
This is a notebook that expands on the OpenCalais code in the file, also in this folder. It includes more sections on selecting publications you want to submit to OpenCalais as an example. It is intended to be copied and re-used.


Setup - Debug

In [1]:
debug_flag = False

Setup - Imports

In [2]:
import datetime
import glob
import logging
import lxml
import os
import six
import xml
import xmltodict
import zipfile

Setup - working folder paths

What data are we looking at?

In [3]:
# paper identifier
paper_identifier = "BostonGlobe"
archive_identifier = "BG_20171002210239_00001"

# source
source_paper_folder = "/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data"
source_paper_path = "{}/{}".format( source_paper_folder, paper_identifier )

# uncompressed
uncompressed_paper_folder = "/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed"
uncompressed_paper_path = "{}/{}".format( uncompressed_paper_folder, paper_identifier )

# make sure an identifier is set before you make a path here.
if ( ( archive_identifier is not None ) and ( archive_identifier != "" ) ):
    # identifier is set.
    source_archive_file = "{}.zip".format( archive_identifier )
    source_archive_path = "{}/{}".format( source_paper_path, source_archive_file )
    uncompressed_archive_path = "{}/{}".format( uncompressed_paper_path, archive_identifier )

#-- END check to see if archive_identifier present. --#

In [4]:


In [5]:
# current working folder
current_working_folder = "/home/jonathanmorgan/work/django/research/work/phd_work/data/article_loading/proquest_hnp/{}".format( paper_identifier )
current_datetime =
current_date_string = current_datetime.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S" )

Setup - logging

configure logging for this notebook's kernel (If you do not run this cell, you'll get the django application's logging configuration.

In [6]:
logging_file_name = "{}/research-data_load-{}-{}.log.txt".format( current_working_folder, paper_identifier, current_date_string )
    level = logging.DEBUG,
    format = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s',
    filename = logging_file_name,
    filemode = 'w' # set to 'a' if you want to append, rather than overwrite each time.

Setup - virtualenv jupyter kernel

If you are using a virtualenv, make sure that you:

  • have installed your virtualenv as a kernel.
  • choose the kernel for your virtualenv as the kernel for your notebook (Kernel --> Change kernel).

Since I use a virtualenv, need to get that activated somehow inside this notebook. One option is to run ../dev/ in this notebook, to configure the python environment manually as if you had activated the sourcenet virtualenv. To do this, you'd make a code cell that contains:

%run ../dev/

This is sketchy, however, because of the changes it makes to your Python environment within the context of whatever your current kernel is. I'd worry about collisions with the actual Python 3 kernel. Better, one can install their virtualenv as a separate kernel. Steps:

  • activate your virtualenv:

      workon research
  • in your virtualenv, install the package ipykernel.

      pip install ipykernel
  • use the ipykernel python program to install the current environment as a kernel:

      python -m ipykernel install --user --name <env_name> --display-name "<display_name>"

    sourcenet example:

      python -m ipykernel install --user --name sourcenet --display-name "research (Python 3)"

More details:

Setup - Initialize Django

First, initialize my dev django project, so I can run code in this notebook that references my django models and can talk to the database using my project's settings.

In [7]:
# init django
django_init_folder = "/home/jonathanmorgan/work/django/research/work/phd_work"
django_init_path = ""
if( ( django_init_folder is not None ) and ( django_init_folder != "" ) ):
    # add folder to front of path.
    django_init_path = "{}/{}".format( django_init_folder, django_init_path )
#-- END check to see if django_init folder. --#

In [8]:
%run $django_init_path

django initialized at 2019-08-19 17:43:05.649917

In [9]:
# context_text imports
from context_text.article_coding.article_coding import ArticleCoder
from context_text.article_coding.article_coding import ArticleCoding
from context_text.article_coding.open_calais_v2.open_calais_v2_article_coder import OpenCalaisV2ArticleCoder
from context_text.collectors.newsbank.newspapers.GRPB import GRPB
from context_text.collectors.newsbank.newspapers.DTNB import DTNB
from context_text.models import Article
from context_text.models import Article_Subject
from context_text.models import Newspaper
from context_text.shared.context_text_base import ContextTextBase

# context_text_proquest_hnp
from context_text_proquest_hnp.models import Proquest_HNP_Object_Type
from context_text_proquest_hnp.proquest_hnp_newspaper_helper import ProquestHNPNewspaperHelper

Setup - Initialize LoggingHelper

Create a LoggingHelper instance to use to log debug and also print at the same time.

Preconditions: Must be run after Django is initialized, since python_utilities is in the django path.

In [10]:
# python_utilities
from python_utilities.logging.logging_helper import LoggingHelper

# init
my_logging_helper = LoggingHelper()
my_logging_helper.set_logger_name( "proquest_hnp-article-loading-{}".format( paper_identifier ) )
log_message = None

Setup - initialize ProquestHNPNewspaper

Create an initialize an instance of ProquestHNPNewspaper for this paper.

load from database

In [11]:
my_paper = ProquestHNPNewspaperHelper()
paper_instance = my_paper.initialize_from_database( paper_identifier )
my_paper.source_all_papers_folder = source_paper_folder
my_paper.destination_all_papers_folder = uncompressed_paper_folder

In [12]:
print( my_paper )
print( paper_instance )

BostonGlobe from 1872 to 1985 - source path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe - dest path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe
1 - BostonGlobe - Boston Globe, The

set up manually

In [11]:
my_paper = ProquestHNPNewspaperHelper()
my_paper.paper_identifier = paper_identifier
my_paper.source_all_papers_folder = source_paper_folder
my_paper.source_paper_path = source_paper_path
my_paper.destination_all_papers_folder = uncompressed_paper_folder
my_paper.destination_paper_path = uncompressed_paper_path
my_paper.paper_start_year = 1872
my_paper.paper_end_year = 1985

my_newspaper = Newspaper.objects.get( id = 6 )
my_paper.newspaper = my_newspaper

If desired, add to database.

In [12]:
phnp_newspaper_instance = my_paper.create_PHNP_newspaper()

In [13]:
print( phnp_newspaper_instance )

1 - BostonGlobe - Boston Globe, The

Find articles to be loaded

Specify which folder of XML files should be loaded into system, then process all files within the folder.

The compressed archives from proquest_hnp just contain publication XML files, no containing folder.

To process:

  • uncompresed paper folder ( <paper_folder> ) - make a folder in /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed for the paper whose data you are working with, named the same as the paper's folder in /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data.

    • for example, for the Boston Globe, name it "BostonGlobe".
  • uncompressed archive folder ( <archive_folder> ) - inside a given paper's folder in uncompressed, for each archive file, create a folder named the same as the archive file, but with no ".zip" at the end.

    • For example, for the file "", make a folder named "BG_20171002210239_00001".
    • path should be "<paper_folder>/<archive_name_no_zip>.
  • unzip the archive into this folder:

      unzip <path_to_zip> -d <archive_folder>

Uncompress files

See if the uncompressed paper folder exists. If not, set flag and create it.

In [14]:
# create folder to hold the results of decompressing paper's zip files.
did_uncomp_paper_folder_exist = my_paper.make_dest_paper_folder()

EXISTS - Uncompressed paper folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe

For each *.zip file in the paper's source folder:

  • parse file name from path returned by glob.
  • parse the part before ".zip" from the file name. This is referred to subsequently as the "archive identifier".
  • check if folder named the same as the "archive identifier" is present.

    • If no:

      • create it.
      • then, uncompress the archive into it.
    • If yes:

      • output a message. Don't want to uncompress if it was already uncompressed once.

In [15]:
# decompress the files

==> zip file count: 474
----> processing file 1 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210212722_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212722_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212722_00001
----> processing file 2 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210212824_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212824_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212824_00002
----> processing file 3 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210212825_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212825_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212825_00003
----> processing file 4 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210212926_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212926_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212926_00004
----> processing file 5 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210212927_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212927_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212927_00005
----> processing file 6 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210213028_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213028_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213028_00006
----> processing file 7 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210213031_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213031_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213031_00007
----> processing file 8 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210213132_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213132_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213132_00008
----> processing file 9 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210213134_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213134_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213134_00009
----> processing file 10 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210213235_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213235_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213235_00010
----> processing file 11 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210213236_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213236_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213236_00011
----> processing file 12 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210213337_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213337_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213337_00012
----> processing file 13 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210213338_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213338_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213338_00013
----> processing file 14 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210213439_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213439_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213439_00014
----> processing file 15 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210213440_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213440_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213440_00015
----> processing file 16 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210213541_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213541_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213541_00016
----> processing file 17 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210214347_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214347_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214347_00001
----> processing file 18 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210214448_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214448_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214448_00002
----> processing file 19 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210214549_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214549_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214549_00003
----> processing file 20 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210214552_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214552_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214552_00004
----> processing file 21 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210214654_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214654_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214654_00005
----> processing file 22 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210214655_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214655_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214655_00006
----> processing file 23 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210214756_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214756_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214756_00007
----> processing file 24 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210214757_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214757_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214757_00008
----> processing file 25 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210214858_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214858_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214858_00009
----> processing file 26 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210214859_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214859_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214859_00010
----> processing file 27 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210214900_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214900_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214900_00011
----> processing file 28 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210214901_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214901_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214901_00012
----> processing file 29 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210214902_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214902_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214902_00013
----> processing file 30 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210215003_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215003_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215003_00014
----> processing file 31 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210215004_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215004_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215004_00015
----> processing file 32 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210215105_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215105_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215105_00016
----> processing file 33 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210215106_00017
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215106_00017
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215106_00017
----> processing file 34 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210215207_00018
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215207_00018
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215207_00018
----> processing file 35 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210215208_00019
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215208_00019
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215208_00019
----> processing file 36 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210215814_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215814_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215814_00001
----> processing file 37 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210215915_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215915_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215915_00002
----> processing file 38 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210215916_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215916_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215916_00003
----> processing file 39 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210220019_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220019_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220019_00004
----> processing file 40 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210220121_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220121_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220121_00005
----> processing file 41 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210220122_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220122_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220122_00006
----> processing file 42 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210220223_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220223_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220223_00007
----> processing file 43 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210220324_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220324_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220324_00008
----> processing file 44 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210220425_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220425_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220425_00009
----> processing file 45 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210220426_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220426_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220426_00010
----> processing file 46 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210220527_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220527_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220527_00011
----> processing file 47 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210220628_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220628_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220628_00012
----> processing file 48 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210220629_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220629_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220629_00013
----> processing file 49 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210220730_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220730_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220730_00014
----> processing file 50 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210220832_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220832_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220832_00015
----> processing file 51 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210220833_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220833_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220833_00016
----> processing file 52 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210221338_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221338_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221338_00001
----> processing file 53 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210221439_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221439_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221439_00002
----> processing file 54 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210221440_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221440_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221440_00003
----> processing file 55 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210221543_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221543_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221543_00004
----> processing file 56 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210221644_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221644_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221644_00005
----> processing file 57 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210221646_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221646_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221646_00006
----> processing file 58 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210221747_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221747_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221747_00007
----> processing file 59 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210221748_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221748_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221748_00008
----> processing file 60 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210221849_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221849_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221849_00009
----> processing file 61 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210221850_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221850_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221850_00010
----> processing file 62 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210221951_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221951_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221951_00011
----> processing file 63 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210222052_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222052_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222052_00012
----> processing file 64 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210222053_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222053_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222053_00013
----> processing file 65 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210222758_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222758_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222758_00001
----> processing file 66 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210222859_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222859_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222859_00002
----> processing file 67 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210222900_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222900_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222900_00003
----> processing file 68 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210223001_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223001_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223001_00004
----> processing file 69 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210223004_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223004_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223004_00005
----> processing file 70 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210223106_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223106_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223106_00006
----> processing file 71 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210223207_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223207_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223207_00007
----> processing file 72 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210223208_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223208_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223208_00008
----> processing file 73 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210223309_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223309_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223309_00009
----> processing file 74 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210223310_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223310_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223310_00010
----> processing file 75 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210223411_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223411_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223411_00011
----> processing file 76 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210223512_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223512_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223512_00012
----> processing file 77 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210223513_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223513_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223513_00013
----> processing file 78 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210223614_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223614_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223614_00014
----> processing file 79 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210223715_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223715_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223715_00015
----> processing file 80 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210224219_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224219_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224219_00001
----> processing file 81 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210224321_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224321_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224321_00002
----> processing file 82 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210224422_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224422_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224422_00003
----> processing file 83 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210224525_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224525_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224525_00004
----> processing file 84 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210224626_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224626_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224626_00005
----> processing file 85 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210224628_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224628_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224628_00006
----> processing file 86 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210224729_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224729_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224729_00007
----> processing file 87 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210224730_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224730_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224730_00008
----> processing file 88 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210224831_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224831_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224831_00009
----> processing file 89 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210224932_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224932_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224932_00010
----> processing file 90 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210224933_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224933_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224933_00011
----> processing file 91 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210225034_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210225034_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210225034_00012
----> processing file 92 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210225135_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210225135_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210225135_00013
----> processing file 93 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210225136_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210225136_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210225136_00014
----> processing file 94 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210225741_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210225741_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210225741_00001
----> processing file 95 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210225842_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210225842_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210225842_00002
----> processing file 96 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210225943_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210225943_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210225943_00003
----> processing file 97 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210230044_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230044_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230044_00004
----> processing file 98 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210230047_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230047_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230047_00005
----> processing file 99 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210230149_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230149_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230149_00006
----> processing file 100 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210230250_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230250_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230250_00007
----> processing file 101 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210230251_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230251_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230251_00008
----> processing file 102 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210230352_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230352_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230352_00009
----> processing file 103 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210230453_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230453_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230453_00010
----> processing file 104 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210230454_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230454_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230454_00011
----> processing file 105 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210230555_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230555_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230555_00012
----> processing file 106 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210230656_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230656_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230656_00013
----> processing file 107 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210231201_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231201_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231201_00001
----> processing file 108 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210231303_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231303_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231303_00002
----> processing file 109 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210231404_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231404_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231404_00003
----> processing file 110 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210231505_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231505_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231505_00004
----> processing file 111 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210231508_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231508_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231508_00005
----> processing file 112 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210231610_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231610_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231610_00006
----> processing file 113 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210231711_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231711_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231711_00007
----> processing file 114 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210231812_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231812_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231812_00008
----> processing file 115 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210231813_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231813_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231813_00009
----> processing file 116 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210231914_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231914_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231914_00010
----> processing file 117 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210232015_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210232015_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210232015_00011
----> processing file 118 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210232721_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210232721_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210232721_00001
----> processing file 119 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210232822_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210232822_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210232822_00002
----> processing file 120 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210232823_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210232823_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210232823_00003
----> processing file 121 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210232924_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210232924_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210232924_00004
----> processing file 122 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210233027_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210233027_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210233027_00005
----> processing file 123 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210233128_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210233128_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210233128_00006
----> processing file 124 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210233229_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210233229_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210233229_00007
----> processing file 125 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210233331_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210233331_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210233331_00008
----> processing file 126 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210233332_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210233332_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210233332_00009
----> processing file 127 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210233433_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210233433_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210233433_00010
----> processing file 128 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210234137_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234137_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234137_00001
----> processing file 129 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210234239_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234239_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234239_00002
----> processing file 130 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210234340_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234340_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234340_00003
----> processing file 131 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210234441_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234441_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234441_00004
----> processing file 132 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210234542_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234542_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234542_00005
----> processing file 133 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210234545_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234545_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234545_00006
----> processing file 134 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210234647_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234647_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234647_00007
----> processing file 135 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210234748_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234748_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234748_00008
----> processing file 136 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210234849_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234849_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234849_00009
----> processing file 137 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210235753_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210235753_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210235753_00001
----> processing file 138 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210235854_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210235854_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210235854_00002
----> processing file 139 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210235855_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210235855_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210235855_00003
----> processing file 140 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151210235956_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210235956_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210235956_00004
----> processing file 141 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211000059_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211000059_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211000059_00005
----> processing file 142 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211000102_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211000102_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211000102_00006
----> processing file 143 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211000203_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211000203_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211000203_00007
----> processing file 144 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211000305_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211000305_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211000305_00008
----> processing file 145 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211000406_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211000406_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211000406_00009
----> processing file 146 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211000407_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211000407_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211000407_00010
----> processing file 147 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211001111_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001111_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001111_00001
----> processing file 148 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211001213_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001213_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001213_00002
----> processing file 149 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211001315_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001315_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001315_00003
----> processing file 150 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211001416_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001416_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001416_00004
----> processing file 151 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211001417_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001417_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001417_00005
----> processing file 152 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211001521_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001521_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001521_00006
----> processing file 153 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211001623_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001623_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001623_00007
----> processing file 154 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211001724_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001724_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001724_00008
----> processing file 155 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211002628_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211002628_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211002628_00001
----> processing file 156 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211002730_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211002730_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211002730_00002
----> processing file 157 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211002832_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211002832_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211002832_00003
----> processing file 158 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211002933_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211002933_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211002933_00004
----> processing file 159 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211002934_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211002934_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211002934_00005
----> processing file 160 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211003037_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211003037_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211003037_00006
----> processing file 161 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211003138_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211003138_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211003138_00007
----> processing file 162 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211003139_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211003139_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211003139_00008
----> processing file 163 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211003240_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211003240_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211003240_00009
----> processing file 164 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211004245_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004245_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004245_00001
----> processing file 165 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211004347_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004347_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004347_00002
----> processing file 166 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211004448_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004448_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004448_00003
----> processing file 167 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211004549_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004549_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004549_00004
----> processing file 168 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211004552_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004552_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004552_00005
----> processing file 169 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211004653_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004653_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004653_00006
----> processing file 170 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211004754_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004754_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004754_00007
----> processing file 171 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211004755_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004755_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004755_00008
----> processing file 172 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211004856_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004856_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004856_00009
----> processing file 173 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211004957_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004957_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004957_00010
----> processing file 174 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211005702_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211005702_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211005702_00001
----> processing file 175 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211005803_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211005803_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211005803_00002
----> processing file 176 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211005804_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211005804_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211005804_00003
----> processing file 177 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211005905_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211005905_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211005905_00004
----> processing file 178 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211010006_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010006_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010006_00005
----> processing file 179 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211010009_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010009_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010009_00006
----> processing file 180 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211010110_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010110_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010110_00007
----> processing file 181 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211010211_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010211_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010211_00008
----> processing file 182 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211010212_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010212_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010212_00009
----> processing file 183 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211010313_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010313_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010313_00010
----> processing file 184 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211010414_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010414_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010414_00011
----> processing file 185 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211011218_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011218_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011218_00001
----> processing file 186 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211011319_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011319_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011319_00002
----> processing file 187 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211011320_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011320_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011320_00003
----> processing file 188 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211011421_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011421_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011421_00004
----> processing file 189 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211011522_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011522_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011522_00005
----> processing file 190 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211011525_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011525_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011525_00006
----> processing file 191 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211011626_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011626_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011626_00007
----> processing file 192 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211011727_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011727_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011727_00008
----> processing file 193 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211011728_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011728_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011728_00009
----> processing file 194 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211011829_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011829_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011829_00010
----> processing file 195 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211011930_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011930_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011930_00011
----> processing file 196 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211012734_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211012734_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211012734_00001
----> processing file 197 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211012735_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211012735_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211012735_00002
----> processing file 198 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211012836_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211012836_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211012836_00003
----> processing file 199 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211012937_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211012937_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211012937_00004
----> processing file 200 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211012938_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211012938_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211012938_00005
----> processing file 201 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211013041_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211013041_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211013041_00006
----> processing file 202 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211013142_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211013142_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211013142_00007
----> processing file 203 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211013143_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211013143_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211013143_00008
----> processing file 204 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211013244_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211013244_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211013244_00009
----> processing file 205 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211013345_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211013345_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211013345_00010
----> processing file 206 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211013346_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211013346_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211013346_00011
----> processing file 207 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211014250_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014250_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014250_00001
----> processing file 208 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211014352_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014352_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014352_00002
----> processing file 209 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211014353_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014353_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014353_00003
----> processing file 210 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211014454_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014454_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014454_00004
----> processing file 211 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211014557_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014557_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014557_00005
----> processing file 212 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211014658_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014658_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014658_00006
----> processing file 213 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211014659_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014659_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014659_00007
----> processing file 214 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211014700_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014700_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014700_00008
----> processing file 215 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211014801_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014801_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014801_00009
----> processing file 216 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211014802_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014802_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014802_00010
----> processing file 217 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211014903_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014903_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014903_00011
----> processing file 218 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211015004_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211015004_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211015004_00012
----> processing file 219 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211015708_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211015708_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211015708_00001
----> processing file 220 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211015809_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211015809_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211015809_00002
----> processing file 221 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211015910_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211015910_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211015910_00003
----> processing file 222 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211015911_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211015911_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211015911_00004
----> processing file 223 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211020014_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020014_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020014_00005
----> processing file 224 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211020115_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020115_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020115_00006
----> processing file 225 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211020116_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020116_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020116_00007
----> processing file 226 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211020217_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020217_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020217_00008
----> processing file 227 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211020218_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020218_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020218_00009
----> processing file 228 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211020319_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020319_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020319_00010
----> processing file 229 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211020320_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020320_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020320_00011
----> processing file 230 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211020421_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020421_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020421_00012
----> processing file 231 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211020522_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020522_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020522_00013
----> processing file 232 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211021226_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021226_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021226_00001
----> processing file 233 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211021327_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021327_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021327_00002
----> processing file 234 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211021328_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021328_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021328_00003
----> processing file 235 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211021429_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021429_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021429_00004
----> processing file 236 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211021430_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021430_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021430_00005
----> processing file 237 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211021533_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021533_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021533_00006
----> processing file 238 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211021634_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021634_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021634_00007
----> processing file 239 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211021636_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021636_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021636_00008
----> processing file 240 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211021737_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021737_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021737_00009
----> processing file 241 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211021838_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021838_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021838_00010
----> processing file 242 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211021839_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021839_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021839_00011
----> processing file 243 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211021940_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021940_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021940_00012
----> processing file 244 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211022041_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211022041_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211022041_00013
----> processing file 245 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211022745_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211022745_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211022745_00001
----> processing file 246 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211022747_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211022747_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211022747_00002
----> processing file 247 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211022848_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211022848_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211022848_00003
----> processing file 248 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211022949_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211022949_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211022949_00004
----> processing file 249 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211022950_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211022950_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211022950_00005
----> processing file 250 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211023053_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023053_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023053_00006
----> processing file 251 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211023154_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023154_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023154_00007
----> processing file 252 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211023155_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023155_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023155_00008
----> processing file 253 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211023256_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023256_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023256_00009
----> processing file 254 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211023357_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023357_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023357_00010
----> processing file 255 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211023358_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023358_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023358_00011
----> processing file 256 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211023459_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023459_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023459_00012
----> processing file 257 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211024203_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024203_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024203_00001
----> processing file 258 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211024305_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024305_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024305_00002
----> processing file 259 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211024406_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024406_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024406_00003
----> processing file 260 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211024407_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024407_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024407_00004
----> processing file 261 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211024510_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024510_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024510_00005
----> processing file 262 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211024511_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024511_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024511_00006
----> processing file 263 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211024612_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024612_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024612_00007
----> processing file 264 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211024713_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024713_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024713_00008
----> processing file 265 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211024714_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024714_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024714_00009
----> processing file 266 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211024815_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024815_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024815_00010
----> processing file 267 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211024816_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024816_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024816_00011
----> processing file 268 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211024917_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024917_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024917_00012
----> processing file 269 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211024918_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024918_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024918_00013
----> processing file 270 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211025722_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211025722_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211025722_00001
----> processing file 271 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211025824_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211025824_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211025824_00002
----> processing file 272 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211025925_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211025925_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211025925_00003
----> processing file 273 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211025926_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211025926_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211025926_00004
----> processing file 274 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211030029_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030029_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030029_00005
----> processing file 275 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211030131_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030131_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030131_00006
----> processing file 276 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211030132_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030132_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030132_00007
----> processing file 277 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211030233_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030233_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030233_00008
----> processing file 278 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211030334_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030334_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030334_00009
----> processing file 279 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211030335_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030335_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030335_00010
----> processing file 280 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211030436_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030436_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030436_00011
----> processing file 281 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211030537_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030537_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030537_00012
----> processing file 282 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211030538_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030538_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030538_00013
----> processing file 283 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211030639_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030639_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030639_00014
----> processing file 284 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211030740_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030740_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030740_00015
----> processing file 285 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211031245_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031245_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031245_00001
----> processing file 286 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211031446_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031446_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031446_00002
----> processing file 287 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211031549_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031549_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031549_00003
----> processing file 288 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211031650_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031650_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031650_00004
----> processing file 289 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211031651_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031651_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031651_00005
----> processing file 290 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211031752_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031752_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031752_00006
----> processing file 291 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211031853_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031853_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031853_00007
----> processing file 292 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211031854_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031854_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031854_00008
----> processing file 293 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211031955_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031955_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031955_00009
----> processing file 294 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211032056_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032056_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032056_00010
----> processing file 295 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211032157_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032157_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032157_00011
----> processing file 296 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211032258_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032258_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032258_00012
----> processing file 297 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211032259_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032259_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032259_00013
----> processing file 298 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211032301_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032301_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032301_00014
----> processing file 299 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211032706_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032706_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032706_00001
----> processing file 300 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211032907_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032907_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032907_00002
----> processing file 301 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211033008_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033008_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033008_00003
----> processing file 302 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211033011_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033011_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033011_00004
----> processing file 303 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211033112_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033112_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033112_00005
----> processing file 304 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211033213_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033213_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033213_00006
----> processing file 305 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211033314_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033314_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033314_00007
----> processing file 306 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211033415_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033415_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033415_00008
----> processing file 307 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211033516_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033516_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033516_00009
----> processing file 308 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211033517_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033517_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033517_00010
----> processing file 309 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211033618_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033618_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033618_00011
----> processing file 310 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211033719_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033719_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033719_00012
----> processing file 311 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211033820_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033820_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033820_00013
----> processing file 312 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211033821_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033821_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033821_00014
----> processing file 313 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211034324_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034324_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034324_00001
----> processing file 314 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211034425_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034425_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034425_00002
----> processing file 315 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211034528_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034528_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034528_00003
----> processing file 316 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211034629_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034629_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034629_00004
----> processing file 317 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211034630_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034630_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034630_00005
----> processing file 318 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211034731_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034731_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034731_00006
----> processing file 319 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211034732_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034732_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034732_00007
----> processing file 320 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211034833_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034833_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034833_00008
----> processing file 321 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211034934_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034934_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034934_00009
----> processing file 322 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211034935_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034935_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034935_00010
----> processing file 323 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211035036_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035036_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035036_00011
----> processing file 324 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211035037_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035037_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035037_00012
----> processing file 325 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211035138_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035138_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035138_00013
----> processing file 326 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211035239_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035239_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035239_00014
----> processing file 327 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211035240_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035240_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035240_00015
----> processing file 328 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211035341_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035341_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035341_00016
----> processing file 329 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211035845_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035845_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035845_00001
----> processing file 330 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211035946_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035946_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035946_00002
----> processing file 331 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211040049_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040049_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040049_00003
----> processing file 332 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211040150_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040150_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040150_00004
----> processing file 333 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211040151_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040151_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040151_00005
----> processing file 334 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211040252_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040252_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040252_00006
----> processing file 335 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211040253_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040253_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040253_00007
----> processing file 336 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211040354_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040354_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040354_00008
----> processing file 337 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211040355_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040355_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040355_00009
----> processing file 338 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211040456_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040456_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040456_00010
----> processing file 339 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211040557_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040557_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040557_00011
----> processing file 340 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211040558_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040558_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040558_00012
----> processing file 341 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211040600_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040600_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040600_00014
----> processing file 342 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211040659_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040659_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040659_00013
----> processing file 343 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211040701_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040701_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040701_00015
----> processing file 344 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211040702_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040702_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040702_00016
----> processing file 345 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211040803_00017
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040803_00017
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040803_00017
----> processing file 346 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211040905_00018
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040905_00018
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040905_00018
----> processing file 347 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211041407_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211041407_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211041407_00001
----> processing file 348 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211041610_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211041610_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211041610_00002
----> processing file 349 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211041711_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211041711_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211041711_00003
----> processing file 350 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211041712_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211041712_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211041712_00004
----> processing file 351 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211041813_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211041813_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211041813_00005
----> processing file 352 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211041914_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211041914_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211041914_00006
----> processing file 353 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211042015_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042015_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042015_00007
----> processing file 354 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211042016_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042016_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042016_00008
----> processing file 355 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211042117_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042117_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042117_00009
----> processing file 356 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211042218_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042218_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042218_00010
----> processing file 357 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211042219_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042219_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042219_00011
----> processing file 358 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211042321_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042321_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042321_00012
----> processing file 359 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211042322_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042322_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042322_00013
----> processing file 360 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211042424_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042424_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042424_00014
----> processing file 361 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211042525_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042525_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042525_00015
----> processing file 362 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211042526_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042526_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042526_00016
----> processing file 363 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211042627_00017
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042627_00017
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042627_00017
----> processing file 364 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211042729_00018
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042729_00018
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042729_00018
----> processing file 365 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211043030_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043030_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043030_00001
----> processing file 366 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211043133_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043133_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043133_00002
----> processing file 367 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211043234_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043234_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043234_00003
----> processing file 368 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211043235_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043235_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043235_00004
----> processing file 369 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211043336_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043336_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043336_00005
----> processing file 370 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211043437_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043437_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043437_00006
----> processing file 371 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211043438_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043438_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043438_00007
----> processing file 372 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211043539_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043539_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043539_00008
----> processing file 373 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211043640_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043640_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043640_00009
----> processing file 374 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211043641_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043641_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043641_00010
----> processing file 375 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211043742_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043742_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043742_00011
----> processing file 376 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211043743_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043743_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043743_00012
----> processing file 377 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211043844_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043844_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043844_00013
----> processing file 378 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211043946_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043946_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043946_00014
----> processing file 379 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211043947_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043947_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043947_00015
----> processing file 380 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211044048_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044048_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044048_00016
----> processing file 381 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211044149_00017
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044149_00017
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044149_00017
----> processing file 382 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211044251_00018
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044251_00018
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044251_00018
----> processing file 383 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211044653_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044653_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044653_00001
----> processing file 384 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211044755_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044755_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044755_00002
----> processing file 385 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211044756_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044756_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044756_00003
----> processing file 386 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211044857_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044857_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044857_00004
----> processing file 387 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211044858_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044858_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044858_00005
----> processing file 388 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211044900_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044900_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044900_00007
----> processing file 389 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211044959_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044959_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044959_00006
----> processing file 390 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211045001_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045001_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045001_00008
----> processing file 391 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211045002_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045002_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045002_00009
----> processing file 392 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211045103_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045103_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045103_00010
----> processing file 393 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211045104_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045104_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045104_00011
----> processing file 394 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211045105_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045105_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045105_00012
----> processing file 395 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211045206_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045206_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045206_00013
----> processing file 396 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211045207_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045207_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045207_00014
----> processing file 397 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211045308_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045308_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045308_00015
----> processing file 398 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211045309_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045309_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045309_00016
----> processing file 399 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211045411_00017
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045411_00017
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045411_00017
----> processing file 400 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211045512_00018
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045512_00018
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045512_00018
----> processing file 401 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211050014_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050014_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050014_00001
----> processing file 402 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211050017_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050017_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050017_00002
----> processing file 403 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211050118_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050118_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050118_00003
----> processing file 404 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211050219_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050219_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050219_00004
----> processing file 405 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211050220_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050220_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050220_00005
----> processing file 406 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211050321_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050321_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050321_00006
----> processing file 407 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211050323_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050323_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050323_00007
----> processing file 408 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211050424_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050424_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050424_00008
----> processing file 409 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211050525_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050525_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050525_00009
----> processing file 410 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211050526_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050526_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050526_00010
----> processing file 411 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211050627_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050627_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050627_00011
----> processing file 412 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211050628_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050628_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050628_00012
----> processing file 413 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211050729_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050729_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050729_00013
----> processing file 414 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211050730_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050730_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050730_00014
----> processing file 415 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211050832_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050832_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050832_00015
----> processing file 416 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211050833_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050833_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050833_00016
----> processing file 417 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211050834_00017
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050834_00017
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050834_00017
----> processing file 418 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211050936_00018
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050936_00018
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050936_00018
----> processing file 419 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211051037_00019
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051037_00019
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051037_00019
----> processing file 420 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211051038_00020
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051038_00020
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051038_00020
----> processing file 421 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211051139_00021
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051139_00021
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051139_00021
----> processing file 422 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211051442_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051442_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051442_00001
----> processing file 423 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211051647_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051647_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051647_00002
----> processing file 424 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211051648_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051648_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051648_00003
----> processing file 425 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211051749_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051749_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051749_00004
----> processing file 426 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211051750_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051750_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051750_00005
----> processing file 427 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211051851_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051851_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051851_00006
----> processing file 428 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211051952_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051952_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051952_00007
----> processing file 429 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211051953_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051953_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051953_00008
----> processing file 430 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211052054_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052054_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052054_00009
----> processing file 431 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211052055_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052055_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052055_00010
----> processing file 432 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211052156_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052156_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052156_00011
----> processing file 433 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211052157_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052157_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052157_00012
----> processing file 434 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211052258_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052258_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052258_00013
----> processing file 435 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211052259_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052259_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052259_00014
----> processing file 436 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211052301_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052301_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052301_00015
----> processing file 437 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211052302_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052302_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052302_00016
----> processing file 438 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211052404_00017
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052404_00017
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052404_00017
----> processing file 439 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211052405_00018
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052405_00018
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052405_00018
----> processing file 440 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211052908_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052908_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052908_00001
----> processing file 441 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211053011_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053011_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053011_00002
----> processing file 442 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211053113_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053113_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053113_00003
----> processing file 443 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211053114_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053114_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053114_00004
----> processing file 444 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211053216_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053216_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053216_00005
----> processing file 445 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211053217_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053217_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053217_00006
----> processing file 446 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211053319_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053319_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053319_00007
----> processing file 447 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211053321_00008
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053321_00008
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053321_00008
----> processing file 448 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211053423_00009
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053423_00009
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053423_00009
----> processing file 449 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211053524_00010
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053524_00010
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053524_00010
----> processing file 450 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211053525_00011
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053525_00011
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053525_00011
----> processing file 451 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211053626_00012
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053626_00012
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053626_00012
----> processing file 452 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211053627_00013
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053627_00013
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053627_00013
----> processing file 453 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211053728_00014
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053728_00014
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053728_00014
----> processing file 454 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211053729_00015
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053729_00015
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053729_00015
----> processing file 455 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211053830_00016
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053830_00016
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053830_00016
----> processing file 456 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211054032_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054032_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054032_00001
----> processing file 457 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211054133_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054133_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054133_00002
----> processing file 458 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211054235_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054235_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054235_00003
----> processing file 459 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211054236_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054236_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054236_00004
----> processing file 460 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211054338_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054338_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054338_00005
----> processing file 461 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211055647_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055647_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055647_00001
----> processing file 462 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211055749_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055749_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055749_00002
----> processing file 463 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211055751_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055751_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055751_00003
----> processing file 464 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211055852_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055852_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055852_00004
----> processing file 465 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211055953_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055953_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055953_00005
----> processing file 466 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20151211061003_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211061003_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211061003_00001
----> processing file 467 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20171002204731_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204731_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204731_00001
----> processing file 468 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20171002204732_00002
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204732_00002
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204732_00002
----> processing file 469 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20171002204834_00003
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204834_00003
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204834_00003
----> processing file 470 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20171002204837_00004
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204837_00004
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204837_00004
----> processing file 471 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20171002204941_00005
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204941_00005
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204941_00005
----> processing file 472 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20171002204944_00006
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204944_00006
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204944_00006
----> processing file 473 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20171002205047_00007
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002205047_00007
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002205047_00007
----> processing file 474 of 474
==> path: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/proquest_hnp/data/BostonGlobe/
==> file:
==> ID: BG_20171002210239_00001
==> TO: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001
EXISTS, so moving on - Uncompressed archive folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001

Work with uncompressed files

Change working directories to the uncompressed paper path.

