In [19]:
%pylab inline
import os
import sys
import math
import datetime
import pandas as pd
import scipy.linalg as splin
from matplotlib import dates as mdates
#--default matplotlib 
rcParams['mathtext.default'] = 'regular'
rcParams['legend.fontsize']  = 8
rcParams['axes.labelsize']   = 8
rcParams['xtick.labelsize']  = 8
rcParams['ytick.labelsize']  = 8
rcParams['figure.subplot.wspace'] = 0.35
rcParams['figure.subplot.hspace'] = 0.35
months   = mdates.MonthLocator()  # every day
weeks   = mdates.WeekdayLocator(byweekday=MO, interval=1) #--every week
days   = mdates.DayLocator()  # every day
hours   = mdates.HourLocator()  # every hour
monthsFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%m')
daysFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%m/%d')
weeksFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%m/%d')
def set_daysFmt(ax):
def set_weeksFmt(ax):
def set_monthsFmt(ax):

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Harmonic constituents for Virginia Key FL (8723214)

$\hspace{10pt}$ accessed from

In [20]:
# [name, period, amplitude in m, phase in degrees]
noaa_cons = [['M2',12.421,0.298,256.0],
nfreq = 8
harmonics = noaa_cons[:nfreq]

Function to perform hydraulic regression

In [21]:
def harmonic_analysis(station,pharmonics,t,v):
    npfreq = len(pharmonics)
    npsamples = v.shape[0]
    nf2 = 2 * npfreq
    nf21, nf22 = nf2+1, nf2+2
    aa = zeros((nf22, nf22), float)
    ci = zeros(npfreq, float)
    si = zeros(npfreq, float)
    x = zeros(nf21, float)
    trig = zeros(nf22, float)
    amplitude = zeros(npfreq, float)
    theta = zeros(npfreq, float)
    trig[0] = 1.
    for i in xrange(npsamples):
        for j in xrange(1,nf2,2):
            jh = (j-1) / 2
            period = pharmonics[jh][1] * 60. * 60.
            if period==0.0: print period
            fr = 1. / period
            omega = 2. * pi * fr
            arc = omega * t[i]
            j1 = j + 1
            trig[j] = cos(arc)
            trig[j1] = sin(arc)
        trig[nf22-1] = v[i]
        # fill matrix
        for i1 in xrange(nf21):
            for j1 in xrange(i1,nf22):
                aa[i1,j1] = aa[i1,j1] + trig[i1] * trig[j1]
                aa[j1,i1] = aa[i1,j1]
    # scale diagonal and off diagonals
    for i in xrange(nf21):
        diagonal = aa[i,i]
        aa[i,i] = 1.0
        for j in xrange(nf22):
            if (j != i):
                aa[i,j] = aa[i,j] / diagonal
    # solve equations
    determinant = splin.det(aa[:nf21,:nf21])
    if abs(determinant) < 1.e-20: 
        print 'singular or ill-conditioned matrix'
        print 'determinant = (0}'.format(determinant)
    ainv = splin.inv(aa[:nf21,:nf21])
    # calculate x
    for i in xrange(nf21):
        x[i] = 0.
        for j in xrange(nf21):
            x[i] += ainv[i,j] * aa[j,nf22-1]
    # calculate amplitude and phase
    for i in xrange(npfreq):
        i2 = (i * 2) + 1
        ci[i] = x[i2]
        si[i] = x[i2+1]
        amplitude[i] = sqrt(ci[i] * ci[i] + si[i] * si[i])
        ttheta = arctan2(si[i], ci[i]) #* 180. / pi #degrees
        if ttheta < 0.:
            ttheta += 2. * pi
        theta[i] = rad2deg(ttheta)
    #--write the data
    print station
    for idx,[c,period,pa,ptheta] in enumerate(pharmonics):
        print '  {0:5s} {1: 7.3f} {2: 7.1f} deg.'.format(c, amplitude[idx], theta[idx])+\
        ' -- actual  {0: 7.1f} deg. difference {1: 7.1f} deg.'.format(ptheta, (ptheta-theta[idx]))
    return amplitude, theta

Read and process data

In [22]:
#function to parse data and normalize it
def parse_data(fname):
    data_dtype = dtype([('datetime','a20'),('head','f4')])
    raw = loadtxt(fname, delimiter=',', dtype=data_dtype, comments='#')
    dout = []
    for [d,v] in raw:
        dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(d, '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')
    dout = array(dout)
    dout[:,1] -= average(dout[:,1])
    return dout

