (D) of New Jersey, for example, has proposed a Mobility for Work Act directed at metropolitan areas                 where at least 70 percent of job growth over the past 10 years has occurred outside the central city. Meanwhile, a number of cities have moved ahead on their own. In Chicago, both private and public agencies are trying to address reverse commuters' needs. The Pace Suburban Bus Division of Chicago's Regional Transporlalion Authority runs fixed-route bus services, dial-a-ride vehicles, and van XM)ls in a six- area surrounding the city. It has played a major role, for example, in continuing to serve .Sears, Roebuck &amp; Company employees when that giant business moved its headquarters from downtown Chicago to the suburbs. Another Chicago-area agency getting workers to outlying jobs Ls Suburban Job-Link Corporation, a private nonprofit organization based in the city s South End. Job-Link has existed since the mid-1970s, but recent years have seen a surge in demand, according to Bernadette Ryan, vice president of marketing. The agency operates eight buses each work day on three shifts. It not only gets people to work sites, but also manages a temporary-employment service that locates jobs for riders in the O'Hare International Airport area, a magnet for new Light industries.                 Another Midwestern city, St. Louis, is developing a regional economic-development plan that includes giving inner-city residents the means to reach outlying jobs. A key to this, says Blair Forlaw, an official with the EastWest Gateway Council, a regional planning agency, is more flexible use of existing transport systems. Bus ridership in St. Louis is the lowest it has been since the early 1960s, Ms. Forlaw says. Much needs to be done to make sure routes are serving current needs. She also sees the possibility of expanding use of other types of vehicles, such as vans that shuttle the elderly during the day. They might shift to commuter service mornings and evenings, she says. Illustrating how transportation becomes intertwined with other issues, Forlaw mentions one group of public-housing residents who were offered work in a suburban nursing home but found they d have to leave at 5:30 a.m.                 They wondered how to arrange child care at that hour. Security ut darkened bus sto[s was another issue. "Wo realize there s a need for a whole package of services," she says. In some cities, by contrast, regional  planning may work against people who travel outward to work. Central Los Antfeles lias onlv -')                 percent of the jobs in its vast metropolitan area, but the city has nonetheless invested in a light-rail system that primarily serves the downtown, says Jim Moore, a professor of urban and regional planning at the University of Southern California. To help pay for that project, bus service has been curtailed and fares have been hiked, he says, thus hurting the working poor who most need bus service. The best way to serve low-income reverse commuters, Mr. Moore says, is to introduce private competition into the bus system, with government vouchers  higher fares if necessary. That is prohibited, however, by local regulations that bar private bus lines, Moore says. The overriding need is to fit reverse commuting into a broader picture of urban renewal, according to Gordon Linton, head of the Federal Transit Administration in Washington. "Reverse commuting, in essence, Ls a short-term fix for bad public policy," says Mr. Linton, who argues that past landuse and taxation decisions led to suburban vigor and inner-city decline. He calls for comprehensive urban planning that embraces adequate transportation in all directions while maintaining a commitment to building more livable central cities.                 The greatest job growth is in suburban or exurban areas, transportation experts say, but the greatest need for jobs lies within the cities.</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>French Troops Act as a Buffer Between Ethnic Groups in Rwanda</RecordTitle>
		<Title>The Christian Science Monitor  (1908-Current file)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>The Christian Science Publishing Society (d/b/a "The Christian Science Monitor"), trusteeship under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jul 11, 1994</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Robert M Press Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>THOUSANDS of weary civilians fleeing Rwanda's civil war arrive daily in this French-protected humanitarian safety zone. Food sacks, light mattresses, or baskets of clothing are balanced on their heads. Makeshift huts of twigs and straw...</Abstract>