In [8]:
%cd $uncompressed_paper_path


In [9]:

BG_20151210212722_00001/  BG_20151211002934_00005/  BG_20151211034630_00005/
BG_20151210212824_00002/  BG_20151211003037_00006/  BG_20151211034731_00006/
BG_20151210212825_00003/  BG_20151211003138_00007/  BG_20151211034732_00007/
BG_20151210212926_00004/  BG_20151211003139_00008/  BG_20151211034833_00008/
BG_20151210212927_00005/  BG_20151211003240_00009/  BG_20151211034934_00009/
BG_20151210213028_00006/  BG_20151211004245_00001/  BG_20151211034935_00010/
BG_20151210213031_00007/  BG_20151211004347_00002/  BG_20151211035036_00011/
BG_20151210213132_00008/  BG_20151211004448_00003/  BG_20151211035037_00012/
BG_20151210213134_00009/  BG_20151211004549_00004/  BG_20151211035138_00013/
BG_20151210213235_00010/  BG_20151211004552_00005/  BG_20151211035239_00014/
BG_20151210213236_00011/  BG_20151211004653_00006/  BG_20151211035240_00015/
BG_20151210213337_00012/  BG_20151211004754_00007/  BG_20151211035341_00016/
BG_20151210213338_00013/  BG_20151211004755_00008/  BG_20151211035845_00001/
BG_20151210213439_00014/  BG_20151211004856_00009/  BG_20151211035946_00002/
BG_20151210213440_00015/  BG_20151211004957_00010/  BG_20151211040049_00003/
BG_20151210213541_00016/  BG_20151211005702_00001/  BG_20151211040150_00004/
BG_20151210214347_00001/  BG_20151211005803_00002/  BG_20151211040151_00005/
BG_20151210214448_00002/  BG_20151211005804_00003/  BG_20151211040252_00006/
BG_20151210214549_00003/  BG_20151211005905_00004/  BG_20151211040253_00007/
BG_20151210214552_00004/  BG_20151211010006_00005/  BG_20151211040354_00008/
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BG_20151210214655_00006/  BG_20151211010110_00007/  BG_20151211040456_00010/
BG_20151210214756_00007/  BG_20151211010211_00008/  BG_20151211040557_00011/
BG_20151210214757_00008/  BG_20151211010212_00009/  BG_20151211040558_00012/
BG_20151210214858_00009/  BG_20151211010313_00010/  BG_20151211040600_00014/
BG_20151210214859_00010/  BG_20151211010414_00011/  BG_20151211040659_00013/
BG_20151210214900_00011/  BG_20151211011218_00001/  BG_20151211040701_00015/
BG_20151210214901_00012/  BG_20151211011319_00002/  BG_20151211040702_00016/
BG_20151210214902_00013/  BG_20151211011320_00003/  BG_20151211040803_00017/
BG_20151210215003_00014/  BG_20151211011421_00004/  BG_20151211040905_00018/
BG_20151210215004_00015/  BG_20151211011522_00005/  BG_20151211041407_00001/
BG_20151210215105_00016/  BG_20151211011525_00006/  BG_20151211041610_00002/
BG_20151210215106_00017/  BG_20151211011626_00007/  BG_20151211041711_00003/
BG_20151210215207_00018/  BG_20151211011727_00008/  BG_20151211041712_00004/
BG_20151210215208_00019/  BG_20151211011728_00009/  BG_20151211041813_00005/
BG_20151210215814_00001/  BG_20151211011829_00010/  BG_20151211041914_00006/
BG_20151210215915_00002/  BG_20151211011930_00011/  BG_20151211042015_00007/
BG_20151210215916_00003/  BG_20151211012734_00001/  BG_20151211042016_00008/
BG_20151210220019_00004/  BG_20151211012735_00002/  BG_20151211042117_00009/
BG_20151210220121_00005/  BG_20151211012836_00003/  BG_20151211042218_00010/
BG_20151210220122_00006/  BG_20151211012937_00004/  BG_20151211042219_00011/
BG_20151210220223_00007/  BG_20151211012938_00005/  BG_20151211042321_00012/
BG_20151210220324_00008/  BG_20151211013041_00006/  BG_20151211042322_00013/
BG_20151210220425_00009/  BG_20151211013142_00007/  BG_20151211042424_00014/
BG_20151210220426_00010/  BG_20151211013143_00008/  BG_20151211042525_00015/
BG_20151210220527_00011/  BG_20151211013244_00009/  BG_20151211042526_00016/
BG_20151210220628_00012/  BG_20151211013345_00010/  BG_20151211042627_00017/
BG_20151210220629_00013/  BG_20151211013346_00011/  BG_20151211042729_00018/
BG_20151210220730_00014/  BG_20151211014250_00001/  BG_20151211043030_00001/
BG_20151210220832_00015/  BG_20151211014352_00002/  BG_20151211043133_00002/
BG_20151210220833_00016/  BG_20151211014353_00003/  BG_20151211043234_00003/
BG_20151210221338_00001/  BG_20151211014454_00004/  BG_20151211043235_00004/
BG_20151210221439_00002/  BG_20151211014557_00005/  BG_20151211043336_00005/
BG_20151210221440_00003/  BG_20151211014658_00006/  BG_20151211043437_00006/
BG_20151210221543_00004/  BG_20151211014659_00007/  BG_20151211043438_00007/
BG_20151210221644_00005/  BG_20151211014700_00008/  BG_20151211043539_00008/
BG_20151210221646_00006/  BG_20151211014801_00009/  BG_20151211043640_00009/
BG_20151210221747_00007/  BG_20151211014802_00010/  BG_20151211043641_00010/
BG_20151210221748_00008/  BG_20151211014903_00011/  BG_20151211043742_00011/
BG_20151210221849_00009/  BG_20151211015004_00012/  BG_20151211043743_00012/
BG_20151210221850_00010/  BG_20151211015708_00001/  BG_20151211043844_00013/
BG_20151210221951_00011/  BG_20151211015809_00002/  BG_20151211043946_00014/
BG_20151210222052_00012/  BG_20151211015910_00003/  BG_20151211043947_00015/
BG_20151210222053_00013/  BG_20151211015911_00004/  BG_20151211044048_00016/
BG_20151210222758_00001/  BG_20151211020014_00005/  BG_20151211044149_00017/
BG_20151210222859_00002/  BG_20151211020115_00006/  BG_20151211044251_00018/
BG_20151210222900_00003/  BG_20151211020116_00007/  BG_20151211044653_00001/
BG_20151210223001_00004/  BG_20151211020217_00008/  BG_20151211044755_00002/
BG_20151210223004_00005/  BG_20151211020218_00009/  BG_20151211044756_00003/
BG_20151210223106_00006/  BG_20151211020319_00010/  BG_20151211044857_00004/
BG_20151210223207_00007/  BG_20151211020320_00011/  BG_20151211044858_00005/
BG_20151210223208_00008/  BG_20151211020421_00012/  BG_20151211044900_00007/
BG_20151210223309_00009/  BG_20151211020522_00013/  BG_20151211044959_00006/
BG_20151210223310_00010/  BG_20151211021226_00001/  BG_20151211045001_00008/
BG_20151210223411_00011/  BG_20151211021327_00002/  BG_20151211045002_00009/
BG_20151210223512_00012/  BG_20151211021328_00003/  BG_20151211045103_00010/
BG_20151210223513_00013/  BG_20151211021429_00004/  BG_20151211045104_00011/
BG_20151210223614_00014/  BG_20151211021430_00005/  BG_20151211045105_00012/
BG_20151210223715_00015/  BG_20151211021533_00006/  BG_20151211045206_00013/
BG_20151210224219_00001/  BG_20151211021634_00007/  BG_20151211045207_00014/
BG_20151210224321_00002/  BG_20151211021636_00008/  BG_20151211045308_00015/
BG_20151210224422_00003/  BG_20151211021737_00009/  BG_20151211045309_00016/
BG_20151210224525_00004/  BG_20151211021838_00010/  BG_20151211045411_00017/
BG_20151210224626_00005/  BG_20151211021839_00011/  BG_20151211045512_00018/
BG_20151210224628_00006/  BG_20151211021940_00012/  BG_20151211050014_00001/
BG_20151210224729_00007/  BG_20151211022041_00013/  BG_20151211050017_00002/
BG_20151210224730_00008/  BG_20151211022745_00001/  BG_20151211050118_00003/
BG_20151210224831_00009/  BG_20151211022747_00002/  BG_20151211050219_00004/
BG_20151210224932_00010/  BG_20151211022848_00003/  BG_20151211050220_00005/
BG_20151210224933_00011/  BG_20151211022949_00004/  BG_20151211050321_00006/
BG_20151210225034_00012/  BG_20151211022950_00005/  BG_20151211050323_00007/
BG_20151210225135_00013/  BG_20151211023053_00006/  BG_20151211050424_00008/
BG_20151210225136_00014/  BG_20151211023154_00007/  BG_20151211050525_00009/
BG_20151210225741_00001/  BG_20151211023155_00008/  BG_20151211050526_00010/
BG_20151210225842_00002/  BG_20151211023256_00009/  BG_20151211050627_00011/
BG_20151210225943_00003/  BG_20151211023357_00010/  BG_20151211050628_00012/
BG_20151210230044_00004/  BG_20151211023358_00011/  BG_20151211050729_00013/
BG_20151210230047_00005/  BG_20151211023459_00012/  BG_20151211050730_00014/
BG_20151210230149_00006/  BG_20151211024203_00001/  BG_20151211050832_00015/
BG_20151210230250_00007/  BG_20151211024305_00002/  BG_20151211050833_00016/
BG_20151210230251_00008/  BG_20151211024406_00003/  BG_20151211050834_00017/
BG_20151210230352_00009/  BG_20151211024407_00004/  BG_20151211050936_00018/
BG_20151210230453_00010/  BG_20151211024510_00005/  BG_20151211051037_00019/
BG_20151210230454_00011/  BG_20151211024511_00006/  BG_20151211051038_00020/
BG_20151210230555_00012/  BG_20151211024612_00007/  BG_20151211051139_00021/
BG_20151210230656_00013/  BG_20151211024713_00008/  BG_20151211051442_00001/
BG_20151210231201_00001/  BG_20151211024714_00009/  BG_20151211051647_00002/
BG_20151210231303_00002/  BG_20151211024815_00010/  BG_20151211051648_00003/
BG_20151210231404_00003/  BG_20151211024816_00011/  BG_20151211051749_00004/
BG_20151210231505_00004/  BG_20151211024917_00012/  BG_20151211051750_00005/
BG_20151210231508_00005/  BG_20151211024918_00013/  BG_20151211051851_00006/
BG_20151210231610_00006/  BG_20151211025722_00001/  BG_20151211051952_00007/
BG_20151210231711_00007/  BG_20151211025824_00002/  BG_20151211051953_00008/
BG_20151210231812_00008/  BG_20151211025925_00003/  BG_20151211052054_00009/
BG_20151210231813_00009/  BG_20151211025926_00004/  BG_20151211052055_00010/
BG_20151210231914_00010/  BG_20151211030029_00005/  BG_20151211052156_00011/
BG_20151210232015_00011/  BG_20151211030131_00006/  BG_20151211052157_00012/
BG_20151210232721_00001/  BG_20151211030132_00007/  BG_20151211052258_00013/
BG_20151210232822_00002/  BG_20151211030233_00008/  BG_20151211052259_00014/
BG_20151210232823_00003/  BG_20151211030334_00009/  BG_20151211052301_00015/
BG_20151210232924_00004/  BG_20151211030335_00010/  BG_20151211052302_00016/
BG_20151210233027_00005/  BG_20151211030436_00011/  BG_20151211052404_00017/
BG_20151210233128_00006/  BG_20151211030537_00012/  BG_20151211052405_00018/
BG_20151210233229_00007/  BG_20151211030538_00013/  BG_20151211052908_00001/
BG_20151210233331_00008/  BG_20151211030639_00014/  BG_20151211053011_00002/
BG_20151210233332_00009/  BG_20151211030740_00015/  BG_20151211053113_00003/
BG_20151210233433_00010/  BG_20151211031245_00001/  BG_20151211053114_00004/
BG_20151210234137_00001/  BG_20151211031446_00002/  BG_20151211053216_00005/
BG_20151210234239_00002/  BG_20151211031549_00003/  BG_20151211053217_00006/
BG_20151210234340_00003/  BG_20151211031650_00004/  BG_20151211053319_00007/
BG_20151210234441_00004/  BG_20151211031651_00005/  BG_20151211053321_00008/
BG_20151210234542_00005/  BG_20151211031752_00006/  BG_20151211053423_00009/
BG_20151210234545_00006/  BG_20151211031853_00007/  BG_20151211053524_00010/
BG_20151210234647_00007/  BG_20151211031854_00008/  BG_20151211053525_00011/
BG_20151210234748_00008/  BG_20151211031955_00009/  BG_20151211053626_00012/
BG_20151210234849_00009/  BG_20151211032056_00010/  BG_20151211053627_00013/
BG_20151210235753_00001/  BG_20151211032157_00011/  BG_20151211053728_00014/
BG_20151210235854_00002/  BG_20151211032258_00012/  BG_20151211053729_00015/
BG_20151210235855_00003/  BG_20151211032259_00013/  BG_20151211053830_00016/
BG_20151210235956_00004/  BG_20151211032301_00014/  BG_20151211054032_00001/
BG_20151211000059_00005/  BG_20151211032706_00001/  BG_20151211054133_00002/
BG_20151211000102_00006/  BG_20151211032907_00002/  BG_20151211054235_00003/
BG_20151211000203_00007/  BG_20151211033008_00003/  BG_20151211054236_00004/
BG_20151211000305_00008/  BG_20151211033011_00004/  BG_20151211054338_00005/
BG_20151211000406_00009/  BG_20151211033112_00005/  BG_20151211055647_00001/
BG_20151211000407_00010/  BG_20151211033213_00006/  BG_20151211055749_00002/
BG_20151211001111_00001/  BG_20151211033314_00007/  BG_20151211055751_00003/
BG_20151211001213_00002/  BG_20151211033415_00008/  BG_20151211055852_00004/
BG_20151211001315_00003/  BG_20151211033516_00009/  BG_20151211055953_00005/
BG_20151211001416_00004/  BG_20151211033517_00010/  BG_20151211061003_00001/
BG_20151211001417_00005/  BG_20151211033618_00011/  BG_20171002204731_00001/
BG_20151211001521_00006/  BG_20151211033719_00012/  BG_20171002204732_00002/
BG_20151211001623_00007/  BG_20151211033820_00013/  BG_20171002204834_00003/
BG_20151211001724_00008/  BG_20151211033821_00014/  BG_20171002204837_00004/
BG_20151211002628_00001/  BG_20151211034324_00001/  BG_20171002204941_00005/
BG_20151211002730_00002/  BG_20151211034425_00002/  BG_20171002204944_00006/
BG_20151211002832_00003/  BG_20151211034528_00003/  BG_20171002205047_00007/
BG_20151211002933_00004/  BG_20151211034629_00004/  BG_20171002210239_00001/

parse and load XML files

Load one of the files into memory and see what we can do with it. Beautiful Soup?

Looks like the root element is "Record", then the high-level type of the article is "ObjectType".

ObjectType values:

  • Advertisement
  • ...

Good options for XML parser:

In [14]:
# loop over files in the current archive folder path.
object_type_to_count_map = my_paper.process_archive_object_types( uncompressed_archive_path )

Processing 5752 XML files in /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001
----> XML file count: 5752
XML file count: 5752
- Processed 5752 files
- No Record: 0
- No ObjectType: 0
- No ObjectType value: 0

ObjectType values and occurrence counts:
- A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t: 1902
- Article|Feature: 1792
- N|e|w|s: 53
- Commentary|Editorial: 36
- G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n: 488
- S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e: 185
- Advertisement|Classified Advertisement: 413
- E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c: 31
- Correspondence|Letter to the Editor: 119
- Front Matter|Table of Contents: 193
- O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y: 72
- F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y: 107
- I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h: 84
- Marriage Announcement|News: 6
- I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n: 91
- R|e|v|i|e|w: 133
- C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t: 30
- News|Legal Notice: 17
Processing 5752 files in /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001
----> XML file count: 5752

- Processed 5752 files
- No Record: 0
- No ObjectType: 0
- No ObjectType value: 0

ObjectType values and occurrence counts:
- A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t: 1902
- Article|Feature: 1792
- N|e|w|s: 53
- Commentary|Editorial: 36
- G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n: 488
- S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e: 185
- Advertisement|Classified Advertisement: 413
- E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c: 31
- Correspondence|Letter to the Editor: 119
- Front Matter|Table of Contents: 193
- O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y: 72
- F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y: 107
- I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h: 84
- Marriage Announcement|News: 6
- I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n: 91
- R|e|v|i|e|w: 133
- C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t: 30
- News|Legal Notice: 17

build list of all ObjectTypes

Loop over all folders in the paper path. For each folder, grab all files in the folder. For each file, parse XML, then get the ObjectType value and if it isn't already in map of obect types to counts, add it. Increment count.

From command line, in the uncompressed BostonGlobe folder:

find . -type f -iname "*.xml" | wc -l

resulted in 11,374,500 articles. That is quite a few.

In [14]:
xml_folder_list = glob.glob( "{}/*".format( uncompressed_paper_path ) )
print( "folder_list: {}".format( xml_folder_list ) )

folder_list: ['/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212722_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212824_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212825_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212926_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212927_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213028_00006', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213031_00007', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213132_00008', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213134_00009', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213235_00010', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213236_00011', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213337_00012', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213338_00013', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213439_00014', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213440_00015', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213541_00016', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214347_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214448_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214549_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214552_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214654_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214655_00006', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214756_00007', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214757_00008', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214858_00009', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214859_00010', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214900_00011', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214901_00012', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214902_00013', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215003_00014', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215004_00015', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215105_00016', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215106_00017', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215207_00018', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215208_00019', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215814_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215915_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215916_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220019_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220121_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220122_00006', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220223_00007', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220324_00008', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220425_00009', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220426_00010', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220527_00011', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220628_00012', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220629_00013', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220730_00014', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220832_00015', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220833_00016', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221338_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221439_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221440_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221543_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221644_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221646_00006', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221747_00007', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221748_00008', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221849_00009', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221850_00010', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221951_00011', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222052_00012', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222053_00013', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222758_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222859_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222900_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223001_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223004_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223106_00006', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223207_00007', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223208_00008', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223309_00009', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223310_00010', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223411_00011', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223512_00012', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223513_00013', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223614_00014', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223715_00015', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224219_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224321_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224422_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224525_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224626_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224628_00006', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224729_00007', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224730_00008', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224831_00009', 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'/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053627_00013', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053728_00014', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053729_00015', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053830_00016', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054032_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054133_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054235_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054236_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054338_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055647_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055749_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055751_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055852_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055953_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211061003_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204731_00001', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204732_00002', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204834_00003', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204837_00004', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204941_00005', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204944_00006', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002205047_00007', '/mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001']

In [15]:
# build map of all object types for a paper to the overall counts of each
paper_object_type_to_count_map = my_paper.process_paper_object_types()

Processing 474 XML folders in /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe
==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212722_00001 ( 1 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:19:18.880092
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:20:43.997772 ( duration 0:01:25.117680 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212824_00002 ( 2 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:20:43.998197
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:22:10.260852 ( duration 0:01:26.262655 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212825_00003 ( 3 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:22:10.261221
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:24:01.944264 ( duration 0:01:51.683043 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212926_00004 ( 4 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:24:01.944842
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:25:51.890461 ( duration 0:01:49.945619 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210212927_00005 ( 5 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:25:51.890874
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:27:35.309465 ( duration 0:01:43.418591 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213028_00006 ( 6 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:27:35.309866
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:28:57.080886 ( duration 0:01:21.771020 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213031_00007 ( 7 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:28:57.081262
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:30:16.590739 ( duration 0:01:19.509477 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213132_00008 ( 8 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:30:16.591197
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:31:38.377044 ( duration 0:01:21.785847 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213134_00009 ( 9 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:31:38.377918
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:33:02.191929 ( duration 0:01:23.814011 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213235_00010 ( 10 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:33:02.192730
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:34:25.801782 ( duration 0:01:23.609052 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213236_00011 ( 11 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:34:25.802178
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:35:47.584426 ( duration 0:01:21.782248 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213337_00012 ( 12 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:35:47.584896
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:37:07.219761 ( duration 0:01:19.634865 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213338_00013 ( 13 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:37:07.220164
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:38:28.077856 ( duration 0:01:20.857692 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213439_00014 ( 14 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:38:28.078628
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:39:49.351803 ( duration 0:01:21.273175 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213440_00015 ( 15 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:39:49.352194
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:41:14.562177 ( duration 0:01:25.209983 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210213541_00016 ( 16 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:41:14.562647
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:41:27.226965 ( duration 0:00:12.664318 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214347_00001 ( 17 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:41:27.227303
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:42:48.853338 ( duration 0:01:21.626035 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214448_00002 ( 18 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:42:48.853807
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:44:10.234976 ( duration 0:01:21.381169 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214549_00003 ( 19 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:44:10.235896
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:45:31.077258 ( duration 0:01:20.841362 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214552_00004 ( 20 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:45:31.077675
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:46:58.588656 ( duration 0:01:27.510981 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214654_00005 ( 21 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:46:58.589101
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:48:27.622179 ( duration 0:01:29.033078 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214655_00006 ( 22 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:48:27.622906
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:49:55.578015 ( duration 0:01:27.955109 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214756_00007 ( 23 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:49:55.578464
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:51:22.228369 ( duration 0:01:26.649905 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214757_00008 ( 24 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:51:22.228886
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:52:46.724593 ( duration 0:01:24.495707 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214858_00009 ( 25 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:52:46.725014
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:54:11.633979 ( duration 0:01:24.908965 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214859_00010 ( 26 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:54:11.634480
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:55:37.057104 ( duration 0:01:25.422624 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214900_00011 ( 27 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:55:37.057488
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:57:00.911803 ( duration 0:01:23.854315 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214901_00012 ( 28 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:57:00.912499
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:58:22.982795 ( duration 0:01:22.070296 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210214902_00013 ( 29 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:58:22.983324
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 05:59:45.260253 ( duration 0:01:22.276929 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215003_00014 ( 30 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 05:59:45.260709
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:01:12.259817 ( duration 0:01:26.999108 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215004_00015 ( 31 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:01:12.260656
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:02:39.602385 ( duration 0:01:27.341729 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215105_00016 ( 32 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:02:39.603233
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:04:06.497247 ( duration 0:01:26.894014 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215106_00017 ( 33 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:04:06.497666
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:05:37.361714 ( duration 0:01:30.864048 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215207_00018 ( 34 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:05:37.362132
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:07:01.339763 ( duration 0:01:23.977631 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215208_00019 ( 35 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:07:01.340494
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:07:59.185749 ( duration 0:00:57.845255 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215814_00001 ( 36 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:07:59.187352
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:09:28.186990 ( duration 0:01:28.999638 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215915_00002 ( 37 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:09:28.187387
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:10:50.446680 ( duration 0:01:22.259293 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210215916_00003 ( 38 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:10:50.447181
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:12:11.687101 ( duration 0:01:21.239920 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220019_00004 ( 39 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:12:11.687492
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:13:32.706297 ( duration 0:01:21.018805 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220121_00005 ( 40 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:13:32.707021
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:14:53.330417 ( duration 0:01:20.623396 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220122_00006 ( 41 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:14:53.331206
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:16:14.121801 ( duration 0:01:20.790595 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220223_00007 ( 42 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:16:14.122185
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:17:35.008193 ( duration 0:01:20.886008 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220324_00008 ( 43 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:17:35.008664
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:18:56.029136 ( duration 0:01:21.020472 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220425_00009 ( 44 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:18:56.029525
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:20:15.459297 ( duration 0:01:19.429772 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220426_00010 ( 45 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:20:15.460251
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:21:34.821188 ( duration 0:01:19.360937 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220527_00011 ( 46 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:21:34.821939
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:22:55.213487 ( duration 0:01:20.391548 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220628_00012 ( 47 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:22:55.213923
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:24:16.229649 ( duration 0:01:21.015726 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220629_00013 ( 48 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:24:16.230045
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:25:48.809437 ( duration 0:01:32.579392 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220730_00014 ( 49 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:25:48.810337
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:28:01.339096 ( duration 0:02:12.528759 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220832_00015 ( 50 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:28:01.339485
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:29:52.373561 ( duration 0:01:51.034076 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210220833_00016 ( 51 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:29:52.373969
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:31:21.748824 ( duration 0:01:29.374855 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221338_00001 ( 52 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:31:21.749236
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:32:39.724809 ( duration 0:01:17.975573 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221439_00002 ( 53 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:32:39.725207
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:33:59.532181 ( duration 0:01:19.806974 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221440_00003 ( 54 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:33:59.532997
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:35:19.729271 ( duration 0:01:20.196274 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221543_00004 ( 55 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:35:19.729678
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:36:40.023054 ( duration 0:01:20.293376 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221644_00005 ( 56 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:36:40.023615
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:38:00.685635 ( duration 0:01:20.662020 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221646_00006 ( 57 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:38:00.686645
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:39:20.769813 ( duration 0:01:20.083168 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221747_00007 ( 58 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:39:20.770334
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:40:40.917068 ( duration 0:01:20.146734 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221748_00008 ( 59 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:40:40.917552
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:42:00.309611 ( duration 0:01:19.392059 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221849_00009 ( 60 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:42:00.310022
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:43:20.787001 ( duration 0:01:20.476979 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221850_00010 ( 61 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:43:20.787391
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:44:41.259847 ( duration 0:01:20.472456 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210221951_00011 ( 62 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:44:41.260645
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:46:02.443603 ( duration 0:01:21.182958 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222052_00012 ( 63 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:46:02.444315
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:47:24.619310 ( duration 0:01:22.174995 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222053_00013 ( 64 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:47:24.619698
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:48:31.388828 ( duration 0:01:06.769130 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222758_00001 ( 65 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:48:31.389202
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:49:52.699317 ( duration 0:01:21.310115 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222859_00002 ( 66 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:49:52.699716
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:51:14.089461 ( duration 0:01:21.389745 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210222900_00003 ( 67 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:51:14.089924
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:52:34.065763 ( duration 0:01:19.975839 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223001_00004 ( 68 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:52:34.066155
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:53:54.601128 ( duration 0:01:20.534973 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223004_00005 ( 69 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:53:54.601615
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:55:14.835058 ( duration 0:01:20.233443 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223106_00006 ( 70 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:55:14.835451
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:56:35.560845 ( duration 0:01:20.725394 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223207_00007 ( 71 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:56:35.561932
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:57:56.319330 ( duration 0:01:20.757398 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223208_00008 ( 72 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:57:56.319824
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 06:59:16.748654 ( duration 0:01:20.428830 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223309_00009 ( 73 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 06:59:16.749065
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:00:37.126564 ( duration 0:01:20.377499 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223310_00010 ( 74 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:00:37.126958
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:01:57.067074 ( duration 0:01:19.940116 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223411_00011 ( 75 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:01:57.067577
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:03:19.456449 ( duration 0:01:22.388872 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223512_00012 ( 76 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:03:19.457216
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:04:39.247772 ( duration 0:01:19.790556 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223513_00013 ( 77 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:04:39.248516
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:06:01.997370 ( duration 0:01:22.748854 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223614_00014 ( 78 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:06:01.998481
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:07:23.587383 ( duration 0:01:21.588902 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210223715_00015 ( 79 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:07:23.587762
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:08:01.784941 ( duration 0:00:38.197179 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224219_00001 ( 80 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:08:01.785295
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:09:22.909737 ( duration 0:01:21.124442 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224321_00002 ( 81 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:09:22.910146
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:10:43.947317 ( duration 0:01:21.037171 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224422_00003 ( 82 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:10:43.947703
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:12:04.816047 ( duration 0:01:20.868344 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224525_00004 ( 83 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:12:04.816846
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:13:36.366400 ( duration 0:01:31.549554 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224626_00005 ( 84 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:13:36.367314
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:14:57.697588 ( duration 0:01:21.330274 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224628_00006 ( 85 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:14:57.697996
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:16:18.650070 ( duration 0:01:20.952074 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224729_00007 ( 86 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:16:18.650465
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:17:40.910718 ( duration 0:01:22.260253 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224730_00008 ( 87 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:17:40.911136
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:19:02.177120 ( duration 0:01:21.265984 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224831_00009 ( 88 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:19:02.177502
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:20:22.617904 ( duration 0:01:20.440402 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224932_00010 ( 89 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:20:22.618313
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:21:42.764792 ( duration 0:01:20.146479 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210224933_00011 ( 90 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:21:42.765646
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:23:03.228064 ( duration 0:01:20.462418 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210225034_00012 ( 91 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:23:03.228460
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:24:24.284440 ( duration 0:01:21.055980 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210225135_00013 ( 92 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:24:24.284852
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:25:44.250198 ( duration 0:01:19.965346 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210225136_00014 ( 93 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:25:44.250610
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:26:36.297734 ( duration 0:00:52.047124 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210225741_00001 ( 94 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:26:36.298129
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:27:58.237474 ( duration 0:01:21.939345 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210225842_00002 ( 95 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:27:58.238244
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:29:19.300861 ( duration 0:01:21.062617 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210225943_00003 ( 96 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:29:19.301252
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:30:41.427703 ( duration 0:01:22.126451 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230044_00004 ( 97 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:30:41.428654
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:32:02.020301 ( duration 0:01:20.591647 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230047_00005 ( 98 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:32:02.020725
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:33:23.793659 ( duration 0:01:21.772934 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230149_00006 ( 99 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:33:23.794112
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:34:45.790902 ( duration 0:01:21.996790 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230250_00007 ( 100 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:34:45.791299
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:36:07.782278 ( duration 0:01:21.990979 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230251_00008 ( 101 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:36:07.782807
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:37:28.421310 ( duration 0:01:20.638503 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230352_00009 ( 102 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:37:28.421711
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:38:49.409310 ( duration 0:01:20.987599 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230453_00010 ( 103 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:38:49.410071
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:40:09.812700 ( duration 0:01:20.402629 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230454_00011 ( 104 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:40:09.813126
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:41:31.469002 ( duration 0:01:21.655876 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230555_00012 ( 105 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:41:31.469726
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:42:51.801512 ( duration 0:01:20.331786 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230656_00013 ( 106 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:42:51.801906
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:43:44.044068 ( duration 0:00:52.242162 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231201_00001 ( 107 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:43:44.044467
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:45:04.860159 ( duration 0:01:20.815692 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231303_00002 ( 108 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:45:04.861002
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:46:26.516782 ( duration 0:01:21.655780 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231404_00003 ( 109 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:46:26.517171
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:47:46.945324 ( duration 0:01:20.428153 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231505_00004 ( 110 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:47:46.945709
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:49:08.467935 ( duration 0:01:21.522226 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231508_00005 ( 111 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:49:08.468316
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:50:28.905711 ( duration 0:01:20.437395 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231610_00006 ( 112 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:50:28.906348
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:51:49.108905 ( duration 0:01:20.202557 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231711_00007 ( 113 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:51:49.109703
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:53:09.842949 ( duration 0:01:20.733246 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231812_00008 ( 114 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:53:09.843335
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:54:32.300372 ( duration 0:01:22.457037 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231813_00009 ( 115 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:54:32.301204
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:55:53.314727 ( duration 0:01:21.013523 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210231914_00010 ( 116 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:55:53.315162
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:57:14.140519 ( duration 0:01:20.825357 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210232015_00011 ( 117 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:57:14.141033
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:57:56.174723 ( duration 0:00:42.033690 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210232721_00001 ( 118 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:57:56.175071
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 07:59:17.019845 ( duration 0:01:20.844774 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210232822_00002 ( 119 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 07:59:17.020296
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:00:37.919248 ( duration 0:01:20.898952 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210232823_00003 ( 120 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:00:37.919629
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:01:58.852671 ( duration 0:01:20.933042 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210232924_00004 ( 121 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:01:58.853047
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:03:20.137228 ( duration 0:01:21.284181 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210233027_00005 ( 122 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:03:20.137633
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:04:39.929252 ( duration 0:01:19.791619 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210233128_00006 ( 123 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:04:39.929647
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:06:03.813278 ( duration 0:01:23.883631 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210233229_00007 ( 124 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:06:03.813660
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:07:28.258459 ( duration 0:01:24.444799 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210233331_00008 ( 125 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:07:28.259218
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:08:50.304470 ( duration 0:01:22.045252 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210233332_00009 ( 126 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:08:50.305274
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:10:11.115124 ( duration 0:01:20.809850 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210233433_00010 ( 127 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:10:11.115515
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:11:16.254208 ( duration 0:01:05.138693 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234137_00001 ( 128 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:11:16.255025
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:12:37.758000 ( duration 0:01:21.502975 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234239_00002 ( 129 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:12:37.758603
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:14:00.225269 ( duration 0:01:22.466666 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234340_00003 ( 130 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:14:00.225994
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:15:26.416910 ( duration 0:01:26.190916 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234441_00004 ( 131 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:15:26.417654
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:16:47.962089 ( duration 0:01:21.544435 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234542_00005 ( 132 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:16:47.962806
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:18:10.327191 ( duration 0:01:22.364385 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234545_00006 ( 133 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:18:10.327695
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:19:32.111619 ( duration 0:01:21.783924 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234647_00007 ( 134 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:19:32.112415
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:20:53.861757 ( duration 0:01:21.749342 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234748_00008 ( 135 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:20:53.862198
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:22:15.797061 ( duration 0:01:21.934863 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210234849_00009 ( 136 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:22:15.797463
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:23:05.700278 ( duration 0:00:49.902815 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210235753_00001 ( 137 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:23:05.701595
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:24:28.684301 ( duration 0:01:22.982706 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210235854_00002 ( 138 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:24:28.684739
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:25:49.288593 ( duration 0:01:20.603854 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210235855_00003 ( 139 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:25:49.288980
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:27:09.775957 ( duration 0:01:20.486977 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210235956_00004 ( 140 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:27:09.776345
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:28:31.247459 ( duration 0:01:21.471114 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211000059_00005 ( 141 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:28:31.247857
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:29:51.599738 ( duration 0:01:20.351881 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211000102_00006 ( 142 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:29:51.600455
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:31:12.159933 ( duration 0:01:20.559478 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211000203_00007 ( 143 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:31:12.160333
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:32:31.698463 ( duration 0:01:19.538130 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211000305_00008 ( 144 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:32:31.698860
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:33:52.864671 ( duration 0:01:21.165811 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211000406_00009 ( 145 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:33:52.865385
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:35:14.241901 ( duration 0:01:21.376516 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211000407_00010 ( 146 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:35:14.242614
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:36:08.537074 ( duration 0:00:54.294460 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001111_00001 ( 147 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:36:08.537775
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:37:29.130401 ( duration 0:01:20.592626 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001213_00002 ( 148 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:37:29.130868
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:38:49.322274 ( duration 0:01:20.191406 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001315_00003 ( 149 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:38:49.323021
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:40:10.751320 ( duration 0:01:21.428299 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001416_00004 ( 150 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:40:10.752046
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:41:31.202733 ( duration 0:01:20.450687 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001417_00005 ( 151 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:41:31.203584
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:42:51.789427 ( duration 0:01:20.585843 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001521_00006 ( 152 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:42:51.790175
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:44:11.077088 ( duration 0:01:19.286913 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001623_00007 ( 153 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:44:11.077483
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:45:31.378798 ( duration 0:01:20.301315 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211001724_00008 ( 154 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:45:31.379172
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:45:49.980112 ( duration 0:00:18.600940 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211002628_00001 ( 155 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:45:49.980462
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:47:10.924281 ( duration 0:01:20.943819 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211002730_00002 ( 156 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:47:10.925047
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:48:32.361232 ( duration 0:01:21.436185 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211002832_00003 ( 157 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:48:32.361638
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:49:52.770487 ( duration 0:01:20.408849 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211002933_00004 ( 158 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:49:52.771334
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:51:13.328478 ( duration 0:01:20.557144 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211002934_00005 ( 159 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:51:13.329276
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:52:37.975084 ( duration 0:01:24.645808 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211003037_00006 ( 160 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:52:37.975449
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:54:05.440324 ( duration 0:01:27.464875 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211003138_00007 ( 161 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:54:05.440774
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:55:27.228361 ( duration 0:01:21.787587 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211003139_00008 ( 162 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:55:27.228776
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:56:50.301732 ( duration 0:01:23.072956 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211003240_00009 ( 163 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:56:50.303016
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:57:59.884802 ( duration 0:01:09.581786 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004245_00001 ( 164 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:57:59.885255
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 08:59:21.109014 ( duration 0:01:21.223759 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004347_00002 ( 165 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 08:59:21.109409
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:00:41.480852 ( duration 0:01:20.371443 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004448_00003 ( 166 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:00:41.481711
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:02:01.756429 ( duration 0:01:20.274718 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004549_00004 ( 167 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:02:01.757168
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:03:23.787816 ( duration 0:01:22.030648 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004552_00005 ( 168 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:03:23.788213
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:04:44.888362 ( duration 0:01:21.100149 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004653_00006 ( 169 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:04:44.888784
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:06:08.366405 ( duration 0:01:23.477621 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004754_00007 ( 170 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:06:08.366920
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:07:32.746478 ( duration 0:01:24.379558 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004755_00008 ( 171 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:07:32.746872
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:08:54.444649 ( duration 0:01:21.697777 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004856_00009 ( 172 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:08:54.445031
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:10:17.082964 ( duration 0:01:22.637933 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211004957_00010 ( 173 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:10:17.083365
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:11:22.671137 ( duration 0:01:05.587772 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211005702_00001 ( 174 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:11:22.671541
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:12:43.970694 ( duration 0:01:21.299153 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211005803_00002 ( 175 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:12:43.971081
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:14:04.818706 ( duration 0:01:20.847625 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211005804_00003 ( 176 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:14:04.819110
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:15:26.160863 ( duration 0:01:21.341753 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211005905_00004 ( 177 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:15:26.161258
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:16:47.737653 ( duration 0:01:21.576395 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010006_00005 ( 178 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:16:47.738306
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:18:09.727680 ( duration 0:01:21.989374 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010009_00006 ( 179 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:18:09.728065
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:19:31.491500 ( duration 0:01:21.763435 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010110_00007 ( 180 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:19:31.491911
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:20:52.889849 ( duration 0:01:21.397938 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010211_00008 ( 181 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:20:52.890343
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:22:13.958989 ( duration 0:01:21.068646 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010212_00009 ( 182 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:22:13.959378
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:23:35.561506 ( duration 0:01:21.602128 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010313_00010 ( 183 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:23:35.561903
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:24:55.943415 ( duration 0:01:20.381512 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211010414_00011 ( 184 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:24:55.943799
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:25:13.933776 ( duration 0:00:17.989977 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011218_00001 ( 185 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:25:13.934617
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:26:41.378700 ( duration 0:01:27.444083 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011319_00002 ( 186 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:26:41.379083
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:28:01.842963 ( duration 0:01:20.463880 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011320_00003 ( 187 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:28:01.843367
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:29:22.967963 ( duration 0:01:21.124596 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011421_00004 ( 188 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:29:22.968770
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:30:43.938049 ( duration 0:01:20.969279 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011522_00005 ( 189 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:30:43.938450
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:32:05.865821 ( duration 0:01:21.927371 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011525_00006 ( 190 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:32:05.866245
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:33:26.332735 ( duration 0:01:20.466490 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011626_00007 ( 191 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:33:26.333470
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:34:47.329266 ( duration 0:01:20.995796 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011727_00008 ( 192 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:34:47.330031
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:36:08.312750 ( duration 0:01:20.982719 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011728_00009 ( 193 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:36:08.313669
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:37:27.811136 ( duration 0:01:19.497467 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011829_00010 ( 194 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:37:27.811972
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:38:55.250988 ( duration 0:01:27.439016 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211011930_00011 ( 195 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:38:55.251749
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:39:36.587532 ( duration 0:00:41.335783 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211012734_00001 ( 196 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:39:36.587887
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:40:57.015980 ( duration 0:01:20.428093 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211012735_00002 ( 197 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:40:57.016801
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:42:17.578590 ( duration 0:01:20.561789 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211012836_00003 ( 198 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:42:17.579331
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:43:37.444154 ( duration 0:01:19.864823 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211012937_00004 ( 199 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:43:37.444588
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:44:57.874799 ( duration 0:01:20.430211 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211012938_00005 ( 200 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:44:57.875188
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:46:18.273476 ( duration 0:01:20.398288 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211013041_00006 ( 201 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:46:18.273900
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:47:39.101113 ( duration 0:01:20.827213 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211013142_00007 ( 202 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:47:39.101508
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:48:59.609499 ( duration 0:01:20.507991 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211013143_00008 ( 203 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:48:59.610377
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:50:19.828804 ( duration 0:01:20.218427 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211013244_00009 ( 204 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:50:19.829180
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:51:40.388040 ( duration 0:01:20.558860 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211013345_00010 ( 205 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:51:40.388424
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:53:01.020394 ( duration 0:01:20.631970 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211013346_00011 ( 206 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:53:01.020915
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:54:19.379228 ( duration 0:01:18.358313 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014250_00001 ( 207 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:54:19.379612
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:55:39.766001 ( duration 0:01:20.386389 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014352_00002 ( 208 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:55:39.766403
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:57:00.458027 ( duration 0:01:20.691624 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014353_00003 ( 209 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:57:00.458422
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:58:21.242109 ( duration 0:01:20.783687 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014454_00004 ( 210 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:58:21.242515
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 09:59:41.730886 ( duration 0:01:20.488371 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014557_00005 ( 211 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 09:59:41.731379
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:01:01.162974 ( duration 0:01:19.431595 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014658_00006 ( 212 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:01:01.163402
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:02:21.055796 ( duration 0:01:19.892394 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014659_00007 ( 213 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:02:21.056303
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:03:40.844201 ( duration 0:01:19.787898 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014700_00008 ( 214 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:03:40.845001
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:05:00.732695 ( duration 0:01:19.887694 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014801_00009 ( 215 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:05:00.733417
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:06:23.142087 ( duration 0:01:22.408670 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014802_00010 ( 216 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:06:23.142830
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:07:46.462707 ( duration 0:01:23.319877 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211014903_00011 ( 217 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:07:46.463454
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:09:08.094277 ( duration 0:01:21.630823 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211015004_00012 ( 218 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:09:08.095262
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:09:11.801570 ( duration 0:00:03.706308 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211015708_00001 ( 219 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:09:11.802250
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:10:32.902257 ( duration 0:01:21.100007 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211015809_00002 ( 220 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:10:32.902638
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:11:53.116726 ( duration 0:01:20.214088 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211015910_00003 ( 221 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:11:53.117287
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:13:15.397749 ( duration 0:01:22.280462 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211015911_00004 ( 222 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:13:15.398490
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:14:36.640052 ( duration 0:01:21.241562 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020014_00005 ( 223 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:14:36.640458
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:15:58.278820 ( duration 0:01:21.638362 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020115_00006 ( 224 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:15:58.279293
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:17:19.631154 ( duration 0:01:21.351861 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020116_00007 ( 225 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:17:19.631543
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:18:41.062414 ( duration 0:01:21.430871 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020217_00008 ( 226 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:18:41.062805
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:20:02.074332 ( duration 0:01:21.011527 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020218_00009 ( 227 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:20:02.075063
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:21:24.136515 ( duration 0:01:22.061452 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020319_00010 ( 228 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:21:24.136938
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:22:45.723225 ( duration 0:01:21.586287 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020320_00011 ( 229 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:22:45.723960
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:24:07.976074 ( duration 0:01:22.252114 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020421_00012 ( 230 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:24:07.976458
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:25:30.021987 ( duration 0:01:22.045529 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211020522_00013 ( 231 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:25:30.022373
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:25:30.448176 ( duration 0:00:00.425803 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021226_00001 ( 232 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:25:30.448900
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:26:51.913048 ( duration 0:01:21.464148 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021327_00002 ( 233 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:26:51.913474
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:28:12.483499 ( duration 0:01:20.570025 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021328_00003 ( 234 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:28:12.483912
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:29:34.175661 ( duration 0:01:21.691749 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021429_00004 ( 235 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:29:34.176190
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:30:55.471796 ( duration 0:01:21.295606 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021430_00005 ( 236 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:30:55.472397
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:32:16.215413 ( duration 0:01:20.743016 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021533_00006 ( 237 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:32:16.215809
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:33:37.325275 ( duration 0:01:21.109466 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021634_00007 ( 238 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:33:37.325708
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:34:57.708583 ( duration 0:01:20.382875 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021636_00008 ( 239 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:34:57.708994
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:36:19.187306 ( duration 0:01:21.478312 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021737_00009 ( 240 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:36:19.187699
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:37:39.585646 ( duration 0:01:20.397947 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021838_00010 ( 241 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:37:39.586057
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:39:04.896817 ( duration 0:01:25.310760 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021839_00011 ( 242 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:39:04.897530
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:40:26.658232 ( duration 0:01:21.760702 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211021940_00012 ( 243 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:40:26.658709
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:41:47.682708 ( duration 0:01:21.023999 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211022041_00013 ( 244 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:41:47.683768
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:41:54.723426 ( duration 0:00:07.039658 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211022745_00001 ( 245 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:41:54.723796
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:43:16.058643 ( duration 0:01:21.334847 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211022747_00002 ( 246 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:43:16.059619
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:44:36.113493 ( duration 0:01:20.053874 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211022848_00003 ( 247 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:44:36.113886
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:45:56.515931 ( duration 0:01:20.402045 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211022949_00004 ( 248 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:45:56.516744
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:47:16.746146 ( duration 0:01:20.229402 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211022950_00005 ( 249 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:47:16.746544
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:48:43.083352 ( duration 0:01:26.336808 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023053_00006 ( 250 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:48:43.084207
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:50:04.338018 ( duration 0:01:21.253811 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023154_00007 ( 251 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:50:04.338460
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:51:25.720998 ( duration 0:01:21.382538 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023155_00008 ( 252 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:51:25.721428
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:52:46.346589 ( duration 0:01:20.625161 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023256_00009 ( 253 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:52:46.347044
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:54:10.835166 ( duration 0:01:24.488122 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023357_00010 ( 254 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:54:10.835558
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:55:31.650209 ( duration 0:01:20.814651 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023358_00011 ( 255 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:55:31.650608
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:56:52.484724 ( duration 0:01:20.834116 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211023459_00012 ( 256 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:56:52.485114
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:57:24.956392 ( duration 0:00:32.471278 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024203_00001 ( 257 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:57:24.956763
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 10:58:45.661522 ( duration 0:01:20.704759 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024305_00002 ( 258 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 10:58:45.661899
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:00:06.653477 ( duration 0:01:20.991578 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024406_00003 ( 259 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:00:06.654110
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:01:26.769324 ( duration 0:01:20.115214 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024407_00004 ( 260 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:01:26.769737
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:02:47.680912 ( duration 0:01:20.911175 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024510_00005 ( 261 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:02:47.681315
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:04:09.049424 ( duration 0:01:21.368109 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024511_00006 ( 262 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:04:09.049811
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:05:30.884260 ( duration 0:01:21.834449 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024612_00007 ( 263 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:05:30.884692
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:06:54.753122 ( duration 0:01:23.868430 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024713_00008 ( 264 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:06:54.753532
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:08:26.656931 ( duration 0:01:31.903399 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024714_00009 ( 265 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:08:26.657424
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:09:49.251036 ( duration 0:01:22.593612 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024815_00010 ( 266 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:09:49.251477
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:11:13.427271 ( duration 0:01:24.175794 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024816_00011 ( 267 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:11:13.428011
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:12:33.929348 ( duration 0:01:20.501337 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024917_00012 ( 268 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:12:33.929805
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:13:54.794000 ( duration 0:01:20.864195 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211024918_00013 ( 269 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:13:54.794381
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:14:34.677525 ( duration 0:00:39.883144 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211025722_00001 ( 270 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:14:34.677891
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:15:56.859028 ( duration 0:01:22.181137 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211025824_00002 ( 271 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:15:56.859434
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:17:20.817207 ( duration 0:01:23.957773 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211025925_00003 ( 272 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:17:20.817600
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:18:45.244883 ( duration 0:01:24.427283 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211025926_00004 ( 273 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:18:45.245609
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:20:10.990845 ( duration 0:01:25.745236 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030029_00005 ( 274 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:20:10.991621
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:21:34.090015 ( duration 0:01:23.098394 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030131_00006 ( 275 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:21:34.090731
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:22:54.880212 ( duration 0:01:20.789481 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030132_00007 ( 276 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:22:54.880710
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:24:18.152027 ( duration 0:01:23.271317 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030233_00008 ( 277 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:24:18.152820
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:25:38.905242 ( duration 0:01:20.752422 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030334_00009 ( 278 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:25:38.905639
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:27:00.446282 ( duration 0:01:21.540643 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030335_00010 ( 279 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:27:00.447008
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:28:21.689546 ( duration 0:01:21.242538 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030436_00011 ( 280 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:28:21.689957
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:29:43.319417 ( duration 0:01:21.629460 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030537_00012 ( 281 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:29:43.319800
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:31:04.650312 ( duration 0:01:21.330512 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030538_00013 ( 282 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:31:04.650790
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:32:25.376042 ( duration 0:01:20.725252 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030639_00014 ( 283 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:32:25.376807
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:33:44.140978 ( duration 0:01:18.764171 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211030740_00015 ( 284 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:33:44.141696
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:34:27.958756 ( duration 0:00:43.817060 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031245_00001 ( 285 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:34:27.959113
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:35:49.124485 ( duration 0:01:21.165372 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031446_00002 ( 286 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:35:49.124917
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:37:10.681094 ( duration 0:01:21.556177 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031549_00003 ( 287 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:37:10.681738
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:38:31.565516 ( duration 0:01:20.883778 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031650_00004 ( 288 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:38:31.565926
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:39:52.118753 ( duration 0:01:20.552827 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031651_00005 ( 289 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:39:52.119156
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:41:12.581262 ( duration 0:01:20.462106 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031752_00006 ( 290 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:41:12.582018
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:42:33.722091 ( duration 0:01:21.140073 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031853_00007 ( 291 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:42:33.722479
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:43:53.462643 ( duration 0:01:19.740164 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031854_00008 ( 292 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:43:53.463465
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:45:13.014969 ( duration 0:01:19.551504 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211031955_00009 ( 293 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:45:13.015693
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:46:33.211855 ( duration 0:01:20.196162 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032056_00010 ( 294 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:46:33.212249
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:47:54.738583 ( duration 0:01:21.526334 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032157_00011 ( 295 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:47:54.739318
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:49:15.420575 ( duration 0:01:20.681257 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032258_00012 ( 296 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:49:15.421335
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:50:37.466681 ( duration 0:01:22.045346 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032259_00013 ( 297 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:50:37.467208
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:52:01.529007 ( duration 0:01:24.061799 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032301_00014 ( 298 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:52:01.529388
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:52:53.876040 ( duration 0:00:52.346652 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032706_00001 ( 299 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:52:53.876405
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:54:13.907655 ( duration 0:01:20.031250 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211032907_00002 ( 300 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:54:13.908043
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:55:33.691091 ( duration 0:01:19.783048 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033008_00003 ( 301 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:55:33.691500
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:56:54.144294 ( duration 0:01:20.452794 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033011_00004 ( 302 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:56:54.144701
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:58:18.931328 ( duration 0:01:24.786627 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033112_00005 ( 303 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:58:18.931710
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 11:59:39.457427 ( duration 0:01:20.525717 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033213_00006 ( 304 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 11:59:39.457803
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:00:58.836252 ( duration 0:01:19.378449 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033314_00007 ( 305 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:00:58.837218
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:02:18.690640 ( duration 0:01:19.853422 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033415_00008 ( 306 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:02:18.691049
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:03:38.436319 ( duration 0:01:19.745270 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033516_00009 ( 307 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:03:38.436734
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:04:58.588267 ( duration 0:01:20.151533 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033517_00010 ( 308 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:04:58.589090
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:06:19.269709 ( duration 0:01:20.680619 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033618_00011 ( 309 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:06:19.270179
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:07:42.848434 ( duration 0:01:23.578255 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033719_00012 ( 310 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:07:42.848943
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:09:05.128943 ( duration 0:01:22.280000 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033820_00013 ( 311 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:09:05.129352
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:10:29.657424 ( duration 0:01:24.528072 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211033821_00014 ( 312 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:10:29.657862
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:11:29.280521 ( duration 0:00:59.622659 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034324_00001 ( 313 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:11:29.280949
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:12:50.797831 ( duration 0:01:21.516882 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034425_00002 ( 314 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:12:50.798223
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:14:15.050205 ( duration 0:01:24.251982 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034528_00003 ( 315 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:14:15.050664
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:15:39.543165 ( duration 0:01:24.492501 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034629_00004 ( 316 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:15:39.543569
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:17:03.345281 ( duration 0:01:23.801712 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034630_00005 ( 317 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:17:03.345676
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:18:26.254933 ( duration 0:01:22.909257 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034731_00006 ( 318 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:18:26.255374
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:19:49.752169 ( duration 0:01:23.496795 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034732_00007 ( 319 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:19:49.752636
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:21:14.473981 ( duration 0:01:24.721345 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034833_00008 ( 320 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:21:14.474905
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:22:38.749171 ( duration 0:01:24.274266 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034934_00009 ( 321 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:22:38.750024
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:24:01.471877 ( duration 0:01:22.721853 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211034935_00010 ( 322 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:24:01.472269
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:25:24.360414 ( duration 0:01:22.888145 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035036_00011 ( 323 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:25:24.361169
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:26:46.653158 ( duration 0:01:22.291989 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035037_00012 ( 324 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:26:46.653927
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:28:10.071589 ( duration 0:01:23.417662 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035138_00013 ( 325 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:28:10.072341
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:29:31.676373 ( duration 0:01:21.604032 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035239_00014 ( 326 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:29:31.676838
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:30:54.742896 ( duration 0:01:23.066058 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035240_00015 ( 327 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:30:54.743389
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:32:18.744340 ( duration 0:01:24.000951 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035341_00016 ( 328 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:32:18.745085
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:33:40.190996 ( duration 0:01:21.445911 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035845_00001 ( 329 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:33:40.191393
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:35:04.147598 ( duration 0:01:23.956205 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211035946_00002 ( 330 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:35:04.148027
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:36:28.529927 ( duration 0:01:24.381900 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040049_00003 ( 331 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:36:28.530350
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:37:52.412596 ( duration 0:01:23.882246 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040150_00004 ( 332 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:37:52.413354
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:39:16.637739 ( duration 0:01:24.224385 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040151_00005 ( 333 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:39:16.638336
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:40:39.903486 ( duration 0:01:23.265150 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040252_00006 ( 334 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:40:39.903870
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:42:03.414882 ( duration 0:01:23.511012 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040253_00007 ( 335 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:42:03.415292
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:43:26.954555 ( duration 0:01:23.539263 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040354_00008 ( 336 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:43:26.954925
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:44:49.891241 ( duration 0:01:22.936316 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040355_00009 ( 337 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:44:49.891981
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:46:12.136381 ( duration 0:01:22.244400 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040456_00010 ( 338 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:46:12.136841
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:47:35.175846 ( duration 0:01:23.039005 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040557_00011 ( 339 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:47:35.176247
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:48:58.128616 ( duration 0:01:22.952369 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040558_00012 ( 340 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:48:58.129001
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:50:21.241872 ( duration 0:01:23.112871 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040600_00014 ( 341 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:50:21.242267
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:51:44.214338 ( duration 0:01:22.972071 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040659_00013 ( 342 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:51:44.214733
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:53:07.927291 ( duration 0:01:23.712558 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040701_00015 ( 343 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:53:07.927756
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:54:43.686584 ( duration 0:01:35.758828 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040702_00016 ( 344 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:54:43.687126
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:56:07.554085 ( duration 0:01:23.866959 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040803_00017 ( 345 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:56:07.554858
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:57:30.902182 ( duration 0:01:23.347324 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211040905_00018 ( 346 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:57:30.902572
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:57:56.375299 ( duration 0:00:25.472727 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211041407_00001 ( 347 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:57:56.375643
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 12:59:20.356201 ( duration 0:01:23.980558 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211041610_00002 ( 348 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 12:59:20.356612
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:00:43.935259 ( duration 0:01:23.578647 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211041711_00003 ( 349 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:00:43.935645
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:02:06.877462 ( duration 0:01:22.941817 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211041712_00004 ( 350 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:02:06.877976
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:03:35.388946 ( duration 0:01:28.510970 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211041813_00005 ( 351 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:03:35.389329
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:04:58.513944 ( duration 0:01:23.124615 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211041914_00006 ( 352 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:04:58.514918
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:06:21.948724 ( duration 0:01:23.433806 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042015_00007 ( 353 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:06:21.949473
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:07:47.737203 ( duration 0:01:25.787730 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042016_00008 ( 354 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:07:47.737608
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:09:21.391482 ( duration 0:01:33.653874 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042117_00009 ( 355 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:09:21.392188
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:10:46.585854 ( duration 0:01:25.193666 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042218_00010 ( 356 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:10:46.586325
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:12:11.004605 ( duration 0:01:24.418280 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042219_00011 ( 357 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:12:11.004989
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:13:35.190084 ( duration 0:01:24.185095 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042321_00012 ( 358 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:13:35.191057
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:14:59.645432 ( duration 0:01:24.454375 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042322_00013 ( 359 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:14:59.646276
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:16:23.627370 ( duration 0:01:23.981094 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042424_00014 ( 360 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:16:23.627780
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:17:47.693254 ( duration 0:01:24.065474 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042525_00015 ( 361 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:17:47.693679
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:19:11.816245 ( duration 0:01:24.122566 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042526_00016 ( 362 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:19:11.816671
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:20:36.930945 ( duration 0:01:25.114274 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042627_00017 ( 363 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:20:36.931374
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:22:01.138138 ( duration 0:01:24.206764 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211042729_00018 ( 364 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:22:01.138525
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:23:19.557599 ( duration 0:01:18.419074 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043030_00001 ( 365 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:23:19.558001
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:24:44.565111 ( duration 0:01:25.007110 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043133_00002 ( 366 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:24:44.565976
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:26:09.213851 ( duration 0:01:24.647875 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043234_00003 ( 367 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:26:09.214708
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:27:32.591012 ( duration 0:01:23.376304 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043235_00004 ( 368 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:27:32.591396
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:28:56.785566 ( duration 0:01:24.194170 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043336_00005 ( 369 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:28:56.785967
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:30:21.014143 ( duration 0:01:24.228176 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043437_00006 ( 370 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:30:21.014866
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:31:45.157148 ( duration 0:01:24.142282 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043438_00007 ( 371 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:31:45.157892
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:33:09.144031 ( duration 0:01:23.986139 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043539_00008 ( 372 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:33:09.145137
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:34:33.154357 ( duration 0:01:24.009220 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043640_00009 ( 373 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:34:33.154745
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:35:57.339673 ( duration 0:01:24.184928 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043641_00010 ( 374 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:35:57.340056
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:37:21.385361 ( duration 0:01:24.045305 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043742_00011 ( 375 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:37:21.385756
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:38:44.558121 ( duration 0:01:23.172365 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043743_00012 ( 376 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:38:44.558506
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:40:07.454551 ( duration 0:01:22.896045 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043844_00013 ( 377 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:40:07.455313
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:41:31.464756 ( duration 0:01:24.009443 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043946_00014 ( 378 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:41:31.465212
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:42:55.120848 ( duration 0:01:23.655636 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211043947_00015 ( 379 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:42:55.121248
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:44:18.408491 ( duration 0:01:23.287243 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044048_00016 ( 380 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:44:18.408961
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:45:40.536646 ( duration 0:01:22.127685 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044149_00017 ( 381 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:45:40.537032
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:47:04.480986 ( duration 0:01:23.943954 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044251_00018 ( 382 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:47:04.481827
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:48:01.126324 ( duration 0:00:56.644497 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044653_00001 ( 383 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:48:01.126681
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:49:24.700676 ( duration 0:01:23.573995 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044755_00002 ( 384 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:49:24.701549
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:50:48.358120 ( duration 0:01:23.656571 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044756_00003 ( 385 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:50:48.358523
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:52:11.507774 ( duration 0:01:23.149251 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044857_00004 ( 386 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:52:11.508183
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:53:36.216814 ( duration 0:01:24.708631 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044858_00005 ( 387 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:53:36.217535
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:55:10.639744 ( duration 0:01:34.422209 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044900_00007 ( 388 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:55:10.640161
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:56:32.818527 ( duration 0:01:22.178366 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211044959_00006 ( 389 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:56:32.818930
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:57:55.821487 ( duration 0:01:23.002557 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045001_00008 ( 390 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:57:55.821873
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 13:59:18.822799 ( duration 0:01:23.000926 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045002_00009 ( 391 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 13:59:18.823241
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:00:41.931406 ( duration 0:01:23.108165 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045103_00010 ( 392 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:00:41.931797
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:02:04.456338 ( duration 0:01:22.524541 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045104_00011 ( 393 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:02:04.456773
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:03:27.799361 ( duration 0:01:23.342588 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045105_00012 ( 394 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:03:27.800148
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:04:52.720579 ( duration 0:01:24.920431 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045206_00013 ( 395 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:04:52.720983
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:06:15.547908 ( duration 0:01:22.826925 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045207_00014 ( 396 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:06:15.548416
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:07:40.393208 ( duration 0:01:24.844792 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045308_00015 ( 397 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:07:40.393608
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:09:04.983969 ( duration 0:01:24.590361 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045309_00016 ( 398 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:09:04.984349
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:10:29.441464 ( duration 0:01:24.457115 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045411_00017 ( 399 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:10:29.441850
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:11:54.592502 ( duration 0:01:25.150652 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211045512_00018 ( 400 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:11:54.593326
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:12:42.431740 ( duration 0:00:47.838414 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050014_00001 ( 401 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:12:42.432433
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:14:12.884453 ( duration 0:01:30.452020 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050017_00002 ( 402 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:14:12.885258
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:15:36.460096 ( duration 0:01:23.574838 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050118_00003 ( 403 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:15:36.460980
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:17:00.791663 ( duration 0:01:24.330683 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050219_00004 ( 404 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:17:00.792394
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:18:25.269404 ( duration 0:01:24.477010 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050220_00005 ( 405 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:18:25.270303
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:19:49.756909 ( duration 0:01:24.486606 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050321_00006 ( 406 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:19:49.757297
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:21:14.954249 ( duration 0:01:25.196952 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050323_00007 ( 407 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:21:14.954644
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:22:40.100180 ( duration 0:01:25.145536 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050424_00008 ( 408 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:22:40.101008
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:24:06.162384 ( duration 0:01:26.061376 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050525_00009 ( 409 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:24:06.162776
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:25:29.929320 ( duration 0:01:23.766544 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050526_00010 ( 410 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:25:29.929707
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:26:54.742797 ( duration 0:01:24.813090 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050627_00011 ( 411 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:26:54.743183
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:28:18.823790 ( duration 0:01:24.080607 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050628_00012 ( 412 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:28:18.824651
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:29:42.827112 ( duration 0:01:24.002461 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050729_00013 ( 413 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:29:42.827590
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:31:07.759294 ( duration 0:01:24.931704 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050730_00014 ( 414 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:31:07.759702
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:32:31.565008 ( duration 0:01:23.805306 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050832_00015 ( 415 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:32:31.565394
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:33:55.980354 ( duration 0:01:24.414960 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050833_00016 ( 416 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:33:55.980788
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:35:19.996343 ( duration 0:01:24.015555 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050834_00017 ( 417 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:35:19.996765
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:36:44.269844 ( duration 0:01:24.273079 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211050936_00018 ( 418 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:36:44.270705
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:38:08.634357 ( duration 0:01:24.363652 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051037_00019 ( 419 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:38:08.634789
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:39:32.896613 ( duration 0:01:24.261824 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051038_00020 ( 420 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:39:32.897010
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:40:54.840381 ( duration 0:01:21.943371 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051139_00021 ( 421 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:40:54.840800
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:41:06.825625 ( duration 0:00:11.984825 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051442_00001 ( 422 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:41:06.826318
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:42:32.338421 ( duration 0:01:25.512103 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051647_00002 ( 423 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:42:32.339161
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:43:56.886408 ( duration 0:01:24.547247 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051648_00003 ( 424 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:43:56.886861
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:45:21.948911 ( duration 0:01:25.062050 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051749_00004 ( 425 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:45:21.949748
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:46:45.067878 ( duration 0:01:23.118130 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051750_00005 ( 426 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:46:45.068268
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:48:09.612249 ( duration 0:01:24.543981 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051851_00006 ( 427 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:48:09.612998
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:49:33.089959 ( duration 0:01:23.476961 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051952_00007 ( 428 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:49:33.090688
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:50:56.551648 ( duration 0:01:23.460960 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211051953_00008 ( 429 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:50:56.552029
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:52:20.702497 ( duration 0:01:24.150468 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052054_00009 ( 430 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:52:20.703478
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:53:49.543643 ( duration 0:01:28.840165 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052055_00010 ( 431 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:53:49.544238
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:55:15.939386 ( duration 0:01:26.395148 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052156_00011 ( 432 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:55:15.939772
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:56:41.198047 ( duration 0:01:25.258275 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052157_00012 ( 433 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:56:41.198473
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:58:03.959747 ( duration 0:01:22.761274 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052258_00013 ( 434 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:58:03.960138
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 14:59:27.271029 ( duration 0:01:23.310891 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052259_00014 ( 435 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 14:59:27.271828
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:00:50.704239 ( duration 0:01:23.432411 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052301_00015 ( 436 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:00:50.704664
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:02:14.413522 ( duration 0:01:23.708858 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052302_00016 ( 437 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:02:14.413921
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:03:37.219937 ( duration 0:01:22.806016 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052404_00017 ( 438 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:03:37.220340
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:05:00.892241 ( duration 0:01:23.671901 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052405_00018 ( 439 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:05:00.892740
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:05:25.571493 ( duration 0:00:24.678753 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211052908_00001 ( 440 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:05:25.571835
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:06:48.921663 ( duration 0:01:23.349828 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053011_00002 ( 441 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:06:48.922049
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:08:20.631516 ( duration 0:01:31.709467 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053113_00003 ( 442 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:08:20.631898
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:09:46.014990 ( duration 0:01:25.383092 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053114_00004 ( 443 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:09:46.015933
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:11:10.830868 ( duration 0:01:24.814935 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053216_00005 ( 444 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:11:10.831258
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:12:35.644383 ( duration 0:01:24.813125 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053217_00006 ( 445 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:12:35.644853
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:13:59.638616 ( duration 0:01:23.993763 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053319_00007 ( 446 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:13:59.639387
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:15:24.181678 ( duration 0:01:24.542291 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053321_00008 ( 447 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:15:24.182060
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:16:48.774680 ( duration 0:01:24.592620 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053423_00009 ( 448 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:16:48.775547
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:18:13.549685 ( duration 0:01:24.774138 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053524_00010 ( 449 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:18:13.550191
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:19:37.779922 ( duration 0:01:24.229731 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053525_00011 ( 450 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:19:37.780321
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:21:03.313717 ( duration 0:01:25.533396 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053626_00012 ( 451 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:21:03.314226
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:22:27.893916 ( duration 0:01:24.579690 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053627_00013 ( 452 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:22:27.894306
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:23:58.359442 ( duration 0:01:30.465136 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053728_00014 ( 453 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:23:58.359898
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:25:22.183948 ( duration 0:01:23.824050 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053729_00015 ( 454 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:25:22.184744
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:26:46.663459 ( duration 0:01:24.478715 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211053830_00016 ( 455 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:26:46.663842
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:27:12.338441 ( duration 0:00:25.674599 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054032_00001 ( 456 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:27:12.338783
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:28:37.213423 ( duration 0:01:24.874640 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054133_00002 ( 457 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:28:37.214155
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:30:02.613639 ( duration 0:01:25.399484 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054235_00003 ( 458 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:30:02.614048
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:31:28.565022 ( duration 0:01:25.950974 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054236_00004 ( 459 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:31:28.565400
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:32:53.963224 ( duration 0:01:25.397824 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211054338_00005 ( 460 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:32:53.963770
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:32:55.514695 ( duration 0:00:01.550925 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055647_00001 ( 461 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:32:55.515032
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:34:19.177405 ( duration 0:01:23.662373 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055749_00002 ( 462 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:34:19.177821
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:35:42.589979 ( duration 0:01:23.412158 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055751_00003 ( 463 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:35:42.590722
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:37:07.528887 ( duration 0:01:24.938165 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055852_00004 ( 464 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:37:07.529382
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:38:31.536822 ( duration 0:01:24.007440 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211055953_00005 ( 465 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:38:31.537231
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:39:41.466594 ( duration 0:01:09.929363 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151211061003_00001 ( 466 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:39:41.466974
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:39:44.769836 ( duration 0:00:03.302862 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204731_00001 ( 467 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:39:44.770175
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:41:07.652459 ( duration 0:01:22.882284 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204732_00002 ( 468 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:41:07.652902
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:42:29.085761 ( duration 0:01:21.432859 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204834_00003 ( 469 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:42:29.086148
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:43:49.133481 ( duration 0:01:20.047333 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204837_00004 ( 470 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:43:49.133871
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:45:10.324334 ( duration 0:01:21.190463 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204941_00005 ( 471 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:45:10.324803
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:46:31.670949 ( duration 0:01:21.346146 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002204944_00006 ( 472 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:46:31.671349
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:47:52.339735 ( duration 0:01:20.668386 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002205047_00007 ( 473 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:47:52.340229
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:48:09.089040 ( duration 0:00:16.748811 )