In [23]:
data_dir = os.path.join('data')
tide_file = 'VAKey_6min.csv'
tide = ['tide',0.0,parse_data(os.path.join(data_dir,tide_file))]
time_min = tide[2][0,0]
time_max = tide[2][-1,0]
dt_sec = (tide[2][1,0] - tide[2][0,0]).total_seconds()
#--create time_all
tstep = datetime.timedelta(seconds=dt_sec)
dt = time_min
time_all = []
while dt < time_max:
    dt += tstep
time_all = array(time_all)
#--convert from ft to meters
tide[2][:,1] /= 3.28081
de_tide = parse_data(os.path.join(data_dir,'DE_Tide.csv'))
#--plot raw normalized data
t = tide[2]
ax = subplot(1,1,1)
ax.plot(t[:,0], t[:,1], linewidth=2)
ax.plot(de_tide[:,0], de_tide[:,1], linewidth=0.75, color='red')
ylabel('Elevation, m')

Function to intersect two data sets and calculate for a time series data set

In [24]:
def pair_data(v,base):
    a = pd.DataFrame(v[:,1],index=v[:,0])
    b = pd.DataFrame(base[:,1],index=base[:,0])
    c = pd.concat([a,b], axis=1, join='inner')
    t = c.index.to_pydatetime()
    pairv = array(zip(t, c.values[:,0]))
    pbase = array(zip(t, c.values[:,1]))
    return pairv, pbase
def calculate_t(dt):
    #--calculate time
    total_sec = (dt[-1] - dt[0]).total_seconds()
    nsamples = dt.shape[0]
    t = linspace(0.,float(total_sec),nsamples)
    return t

Function to recreate time series, calculate l2 norm, and calculate error

In [25]:
def create_signal(pharmonics,t):
    nsamples = t.shape
    v = zeros(nsamples, float)
    for idx,[c,period,a,theta,te,dtheta] in enumerate(pharmonics):
        period *= 60. * 60.
        fr = 1. / period
        omega = 2. * pi * fr
        theta *= pi / 180.
        phase = dtheta * pi / 180.
        v += te * a * cos(omega*t - theta - phase)
    return v
def signal_error(pharmonics,obsv):
    terr = calculate_t(obsv[:,0])
    simv = create_signal(pharmonics,terr)
    resid = subtract(simv,obsv[:,1])
    me = average(resid)
    rmse = std(resid)
    return me, rmse

Process tidal data

In [26]:
#--process tide
station = 'tide'
tide_data = tide[2]
t = calculate_t(tide_data[:,0])
tide_alpha, tide_theta = harmonic_analysis(station,harmonics,t,tide_data[:,1])
#--plot simulated and observed tide
harmonic_results = []
for idx,[c,period,a,tv] in enumerate(harmonics):
    harmonic_results.append([c, period, tide_alpha[idx], tide_theta[idx], 1.0, 0.0])
vr = create_signal(harmonic_results,t)
me, rmse = signal_error(harmonic_results,tide_data)
ctxt = '{0} - ME: {1:7.2g} meters, RMSE: {2:7.2g} meters'.format('Tide', me, rmse)
harmonic_results = []
ax = subplot(1,1,1)
ax.plot(tide_data[:,0], vr, linewidth=3.0, color='black', zorder=9)
ax.plot(tide_data[:,0], tide_data[:,1], linewidth=0.75, color='red', zorder=10)
ax.text(0.0, 1.01, ctxt, ha='left', va='bottom', size=8, transform=ax.transAxes)
#ax.set_xlim(time_min,, 2, 1))
ax = subplot(1,1,1)
ax.plot(tide_data[:,1], (vr-tide_data[:,1]), linewidth=0.0, marker='o', markersize=2, color='black')

  M2      0.295    46.1 deg. -- actual    256.0 deg. difference   209.9 deg.
  S2      0.040   286.2 deg. -- actual    281.3 deg. difference    -4.9 deg.
  N2      0.068   113.8 deg. -- actual    239.3 deg. difference   125.5 deg.
  K1      0.036    24.8 deg. -- actual    187.9 deg. difference   163.1 deg.
  M4      0.005    65.5 deg. -- actual    139.6 deg. difference    74.1 deg.
  O1      0.022   180.6 deg. -- actual    218.6 deg. difference    38.0 deg.
  M6      0.010   192.0 deg. -- actual     94.6 deg. difference   -97.4 deg.
  MK3     0.006    35.8 deg. -- actual     55.1 deg. difference    19.3 deg.

In [26]:

In [26]:

In [26]: