Theory and Practice of Visualization Exercise 2


In [4]:
from IPython.display import Image

Violations of graphical excellence and integrity

Find a data-focused visualization on one of the following websites that is a negative example of the principles that Tufte describes in The Visual Display of Quantitative Information.

Upload the image for the visualization to this directory and display the image inline in this notebook.

In [5]:


Describe in detail the ways in which the visualization violates graphical integrity and excellence:

There are a couple things that make this graph hard to read at a glance. The x-axis is at the top and almost in the middle of the plot, so there are a bunch of things jammed into a small space. The label on the y-axis is very wordy, it should be shorter and get it's point across quicker. Furthermore, the x label is at the top of the graph while the legend is at the bottom, making it increasingly difficult to decode what the graph is trying to say.