==> Processing XML folder /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001 ( 474 of 474 ) @ 2019-08-15 15:48:09.089387
----> Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:48:27.970608 ( duration 0:00:18.881221 )

XML folder count: 474

ObjectType values and occurrence counts:
- A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t: 2114224
- Feature|Article: 5271887
- I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h: 249942
- O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y: 625143
- G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n: 1083164
- S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e: 202776
- N|e|w|s: 140274
- I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n: 106925
- F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y: 386421
- E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c: 78993
- Editorial|Commentary: 156342
- C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t: 68356
- Classified Advertisement|Advertisement: 291533
- R|e|v|i|e|w: 86889
- Table of Contents|Front Matter: 69798
- Letter to the Editor|Correspondence: 202071
- News|Legal Notice: 24053
- News|Marriage Announcement: 41314
- B|i|r|t|h| |N|o|t|i|c|e: 926
- News|Military/War News: 3
- U|n|d|e|f|i|n|e|d: 5
- Article|Feature: 137526
- Front Matter|Table of Contents: 11195
- Commentary|Editorial: 3386
- Marriage Announcement|News: 683
- Correspondence|Letter to the Editor: 7479
- Legal Notice|News: 1029
- Advertisement|Classified Advertisement: 12163
Processing complete @ 2019-08-15 15:48:28.088100 ( started at 2019-08-15 05:19:18.710072; duration: 10:29:09.378028 )

XML file count: 5752 Counters:

  • Processed 5752 files
  • No Record: 0
  • No ObjectType: 0
  • No ObjectType value: 0

ObjectType values and occurrence counts:

  • A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t: 2114224
  • Feature|Article: 5271887
  • I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h: 249942
  • O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y: 625143
  • G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n: 1083164
  • S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e: 202776
  • N|e|w|s: 140274
  • I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n: 106925
  • F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y: 386421
  • E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c: 78993
  • Editorial|Commentary: 156342
  • C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t: 68356
  • Classified Advertisement|Advertisement: 291533
  • R|e|v|i|e|w: 86889
  • Table of Contents|Front Matter: 69798
  • Letter to the Editor|Correspondence: 202071
  • News|Legal Notice: 24053
  • News|Marriage Announcement: 41314
  • B|i|r|t|h| |N|o|t|i|c|e: 926
  • News|Military/War News: 3
  • U|n|d|e|f|i|n|e|d: 5
  • Article|Feature: 137526
  • Front Matter|Table of Contents: 11195
  • Commentary|Editorial: 3386
  • Marriage Announcement|News: 683
  • Correspondence|Letter to the Editor: 7479
  • Legal Notice|News: 1029
  • Advertisement|Classified Advertisement: 12163

Build sorted list of object types

In [1]:
# put the raw output from above in a list
raw_object_type_list = [ 'A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t: 2114224', 'Feature|Article: 5271887', 'I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h: 249942', 'O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y: 625143', 'G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n: 1083164', 'S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e: 202776', 'N|e|w|s: 140274', 'I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n: 106925', 'F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y: 386421', 'E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c: 78993', 'Editorial|Commentary: 156342', 'C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t: 68356', 'Classified Advertisement|Advertisement: 291533', 'R|e|v|i|e|w: 86889', 'Table of Contents|Front Matter: 69798', 'Letter to the Editor|Correspondence: 202071', 'News|Legal Notice: 24053', 'News|Marriage Announcement: 41314', 'B|i|r|t|h| |N|o|t|i|c|e: 926', 'News|Military/War News: 3', 'U|n|d|e|f|i|n|e|d: 5', 'Article|Feature: 137526', 'Front Matter|Table of Contents: 11195', 'Commentary|Editorial: 3386', 'Marriage Announcement|News: 683', 'Correspondence|Letter to the Editor: 7479', 'Legal Notice|News: 1029', 'Advertisement|Classified Advertisement: 12163' ]

In [25]:
# output variable
master_object_type_list = None

# declare variables
#raw_object_type_list = None
raw_object_type = None
object_type_part_list = None
object_type_to_count_map = None
object_type_value = None
object_type_count_string = None
object_type_count = None

# loop
master_object_type_list = []
object_type_to_count_map = {}
for raw_object_type in raw_object_type_list:
    # split on colon
    object_type_part_list = raw_object_type.split( ":" )
    # object type value - take the first thing, strip off spaces, and add it to list.
    object_type_value = object_type_part_list[ 0 ]
    object_type_value = object_type_value.strip()

    # object type value count - item 2 (index 1)
    object_type_count_string = object_type_part_list[ 1 ]
    object_type_count_string = object_type_count_string.strip()
    object_type_count = int( object_type_count_string )
    # add value to list.
    if ( object_type_value not in master_object_type_list ):
        # add it.
        master_object_type_list.append( object_type_value )
        # error.
        print( "ERROR - object type value {} in list more than once.  Hmmm.".format( object_type_value ) )
    #-- END check to see if value already in list. --#
    # add count to map.
    if ( object_type_value not in object_type_to_count_map ):
        # add count.
        object_type_to_count_map[ object_type_value ] = object_type_count
        # error.
        print( "ERROR - object type value {} already has count in map.  Hmmm.".format( object_type_value ) )
    #-- END check to see if value already in list. --#
#-- END loop over raw object types --#

# sort the list of object types

print( master_object_type_list )

['Advertisement|Classified Advertisement', 'Article|Feature', 'A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t', 'B|i|r|t|h| |N|o|t|i|c|e', 'Classified Advertisement|Advertisement', 'Commentary|Editorial', 'Correspondence|Letter to the Editor', 'C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t', 'Editorial|Commentary', 'E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c', 'Feature|Article', 'Front Matter|Table of Contents', 'F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y', 'G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n', 'I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n', 'I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h', 'Legal Notice|News', 'Letter to the Editor|Correspondence', 'Marriage Announcement|News', 'News|Legal Notice', 'News|Marriage Announcement', 'News|Military/War News', 'N|e|w|s', 'O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y', 'R|e|v|i|e|w', 'S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e', 'Table of Contents|Front Matter', 'U|n|d|e|f|i|n|e|d']
['Advertisement|Classified Advertisement', 'Article|Feature', 'A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t', 'B|i|r|t|h| |N|o|t|i|c|e', 'Classified Advertisement|Advertisement', 'Commentary|Editorial', 'Correspondence|Letter to the Editor', 'C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t', 'Editorial|Commentary', 'E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c', 'Feature|Article', 'Front Matter|Table of Contents', 'F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y', 'G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n', 'I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n', 'I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h', 'Legal Notice|News', 'Letter to the Editor|Correspondence', 'Marriage Announcement|News', 'News|Legal Notice', 'News|Marriage Announcement', 'News|Military/War News', 'N|e|w|s', 'O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y', 'R|e|v|i|e|w', 'S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e', 'Table of Contents|Front Matter', 'U|n|d|e|f|i|n|e|d']

map files to types

Choose a directory, then loop over the files in the directory to build a map of types to lists of file names.

In [48]:
news_object_type_list = []
news_object_type_list.append( 'Article|Feature' )
news_object_type_list.append( 'Feature|Article' )
news_object_type_list.append( 'F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y' )

explore all known object types

Look at all known object types to see which contain actual news content.

In [16]:
# get list of all object types
master_object_type_list = my_paper.get_all_object_types()
print( "Object Types: {}".format( master_object_type_list ) )

Object Types: ['A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t', 'Advertisement|Classified Advertisement', 'Article|Feature', 'B|i|r|t|h| |N|o|t|i|c|e', 'Classified Advertisement|Advertisement', 'Commentary|Editorial', 'Correspondence|Letter to the Editor', 'C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t', 'E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c', 'Editorial|Commentary', 'Feature|Article', 'Front Matter|Table of Contents', 'F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y', 'G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n', 'I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n', 'I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h', 'Legal Notice|News', 'Letter to the Editor|Correspondence', 'Marriage Announcement|News', 'N|e|w|s', 'News|Legal Notice', 'News|Marriage Announcement', 'News|Military/War News', 'O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y', 'R|e|v|i|e|w', 'S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e', 'Table of Contents|Front Matter', 'Table Of Contents|Front Matter', 'U|n|d|e|f|i|n|e|d']

In [50]:
# directory to work in.
uncompressed_archive_folder = "BG_20171002210239_00001"
uncompressed_archive_path = "{}/{}".format( uncompressed_paper_path, uncompressed_archive_folder )
print( 'Uncompressed archive folder: {}'.format( uncompressed_archive_path ) )

Uncompressed archive folder: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001

In [14]:
# build map of file types to lists of files of that type in specified folder.
object_type_to_file_path_map = my_paper.map_archive_folder_files_to_types( uncompressed_archive_path )

Processing 5752 XML files in /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001
----> XML file count: 5752

In map_archive_folder_files_to_types:
XML file count: 5752
- Processed 5752 files
- No Record: 0
- No ObjectType: 0
- No ObjectType value: 0

ObjectType values and occurrence counts:
- Advertisement|Classified Advertisement - 413 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821316533.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821332621.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821337723.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821337993.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821344353.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821349823.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821349963.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821350223.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821350543.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821350643.xml
- Article|Feature - 1792 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821304313.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821304933.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821306103.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821311973.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821314373.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821316133.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821321503.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821321543.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821324923.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821325773.xml
- A|d|v|e|r|t|i|s|e|m|e|n|t - 1902 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821303213.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821308373.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821308753.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821311463.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821313343.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821315353.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821317523.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821317793.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821322353.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821333353.xml
- Commentary|Editorial - 36 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821310603.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821392953.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821395941.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821405582.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821408861.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821411424.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821426773.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821432384.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821436742.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821437502.xml
- Correspondence|Letter to the Editor - 119 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821332423.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821350163.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821352901.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821353523.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821372283.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821373543.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821389763.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821391064.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821401521.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821402851.xml
- C|r|e|d|i|t|/|A|c|k|n|o|w|l|e|d|g|e|m|e|n|t - 30 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821401604.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821409394.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821411604.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821418791.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821424744.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821425134.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821437821.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821440061.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821446163.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821448833.xml
- E|d|i|t|o|r|i|a|l| |C|a|r|t|o|o|n|/|C|o|m|i|c - 31 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821323263.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821398994.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821405091.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821407484.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821408624.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821413352.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821418574.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821430494.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821431482.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821438041.xml
- Front Matter|Table of Contents - 193 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821333563.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821341793.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821346043.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821365223.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821368313.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821377013.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821383363.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821384293.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821392764.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821394211.xml
- F|r|o|n|t| |P|a|g|e|/|C|o|v|e|r| |S|t|o|r|y - 107 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821344363.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821375673.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821390223.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821400492.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821401631.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821404652.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821408662.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821411114.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821411483.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821413003.xml
- G|e|n|e|r|a|l| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n - 488 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821310653.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821346213.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821346801.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821346953.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821350383.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821350631.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821359833.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821360263.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821360543.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821361013.xml
- I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n - 91 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821388801.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821389713.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821390221.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821394563.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821395172.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821395624.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821399082.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821400381.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821401941.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821404384.xml
- I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h - 84 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821357583.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821376333.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821385583.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821400371.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821402962.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821409344.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821413144.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821415283.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821418353.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821420384.xml
- Marriage Announcement|News - 6 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821372193.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821387193.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821394901.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821433504.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821527001.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821561264.xml
- News|Legal Notice - 17 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821402924.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821418002.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821443272.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821446542.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821459429.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821459551.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821461143.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821463533.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821467293.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821471229.xml
- N|e|w|s - 53 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821305123.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821369093.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821399692.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821401731.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821402673.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821418082.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821418141.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821420464.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821438982.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821439271.xml
- O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y - 72 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821334113.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821346203.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821360043.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821371413.xml
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In [49]:
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xml_string = None

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- Article|Feature - 1792 files:
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821304313.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>Learn, to prepare for life</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Oct 27, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>An Wang</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>An Wang</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Tomorrow's job market will demand individuals who have thoroughly prepared themselves by acquiring the education they will need to succeed in a competitive and changing environment.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Learn to prepare for life                 By Dr An Wang                 Tomorrow's job market will demand individuals who have thoroughly prepared themselves by acquiring the education they will need to succeed in competitive and changing environment                 Fortunately New England Is the home of some of our nation s most out standing technical and educational In stitutions Massachusetts currently en- Joys healthy economy that provides numerous and varied career opportuni ties for Individuals with the right tech nical skills and professional training In business government and educa tion our leaders are working hard to ensure that this economic vitality will continue to provide meaningful Jobs and ample opportunities for personal successes and advancement As result every Individual has the chance to learn and through learning to be prepared for rewarding and ful filling career As our economy advances work will become more specialized and more com plex Technology Is making It possible to eliminate the mundane drudgery and physical labor from most Jobs At the same time however most Jobs will re quire greater degree of specialized knowledge and creative skills Without these skills success will be difficult if not Impossible Technology moreover Is creating career opportunities that never existed before and Is dramatically changing the basic skills required for traditional careers Not so long ago careers In com puter programming or systems analy sis were quite literally unknown in addition careers In such varied fields as accounting automotive repair Jour nalism secretarial services and health care have changed and will continue to change as result of our ever-Increas ing ability to create and share informa tion more efficiently and more effective ly- WANG Page 36 Dr Wang Is chairman chief execu tive officer and president of Wang laboratories In Lowell and member of the Massachusetts Board of Be-                 ILLUSTRATION BY ANTHONY SCHULTZ                 Success in any career requires an informed risk                 WANG Continued from Page This does not mean of recourse that careers In technol ogy exclusively offer the great est opportunity It docs mean however every career will demand fundamental ability Integrate analyze and understand Information rel evant to the Individual's par ticular work Making the right career deci sion and acquiring the right skills for that career Is per                 haps one of the mosl Important decisions any Individual will make Men and women who arc graduating from high school or who arc already work ing but thinking about new career should keep In mind few key points Few activities are as satisfy ing as career that person en- Joys and finds personally re warding On the other hand nothing makes person more- than boring unin teresting job                 In deciding which career to pursue therefore an individual should honestly determine the kinds of activities and chal lenges he or she enjoys In doing so It's usually helpful to talk to people already working In the career that the Individual is considering If possible one should try to spend some time watching people at their work In order to find out If one wants to spend at least 40 hours week doing the same or similar activities There Is absolutely nothing wrong in expecting that one s                 life work should be fun In fact when people ask me if plan to retire tell them that will keep my present Job as long as It re mains fun When It stops being fun I'm leaving In choosing career every Individual should discover the middle ground between one s expectations and one s limita tions This involves assessing one s strengths and weak nesses task that Is never easy but which Is critical In making career decision As part of this process an in dividual should ask If he or she                 has the aptitude and the basic talent to succeed In particular career The candid advice of parents teachers counselors and friends Is often helpful but In the end every career decision is profoundly personal and matter of Individual responsibil ity Success in any career re quires to take an Informed risk to gamble time and energy In the hope that one s effort will ultimately lead to the desired objective Choosing career therefore requires willingness to accept challenge Instead of choosing the easy alternatives an Indi vidual should be prepared to work hard in order to achieve the results he or she seeks Whether these results are finan cial security service to the com munity or artistic accomplish ment an Individual should have the confidence and the commitment to risk failure In order to achieve success In chosen career Please remember good edu cation Is long-term Invest- ment Properly managed It will yield an enormous return</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821304933.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>Computers donated to training program</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Oct 27, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<FullText>Computers donated to training program                 Gov Dukakis last week accept ed million gift of computer equipment from Prime Computer Inc for the Masschusetts Micro electronics Center Joe Henson president and chief executive of Prime said the donation rein- our commitment to fur ther the leadership role high tech nology plays within the Common wealth of Massachusetts Estab lished three years ago as public- private partnership the micro- electronics center will use the equipment as part of program of advanced raining and research In the design and manufacturing of semiconductor chips                 Crane announces sale of slate bonds State Treasurer Robert Crane announced that beginning Oct 28 and ending Nov 1. the state will offer 25 million of tax- free five-year mini-bonds for pub lic sale In denominations of 100 500 SI 000, 000 and 000 The effective annual yield to mini- bond purchasers ranges from 5.25 percent to 7.10 percent depending on the date of redemption Pay ments for must be made by certified check money order bank check or cash at Trea sury teller s windows only In Springfield no cash will be accept ed                 Tax break sought l or public retirees Out-of-state public retirees who move to Massachusetts would be given 20 000 state In- tax break under bill ap proved last week by the Legisla ture s Taxation Committee The bill s sponsor Rep Henri Raus- R-Brewstcr said the measure would aid retirees from public Jobs who want to move lo places like Cape Cod Such retir ees he said often retire oil 000 or 10 000 pensions Under the bill the first 20 000 of pension Income would be exempted from state income Similar legis lation has been defeated In the Legislature for the past four or five years UPI                 House defeats bill to extend deadline The House has defeated bill that would make It easier for new comers to challenge Incumbent politicians With no debate the bill fell short by vote of 67-81 on roll call that took many mem bers by surprise II would have ex tended the date for candidates for state office to file nomination pa- pets from the present date the last Tuesday In April to the first Tuesday in June AP</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821306103.xml
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	<RecordTitle>DiGravio powers Thayer</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Oct 27, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<FullText>DiGravio powers Thayer                 Dan DIGravio 8-for- for 203 yards threw three passes ran for touchdown and conversion as Thayer Improved Its record to 4-1 with 41-34 Independent School League victory over Si Paul's yesterday at Braintree Noble Greenough 20, Middlesex 6: Mark Allen threw couple of touchdown passes as Noble Hi Greenough captured its straight victory BB 6, Belmont HU1 3: Mike Murphy threw 30-yard touch down pass to Paul O'Rourke In the fourth providing the margin of victory Groton 32, Gov Dummer 6: Scan Dooley Tom Wright and Tom Garnder scored second-period touchdowns as Groton won Its fifth In row Brooks 14, Lawrence Acad 0: pair of Jim Palmer touchdowns helped brooks capture Its fourth win In five tries and hand Lawrence Academy Its first loss Roxbury Latin 14, Rivers 7: Rich Meagher's second touchdown of the game 10-yard run with 4 minutes left carried Roxbury Latin to Its fourth win Milton Academy 34, St Mark's 14: Lee Rhodes scored pair of touchdowns and gained Lid yards as Milton Academy lis fourth In live games 34-14.</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821311973.xml
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	<RecordTitle>Ulster pact rapped in Irish Parliament</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Nov 20, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<OriginalForm>Bob O'Connor Special to the Globe</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>DUBLIN--Parliament,beginning a three-day debate yesterday on the new Anglo-Irish agreement on Northern Ireland, heard the accord described by the leader of the main opposition party as a violation of Ireland's constitution.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Ulster pact rapped in Irish Parliament                 By Bob O'Connor Special to the Globe                 DUBLIN--Parliament beginning three-day debate yesterday on the new Anglo-Irish agreement on Northern Ireland heard the accord described by the leader of the main opposition party as violation of Ireland's constitution                 We cannot accept Charles Haughcy leader of the Flannn Fail Party the abandon ment of our claim to Irish unity or the recognition of British sover eignty over the north of Irclnnd which Is contained In this agree ment On Friday Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of Britain and her Irish counterpart Garret Fltz- Gcrald signed an agreement that will give the Irish government consultative role in Northern Ire land In for formal Irish recognition that the status of the British-ruled province will not change until majority of its peo ple decides otherwise Such concession Haug contended would contradict Arti cle 2 of the Irish Constitution which states The national ter consists of the whole Is land of Ireland Its Islands and ter seas failed political entity Haughcy who Is expected to                 become the nex t prime minister said the pact shores up political entity that has failed There is not and cannot be any dispute about the significance of what hns happened he said For the first time the legitimacy of partition has been recognized by the republic And by allowing the agreement to be registered at the United Na tions he said Dublin would be helping the British government to create the Impression that the problem of Northern Ireland has been finally solved that every body now recognizes Northern Ire land ns an Integra part of the United Kingdom The United States Is expected to help bolster the agreement with an aid program some con gressional sources described yes terday as -Mnrshnll Plan could range In from S250 million to SI billion the Washington Post reported FItzGcrald who opened the de bate defended the agreement as the way out of North ern Jrcinnd's morass The pact will establish an Anglo-Irish ministerial confer ence assisted by secretariat of civil servants to be based In Bel fast It will seek to lessen alien                 ation among Northern Ireland's Roman Catholic minority In such areas ns employment justice and the expression of their national Identity Resignations threatened The Anglo-Irish agreement has Infuriated political leaders of Ul ster s Protestant community who have threatened to resign en masse from the British Parlln In protest There will Inevitably be FItzGcrald said those who hi good faith believe that we have sought too little or that we have sought and secured too much The outcome of the debate Is not in doubt Fine Gael and the Labor Party Its coalition partner hold but clear majority in the Dall the lower house of the Irish Parliament                 CHARLES HAUGHEY Leads Flanna Fail</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821314373.xml
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	<RecordTitle>Aylward, stiff defense stifle Wilmington, 7-6</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Nov 29, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<OriginalForm>Bob Reinert Special to the Globe</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>TEWKSBURY--For nearly three quarters, it appeared that Tewksbury's hopes for an unblemished season and a trip to the Division 2 Super Bowl might be as lost as the yard markers on the snow-shrouded playing field here yesterday.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Aylward stiff defense stifle Wilmington 7-6                 By Bob Reinert Special to the Globe                 TEWKSBURY--For nearly three quarters it appeared that Tewksbury's hopes for an unblemished season and trip to the Division 2 Super Bowl might be as lost as the yard markers on the snow-shrouded playing field here yesterday                 But quarterback Rob Aylward opened the final quarter with 15- touchdown pass to Shnwn Blades and Dave French kicked the extra point as Tcwks- Imry survived the cold snow and vigilant Wilmington defense 7- 6. On day seemingly more suit ed to fool both teams re lied on their air forces After Tewksbury's first drive stalled Wilmington pieced togeth er Its only sustained offensive thrust of the game With quarter back Chris Athanasla finding Ke vin Collins on key 30-yard pass play Wilmington moved the ball 65 In 10 plays and took 6- 0 lead on 5-yard pass off the roll out from Athanasla lo Peter Campbell In what turned out lo be cru cial conversion attempt Athana- sla s pass for two points fell In complete Wilmington threatened on the ensuing recovering an on- sldc kick at the Tcwksbury 42. But Tony Cutonc was caught for 10-yard loss on third down and the quarter ended at 6-0. Tcwksbury saw Us best scor ing opportunity of the first half go Tor naught when an Aylward pass intended for Tim Boudread bounced off the back s hands in the end zone with just over 5. minutes left in the second quarter Yeoman work by defensive backs Cutone and Tom Pole who tipped away two well-thrown balls by Aylward frustrated the Tcwks                 bury air attack at the the second half But Aylward wjis not prepared to surrender the air With less than In the third quarter the Tewkpbury offense came lo Ilfc Aylward con nected with Joe Vccchl on two straight long pass pushed the ball to the Wilmington 35. Then on fourth and 13?from he 15-yard line Blades gathered In an Aylward pass and raced to the left flag lo deadlock the game at 6-6. At point Tewksburys' perfect season rested on the foot of French who to his and knees to spot for holder Vecchi Tcwksbury coach Bob Aylward joked the moment hnd no ef fect on him other to acti vate an ulcer Becoming more se rious he added have extreme confidence In David 1(Mi French confirmed that by clearing the uprights to make It 7*6. although coach Ayl-  s ulcer was still In for tcst Wilmington nearly ha oilier life with 1:32 left In 1 the game when Athanasla to John Dcsfnrgc who had the ball glance off his shoulder pads deep In Tcwksbury territory The final threat came with Tcwksbury In possession of the hall On questionable third- down call nt the Wihnlmgton 36, Alywnrd went back to the air and was Intercepted by Potc Boudirau returned the favor snatching nn Athanasla pass on the following Coach Alywnrd defended the decision lo play under ad verse conditions noting tal II was made two hours before game lime We thought these would be Ihc safest conditions said Alywnrd who explained hid the extended forecast called for more of the same Ihroughoul tho re mainder of the week</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821316133.xml
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	<RecordTitle>2d strike vote at Pratt wins court OK</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Dec 4, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<Abstract>HARTFORD--A federal judge refused yesterday to halt a second strike vote at Pratt &amp; Whitney's largest plant, setting the stage for the first statewide strike in 25 years against against the world's largest jet-engine maker.</Abstract>
	<FullText>2d strike vote at Pratt wins court OK                 United Press International                 HARTFORD--A federal judge refused yesterday to halt second strike vote at Pratt Whitney's largest plant setting the stage for the first statewide strike in 25 years against against the world s largest jet-engine maker                 Senior US District Judge Emmet Cliirlc denied the com pany s request for court order to block the second strike vole by 5,600 unionized machinists at Pratt Whllncy's main plant and headquarters In neighboring East Hartford Leaders of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers hailed the Judge's order Issued following four-hour hearing and said the strike vole would begin al 3 today They predicted members at the sprawling East Hnrtford plant would go along with trie total of 5,300 workers at the company s three other plants In Connecticut and walk oft the Job Ecstatic wns the first reac tion of Rudy Duck president of machinists union Local 1746, Which represents the East Hart ford workers who voted by an 11-1 margin Sundny to reject the com pany s contract offer but failed to muster required two-thirds ma jority to authorize strike Buck predicted the East Hart ford workers would authorize strike when the second vote Is tak- rti and said If they do the union should be able to force the com pany to resume negotiations If East Hartford goes out It won t take long at all because the company can t afford It Buck said Company officials who had ar gued that the union s failure lo get the two-thirds vote needed for strike automatically resulted In approval of the company offer had no on Clarlc's de cision Pratt had filed suit late Mon day In US District Court In Hart ford to block plans by the Interna tional Association of Machinists to hold second strike vole at the East Hartford plant</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821321503.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>Judge to decide which jail inmates to transfer</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Dec 18, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<OriginalForm>Ed Quill Globe Staff</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>The responsibility for deciding which charles Street Jail detainees awaiting trial should be released to a halfway house or on their own recognizance has been turned over to a special "Charles Street Jail judge," according to a court issued order this week by a...</Abstract>
	<FullText>Judge to decide which jail inmates to transfer                 By Ed Quill Globe Staff                 The responsibility for deciding which charles Street Jail detainees awaiting trial should be released to halfway house or on their own recognizance has been turned over to special Charles Street Jail judge according to court issued order this week by                 state Supreme Judicial Court jus tice Justice Paul lacos Issued the the posi tion which designated Suffolk Superior Court Judge will hold for two-month periods following re quest by the Suffolk County sher iff who said he wanted Judicial Involvement In the release or transfer of detainees                 Sheriff Dennis Kearney had been ordered earlier this month to transfer Inmates to the Massachu setts Halfway House on Hunting ton Avenue at times when his Jail is filled to its federal court-ordered capacity of 2G6 Inmates and nil other county nnd state facilities are filled Kearney told Llacos Inst week that tic did not feel secure In po sition to act as Judge In trans ferring detainees In Issuing his latest order Mon day Llacos ordered that special Charles Street Jail judge make the decision on which Inmates could be transferred to halfway house or released on their own re cognizance Under the order the chief ad                 ministrative Justice of the trial court In consultation with the chief Justice of the Superior Court will designate Judge' act as special Judge In the Jail cases None had been designated as of yesterday Llacos also Issued the following guidelines for the sheriff In mnk- ing recommendations to the judge on those who should mot be re leased including Persons with crimes against other persons Persons charged with operat ing vehicle under the Influence of alcohol or drugs because of the threat to public safety which they pose                 Persons with history of de faults or with outstanding war rants Llacos also said the sheriff and the Judge should give consider ation to the Inmate's community tics such as presence of family Job or schools and stability of resi dence Under the order ir the capacity to hold 20 Inmates at the halfway house Is full the special Judge may release Inmates on their own re cognizance using the same guide lines Last week five Inmates who normally would been held at Chnrlcs Street Jail spent at least two nights at the halfway house</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821321543.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>It's official: Sox land Stewart</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Dec 18, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<OriginalForm>Peter Gammons Globe Staff</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>The press conference the Red Sox called yesterday was for no more than the obvious. No Tom Seaver. No Dave Stapleton farewell. Not even any coffee.</Abstract>
	<FullText>It's official Sox land Stewart                 Boston sends Gutierrez to Baltimore for the versatile veteran pitcher                 By Peter Gammons Globe Staff                 The press conference the Red Sox called yesterday was for no more than the obvious No Tom Seaver No Dave Stapleton farewell Not even any coffee                 Lou Gorman simply made offi cial what the newspapers had known for five days that short stop Joaquin Gutierrez was traded to the Orioles for pitcher Sammy Stewart the first real trade be tween the two teams since Boston sent Gene Stephens for Willie Tasby on June 9. 1960, day that lives In ecstasy                 Whether the Red Sox arc better off today and tomorrow with Glenn Rcy tandem than Gullcrrcz Quln- tandem Is subject that doesn't Involve Stewart Nor Is the Oldc Towne Teame's history with Latin players which Is hardly history at all Our first priority was to Im prove our pitching particularly our bullpen said Gorman With Wcs Gardner and now Stewart we think we ve done so Now we ll add left- short man be fore spring training Which reinforces what John                 McNnmara said In San DIcgo Everything with this' team comes down to pitching the manager maintained We've got to add quality and depth Stewart has great arm has been winner and he can do lot of things All the Throwln' Swannanoan cares about Is new start got some bad press here In Baltimore and really feel they didn't appreciate me Stewart said from his Baltimore home honestly never thought got the chance to be as good as can be Mr Gorman and my agent Alan Hendricks sort of left It up to mo whether or not wonted to make the change It's difficult when you ve been with one orga nization so long but after this last year I'm happy Boston is where think I'll pitch as well as can pitch I'm 31, and I'm working to ward pitching at 37. pitched In two World Scries won an ERA Utfc only to have ft taken away on technicality I've done every thing they ve asked In Baltimore no matter what they think or say In Baltimore think Boston made good trade don't want to go around cutting with an ax but there were some double standards here didn't care for Hey that s all In the past On paper Stewart Joins Bob Stanley Steve Crawford Gardner and Tim Lollar In the bullpen Of course no one knows If Roger Clemens will be physically ready or Calvin Schlratdl can pitch In 'the big leagues and Gorman raised the possibility of Stanley starting Which Stewart who has averaged 125 Innings the past four years also can do always was starter In the minors he said started three In '79 and them all even beat Nolan Ryan before 54,000. He was throwing 97, was throwing 94. Great fun I'll do anything for the Red Sox to help them win Stewart Is 51-45 for his career but over the last three years he has averaged 58 appearances sev                 en wins and 10 saves year His nature this is man who has done Michael Jack son Imitations on the mound tried to pitch to Dave Revering left-handed and docs the Chuck Berry Duck Walk when Intro duced grated on the Orioles They claimed he d been late 21 times this past season and while his one Indiscretion was far back In the past he admitted to it and adopted Huey Lewis' Want New Drug as his antl-alchohol theme It seemed to follow him If we had any concerns we certainly wouldn't have made the deal Gorman said We have none One reason Stewart looks for ward to Boston Is because of the city s medical facilities Bath his children 6--old Colin and 3- year-old Alicia suffer from cystic fibrosis It was In Boston that they Isolated the genes and made the one dramatic breakthrough said Stewart If we have to move It's great to move to Boston Some of his teammates may have criticized him behind his back but coach Elrod Hendricks calls him one tough SOB lot of us don't know what he s been through and former pitching coach Ray Miller says Pressure never bothers him he might have made me mad but he hasn't exactly had the easiest life As Stewart was slammed as he left Baltimore so the Red Sox put In their press release that Gutier rez made 20 errors In his last 66 games But remember these facts In an era In which Latin America has become vital breeding ground for talent he Is the only Latin player developed by the Red Sox the last team to have black player who started half one season s games at one posi tion for them he was their rookie of the year In 1984; the Red Sox do not have Spanish- speaking Instructors during the regular season they are one of only six teams that refuse to open schools In the Dominican Repub lic baseball s richest talent area Gutierrez Is an intelligent                 quality person from baseball- backward country who was brought up In an organization that scoffs at minor league or Lat in coaches made It to the big leagues on his own made only two errors before getting hurt on May 24 and took criticism for not being able to make the double play while the player who should have been working out with him around the bag spent his spring training In the shade Hoffman has been the regular for five of the last six years Gor man said We feel Qulnonez will be ready by the end of the sea son Maybe Qulnonez wilt be the first Latin player the Red Sox have developed to be given the chance to play regularly two sea sons For now however Joaco Gu goes to Baltimore to play third base When Earl Weaver leaves he Is expected to be the shortstop with Cal Ripken mov ing to third This said Orioles Jim Russo Is trade for the long term Since Gorman made it clear that he Intends to work out an ex tension to keep Stewart from free agency next fall the Red Sox share that opinion</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>A Baldwin-United update: The going is slow but sure</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Dec 22, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<OriginalForm>BEATSON WALLACE</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Q. Do you have any recent information on Baldwin-United (University Life) SPDA situation? is there any chance Metropolitan Life will make any cash payment before November, 1987?--E.B., Yarmouth</Abstract>
	<FullText>Baldwin-United update The going is slow but sure                 BEATSON WALLACE                 Do you have any recent information on Baldwin-United University Life SPDA situation is there any chance Metropolitan Life will make any cash payment before November 1987?--E.B., Yarmouth                 Slow but sure efforts to enhance the earnings of the single premium deferred annuities sold by the Baldwin-United Corp Insurance subsidiaries contin ue Nicholas Latrcnta an attorney and vice president of Metropolitan Life Co says 24 brokerage excluding PalncWcbbcr Inc and Shearson Ameri can Express Inc but more on these two later have approved class action settlement plan These 24 brokers have contributed or agreed to contribute to an escrow fund variously estimated as between 140 million and 150 million An additional 15 million to 19 million Is being added to tills fund by the Insurance Industry The 155 million to 169 million now In escrow and earning Interest be used to benefit policyholders In one of two ways depending on the federal Judge who has Jurisdiction of the class action suit against the brokerage houses                 If uiu Judge approves global enhancement plan Involving the brokerage houses agreeing to the class action settlement the monies will be added to other funds now In the insurance subsidiary portfo lios and expected from the Baldwin-United parent If the action settlement Is not approved the Judge can order pro rata distribution of these monies to each policyholder who invested in on an through any of the 24 brokerage firms If the first possibility occurs after court hearing now tentatively scheduled for February Metropoli tan will nsk the Indiana and Arkansas Insurance commissioners and those two courts now su rehabilitation of the University and Na tional Life companies to approve and arrange for transfer cf portfolio assets to Metropolitan for so- called global enhancement Latrcnta said the company hopes that this can be completed by May at which time Metropolitan will offer new policies with special Interest terms and op tions running through the original November 1987 rehabilitation date set by the Indiana and Arkansas courts In the meantime Metropolitan Is preparing let ter of explanation to be mailed to certain policy holders either late this month or very early In Janu ary Any objections or comments must be filed with the federal court In New York prior to the February                 hearing date Among the brokerage customers who will not get this Information arc those who bought the annuities through PaineWebber and Shearson- American Express In spite of the long negotia tions these two are still holding out for reasons which they will not explain Shearson American Express sold some mil lion worth of these annuities In Massachusetts and early In the negotiations had told the participant lawyers as soon as deal Is made we ll go along The deal has been In the works for more than Why the holdout PaineWebber Is another case From the outset of the Baldwin-United Imbroglio this brokerage house In Its only public statement has said In so many words that It has no responsibility to the Massachu setts clients to whom they sold some 13 million of the Baldwin-United annuities So much for com- that spends millions of dollars with tennis star Jimmy Connors as the publicity extolling Its Investment acumen Why do business with bro house which so cavalierly disowns Its account executives' Investment recommendations of yester year letter sent me by one Globe reader accurately sums PalncWebbcr's disinterest even arrogance The reader wrote to Donald Marron PalneWeb- bcr s chairman and chief executive officer inquiring                 about the firm s role In the then rehabilitation nego- 'j Here Is the full text of Matron's answer have forwarded your letter of Sept 11,1984, ta George Warner PalneWebber's vice president Com- Department He will investigate and respond to your complaint directly Sincerely Donald Mart ron As you might guess this PaineWebber client did id not hear from compliance man Warner It will take more than Jimmy Connors' TV advertising 'd that backup army of account executives behind O'Connor to win this client back The only hope for former PaineWebber and Shear- son American Express clients Is lawsuit pending in Massachusetts In which Attorney General Francis BellottI is seeking to have triple damages assessed under the consumer protection laws It really would be cheaper and more honorable for these two firms to join the class action si settlement pending In the New York federal court 7; Beatson Wallace answer Investors' ques- lions of general Interest in the Tuesday and Sun-' day Business Section Send questions Including name address and telephone number to Beatson' 11 Wallace The Boston Globe Boston Mass 02107.</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Wilkins (49) dunks Rockets</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Dec 22, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<Abstract>Dominique Wilkins scored a career-high 49 points, including a 3-point basket with eight seconds left, to give the Hawks a 123-122 victory over the Houston Rockets last night in Atlanta.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Wilkins 49 dunks Rockets                 From Wire Services                 Dominique Wilkins scored career-high 49 points including 3-point basket with eight seconds left to give the Hawks 123-122 victory over the Houston Rockets last night in Atlanta                 inc KocKcts who had over come 13- third-quarter defi cit took 122-120 when Akccm OInjuwon hit turnaround Jump er with 18 seconds left After hitting the winning bas ket Wllkins made steal on the other end to seal the game with three seconds left Lewis Lloyd and John Lucas led the that had the Rockets gain 99-99 tie on Lloyd's 3- play with 9:09 remaining nnd 115-111 lead on Lloyd's driving layup with Just over three minutes left Lloyd ted the Rockets with 34 16ln the final quarter and Lucas added 29 points Including five 3- baskets the most ever scored by-one player against the Hawks Willis finished with career- high 24 paints for the Hawks and Glenn Rivers added 16. Ralph Sampson hnd 27 points and game-high 15 rebounds while Olajuwon added 19. LAKERS 96, BULLETS 84 Knrecm Abdul-Jabbar scored 29 points to lead the Los Angeles Lakers to hard-fought 96-84 vie- tory over the Washington Bullets at the Capital Centre The victory was the Lakers first at Landovcr In four seasons nnd only Ihelr second in 1 1 visits over the past nine seasons The Lakers trailed through most of the first half following 10- spurt by Washington which gave the Bullets 14-10 lend midway through the opening period Washington led 25-21, at the quarter and 49-46 at the half Los Angeles which was held under 100 points for the first time In 63 games reclaimed the lead at the end of the third period when Magic Johnson hit 12-foot Jump er with three seconds left to give the Lakers 70-68 edge Washington got 27 points from guard Jeff Malonc and 18 from Cliff Robinson Rookie center Manutc Bol blocked total of eight' shots including three by Abdul Jabbar                 NETS 102, PACERS 98 Darryl Dawklns score nine of his team-high 19 points In the fourth quarter and his turn around Jumper with 18 seconds remaining put New Jersey ahead to stay as the Nets edged the host Indiana Pacers 102-98. The Pacers' attempt to tic the game for the 13th time failed when Vcrn Fleming missed Jumper from 15 feet and Mike Gmlnski grabbed the rebound He was fouled by Clint Richardson and hit pair of free throws with nine seconds remaining to secure the victory Steve Stlpanovich came off the bench to score game-high 25 points for Indiana getting layup with 40 seconds remaining to tie the game for the final time at 98-98. KN1CKS 112, PISTONS 110 Pat Cummlngs scored 22 points Including critical 10- foot turnaround Jumper with 1 1 seconds left and Trent Tucker added season-high 24 points as the Knlcks defeated the Detroit Pistons 1 12-1 10. In New York With seven seconds remaining on the 24- clock Cum connected to give the Knlcks 1 10-106 lead Tucker hit two free throws with five seconds left to clinch the victory Rory Sjiarrow added 18 points for the Knlcks and Patrick Ewing had 15 points and eight rebounds before fouling out with 4:13 left Bljl Lalmbccr scored season- high 29 for the Pistons while Islnh Thomas added 23 and John Long 20. Trailing by as many as 11 points three times in the first quarter the Knlcks came back to lead 85-79, after three quarters and took their biggest lead 93-83 1 on fast-break layup by Ernie Gninfeld with 8:32 left BUCKS 132, MAVERICKS 107 Craig Hodges scored seven of his 14 first-half points In 22-4 Milwaukee tear midway through the second period as the Bucks built 20-point fead and defeated the visiting Dallas Maver icks 132-107. Hodges' first-half points In cluded two 3-point Jumpers He finished with 18 points Terry Cummlngs led the Bucks with 25 'point s Including 15' In the first half                 Hawks 123-122 HOUSTON McCray 2-4 2-2 6. Campion 12.1S 34 27, Olakmon MS 34 19. Uoyd 14-23 S-S 34. local 10- 18 4-4 29, RaW 34 3, Petertan 0-0 2-2 2, Wkntni 1-2 0-0 2. 0-0 0-00. Tottll 47-81 22-27 122. ATLANTA 123 Lavtngilon 3-8 1-5 7, WUXVrt 19-32 13-10 49, W- Ut10-17 4-8 18. Wltlman 4-8 0-0 8. Koncak 1-80-0 2, Wlbb 4-8 1-2 9. Halting 0-2 2-2 1 2, Johnaon 2-3 0-0 4. Totiti 49-98 24-35 123. Houaton 4.29 21 34 30-122 Alltntt 33 34 24 30-121 Three-point goell- 8. Lloyd Wllllnt Fouled out-Nona ReDoundl-Houtton 44 Samp ion tS Allien 42(WlQlnt 1 1 1. AiUitt-- Houtien 22 Lueat 11). Allanta 29 Divert 10). Total -Hout Ion 24. Atlanta 24. Technical -- Stmpton Olajuwon Houtlon Coach Filch A-- 8,883. Lakers 96-84 LA LAKERS 91 Ramon 1-1 0-6 2. Worthy 4-11 04) 8. AbduklaO- bar 13-25 34 29, Johnton 7.11 1-2 18. Scott 8-1T 0-0 12, Coopar 1-3 1-1 3. Lueat 8-12 24 14. Qrean 1-8 0-0 2. Kupehtk 2-3 2-2 8. Sprlogi 2-3 1-2 8. To- all 43-94 1 0-15 98. WASHINGTON Robinton 8-19 24 18. Roundhald 4-8 0-0 8. Oo 3- 3 04) 4. John ton 0-14 04) 12. UaJoni 12-23 3 4 31, Grain 4-14 5-51 3. Wami 1-50-0 2, Jonat 0-0 0- 0 0. Bradley 0-1 0410. McMIOan CM 04) 0 Total 37. 87 10-13 84. LA Laktrt 21 2$ 24 21--11 Washington 25 34 19 11--84 Foulad Out-- Nona Raboundt-- LA Lakera 88 ASdul-Jtbbtr Jahntbn SI WtMncton 5 1 Rabin ion IS Ataitti-LA 28 Johnaon 13). WtiNngton 19 Johnaon 10). Total -LA LakareJ Wtthlnjhwns Tachnlcal- Wathlnglon 9- Nots 102-98 NEW JERSEY 102 Wliuami 3-12 8-7 12. King 8-12 6-8 19. Gmintkl 8. 12 2-2 18. Birdtong 2-7 04M. Richard ion 0-18 2-2 14. Oewklnt 8-11 3-3 19. Reemtey 8-9 34 13. Cook 0-304)0, Johnaon 1-51-2 3, O'Koren 2-3 041 4. Totals 40-90 22-28 102 INDIANA II TUdtle 7*12 44 18, Andarton 84 2-2 14. WlStamt 4-15 0-1 8, Flaming 3-13 04) 6. Slant bury 3-8 3-3 6. Stlpanovich 9-15 7-10 23, Richard ton 3-8 2-3 8, Gametl 1-2 2-2 4, Gucknar 34 0-0-8. Gray 0-1 0-0 0. Tolllt 39-84 20-25 98. Nan Jtrtay 21 21 25 18--103 Indiana --23 33 38 27-- tl Foulad oul-- Nona Raboundt-- New Jtrtay 52 RKhardton 9), Indiana 81 Tltdala 11). At- -- New Jeraey 24 Rlchtrdton 8. Indiana 23 fC Richard too 5). Tola Mult-- Haw Jartay 20. Indi ana 35. Technical Nan Jertay illegal defame 2. A-- 8, ICO Knlcks 112-110 DEMth24 44 8. Trlpueka 3-7 5-5 11. 12-17 6-829. Long 7-11 20, TTiomat 10-24 3-6 23. Cureton 3-9 2-8 8, Johnton 2-1 1 1-2 8. Benton 1-2 0- 0 2. Oumart 1-3 2-2 4. Campbell 1-20-0 2. Tolalt 4 1 90 26-38 110. NEW YORK 113 Cumnungi II 18 0-0 22. OrT 5-9 4-8 Ewing 17 1-2 16. Sparrow 9-14 04) 18. Walktr 1-2 0-0 3. OtnnUltf 34 2-8 Thomion 0-1 1-2 1. Tucker 10-15 34 24. Grunteld 2-2 04) 4, Wliklnt 2-5 04) 4. Tolalt 80-87 11-20112. Ottroll 34 16 29 31-110 New York --30 34 31 37-113 Three-point goal-- Tucker Fouled out-- Ewing Reboundt-Detroll 86 Lalmbeer 11). Hew York 49 Cummlngt 9|. Altltlt-Oelroll 29 Thom4l 12). Hew York 33 Sparrow 10). Total -Oetroll 21. Hew York 30. TnchMcala-Mahem 3 elected A-13 6SS Spurs 119-104 Friday night game IAN ANTONIO til 8. Johnton 5-10 8-7 18. Mitchell 8-18 3-3 19, On- more 8-10 8-13 18, Moore 4-8 4-7 12. Roberlton 16. 22 24 32. Greenwood 8-804) 10. 8 1-304) 2, 04) 0-0 0. Malthewt 3-6 8-6 1 2. Tolalt 48-78 28-39 119. LA CLIPPERS 104 Johnton 9-18 1-1 17, MtiweH 4-7 8-12 18. Nlmphkit 4-9 2-2 10. Brtdgemin 2-9 2-2 8. Ntton 3-7 0-08. Cage 3-70-08, Edwardt 8-1(9-9 19. Benjamin L2O02 WMIe 2-3 2-28, Gordon 6-13 44 16. Tolalt in Antonio 34 37 33--113 LA Cllppert 33 33 31 17--104 Three- -- Mtithewt Fouled out-- Bridge- man Raboundt-- Can Antonio 81 Greenwood lot Angeiet 48 Maxwell 10). Ataltlt-Sen Antonio 28 Mocre Robert ton 7). Lot Angeiet 24 Edwtfdt 8). Toltl -- 8an Antonio 26. Lot AngNet 30.' Technical-- Roberlton A-- 79a Pacers 114-102 Friday night game MILWAUKEE 102 Prettey4-11 34 11. Cummlngt 8-20 04 IS-Utllr 34 2-8 8. Moncrtel 8-17 9-9 21. Hodget 4-9 2-2 12. Breuer 3-7 1-1 7. FMdt 2-8 0-1 4, Lamp 0-1 0-0 0. Pierce 8-13 3-3 19. Mokatkl 2-3 0-2 4. 40-90 20-32 102. INDIANA 114 Rrchardton 3-10 7-0 13. Tltdala 0-18 34 21. WK- 7-18 2-3 16. Fleming 7-00-11 23. Clantbur 14 0-0 2, AnOerton 8-18 34 15, SllpanovkJi 8-9 0-7 16, Girnell 1-1 04) 2. Gray 1-1 04) 2. Gutkner 24 04) McCIlM 0-0 0-0 Toltlt 42-84 30-38 114. Milwaukee -- --30 38 38 18--103 Indiana 29 31 30 34--114 Three- point -- Hodget 2. Fouled out-- Nona Rebounda-- Milwaukee 84 Utter 91. Indiana 88 71a dale 11). Auliti-- Milwaukee 21 Hod get 6). Indiana 28 Nudton Tolal -UllwjukeeJnflP                 New Jereey's Albert King tries to cope with the interference of Pacers' Quinn Buckner un                 irom ana Hon Anderson blocking the forward path -'                 UPI PHOTO</FullText>

