In [3]:
from IPython.display import Image
Find a data-focused visualization on one of the following websites that is a negative example of the principles that Tufte describes in The Visual Display of Quantitative Information.
Upload the image for the visualization to this directory and display the image inline in this notebook.
In [4]:
# Add your filename and uncomment the following line:
Describe in detail the ways in which the visualization violates graphical integrity and excellence:
Looking at this graph, I have no idea what it is trying to say; only one axis is labeled. According to the very small print at the bottom, it is showing "GDP % quarterly change."
The title of the article is "U.S. economy looks weaker, as GDP data is revised." I do not get that from this graph. In fact, it shows growth from last quarter.
This graph has so few data points that it cannot possibly have graphical integrity.
It clearly violates graphical excellence because it takes a lot to figure out what it is trying to say.