	<FullText>France's Tricky Position in Rwanda In he southwestern corner of this central African country, French troops act as a buffer between rival ethnic groups. But with support for their mission decreasing at home, and as the United Nations struggles to assemble resources to take over peacekeeping operations, the French are increasingly uncomfortable. Above, French troops pass Hutu soldiers in late June.                 AFP                 French Troops Act as a Buffer Between Ethnic Groups in Rwanda                 But their mandate ends in August, and public support is dwindling                 Robert M Press Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor                 GIKONGORO, RWANDA                 THOUSANDS of weary civilians fleeing Rwanda's civil war arrive daily in this French-protected humanitarian safety zone. Food sacks, light mattresses, or baskets of clothing are balanced on their heads. Makeshift huts of twigs and straw...                 mushroom on the Mostly of the Hum ethnic group, Uie refugees fear they will be killed  'i  rebels posted only a few miles from this front-line town if the French troops pull (tut of the safety zone in southwest Rwanda. Ironically, uprooted Tutsi living in a Frenchprotected camp near Ihe town of (^, some (l) miles to tlie W(;st, are also counting (in Fn.' troops to guard them. Most lost family members in massacres carried out by local Ilutn militia, allegedly directed by Hutu authorities. "When the French go, if peace has not come ... they (Ilulus] can kill us," says Manuel, a Tutsi survivor'. If the French do pull out, he adds, "we must be protected by other forces or moved." The rebel Rwandan Patriotic Front is setting up a government in the captured capital,                 Kigali. United Nations officials are trying to work out a cease-fire between the RPF and government Army. But even a cease-fire would not convince most Hutu or Tutsi in this zone that they are safe. Cease-fires can be broken; the war could restart, as it has before. Ethnic fears and hatred run deep in Rwanda. So the French troops have become a buffer between the majority Hutu and the minority Tutsi until the UN or other troops can replace them. The problem for the French is that the UN is moving slowly toward filling its Security Councilmandated troop strength of 5,500. And the French want to leave. "We'd like to get away as                 soon as possible," says French Navy Comdr. Marin Gillier. French public support for the continuing presence of French troops in Rwanda is thin, says Gerard Larome, a French diplomat visiting here last week. French political parties want other countries to step in. "We are asking for rapid replacement of our troops," he says, pausing on a dirt road where I lulus have completely demolished Tutsi homes.                 The mandate given to the French troop operations in Rwanda expires at the end of July. But Mr. Laromc admits replacements are not likely to be here by then and talks of an August pullout. Commander Gillier says the French will not abandon people who could be slaughtered by their ethnic enemy. "The French government won t leave anyone until there is someone to protect them." A few yards away, about 60 Navy and Army commandos in Tshirts finish their French military rations: canned chicken or beef, pate, coffee, crackers, and candy. A joke among the troops here is that one French military ration is worth two to three plastic-                 wrapped rations used by United States troops in Somalia and the Gulf war. "I'm happy we came with my troops," Gillier says. "Its worth spending our whole life in the military just for these days," talking about the lives his troops have saved. French troops helped rescue about 700 unaccompanied children from Bulare just before the rebel KPK seized the town on July '?I. Another 800 Tutsi were res-                 cued front deep in a forest where they had been hiding for nearly two months from Hutu militia and the Rwandan Army. They are guarded by French soldiers now near the Zaire border. Hut the 2,500 French troops that have been committed to Rwanda are limited in what, they can do. For example, when a group of Rwandans fleeing Gikongoro to Cyangugu .sought a French escort through the frequently militia-manned roadblocks, they  because a French officer said then.1 wore not enough troops to provide escorts. Tutsi are in danger of being killed by the Hutu at the roadblocks. And even Hutu judged to be sympathizers with the RPF are in danger. Gillier points out another limitation: "We can protect them; we can t feed them." UN relief official Charles Petrie and representatives of several                 private relief agencies made a two-day tour last week of conditions in the French-protected safety zone, and say that more food and medical aid is urgently needed. Roadsides are jammed with families camping and cooking some of the little food they manage to carry. A woman fleeing Butare on a small dirt road leading here pleads, "I'm hungry," as a UN convoy passed by. "We've seen over 100,000 of the more than 250,000 people on the move," Mr. Petrie says. Another 250,000 were already displaced in this area, says James Fennell, an emergency officer with CARE who also made the tour.                 SAFETY ZONE: Children play on a tree in the Hiashishi in Camp in south Rwanda, where more than 8,000 refugees are under protection by French troops.                 PASCAL ; AFP</FullText>



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