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	<RecordTitle>Mother held in Pawtucket baby's death</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>May 11, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Steve Marantz Globe Staff</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>The mother of Jerri Ann Richard, the 4-month-old infant bludgeoned to death in Pawtucket, R.I., last November, was arrested yesterday in Bloomington, Ind., and charged with her daughter's murder.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Mother held in Pawtucket baby s death                 Donna Richard arrested in Indiana                 By Steve Marantz Globe Staff                 The mother of Jerri Ann Richard the 4-month-old infant bludgeoned to death in Pawtucket last November was arrested yesterday in Bloomington Ind and charged with her daughter s murder                 Donna Richard 33, offered no resistance to Indiana State Police and FBI agents as she was arrest ed In the late afternoon at her fa ther s home on State Road 466, 2 miles southeast of Bloomlngton police said Richard was shocked and upset police said                 State Police who had Richard under surveillance beginning yes terday morning acted on war rant obtained at 4 by the Pawtucket Police Department said Cpl Nils KJellln No Information on evidence leading to her arrest was avail able police said Richard who was held without ball In Monroe County Ind Jail Is scheduled to undergo an extra dition hearing in Monroe County Superior Court on Monday morn ing police said woman who answered the telephone at the home of Rich ard s father Harry Moore said We have no comment Jerri Ann disappeared from her crib in her parents' Pawtucket apartment Nov 11. 1984. In what was an apparent kidnaping Four days later after an Intensive hunt Involving hundreds of law en forcement officers the Infant's beaten and raped body was found in dead-end alley about block from the apartment An autopsy showed she died of massive head Injuries Inflicted by blunt In strument No rape charges were Included In the warrant for Richard au thorities said Between the time of Jerri Ann's disappearance and the dis                 covery of her body Donna Rich ard and her husband Ralph Richard appealed to the public for help In locating their daughter RICHARD Page 13                 Donna Richard is booked at Monroe County Jail in Bloom                 yesterday                 AP PHOTO                 Donna Richard charged with murder                 RICHARD Cmillnued from Page 1 Ralph Richard surrendered lo Boulder Colo officials May 3 on kidnaping ami extortion charges stemming from an unre lated 1983 drug deal and was re leased the same day on 23 000 ball He was given permission to return to Providence on the condi tion he return to Boulder to face lay 22 arraignment police said Ralph Richard's whereabouts were unknown yesterday police said One source he Investigation said yesterday that police plan to subpoena Jerri Ann's father to appear before grand Jury sitting In Rhode Island in an effort lo gel more Informa tion on the murder of Jerri Ann massive investigation by law enforcement authorities led Paw tucket Police lo announce at an April II news conference that they knew who had killed Jerri Ann and had motive for her slaying Police did nol name the                 c bill said they were await ing the results of FBI tests on Hems found Jn he alley with the Infant's body as well as clothing shoes and Ix'ddlng taken Irom the parents' apartment-                 Pawtucket police said In De cember that both parents had un polygraph examinations and that both were believed to have withheld Information Pawtucket police also said that Ralph Richard's admitted Involve ment tn botched 100 000 drug deal may have led to revenge slaying of Jerri Ann They police arc just grasping at straws said Donna Richard at the time She told reporters she be lieved her daughter was murdered hy random assailant who did not know the family The Richards lived hi second- floor apartment on Main Street In an Industrial section of Pawtuck et Ralph Richard operated on auto restoration shop on the first floor Donna Richard had been living In Bloomlugion since Jerri Ann was burled there last Nov 24. au thor ties said She was raised In Blnoutlnglon and lived in Indian apolis for six years before moving lo Pawtucket In early 1984. 1                 JERRI ANN RICffARD Disappeared Nov 11. 19S4'</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Baker unveils plan to ease debt crisis</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Oct 8, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Tom Ashbrook Globe Staff</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>SEOUL--Fresh private bank lending, an enhanced role for the World Bank and a prescription for continued economic reform in Third World debtor nations formed the core of a plan for handling the world debt crisis unveiled yesterday by Treasury...</Abstract>
	<FullText>Baker unveils plan to ease debt crisis                 If the latest US plan to case the Third World debt problem fulls It mean substantial losses for US banks and increase the chances of worldwide reces sion Story Pape 47.                 By Tom Ashbrook Globe Staff                 SEOUL--Fresh private bank lending an enhanced role for the World Bank and prescription for continued economic reform in Third World debtor nations formed the core of plan for handling the world debt crisis unveiled yesterday by Treasury                 retary James Baker 3d With 9.000 International bankers and finance officials gathered In Seoul for ihr annual Joint meeting of the Wmlil Bank and International Monetary Fund Baker outlined what lie culled tin- concept of program for sus tained growth 't he IJS initiative is pri marily at Latin Anu-rau the flow of commercial bank loans has slowed to sua pace as world bankers have de clining confidence in the ability ol debt-strapped nations to repay their loans IMF Page 15                 Baker unveils plan to ease debt crisis                 IMF Continued from Page 1 At press conference yester day Baker described program that would seek to encourage 20 billion In fresh lending by com mercial banks over the next three years and raise disbursements by the World Bank and others to principal debtors by about bil lion over the same period Wooing the loans said Baker would require continued major economic reforms by debtor coun tries which have complained re cently that they can no longer bear the austerity measures that such changes often Imply If we are going to solve this problem everybody Is going to have to make some contribution said Baker describing the plan as an Initial proposal with many details still unconfirmed Objections from other rich and poor nations said Baker have forced him to scrap second more                 Innovative proposal he had brought to Seoul that would have combined IMF and World Bank ef forts behind billion fund for Africa and the poorest nations Commercial bank lending to developing countries plummeted last year to 17 billion from 48 billion In 1983. Latin American countries have begun to complain that without fresh flow of funds they' arc left with only painful austerity pro grams no hope of economic growth and Intolerable political strains Dllson Domlngos Funaro fi nance minister of Brazil the world s largest debtor said Ba ker s initiative was welcome but that It might be coming too late to help some countries Baker stressed that successful Implementation of the program would depend on strong efforts by debtor countries to control Infla tion balance their trade and pro                 mote efficient market oriented policies There are certain things that have to be done in the fiscal and monetary area that are going to be painful We can t get around that he said The World Bank said Baker could play an enhanced role In guiding and funding such long- term economic adjustments and entering arrange                 ments to attract loans signifi cantly broadening its current shorter term project- de velopment policies The United States he said would not now support funding1 for the World Bank but would look favorably on general cap ital Increase for the bank if the Initiative takes hold The United States Is the largest financial sup porter of the 149-member World Bank which collects funds from Industrial nations and lends them on easy terms to poor countries                 Aid and lending support to debtor nations said Baker would continue to be negotiated on case-by-case basis dependent on the success of Individual na tions In Implementing desired re forms First and foremost we must see the proper economic policies                 so that there is some hope of repayment he said Questioned on the willingness of commercial banks to pump more money Into countries where many already feel dangerously overexposed Baker Indicated that circumstances may leave the banks with little choice but lo go on lending They have quite bit at risk right now he said program raising realistic chances of even tual repayment he said might en                 courage private lenders to bank little bit more New lending asked of US banks said Baker might require changes In current US banking regulations Quite bit needs to be done to flesh out the details and modali ties of exactly how It would work he said or the new program Formal presentation of the JUS Initiative will come later when Baker addresses the plenary session of the annual meeting</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>In Woburn, The Coach says goodbye</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Nov 28, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Jeff Horrigan Contributing Reporter</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>The office is a football shrine. Newspaper clippings and photographs cover the brick walls like tattered wallpaper.</Abstract>
	<FullText>In Woburn The Coach says goodbye                 By Jeff Horrigan Contributing Reporter                 The office is football shrine Newspaper clippings and photographs cover the brick walls like tattered wallpaper                 There are articles and pictures of the greatest Woburn victories There arc pictures of The Couch Peter' Sullivan with his successful teams and with the rare unsuccessful teams dis played with the same prominence 1975 football program In mint condition lies on the desk atop 1984 program There has obvious ly been some reminiscing going on here Mimeographed or hand-made signs displaying proverbs or epi grams are all over the office You've got to learn how to fall be fore you learn lo fly To know you re the Ixat you can be He Who trims himself to suit every body will soon whittle himself away' Pride spirit love togeth the Invisible factors of greatness                 The sayings reflect The Coach's philosophy one Hint has made him one or the most success ful and respected coaches In the slate Now after 23 years as head coach Sullivan has decided to call It quits This morning at Win chester he will coach his final game for Woburn haven't been away from football either as player or coach for 33 years he explained SULLIVAN Page 24                 'I've always tried my hardest to make the fourth kid on the depth chart feel just as Important as the first stringer It cre ates an Infectious winning attitude Coach Peter Sullivan                 Veternn Woburn High School football coach Peter Sulllvnu reacts above to call by the offi cials during his team s recent game Belmont High School At left Sullivan hides his face us opposition scores                 GLOBE STAFF PHOTOS BY KEITH JENKINS                 In Woburn The Coach says goodbye                 SULLIVAN Continued from Page 1 new some lime lint tills might not be perma nent retirement Like Swamps-  s Sinn Bondclcvltch who re tired In 1975 after 23 years of coaching only to return to the sidelines two months later when he deckled that he missed the game too much Sullivan may someday return to call the plays from the sidelines never say never responded Sullivan to the possibility of re turning to coach in the future It's not coaching burnout 1 love football but right at this point 1 have to step aside I'll take my time off and see If the addiction Is still there might go out and play golf and never coach again Sullivan who will remain at Woburn teaching health educa tion nnd the dangers of substance abuse has several reasons for his departure I'm workaholic don't know how to do but compete coaching has consumed                 my life said the youthful-looking 46-year-old. only saw my son Mark play twice at Marlborough and only saw my daughter Mar- go as cheerleader once Mark 1985 University of Massachusetts graduate nnd for mer Central Massachusetts all- scholastic football player walked away from high-paying business job and became an assistant foot ball coach nt St Bcrnnrd's in le must seen some posi tive things In me Joked Sullivan guess football Is In the blood Was quarterback Sullivan started Ills football ca reer In 1952 as quarterback for Medford under the tutelage of John Dcllasola who like Vincc Ixmibnrdl was one of the Seven Blocks of Grnnltc nl University In the 30s. lie moved on to Worcester Academy where he was Prep School All-American There SullI vnn wns spotted by former Boston College great Charlie O'Rourkc then the head conch at UMnss                 The coaching turnstiles In Am herst were constantly moving In Sullivan's four years nl the school lie had three different hend coaches O'Rourkc left year later and was replaced by Chuck Stud- ley now the offensive coordinator of Ihe Miami Dolphins who wns later replaced by Vic Fusla Sullivan spent most or his col days riding the pine never reaching starter status le thinks this helped him In the long run knew from the minute went there that wanted to be coach Sullivan said had three great minds rub off on me Maybe that s why backup quarterbacks make good coaches Ills role as backup also Influ enced his attitude toward his play ers I've always tried my hardest to make the fourth kid on the depth feel just as Important as the first stringer II creates an Infectious winning attitude The fundamentals Upon graduation In 1962, lie landed physical education teaching position at Chelmsford where he became an assistant un der lie famed Tommy Eck When take look at it In 1985 I'm doing things fundamen tally the same way he me Sullivan Four years later at age 26. Sul livan secured Ills first head coach ing position King Philip in Wrenthnm was Impressed with Ills hus tle enthusiasm nnd thoughts on the game said former King 7*fl/ip athletic director Mike Coscntlno the man who hired Sullivan Our program was sort of stagnating for while but he set us moving In the right direction we re ccr- thankful for that Coscntlno described Sullivan's coaching methods the same way all who have dealt with him do lie s very charismatic He could hustle the kids get them psyched Into believing they could play Coaching Is 85 percent psychology and Peter was very good at that lie was one of the besl orga nized football coaches we ve ever had here lie got us moving sort of put us on the map In 1968. Sullivan was named head coach at Wayland and he maintained tic football dynasty there He guided Wayland In four straight Dual County League championships Including an un defeated Division 3 championship 111 1971. He had 38-7 career                 mark at Wayland Timing Is everything was very lucky to get that Job said Sullivan Took over in 1973 He came along nt the right time once again In 1973. when he took over the coaching Job at Woburn Once again Sullivan look program lu dire straits and turned It around le has produced two Super Bowl champion teams and five Middlesex league win ners lot of people thought wns crazy lo leave Wayland and come here the bottom of the barrel he said with satisfied gleam In Ills eye But I've had blessed career here I've had undefeated teams not many guys are blessed with Hint But that s be cause I've had great players and great assistant coaches Three of Ids assistants went on to become head coaches in the area Oliver Ames coach Jim Mitchell Hob DcSniilntcrs now nt Middleborough and former Fo v- conch John Morcttl Sullivan hopes that one of tils current assistants will take over the reigns nt Woburn next year At approximately this after noon Peter Sullivan's career high school football coach will end he with victory over fn- Winchester It's going to be very emo tional day for mc Sullivan ad mitted might bc on edge Inside hul not in front of the kids I'd really like for this class to exper ience big Thanksgiving victory It would set the tone for my suc cessor It's big carryover factor lo next year After suffering miserable beat ings nt he hand of Winchester the last two years Woburn will have several factors In motivate It the embarrassment factor from those Hie last game for the sen ior members of the team the hit ler rivalry and the final game of Its head coach We want this one real had said Drew Bulestrlcrl We waul lo send coach Sullivan out winner Regardless of the outcome there are few who will disagree that Peter Sullivan is the epitome of winner I've always admired people who could slop aside nt the top of their profession Sulllvnn reflect ed nnd feel that can do It                 Woburn High School football conch Peter Sullivan adjusts Drew                 s uniform                 GLOBE STAFF PHOTO BY KEITH JENKINS</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>US dollar hits pay dirt at Harrods</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jan 5, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<PersonName>Michael Getler</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Michael Getler</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>LONDON--With fists full of cashmere sweaters, bags full of Scottish salmon and wallets full of dollars. Americans in unprecedented numbers took advantage of Britain's crumbling currency yesterday and headed for the cashier counters at Harrods as...</Abstract>
	<FullText>US dollar hits pay dirt at Harrods                 By Michael Getler Washington Post                 LONDON--With fists full of cashmere sweaters bags full of Scottish salmon and wallets full of dollars Americans in unprecedented numbers took advantage of Britain's crumbling currency yesterday and headed for the cashier counters at Harrods as                 this city s most famous and fash department store Ixgan its annual New Year's sale An estimated 300.000 ple                 will pass through the store In the first two days of the three-week sale And while the opening day throng was overwhelmingly Brit ish the twang of New York Dal las CbarJrslon and Los Angeles not to mention Tokyo was un mistakable wherever the groping for goodies was most serious it s great sale We got cash mere sweaters real good brands that go tor 225 to 250 in the slates that cost IM founds 11 he equivalent of 731 here said Et tale tli ot Charleston And the service people ol the IN THIS Page Hi                 Male shopper tries to get into the act as women check dinnerware that went on sale yesterday                 at London's famed Harrods store                 AP PHOTO                 Strong US dollar hits pay dirt at Harrods sale in London                 IN THIS CORNER Continued from Page 1 store are the nicest I've seen anywhere evert nicer than tn the South she added shepherding her hus band and three children to the next counter Jeffrey Ressler New York attorney said he paid 160 pounds 185 for Bur berry raincoat elsewhere Jn London that would cost 400 to 500 In New York and get the tax back at the airport So you can fly here and buy raincoat for the price of the coat In New York That In fact Is what Harrods is hoping lot of Americans are doing The store ad for the first time last month In The New York Times hoping to make virtue and some money out of Britain's plunging pound We got cashmere sweaters to take home In this bag and lox to cat In the hotel In that bag said another New Yorker with big smile He declined to give his name because he didn't want his friends to know he brought food back to the hotel Do they sell bagels here too he asked The Harrods sale has become tradi tion Like homing pigeons huge crowds flock each year to this store whose sale prices can frequently be beaten elsewhere In the city but whose glamour glitter and distinctive gold and green shopping bags seem to mean bit of the good life to lot of people who ordinarily don't shop there This year however there Is difference the booming dollar and the sinking pound sterling Now valued at 15 Britain's once proud currency Is worth half of what It                 was In I960 and the nosedive toward 1- pound exchange rate something that seemed impossible year ago continues The pound Is worth 25 percent less than It was last January The combination of sale prices and the good exchange rate has meant that 25 per cent of the store s business this past year has been with American tourists store offi cials said Last January Harrods took in some 28 million pounds In the three weeks of the sale and this year Alex Craddock chair man of Harrods estimates the take will ex ceed 30 million pounds The only estimate on the number of Americans who will pass through the store however Js determined by the number who turn in applications at the airport to get their 13 percent value- added tax refund according to store offi cials Interviews with dozen or so Americans shopping here yesterday produced uniform praise for the service and for the civility of both service help and most shoppers In handling what In fact Is stampede of tens of thousands of shoppers through the store s 1 1 doors It's not the madhouse expected said Jim Gallahcr of North Carolina Every one s real helpful and very well mannered Lillian Turner New York-based TWA em ployee said she took flight here Just for the sale and while Harrods Is as busy as Jammed New York stores you don't mind the crowds here few bargain-hunting Britons camped outside the store Thursday night and by opening time some 3000 were lined up out side</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Davis Square rebounds, finds future brighter</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Feb 11, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Chris Cninlund Globe Staff</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Gone are the old freight car tracks that for decades sliced through Somerville's Davis Square, Gone, too, the station house and diner, the shabby storefront with broken windows and sagging clapboards that once stood in the heart of the square.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Davis Square rebounds finds future brighter                 By Chris Cninlund Globe Staff                 Gone are the old freight car tracks that for decades sliced through Somerville's Davis Square Gone too the station house and diner the shabby storefront with broken windows and sagging clapboards that once stood in the heart of the square                 AH have been replaced with urban amenities worthy of Boston's Qulncy Market There's red brick plaza with benches trees and stat- ues of 10 neighborhood residents There are storefronts with tasteful signs and spanking new MBTA station These are big changes for the neighborhood that rings Davis Square's spruced up central plaza and evidence that 20 years of decline has ended In this part of West Somcrville city-Initiated renaissance that began live years ago has sent Davis 'Square In its 1950s heyday one of the busiest commercial centers northwest of Boston on its way up again There was no way It could go but up said Thomas Cheevcr 88, retired steelworker who has watched the changes from his home oi the edge of the square don't think It will come back overnight but think the square will come back Cheever was there In the early 1970s when Da vis Square bottomed out He watched as Ihc peo ple who once flocked there switched loyalties to suburban shopping malls He was there when suspicious fires gutted old buildings and major stores such as Stop Shop fled He watched as In 1972, the city began negotiating with the state to Include Davis Square station on the planned extension of the Red Line from Harvard to Alewlfe That was the first Ingredient In revival recipe designed to lure shoppers back After stale officials agreed In 1976, Cheever watched as the square was dug up during years of construction that disrupted the precious Utile business that survived Between I960 and 1980, city planners say sales dropped 50 percent But that Is past Said Cheever Now people are In- DAVIS Page 8                 'There was no way it could go but up think the square will come back Thomas Cheever                 Davis Square looks to brighter future                 DAVIS Continued from Page 1 vest ing In Davis Square and they ar beginning to see future In It Prices go up Visions of the future are push ing up real estate values around Davis Square densely populated area quarter of mile from the Cambridge line and half mile from Tufts University In the last months real estate agent Dan Collins estimates the value of Da- vis Square property has gone up 40 percent compared to 30 per cent for the city as whole Even some of the modest old two- and three-story homes that ring the heart of the square are selling for more than 100 000 report some long-time residents In amaze ment In dollar terms the public and private investment made so far is substantial More than million In state and federal money has been used to upgrade the area around the MBTA station and 29 million was put into the sta tion Itself Another 13 million In private Investment has been com mitted Including million for construction not yet begun of an office-retail complex next to the station The has sought hew hinds of stores mid-priced clothing books and food to mix with the convenience stores offices Infor mal restaurants and specialty out lets that now make up the square Much of the blueprint for was contained In 1981 action plan drafted by the city which detailed everything from new streetlamps to new buildings Its every proposal Is now complete or under way                 If you saw the square In 1982, and see It now you sec complete ly different square says a' proud Mayor Eugene Brune But Brune acknowledges that making the square economically robust takes more than making it look nice The opening of the Red Line on Dec 8 did not provide businesses with an Immediate windfall expect substantial in creases but not overnight said the mayor It will come in time Merchants share his hopes al though some doubt Chamber of Commerce estimates that the Red Line will boost business 25 per cent the first year But the goal of Davis Square development was never solely 'money-making Equally impor tant said members of citizen ad visory task force is preserving the                 character of the neighborhood avoiding the kind of upscale gen- that has forced out resi dents of other redeveloped neighborhoods Said city planning director Thomas Pelham There was strong statement by the neighborhood that we want not redevelopment According to Pelham 85 per cent of the homes around the square are owner-occupied which makes for one hedge against newly razed but prime piece of land at the edge of the square has been set aside for 54 housing units for the elderly Construction will begin this spring To further discourage speculation said Pelham four- story limit on was Im posed for the entire area Controversial plan                 The has not been without controversy There was considerable sentiment against plans to level the commercial and residential buildings on what Is called the Bucna vista and construct an office-retail complex and 240-car parking garage The city took 1 1 properties by eminent domain The lot Is now vacant awaiting privately financed con struction There have been setbacks One came Just few weeks ago when the square s biggest clothing store Almy's filled Its front win dows with -out-of-business sale signs The closing of that store and five others was an nounced earlier this month when                 the Almy chain was bought out by Stop Shop When one of the prime tenants the biggest space- wise goes out of business It's got to be discouraging said Marty Goerg president of the Davis Sauarc Business Assn It really                 was tremendous blow more psy- than financial But Goerg and others hope to turn the loss to the square s ad vantage Already there Is talk of filling the Almy's building with store more In tune with the times possibly persuading Tufts to open store similar to the Harvard Coop Lee Auspltz of the citizen task force Is pleased with the way work has gone and while there are still Important decisions to be made said he hopes the finished product will be good one The grounds for optimism is not just that This Is good neighbor hood but one that everyone s'' watching he said                 GLOBE MAP                 view from on high of Somervllle's bavis Square with Its 10 life-sized statues of neighborhood resi                 dents scattered over the snow-covered plaza                 GLOBE STAFF PHOTO BY JOE DENNEHY</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Primordial soup--or was it clay?</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Apr 3, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>David L Chandler Globe Staff</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>The scientific picture of how life on earth began may be changed drastically by experimental evidence announced yesterday advancing a theory that clay was crucial to the origin of life.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Primordial soup--or was it clay                 By David Chandler Globe Staff                 The scientific picture of how life on earth began may be changed drastically by experimental evidence announced yesterday advancing theory that clay was crucial to the origin of life                 The report released by scien tists at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Ames Research Center in Cali fornia backs theory that cer                 tain clay formations may have exhibited some lifelike processes even before living organisms ap peared on earth In particular the new re search done by team directed by chemist Leila Coyne has demonstrated that ordinary clay can store energy transfer that energy from one region to an other nnd release It in different form Such and transfer of energy Is considered one of the essential processes of life                 The researchers found for example that energy from waves splashing against clay was stored within the clay and later released from lis surface as ultraviolet light Previous experiments have suggested that crystal-like pat terns in clay can also undergo rudimentary form of growth and self-replication two other fun damental life processes This suggests according to Hie re- CLAY Page 1 1                 Pritrwrdicd soup or was it clay                 CLAY Continued from Page 1 searchers that clay may have formed kind of pro- a' molecular pattern that helped bring about the appear- ance of the first living j- The new theory first proposed by chemist Graham Cairns-Smith of the University of Glasgow con- with the general view that life began by the random nation of molecules in dial soup such as shallow pond on the early earth That the ory has encountered some prob lems recently including evidence that some of the necessary cal components methane arid am monia In the air may not have ex isted in sufficient quantity in earth s primitive atmosphere Also some scientists Including Nobel Prize-winning biologist Francis Crick and British ogist Fred Hoyle have claimed that the likelihood of arriving at the Incredible complexity of even the simplest organism Just through random motions of chemicals in water Is so unlikely that It cannot account for life s origin The clay theory would answer this objection according to Cairns-Smith's theory because the clay surface could act as kind of template helping the mol Jlne up in an orderly way to form the chemical precursors of life Thus some of the basic pat terns in the molecules that make up living organisms may have been Inherited from nonliving mineral structures in the clay Calms-Smith said yesterday that this would provide an expla nation for how life which is chemically complex even in its earliest forms arose from simple chemical structures You have to have low-tech organisms before you can have high-tech organ- ism he said 'r Earlier experiments at Ames and elsewhere have also shown thai clay can concentrate certain chemicals from the surrounding air and water and can act as to help certain chemical 1 reactions take place For example the formation of amino acids some of' the basic building blocks of known life happens much 1 more rapidly on clay surface than in water 1 None of the evidence gathered proves that clays were involved in the origin of life the researchers say But it does demonstrate that clays are capable of carrying out number of lifelike processes and 1 that role for clay in the forma tion of life is at least possible Cairns-Smith points out that organic molecules the basic structures of life Interact strong ly with clays and vlcc-versa so it would not be surprising If this strong Interaction played part in life s origins He says when the earth first formed whatever organic molecules were present were almost certainly sitting on clay or other mineral surfaces so even if this particular theory' isn't right something like it Is probably right</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Ortega visits Moscow seeking $200m in aid</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Apr 29, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<PersonName>Alison Smale</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Alison Smale</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>MOSCOW--President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua arrived yesterday in the Soviet Union, where he is expected to seek $200 million in economic assistance to supplement Soviet military aid.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Ortega visits Moscow seeking 200m in aid                 By Alison Smale Associated Press                 MOSCOW--President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua arrived yesterday in the Soviet Union where he is expected to seek 200 million in economic assistance to supplement Soviet military aid                 Moscow Is the key stop In nine-nation tour by Ortega of communist nations The trip comes at time of de bate In the United States about US policy toward Nicaragua The Soviet news agency Tass s- this weekend that the Reagan Administration may be preparing mi economic blockade of Nicara gua after Congress rejected Us re quest for 14 in aid to the rebels foes of the Sandlntstu government US officials have said the Sovi ets have provided Nicaragua with millions of dollars' worth of mili tary aid Oil Industry and diplo                 matic sources In Central America' have said the Soviets supply much of Nicaragua's oil But reports Indicate that the'-- Kremlin has provided little hard cash to help solve Nicaragua's eco- problems which Include 250 percent annual Inflation rate shrinking production and short- ages of food and consumer goods government source in Mana gua the Ntcaraguan capital has said Ortega plans to ask Moscow for 200 million in emergency rash Hi buy food and other essen- Hal Items The source on condition he not be Idcntilu-d The Soviet news media rt-pml- ed only that Ortega was welcomed by Allycv  r of he Politburo and first prime mm Observing standard protocol 1 Prnvdn the Communist Party ORTEGA Page 20                 Ortega visits Moscow seeking 8200m in aid                 ORTEGA Continued from Page 1 newspaper published photo graph and brief biography of Orte ga The Cuban news agency Prensa Latinn said Ortega met President Fidel Castro of Cuba during Friday stopover In Ha vana The agency said late Satur day that Ortega and Castro con demned US policy In Central America but the dispatch no mention of aid Ortega left Managua on Friday with 30 other Nlcaraguan offi cials The Soviets have never said they provide military aid to Nica                 but periodically have an nounced technical assistance The Soviets granted Managua 50 mil lion In easy credit in 1981 to buy Soviet agricultural machinery and chemicals The government source in Managua said Ortega will be gone for 15 days Tass said his Itiner ary Includes stops In Cuba Yugos lavia and all six Soviet allies In Eastern Europe East Germany Bulgaria Czechoslovakia Hunga ry Romania and Poland Ortega's visit to Moscow was announced last week after the US House of Representatives rejected Reagan's request for aid to the contras Sen Bob Dole R-Kan                 the Senate majority leader 9aid Saturday that Ortega's visit to Moscow Indicates Congress made major misjudgment Prior to last week s congres sional vote Reagan called for cease-fire and peace negotiations between Nicaragua's government and the contras While the cease-fire offer was pending Reagan said the 14 mil lion aid to the contras would be re stricted to purposes The United States cut off all aid to Nicaragua In January 1981 be cause of Its tics to Cuba and the Soviet Union It subsequently has blocked Nicaragua's applications for loans and credits from Interna tional banking organizations                 Rebels said to get SAMs Associated Press MANAGUA Nicaragua Dc- fense Mfnlster Humberfo Ortega yesterday said the United States is providing anti-Sandinista rebels with surface-to-air missiles He said the Soviet-designed SAM7 missiles which arc shoul der-fired were acquired by the US Central Intelligence Agency and given to the rebels The Reagan Administration will be responsible for any situa tion that might come out of the possession of this type of weapons in the hands of Irregular forces said Ortega brother of President Daniel Ortega</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>State to widen 15 miles of 128</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>May 16, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Chris Chinlund Globe Staff</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>State officials said yesterday they have launched plans to add two lanes to a clogged section of Rte. 128, a suburban highway that officials said could soon rival the city's Central Artery and the Southeast Expressway in traffic congestion if nothing is done.</Abstract>
	<FullText>State to widen 15 miles of 128                 Needham-Randolph' bottleneck targeted                 By Chris Chinlund Globe Staff                 State officials said yesterday they have launched plans to add two lanes to clogged section of Rte 128, suburban highway that officials said could soon rival the city s Central Artery and the Southeast Expressway in traffic congestion if nothing is done                 Relief for the 120,000 people who drive dally on Rte 128 be tween Necdham and Randolph may come as soon as next month when the- Federal Highway Ad ministration is expected to ap prove -ln the breakdown lane That would provide much- needed fourth lane In each direc tion of the highway where rush- hour travelers how suffer 20-min- ute delays in bumper-to-bumper traffic Except for that section Rte 128 already has four lanes In each direction from Rte 93 south to Rte 3. Use of the breakdown lane will relieve congestion while the state constructs two lanes one north one south In the median strip An environmental analysis Is un der way on the estimated 50 mil lion project 90 percent of which will be patd for with federal dol lars Barring unexpected environ mental problems construction would begin as soon as design work Is complete according to state transportation officials and the lanes could be completed with in about five years The Rte 12 segment targeted for new lanes Is about 15 miles long starting at the intersection of Rte 9 and stretching south to where Rte 24 branches off In Randolph Developers municipal officials and business representatives heard about the expansion from state officials at day-long confer ence In Burlington yesterday on the future of Rte 128. The confer ence was sponsored by several state and private transportation and planning organizations ROUTE 128. Page 18                 State plans to widen 15 miles of 128 to ease Needham-Randolph squeeze                 ROUTE 128 Continued from Page 1 With the news came mes sage that construction will not solve the traffic problems on Rtc 1 28. There must also be new em phasis on mass transit van pool ing and staggered shifts at major In the area The only way that Rte 128 will be able to accommodate the continued growth which Is the centerpiece of our economy Is through cooperative effort by state and local officials area busi ness and commuters said stale Transportation Secretary Freder ick Salvuccl In announcing new state study of Rte 128 con gestion Along with adding lanes Salvuccl said the state s plans In clude Improvement to many Inter changes along the highway and renewed emphasis on reducing the number of cars that use It dal ly- No official approval yet Michael Meyer director of the state Bureau of Transportation Planning and Development said that although the federal govern ment has not yet given official ap proval for the use of the break down lanes he has been told In formally that It will be permitted Salvuccl too said that federal offi                 cials have looked at It generally favorably and we are expected to get permission within one month Details on funding for con struction were sketchy yesterday but Deputy Transportation Secre tary Allan McKlnnon was confi dent funds will be available Said McKlnnon don't know where the money Is In the pipeline but there Is little question that when we are ready to build the money will be there Forbodlng statistics were deliv ered by Salvuccl and McKlnnon Among them At current development rates 20.000 Jobs are expected to be added along the Rtc 128 corri dor by the end of next year Over the the 1980s. 150.000 Jobs will have been added In the 28 commu nities along 128. That translates Into as many as 90,000 new cars on the highway according to planners' best estimates Said McKlnnon Obviously the good news Is our people will be working the bad news Is that Rtc 128 may not be Already one stretch of Rte 128 has as much traffic as the Southeast Expressway The state plans to Invest more than 200 billion on Im provements to Rte 128 and Its ac cess roads in the next five years but the investment is not expected to compensate for increased traf-                 Itc Recent traffic counts suggest that If the economy remains strong and the expected business expansion occurs the traffic counts In some sections of Rtc 128 will rival the traffic counts on the Central Artery and actually surpass those of the Southeast Ex said McKlnnon Over two decades we will have added 300,000 Jobs on that corri dor with basically the same road we had 20 years ago Word of the expansion of the three-lane portion of Rte 128 be                 tween Ncedham and Randolph lagged by officials as one of the three worst of Rte 128 pleased conference participants although the Improvements were viewed as only one small part of the overall plan to avoid what one called the potential for gridlock on the highway McKlnnon also said that the state has requested use of the breakdown lane on Rte 3 between Weymouth and Han                 over It certainly is good news it will help out significantly said William Kimball or Spauldlng Slyc Investment builders brokers and managers He represented Rte 128 businesses some of which have commissioned their own traffic studies on Rte 128. According to Meyer the widen ing of the southern stretch of Rtc 128 Is expected to alleviate about 90 percent of the congestion that slows rush hour traffic There may still be some problems at the Interchanges he said                 GLOBE MAP</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Palestinian issue stalls peace effort</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>May 16, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Curtis Wilkie Globe Staff</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>JERUSALEM--The American mission to revive the Mideast peace process appears to have been run aground by a failure to come up with an acceptable Palestinian delegation.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Palestinian issue stalls peace effort                 By Curtis Wilkie Globe Staff                 JERUSALEM--The American mission to revive the Mideast peace process appears to have been run                 aground by failure to come                 up with an acceptable Palestinian delegation                 Despite the assertion by Secre tary of State George Shultz after he completed his trip to Israel Jor dan and Egypt this week that he felt there was genuine sense of movement In the region negoti ations are still being blocked The Palestine Liberation Organization insists on participating in any talks involving Palestinian Inter ests aDd Israel refuses to have any contact with the PLO The Americans hoped the stalemate might be broken by drawing members of Joint Jorda nian-Palestinian delegation from the Palestine National Council or PNC which has links to the PLO but formally serves as the -ln- for the Palestinian people                 The United States also has policy that prohibits any talks with the PLO but as one Ameri can diplomat here said Our posi tion is that there are people in the PNC whom we have been talking to for years Some members of the PNC are prominent academi cians who live In the Untied States others are routinely grant ed travel visas to the Untied Slates They are not officially con sidered members of the PLO The PNC option the diplomat said Is where we get into differ ences with Israel Israel's foreign minister Yitz hak Shamir who shares power with Prime Minister Shimon Peres In the government of national uni ty has ruled out any discus sions with members of the PNC Peres ts more equivocal and other ministers In his Labor Alignment say there was tacit agreement made by the old Likud government at the time of the Camp David talks that Israel would not inspect too closely the credentials of prospective Palcs- M1 Page 9                 Dispute on Palestinian delegates stalls effort to revive peace talks                 MIDEAST Continued from Page 1 delegates to enter discus sions But the Israeli Cabinet went on record this week as opposing any negotiations with persons com mitted to the Palestinian cov The PNC has long embraced the covenant which calls for re of Palestine on the land now claimed by Israel and the elimination of the Jewish state In the Mfdeast Israel's objections to the PNC option are coupled Ironically with the PLO's refusal to permit PNC members who are not direct ly associated with the PLO to rep resent Palestinians The PLO was recognized as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people In 1974 at an Arab summit in Rabat and the organization which Is locked In factional struggle with Syr ian-supported Palestinian dissi dents who oppose the leadership of Yasser Arafat the PLO's chair man cannot afford to relinquish this role and retain its credibility In an Interview few weeks ago with The Boston Globe Mo hammed Mllhem member of the PLO executive committee and one of three Palestinians reportedly nominated by the PLO to serve on the delegation said the tlon could not condone situation In which the PLO was left out of negotiations Jordan meanwhile which pro- posed to unite with the Palestln- tans in new Mideast talks also has said publicly that It will insist upon PLO representation Prlvate- ly the Jordanians have hinted                 that they might urge flexibility upon the PLO on this Issue but Jordan Is not in position to in sist Kfng Hussein of Jordan who Is coming to Washington to dis cuss the situation with President Ronald Reagan is believed to be happy with the alliance he made last fall with Arafat In their com mon struggle against Syria and he Is unlikely to undercut the PLO leader Arafat who could dramatically change the dynamics by accepting without qualification UN Security Council Resolution 242 which recognizes Israel's right to exist In exchange for the return of Arab land captured In the 1967 war has refused to do so He reiterated In Peking few days ago that the PLO must be Involved directly In any formal talks Arafat and other Arab leaders also want the Palestine question ultimately resolved at an interna tional conference attended by ihe Soviet Union The United States and Israel oppose an Internationa conference                 So Shultz left the Mideast where he was so badly embar rassed in his last regional venture in Lebanon trying to put the best face on difficult problem A1 least his trip may have fa relations between Israel and Egypt Talks resumed in Cai ro yesterday between Is raeli and Egyptian officials over festering border dispute Richard Murphy the assis tant secretary of state who shut tled in vain through the region In April In an attempt to arrange breakthrough for the Shultz visit stayed behind to continue to try to set up some kind of Jordanian- Palestinian team that Israel would accept Many names arc being bandied about and as State Department spokesman said week ago We are hearing many different voices from the Middle East on this is sue Yet for all of the talk and pub lic optimism In some circles the possibility of an early resolution looks bleak</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Travelers grounded</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>May 18, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Fred Pillsbury Globe Staff</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Thousands of travelers were stranded yesterday at airports from Boston to Tokyo after 5200 United Airlines pilots walked off the job in the early morning.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Travelers grounded                 United Airlines slashes flights in 1st day of strike                 By Fred Pillsbury Globe Staff                 Thousands of travelers were stranded yesterday at airports from Boston to Tokyo after 5200 United Airlines pilots walked off the job in the early morning                 On the first day Of the strike the nation s largest airline was able to run only 1 1 percent of its normal schedule halting service at 89 airports and severely curtail ing flights at 50 others United said it would respond to its first strike since 1951 by flying with nonunion pilots and those who de- fled the picket lines At Logan Airport Jn Boston United had hoped to fly four flights but managed only two yes terday It usually has 14 flights dally They could have done some thing besides canceling the flights and saying good luck to you said James Hogan of Salem who was flying with his family to San Diego on vacation If they knew there was possibility of strike week ago they should have warned ev erybody and maybe looked to oth er airlines But Alma Hart of Norwood who was bound to Las Vegas re fused to let the strike ruin her va cation What are you going to get mad at said Hart If you start out mad everything will go wrong found dime on the way In this morning Everything will be fine The strike came after  days of negotiations In Boston site chosen because federal mediator lives in New Hampshire and be- cause it was neutral turf for Chi- cago-based United The issue that finally grounded the pilots and the company in their long contract dispute was United's two-tier proposal 10 UNITED Page 6                 Airlines pilot pickets yesterday at Logan Airport terminal                 GLOBE PHOTO BY TOM LANDERS                 1st day of United strike leaves thousands stranded                 UNITED Continued from Page 1 pay newly hired pilots at lower ny scale than current pilots Page 6]. James Good spokes man for the Air Line Pilots Assn said last night that the union ne had returned to Chicago and that no further talks were scheduled Unlted's competitors who long in advance had made contingency plans to handle the extra passen ger loads gained extra business United normally carries 130,000 passengers day Asked what the effect of the strike on the airline Industry would be John Plnca- vage an analyst at Paine Webber said It's going to make lot of people very wealthy Glenn Parsons spokesman for Eastern Air Lines said that airline is seeing probably as much as 5000 Increase In Its dal ly bookings At American Air lines In Dallas Becker said We're accommodating thou sands of United passengers all over the system on existing flights United had offered contracts to 500 outside pilots months ago to fly Its airplanes during the strike and plans to use 240 supervisors as well Yesterday though some of the new hires refused to cross the picket lines and the airline ap                 peared to be having difficult time keeping- radically reduced schedule Morale is very very good said Capt Samuel O'Danlcf Denver-based pilot working as spokesman at strike headquarters In suburban Rosemont near O'Hare International Airport the hub of United operations We're very pleased with the unity In the pilot group They un derstand the Issues and the re solve Is there to stand firm We the company s position as union-busting tactic O'Danlcl said In Chicago Charles Novak United spokesman said the air line s new pilots are not scheduled to fly for several days Another problem for the airline Is vote by its lO OOp flight attendants to honor the pilots' picket lines Most airlines were accepting Unlted's tickets and made an nouncements to that effect al though passengers holding special low fare United tickets often had to pay extra Continental Airlines said It had low fares for all scats on all flights who will try to capacity control in expensive scats and capitalize on the consumers' plight Carl Wlm- mer manager of passenger sales at American Airlines here one of Unlted's said nights                 had been heavy but there are few scats available All yesterday morning lines wound around the United area In Terminal at Logan Airport as passengers attempted to obtain reservations on other airlines or awaited news of United flights Three students from Cranston Deborah Ccsana Dawn O'Connel and Joanne Torres de at first of making It to San Francisco for long-planned two- week vacation It may take us that long to get there one said                 They were referred to American Airlines on standby basts George Milliard from Duxbury had ticket for the 10:35 flight to Chicago where he said he had business meeting In the afternoon His round trip ticket had cost 156 but he said the only thing he could get was 340 one way first class seat There's nothing we can do he said as he Inched his baggage forward to thc ticket counter It's almost got to the point where we put our bags In the car and go home                 National Mediation Board members Helen Witt and Rnlnh rni-'                 leave press conference                 AP PHOTO                 Long nne lorms at United counter at Logan Airport yesterday                 GLOBE STAFF PHOTO BY TOM LANDERS</FullText>

files in archive BG_20171002210239_00001 - 1985

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  • min_date: Jan. 5, 1985
  • max_date: Dec. 31, 1985
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In [13]:
# directory to work in.
uncompressed_archive_folder = "BG_20171002210239_00001"
uncompressed_archive_path = "{}/{}".format( uncompressed_paper_path, uncompressed_archive_folder )
print( 'Uncompressed archive folder: {}'.format( uncompressed_archive_path ) )

Uncomressed archive folder: /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001

In [14]:
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object_type_to_file_path_map = my_paper.map_archive_folder_files_to_types( uncompressed_archive_path )

Processing 5752 XML files in /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001
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- I|m|a|g|e|/|P|h|o|t|o|g|r|a|p|h - 84 files:
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    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821420384.xml
- Marriage Announcement|News - 6 files:
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    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821387193.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821394901.xml
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- News|Legal Notice - 17 files:
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    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821471229.xml
- N|e|w|s - 53 files:
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- O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y - 72 files:
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- R|e|v|i|e|w - 133 files:
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- S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e - 185 files:
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In [49]:
# which types do we want to preview?
types_to_output = news_object_type_list

# declare variables
xml_file_path_list = None
xml_file_path_count = None
xml_file_path_example_list = None
xml_file_path = None
xml_file = None
xml_dict = None
xml_string = None

# loop over types
for object_type in types_to_output:
    # print type and count
    xml_file_path_list = object_type_to_file_path_map.get( object_type, [] )
    xml_file_path_count = len( xml_file_path_list )
    xml_file_path_example_list = xml_file_path_list[ : 10 ]
    print( "\n- {} - {} files:".format( object_type, xml_file_path_count ) )
    for xml_file_path in xml_file_path_example_list:
        print( "----> {}".format( xml_file_path ) )

        # try to parse the file
        with open( xml_file_path ) as xml_file:

            # parse XML
            xml_dict = xmltodict.parse( )
        #-- END with open( xml_file_path ) as xml_file: --#
        # pretty-print
        xml_string = xmltodict.unparse( xml_dict, pretty = True )

        # output
        print( xml_string )
    #-- END loop over example file paths. --#
#-- END loop over object types. --#

- Article|Feature - 1792 files:
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821304313.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>Learn, to prepare for life</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Oct 27, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>An Wang</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>An Wang</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Tomorrow's job market will demand individuals who have thoroughly prepared themselves by acquiring the education they will need to succeed in a competitive and changing environment.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Learn to prepare for life                 By Dr An Wang                 Tomorrow's job market will demand individuals who have thoroughly prepared themselves by acquiring the education they will need to succeed in competitive and changing environment                 Fortunately New England Is the home of some of our nation s most out standing technical and educational In stitutions Massachusetts currently en- Joys healthy economy that provides numerous and varied career opportuni ties for Individuals with the right tech nical skills and professional training In business government and educa tion our leaders are working hard to ensure that this economic vitality will continue to provide meaningful Jobs and ample opportunities for personal successes and advancement As result every Individual has the chance to learn and through learning to be prepared for rewarding and ful filling career As our economy advances work will become more specialized and more com plex Technology Is making It possible to eliminate the mundane drudgery and physical labor from most Jobs At the same time however most Jobs will re quire greater degree of specialized knowledge and creative skills Without these skills success will be difficult if not Impossible Technology moreover Is creating career opportunities that never existed before and Is dramatically changing the basic skills required for traditional careers Not so long ago careers In com puter programming or systems analy sis were quite literally unknown in addition careers In such varied fields as accounting automotive repair Jour nalism secretarial services and health care have changed and will continue to change as result of our ever-Increas ing ability to create and share informa tion more efficiently and more effective ly- WANG Page 36 Dr Wang Is chairman chief execu tive officer and president of Wang laboratories In Lowell and member of the Massachusetts Board of Be-                 ILLUSTRATION BY ANTHONY SCHULTZ                 Success in any career requires an informed risk                 WANG Continued from Page This does not mean of recourse that careers In technol ogy exclusively offer the great est opportunity It docs mean however every career will demand fundamental ability Integrate analyze and understand Information rel evant to the Individual's par ticular work Making the right career deci sion and acquiring the right skills for that career Is per                 haps one of the mosl Important decisions any Individual will make Men and women who arc graduating from high school or who arc already work ing but thinking about new career should keep In mind few key points Few activities are as satisfy ing as career that person en- Joys and finds personally re warding On the other hand nothing makes person more- than boring unin teresting job                 In deciding which career to pursue therefore an individual should honestly determine the kinds of activities and chal lenges he or she enjoys In doing so It's usually helpful to talk to people already working In the career that the Individual is considering If possible one should try to spend some time watching people at their work In order to find out If one wants to spend at least 40 hours week doing the same or similar activities There Is absolutely nothing wrong in expecting that one s                 life work should be fun In fact when people ask me if plan to retire tell them that will keep my present Job as long as It re mains fun When It stops being fun I'm leaving In choosing career every Individual should discover the middle ground between one s expectations and one s limita tions This involves assessing one s strengths and weak nesses task that Is never easy but which Is critical In making career decision As part of this process an in dividual should ask If he or she                 has the aptitude and the basic talent to succeed In particular career The candid advice of parents teachers counselors and friends Is often helpful but In the end every career decision is profoundly personal and matter of Individual responsibil ity Success in any career re quires to take an Informed risk to gamble time and energy In the hope that one s effort will ultimately lead to the desired objective Choosing career therefore requires willingness to accept challenge Instead of choosing the easy alternatives an Indi vidual should be prepared to work hard in order to achieve the results he or she seeks Whether these results are finan cial security service to the com munity or artistic accomplish ment an Individual should have the confidence and the commitment to risk failure In order to achieve success In chosen career Please remember good edu cation Is long-term Invest- ment Properly managed It will yield an enormous return</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821304933.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>Computers donated to training program</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Oct 27, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<FullText>Computers donated to training program                 Gov Dukakis last week accept ed million gift of computer equipment from Prime Computer Inc for the Masschusetts Micro electronics Center Joe Henson president and chief executive of Prime said the donation rein- our commitment to fur ther the leadership role high tech nology plays within the Common wealth of Massachusetts Estab lished three years ago as public- private partnership the micro- electronics center will use the equipment as part of program of advanced raining and research In the design and manufacturing of semiconductor chips                 Crane announces sale of slate bonds State Treasurer Robert Crane announced that beginning Oct 28 and ending Nov 1. the state will offer 25 million of tax- free five-year mini-bonds for pub lic sale In denominations of 100 500 SI 000, 000 and 000 The effective annual yield to mini- bond purchasers ranges from 5.25 percent to 7.10 percent depending on the date of redemption Pay ments for must be made by certified check money order bank check or cash at Trea sury teller s windows only In Springfield no cash will be accept ed                 Tax break sought l or public retirees Out-of-state public retirees who move to Massachusetts would be given 20 000 state In- tax break under bill ap proved last week by the Legisla ture s Taxation Committee The bill s sponsor Rep Henri Raus- R-Brewstcr said the measure would aid retirees from public Jobs who want to move lo places like Cape Cod Such retir ees he said often retire oil 000 or 10 000 pensions Under the bill the first 20 000 of pension Income would be exempted from state income Similar legis lation has been defeated In the Legislature for the past four or five years UPI                 House defeats bill to extend deadline The House has defeated bill that would make It easier for new comers to challenge Incumbent politicians With no debate the bill fell short by vote of 67-81 on roll call that took many mem bers by surprise II would have ex tended the date for candidates for state office to file nomination pa- pets from the present date the last Tuesday In April to the first Tuesday in June AP</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821306103.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>DiGravio powers Thayer</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Oct 27, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<FullText>DiGravio powers Thayer                 Dan DIGravio 8-for- for 203 yards threw three passes ran for touchdown and conversion as Thayer Improved Its record to 4-1 with 41-34 Independent School League victory over Si Paul's yesterday at Braintree Noble Greenough 20, Middlesex 6: Mark Allen threw couple of touchdown passes as Noble Hi Greenough captured its straight victory BB 6, Belmont HU1 3: Mike Murphy threw 30-yard touch down pass to Paul O'Rourke In the fourth providing the margin of victory Groton 32, Gov Dummer 6: Scan Dooley Tom Wright and Tom Garnder scored second-period touchdowns as Groton won Its fifth In row Brooks 14, Lawrence Acad 0: pair of Jim Palmer touchdowns helped brooks capture Its fourth win In five tries and hand Lawrence Academy Its first loss Roxbury Latin 14, Rivers 7: Rich Meagher's second touchdown of the game 10-yard run with 4 minutes left carried Roxbury Latin to Its fourth win Milton Academy 34, St Mark's 14: Lee Rhodes scored pair of touchdowns and gained Lid yards as Milton Academy lis fourth In live games 34-14.</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821311973.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>Ulster pact rapped in Irish Parliament</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Nov 20, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<OriginalForm>Bob O'Connor Special to the Globe</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>DUBLIN--Parliament,beginning a three-day debate yesterday on the new Anglo-Irish agreement on Northern Ireland, heard the accord described by the leader of the main opposition party as a violation of Ireland's constitution.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Ulster pact rapped in Irish Parliament                 By Bob O'Connor Special to the Globe                 DUBLIN--Parliament beginning three-day debate yesterday on the new Anglo-Irish agreement on Northern Ireland heard the accord described by the leader of the main opposition party as violation of Ireland's constitution                 We cannot accept Charles Haughcy leader of the Flannn Fail Party the abandon ment of our claim to Irish unity or the recognition of British sover eignty over the north of Irclnnd which Is contained In this agree ment On Friday Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of Britain and her Irish counterpart Garret Fltz- Gcrald signed an agreement that will give the Irish government consultative role in Northern Ire land In for formal Irish recognition that the status of the British-ruled province will not change until majority of its peo ple decides otherwise Such concession Haug contended would contradict Arti cle 2 of the Irish Constitution which states The national ter consists of the whole Is land of Ireland Its Islands and ter seas failed political entity Haughcy who Is expected to                 become the nex t prime minister said the pact shores up political entity that has failed There is not and cannot be any dispute about the significance of what hns happened he said For the first time the legitimacy of partition has been recognized by the republic And by allowing the agreement to be registered at the United Na tions he said Dublin would be helping the British government to create the Impression that the problem of Northern Ireland has been finally solved that every body now recognizes Northern Ire land ns an Integra part of the United Kingdom The United States Is expected to help bolster the agreement with an aid program some con gressional sources described yes terday as -Mnrshnll Plan could range In from S250 million to SI billion the Washington Post reported FItzGcrald who opened the de bate defended the agreement as the way out of North ern Jrcinnd's morass The pact will establish an Anglo-Irish ministerial confer ence assisted by secretariat of civil servants to be based In Bel fast It will seek to lessen alien                 ation among Northern Ireland's Roman Catholic minority In such areas ns employment justice and the expression of their national Identity Resignations threatened The Anglo-Irish agreement has Infuriated political leaders of Ul ster s Protestant community who have threatened to resign en masse from the British Parlln In protest There will Inevitably be FItzGcrald said those who hi good faith believe that we have sought too little or that we have sought and secured too much The outcome of the debate Is not in doubt Fine Gael and the Labor Party Its coalition partner hold but clear majority in the Dall the lower house of the Irish Parliament                 CHARLES HAUGHEY Leads Flanna Fail</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821314373.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>Aylward, stiff defense stifle Wilmington, 7-6</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Nov 29, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<OriginalForm>Bob Reinert Special to the Globe</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>TEWKSBURY--For nearly three quarters, it appeared that Tewksbury's hopes for an unblemished season and a trip to the Division 2 Super Bowl might be as lost as the yard markers on the snow-shrouded playing field here yesterday.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Aylward stiff defense stifle Wilmington 7-6                 By Bob Reinert Special to the Globe                 TEWKSBURY--For nearly three quarters it appeared that Tewksbury's hopes for an unblemished season and trip to the Division 2 Super Bowl might be as lost as the yard markers on the snow-shrouded playing field here yesterday                 But quarterback Rob Aylward opened the final quarter with 15- touchdown pass to Shnwn Blades and Dave French kicked the extra point as Tcwks- Imry survived the cold snow and vigilant Wilmington defense 7- 6. On day seemingly more suit ed to fool both teams re lied on their air forces After Tewksbury's first drive stalled Wilmington pieced togeth er Its only sustained offensive thrust of the game With quarter back Chris Athanasla finding Ke vin Collins on key 30-yard pass play Wilmington moved the ball 65 In 10 plays and took 6- 0 lead on 5-yard pass off the roll out from Athanasla lo Peter Campbell In what turned out lo be cru cial conversion attempt Athana- sla s pass for two points fell In complete Wilmington threatened on the ensuing recovering an on- sldc kick at the Tcwksbury 42. But Tony Cutonc was caught for 10-yard loss on third down and the quarter ended at 6-0. Tcwksbury saw Us best scor ing opportunity of the first half go Tor naught when an Aylward pass intended for Tim Boudread bounced off the back s hands in the end zone with just over 5. minutes left in the second quarter Yeoman work by defensive backs Cutone and Tom Pole who tipped away two well-thrown balls by Aylward frustrated the Tcwks                 bury air attack at the the second half But Aylward wjis not prepared to surrender the air With less than In the third quarter the Tewkpbury offense came lo Ilfc Aylward con nected with Joe Vccchl on two straight long pass pushed the ball to the Wilmington 35. Then on fourth and 13?from he 15-yard line Blades gathered In an Aylward pass and raced to the left flag lo deadlock the game at 6-6. At point Tewksburys' perfect season rested on the foot of French who to his and knees to spot for holder Vecchi Tcwksbury coach Bob Aylward joked the moment hnd no ef fect on him other to acti vate an ulcer Becoming more se rious he added have extreme confidence In David 1(Mi French confirmed that by clearing the uprights to make It 7*6. although coach Ayl-  s ulcer was still In for tcst Wilmington nearly ha oilier life with 1:32 left In 1 the game when Athanasla to John Dcsfnrgc who had the ball glance off his shoulder pads deep In Tcwksbury territory The final threat came with Tcwksbury In possession of the hall On questionable third- down call nt the Wihnlmgton 36, Alywnrd went back to the air and was Intercepted by Potc Boudirau returned the favor snatching nn Athanasla pass on the following Coach Alywnrd defended the decision lo play under ad verse conditions noting tal II was made two hours before game lime We thought these would be Ihc safest conditions said Alywnrd who explained hid the extended forecast called for more of the same Ihroughoul tho re mainder of the week</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20171002210239_00001/1821316133.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>2d strike vote at Pratt wins court OK</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Dec 4, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<Abstract>HARTFORD--A federal judge refused yesterday to halt a second strike vote at Pratt &amp; Whitney's largest plant, setting the stage for the first statewide strike in 25 years against against the world's largest jet-engine maker.</Abstract>
	<FullText>2d strike vote at Pratt wins court OK                 United Press International                 HARTFORD--A federal judge refused yesterday to halt second strike vote at Pratt Whitney's largest plant setting the stage for the first statewide strike in 25 years against against the world s largest jet-engine maker                 Senior US District Judge Emmet Cliirlc denied the com pany s request for court order to block the second strike vole by 5,600 unionized machinists at Pratt Whllncy's main plant and headquarters In neighboring East Hartford Leaders of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers hailed the Judge's order Issued following four-hour hearing and said the strike vole would begin al 3 today They predicted members at the sprawling East Hnrtford plant would go along with trie total of 5,300 workers at the company s three other plants In Connecticut and walk oft the Job Ecstatic wns the first reac tion of Rudy Duck president of machinists union Local 1746, Which represents the East Hart ford workers who voted by an 11-1 margin Sundny to reject the com pany s contract offer but failed to muster required two-thirds ma jority to authorize strike Buck predicted the East Hart ford workers would authorize strike when the second vote Is tak- rti and said If they do the union should be able to force the com pany to resume negotiations If East Hartford goes out It won t take long at all because the company can t afford It Buck said Company officials who had ar gued that the union s failure lo get the two-thirds vote needed for strike automatically resulted In approval of the company offer had no on Clarlc's de cision Pratt had filed suit late Mon day In US District Court In Hart ford to block plans by the Interna tional Association of Machinists to hold second strike vole at the East Hartford plant</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Judge to decide which jail inmates to transfer</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Dec 18, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<OriginalForm>Ed Quill Globe Staff</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>The responsibility for deciding which charles Street Jail detainees awaiting trial should be released to a halfway house or on their own recognizance has been turned over to a special "Charles Street Jail judge," according to a court issued order this week by a...</Abstract>
	<FullText>Judge to decide which jail inmates to transfer                 By Ed Quill Globe Staff                 The responsibility for deciding which charles Street Jail detainees awaiting trial should be released to halfway house or on their own recognizance has been turned over to special Charles Street Jail judge according to court issued order this week by                 state Supreme Judicial Court jus tice Justice Paul lacos Issued the the posi tion which designated Suffolk Superior Court Judge will hold for two-month periods following re quest by the Suffolk County sher iff who said he wanted Judicial Involvement In the release or transfer of detainees                 Sheriff Dennis Kearney had been ordered earlier this month to transfer Inmates to the Massachu setts Halfway House on Hunting ton Avenue at times when his Jail is filled to its federal court-ordered capacity of 2G6 Inmates and nil other county nnd state facilities are filled Kearney told Llacos Inst week that tic did not feel secure In po sition to act as Judge In trans ferring detainees In Issuing his latest order Mon day Llacos ordered that special Charles Street Jail judge make the decision on which Inmates could be transferred to halfway house or released on their own re cognizance Under the order the chief ad                 ministrative Justice of the trial court In consultation with the chief Justice of the Superior Court will designate Judge' act as special Judge In the Jail cases None had been designated as of yesterday Llacos also Issued the following guidelines for the sheriff In mnk- ing recommendations to the judge on those who should mot be re leased including Persons with crimes against other persons Persons charged with operat ing vehicle under the Influence of alcohol or drugs because of the threat to public safety which they pose                 Persons with history of de faults or with outstanding war rants Llacos also said the sheriff and the Judge should give consider ation to the Inmate's community tics such as presence of family Job or schools and stability of resi dence Under the order ir the capacity to hold 20 Inmates at the halfway house Is full the special Judge may release Inmates on their own re cognizance using the same guide lines Last week five Inmates who normally would been held at Chnrlcs Street Jail spent at least two nights at the halfway house</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>It's official: Sox land Stewart</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Dec 18, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<OriginalForm>Peter Gammons Globe Staff</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>The press conference the Red Sox called yesterday was for no more than the obvious. No Tom Seaver. No Dave Stapleton farewell. Not even any coffee.</Abstract>
	<FullText>It's official Sox land Stewart                 Boston sends Gutierrez to Baltimore for the versatile veteran pitcher                 By Peter Gammons Globe Staff                 The press conference the Red Sox called yesterday was for no more than the obvious No Tom Seaver No Dave Stapleton farewell Not even any coffee                 Lou Gorman simply made offi cial what the newspapers had known for five days that short stop Joaquin Gutierrez was traded to the Orioles for pitcher Sammy Stewart the first real trade be tween the two teams since Boston sent Gene Stephens for Willie Tasby on June 9. 1960, day that lives In ecstasy                 Whether the Red Sox arc better off today and tomorrow with Glenn Rcy tandem than Gullcrrcz Quln- tandem Is subject that doesn't Involve Stewart Nor Is the Oldc Towne Teame's history with Latin players which Is hardly history at all Our first priority was to Im prove our pitching particularly our bullpen said Gorman With Wcs Gardner and now Stewart we think we ve done so Now we ll add left- short man be fore spring training Which reinforces what John                 McNnmara said In San DIcgo Everything with this' team comes down to pitching the manager maintained We've got to add quality and depth Stewart has great arm has been winner and he can do lot of things All the Throwln' Swannanoan cares about Is new start got some bad press here In Baltimore and really feel they didn't appreciate me Stewart said from his Baltimore home honestly never thought got the chance to be as good as can be Mr Gorman and my agent Alan Hendricks sort of left It up to mo whether or not wonted to make the change It's difficult when you ve been with one orga nization so long but after this last year I'm happy Boston is where think I'll pitch as well as can pitch I'm 31, and I'm working to ward pitching at 37. pitched In two World Scries won an ERA Utfc only to have ft taken away on technicality I've done every thing they ve asked In Baltimore no matter what they think or say In Baltimore think Boston made good trade don't want to go around cutting with an ax but there were some double standards here didn't care for Hey that s all In the past On paper Stewart Joins Bob Stanley Steve Crawford Gardner and Tim Lollar In the bullpen Of course no one knows If Roger Clemens will be physically ready or Calvin Schlratdl can pitch In 'the big leagues and Gorman raised the possibility of Stanley starting Which Stewart who has averaged 125 Innings the past four years also can do always was starter In the minors he said started three In '79 and them all even beat Nolan Ryan before 54,000. He was throwing 97, was throwing 94. Great fun I'll do anything for the Red Sox to help them win Stewart Is 51-45 for his career but over the last three years he has averaged 58 appearances sev                 en wins and 10 saves year His nature this is man who has done Michael Jack son Imitations on the mound tried to pitch to Dave Revering left-handed and docs the Chuck Berry Duck Walk when Intro duced grated on the Orioles They claimed he d been late 21 times this past season and while his one Indiscretion was far back In the past he admitted to it and adopted Huey Lewis' Want New Drug as his antl-alchohol theme It seemed to follow him If we had any concerns we certainly wouldn't have made the deal Gorman said We have none One reason Stewart looks for ward to Boston Is because of the city s medical facilities Bath his children 6--old Colin and 3- year-old Alicia suffer from cystic fibrosis It was In Boston that they Isolated the genes and made the one dramatic breakthrough said Stewart If we have to move It's great to move to Boston Some of his teammates may have criticized him behind his back but coach Elrod Hendricks calls him one tough SOB lot of us don't know what he s been through and former pitching coach Ray Miller says Pressure never bothers him he might have made me mad but he hasn't exactly had the easiest life As Stewart was slammed as he left Baltimore so the Red Sox put In their press release that Gutier rez made 20 errors In his last 66 games But remember these facts In an era In which Latin America has become vital breeding ground for talent he Is the only Latin player developed by the Red Sox the last team to have black player who started half one season s games at one posi tion for them he was their rookie of the year In 1984; the Red Sox do not have Spanish- speaking Instructors during the regular season they are one of only six teams that refuse to open schools In the Dominican Repub lic baseball s richest talent area Gutierrez Is an intelligent                 quality person from baseball- backward country who was brought up In an organization that scoffs at minor league or Lat in coaches made It to the big leagues on his own made only two errors before getting hurt on May 24 and took criticism for not being able to make the double play while the player who should have been working out with him around the bag spent his spring training In the shade Hoffman has been the regular for five of the last six years Gor man said We feel Qulnonez will be ready by the end of the sea son Maybe Qulnonez wilt be the first Latin player the Red Sox have developed to be given the chance to play regularly two sea sons For now however Joaco Gu goes to Baltimore to play third base When Earl Weaver leaves he Is expected to be the shortstop with Cal Ripken mov ing to third This said Orioles Jim Russo Is trade for the long term Since Gorman made it clear that he Intends to work out an ex tension to keep Stewart from free agency next fall the Red Sox share that opinion</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>A Baldwin-United update: The going is slow but sure</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Dec 22, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<OriginalForm>BEATSON WALLACE</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Q. Do you have any recent information on Baldwin-United (University Life) SPDA situation? is there any chance Metropolitan Life will make any cash payment before November, 1987?--E.B., Yarmouth</Abstract>
	<FullText>Baldwin-United update The going is slow but sure                 BEATSON WALLACE                 Do you have any recent information on Baldwin-United University Life SPDA situation is there any chance Metropolitan Life will make any cash payment before November 1987?--E.B., Yarmouth                 Slow but sure efforts to enhance the earnings of the single premium deferred annuities sold by the Baldwin-United Corp Insurance subsidiaries contin ue Nicholas Latrcnta an attorney and vice president of Metropolitan Life Co says 24 brokerage excluding PalncWcbbcr Inc and Shearson Ameri can Express Inc but more on these two later have approved class action settlement plan These 24 brokers have contributed or agreed to contribute to an escrow fund variously estimated as between 140 million and 150 million An additional 15 million to 19 million Is being added to tills fund by the Insurance Industry The 155 million to 169 million now In escrow and earning Interest be used to benefit policyholders In one of two ways depending on the federal Judge who has Jurisdiction of the class action suit against the brokerage houses                 If uiu Judge approves global enhancement plan Involving the brokerage houses agreeing to the class action settlement the monies will be added to other funds now In the insurance subsidiary portfo lios and expected from the Baldwin-United parent If the action settlement Is not approved the Judge can order pro rata distribution of these monies to each policyholder who invested in on an through any of the 24 brokerage firms If the first possibility occurs after court hearing now tentatively scheduled for February Metropoli tan will nsk the Indiana and Arkansas Insurance commissioners and those two courts now su rehabilitation of the University and Na tional Life companies to approve and arrange for transfer cf portfolio assets to Metropolitan for so- called global enhancement Latrcnta said the company hopes that this can be completed by May at which time Metropolitan will offer new policies with special Interest terms and op tions running through the original November 1987 rehabilitation date set by the Indiana and Arkansas courts In the meantime Metropolitan Is preparing let ter of explanation to be mailed to certain policy holders either late this month or very early In Janu ary Any objections or comments must be filed with the federal court In New York prior to the February                 hearing date Among the brokerage customers who will not get this Information arc those who bought the annuities through PaineWebber and Shearson- American Express In spite of the long negotia tions these two are still holding out for reasons which they will not explain Shearson American Express sold some mil lion worth of these annuities In Massachusetts and early In the negotiations had told the participant lawyers as soon as deal Is made we ll go along The deal has been In the works for more than Why the holdout PaineWebber Is another case From the outset of the Baldwin-United Imbroglio this brokerage house In Its only public statement has said In so many words that It has no responsibility to the Massachu setts clients to whom they sold some 13 million of the Baldwin-United annuities So much for com- that spends millions of dollars with tennis star Jimmy Connors as the publicity extolling Its Investment acumen Why do business with bro house which so cavalierly disowns Its account executives' Investment recommendations of yester year letter sent me by one Globe reader accurately sums PalncWebbcr's disinterest even arrogance The reader wrote to Donald Marron PalneWeb- bcr s chairman and chief executive officer inquiring                 about the firm s role In the then rehabilitation nego- 'j Here Is the full text of Matron's answer have forwarded your letter of Sept 11,1984, ta George Warner PalneWebber's vice president Com- Department He will investigate and respond to your complaint directly Sincerely Donald Mart ron As you might guess this PaineWebber client did id not hear from compliance man Warner It will take more than Jimmy Connors' TV advertising 'd that backup army of account executives behind O'Connor to win this client back The only hope for former PaineWebber and Shear- son American Express clients Is lawsuit pending in Massachusetts In which Attorney General Francis BellottI is seeking to have triple damages assessed under the consumer protection laws It really would be cheaper and more honorable for these two firms to join the class action si settlement pending In the New York federal court 7; Beatson Wallace answer Investors' ques- lions of general Interest in the Tuesday and Sun-' day Business Section Send questions Including name address and telephone number to Beatson' 11 Wallace The Boston Globe Boston Mass 02107.</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Wilkins (49) dunks Rockets</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Dec 22, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<Abstract>Dominique Wilkins scored a career-high 49 points, including a 3-point basket with eight seconds left, to give the Hawks a 123-122 victory over the Houston Rockets last night in Atlanta.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Wilkins 49 dunks Rockets                 From Wire Services                 Dominique Wilkins scored career-high 49 points including 3-point basket with eight seconds left to give the Hawks 123-122 victory over the Houston Rockets last night in Atlanta                 inc KocKcts who had over come 13- third-quarter defi cit took 122-120 when Akccm OInjuwon hit turnaround Jump er with 18 seconds left After hitting the winning bas ket Wllkins made steal on the other end to seal the game with three seconds left Lewis Lloyd and John Lucas led the that had the Rockets gain 99-99 tie on Lloyd's 3- play with 9:09 remaining nnd 115-111 lead on Lloyd's driving layup with Just over three minutes left Lloyd ted the Rockets with 34 16ln the final quarter and Lucas added 29 points Including five 3- baskets the most ever scored by-one player against the Hawks Willis finished with career- high 24 paints for the Hawks and Glenn Rivers added 16. Ralph Sampson hnd 27 points and game-high 15 rebounds while Olajuwon added 19. LAKERS 96, BULLETS 84 Knrecm Abdul-Jabbar scored 29 points to lead the Los Angeles Lakers to hard-fought 96-84 vie- tory over the Washington Bullets at the Capital Centre The victory was the Lakers first at Landovcr In four seasons nnd only Ihelr second in 1 1 visits over the past nine seasons The Lakers trailed through most of the first half following 10- spurt by Washington which gave the Bullets 14-10 lend midway through the opening period Washington led 25-21, at the quarter and 49-46 at the half Los Angeles which was held under 100 points for the first time In 63 games reclaimed the lead at the end of the third period when Magic Johnson hit 12-foot Jump er with three seconds left to give the Lakers 70-68 edge Washington got 27 points from guard Jeff Malonc and 18 from Cliff Robinson Rookie center Manutc Bol blocked total of eight' shots including three by Abdul Jabbar                 NETS 102, PACERS 98 Darryl Dawklns score nine of his team-high 19 points In the fourth quarter and his turn around Jumper with 18 seconds remaining put New Jersey ahead to stay as the Nets edged the host Indiana Pacers 102-98. The Pacers' attempt to tic the game for the 13th time failed when Vcrn Fleming missed Jumper from 15 feet and Mike Gmlnski grabbed the rebound He was fouled by Clint Richardson and hit pair of free throws with nine seconds remaining to secure the victory Steve Stlpanovich came off the bench to score game-high 25 points for Indiana getting layup with 40 seconds remaining to tie the game for the final time at 98-98. KN1CKS 112, PISTONS 110 Pat Cummlngs scored 22 points Including critical 10- foot turnaround Jumper with 1 1 seconds left and Trent Tucker added season-high 24 points as the Knlcks defeated the Detroit Pistons 1 12-1 10. In New York With seven seconds remaining on the 24- clock Cum connected to give the Knlcks 1 10-106 lead Tucker hit two free throws with five seconds left to clinch the victory Rory Sjiarrow added 18 points for the Knlcks and Patrick Ewing had 15 points and eight rebounds before fouling out with 4:13 left Bljl Lalmbccr scored season- high 29 for the Pistons while Islnh Thomas added 23 and John Long 20. Trailing by as many as 11 points three times in the first quarter the Knlcks came back to lead 85-79, after three quarters and took their biggest lead 93-83 1 on fast-break layup by Ernie Gninfeld with 8:32 left BUCKS 132, MAVERICKS 107 Craig Hodges scored seven of his 14 first-half points In 22-4 Milwaukee tear midway through the second period as the Bucks built 20-point fead and defeated the visiting Dallas Maver icks 132-107. Hodges' first-half points In cluded two 3-point Jumpers He finished with 18 points Terry Cummlngs led the Bucks with 25 'point s Including 15' In the first half                 Hawks 123-122 HOUSTON McCray 2-4 2-2 6. Campion 12.1S 34 27, Olakmon MS 34 19. Uoyd 14-23 S-S 34. local 10- 18 4-4 29, RaW 34 3, Petertan 0-0 2-2 2, Wkntni 1-2 0-0 2. 0-0 0-00. Tottll 47-81 22-27 122. ATLANTA 123 Lavtngilon 3-8 1-5 7, WUXVrt 19-32 13-10 49, W- Ut10-17 4-8 18. Wltlman 4-8 0-0 8. Koncak 1-80-0 2, Wlbb 4-8 1-2 9. Halting 0-2 2-2 1 2, Johnaon 2-3 0-0 4. Totiti 49-98 24-35 123. Houaton 4.29 21 34 30-122 Alltntt 33 34 24 30-121 Three-point goell- 8. Lloyd Wllllnt Fouled out-Nona ReDoundl-Houtton 44 Samp ion tS Allien 42(WlQlnt 1 1 1. AiUitt-- Houtien 22 Lueat 11). Allanta 29 Divert 10). Total -Hout Ion 24. Atlanta 24. Technical -- Stmpton Olajuwon Houtlon Coach Filch A-- 8,883. Lakers 96-84 LA LAKERS 91 Ramon 1-1 0-6 2. Worthy 4-11 04) 8. AbduklaO- bar 13-25 34 29, Johnton 7.11 1-2 18. Scott 8-1T 0-0 12, Coopar 1-3 1-1 3. Lueat 8-12 24 14. Qrean 1-8 0-0 2. Kupehtk 2-3 2-2 8. Sprlogi 2-3 1-2 8. To- all 43-94 1 0-15 98. WASHINGTON Robinton 8-19 24 18. Roundhald 4-8 0-0 8. Oo 3- 3 04) 4. John ton 0-14 04) 12. UaJoni 12-23 3 4 31, Grain 4-14 5-51 3. Wami 1-50-0 2, Jonat 0-0 0- 0 0. Bradley 0-1 0410. McMIOan CM 04) 0 Total 37. 87 10-13 84. LA Laktrt 21 2$ 24 21--11 Washington 25 34 19 11--84 Foulad Out-- Nona Raboundt-- LA Lakera 88 ASdul-Jtbbtr Jahntbn SI WtMncton 5 1 Rabin ion IS Ataitti-LA 28 Johnaon 13). WtiNngton 19 Johnaon 10). Total -LA LakareJ Wtthlnjhwns Tachnlcal- Wathlnglon 9- Nots 102-98 NEW JERSEY 102 Wliuami 3-12 8-7 12. King 8-12 6-8 19. Gmintkl 8. 12 2-2 18. Birdtong 2-7 04M. Richard ion 0-18 2-2 14. Oewklnt 8-11 3-3 19. Reemtey 8-9 34 13. Cook 0-304)0, Johnaon 1-51-2 3, O'Koren 2-3 041 4. Totals 40-90 22-28 102 INDIANA II TUdtle 7*12 44 18, Andarton 84 2-2 14. WlStamt 4-15 0-1 8, Flaming 3-13 04) 6. Slant bury 3-8 3-3 6. Stlpanovich 9-15 7-10 23, Richard ton 3-8 2-3 8, Gametl 1-2 2-2 4, Gucknar 34 0-0-8. Gray 0-1 0-0 0. Tolllt 39-84 20-25 98. Nan Jtrtay 21 21 25 18--103 Indiana --23 33 38 27-- tl Foulad oul-- Nona Raboundt-- New Jtrtay 52 RKhardton 9), Indiana 81 Tltdala 11). At- -- New Jeraey 24 Rlchtrdton 8. Indiana 23 fC Richard too 5). Tola Mult-- Haw Jartay 20. Indi ana 35. Technical Nan Jertay illegal defame 2. A-- 8, ICO Knlcks 112-110 DEMth24 44 8. Trlpueka 3-7 5-5 11. 12-17 6-829. Long 7-11 20, TTiomat 10-24 3-6 23. Cureton 3-9 2-8 8, Johnton 2-1 1 1-2 8. Benton 1-2 0- 0 2. Oumart 1-3 2-2 4. Campbell 1-20-0 2. Tolalt 4 1 90 26-38 110. NEW YORK 113 Cumnungi II 18 0-0 22. OrT 5-9 4-8 Ewing 17 1-2 16. Sparrow 9-14 04) 18. Walktr 1-2 0-0 3. OtnnUltf 34 2-8 Thomion 0-1 1-2 1. Tucker 10-15 34 24. Grunteld 2-2 04) 4, Wliklnt 2-5 04) 4. Tolalt 80-87 11-20112. Ottroll 34 16 29 31-110 New York --30 34 31 37-113 Three-point goal-- Tucker Fouled out-- Ewing Reboundt-Detroll 86 Lalmbeer 11). Hew York 49 Cummlngt 9|. Altltlt-Oelroll 29 Thom4l 12). Hew York 33 Sparrow 10). Total -Oetroll 21. Hew York 30. TnchMcala-Mahem 3 elected A-13 6SS Spurs 119-104 Friday night game IAN ANTONIO til 8. Johnton 5-10 8-7 18. Mitchell 8-18 3-3 19, On- more 8-10 8-13 18, Moore 4-8 4-7 12. Roberlton 16. 22 24 32. Greenwood 8-804) 10. 8 1-304) 2, 04) 0-0 0. Malthewt 3-6 8-6 1 2. Tolalt 48-78 28-39 119. LA CLIPPERS 104 Johnton 9-18 1-1 17, MtiweH 4-7 8-12 18. Nlmphkit 4-9 2-2 10. Brtdgemin 2-9 2-2 8. Ntton 3-7 0-08. Cage 3-70-08, Edwardt 8-1(9-9 19. Benjamin L2O02 WMIe 2-3 2-28, Gordon 6-13 44 16. Tolalt in Antonio 34 37 33--113 LA Cllppert 33 33 31 17--104 Three- -- Mtithewt Fouled out-- Bridge- man Raboundt-- Can Antonio 81 Greenwood lot Angeiet 48 Maxwell 10). Ataltlt-Sen Antonio 28 Mocre Robert ton 7). Lot Angeiet 24 Edwtfdt 8). Toltl -- 8an Antonio 26. Lot AngNet 30.' Technical-- Roberlton A-- 79a Pacers 114-102 Friday night game MILWAUKEE 102 Prettey4-11 34 11. Cummlngt 8-20 04 IS-Utllr 34 2-8 8. Moncrtel 8-17 9-9 21. Hodget 4-9 2-2 12. Breuer 3-7 1-1 7. FMdt 2-8 0-1 4, Lamp 0-1 0-0 0. Pierce 8-13 3-3 19. Mokatkl 2-3 0-2 4. 40-90 20-32 102. INDIANA 114 Rrchardton 3-10 7-0 13. Tltdala 0-18 34 21. WK- 7-18 2-3 16. Fleming 7-00-11 23. Clantbur 14 0-0 2, AnOerton 8-18 34 15, SllpanovkJi 8-9 0-7 16, Girnell 1-1 04) 2. Gray 1-1 04) 2. Gutkner 24 04) McCIlM 0-0 0-0 Toltlt 42-84 30-38 114. Milwaukee -- --30 38 38 18--103 Indiana 29 31 30 34--114 Three- point -- Hodget 2. Fouled out-- Nona Rebounda-- Milwaukee 84 Utter 91. Indiana 88 71a dale 11). Auliti-- Milwaukee 21 Hod get 6). Indiana 28 Nudton Tolal -UllwjukeeJnflP                 New Jereey's Albert King tries to cope with the interference of Pacers' Quinn Buckner un                 irom ana Hon Anderson blocking the forward path -'                 UPI PHOTO</FullText>

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	<RecordTitle>Mother held in Pawtucket baby's death</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>May 11, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Steve Marantz Globe Staff</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>The mother of Jerri Ann Richard, the 4-month-old infant bludgeoned to death in Pawtucket, R.I., last November, was arrested yesterday in Bloomington, Ind., and charged with her daughter's murder.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Mother held in Pawtucket baby s death                 Donna Richard arrested in Indiana                 By Steve Marantz Globe Staff                 The mother of Jerri Ann Richard the 4-month-old infant bludgeoned to death in Pawtucket last November was arrested yesterday in Bloomington Ind and charged with her daughter s murder                 Donna Richard 33, offered no resistance to Indiana State Police and FBI agents as she was arrest ed In the late afternoon at her fa ther s home on State Road 466, 2 miles southeast of Bloomlngton police said Richard was shocked and upset police said                 State Police who had Richard under surveillance beginning yes terday morning acted on war rant obtained at 4 by the Pawtucket Police Department said Cpl Nils KJellln No Information on evidence leading to her arrest was avail able police said Richard who was held without ball In Monroe County Ind Jail Is scheduled to undergo an extra dition hearing in Monroe County Superior Court on Monday morn ing police said woman who answered the telephone at the home of Rich ard s father Harry Moore said We have no comment Jerri Ann disappeared from her crib in her parents' Pawtucket apartment Nov 11. 1984. In what was an apparent kidnaping Four days later after an Intensive hunt Involving hundreds of law en forcement officers the Infant's beaten and raped body was found in dead-end alley about block from the apartment An autopsy showed she died of massive head Injuries Inflicted by blunt In strument No rape charges were Included In the warrant for Richard au thorities said Between the time of Jerri Ann's disappearance and the dis                 covery of her body Donna Rich ard and her husband Ralph Richard appealed to the public for help In locating their daughter RICHARD Page 13                 Donna Richard is booked at Monroe County Jail in Bloom                 yesterday                 AP PHOTO                 Donna Richard charged with murder                 RICHARD Cmillnued from Page 1 Ralph Richard surrendered lo Boulder Colo officials May 3 on kidnaping ami extortion charges stemming from an unre lated 1983 drug deal and was re leased the same day on 23 000 ball He was given permission to return to Providence on the condi tion he return to Boulder to face lay 22 arraignment police said Ralph Richard's whereabouts were unknown yesterday police said One source he Investigation said yesterday that police plan to subpoena Jerri Ann's father to appear before grand Jury sitting In Rhode Island in an effort lo gel more Informa tion on the murder of Jerri Ann massive investigation by law enforcement authorities led Paw tucket Police lo announce at an April II news conference that they knew who had killed Jerri Ann and had motive for her slaying Police did nol name the                 c bill said they were await ing the results of FBI tests on Hems found Jn he alley with the Infant's body as well as clothing shoes and Ix'ddlng taken Irom the parents' apartment-                 Pawtucket police said In De cember that both parents had un polygraph examinations and that both were believed to have withheld Information Pawtucket police also said that Ralph Richard's admitted Involve ment tn botched 100 000 drug deal may have led to revenge slaying of Jerri Ann They police arc just grasping at straws said Donna Richard at the time She told reporters she be lieved her daughter was murdered hy random assailant who did not know the family The Richards lived hi second- floor apartment on Main Street In an Industrial section of Pawtuck et Ralph Richard operated on auto restoration shop on the first floor Donna Richard had been living In Bloomlugion since Jerri Ann was burled there last Nov 24. au thor ties said She was raised In Blnoutlnglon and lived in Indian apolis for six years before moving lo Pawtucket In early 1984. 1                 JERRI ANN RICffARD Disappeared Nov 11. 19S4'</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Baker unveils plan to ease debt crisis</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Oct 8, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Tom Ashbrook Globe Staff</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>SEOUL--Fresh private bank lending, an enhanced role for the World Bank and a prescription for continued economic reform in Third World debtor nations formed the core of a plan for handling the world debt crisis unveiled yesterday by Treasury...</Abstract>
	<FullText>Baker unveils plan to ease debt crisis                 If the latest US plan to case the Third World debt problem fulls It mean substantial losses for US banks and increase the chances of worldwide reces sion Story Pape 47.                 By Tom Ashbrook Globe Staff                 SEOUL--Fresh private bank lending an enhanced role for the World Bank and prescription for continued economic reform in Third World debtor nations formed the core of plan for handling the world debt crisis unveiled yesterday by Treasury                 retary James Baker 3d With 9.000 International bankers and finance officials gathered In Seoul for ihr annual Joint meeting of the Wmlil Bank and International Monetary Fund Baker outlined what lie culled tin- concept of program for sus tained growth 't he IJS initiative is pri marily at Latin Anu-rau the flow of commercial bank loans has slowed to sua pace as world bankers have de clining confidence in the ability ol debt-strapped nations to repay their loans IMF Page 15                 Baker unveils plan to ease debt crisis                 IMF Continued from Page 1 At press conference yester day Baker described program that would seek to encourage 20 billion In fresh lending by com mercial banks over the next three years and raise disbursements by the World Bank and others to principal debtors by about bil lion over the same period Wooing the loans said Baker would require continued major economic reforms by debtor coun tries which have complained re cently that they can no longer bear the austerity measures that such changes often Imply If we are going to solve this problem everybody Is going to have to make some contribution said Baker describing the plan as an Initial proposal with many details still unconfirmed Objections from other rich and poor nations said Baker have forced him to scrap second more                 Innovative proposal he had brought to Seoul that would have combined IMF and World Bank ef forts behind billion fund for Africa and the poorest nations Commercial bank lending to developing countries plummeted last year to 17 billion from 48 billion In 1983. Latin American countries have begun to complain that without fresh flow of funds they' arc left with only painful austerity pro grams no hope of economic growth and Intolerable political strains Dllson Domlngos Funaro fi nance minister of Brazil the world s largest debtor said Ba ker s initiative was welcome but that It might be coming too late to help some countries Baker stressed that successful Implementation of the program would depend on strong efforts by debtor countries to control Infla tion balance their trade and pro                 mote efficient market oriented policies There are certain things that have to be done in the fiscal and monetary area that are going to be painful We can t get around that he said The World Bank said Baker could play an enhanced role In guiding and funding such long- term economic adjustments and entering arrange                 ments to attract loans signifi cantly broadening its current shorter term project- de velopment policies The United States he said would not now support funding1 for the World Bank but would look favorably on general cap ital Increase for the bank if the Initiative takes hold The United States Is the largest financial sup porter of the 149-member World Bank which collects funds from Industrial nations and lends them on easy terms to poor countries                 Aid and lending support to debtor nations said Baker would continue to be negotiated on case-by-case basis dependent on the success of Individual na tions In Implementing desired re forms First and foremost we must see the proper economic policies                 so that there is some hope of repayment he said Questioned on the willingness of commercial banks to pump more money Into countries where many already feel dangerously overexposed Baker Indicated that circumstances may leave the banks with little choice but lo go on lending They have quite bit at risk right now he said program raising realistic chances of even tual repayment he said might en                 courage private lenders to bank little bit more New lending asked of US banks said Baker might require changes In current US banking regulations Quite bit needs to be done to flesh out the details and modali ties of exactly how It would work he said or the new program Formal presentation of the JUS Initiative will come later when Baker addresses the plenary session of the annual meeting</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>In Woburn, The Coach says goodbye</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Nov 28, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Jeff Horrigan Contributing Reporter</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>The office is a football shrine. Newspaper clippings and photographs cover the brick walls like tattered wallpaper.</Abstract>
	<FullText>In Woburn The Coach says goodbye                 By Jeff Horrigan Contributing Reporter                 The office is football shrine Newspaper clippings and photographs cover the brick walls like tattered wallpaper                 There are articles and pictures of the greatest Woburn victories There arc pictures of The Couch Peter' Sullivan with his successful teams and with the rare unsuccessful teams dis played with the same prominence 1975 football program In mint condition lies on the desk atop 1984 program There has obvious ly been some reminiscing going on here Mimeographed or hand-made signs displaying proverbs or epi grams are all over the office You've got to learn how to fall be fore you learn lo fly To know you re the Ixat you can be He Who trims himself to suit every body will soon whittle himself away' Pride spirit love togeth the Invisible factors of greatness                 The sayings reflect The Coach's philosophy one Hint has made him one or the most success ful and respected coaches In the slate Now after 23 years as head coach Sullivan has decided to call It quits This morning at Win chester he will coach his final game for Woburn haven't been away from football either as player or coach for 33 years he explained SULLIVAN Page 24                 'I've always tried my hardest to make the fourth kid on the depth chart feel just as Important as the first stringer It cre ates an Infectious winning attitude Coach Peter Sullivan                 Veternn Woburn High School football coach Peter Sulllvnu reacts above to call by the offi cials during his team s recent game Belmont High School At left Sullivan hides his face us opposition scores                 GLOBE STAFF PHOTOS BY KEITH JENKINS                 In Woburn The Coach says goodbye                 SULLIVAN Continued from Page 1 new some lime lint tills might not be perma nent retirement Like Swamps-  s Sinn Bondclcvltch who re tired In 1975 after 23 years of coaching only to return to the sidelines two months later when he deckled that he missed the game too much Sullivan may someday return to call the plays from the sidelines never say never responded Sullivan to the possibility of re turning to coach in the future It's not coaching burnout 1 love football but right at this point 1 have to step aside I'll take my time off and see If the addiction Is still there might go out and play golf and never coach again Sullivan who will remain at Woburn teaching health educa tion nnd the dangers of substance abuse has several reasons for his departure I'm workaholic don't know how to do but compete coaching has consumed                 my life said the youthful-looking 46-year-old. only saw my son Mark play twice at Marlborough and only saw my daughter Mar- go as cheerleader once Mark 1985 University of Massachusetts graduate nnd for mer Central Massachusetts all- scholastic football player walked away from high-paying business job and became an assistant foot ball coach nt St Bcrnnrd's in le must seen some posi tive things In me Joked Sullivan guess football Is In the blood Was quarterback Sullivan started Ills football ca reer In 1952 as quarterback for Medford under the tutelage of John Dcllasola who like Vincc Ixmibnrdl was one of the Seven Blocks of Grnnltc nl University In the 30s. lie moved on to Worcester Academy where he was Prep School All-American There SullI vnn wns spotted by former Boston College great Charlie O'Rourkc then the head conch at UMnss                 The coaching turnstiles In Am herst were constantly moving In Sullivan's four years nl the school lie had three different hend coaches O'Rourkc left year later and was replaced by Chuck Stud- ley now the offensive coordinator of Ihe Miami Dolphins who wns later replaced by Vic Fusla Sullivan spent most or his col days riding the pine never reaching starter status le thinks this helped him In the long run knew from the minute went there that wanted to be coach Sullivan said had three great minds rub off on me Maybe that s why backup quarterbacks make good coaches Ills role as backup also Influ enced his attitude toward his play ers I've always tried my hardest to make the fourth kid on the depth feel just as Important as the first stringer II creates an Infectious winning attitude The fundamentals Upon graduation In 1962, lie landed physical education teaching position at Chelmsford where he became an assistant un der lie famed Tommy Eck When take look at it In 1985 I'm doing things fundamen tally the same way he me Sullivan Four years later at age 26. Sul livan secured Ills first head coach ing position King Philip in Wrenthnm was Impressed with Ills hus tle enthusiasm nnd thoughts on the game said former King 7*fl/ip athletic director Mike Coscntlno the man who hired Sullivan Our program was sort of stagnating for while but he set us moving In the right direction we re ccr- thankful for that Coscntlno described Sullivan's coaching methods the same way all who have dealt with him do lie s very charismatic He could hustle the kids get them psyched Into believing they could play Coaching Is 85 percent psychology and Peter was very good at that lie was one of the besl orga nized football coaches we ve ever had here lie got us moving sort of put us on the map In 1968. Sullivan was named head coach at Wayland and he maintained tic football dynasty there He guided Wayland In four straight Dual County League championships Including an un defeated Division 3 championship 111 1971. He had 38-7 career                 mark at Wayland Timing Is everything was very lucky to get that Job said Sullivan Took over in 1973 He came along nt the right time once again In 1973. when he took over the coaching Job at Woburn Once again Sullivan look program lu dire straits and turned It around le has produced two Super Bowl champion teams and five Middlesex league win ners lot of people thought wns crazy lo leave Wayland and come here the bottom of the barrel he said with satisfied gleam In Ills eye But I've had blessed career here I've had undefeated teams not many guys are blessed with Hint But that s be cause I've had great players and great assistant coaches Three of Ids assistants went on to become head coaches in the area Oliver Ames coach Jim Mitchell Hob DcSniilntcrs now nt Middleborough and former Fo v- conch John Morcttl Sullivan hopes that one of tils current assistants will take over the reigns nt Woburn next year At approximately this after noon Peter Sullivan's career high school football coach will end he with victory over fn- Winchester It's going to be very emo tional day for mc Sullivan ad mitted might bc on edge Inside hul not in front of the kids I'd really like for this class to exper ience big Thanksgiving victory It would set the tone for my suc cessor It's big carryover factor lo next year After suffering miserable beat ings nt he hand of Winchester the last two years Woburn will have several factors In motivate It the embarrassment factor from those Hie last game for the sen ior members of the team the hit ler rivalry and the final game of Its head coach We want this one real had said Drew Bulestrlcrl We waul lo send coach Sullivan out winner Regardless of the outcome there are few who will disagree that Peter Sullivan is the epitome of winner I've always admired people who could slop aside nt the top of their profession Sulllvnn reflect ed nnd feel that can do It                 Woburn High School football conch Peter Sullivan adjusts Drew                 s uniform                 GLOBE STAFF PHOTO BY KEITH JENKINS</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>US dollar hits pay dirt at Harrods</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jan 5, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<PersonName>Michael Getler</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Michael Getler</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>LONDON--With fists full of cashmere sweaters, bags full of Scottish salmon and wallets full of dollars. Americans in unprecedented numbers took advantage of Britain's crumbling currency yesterday and headed for the cashier counters at Harrods as...</Abstract>
	<FullText>US dollar hits pay dirt at Harrods                 By Michael Getler Washington Post                 LONDON--With fists full of cashmere sweaters bags full of Scottish salmon and wallets full of dollars Americans in unprecedented numbers took advantage of Britain's crumbling currency yesterday and headed for the cashier counters at Harrods as                 this city s most famous and fash department store Ixgan its annual New Year's sale An estimated 300.000 ple                 will pass through the store In the first two days of the three-week sale And while the opening day throng was overwhelmingly Brit ish the twang of New York Dal las CbarJrslon and Los Angeles not to mention Tokyo was un mistakable wherever the groping for goodies was most serious it s great sale We got cash mere sweaters real good brands that go tor 225 to 250 in the slates that cost IM founds 11 he equivalent of 731 here said Et tale tli ot Charleston And the service people ol the IN THIS Page Hi                 Male shopper tries to get into the act as women check dinnerware that went on sale yesterday                 at London's famed Harrods store                 AP PHOTO                 Strong US dollar hits pay dirt at Harrods sale in London                 IN THIS CORNER Continued from Page 1 store are the nicest I've seen anywhere evert nicer than tn the South she added shepherding her hus band and three children to the next counter Jeffrey Ressler New York attorney said he paid 160 pounds 185 for Bur berry raincoat elsewhere Jn London that would cost 400 to 500 In New York and get the tax back at the airport So you can fly here and buy raincoat for the price of the coat In New York That In fact Is what Harrods is hoping lot of Americans are doing The store ad for the first time last month In The New York Times hoping to make virtue and some money out of Britain's plunging pound We got cashmere sweaters to take home In this bag and lox to cat In the hotel In that bag said another New Yorker with big smile He declined to give his name because he didn't want his friends to know he brought food back to the hotel Do they sell bagels here too he asked The Harrods sale has become tradi tion Like homing pigeons huge crowds flock each year to this store whose sale prices can frequently be beaten elsewhere In the city but whose glamour glitter and distinctive gold and green shopping bags seem to mean bit of the good life to lot of people who ordinarily don't shop there This year however there Is difference the booming dollar and the sinking pound sterling Now valued at 15 Britain's once proud currency Is worth half of what It                 was In I960 and the nosedive toward 1- pound exchange rate something that seemed impossible year ago continues The pound Is worth 25 percent less than It was last January The combination of sale prices and the good exchange rate has meant that 25 per cent of the store s business this past year has been with American tourists store offi cials said Last January Harrods took in some 28 million pounds In the three weeks of the sale and this year Alex Craddock chair man of Harrods estimates the take will ex ceed 30 million pounds The only estimate on the number of Americans who will pass through the store however Js determined by the number who turn in applications at the airport to get their 13 percent value- added tax refund according to store offi cials Interviews with dozen or so Americans shopping here yesterday produced uniform praise for the service and for the civility of both service help and most shoppers In handling what In fact Is stampede of tens of thousands of shoppers through the store s 1 1 doors It's not the madhouse expected said Jim Gallahcr of North Carolina Every one s real helpful and very well mannered Lillian Turner New York-based TWA em ployee said she took flight here Just for the sale and while Harrods Is as busy as Jammed New York stores you don't mind the crowds here few bargain-hunting Britons camped outside the store Thursday night and by opening time some 3000 were lined up out side</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Davis Square rebounds, finds future brighter</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Feb 11, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Chris Cninlund Globe Staff</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Gone are the old freight car tracks that for decades sliced through Somerville's Davis Square, Gone, too, the station house and diner, the shabby storefront with broken windows and sagging clapboards that once stood in the heart of the square.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Davis Square rebounds finds future brighter                 By Chris Cninlund Globe Staff                 Gone are the old freight car tracks that for decades sliced through Somerville's Davis Square Gone too the station house and diner the shabby storefront with broken windows and sagging clapboards that once stood in the heart of the square                 AH have been replaced with urban amenities worthy of Boston's Qulncy Market There's red brick plaza with benches trees and stat- ues of 10 neighborhood residents There are storefronts with tasteful signs and spanking new MBTA station These are big changes for the neighborhood that rings Davis Square's spruced up central plaza and evidence that 20 years of decline has ended In this part of West Somcrville city-Initiated renaissance that began live years ago has sent Davis 'Square In its 1950s heyday one of the busiest commercial centers northwest of Boston on its way up again There was no way It could go but up said Thomas Cheevcr 88, retired steelworker who has watched the changes from his home oi the edge of the square don't think It will come back overnight but think the square will come back Cheever was there In the early 1970s when Da vis Square bottomed out He watched as Ihc peo ple who once flocked there switched loyalties to suburban shopping malls He was there when suspicious fires gutted old buildings and major stores such as Stop Shop fled He watched as In 1972, the city began negotiating with the state to Include Davis Square station on the planned extension of the Red Line from Harvard to Alewlfe That was the first Ingredient In revival recipe designed to lure shoppers back After stale officials agreed In 1976, Cheever watched as the square was dug up during years of construction that disrupted the precious Utile business that survived Between I960 and 1980, city planners say sales dropped 50 percent But that Is past Said Cheever Now people are In- DAVIS Page 8                 'There was no way it could go but up think the square will come back Thomas Cheever                 Davis Square looks to brighter future                 DAVIS Continued from Page 1 vest ing In Davis Square and they ar beginning to see future In It Prices go up Visions of the future are push ing up real estate values around Davis Square densely populated area quarter of mile from the Cambridge line and half mile from Tufts University In the last months real estate agent Dan Collins estimates the value of Da- vis Square property has gone up 40 percent compared to 30 per cent for the city as whole Even some of the modest old two- and three-story homes that ring the heart of the square are selling for more than 100 000 report some long-time residents In amaze ment In dollar terms the public and private investment made so far is substantial More than million In state and federal money has been used to upgrade the area around the MBTA station and 29 million was put into the sta tion Itself Another 13 million In private Investment has been com mitted Including million for construction not yet begun of an office-retail complex next to the station The has sought hew hinds of stores mid-priced clothing books and food to mix with the convenience stores offices Infor mal restaurants and specialty out lets that now make up the square Much of the blueprint for was contained In 1981 action plan drafted by the city which detailed everything from new streetlamps to new buildings Its every proposal Is now complete or under way                 If you saw the square In 1982, and see It now you sec complete ly different square says a' proud Mayor Eugene Brune But Brune acknowledges that making the square economically robust takes more than making it look nice The opening of the Red Line on Dec 8 did not provide businesses with an Immediate windfall expect substantial in creases but not overnight said the mayor It will come in time Merchants share his hopes al though some doubt Chamber of Commerce estimates that the Red Line will boost business 25 per cent the first year But the goal of Davis Square development was never solely 'money-making Equally impor tant said members of citizen ad visory task force is preserving the                 character of the neighborhood avoiding the kind of upscale gen- that has forced out resi dents of other redeveloped neighborhoods Said city planning director Thomas Pelham There was strong statement by the neighborhood that we want not redevelopment According to Pelham 85 per cent of the homes around the square are owner-occupied which makes for one hedge against newly razed but prime piece of land at the edge of the square has been set aside for 54 housing units for the elderly Construction will begin this spring To further discourage speculation said Pelham four- story limit on was Im posed for the entire area Controversial plan                 The has not been without controversy There was considerable sentiment against plans to level the commercial and residential buildings on what Is called the Bucna vista and construct an office-retail complex and 240-car parking garage The city took 1 1 properties by eminent domain The lot Is now vacant awaiting privately financed con struction There have been setbacks One came Just few weeks ago when the square s biggest clothing store Almy's filled Its front win dows with -out-of-business sale signs The closing of that store and five others was an nounced earlier this month when                 the Almy chain was bought out by Stop Shop When one of the prime tenants the biggest space- wise goes out of business It's got to be discouraging said Marty Goerg president of the Davis Sauarc Business Assn It really                 was tremendous blow more psy- than financial But Goerg and others hope to turn the loss to the square s ad vantage Already there Is talk of filling the Almy's building with store more In tune with the times possibly persuading Tufts to open store similar to the Harvard Coop Lee Auspltz of the citizen task force Is pleased with the way work has gone and while there are still Important decisions to be made said he hopes the finished product will be good one The grounds for optimism is not just that This Is good neighbor hood but one that everyone s'' watching he said                 GLOBE MAP                 view from on high of Somervllle's bavis Square with Its 10 life-sized statues of neighborhood resi                 dents scattered over the snow-covered plaza                 GLOBE STAFF PHOTO BY JOE DENNEHY</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Primordial soup--or was it clay?</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Apr 3, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>David L Chandler Globe Staff</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>The scientific picture of how life on earth began may be changed drastically by experimental evidence announced yesterday advancing a theory that clay was crucial to the origin of life.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Primordial soup--or was it clay                 By David Chandler Globe Staff                 The scientific picture of how life on earth began may be changed drastically by experimental evidence announced yesterday advancing theory that clay was crucial to the origin of life                 The report released by scien tists at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Ames Research Center in Cali fornia backs theory that cer                 tain clay formations may have exhibited some lifelike processes even before living organisms ap peared on earth In particular the new re search done by team directed by chemist Leila Coyne has demonstrated that ordinary clay can store energy transfer that energy from one region to an other nnd release It in different form Such and transfer of energy Is considered one of the essential processes of life                 The researchers found for example that energy from waves splashing against clay was stored within the clay and later released from lis surface as ultraviolet light Previous experiments have suggested that crystal-like pat terns in clay can also undergo rudimentary form of growth and self-replication two other fun damental life processes This suggests according to Hie re- CLAY Page 1 1                 Pritrwrdicd soup or was it clay                 CLAY Continued from Page 1 searchers that clay may have formed kind of pro- a' molecular pattern that helped bring about the appear- ance of the first living j- The new theory first proposed by chemist Graham Cairns-Smith of the University of Glasgow con- with the general view that life began by the random nation of molecules in dial soup such as shallow pond on the early earth That the ory has encountered some prob lems recently including evidence that some of the necessary cal components methane arid am monia In the air may not have ex isted in sufficient quantity in earth s primitive atmosphere Also some scientists Including Nobel Prize-winning biologist Francis Crick and British ogist Fred Hoyle have claimed that the likelihood of arriving at the Incredible complexity of even the simplest organism Just through random motions of chemicals in water Is so unlikely that It cannot account for life s origin The clay theory would answer this objection according to Cairns-Smith's theory because the clay surface could act as kind of template helping the mol Jlne up in an orderly way to form the chemical precursors of life Thus some of the basic pat terns in the molecules that make up living organisms may have been Inherited from nonliving mineral structures in the clay Calms-Smith said yesterday that this would provide an expla nation for how life which is chemically complex even in its earliest forms arose from simple chemical structures You have to have low-tech organisms before you can have high-tech organ- ism he said 'r Earlier experiments at Ames and elsewhere have also shown thai clay can concentrate certain chemicals from the surrounding air and water and can act as to help certain chemical 1 reactions take place For example the formation of amino acids some of' the basic building blocks of known life happens much 1 more rapidly on clay surface than in water 1 None of the evidence gathered proves that clays were involved in the origin of life the researchers say But it does demonstrate that clays are capable of carrying out number of lifelike processes and 1 that role for clay in the forma tion of life is at least possible Cairns-Smith points out that organic molecules the basic structures of life Interact strong ly with clays and vlcc-versa so it would not be surprising If this strong Interaction played part in life s origins He says when the earth first formed whatever organic molecules were present were almost certainly sitting on clay or other mineral surfaces so even if this particular theory' isn't right something like it Is probably right</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Ortega visits Moscow seeking $200m in aid</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Apr 29, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<PersonName>Alison Smale</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Alison Smale</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>MOSCOW--President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua arrived yesterday in the Soviet Union, where he is expected to seek $200 million in economic assistance to supplement Soviet military aid.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Ortega visits Moscow seeking 200m in aid                 By Alison Smale Associated Press                 MOSCOW--President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua arrived yesterday in the Soviet Union where he is expected to seek 200 million in economic assistance to supplement Soviet military aid                 Moscow Is the key stop In nine-nation tour by Ortega of communist nations The trip comes at time of de bate In the United States about US policy toward Nicaragua The Soviet news agency Tass s- this weekend that the Reagan Administration may be preparing mi economic blockade of Nicara gua after Congress rejected Us re quest for 14 in aid to the rebels foes of the Sandlntstu government US officials have said the Sovi ets have provided Nicaragua with millions of dollars' worth of mili tary aid Oil Industry and diplo                 matic sources In Central America' have said the Soviets supply much of Nicaragua's oil But reports Indicate that the'-- Kremlin has provided little hard cash to help solve Nicaragua's eco- problems which Include 250 percent annual Inflation rate shrinking production and short- ages of food and consumer goods government source in Mana gua the Ntcaraguan capital has said Ortega plans to ask Moscow for 200 million in emergency rash Hi buy food and other essen- Hal Items The source on condition he not be Idcntilu-d The Soviet news media rt-pml- ed only that Ortega was welcomed by Allycv  r of he Politburo and first prime mm Observing standard protocol 1 Prnvdn the Communist Party ORTEGA Page 20                 Ortega visits Moscow seeking 8200m in aid                 ORTEGA Continued from Page 1 newspaper published photo graph and brief biography of Orte ga The Cuban news agency Prensa Latinn said Ortega met President Fidel Castro of Cuba during Friday stopover In Ha vana The agency said late Satur day that Ortega and Castro con demned US policy In Central America but the dispatch no mention of aid Ortega left Managua on Friday with 30 other Nlcaraguan offi cials The Soviets have never said they provide military aid to Nica                 but periodically have an nounced technical assistance The Soviets granted Managua 50 mil lion In easy credit in 1981 to buy Soviet agricultural machinery and chemicals The government source in Managua said Ortega will be gone for 15 days Tass said his Itiner ary Includes stops In Cuba Yugos lavia and all six Soviet allies In Eastern Europe East Germany Bulgaria Czechoslovakia Hunga ry Romania and Poland Ortega's visit to Moscow was announced last week after the US House of Representatives rejected Reagan's request for aid to the contras Sen Bob Dole R-Kan                 the Senate majority leader 9aid Saturday that Ortega's visit to Moscow Indicates Congress made major misjudgment Prior to last week s congres sional vote Reagan called for cease-fire and peace negotiations between Nicaragua's government and the contras While the cease-fire offer was pending Reagan said the 14 mil lion aid to the contras would be re stricted to purposes The United States cut off all aid to Nicaragua In January 1981 be cause of Its tics to Cuba and the Soviet Union It subsequently has blocked Nicaragua's applications for loans and credits from Interna tional banking organizations                 Rebels said to get SAMs Associated Press MANAGUA Nicaragua Dc- fense Mfnlster Humberfo Ortega yesterday said the United States is providing anti-Sandinista rebels with surface-to-air missiles He said the Soviet-designed SAM7 missiles which arc shoul der-fired were acquired by the US Central Intelligence Agency and given to the rebels The Reagan Administration will be responsible for any situa tion that might come out of the possession of this type of weapons in the hands of Irregular forces said Ortega brother of President Daniel Ortega</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>State to widen 15 miles of 128</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>May 16, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Chris Chinlund Globe Staff</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>State officials said yesterday they have launched plans to add two lanes to a clogged section of Rte. 128, a suburban highway that officials said could soon rival the city's Central Artery and the Southeast Expressway in traffic congestion if nothing is done.</Abstract>
	<FullText>State to widen 15 miles of 128                 Needham-Randolph' bottleneck targeted                 By Chris Chinlund Globe Staff                 State officials said yesterday they have launched plans to add two lanes to clogged section of Rte 128, suburban highway that officials said could soon rival the city s Central Artery and the Southeast Expressway in traffic congestion if nothing is done                 Relief for the 120,000 people who drive dally on Rte 128 be tween Necdham and Randolph may come as soon as next month when the- Federal Highway Ad ministration is expected to ap prove -ln the breakdown lane That would provide much- needed fourth lane In each direc tion of the highway where rush- hour travelers how suffer 20-min- ute delays in bumper-to-bumper traffic Except for that section Rte 128 already has four lanes In each direction from Rte 93 south to Rte 3. Use of the breakdown lane will relieve congestion while the state constructs two lanes one north one south In the median strip An environmental analysis Is un der way on the estimated 50 mil lion project 90 percent of which will be patd for with federal dol lars Barring unexpected environ mental problems construction would begin as soon as design work Is complete according to state transportation officials and the lanes could be completed with in about five years The Rte 12 segment targeted for new lanes Is about 15 miles long starting at the intersection of Rte 9 and stretching south to where Rte 24 branches off In Randolph Developers municipal officials and business representatives heard about the expansion from state officials at day-long confer ence In Burlington yesterday on the future of Rte 128. The confer ence was sponsored by several state and private transportation and planning organizations ROUTE 128. Page 18                 State plans to widen 15 miles of 128 to ease Needham-Randolph squeeze                 ROUTE 128 Continued from Page 1 With the news came mes sage that construction will not solve the traffic problems on Rtc 1 28. There must also be new em phasis on mass transit van pool ing and staggered shifts at major In the area The only way that Rte 128 will be able to accommodate the continued growth which Is the centerpiece of our economy Is through cooperative effort by state and local officials area busi ness and commuters said stale Transportation Secretary Freder ick Salvuccl In announcing new state study of Rte 128 con gestion Along with adding lanes Salvuccl said the state s plans In clude Improvement to many Inter changes along the highway and renewed emphasis on reducing the number of cars that use It dal ly- No official approval yet Michael Meyer director of the state Bureau of Transportation Planning and Development said that although the federal govern ment has not yet given official ap proval for the use of the break down lanes he has been told In formally that It will be permitted Salvuccl too said that federal offi                 cials have looked at It generally favorably and we are expected to get permission within one month Details on funding for con struction were sketchy yesterday but Deputy Transportation Secre tary Allan McKlnnon was confi dent funds will be available Said McKlnnon don't know where the money Is In the pipeline but there Is little question that when we are ready to build the money will be there Forbodlng statistics were deliv ered by Salvuccl and McKlnnon Among them At current development rates 20.000 Jobs are expected to be added along the Rtc 128 corri dor by the end of next year Over the the 1980s. 150.000 Jobs will have been added In the 28 commu nities along 128. That translates Into as many as 90,000 new cars on the highway according to planners' best estimates Said McKlnnon Obviously the good news Is our people will be working the bad news Is that Rtc 128 may not be Already one stretch of Rte 128 has as much traffic as the Southeast Expressway The state plans to Invest more than 200 billion on Im provements to Rte 128 and Its ac cess roads in the next five years but the investment is not expected to compensate for increased traf-                 Itc Recent traffic counts suggest that If the economy remains strong and the expected business expansion occurs the traffic counts In some sections of Rtc 128 will rival the traffic counts on the Central Artery and actually surpass those of the Southeast Ex said McKlnnon Over two decades we will have added 300,000 Jobs on that corri dor with basically the same road we had 20 years ago Word of the expansion of the three-lane portion of Rte 128 be                 tween Ncedham and Randolph lagged by officials as one of the three worst of Rte 128 pleased conference participants although the Improvements were viewed as only one small part of the overall plan to avoid what one called the potential for gridlock on the highway McKlnnon also said that the state has requested use of the breakdown lane on Rte 3 between Weymouth and Han                 over It certainly is good news it will help out significantly said William Kimball or Spauldlng Slyc Investment builders brokers and managers He represented Rte 128 businesses some of which have commissioned their own traffic studies on Rte 128. According to Meyer the widen ing of the southern stretch of Rtc 128 Is expected to alleviate about 90 percent of the congestion that slows rush hour traffic There may still be some problems at the Interchanges he said                 GLOBE MAP</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Palestinian issue stalls peace effort</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>May 16, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Curtis Wilkie Globe Staff</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>JERUSALEM--The American mission to revive the Mideast peace process appears to have been run aground by a failure to come up with an acceptable Palestinian delegation.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Palestinian issue stalls peace effort                 By Curtis Wilkie Globe Staff                 JERUSALEM--The American mission to revive the Mideast peace process appears to have been run                 aground by failure to come                 up with an acceptable Palestinian delegation                 Despite the assertion by Secre tary of State George Shultz after he completed his trip to Israel Jor dan and Egypt this week that he felt there was genuine sense of movement In the region negoti ations are still being blocked The Palestine Liberation Organization insists on participating in any talks involving Palestinian Inter ests aDd Israel refuses to have any contact with the PLO The Americans hoped the stalemate might be broken by drawing members of Joint Jorda nian-Palestinian delegation from the Palestine National Council or PNC which has links to the PLO but formally serves as the -ln- for the Palestinian people                 The United States also has policy that prohibits any talks with the PLO but as one Ameri can diplomat here said Our posi tion is that there are people in the PNC whom we have been talking to for years Some members of the PNC are prominent academi cians who live In the Untied States others are routinely grant ed travel visas to the Untied Slates They are not officially con sidered members of the PLO The PNC option the diplomat said Is where we get into differ ences with Israel Israel's foreign minister Yitz hak Shamir who shares power with Prime Minister Shimon Peres In the government of national uni ty has ruled out any discus sions with members of the PNC Peres ts more equivocal and other ministers In his Labor Alignment say there was tacit agreement made by the old Likud government at the time of the Camp David talks that Israel would not inspect too closely the credentials of prospective Palcs- M1 Page 9                 Dispute on Palestinian delegates stalls effort to revive peace talks                 MIDEAST Continued from Page 1 delegates to enter discus sions But the Israeli Cabinet went on record this week as opposing any negotiations with persons com mitted to the Palestinian cov The PNC has long embraced the covenant which calls for re of Palestine on the land now claimed by Israel and the elimination of the Jewish state In the Mfdeast Israel's objections to the PNC option are coupled Ironically with the PLO's refusal to permit PNC members who are not direct ly associated with the PLO to rep resent Palestinians The PLO was recognized as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people In 1974 at an Arab summit in Rabat and the organization which Is locked In factional struggle with Syr ian-supported Palestinian dissi dents who oppose the leadership of Yasser Arafat the PLO's chair man cannot afford to relinquish this role and retain its credibility In an Interview few weeks ago with The Boston Globe Mo hammed Mllhem member of the PLO executive committee and one of three Palestinians reportedly nominated by the PLO to serve on the delegation said the tlon could not condone situation In which the PLO was left out of negotiations Jordan meanwhile which pro- posed to unite with the Palestln- tans in new Mideast talks also has said publicly that It will insist upon PLO representation Prlvate- ly the Jordanians have hinted                 that they might urge flexibility upon the PLO on this Issue but Jordan Is not in position to in sist Kfng Hussein of Jordan who Is coming to Washington to dis cuss the situation with President Ronald Reagan is believed to be happy with the alliance he made last fall with Arafat In their com mon struggle against Syria and he Is unlikely to undercut the PLO leader Arafat who could dramatically change the dynamics by accepting without qualification UN Security Council Resolution 242 which recognizes Israel's right to exist In exchange for the return of Arab land captured In the 1967 war has refused to do so He reiterated In Peking few days ago that the PLO must be Involved directly In any formal talks Arafat and other Arab leaders also want the Palestine question ultimately resolved at an interna tional conference attended by ihe Soviet Union The United States and Israel oppose an Internationa conference                 So Shultz left the Mideast where he was so badly embar rassed in his last regional venture in Lebanon trying to put the best face on difficult problem A1 least his trip may have fa relations between Israel and Egypt Talks resumed in Cai ro yesterday between Is raeli and Egyptian officials over festering border dispute Richard Murphy the assis tant secretary of state who shut tled in vain through the region In April In an attempt to arrange breakthrough for the Shultz visit stayed behind to continue to try to set up some kind of Jordanian- Palestinian team that Israel would accept Many names arc being bandied about and as State Department spokesman said week ago We are hearing many different voices from the Middle East on this is sue Yet for all of the talk and pub lic optimism In some circles the possibility of an early resolution looks bleak</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Travelers grounded</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1985)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>May 18, 1985</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<OriginalForm>Fred Pillsbury Globe Staff</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Thousands of travelers were stranded yesterday at airports from Boston to Tokyo after 5200 United Airlines pilots walked off the job in the early morning.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Travelers grounded                 United Airlines slashes flights in 1st day of strike                 By Fred Pillsbury Globe Staff                 Thousands of travelers were stranded yesterday at airports from Boston to Tokyo after 5200 United Airlines pilots walked off the job in the early morning                 On the first day Of the strike the nation s largest airline was able to run only 1 1 percent of its normal schedule halting service at 89 airports and severely curtail ing flights at 50 others United said it would respond to its first strike since 1951 by flying with nonunion pilots and those who de- fled the picket lines At Logan Airport Jn Boston United had hoped to fly four flights but managed only two yes terday It usually has 14 flights dally They could have done some thing besides canceling the flights and saying good luck to you said James Hogan of Salem who was flying with his family to San Diego on vacation If they knew there was possibility of strike week ago they should have warned ev erybody and maybe looked to oth er airlines But Alma Hart of Norwood who was bound to Las Vegas re fused to let the strike ruin her va cation What are you going to get mad at said Hart If you start out mad everything will go wrong found dime on the way In this morning Everything will be fine The strike came after  days of negotiations In Boston site chosen because federal mediator lives in New Hampshire and be- cause it was neutral turf for Chi- cago-based United The issue that finally grounded the pilots and the company in their long contract dispute was United's two-tier proposal 10 UNITED Page 6                 Airlines pilot pickets yesterday at Logan Airport terminal                 GLOBE PHOTO BY TOM LANDERS                 1st day of United strike leaves thousands stranded                 UNITED Continued from Page 1 pay newly hired pilots at lower ny scale than current pilots Page 6]. James Good spokes man for the Air Line Pilots Assn said last night that the union ne had returned to Chicago and that no further talks were scheduled Unlted's competitors who long in advance had made contingency plans to handle the extra passen ger loads gained extra business United normally carries 130,000 passengers day Asked what the effect of the strike on the airline Industry would be John Plnca- vage an analyst at Paine Webber said It's going to make lot of people very wealthy Glenn Parsons spokesman for Eastern Air Lines said that airline is seeing probably as much as 5000 Increase In Its dal ly bookings At American Air lines In Dallas Becker said We're accommodating thou sands of United passengers all over the system on existing flights United had offered contracts to 500 outside pilots months ago to fly Its airplanes during the strike and plans to use 240 supervisors as well Yesterday though some of the new hires refused to cross the picket lines and the airline ap                 peared to be having difficult time keeping- radically reduced schedule Morale is very very good said Capt Samuel O'Danlcf Denver-based pilot working as spokesman at strike headquarters In suburban Rosemont near O'Hare International Airport the hub of United operations We're very pleased with the unity In the pilot group They un derstand the Issues and the re solve Is there to stand firm We the company s position as union-busting tactic O'Danlcl said In Chicago Charles Novak United spokesman said the air line s new pilots are not scheduled to fly for several days Another problem for the airline Is vote by its lO OOp flight attendants to honor the pilots' picket lines Most airlines were accepting Unlted's tickets and made an nouncements to that effect al though passengers holding special low fare United tickets often had to pay extra Continental Airlines said It had low fares for all scats on all flights who will try to capacity control in expensive scats and capitalize on the consumers' plight Carl Wlm- mer manager of passenger sales at American Airlines here one of Unlted's said nights                 had been heavy but there are few scats available All yesterday morning lines wound around the United area In Terminal at Logan Airport as passengers attempted to obtain reservations on other airlines or awaited news of United flights Three students from Cranston Deborah Ccsana Dawn O'Connel and Joanne Torres de at first of making It to San Francisco for long-planned two- week vacation It may take us that long to get there one said                 They were referred to American Airlines on standby basts George Milliard from Duxbury had ticket for the 10:35 flight to Chicago where he said he had business meeting In the afternoon His round trip ticket had cost 156 but he said the only thing he could get was 340 one way first class seat There's nothing we can do he said as he Inched his baggage forward to thc ticket counter It's almost got to the point where we put our bags In the car and go home                 National Mediation Board members Helen Witt and Rnlnh rni-'                 leave press conference                 AP PHOTO                 Long nne lorms at United counter at Logan Airport yesterday                 GLOBE STAFF PHOTO BY TOM LANDERS</FullText>

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In [51]:
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In [52]:
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- I|l|l|u|s|t|r|a|t|i|o|n - 193 files:
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- Letter to the Editor|Correspondence - 747 files:
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    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230044_00004/367141612.xml
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    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230044_00004/367272692.xml
- News|Legal Notice - 38 files:
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230044_00004/367177773.xml
    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230044_00004/367209851.xml
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    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230044_00004/504817103.xml
- News|Marriage Announcement - 63 files:
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    - /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230044_00004/375406456.xml
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- N|e|w|s - 92 files:
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- O|b|i|t|u|a|r|y - 2579 files:
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- R|e|v|i|e|w - 199 files:
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- S|t|o|c|k| |Q|u|o|t|e - 684 files:
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In [53]:
# which types do we want to preview?
types_to_output = news_object_type_list

# declare variables
xml_file_path_list = None
xml_file_path_count = None
xml_file_path_example_list = None
xml_file_path = None
xml_file = None
xml_dict = None
xml_string = None

# loop over types
for object_type in types_to_output:
    # print type and count
    xml_file_path_list = object_type_to_file_path_map.get( object_type, [] )
    xml_file_path_count = len( xml_file_path_list )
    xml_file_path_example_list = xml_file_path_list[ : 10 ]
    print( "\n- {} - {} files:".format( object_type, xml_file_path_count ) )
    for xml_file_path in xml_file_path_example_list:
        print( "----> {}".format( xml_file_path ) )

        # try to parse the file
        with open( xml_file_path ) as xml_file:

            # parse XML
            xml_dict = xmltodict.parse( )
        #-- END with open( xml_file_path ) as xml_file: --#
        # pretty-print
        xml_string = xmltodict.unparse( xml_dict, pretty = True )

        # output
        print( xml_string )
    #-- END loop over example file paths. --#
#-- END loop over object types. --#

- Article|Feature - 0 files:

- Feature|Article - 9363 files:
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230044_00004/367091933.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>Document Drafted to End Fear of Being Gypped</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Nov 22, 1964</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>ROBERT McPECK</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>ROBERT McPECK</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Ranking as one of the most dreaded expressions in our language is the four-word stinger, "You got a lemon." Whether it's a new car, power mower, washing machine--or a new home--nobody wants to think he's been "took."</Abstract>
	<FullText>Document Drafted to End Fear of Being Gypped                 New-Home Warranty or Greater-Hub Buyers                 Paul Kneeland real estate editor of the Boston Globe on vacation Toddy's gest columnist is Robert McPeck executive vice president of the Home Builders' Assn of Greater Boston                 By ROBERT McPECK                 Ranking as one of the most dreaded expressions in our language is the four-word stinger You got lemon Whether it s new car power mower washing machine-or new home-nobody wants                 to think he s been took                 McPECK                 Builders and realtors (who have long recognized that with over 3000 components involved, NO house is "perfect") today ENCOURAGE a new owner to keep a list of any flaws or defects he discovers in the first few months of occupancy. The builder or the realtor can then arrange an inspection tour of .the house to examine each item and remedy those that should be checked.                 The home owner who DOESN'T report the Imperfections he finds in his new home can present bigger headaches to the builder than a chronic nag. In some cases the new owner discovers a flaw and Is at once convinced that, .Instead of his "dream home,' he s saddled with aa lemon., And instead of nipping the  in the bud, it festers                 and n.  1 owner, he b  he s .                 Today there Is. no* need for this, :and most builders go far beyond their bounden responsibilities in the interest of good will.                 Just where does the builder s                 responsibility end, and 1 the buyer s begin? To settle I this point, builders across the I country are Issuing a written &lt; warranty with the new home.                 This warranty Is generally re- I viewed when title to the I home is being conveyed.                 The warranty spells out precisely what the builder is responsible for, and alerts the home  to those items he must be responsible for. Builders welcome the written warranty idea,  there is no need for a conscientious builder-to have his life made miserable by the chronic complaints of an unreasonable buyer, nor any need for a homeowner to                 be the  of the builder s I forgetfulness.                 What's M Warranty? 1 Just what' should go into as new - home warranty? Some i                 new suburbanites would, no doubt, insist on perpetual care for their lawns and to hear builders and realtors swapping notes. This is no exaggeration. We've noticed in recent months a tendency among builders of less expensive homes to admit having more complaints about grading and                 seeding, oi just "poor lawns." i                 The first natural reaction is I  the less-expensive home I probably received a cheaper I quality grass seed and loam- I but checking this out has I proven that Identical quality I was used An homes where I ]awns were top-quality, and i almost without regard for price                 of the home. But where build- I ers have followed up the prob- I lem, they often find that the                 newly transplanted city - i ler is not accustomed or in- i clined to care for anywhere I from one-quarter to one-anda-half acres of green, when                 he never even used to own a I lawn  I                 Will the home building In- I dustry ever systematize the I warranty aspect to the same i extent that the  I manufacturers have? I would 4 predict that they will - In i fact, the automobile manufacturers may one day take a                 lesson from home builders. 1                 Right at this time there Is I a committee at work within I the Home Builders Assn. of ( Greater Boston; evaluating I earliest results of a field test c that it has been  I since mid-Summer. Builders, who are members of the as- i                 ---------+- ++- + w + +                 sociation were selected to put into operation a standard warranty, to check it for practical application and workability in the harsh light of everyday business. Early results point to the need for only minor language clarifications-where home owners were confused by builder s lingo - but by and large the warranty concept is meeting with highly favorable response from the home buying public.                 In the case of lawns, for example, the warranty spells out that the builder is responsible for the initial  and seeding on all disturbed areas on both sides of the house, in the front, and for at least 30 feet 'to the rear, - and all other disturbed areas will be graded. The warranty pledges that quality seed has - been used, but reminds the buyer that lawns must be watered carefully to receive the equivalent of one inch rainfall per week, should be fertilized in April and late August, and bare spots reseeded.                 The greatest advantage to the standard warranty is that it eliminates, needless doubts, confusion and sometimes hostility. Only a suggested "bill of rights," even when in final form the Home Builders Assn: suggests that the standard warranty be amended at the                 time of paper-passing to incorporate specific agreements as to responsibilities. By eliminating the doubts, much needless worry and concern can be eliminated.                 Of the many components that go into today s home, a number of them are covered by manufacturers' warranty, and ordinarily are satisfactorily resolved when either the builder or the home owner contacts the manufacturer s service department, But, builders are anxious to know when their buyers have complaints against manufacturers of materials or appliances. Also, builders must keep a close watch ot the many subcontractors - plumbers, electricians, heating contractors - and if they don't remedy defects when reported, the builders can "drop" them.                 The nearly-completed warranty form will be made available to all members of the Home Builders Assn. of Greater Boston.</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230044_00004/367100813.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>Peter, Paul, Mary Aim at Teens</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Oct 5, 1967</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>Joe Cappo</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>JOE CAPPO</OriginalForm>
	<FullText>Peter Paul Mary Aim at Teens                 BY JOE CAPPO                 Chicaso Daily News                 Peter Paul and Mary are making bid for the teenage record market with their latest Warner Brothers LP Album 1700."                 The lead entry on the album is Dig Rock and Roll Music which has been released as single and is doing well in the hard rock competition                 Written by the trio the tune is sound-alike to much of what has been done by the Mamas and Papas com-                 plete with shaking tambourine electric guitars and heavy drums Although the rock idiom fits PP like glove Paul Stookey has said the group is not going to exchange its successful folk bag for run at the bopper market                 The only other big beat composition in the album is Rolling Home moderate tempo folk-rocker                 Although not as commercial as the upbeat sides the best track on the LP is                 tasteful performance of 'The                 House Song sad haunt- ing poem-song</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230044_00004/367105818.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>1750 at Brandeis protest policies</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Feb 14, 1970</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
		<PersonName>Nina McCain</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Nina McCain</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Almost half the undergraduate students at Brandeis University have joined in a protest against its financial and academic policies and have called for a greater student and faculty voice in setting future...</Abstract>
	<FullText>150 at Brandeis protest policies                 By Nina McCain Globe Staff                 Almost half the undergraduate students at Brandeis University have joined In protest against its financial and academic and have called for greater student and faculty voice in setting future priorities                 According to leaders of the protest movement more than 1750 of an undergraduate enrollment of 2200 have turned their Spiing semester course cards over to the Student Union rather than submitting them to the registrar as university rules require The students risk 10 fine in withholding the cards                 The ad hoc student committee which organized the protest plans to return the cards which tell what courses students will be taking to the dean of students next week They have assured students that the Student Council will pay fines if they are levied                 Jon Quint vice president of the student council and one of the organizers of the protest said the of the cards signifies agreement with 12-page document drawn up by an ad hoc committee that is critical of number of recent administration actions including tuition increase the announcement of new law school and budget                 main point Quint said is that students and faculty should have major voice in the setting of university policy and the spending of money                 Our belief that Brandels is heading in the wrong direction has developed gradually over the past year the statement said We have concluded                 that the only way for Brandeis to be run In the best interest of the and faculty is for those people to help run it                 Among the students' demands are                 0 Plans for the law school be tabled until the university is in better financial condition The document includes scathing letter from Leonard Levy professor of consititutional history It charges that Pres Morris Abram announced the new law school in story in The New York Times without prior consultation with either faculty or trustees                 Next year s freshman class be held to 450 instead of 600 because of housing shortage and inadequate dining and recreational facilities                 recently announced tuition increase of 250 be rescinded and next year s tuition be held at the current rate of 2400                 freeze on the academic budget be lifted The students charge that the freeze falls hardest on the untenured faculty who are often the best beachers and have the largest teaching loads                 The amount of scholarship money be drastically increased Unless the money is increased the students warn Brandeis will not be able to increase its enrollment of black or poor white students Black students are pressing the trustees for an increase in 1 admissions next year                 Most Brandeis administrators are in Florida for trustees meeting and were not available for comment The students are asking for an response by next Friday</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230044_00004/367108493.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>Names &amp; Faces In the News</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Feb 18, 1967</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<Abstract>Terry Gibson was suspended from the New Orleans Fire Department Friday because he refused to shave off his mustache after being ordered to do so by his chief. The order came directly...</Abstract>
	<FullText>Names Faces                 In the News                 Terry Gibson was suspended from the New Orleans Fire Department Friday because he refused to shave ofT his mustache after being ordered to do so by his chief The order came directly                 from Fire Chief Supt Arthur Heyd spokesman for the Fire Department said the department was not particularly anti-mustache but that Gibson's was not neat                 House Speaker John McCormack has been selected as the distinguished citizen of the by the national Catholic student association the National Newman Anostolate He was given the award in the Rayburel loom of the Capitol by Archbishop Philip Hannan of New Orleans                 CONG. McCORMACK... has his day                 LIZA MINELLI... sets a day                 Liza Minelli, 20, the actress-singer daughter of Judy Garland, will marry Peter Allen, 23, on Mar. 3. Miss Minelli and the Australian  have been quite good friends since 1964.                 Lynda Bird Johnson decided to have a fun evening for royalty. So she gave a dinner-dance in honor of Princess Irene of Greece in the White House. East Room. A long stag line of eligible bachelors stood by, but missing from the ranks was George Hamilton who has frequently been called Miss Johnson's most frequent escort.                 Dr. Hale Smith, a professor of anthropology, has announced, after careful and long study, that the rise and fall of women s hem lines reflects the economic and cultural security of a civilization. In a speech in Florida, Smith noted that miniskirts are barometers of good times, adding: "Only during periods when there is a surplus of food, energy and leisure can man indulge freely in (such) cultural play activities."                 Rep. Lionel Van Decrlin (D-Calif.) figures maybe it was a nut-loving camera theif. Or it may have been a camera-loving nut thief. It could even have been a briefcase-loving nut and camera thief. At any rate, someone entered his Washington home and stole a camera, a can of pecans and a brief case.                 CONG. VAN DEERLIN... has a theory                 GIDEON HAUSNER... never again                 Gideon Hausner, the Israeli lawyer who prosecuted Adolf Eichmann for his part in the slaughter of Jews by Hitler's Third Reich, said he never again will take on such a task. "It is not necessary," he said in London. "We proved our point with Eichmann." Hausner came to London for conferences with the publishers of his book which relates how Eichmann was captured, convicted and hanged. "I had to write it," he said. "If you had a leprous spot on your hand, wouldn't you get rid of it?"</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Old timers Mays, Klein top picks for Hall of Fame</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Feb 1, 1970</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<Abstract>Pitcher Carl Mays and outfielder Chuck Klein are among the leading candidates for admission to the Baseball Hall of Fame today as the old timers committee holds its annual selection meet-...</Abstract>
	<FullText>Old timers Mays Klein top picks for Hall of Fame                 United Press International                 NEW YORK Pitcher Carl Mays and outfielder Chuck Klein are among the leading candidates for admission to the Baseball Hall of Fame today as the old timers committee holds its annual selection meeting                 Mays who pitched for the Yankees for most of his career won 207 games and compiled five 20-game seasons                 1 ei Philadelphia's premier slugger of his day compiled 320 lifetime batting average He hit over 300 for seven straight years and led the National League in home runs in four of five in the mid-1930s                 Other top candidates include Earle Combs of the Yankees Bucky Walters of the Cincinnati Reds Jimmy Dykes of the Philadelphia Athletics and Rube Marquard of the New York Giants</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>N.U.'s Leu Fires Win Over RPI</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jan 12, 1967</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<Abstract>Center Jim Leu unloaded for the first and fourth Northeastern scores to spark his squad to its third straight victory, a 5-2 win over R.P.I. at Boston Arena Wednesday night.</Abstract>
	<FullText>'s Leu Fires Win Over RPI                 Center Jim Loe unloaded for the first and fourth Northeastern scores to spark his squad to its third straight victory 5-2 win over at Boston Arena Wednesday night                 goalie Tom Nichol had 37 saves but Leu found the range at 7:12 of the first to tie the game after Dale Watson beat Husky goalie Gary Thornton at 4:50.                 Phil O'Connell took leadin pass from Ed McCarty and shot from in close to put ahead 2-1. Barry Law's goal tied the score at 2-all in the second period Don Taylor put the Huskies in front to stay late in the second period and Lou and Dean McGrananhan rounded out Northeastern's victory with scores in the final period                 Northeastern is now 4-7, while is 3-9-1.                 In the Freshmen game Northeastern's Dave Poile son of former Bruin Bud Polie scored twice-once in overtime-on asissts from the son of another Bruin Terry Cain as the Pups edged Boston State 4-3.                 NORTHEASTERN BPh                 Thortion Hai rCh st INhr                 PSare Caval GDnkie Thrott In AMtcurti Le c4 Watson Porter Mac Pr                 by                 Slit Snares Mccreaahan O'Connel Mcarty Mcnstlcid Sarno Taylor Sullivan Chtiste Leger                 s5e CavolteIr Gnn tira Ingha C1i020 Johnflon Daninel                 FIRST PERIOD                 Go LWaon Chamlicr Scam 4:A0.                 isto Tayl MacCansfind Forte 7:12.                 Goaty O'Connell McCarty teO 19:20.                 PERIOD                 Penalty Leger tr 6:27.                 it Law Scaamelt 17                 Penalty Ighar check at attack zone 1 9:00.                 al Taylor Sarno                 Penalty Har huttl- 15                 71HIRD PERIOD                 sLet Porter 12:2.                 oe 1cC1,                 Trtti1215                 Penalty Christie 51                 Penalty Leger 17:30t.                 Saves by Periodts 2 Northeastern tt ift -2                 RI In 16 1-275</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>NAMES &amp; FACES IN THE NEWS</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jan 22, 1970</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<Abstract>Michael James Brody, the lad with the laigcese. is apparently not quite broke yet. Yesterday he arrived at an RtA recording studio in Manhattan. where he had been signed to do one recording (of his own song, back-to-hack with a Bob Dylan plalter.) As Brody walked through the rcoption are C he extracted theec $100 bills he had hidden in has mocassins and gave them to a recptionist.</Abstract>
	<FullText>NAMES FACES IN THE NEWS                 Michael James Brody the lad with the is apparently not quite broke yet Yosteirday he arrived at an RtA recording studio in Manhattan where he had been signed to do one recording of his own song back-to-hack with Bob Dylan As Brody walked through the are he extracted 100 bills he had hidden in hs mocassins and gave them to Later tie gave five bills to an RCA and handed S1o bills to every in music Fine where le also bought 095 guitar Total in two hous 1800                 Svetlana Alliluyeva daughter of Josef Stain defected to the United States three years ago Now the Soviet Union has deprived her of her citizenship Said she in her Princelon honie am glad then added no one can deprive me of being Russian                 SVETLANA STALIN                 ". . . still Russian"                 BECKY HOWLAND                 . too late                 Becky Howland, 9, of Hermiston. Or., waited for two years to get a heart transplant. But donor were unavailable, Hermiston residents even donated over $30,000 to finance Becky's operation and a plane was held at the airport ready to fly her to Stanford Mcdical Center in California if a donor became available, Yesterday Becky died. She was still waiting.                 A. Ernest Fitzgerald, the Pentagon efficiency expert who blew the whistle on soaring C5A jet transport costs, and was fired, has just been hired by Sen. William Proxmire's economy-in-government com.mittee as an $82-a-day part-time consultant. But Fitzgerald really  his old job back. So he has filed an appeal with the Civil Service Commission asking the commission to over-rule his dismissal by the Air Force.                 Dame Sibyl Hathaway, the 86-year-old feudal ruler of the English Channel island of Sark, has been threatening to abdicate since last July. The good Dame  fed up with her subjects "utter " for the island s pub-closing time of 10 p.m. Not only that, but Sark used to be a horse-and-buggy  vehicles allowed. Now, sighed Dame Sibyl, " are 42 tractors, a few of which obey the traffic laws."                 The dame decided to carry on, she said, "as a result of a lot of letters."                 Jackie Gleason won a legal right yesterday to seek a divorce from his wife on grounds ofa longterm separation. The Court of Appeals, New York's highest court, ruled for Gleason. He and his Wif4, Genevieve, were married in 1936 and separated in 1954. Mrs. Gleason obtained the separation decree in New York after charging the comedian with abandonment aid nonsupport. Glbason said: "i tm pleased nt the outcome. My case was justified."</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Green Valley Acres Opens</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Nov 8, 1964</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<FullText>Green Valley Acres Opens                 Green Valley Acres new development of custom-built homes being constructed by Hometown Builders in Chelmsford this week-end                 One of the most Interesting and economical designs in Green Valley Acres is the Van Buren This model features Dutch Colonial design with rear shed and two front 'A' Dormers to provide additional living space on the second floor The Van Buren was specifically designed for family with future expansion plans 'it was declared                 Another model called The Jefferson features southern                 colonial styling Other designs available included the Wilson and the Tyler The Tyler is multilevel home with eight rooms Both models have playrooms with fireplaces                 In order to service wider area two agents have been selected as cooperative brokers -Ford Real Estate of Burlington and Cantrell Real Estate of Arlington The brokerage activity of these two offices extends from Boston to Lowell</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Bridges, Hawks tip Sonics, 101-97</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jan 7, 1970</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<FullText>Bridges Hawks tip Sonics 101-97                 ATLANTA Bill                 Bridges scored 26 points and grabbed 22 rebounds last night to lead the Atlanta Hawks past the Seattle SuperSonics 10197.                 Rookie Butch Beard who entered the game with the score tied at 55 in the third period provided the spark for 17-3 Atlanta spurt that put the game out of Seattle's reach                 SEATTLE ATLANTA                 Allen FP GFP                 Mesclery ovl                 Menrey reger                 Snyder 2                 Wlkn dhr                 WIn 1                 Teols 37 23 97 Totas 3 70 Scere by Perled3 Ill 2 1 3 4 To SA ls</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Changes In Saab For 1965</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Oct 18, 1964</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<Abstract>Saab has introduced its 1965 model, with extensive design changes and a number of mechanical improvements.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Changes In Saab For 1965                 Saab has Introduced Its 1965 model with extensive                 design changes and number of mechanical improvements 1                 Most noticeable exterior changes are the new egg-crate grille and new hood tail lights and bumpers                 Service work has been simplified                 and sheet metal Is heavier Saab continues to                 use three-cylinder two-cycle                 engine                 Compression ratio has been raised to 8.1 and horsepower rating is now 44. An improved air filter is mounted                 The Saab Sport engine                 with changes in the inlet and exhaust ports and triple                 carburetor now has approxi- mately 60 A- quieter ex- haust system is used                 All engines have new type of fuel pump which is installed on the crankcase                 housing and operates automatically                 The clutch is hydraulic Outer drive-shaft joints are now maintenance-free and on th6 Saab Sport inner joints have been improved Turning circle on the front-wheeldrive car has been reduced                 The radiator has been moved to the front of the engine In the improved coolIng system and high- fresh-air heater has been adopted                 There are two basic Saab models two-door sedan and two-door station wagon                 The 1965 Saab From Sweden</FullText>

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	<RecordTitle>Rector Lectures LBJ on Viet</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Nov 13, 1967</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<PersonName>Carroll Kilpatrick</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>CARROLL KILPATRICK</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>After a two-day cross-country tour defending his Vietnam policies, President Johnson went to church Sunday and heard the preacher ask for a "straightforward explanation" of why the United States is involved in the Asian conflict.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Rector Lectures LBJ on Viet                 'People Need                 Straightforward                 Explanation'                 -Rev Lewis                 'The Church Choir Was Wonderful'                 -Mrs Lyndon Johnson                 By CARROLL KILPATRICK                 Times-Washinston Po11                 WILLIAMSBURG Va -After two-day cross-country tour defending his Vietnam policies President Johnson went to church Sunday and heard the preacher ask for straightforward explanation of why the United States is involved in the Asian conflict                 The President made no comment on the sermon by Rev Cotesworth Pinckney Lewis of historic Bruton Parish Episcopal Church here but Mrs Johnson told the minister on leaving that the choir was wonderful                 Sitting in pew once occupied by George Washington the President heard Rev Mr Lewis raise questions about Vietnam sometimes voiced by doves and sometimes by hawks                 Relat'vely few of us plan even the mildest form of disloyal action against constituted authority the minister said We know the necessity of supporting our leader                 But we cannot close our Christian consciences to consideration of the rightness of actions as they are reported to us                 spokesman for Colonial Williamsburg issued statement saying that the sermon was in exquisite bad taste He emphasized that the church was in no way connected with Colonial Williamsburg                 Across the street from Bruton Parish Church dozen pickets held aloft anti-Vietnam War signs When the President left the church they shouted in unison Peace peace peace The President ignored them                 After Sunday morning s services the minister told newsmen that he had intended to criticize the President and to raise questions critical of the war He said it was not often that he had chance to make his views known to the President                 RECTOR Page 6                 AFTER SERVICE--President Johnson greets Rev. Lewis after services in historic church in Williamsburg, Va. Mrs. Johnson is at left and his daughter, Lynda, and her fiance, Marine Capt. Charles Robb, are in the rear.                 Must Follow LBJ, Minister Cautions                 *RECTOR                 Continued from Page 1                 In his sermon, Rev. Mr. Lewis said that he  to aks questions because the war poses "baffling" questions.                 "But since there is a rather 'general consensus that something is wrong in Vietnam (a conviction voiced by leaders of nations traditionally our friends, leading military experts and the rank and file of American citizens) we wonder if some logical,  explanation might be given without en. whatever military 'oi political advantage we hold," Rev. Mr. Lewis said.                 "While pledging our loyalty, we ask respectfully, why?"                 * Newsmen in the church watched to see if the President was shaken. He showed no emotion.                 The minister went oi that "we cannot close our Christian consciences to consideration of the rightness of actions as they are reported to                 us."                 t.He urged Americans to avoid the "oversimplification 1hich views the war as a struggle against a monolithic communism."                 -West Berlin and Hong Kong are "literally within the jaws of communism," he , but they "are enjoying a.building boom."                 The communists are 40  from Helsinki, Vienna, Trieste-and yet these communities are less concerned about the threat thev offer than are Dallas, Phoenix and Seattle," the reacher said. "The closer we get to the real Reds. the less we are intimidated by them," the minister said.                 WELCOME, THEN                 Mr. Johnson arrived here 'Saturday night after a tour of military bases and was met by Mrs. Johnson, daughter Lynda and her fiance. Marine Capt. Charles Robb. They attended services with 'the President and Mrs. Johnson. The minister read the usual Episcopal prayer for the President and all those in authority and said a special  "for Lynda and Charles."                 'In beginning his sermon, the minister welcomed the first family and told them it was a "great joy and honor tb have you and your family . with us."                 'Rev. Mr. Lewis noted that Mr. Johnson was sitting *here George Washington had sat, that the bible used for the reading of the  lessons was given to the church by King Henry VII of England, and that the bible rested on a lectern that was ,the gift of President Theodore Roosevelt.                 Then he cheerfully told the .President he intended to re:spect his wishes to regard 'Mr. Johnson as just one of                 the congregation and began l:is discussion of the Vietnam                 controversy.                 A'He said, "We are appalled that apparently this is the only war in our history                 . has had three times as many civilian as military .casualties.                 "It is particularly regrettable that to most nations of the world the struggle s purpose appears as nco-colonialism. We are mystified by news accounts suggesting that our brave fighting units aire inhibited by directives and inadequate equipment 4om using their capacities to terminate the conflict Sitecessfully.                 F "As a nation we are called  to live up to our pro.                 fession of 'liberty and jus;ice for all.'" the minister said. "If we set right the inequalities and erase the dark blots on our life, we have nothing to fear for ourselves. As for the rest of tie world, it is most difficult to  ways of exporting democracy."                 LBJ LEAVES QUICKLY                 An unsmiling President lft immediately after the services.                 After the services. Rev. Mr. Lewis was surrounded by newsmen who asked what his parishioners would think of a sermon that seemed to critici:e the President. He said "It really doesn't matter."                 Rev. Mr. Lewis said he thinks people should follow Mr. Johnson.                 He put it this way:                 "We would humbly ask questions of him but still we follow his leadership."                 Asked if it took fortitude                 to question Johnson so di- i rectly, the clergyman replied:                 "Of course it did. One isn't privileged to tell the President of the United States what he thinks very often."                 Rev. Mr. Lewis is a native of Birmingham, Ala., and came to Williamsburg 10 years ago from Little Rock, Ark., where he was dean of Trinity Cathedral.                 Rev. Mr. Lewis is a descendant of the famed Cotesworth Pinckneys of North Carolina, who were among the framers of the Declaration of Independence.                 RECTOR Cotesworth Pinckney Lewis, Jr. leads first family from Bruton Parish church after services in Williamsburg, Va. Sunday.</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Nixon leaves today on historic China trip</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Feb 17, 1972</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
	<Abstract>President Nixon leaves Washington today on an historic 12-day trip to China to open "a new chapter" in relations with the world's most populous country.</Abstract>
	<FullText>PRESIDENT NIXON WILL SPEND TWO NIGHTS IN HAWAII AND ONE ON GUAM BEFORE ARRIVING IN PEKING SUNDAY                 Nixon                 leaves today on historic China trip                 There are signs in China that the cult of Mao's infallibility is being downgraded and Chou Enlai is now in command. Story, Page 2.                 Fro'n Wire Services                 WASHINGTON - President Nixon leaves Washington today on an historic 12-day trip to China to open "a new chapter" in relations with the world s most populous country.                 On the eve of his departure, Democrats joined Republicans in wishing the President well on his 20,395-mile round trip, to confer with Mao Tse-tung, Chou En-lai and other Chinese leaders.                 Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield told newsmen that Mr. Nixon's trip could mark the beginning of a peaceful evolution in Sino-                 American relations, replacing more than 20 years of open hostility.                 "The door has been opened by his initiative," Mansfield said.                 Less than an hour before his scheduled departure today, Mr. Nixop will meet with bipartisan leaders of the Senate and House, including the Democratic chairmen and ranking Republicans on major committees.                 Mr. Nixon and his wife, Patricia,                 will leave the White House South Lawn by helicopter shortly after 10 a.m. after a sendoff from their daughters, Tricia Cox and Julie Eisenhower, members of the Cabinet, congressmen, and a thousand flagwaving  children. The event will be televised.                 Mr. Nixon will make brief remarks at the ceremony. The presidential jet leaves Andrews Air Force TRIP, Page 45                 President leaves for                 Peking today                 * TRIP                 Continued from Page 1                 Base, Md., at about 10:30 a.m, for a 10-hour nonstop flight to Hawaii, where Mr. Nixon will stay two nights readjusting to the time change before flying to Guam for an overnight stop.                 -He will land at Shanghai - and become the first American president ever to touch Chinese soil - at 9 a.m.. China time next Monday (8 p.m. EST Sunday.)                 After a Chinese navigator joins the crew of the "Spirit of "76," he will fly on to Peking where he will be officially welcomed by Chinese leaders at 11:40 a.m. China time (10:40 p.m., EST, Sunday).                 "The postwar era with respect to the People's Republic of China and the United States - that chapter now comes to an end from the time I set foot on the soil of mainland China, and a new chapter begins," Mr. Nixon, told a news conference last week.                 The White House has not revealed much of Mr. Nixon's agenda for his fiveday stay in Peking and the one day each he will spend in the port cities of Hangchow and Shanghai. Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said the schedule was kept flexible to permit unhindered conversations by Chinese and American leaders.                 Mr. Nixon will do some                 sightseeing, with planned visits to the Great Wall, the Ming tombs and the Forbidden City, the former home of China's emperors.                 Despite Mr. Nixon's careful efforts to caution the public not to expect too much, the trip begins in an atmosphere near euphoria. Although some Democrats have grumbled that the journey will give a tremendous boost to Mr. Nixon's re-election bid, there was a bipartisan hope for success.                 Senate Republican leader Hugh Scott said the opening of a dialogue with a nation of 800 million people was "an earthshaking event."                 The House unanimously adopted a resolution prais.-                 ing Mr. Nixon for undertaking the trip and urging him to designate Sunday as a national day of prayer for world peace.                 Mr. Nixon spent Tuesday night and much of the day yesterday at his camp David retreat in Maryland, making last minute preparations.                 President and Mrs. Nixon will be accompanied by an official traveling party Of 13 persons, including White House aides, Asian experts and a speech writer. There are no senators or House members in the group.                 In addition to the official party, there will be other                 government officials, secretaries, communications technicians and newsmen in China for the visit. Ziegler said the total was "not much more" than 300.</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>Bruins keep McKenzie; Westfall, 2 others go</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jun 7, 1972</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
	<FullText>EDDIE WESTFALL... an Islander, he                 Bruins keep McKenzie; Westfall, 2 others go                 The Bruins lost Eddie Westfall to: the New York Islanders in the Na-. tional Hockey League expansion draft yesterday. Also lost to the Boston team are promising young goaltender Dan Bouchard, who excelled for the Braves last season, and Garry Peters, the Braves' top scorer.                 But the Bruins reclaimed veteran Johnny McKenzie, who had been left off tile protected list. Story, Page 53.</FullText>
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	<RecordTitle>WHAT? HOW? WHY?</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Nov 9, 1967</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<PersonName>Timothy Leland</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>TIMOTHY LELAND</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>A year ago this December, Secretary of State Kevin H. White packed a suitcase and took a secret trip--by himself--to a little island called Aruba, 14 miles off the coast of Venezuela in the Netherlands Antilles.</Abstract>
	<FullText>WHAT -HOW -WHY                 Logue's Challenge Gave                 White Biggest Boost                 By TIMOTHY LELAND                 liti-a IhandrW                 year ago this December Secretary of State Kevin White packed suitcase and took secret trip by himself to little island called Aruba 14 miles off the coast of Venezuela in the Netherlands Antilles                 KEVIN WHITE                 He was there a week, staying at the island s only hotel, taking long walks on the sun-drenched beach, thinking. And before he left, he had made up his mind.                 He had decided to put his political future on the line, to risk everything on one all-ornothing political gamble.                 He had decided to run for mayor of Boston.                 Tuesday, almost 12 months later to the day, White defeated Mrs. Louise Day Hicks by 12,429 votes in one of the nation s most closely watched municipal elections.                 The gamble had paid off. White is the mayor-elect of Boston.                 How did he do it? Why did he do it?                 Why did the highest-ranking Democrat in constitutional office want to make the move to City Hall?                 This is the anatomy of a campaign ...                 When White took his solitary journey to the island of Aruba that first week in December 1966, he knew he had come to a crossroad in his political career.                 The Democratic Party had just gone down to its worst defeat in 30 years. The Republicans had captured the top three constitutional offices in the state, plus the seat of former U.S. Sen. Leverett Saltonstall.                 John F. Kennedy once said the Democratic Party in Massachusetts would never improve until it had been brought to its knees. White knew his party was not on its knees - it was flat on its back.                 The Republican tidal wave had not washed away any of White's own statewide strength, however.                 WHITE Page 4                 Anatomy of a Campaign --Risked Career to Help Party                 WHITE                 Continued from Page 1                 For the fourth time in a row, White had been swept into office on a huge plurality - the  plurality, in fact. of anyone on either ticket that year.                 At 31, White had become the youngest Secretary of State in the history of the commonwealth, defeating Edward W. Brooke by 100,000.                 Two years later. in 1962, White topped the Democratic ticket, winning re-election by over half a million votes. And in 1964, earning his third term, he received the largest plurality ever given any candidate for Constitutional office. of either party, in the history of the state.                 But now it was 1966, the Democratic Party was . and White felt personally and politically  to make a move,                 As Secretary of State for                 six years, with four more ahead of him, he knew he stood a strong chance of dying from inactivity.                 Politically, the secretary of state s office is a dead end. lie knew he had to find a power base, and the mayor s office looked like the best bet.                 Furthermore, he felt stifled and frustrated in his present position. City Hall would provide a broader challenge, he reasoned, and a more satisfying one, personally.                 Finally, as one of the bright young men in the paty, lie felt he had an obligation to seek positions of responsibility, to help build it up, to bring his talents to hear on the problems of the day in a more forceful way than possible in the office of  .                 These are the factors that went into his decision to run for mayor.                 The week after he returned from Aruba, he                 called a meeting of his  advisers in the secondfloor living room of his Beacon Hill apartment, and told them of it.                 Present were Atty. Theodore Anzalone, 37, of East Boston, director of corporations in the secretary of state s office; Larry Cameron, 48, of Hyde Park, former law partner of White's and long-time friend; Richard Dray, 33, of Milton, general counsel in White's office; Edward T. Sullivan, 45, also of Milton, first deputy secretary of state; Joseph Twiss, 55, of Boston, second deputy and a shrewd political strategist; Richard Underwood, 30, of West Roxbury, third deputy director; and White's  brothers - Terry, 36, of Cohasset, and Brendan, 34, of West Roxbury.                 These men, along with one or two late starters, were to provide the backbone of White's campaign organization.                 It was pointed out by                 IN THE ELECTION Kevin White (wards in black) moved up from only one ward in the primary to 12 wards in his column in yesterday s election.                 IN THE SEPT. 26 PRIMARY, Wards 1 and 3 were won by Christopher A. Iannella; Wards 4, 5, 9 and 21 were in John W. Sears' column and Ward 12 went to Edward J. Logue.                 more than one at the meeting that White was taking a tremendous risk. If he went for mayor - and lost - it would probably mean the end of his political career. White knew this all too well. But his mind was made up.                 That very next. week, behind the scenes, White and his lieutenants began moving to line up financial and political support prior to his announcement - and ran into the first problem of the campaign:                 ANNOUNCES EARLY                 Few took his candidacy seriously.                 White, justifiably or not, had the reputation of being a vacillator. The people he contacted in these early days did not believe he really intended to run for mayor, and refused to commit themselves for this reason.                 White realized he had to do something to counter this impression.                 Originally he had planned to make his announcement in the Spring. The decision was made now, however, to move the date up to February.                 Thus, on Feb. 15, in a high-powered press conference at the Sheraton Plaza, White made it official,,emphasizing that his decision to run for mayor was "irrevocable and unequivocal."                 The next problem he faced was how to build up a citywide campaign organization.                 State-wide, after four campaigns for constitutional office, White had an organization second to none. But on the ward and precinct level in Boston, he had to start virtually from scratch.                 White took two steps to put his campaign in motion.                 First, lie plunked a large portion of his available resources into a full-page advertisement, carried in the city s newspapers for one day. The ad asked for the names of persons willing to help - and it got a heartening response.                 Second, White began organizing a series of small neighborhood parties. In all, between the beginning of March and the end of June, (while most of the other would-be candidates were still sitting on their hands, or getting ready to announce), White held 75 of these parties, covering every ward in the city. He not only spoke at these parties, but he listened. And he began to get a real feeling for the frustrations and anxieties in Boston, which he termed, later in the campaign, "a white Watts."                 Meanwhile, in a five-room suite on the eleventh floor of the Little Building, White's staff was researching the issues; preparing position papers, sending the candidate memos containing facts and figures about Boston and its needs.                 Information and points of view were also offered by several academic experts as well, including former New Frontiersmen Adam Yarmolinsky and Richard Goodwin, and the chairman of Harvard's government department, Samuel Huntington.                 By the first of July, White's campaign had gradually taken on form and momentum.                 In mid-August, however, it was jarred by a controversy that nearly caused White to drop out of the race.                 White's nomination papers wer" challenged - on a technical discrepancy - by a person who later turned out to be a "straw" for Edward J. Logue.                 Logue eventually withdrew the challenge to White's papers, but for seven days, before the crisis was resolved. White was fighting for his political life.                 As it turned out, the challenge was probably the best thing that could have happened to White.                 BORROWED MONEY                 In the early part of Au. gust, White's private polls showed Logue coming on strong. Both Logue and Rep. John W. Sears had money to burn, while White was struggling to raise funds. In fact, during this very period, he was forced to take out a $25,000 loan of his own to keep the campaign afloat.                 To add to his problems, Time Magazine came out with an article on the Boston fight at the beginning of July that tagged White with being a "bland" candidate. The adjective caught on in Boston - and it hurt.                 All this was taking its toll on White's candidacy when the challenge of his papers came. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise.                 For White, the break came when he received an anonymous phone call, informing him that Logue was behind the challenge, formally brought by a "mystery man" by the name of Richard A. .                 Logue's blunder was in disassociating himself from the challenge. Asked by newsmen whether he knew , Logue said he did not think so, adding he was "surprised" White's papers had challenged and hoped he would stay on the ballot.                 At a subsequent news conference, by his own admission, it was brought out that Logue did indeed know  - that  had been in his own living room. And it became equally clear that, far from being "surprised' by the challenge of White's papers, Logue himself was behind it.                 This single event virtually assured White's election in the primary.                 On the one hand, it put an abrupt end to the momentum of Logue's campaign drive. The affair seriously tarnished his veracity, and the former BRA administrator s candidacy all but collapsed.                 On the other hand, the battle over the nomination papers did much to dispel, for the time being, White's                 image of "5." In the first real crisis of his political career, White proved he could be a tough fighter. He bucked the Establishment, and won.                 Following the Sept. 2l primary, in which he trailed Mrs. Louise Day Hicks by 13.222 votes. White had troubles of a different nature.                 Before the primary, White had stood alone, politically. After the primary, every big name in sight wanted to attach themselves to his candidacy.                 CALLED VOLPE OFF                 U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's endorsement came that night, unsolicited. And Gov. Volpe made similar sounds of endorsement on election night.                 Realizing he was in danger of being tagged the "machine" candidate, White called Volpe up on the phone and asked him, as a personal favor, to withdraw his implied endorsement. Volpe did a few days later at a press conference, noting that he would have no vote in the Boston election, being a resident of Winchester.                 The day after the primary, most of the political experts were predicting White would automatically pick up the votes of the other major candidates and win the final election easily.                 But they were wrong - and no one knew this better than White.                 The primary fight had been bitter, and had left serious divisions in the ranks of White's would-be supporters. He was faced with a major job of binding up the                 Ward by Ward Vote for Mayor                 (Includes Absentee Ballots)                 Vote in 1963                 WARD White Hicks Collins Piemonte                 1 ...............552 5851 4187 7993 2 ................2186 3204 2863 2520 3 .................3372 2657 2176 3976 4 ...............3766 1577 3500 2360 S..............6648 1983 5175 1740 6 ...............1873 5032 2976 3104 7 ...............2629 6290 4495 3756 S..............2069 1249 2106 1751 9 ...............2495 490 2140 1689 10 ..............2957 3077 3992 2497 11 ...............3243 2789 4177 2125 12 ..................5402 317 3461 2930 13 ...............3488 3823 4586 2930 14 ...............455 2407 5729 4700 j ..................2813 4016 4017 2531 16 ...............4935 6657 7082 3477 17 ..................4670 5702 6515 3419 18 ................108657 10272 10507 6512 19 ............** 4757 5427 6828 2009 20 ..................9668 9278 10675 5147 21 ...............6541 2813 5503 2371 22 ...............5365 4756 5934 2560 TOTALS ..3......102,551 90,122 108624 73067                 wounds and mobilizing his forces behind him.                 To this end, White had lunch with John Sears at the Tennis and Racquet Club, called Christopher  on the phone-and arranged to talk with key Logue workers in each of Logue's ward headquarters.                 The rest is recent memory.                 While did not win the election so much as Mrs. Hicks los! it.                 There was her pledge to raise police salaries to $10,000, her "mystery trip" to Washington, her long-distance squabble with U. S. Sen. John McClellan of Arkansas, her credibility gap.                 Finally, on Tuesday, White's billboard came true:                 "Who will work to make your streets safe?" they asked. And they answered: Kevin White will."</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230044_00004/367214973.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>Divorce Law Reforms Spawn Heated Debate</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jan 29, 1970</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<PersonName>Ken Botwright</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>Ken Botwright</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>Proponents and opponents of Massachusetts divorce law reforms battled yesterday with the bitterness of a husband and wife whose marriage is on the rocks.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Divorce Law Reforms Spawn Heated Debate                 By Ken 0. Botwright Globe Staff                 Proponents and opponents of Massachusetts divorce law reforms battled yesterday with the bitterness of husband and wife whose marriage is on the rocks                 Judgs lawyers legislators academicians and housewives debated before the joint House-Senate Judiciary Committee at the first public airing of half dozen bills designed to liberalize the Bay State's divorce laws                 DIVORCE Page 5                 Controversial proposals generate bitter debate                 Divorce law reforms are aired                 DIVORCE                 Continued from Page 1                 Most controversy swirled around bill filed by Rep James Shea D-Newton which would authorize divorce for either husband or wire after they had lived apart for year without making them go into court to prove guilt of marital misconduct The measure was praised because it would remove the degradation and hypocrisy from the present divorce system and condemned as an easy way out of marriage and license for sex                 Committee co-chairman Sen Joseph Ward DFitchburg said the four hours of testimony convinced him that substantial segment of the informed public is dissatisfied with the present divorce laws                 can t predict whether the Legislature will pass reforms this year but feel certain reform will come fairly soon he said                 Shea 30-year-old former university teacher serving his first term in the House also filed two other reform bills on behalf of the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute Federally-funded legal aid organization They would                 Abolish the recrimination doctrine which prohibits divorce if both parties are guilty of misconduct                 Authorize judge to grant decree without hearing in an uncontested divorce if he were satisfied with support and alimony settlements                 Another bill filed by Rep Jerome Segal R-Danvers would provide for divorce after two-year waiting period enforced by separation agreements                 Shea declared his bill to eliminate the fault or guilt concept would not increase the number of divorces                 It would just make divorce more workable and less emotionally painful especially for the children who are harmed because their parents have to stand up in court and villify each other he said                 In answer to question from Ward Shea said he would agree to an amendment to his bill that would make divorce possible after one-year waiting period if both parties not just the husband or wife as in the bill s present form agreed                 Prof Frank Sander of Harvard Law School who drafted the no-fault bill with the help of students of the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau said the proposal would provide simple and dignified method of legally dissolving marriage that is physically dead He stressed that divorce after year s separation would not leave wives and children destitute because existing laws governing custody alimony and support would still apply                 Atty Gerald Berlin chairman of the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union said he favored reform because the present method of proving marital misconduct makes each divorce into an Armageddon where good must vanquish the guilty                 When he tried to point out that Probate Court judges have to wink at perjury Judiciary committee co-chairman Rep Cornelius Kiernan D-Lowell reminded him that this is not the proper forum for such accusations                 Spearheading the opposition to reform were Probate Court Judges Robert Gardiner Wilson of Suffolk County and James Lawton of Plymouth County                 The metropolitan tribunal of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston also filed objections                 Judge Gardiner veteran of 29 years on the divorce court bench charged the proposed no-fault law with the year s separation would put marriage on hit or miss basis and make it license for sex He added violently oppose this bill because it would make mockery of marriage                 Judge Lawton warned the proposed bill would open the floodgates to those seeking an easy way out of marriage He said it isn't easy to make marriage work and he asserted The Legislature has an obligation to strengthen marriage and the family not split them apart</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230044_00004/367272774.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>Hub of Universe Small-Time to Conventioneers</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>May 16, 1969</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
		<PersonName>Alexander Auerbach</PersonName>
		<OriginalForm>ALEXANDER AUERBACH</OriginalForm>
	<Abstract>That big computer show, which has been pumping more than $2.5 million a day into the city's economy for the past three or four days, will never return to Boston, its officials say.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Hub of Universe Small-Time to                 Conventioneers                 By ALEXANDER AUERBACH                 Staff Writer                 That big computer show which has been pumping more than million day into the city s economy for the past three or four days will never return to Boston its officials say                 We've lost it along with other equally lucrative conventions because the Hub of the Universe is small-time                 If you work in hotel restaurant bar taxicab laundry theater or retail store if you are in the transportation business or in any service industry you ve lost money                 The simple lack of facilities here may destine Boston to host only the minor league shows while the big ones go off to Atlantic City Houston Las Vegas and Miami                 The convention now in town the Spring Joint Computer Conference of the American Federation of Information Processing Societies is one of growing number of mammoth semi-annual or annual road shows eagerly sought by city convention bureaus                 COMPUTER Page 35                 LIKE TOY BOATS                 on a giant s sea, sailing craft are engaged                 in week-cnd competition on Hamilton Bay. At the extreme west-                 ern end of Lake Ontario, it s one of the world s finest natural harbors. (UPI)                 Hotel,                 exhibit space lacking                 * COMPUTER                 Continued from Page 1 This one is big.                 Its organizers say they needed 8000 ffirst-class hotel rooms, a lot of exhibit space, lecture halls, meeting and conference rooms, and a supply of specialized display workers just to set up and take down the show.                 It will have drawn 25,000 visitors by the time it closes tonight, to see more than S100 million worth of sophisticated computer equipment that draws as much electric power as a small city.                 Most of the visitors are executives traveling on expense accounts. On the average they spend about $100 per day, and some of them have been here for as long                 as two weeks to set up exhibits.                 But they won t be back, because Boston hasn't got the facilities they need.                 The biggest problems according to show officials, are hotels and exhibit space.                 With the feverish help of the Champber of Commerce, convention officials could scrape up only 4500 of the required 8000 hotel rooms, some of them far from first class, and some as far away as Plymouth and Fall River,                 Exhibiting companies like to have "hospitality suites" to entertain prospects with well-stocked bars and buffets. About 150 were needed but only 53 were available, and  smaller than most companies would have liked.                 "The hospitality suites are                 the smallest I've seen in a long time," said one executive whose company customarily spends more than $7500 in a week s entertainment, and may go as high as $10,000 in one day.                 In Boston, he says, they wouldn't be able to spend that much if they  couldn't get the customers into the room.                 Another executive, with no compunction about spending his company s money on hotel accommodations, is camping out in a room near the auditorium which is "plain and simple dirty. The rugs and curtains are filthy, the walls grimy and a dreary, faded green."                 On the exhibit floor, space is scarce. One  a the War Memorial Auditorium is just about half the size needed.                 The space shortage forced conference organizers to turn down 127 companies that wanted to exhibit. Those who did get in found floor space rationed.                 Display men, the special carpenters and decorators who must set up the show, are in short supply in Boston. Companies ready to set up exhibits often had to wait up to a day for .                 Even the lease caused problems. The computer convention was scheduled to begin moving in five hours before a prior show ended. Somebody goofed.                 ELECTED                 Joseph N.                 Baker Jr, was elected a vice president of the State Street Bank and Trust Co. He will be assigned to the Correspondent Banking Dept. of the Depositors Service Division.</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230044_00004/367352051.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>Harvard Youth Gets 30 Days</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>May 24, 1969</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
	<FullText>Harvard Youth Gets 30 Days                 21-year-old Harvard senior the last of 174 persons to be brought into court in the aftermath of the mass sit-in in University Hall was sentenced yesterday to 30 days in jail for disturbing the peace                 Meanwhile in Washington Supreme Court Justice William Brennan denied bail to 40 persons jailed in connection with the takeover of Dartmouth College building Stories Page 2.</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230044_00004/367353493.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>Astro-Bug Capsule Lost in Space</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Dec 18, 1966</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
	<Abstract>A highly valued U.S. astro-bug satellite was lost in space on Saturday.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Astro-Bug Capsule Lost in Space                 Atssoited                 HONOLULU-A highly valued astro-bug satellite was lost in space on Saturday                 It carried 10 million bug and plant specimens testing the effects man might experience on long flights in space                 The mission of Biosatellite went wrong on its fourth day in orbit with failure of retro-rocket firing for planned midair capsule recovery over the Pacific 400 miles north of Honolulu                 Instead of descending Into the atmosphere with                 parachute the capsule only separated from its spacecraft National Aeronautics and Space Administration spokesman reported                 The capsule and its cargo continued in separate uncontrolled orbits Its eventual fate will be to drift into                 the atmosphere and burn up with re-entry heat                 The organisms packed into the capsule would continue to live for about six hours NASA said but would slowly die because of the lack of life support apparatus attached to the main section of the space craft which separated                 The 280-pound capsule contained 13 precious biological experiments                 We cannot now pinpoint the reason for the recovery failure the NASA spokesman said                 SPACE BUGS                 Page 9                 1 5 More Astro-Bug Orbital Flights Schecauied                 SPACE BUGS                 -Continued from Page                 The capsule was launched into perfect orbit Wednesday from Cape Kennedy Fla as the first mission in 100 million bring em back alive program Five more launches arec planned                 With three days in the life of fruit fly specimen amounting to years in human life space NASA scientists hoped for clues to judge what effects prolonged weightlessness and radiation would have on astronauts                 The capsule carried 10,000 flies 1000 flour beetles 530 parasitic wasps 13,000 bacteria 10 million bread mold samples nine pepper plants 120 frog eggs and 875                 bee among Its specimens Each species was separated in an air conditioned com partment                 After the command signal for retro was radioed to the NASA first said an Air Force C130 plane failed to sight the capsule for planned aerial recovery attempt                 NASA spokesmen then said radio signals indicated the capsule had overshot the recovery zone and splashed down In the Pacific                 Surface ships and planes searched the sea eastward from the original recovery target until tracking stations established about 90 minutes                 later that the capsule still was orbiting the earth                 the tracking detected that the capsule was separated from its spacecraft containing the command and control equipment                 No hope remained for the capsule recovery Its likely fate will be destruction by burning up after drifting back into the earth s atmosphere                 Charles Wilson NASA project manager for the series said tracking analysis indicates the retrorockets required for re-entry into the atmosphere did not fire                 The analysis indicated the re-entry vehicle and the adapter sections have sep-                 arated and are moving slowly apart on similar orbits                 He said telemetry systems operated throughout the satel lite s orbiting                 He said intensive reviews will be made of this data Engineering corrections will be made before the launch of Blosatellite II scheduled for March 1967.</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230044_00004/375311372.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>Fulbright critic quits US news office</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Apr 4, 1972</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
	<Abstract>Bruce Herschensohn, the US Information Agency (USIA) official who last week called Sen. J. W. Fulbright's foreign policy views "naive and stupid," resigned from the agency yesterday with a new blast at Fulbright.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Fulbright critic quits US news office                 From Wire Services                 WASHINGTON Bruce Herschensohn the US Information Agency USIA official who last week called Sen Fulbright's foreign policy views naive and stupid resigned from the agency yesterday with new blast at Fulbright                 Herschensohn said he is surrendering his position as chief of the USIA motion picture television service so that his remarks about Ful-                 bright cannot be used as an excuse to slash the USIA budget or cripple the agency                 Fulbright is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee which next week is to begin considering the USIA authorization request for 200 million for fiscal 1973.                 Herschensohn made his original comments about Fulbright on taped television interview with Sen James Buckley Cons R-N                 on which Buckley as part of his regular monthly program beamed to constituents on 12 New York stations showed USIA picture on Czechoslovakia which ended with Soviet tanks rolling into Prague in 1968 to crush the liberal regime there                 Fulbright made no response to the remarks last week about himself but asked acting Attorney USIA Page 10                 Herschensohn quits US news post                 USIA                 Continued from Page 1                 General Richard Kleindienst to move to block the showing of the movie on Buckley's program Fulbright said at least two laws specifically bar use of propaganda made for overseas dissemination to be distributed in the United States to propagandize the American people                 Kleindienst however ruled that the law specifically requires USIA materials to be made available to Congressmen and said he couldn't suppress Buckley's use of the material                 USIA director Frank Shakespeare wrote Fulbright letter of apology last Friday and pledged to take action to block any general domestic distribution in the future of USIA materials but gave no specifics of any new rules                 Herschersolux said he has opposed what Fulbright has had to say or write for many years                 Besides Fulbright's opposition to the showing of the film Herschensohn assailed the senator s efforts to stop spending money on Radio Free Europe and the Voice of America                 Fulbright contends that private money rather than                 tax money should be used if private groups think the                 broadcasts still are important</FullText>
----> /mnt/hgfs/projects/phd/proquest_hnp/uncompressed/BostonGlobe/BG_20151210230044_00004/375328012.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<RecordTitle>Nine babies born to Aussie woman</RecordTitle>
		<Title>Boston Globe (1960-1984)</Title>
		<Qualifier>Boston, Mass.</Qualifier>
	<Publisher>New York Times Company</Publisher>
	<AlphaPubDate>Jun 13, 1971</AlphaPubDate>
	<SourceType>Historical Newspapers</SourceType>
	<ObjectType>Front Page/Cover Story</ObjectType>
	<Abstract>A 29-year-old mother of two gave birth this morning to nine babies-five boys and four girls. Doctors at Sydney's Royal Hospital for Women said two boys were stillborn and "the next 48 hours" would be critical for the others.</Abstract>
	<FullText>Nine babies born to Aussie woman                 Associated Press                 SYDNEY Australia-A 29-year-old mother of two gave birth this morning to nine babies-five boys and four girls Doctors at Sydney's Royal Hospital for Women said two boys were stillborn and the next 48 hours would be critical for the others                 Mirs Len Brodrick former nurse whose husband is wholesale butcher in Canberra had taken fertility drugs to correct disorder after the birth of her last child                 Both previous children daughters aged 5 and 4 were born by Caesarean section The nine babies were born naturally                 doctor said Mrs Brodrick was in good condition and catching up on some sleep                 BIRTHS Page 27                 Woman                 gives birth to 9 babies                 BIRTHS                 Continued from Page 1                 The surviving babies born prematurely were in incubators Hospital authorities reported the nine deliveries were made over period of slightly more than half an hour                 The multiple birth was reported as world record                 Doctors said they had known for five days that Mrs Brodrick would have nine childre She had been in hospital intensive care unit for month awaiting the births                 The babies were not weighed immediately                 an very happy Len Brodrick said have seen Geraldiria and she is very well Brodrick has been living at tL hospital for the past few days Their two other daughters are in the care of                 It is believed tc be the fIrst substantiated report of nine babies bein6 born in one birth                 There is case of live-born octuplets born in Mexico City in 1967, But all eight babies died within 14 hours</FullText>

XML analysis

For analysis from across publications, see proquest_hnp-article_loading.ipynb



  • figure out which ObjectTypes to explore, pick a folder and just eyeball a few, to see what they look like.
  • // map publication date ranges to files (for each folder, capture max and min pub date - element: "NumericPubDate").
  • / make a little proquest_hnp django app to hold metadata about the publications. Build on Context_Text:

    • // models:

      • papers in context_text.
      • object types for each paper.

        • pipe-delimited value.
        • display value
        • ?
      • folders for each paper.

        • folder path
        • min pub date
        • max pub_date
      • paths to files in each folder?

    • // code:

      • class for dealing with files and folders - migrate the code from jupyter notebooks here, instance variables for folder settings, logging, etc.
    • / admin:

      • // make custom admins for everything so I can control what is on the list page, make lookups for foreign keys, etc. (need to have counts on the list pages, etc.)
      • // add object type inlines for papers and archives so you can see related object types.
      • add paper inline to object types, so you can see which papers use each object type?
      • ...?
  • // make the summarize_archive_files method also create Archive records in django if none exist.

  • // run summarize on all Boston Globe articles, store the results, so we can start to look at article quality in different eras.